The Key Laboratory of Weak Light Nonlinear Photonics,

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The Key Laboratory of Weak Light Nonlinear Photonics, Ministry of Education Annual Report 2015 南开大学弱光非线性光子学 教育部重点实验室

Annual Report 2015 The Key Laboratory of Weak Light Nonlinear Photonics, Ministry of Education 南开大学弱光非线性光子学 教育部重点实验室

英国阿斯顿大学工程与应用科学学院阿斯顿光子技术研究所 Lin Zhang 教授来弱光非线 性光子学教育部重点实验室访问, 并在泰达应用物理研究院为师生作学术报告 ( 2015.1.6-1.7 ) 弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室学术年会在泰达应用物理研究院召开 ( 2015.1.17-1.18) 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校罗玮来弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室访问, 并在泰达应 用物理研究院为师生作学术报告 (2015.3.11)

原美国光学学会主席 加拿大滑铁卢大学 Donna Strickland 教授参观访问弱光非线性光 子学教育部重点实验室, 并为师生作学术报告 (2015.6.3) 由弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室张国权 薄方课题组主办的 光学微腔研讨会 在泰达应用物理研究院举行 来自国内外的 20 余位专家 校内外师生共约 70 余人参加 了研讨会 (2015.6.12-6.14) 美国佐治亚理工学院电气与计算机工程的蔡文杉教授参观访问弱光非线性光子学教育 部重点实验室, 并为师生做学术报告 (2015.6.18-6.20)

由弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室陈志刚教授 胡毅副教授等主办的第三届国际学 术研讨会 光子学前沿 在泰达应用物理研究院举行 (2015.7.9-7.12) 日本电气通信大学 Yasuo Tomita 教授来弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室访问, 并作 学术报告 (2015.9.28-10.1)

由弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室孔勇发教授主办的 2015 年铌酸锂国际学术研讨 会在南开大学物理科学学院举行 (2015.11.3-11.5) 乌克兰国家科学院 Andrey Ilyin 研究员来弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室进行研究 工作, 并指导研究生科研实验 (2015. 07.03-31;11.26-12.5)

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 目录 /Contents 人员结构 /Organization... 1 承担课题 /Projects under Researching... 4 仪器设备平台 /Facilities... 11 研究工作报告 /Scientific Report... 12 发表论文 /Publications in Journal... 61 专利 /Patents... 69 国际合作与交流 /International Cooperation and Exchange... 71 国内 国际会议报告 /Talks at Conferences... 75 主办国内 国际会议 /Conferences Sponsored by the Laboratory... 83 学术组织与期刊任职 /Academic Service... 86 获奖情况 /Awards & Honors... 88 学位论文 /Dissertations... 89

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 人员结构 /Organization 实验室主任 /Director 许京军 教授 实验室副主任 /Deputy Directors 学术秘书 /Academical Secretary 张国权教授禹宣伊副教授 孙骞教授 研究方向负责人 /Research Group Leaders 弱光非线性及量子相干光学许京军教授 非线性物理与光子技术田建国教授 光子学材料及先进制备技术孔勇发教授 光场调控及其应用王慧田教授 光谱表征及传感技术宋峰教授 学术委员会 /Academic Committee 主 委 任 /Chairman 李树深院士 ( 中国科学院半导体研究所 ) 员 / Committee Members 薛其坤院士 ( 清华大学 ) 孙昌璞院士 ( 中国科学院理论物理研究所 ) 许宁生院士 ( 中山大学 ) 龚旗煌院士 ( 北京大学 ) 陆卫研究员 ( 中国科学院上海技术物理研究所 ) 徐现刚教授 ( 山东大学 ) 资剑教授 ( 复旦大学 ) 申德振研究员 ( 中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所 ) 曾和平教授 ( 华东师范大学 ) 田建国教授 ( 南开大学 ) 王慧田教授 ( 南开大学 ) 许京军教授 ( 南开大学 ) 外籍学术顾问委员 D. Kip 教授德国 Clausthal 工业大学 L. Hessenlink 教授美国斯坦福大学物理系 R. A. Rupp 教授奥地利维也纳大学实验物理所 T. Volk 教授俄罗斯国家晶体研究所 Y. Tomita 教 授 日本电气通信大学 K. A. Nelson 教 授 美国麻省理工学院 1

Annual Report 2015 杰出人才 /Intelligent Staff 教育部 长江奖励计划 特聘教授 许京军 (1999) 王慧田 (1999) 陈志刚 (2006) 国家杰出青年基金获得者 许京军 (1998) 田建国 (2001) 王慧田 (2003) 李宝会 (2009) 教育部 优秀青年教师资助计划 入选者 张国权 (2002) 宋峰 (2003) 教育部 跨世纪优秀人才培养计划 入选者 许京军 (1998) 田建国 (2000) 孙骞 (2001) 孔勇发 (2002) 教育部 新世纪优秀人才支持计划 入选者张国权 (2004) 宋峰 (2004) 宋智 (2004) 臧维平 (2005) 李宝会 (2005) 孙甲明 (2007) 张心正 (2008) 刘智波 (2009) 陈璟 (2009) 顾兵 (2010) 楼慈波 (2010) 张天浩 (2011) 武莉 (2011) 周向锋 (2012) 陈树琪 (2013) 孙军 (2013) 首批新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选 田建国 (2004) 国家海外青年学者合作研究基金获得者 陈志刚 (2005) 天津市授衔专家 称号获得者 许京军 (2005) 田建国 (2005) 教育部 长江学者和创新团队发展计划 创新团队基金资助 2

