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Acer x freemanii Armstrong Armstrong Maple Acer x freemanii Jeffersred Autumn Blaze Maple 3... 150.00 Acer rubrum Autumn Flame Autumn Flame Maple Acer rubrum Red Maple 2 ½... 125.00 Acer rubrum Franksred Red Sunset Maple Acer rubrum October Glory October Glory Maple Acer saccharinum Silver Maple Silver Maple 2... $105.00 2 ½... 125.00 1 Acer saccharum Bailsta Fall Fiesta Sugar Maple 1 ¾... $110.00 2... 125.00 2 ½... 145.00 Acer saccharum Green Mountain Green Mountain Sugar Maple 1 ¾... $110.00 2... 125.00 Amelanchier grandiflora Autumn Brilliance Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry Clump 5 6... $70.00 6 8... 85.00 Betula nigra Dura Heat Dura Heat Birch Clump 8 10... $85.00 10 12... 95.00 Betula nigra Heritage Cully Heritage Birch Clump 8 10... $85.00 10 12... 95.00 Buxus sempervirens American Boxwood 18 24... $35.00 24 30... 45.00 Buxus sempervirens x Korean Green Mountain Boxwood 30 36... $60.00 36 42... 80.00 42 48... 100.00

Buxus sempervirens x Korean Green Velvet Boxwood 18 24... $35.00 24 30... 45.00 30 36... 60.00 Carpinus betulus Fastigiata Pyramidal Hornbeam 2... 125.00 Carpinus caroliniana American Hornbeam 1 ¾... $100.00 2 ½... 145.00 Cercis canadensis Eastern Redbud Single Stem 1 ¾... 80.00 Clump 6 8... $65.00 8 10... 80.00 Cercis canadensis Forest Pansy Forest Pansy Redbud 1 ½... $75.00 Cercis canadensis Tennessee Pink Tennessee Pink Redbud 1 ¾... $85.00 Chionanthus virginicus White Fringetree 4 5... $65.00 5 6... 75.00 Cornus florida Cherokee Brave Cherokee Brave Dogwood Cornus florida Cherokee Chief Red Dogwood Cornus florida Cherokee Princess Cherokee Princess Dogwood 2 ½ 3... 120.00 Cornus florida Cloud 9 Cloud 9 Dogwood 1 ½ 2... $85.00 Cornus florida Rubra Pink Dogwood 2

Cornus kousa chinensis Kousa Dogwood 5 6... $55.00 6 7... 65.00 8 10... 90.00 Kousa Dogwood Single Stem 1 ½ 2... $85.00 Cornus x rutban Aurora Aurora Dogwood 1 ½ 2... $95.00 2 2 ½... 110.00 2 ½ 3... 130.00 Cornus x rutdan Celestial Celestial Dogwood 1 ½ 2... $95.00 2 2 ½... 110.00 Crataegus viridis Winter King Winter King Hawthorn 2... 110.00 Cupressocyparis lylandii Leyland Cyprus 5 6... $55.00 6 7... 70.00 7 8... 85.00 8 10... 100.00 Gleditsia triacanthos inermis Skycole Skyline Honeylocust 2... 110.00 Hamamelis vernalis Vernal Witchhazel 5 6... $55.00 6 8... 70.00 Hydrangea paniculata Limelight Limelight Hydrangea 3 4... $40.00 1 ½... 85.00 1 ¾... 95.00 Hydrangea paniculata Grandiflora Pee Gee Hydrangea 4 5... $45.00 5 6... 55.00 Ilex crenata Sky Pencil Sky Pencil Holly 4 5... $65.00 5 6... 75.00 Ilex x meserveae Dragon Lady Dragon Lady Holly 4 5... $70.00 5 6... 85.00 Liquidambar styraciflua Slender Silhouette Slender Silhouette Sweet Gum 1 ¾... $70.00 2... 90.00 Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Tree 1 ¾... $70.00 2... 90.00 2 ½... 105.00 3

Magnolia lilliflora Jane Jane Magnolia 6 7... 70.00 7 8... 80.00 Magnolia virginiana Moonglow Sweetbay Magnolia 6 8... $85.00 8 10... 100.00 Malus x Jeflite Starlite Crabapple Malus Prairifire Prairifire Crabapple Malus Profusion Profusion Crabapple Malus Robinson Robinson Crabapple 3... 135.00 Malus Shotizam Showtime Crabapple 4 Malus Spring Snow Spring Snow Crabapple Malus Sutyzam Sugartyme Crabapple Malus sargentii Sargent Sargent Crabapple Malus transitoria Schmidtcutleaf Golden Raindrops Crabapple Nyssa sylvatica Wildfire Wildfire Blackgum Physocarpus opulifolious Seward Summer Wine Ninebark 1 ½... $75.00 Platanus acerifolia London Plane Tree 1 ¾... $85.00 Platanus acerifolia Morton Circle Exclamation London Plane Tree 2... $100.00 3... 135.00

