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THIS DEED OF GIFT is made the day of BETWEEN Deed of Gift -Hui Chi Ho- 本饋贈契於... 年... 月... 日訂立 (1) [ ] and [ ] Married Woman both of [] ( the Donors ) and (1)[ ] 和 [ ] 契據雙方為已婚女士, 地址為 []( 以下簡稱 贈與人 ) 和 (2) [ ] of [ ] Married Woman ( the Trustee ). (2)[ ] 之 [ ] 的已婚女士 ( 以下簡稱 受託人 ) WHEREAS (1) The Donors are the beneficial owners of the property described in the Schedule hereto ( the Property ) (2) The Trustee is the lawful and natural sister of [ ] and sister-in-law of [ ]. 鑑於 (1) 贈與人為附表中所載物業 ( 以下簡稱 該財產 ) 之實益擁有人 (2) 受託人是 [ ] 的合法及親生姊妹和 [] 的姑子 / 姨子 / 嫂子 / 弟媳 [ 註 : 遺產管理人非宗教式誓詞或宗教式誓章 for lawful and natural] [ 註 :sister-in-law = 夫或妻姐妹 ; 兄或弟的妻 ; 姻兄或姻弟的妻英漢法律詞典, 北京, 法律出版社, 2008]

(3) The Trustee has a lawful and natural daughter, [ ] a minor, born on [ ] ( the Beneficiary ). (4) The Donors are desirous of making a gift of the Property to the Trustee as a trustee for the benefit of the Beneficiary until she shall attain the age of 21 subject to the powers and terms described herebelow. NOW THIS DEED WITNESSETH that:- 現立本契據為證 : (3)[ ] 是受託人的未成年合法及親生女兒, 出生於 [ ]( 以下簡稱 受益人 ) [ 註 : 合資格受益人 "(eligible beneficiary) 指獲局長根據第 7(2) 條決定為合資格受益人的人 ; ( 由 1997 年第 362 號法律公告修訂 ; 由 2002 年第 106 號法律公告修訂 ) 受益人 "(beneficiary)] (4) 在下述的權力和條款的規限下, 贈與人希望餽贈該財產予受託人, 並以受託人身份, 照顧受益人的利益, 直至受益人達到二十一歲

1. For the purpose of effectuating the said desire and in consideration of the love and affection of the Donors for the beneficiary, the Donors as Tenants in common in equal shares ASSIGN to the Trustee the Property TO HOLD the same unto the Trustee as trustee for the Beneficiary until she shall attain the age of 21 for the residue of the term of years created by the Crown Lease referred to in the Schedule subject to the trust hereinafter described AND subject to the payment of a due share of the yearly crown rent reserved by and the covenants conditions and provisos contained in the Crown Lease AND subject to and with the benefit of the Deed of Mutual Covenant registered in the Land Office by Memorial No.[ ] and re-registered in the Land Office by Memorial No.[ ] 1. 贈與人 為達成上述的願望及鑑於其對 受益人 的愛和關懷, 贈與人 向 受託人 轉讓其等以同等份額共享權益持有的 該財產, 並根據附表中所列的官契訂立的條款, 由 受託人 以下述信託之信託人身份為 受益人 以相同權益持有所餘年期, 直至 受益人 到達二十一歲 該轉讓需承擔按上述官契保留權益以收取的每年地稅的應有份額, 並受上述官契中的契諾 條件和但書所限制, 以及根據在田土廳註冊處以註冊摘要號碼 [ ] 註冊和註冊摘要號碼 [ ] 重新註冊的大廈公契享有權益和受到限制 [ 註 : (Tenants in common in equals shares - 同等份額的共同承租人, CROWN RENT AND PREMIUM (APPORTIONMENT) ORDINANCE - SECT 2) 田土廳 / 土地登記所 Old Name from 1844-1993 土地註冊處 Lands Registry New Name since 1993 (] Land Office = 田土註冊處 為達成上述的願望及考慮到贈與人對受益人的愛和關懷, 受託人作為同等份額的分權共有人將該財產轉讓與受託人, 令該財產交與身為受益人之受託人的受託人去持有, 為期由附表所述的官契年期減去受益人到達二十一歲時之間所餘下的時段, 唯受制於此契據所載的信託, 及受制支付每年官地應繳地租 契諾條件和載於官契的但書, 更受制及受恵於以註冊摘要編號 [ ] 證記於田土註冊處及以註冊摘要編號 [ ] 於田土註冊處重新登記的公契 ]