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 弱光非线性光子学重点实验室人员名录 /Name List 研究人员 /Scientific Staff(52 人 ) 许京军王慧田田建国 Romano A. Rupp 陈志刚张国权孔勇发孙骞宋智宋峰臧维平李宝会舒永春姚江宏赵丽娟曹亚安孙甲眀张天浩李玉栋徐晓轩张心正周文远邢晓东禹宣伊余华吴强孙同庆武莉楼慈波高峰刘智波李祖斌薄方齐继伟叶青潘雷霆蔡卫陈树琪宋道红孙军张玲 ( 兼 ) 刘士国 ( 兼 ) 李威 ( 兼 ) 陈璟李勇男刘宏德王斌皮彪任梦昕涂成厚周向峰胡毅技术人员 /Technical Staff(4 人 ) 行政人员 / administrative Staff(3 人 ) 陈绍林张玲刘士国兀伟梁建李威唐柏权博士生 /Ph.D Students(103 人 ) 邢福临贾子熙张路李利明王垒吴玉娥张斌王萌王午登王丕东石彬潘玉松潘崇佩李存波罗维维王聪李文华夏峰蒋鹏翀冀志超张琦杜成林韩彬刘建基王晓杰李志向黄礼刚王杰焦跃健夏世强张明偲陈少楠姜小强李智王超李志莉陈旭东徐建金森林李毅蒋文帅辛巍赵子宇李健雄姚筠李占成刘文玮于萍孙骥文孙腾骞邓志超姜美玲郜向阳孔腾飞薛丽云张景雪宋永兵杨亚俊李强商继芳杨淑敏刘悦于彦龙赵丹丹葛新宇诸玲郑大怀崔娇彭永进赵明天邱文娟李青霄郝金龙闫亚斌黄绍龙韩中兴曹丽萍兰子鉴付钰婷高少华易欢武丽伟韩凌云杨金凤李清连单排赵梦丹董校钱升霞孔令军任志成潘岳蔡孟强司宇刘瑞王周祥高旭珍李萍萍郭清华崔海旭张俊崔文静靳春艳硕士生 /M.S. Students(190 人 ) 耿娟徐晓丹郭埠荀爽王艳娥杨慧梅江晓洁李丽栾敏谢飞韩小芳范洪鸣马姝琼闫娜刘秀英刘旭李致力栗星星聂伟廖宏艳王世彪左一平赵丽李利明杨浩李莹马增红朱葛金小娜赵妍赵国帅张虹魏巍曾强赵文娟刘丹薛淑情牛林玉战瑜彭伟华王晓欧高晓梅常朋发郝振中苏菁裴雨苗徐鹏伟王云龙杨超李小宽安炳旭苏宝旺刘芳张跃变杨鹏宇刘楠杨娜晏敏赵连云董斌曾欢欢高承敏刘博刘宇陈少杰高晓光张永捧谢博洋金晓伟刘诗可赵清波王晨王晓婉刘远泽郑宇曲达宋晓鹏王维维梁朋辉冯源刘冬雪胡卨俊李翰博丁柱黄少蕾王日德郭宇翱王翰宇宋健陈慧敏李珊颜森白江波李致力姚森周超靳建宁张心铭张冠南要佳莹宋亚婷陈艳红谭庆志高飞刘犇刘晓芳王文庆张勇军常利芬王雄龙栗瑜梅司元春马睿陈慕灵钟海涛朱闪闪李金宸李文灿李慧李清李聪聪刘锦利吴剑棋郑玲飞吴佳坪古瑶赵侨周舰波宋晓波栗亚楠石亚辉李娜崔晓彤靳春燕熊细欢王庆通高露张晓娜刘洋孙少君姬静远白宇星陈静静张亚梅郭晓菁秦娟王海萍齐禹纯李庆红孙颖吴增娜胡伟王策张健铭张晓雨落爱青王晓慧江泽清齐文荣王珂何新玲张会会吕家琪王丹王焱坤冯丹戴凡梁娟张瑜吴利婷郭瑞朋郭天敬杨穆王欢时金蒙宋飞飞郑颖周爱华任杨阳李昊宇付苏阳赖翔郭昊任爱兵安双新宛文顺巨丹丹陈展耀郭廷珂赵春兰 3

Annual Report 2015 承担课题 /Projects under Researching 序号项目名称项目来源起止时间负责人 1 纳 / 微结构中光学非线性增强机理及光 调控研究 973 项目 2013.1-2017.12 张国权 2 硅基杂质与缺陷发光中心的构建及器 件 973 项目 2013.1-2017.12 孙甲明 3 空间结构光场与微结构的线性和非线 性耦合效应 973 项目子课题 2012.1-2016.12 陈树琪 4 新颖动量和角动量光场与微结构相互 作用的量子效应 973 项目子课题 2012.1-2016.8 宋智 5 基于等离激元结构的材料制备与红外 光电转换增强效应研究 973 项目子课题 2013.1-2017.12 宋道红 6 介观结构新型氧化物紫外 / 深紫外光 电探测及器件研究 973 项目子课题 2013.1-2017.12 孔勇发 7 空间结构光场的调控机理 生成技术和 新颖性质 国家重点基础研究发 展计划子课题 2012.01-2016.08 王慧田 8 多相聚合物溶液体系受限于软膜内的 自组装行为研究 国家自然科学基金重 大研究计划培育项目 2013.1-2015.12 李宝会 9 弱光非线性光子学材料的缺陷设计与 构筑 国家自然科学基金重 大研究计划培育项目 2013.1-2015.12 孔勇发 10 大功率 DUV-DPL 热效应研究 国家自然科学基金重 点项目子课题 2012.1-2015.12 宋峰 4