Prunus cerasifera Krauter Vesuvius Krauter Vesuvius Plum 1 ½... $65.00 1 ¾... 80.00 3... 130.00 Prunus cerasifera Thundercloud Thundercloud Plum 1 ½... $65.00 1 ¾... 80.00 3... 130.00 Prunus serrulate Kwanzan Kwanzan Cherry Prunus serrulate Snowgoose Snowgoose Cherry Prunus Snowfozam Snow Fountain Weeping Cherry 1 ½... $80.00 1 ¾... 90.00 Prunus subhirtella Autumnalis Autumnalis Cherry 2... $100.00 Prunus subhirtella Pendula Plena Rosea Double Sub Weeping Cherry 1 ½... $80.00 1 ¾... 90.00 Prunus virginiana Canada Red Select Canada Red Cherry 1 ¾... $75.00 2... 85.00 Prunus x incisa x campanulata Okame Okame Cherry Prunus x yedoensis Yoshino Yoshino Cherry Pyrus calleryana Bradford Bradford Pear 2... $85.00 2 ½... 100.00 Pyrus calleryana Cleveland Select Cleveland Select Pear Pyrus communis Kieffer Kieffer Pear 2... $80.00 2 ½... 90.00 5

Quercus alba White Oak 2... $115.00 Quercus palustris Pin Oak 2... $115.00 Quercus rubra Northern Red Oak 1 ¾... $100.00 2... 115.00 Rhododendron Roseum Elegans 30 36... 50.00 36 42... 60.00 Rhododendron maximum Rhododendron Nursery Grown 30 36... 50.00 3 4... 60.00 Salix alba Trisis Niobe Golden Weeping Willow 1 ¾... $70.00 2... 80.00 2 ½... 95.00 Styrax japonicus Japanese Snowbell Syringa meyeri Miss Kim Manchurian Lilac 30 36... 55.00 Syringa meyeri Palibin Dwarf Korean Lilac 30 36... 55.00 36 42... 60.00 Taxodium distichum Baldcypress 2... $85.00 2 ½... 100.00 Thuja occidentalis Nigra Dark American Arborvitae 7 8... 90.00 Thuja occidentalis Smaragd Emerald Green Arborvitae 7 8... 90.00 8 10... 110.00 Thuja orientalis Elegantissima Elegantissima Arborvitae 7 8... 90.00 8 10... 110.00 6

Thuja plicata Green Giant Green Giant Arborvitae 7 8... 95.00 8 10... 120.00 Ulmus americana Princeton Princeton Elm 2... $100.00 Viburnum dentatum Ralph Senior Autumn Jazz Viburnum Viburnum dentatum Synnestvedt Chicago Lustre Viburnum Viburnum plicatum Tomentosum Shasta Viburnum Viburnum x rhytidophylloides Alleghany Alleghany Viburnum Zelkova serrata Mushashino Mushashino Zelkova 2... $115.00 Terms and Conditions All terms are C.O.D. unless credit has been established. With established customers, terms are net 30 days. A finance charge of 1.5% per month (18% per year) will be assessed on all past due accounts. All expenses incurred in collection of accounts are the responsibility of the customer and will be charged to the customer. Shipping Prices quoted are F.O.B., Crossnore, NC. Delivery will be made by our truck whenever possible. Otherwise, transportation by a common carrier can be arranged. Any damage that occurs while shipping with a common carrier is the responsibility of that carrier and all claims should be made to the carrier. Combination loads with other nurseries can be arranged. Full loads should be unloaded in 4 hours; half loads in 2 hours. An additional charge of $100 per hour will be added to the freight bill after the time limit has expired. The customer is responsible for unloading. All shipping charges are C.O.D. Claims and Liabilities Since we have no control over plant material after it leaves the nursery, no warranty, expressed or implied, can be offered unless a written claim has been made at time of delivery on shipping receipt and a written claim sent to Snowy Mtn. Nursery, Inc. within ten days of delivery. Under NO circumstances will we be liable for any amount greater than the original purchase price or for freight charges. Prices are subject to change without notice. Minimum Order: 100 pieces Fall Digging Hazards The following trees are considered to be high risk for fall digging. We will dig the trees, upon your request, but we assume no responsibility for its survival. We will take every precaution to ensure the trees survival but make no guarantees after the material leaves our nursery. Betula varieties Celtis varieties Crataegus varieties Liquidambar varieties Liriodendron varieties Malus varieties in leaf Prunus varieties Pyrus varieties Quercus varieties (except Q. palustris) Ulmus parvifolia varieties Zelkova varieties 7