2. The Trustee hereby covenants with the Donors that the Trustee will observe and perform all the terms and covenants in the said Deed of Mutual Covenant contained so far as the same relate to the Property and will from time to time and at all times from the date hereof indemnify and keep indemnified the Donors against all actions suits expenses claims and demands on account of or in respect of non-performance or non-observance of the said terms and covenants or any of them. 3. The Trustee for the time being of this Deed shall have full power to sell, charge, mortgage, lease or otherwise dispose of all or any part of the Property and to apply the proceeds of sale, profits or money derived therefrom for the advancement, maintenance, education or otherwise for the benefit of the Beneficiary. 2. 受託人 謹此與 贈與人 契諾, 受託人 會遵守及履行上述大廈公契中, 就 該財產 而言, 所有有關條款與契諾, 並會從本契據生效之日起, 受託人 會不時並一直對 授與人 作出彌償, 令其不會因為任何不履行或不遵守上述條款和契諾, 或任何一項的行為, 所帶來的訴訟而引致的申索及索求, 而蒙受損失 3. 在當本契據生效之時, 受託人 將獲授予全面的權力, 以出售 押記 抵押 出租或以其他方式處置 該財產 的全部或任何部分, 並運用售賣所得的收益 利潤或由此衍生的金錢, 以用作 受益人 的進步 給養 教育或為 受益人 謀利益的其他用途

4. It is hereby certified that the transaction hereby effected does not form part of a larger transaction as of a series of transactions in respect of which the value, or aggregate value, of the Property exceeds [ ]. SCHEDULE 4. 現證明以本契据完成的交易, 並不構成一宗更大交易或一系列交易的一部份, 而就該宗更大交易或一系列交易而言, 該財產 價值或總價值超逾 [ ] [ 註 : Law Society of HK: B2 Non-consent Scheme documents: Agreement for sale and purchase for completed development - Certificate of value 31. It is hereby certified that the transaction hereby effected does not form part of a larger transaction or a series of transactions in respect of which the amount or value or the aggregate amount or value of the consideration exceeds HK$ [ ]. 價值證明書 1. The Property :- 1. 財產 :- 31. 現證明以本協議完成的交易, 並不構成一宗更大交易或一系列交易的一部份, 而就該宗更大交易或一系列交易而言, 其代價款額 價值 總款額或總價值超逾港幣 [] 元 ] 見物業轉易及財產條例 - 附表

(a) Description, Address, Lot number, Section and Undivided Shares etc. : ( 一 ) 說明 地址 地段編號 段數及不分割份數等 : (b) Exceptions and reservations etc. : ( 二 ) 原權益保留條款和新權益保留條款等 : All exceptions and reservations as are more particularly described in the Crown Lease hereinafter more particularly described and in the said Assignment Memorial No.[ ]. (c) Easements and other appurtenant rights, if any : Subject to and with the benefit of all other rights rights of way (if any) and all privileges easements and appurtenances thereto belonging or appertaining as are now subsisting and more particularly described in the said Assignment Memorial No.[ ] 2. The government Lease [ ] 在下述之官契及所提及的轉讓契 ( 註冊摘要號碼 : [ ]) 中對所有原權益保留條款和新權益保留條款有更具體的解釋 ( 三 ) 地役權及其他從屬權利 ( 如有的話 ).. 屬於或附屬於 該財產 的所有其他權利 通道權 ( 如有的話 ) 和所有特權 地役權及其他從屬權利的相關規限和利益將仍然生效, 並在所提及的轉讓契 ( 註冊摘要號碼 : [ ]) 中有更具體的解釋 2. 政府租契 - [... ]

SIGNED SEALED and DELIVERED ) by the Donors (they having been ) previously identified by production ) of their Hong Kong Identity Cards ) Nos.[ ] and [ ]) ) in the presence of :- ) SIGNED SEALED and DELIVERED ) by the Trustee (Holder of Hong Kong ) Identity Card No.[ ]) ) in the presence of :- ) INTERPRETED by :- 由 贈與人 簽署 蓋章及交付 ) ( 根據 贈與人 提供的香港 ) 身份證 ( 號碼為 [ ] 及 [ ]) 較早確認 ) 贈與人 的身份 ) 見證人 :- ) 由 受託人 簽署 蓋章及交付 ) ( 香港身份證號碼 [ ] 持有人 ) 見證人 :- ) 解釋 : -

Dated the day of to DEED OF GIFT of [ ] REGISTERED in the Land Office by Memorial No. on Land Officer. 日期為............ 於...... [ ] 的饋贈契於 田土註冊處註冊 ( 註冊摘要編號 : ) 田土官