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 11 基于微纳器件的飞秒矢量光场及其微 纳结构制备研究 国家重大仪器专项项 目子课题 2013.1-2016.12 李勇男 单光子时间分辨成像光谱仪研发与应用任务一 : 单光子时间分辨成像光谱仪整机性能评估 标定与调试 国家重大科学仪器设 备开发专项 2013.10-2018.9 田建国 12 XXX 科技部 2012.7-2015.7 宋峰 13 弱光非线性光子学科学与技术创新引 智基地 111 计划 2012.1-2016.12 许京军 14 新型乳腺癌早期预警系统的建立及防 治方法的合作研究 国家国际科技合作专 项 2012.6.1-2015.5.31 田建国 15 非中心对称宽禁带氧化物高压光伏效 应的合作研究 国家国际科技合作专 项 2013.4-2015.12 孔勇发 16 光学周期结构纳米孔洞 DNA 单分子检 测技术 国家国际科技合作专 项 2013.04-2016.03 田建国 17 利用 XRD-XRF 进行铁矿石矿物定量与 表征方法的基础研究 国家自然科学联合基 金重点项目 2015.1-2018.12 武莉 ( 南 开部分 ) 18 基于非线性光学表面波的可调谐长程 传播表面等离子激元及其应用研究 国家自然科学基金 2012.1-2015.12 张天浩 19 碳基纳米材料超快光学非线性及其非 线性光学显微成像研究 国家自然科学基金 2012.1-2015.12 刘智波 20 高增益光子晶体自发辐射增强效应及 其生物传感应用 国家自然科学基金 2012.1-2015.12 周文远 21 通过非均匀随机介质体系的图像传输 与成像研究 国家自然科学基金 2012.1-2015.12 张国权 5

Annual Report 2015 22 介电纳米波导 / 金属纳米微结构复合体 系光传输性能及其应用 国家自然科学基金 2012.1-2015.12 孙骞 23 无序非线性增益介质中光子局域化及 上转换随机激光的研究 国家自然科学基金 2012.1-2015.12 张心正 24 可见光催化剂微观表面光生载流子特 性的原位定量研究 国家自然科学基金 2012.1-2015.12 曹亚安 25 基于特异介质的矢量光场生成与调控国家自然科学基金 2012.1-2015.12 陈璟 26 高压下碳的晶体结构与性质研究国家自然科学基金 2012.1-2015.12 周向峰 27 自适应光脉冲整形技术在电子加速中 的应用研究 国家自然科学基金 2013.1-2016.12 臧维平 28 用于提高硅基太阳电池效率的表面等 离子体激元增强量子剪裁效应研究 国家自然科学基金 2013.1-2016.12 宋峰 29 30 基于二阶姜 - 泰勒效应的非中心对称磷酸盐功能晶体化合物的设计 合成 结构与性质原子层沉积稀土氧化物和硅酸盐纳米复合薄膜硅基 MOS 电致发光器件的研究 国家自然科学基金 2013.1-2016.12 孙同庆 国家自然科学基金 2013.1-2016.12 孙甲明 31 飞秒矢量光场的超衍射极限微结构制 备及特性研究 国家自然科学基金 2013.1-2016.12 涂成厚 32 基于石墨烯表面等离激元的红外光场 调控研究 国家自然科学基金 2014.1-2017.12 蔡卫 33 基于时间分辨定量成像的太赫兹声子 极化激元的研究 国家自然科学基金 2014.1-2017.12 吴强 6

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 34 微米尺寸铌酸锂晶体回音壁模式微腔的 制备和光学非线性增强研究 国家自然科学基金 2014.1-2017.12 薄方 35 多维光量子态空域调控及量子刻蚀研究国家自然科学基金 2014.01-2017.12 李勇男 36 基于全内反射结构的石墨烯光学性质 及其应用研究 国家自然科学基金 2014.01-2017.12 田建国 37 梯度渐变超材料光学特性调控及其应 用 国家自然科学基金 2014.01-2017.12 陈树琪 38 高效率 TiO2 基光热协同催化剂国家自然科学基金 2014.01-2017.12 曹亚安 39 单相多波长可调硼酸盐基荧光粉的合 成与发光性能调控 国家自然科学基金 2014.01-2017.12 武莉 40 数字双光子干涉 聚焦及其应用国家自然科学基金 2015.01-2018.12 张国权 41 折射率显微镜技术及其应用研究国家自然科学基金 2015.01-2018.12 叶青 42 聚合物分散液晶体系的多光子聚合超 衍射加工研究 国家自然科学基金青 年基金 2013.1-2015.12 李威 43 基于宽场显微荧光成像技术的一氧化 氮亚硝基化修饰对激活的嗜中性粒细 胞质钙调节机制的研究 国家自然科学基金青 年基金 2013.1-2015.12 潘雷霆 44 抗紫外光损伤铌酸锂晶体及其应用研 究 国家自然科学基金青 年基金 2013.1-2015.12 刘宏德 45 标量和矢量光束作用下复合超材料非 线性光学特性研究 国家自然科学基金青 年基金 2014.01-2016.12 程化 46 石墨烯超快载流子动力学及其在全光 调制中的应用研究 国家自然科学基金青 年基金 2014.01-2016.12 鄢小卿 7

Annual Report 2015 47 基于超颖材料等离子体激元的可控发 光研究 国家自然科学基金青 年基金 2014.01-2016.12 任梦昕 48 非线性周期结构中的离散光涡旋现象 研究 国家自然科学基金青 年基金 2014.01-2016.12 宋道红 49 飞秒激光双色场全光诱导铌酸锂晶体 畴反转的应用基础研究 国家自然科学基金青 年基金 2015.01-2017.12 王振华 50 生物组织光透明技术的折射率匹配机 制研究 国家自然科学基金青 年基金 2015.01-2017.12 王槿 51 教育部新世纪优秀人 才支持计划 2013.01-2015.12 周向峰 52 基于新结构 新机理的超材料光学特性 研究 教育部新世纪优秀人 才支持计划 2014.1-2016.12 陈树琪 53 基于非线性光学表面波的可调谐长程 传播表面等离子激元 教育部高等学校博士 点基金 ( 博导类 ) 2013.1-2015.12 张天浩 54 金属纳米颗粒对稀土掺杂液晶发光的 增强 教育部高等学校博士 点基金 ( 博导类 ) 2014.1-2016.12 宋峰 55 复合等离子体超材料非线性光学特性 及其应用研究 教育部高等学校博士 点新教师基金 2013.1-2015.12 程化 56 类石墨烯型光学微结构制备及光传播 特性研究 教育部高等学校博士 点新教师基金 2013.1-2015.12 宋道红 57 超颖材料中等离子体激元对荧光发射 偏振的调控研究 教育部高等学校博士 点新教师基金 2014.1-2016.12 任梦昕 58 自加速光的调控与应用 教育部留学回国人员 启动基金 2015.01-2017.12 胡毅 59 基于近红外光谱的油料农作物品质快 速检测的全固定式仪器研发和应用 天津市科技支撑计划 重点项目 2012.4-2015.3 徐晓轩 8

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 60 农用轻便型全自主飞行器及配套设备 的研发 天津市科技支撑计划 重点项目 2014.4-2017.3 王斌 61 焦场调控及其微纳结构制备研究 天津市自然科学基金 重点基金 2013.04-2016.03 李勇男 62 折射率显微镜技术及其应用研究 天津市应用基础与前 沿技术研究计划项目 2015.06-2018.03 叶青 63 一种无人机用低成本可见近红外成像 光谱仪的研发 天津市科技特派员项 目 2014.10-2015.9 王斌 64 楔形超声角锥驱动的光纤结构的滤波 色散特性及其应用 天津市自然科学基金 2012.4-2015.3 高峰 65 矢量光场下的表面等离子共振及表面 增强拉曼研究 天津市自然科学基金 2012.4-2015.3 齐继伟 66 石墨烯宽带光学非线性及其应用研究天津市自然科学基金 2013.4-2016.3 刘智波 67 动态调控杂化超材料等离子激元诱导 透明及其应用 天津市自然科学基金 2013.4-2016.3 陈树琪 68 LED 用单相全色荧光粉的制备与发光性 能调控 天津市自然基金 2014.4-2017.3 武莉 69 天津 131 人才工程第一层次天津市人事局 2013.1-2015.12 宋峰 70 NS5001 免疫层析结果判读记录仪 天津中新科炬生物制 药有限公司 2015.6-2016.6 叶青 71 手持式食品安全监测仪的研制 天津天合众生医疗科 技有限公司 2015.05-2016.05 叶青 72 红外石墨烯等离激元的激发与调控研 究 南开大学百名青年学 科带头人培养计划 2013.12-2017.12 张心正 9

Annual Report 2015 73 新型作用结构石墨烯线性和非线性光 学性质 南开大学百名青年学 科带头人培养计划 2013.12-2017.12 刘智波 74 自加速光的设计与调控以及应用 南开大学百名青年学 科带头人培养计划 2014.08-2018.08 胡毅 75 富硼材料的结构预测及物理性质研究 南开大学百名青年学 科带头人培养计划 2015.01-2018.12 周向峰 76 利用阴极荧光光谱实现等离激元超分 辨成像的研究 南开大学百名青年学 科带头人培养计划 2015.12-2019.11 蔡卫 77 高纯高密度氧化镁靶材制备横向课题 2014.1-2015.12 舒永春 78 NK-7 铌酸锂电光晶体的研制横向课题 2014.12-2015.12 孙军 10

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 仪器设备平台 /Facilities 仪器设备名称规格型号购置时间 激光器工作站飞秒激光器皮秒激光器纳秒激光器光纤激光器可调频再生放大器时间分辨光谱及瞬态吸收光谱系统光谱分析仪显微拉曼光谱仪分子速外延生长炉提拉法晶体生长炉晶体切割研磨抛光系统扫描探针显微镜 899-29 VF-T2S PY61 Panther OPO PLY-20-M Spitfire F-1K Spectrapro.300i AQ6315A MKI2000 Riber Compact 21T 研制 Logitech 系列 Nanoscope Ⅲa 2005.09 2000.08 2003.11 2003.11 2003.11 2000.04 2000.04 2005.09 1998.09 2003.09 2002.04 2001.06 2006.08 注 : 除开放基金外, 所有仪器设备均为有偿使用 11

Annual Report 2015 研究工作报告 /Scientific Report 非线性物理与光子技术 / Nonlinear Physics and Photonics Techniques 负责人 : 田建国 本方向涉及石墨烯光学性质 等离子激元 超材料 光学传感 光在介质中的传播 光子帯隙材料 亚波长微结构等方面 本年度发表论文 26 篇 ; 申请或授权专利 5 项 在研课题经费 2974 万元 2015 年度 非线性物理与光子技术 方向主要在以下方面取得了进展 : In this field, we mainly focused on optical properties of graphene, plasmonics, metamaterials, optical sensor, one dimensional photon crystal, and sub-wavelength microstructure. 26 papers have been published in international academic journals, and 5 patents applicanted. The total researching founds are 2974 millions. This year, we obtained some important results as following: (1) 开展了梯度渐变超表面材料的研究, 设计并且研究了一种双层等离子体超表面材料来实现同时控制样品透射光的相位和 图 1(1) 产生微区径向矢量光场少层超表面 SEM 图 ;(b) 上层和下层少层超表面 SEM 放大图 ;(c) 微区径向矢量光场实验光路图 ; (d) 实验产生的微区径向矢量光场 Fig. 1 (a) SEM image of the plasmonic metasurface to generate a radially polarized beam. (b) Close-up view of the center part of (a) 偏振方向 此样品可以实现偏振可控的宽带异常折射现象以及径向矢量光束的生成 通过对材料的设计及适当排布, 我们生成了具有不同拓扑荷数的涡旋光和标准径向 角向矢量光束 此外, 我们还利用此材料生成了双模式矢量光束 提出的等离子体超表面材料扩展了对光调控的自由度, 在光子学领域具有非常广的应用 Harnessing light for modern photonic applications involves very often the control and manipulation of light polarization and phase. Traditional methods require a combination of multiple discrete optical components, each of which contributes to a for the upper and bottom layers. (c) Schematic of the experimental setup for generating and detecting the radially polarized beam. (d) Measured far-field intensity profiles representing a radially polarized beam, without and with a polarizer, where the polarizer was oriented at various angles in front of the CCD camera. specific functionality. Here we propose plasmonic metasurfaces that accomplish the simultaneous manipulation of polarization and phase of the transmitted light. Arbitrary spatial field distribution of the optical phase and polarization direction can be obtained. We validate the multifunctional metasurfaces by demonstrating a broadband near-perfect anomalous refraction with controllable linear polarization through introducing a constant phase gradient along the interface. We further 12

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 demonstrate the power of the proposed metasurfaces by generating a radially polarized beam. The new degrees of freedom of metasurfaces facilitate arbitrary manipulation of light and will profoundly affect a wide range of photonic applications.. nano-photonics and nano-optics. (2) 开展了梯度渐变超表面光束偏转器的研究, 提出了一种基于多棒结构单层超表面的圆偏振光偏振束偏转器, 在宽波段下实现了对入射圆偏振光束的高效率偏转 同时, 我们提出了一种基于多棒结构超表面的简单方式实现对基于庞加莱球的入射的光偏振态的调控 我们的工作提供了一种简单的可供选择的方式增强圆偏光异常折射光束的效率, 在纳米光学和纳米光子学方向有重要的应用 Manipulation of light phase and amplitude by plasmonic metasurfaces has immensely promising applications in optical imaging, information processing, communications and quantum optics. However, the controllability of efficiency and bandwidth is relatively low for the single-layer metasurfaces. Here, we present a high efficiency and broadband circularly polarized (CP) beam deflector based on multi-rod single-layer metasurfaces. Each unit can be regarded as an imperfect polarizer, and the phase and amplitude induced by the mirror effect can be easily controlled. Owing to the plasmonic hybridization, the high efficiency and broadband characteristics of the proposed metasurfaces are theoretically and experimentally demonstrated. Meanwhile, an easy way to determine the polarization degree of the incident light based on Poincarésphere is also proved by the multi-rod metasurfaces. Our work provides a simple alternative way to enhance the efficiency of CP anomalous light, and thus has robust applications in 图 2(a)-(d) 从 1 个纳米棒到 4 个纳米棒超表面结构的 SEM 图片 ; (e) 四棒纳米天线超表面结构的左旋和右旋圆偏振光的折射角度随入射角度变化的关系 ;(f) 左旋和右旋圆偏振光的折射角度与波长的关系, 表明此响应的宽谱特性 Fig.2 SEM images of the fabricated (a) one-, (b) two-, (c) three- and (d) four-nanorod metasurface. Experimentally measured (triangle marks) and theoretical calculated (bright lines) anomalous refraction angles as a function of (e) RCP/LCP incident angle for 980 nm incident wavelength and (f) RCP/LCP incident wavelength for normal incidence for four-nanorod metasurface. The intensity of the anomalous refraction light maintains high across wide angle and broadband wavelength range. (3) 将石墨烯微超表面与亚波长共振腔相结合, 我们设计并实现了一种反射式石墨烯超表面微结构, 可以在红外波段调控光的相位和振幅 通过改变石墨烯光栅超表面结构的宽度, 可以获得接近 2π 的相位调控范围 改变共振腔的厚度, 在合适的参数下, 可以同时获得较高反射率和 2π 的相位调控范围 利用石墨烯超表面与相位之间的关系, 我们实现了光的反常反射 反射聚焦和艾利光束 Metasurfaces, which are capable of generating structure and wavelength dependent phase shift, have emerged as promising means for controlling the wavefront of electromagnetic waves. Finding new ways to realize broadband frequency response as 13

Annual Report 2015 well as maintaining high conversion efficiency 迂回手段是采用 Kramers-Kronig 变换方法 still requires research efforts. For the design of 即利用折射率虚部的测量结果进行变换进 plasmonic metasurfaces, graphene represents 而得到实部 但是这种方法经常受到半无限 an attractive alternative to metals due to its strong field tunability. confinement Here we and 频域和测量范围的限制 我们提出了一种利 versatile propose a novel 用多曲线拟合进行连续折射率色散的测量 metasurface based on graphene to control the 方法 测量了脱氧血红蛋白和氧和血红蛋白 wavefront of light. Dynamically tunable anomalous refraction composed 的折射率 这种双臂联动的自动化测量装置 of periodically patterned graphene nanocrosses 的波长精度可以达到 0.259nm 可以很好地 for circularly polarized waves is achieved in 应用于折射率测量 the infrared regime. Broadband properties of anomalous refraction are demonstrated by investigating different frequencies and incident angles. Moreover, the anomalous conversion efficiency can be dynamically tuned and remain as high in a broadband frequency range by varying the Fermi energy without reoptimizing the nanostructures. This 图 4 a 脱氧血红蛋白和(b)氧和血红蛋白的折射率测量结果, 图 work may offer a further step in the 线自上至下依次浓度为 20, 40, 60, 80, development 和 320g/L 图 b 中的方块是利用微分全内反射法在 632.8nm of a tunable wavefront 1.00 0.4 EL 0.392 0.95 0.238 0.85 0.160 EL Fermi Energy (ev) 0.4 0.90 0.80 concentrations of 20, 40, 60, 80, 14 15 16 17 18 19 Frequency (THz) 0.2 0.0 0.4 (c) 0.8 0.9 320g/L (from Squares in EL 0.004 140, 280 lower to upper lines), and respectively. (b) indicate RI values measured by DTRM at 632.8nm. 1.0 Determination index (d) 19 120, of the refractive 0.2 (a) 18 100, Fermi Energy (ev) 0.082 16 17 Frequency (THz) 280 (b) 0.0 15 140, Fig. 4 Plots of the CRID of (a) Hb and (b)hbo2 solutions with 0.2 0.316 14 120, 波长下测量的对比结果 controlling device. 0.75 100, 0.0 15 16 17 of wide Frequency (THz) 图 3 a 随费米能级和频率变化左旋光异常折射幅度值 b 费米能级 0.95eV 时 异常折射幅度值随频率的变化 c 频率 15.7THz 时 异常折射幅度值随费米能级的变化 d 相同异常 折射幅度值随频率的变化 hemoglobin wavelength challenging. is the which function of Fermi energy and frequency, at normal incidence of RCP wave. The pentagrams and balls indicate the maximum amplitude can and the extracted equal amplitude of anomalous refraction, respectively. (b) Amplitude of anomalous refraction versus frequency when the Fermi energy is fixed at 0.95 ev. (c) Amplitude of anomalous refraction as a function of Fermi energy when the frequency is fixed at 15.7 THz. (d) Equal amplitude of anomalous refraction a function of frequency. (4)as 测量较宽的波长范围内的血红蛋 imaginary is A 14 famous resolve part. limited between remains (KK) analysis real part of from the index However, by the the a detour approach the refractive KK analysis contradiction requirement of semi-infinite frequency range and limited measured range. In this paper, based on he Multi-curve fitting method continuous refractive (CRID) of deoxygenated 白折射率一直是一个难题 以前常用的一种 range Kramers-Kronig complex Fig. 3 (a) Amplitude of anomalous refraction of LCP wave as a solutions over (MFM), index dispersion oxygenated hemoglobin solutions and are

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 measured using a homemade symmetrical arm-linked apparatus in the continuous wavelength range with spectral resolution of about 0.259nm. A novel method to obtain the CRID is proposed. (5) 传统上, 散射材料的连续折射率色散是很难测量的 这里, 我们提出了基于导数全内反射法的色散测量装置来测量吸收和散射的材料的连续折射率色散性质 有效的测量了在 400 至 750nm 光谱范围内,K9 玻璃, 炼乳和 0.5% 浓度的甲基红溶液的连续折射率色散, 光谱分辨率达到了 0.259nm 可以说是第一次实现散射材料的连续折射率色散的测量 这个装置在折射率色散测量方面, 尤其对于生物组织和反常色散材料的研究, 具有很好的应用价值 effectively determined the CRID of K9 glass, concentrated milk, and 0.5% methyl red solution in the 400-750 nm range with the spectral resolution of about 0.259 nm. For the first time, CRID of a scattering material is measured. CRIDM-DTRM is a useful technique in the field of RID measurement, especially for biotissues and anomalous dispersion materials. (6) 光通透过程中组织的物理变化是很复杂的 通过检测光学参数 ( 包括复折射率 ) 能够更加容易理解光通透过程 而且从复折射率的虚部是可以提取出组织的消光系数信息 基于全内反射法, 我们记录了自然失水过程中猪肌肉组织的复折射率的变化 结果表明, 折射率实部随着失水时间的增加而持续上升, 然而消光系数起初上升而后再减小, 而最终小于了原始值, 这也预示着达到了光通透的效果 消光系数的变化趋势定性地解释了自然失水过程中组织全透过率的变化规律 最后, 可以说复折射率, 尤其其虚部是评估光通透效果的很有用的参数 图 5. 黑点和红点是利用 CRIDM-DTRM 装置测量和理论上的 K9 玻璃的折射率 ; 绿点和蓝点分别是利用 CRIDM-DTRM 装置和传 统导数全内反射法测量的炼乳的折射率 Fig. 5 black points stand for the real refractive index of K9 glass determined by the proposed CRIDM-DTRM method and red points are the theoretical values; green points are the real refractive index determined by the proposed method and the blue points are the values determined by the traditional derivative total reflection 图 6. 十小时内自然失水过程中猪肌肉组织的复折射率 ( 实 method. 部和虚部 ) 的变化 Traditionally, continuous refractive index Fig. 6. the change of the complex refractive index of porcine dispersion (CRID) measurement of materials muscle during ten hours natural dehydration. with scattering is hard to realize. In this paper, The physical changes of tissue are CRID measurement based on the derivative complicated to evaluate during optical total reflection method (CRIDM-DTRM) is clearing (OC) treatment. Monitoring the proposed to measure the CRID of both changes of optical parameters, including the absorption and scattering materials. It complex refractive index (CRI), helps people 15

Annual Report 2015 better understand the OC process. From the imaginary part of CRI, we can deduce the extinction coefficient of tissue. Based on the total internal reflection method, the time-dependent CRI of porcine muscle during natural dehydration is well determined. Results show that the real RI increases continuously with the increase of dehydration time, whereas the extinction coefficient initially increases and then decreases. Finally, the extinction coefficient becomes much smaller than the initial value, which demonstrates that better tissue optical clarity is obtained. The change tendency of the extinction coefficient of tissue is used to qualitatively explain the dynamic change of transmittance of a natural dehydrated tissue. Consequently, CRI, especially its imaginary part, is a very useful optical parameter by which to evaluate the OC effect. (7) 光纤的折射率分布是决定光纤性质 2-D RIP of a graded-index optical fiber. Some modifications are made to SFRIM for better 2-D measurement. Quantitative RIP of the fiber is obtained with derivative total reflection method (DTRM). The refractive-index accuracy is 0.002.The measured result is in good agreement with theoretical expectation. This method is straightforward, simple, repeatable and free from signal distortion. This technique is suitable for symmetric and asymmetric optical fibers. The results indicate that this technique can be applied to obtain the RIPs of a wide range of materials and has broad application prospect in many fields. 的一个重要的参数 我们将二维扫描聚焦折射率显微镜应用到渐变折射率光纤的折射率分布测量上 为了更好的实现二维折射率的测量, 我们在原装置上做了改进 光纤的 折射率分布可以通过导数全内反射法得到 折射率的精度为 0.002 实验测量的结果与理论预期一致 该方法简单 直接 可重复, 避免了信号损失, 并且可适用于对称和非对称的光纤 实验结果表明, 该技术可以应用于大量材料的折射率分布的测量, 并且在很多的领域有广阔的应用 The refractive-index profile (RIP) of optical fibers is of fundamental significance in determining critical fiber properties. Here we present the application of a two-dimensional (2-D) scanning focused refractive-index microscopy (SFRIM) to accurately obtain the 图 7. 折射率梯度渐变光纤的二维折射率分布 扫描步距为,X 方向 6.67µm,Y 方向 1µm Fig. 7 2-D RIP of the graded-index optical fiber. The interval of X- and Y-axes is 6.67 µm and 1 µm, respectively. (8) 我们分析了浑浊介质表面非均匀性的存在, 并且基于此事实, 我们提出了梯度复折射率多层模型 我们的模型揭露了大于临界角部分实验数据与菲涅尔拟合曲线差异的机制 并且, 从能流的角度, 可以通过三成简化模型得到反射率 R 同时, 我们利用两种不同方法, 拟合得到 20% 和 30% Intralipid 溶液的复折射率以及反射率曲线 相比于菲涅尔拟合曲线, 我们的模型与实际 16

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 测量数据更符合 图 8. 原理图 (a) 浑浊介质中粒子的分布状态 (b) 梯度折射率多层模型 (c) 简化的三层模型 Fig. 8. Illustrations of (a) particle distribution near the prism surface (b) the GCRIMM (c) the simplified three-layer model. We analyze the existence of non-uniformity at the boundary of turbid media, and develop a gradient complex refractive index multilayered model in terms of this fact. Our model reveals the physics mechanism of the discrepancies between experimental data above the critical angle and the fitting curve with Fresnel s Formula. Also, from the perspective of the energy flow, reflectance R is obtained by the simplified three-layer model. We get complex refractive indexes and reflectance curves by fitting experimental data of 20% and 30% Intralipid solutions with two different methods. Compared with Fresnel s Formula, our model can fit experimental data better. (9) 基于 Goos-Hänchen 位移及其在临界角处的连续性, 我们引入了临界角前穿透深度的概念, 并且使用之前提出的梯度复折射率多层模型得到了反射率的通用公式 相比于菲涅尔公式得到的拟合曲线, 对于 Intralipid 溶液和金红石型 TiO2 粉末悬浮液, 我们的计算结果与实验结果更一致 结合我们的模型与穿透深度在临界角附近的变化, 我们也揭露了一个获得浑浊介质非表面折射率的简单方法的本质 Based on the theory of Goos-Hänchen shift and its continuity near the critical angle, we introduce the concept of penetration depth below the critical angle, and obtain the general formula of reflectance using the gradient complex refractive index multilayered model. Compared with the fitting curve with Fresnel's Formula, our calculated results are more consistent with experimental results of Intralipid solution and the suspension of rutile TiO2 powder. Combining the change of penetration depth near the critical angle with our model, we also reveal the essence of a simple method used to obtain the non-surface complex refractive index of turbid media 图 9. Goos-Hänchen 位移与穿透深度三角形关系的简图 (TE 波 ) Fig.9. Illustration of the triangular relationship between Goos-Hänchen shift D p d (TE wave) and penetration depth p. (10) 研究了拉锥的简化空芯微结构光纤激 光器可调谐特性 微结构光纤经过拉锥后, 环绕中心孔的薄壁组成的微环谐振腔尺寸 发生变化 ; 中心孔中的填充的增益介质微流 体, 被一个 532 nm 激光器沿着光纤轴向泵 浦 ; 这样我们得到强的径向辐射和低阈值的 激射 (16 nj/pulse) 通过改变拉锥的光纤中填 充的液面位置, 我们可以调谐激光辐射的发 射波长 当泵浦位置距离拉锥中心的距离从 0-5 mm 变化, 谐振波长变化范围从 564.8 nm 到 573.3 nm 在拉锥的简化空芯微结构光纤 中得到可调谐激光器对液面传感器和生物 分析方面的发展提供很好的便利条件 [Optics express, 2015, 23(8): 10413-10420.] A tunable optofluidic micro-ring dye 17

Annual Report 2015 laser within a tapered hollow core MOF was demonstrated. The submicron thickness silica ring surround the fiber core varied along the fiber length after being tapered, which formed multiple sized micro-ring resonators. The fiber core was filled with a microfluidic gain medium plug and axially pumped by a nanosecond pulse laser at 532 nm. Strong radial emission and low-threshold lasing (16 nj/pulse) were achieved. Lasing was achieved around the surface of the microfluidic plug. Laser emission was tuned by changing the liquid surface location along the tapered fiber. The possibility of developing a tunable laser within the tapered SHMOF presents opportunities for developing liquid surface position sensors and bio-analysis. 子晶体结构中带边与其附近子能带的叠加的结果 这种光子晶体中平坦能带之间的相互耦合, 将重复利用正常激射中损失的散射光, 将损失的光能量集中于另一个特定方向上, 大大提高了光能转换效率 对于高效的荧光探测而言, 这种能带耦合将激射出的能量集中于两个不同的方向, 避免了相同方向上不同频率信号之间的干扰, 可以实现多波长检测 [Journal of Optics, 2015, 17(6): 065403] 图 10 (a) 基于拉锥光纤的微环染料激光器系统的装置图 ; 插图 : 放大光纤中心孔的液柱面 ;(b) 圆锥形光屏上呈现的出射激射光环经过滤光片后图形, 其中左图中使用增益介质为若丹明 6G, 右图中为若丹明 B Fig. 10 (a) The configuration of the tapered fiber-based microring dye laser system. Inset: the enlarged liquid column in the fiber core. (b) The filtered output of the lasing ring on a conical screen on the lateral side of the SHMOF, with the gain medium of R6G (left) and RhB (right). (11) 首次在一维非均匀光子晶体中观察到锥形激射现象, 并证实了这种激射是光子晶体带边与其附近的子能带耦合产生的结果 首先利用全息的方法以重铬酸盐为材料制作掺杂荧光染料罗丹明 6G 的一维光子晶体, 实现一维周期渐变型光子晶体的锥形激射 并且我们用传输矩阵法数值结果与实验的相关数据相吻合 通过将数值拟合得到的非均匀光子晶体的角度反射谱论与实验结果对比, 我们论证了锥形激射是非均匀一维光 18 图 11 (a) 掺杂若丹明染料的 DCG 非均匀光子晶体扫描电镜 (SEM) 图 ;(b) 一维非均匀光子晶体中的锥形激射图像, 泵浦光是 3.1 μj 激射由一个 0 度方向的激射光斑和一个沿着特定方向 (θ ring =23.7 ) 并与之同心的环形激射组成 标准激射和倾斜激射波长分别是 587.8 和 567.7 nm 锥形激射的光谱 (c)-(f) 锥形激光激射光谱 (c),(d) 分别是 0 度方向不同泵浦能量下的激射光谱 (e),(f) 23.7 方向不同泵浦能量下的激射光谱 Fig. 11 (a) Cross section SEM image of a dye-doped DCG photonic crystal with graded layers. (b) Cone lasing emission pattern at a pump energy of 3.1 μj. The lasing emission composed of one lasing spot along the normal direction (0 ) and one concentric lasing ring along a specific oblique angle (θring = 23.7 ) from the DCG sample. The wavelengths of normal lasing and oblique lasing ring are at 587.8 and 567.7 nm, respectively. (c)-(f) Lasing spectra of the cone lasing emission. (c), (d) Lasing spectra measured at the normal direction at different pump energies. (e), (f) Spectra of ring lasing measured at an oblique angle of 23.7 at different pump energies. A novel cone lasing emission was first

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 observed in a one-dimensional (1D) structure discriminated in single molecule resolution. with graded layers. We demonstrated that such cone lasing results from the coupling between band edge and minigap near the band edges. In out experiment, 1D PC with graded layers was fabricated by holography in Dichromated gelatin (DCG), and was then doped with the organic dye - Rhodamine 6G (Rh6G). Our numerical simulation matches well with the experimental result. Calculations were carried out using the transfer matrix method and the parameters were chosen to fit the reflection curves. We demonstrate that the coupling between two flat bands can reuse the scatter light of the normal lasing, and concentrate the energy in a special direction to enhance the efficiency of the light conversion. The cone lasing also concentrates the energy on two specific directions to achieve multiwavelength fluorescence detection without interference of the lasing modes. (12) 固态纳米孔在 DNA 测序和生物检测上有着重要的研究意义 我们通过在氮化硅薄膜上制备纳米尺度的通道, 利用电压驱动方法实现单分子检测 图 3 为在氮化硅薄膜上制备出 5 nm 的纳米孔, 并在单分子级 图 12. 1000 bps nolimit dsdna 经过 5-nm 纳米孔的离子电流信号 (a)10 s 时长电流信号,100kHz 低通滤波信号, 采样频率为 250kHz 可以看到 DNA 单分子信号表现为单个下降的尖峰 ;(b) 和 (c) 为 (a) 中单个 DNA 过孔信号的放大 其中 (b) 可以看到明显的折叠信号,(c) 为直链通过的信号 ;(d)dna 过孔信号的阻塞电流和过孔时间的多个事件统计散点分布图 从图中可以看到两个明显的分布, 分别对应 DNA 分子折叠 (folding) 过孔事件和非折叠 (unfolding) 过孔事件 ;(e) 对 DNA 过孔阻塞电流分布直方统计图进行拟合, 该统计呈明显的双高斯分布, 其高斯峰值分别对应 DNA 分子折叠 (folding) 过孔事件和非折叠 (unfolding) 过孔事件 偏置电压为 500mV Fig. 12 Ionic current measurements for 1000 bps nolimit dsdna translocation through a 5-nm nanopore. (a) 10 s ion current trace for dsdna translocation through a nanopore in SiNx membrane, showing the blockade events. All data were acquired at 250 khz, low-pass filtered at 100 khz. (b) and (c) Magnified translocation events for different events. (b) a DNA folding translocation event and (c) an unfolding translocation event. (d) Representative scatter diagram of the amplitude of the conductance blockade versus translocation time for DNA translocation through a nanopore. The scatter point distribution are concentrated in two states, which are folding and unfolding state respectively. (e) The histogram distribution of blockade current for the unfolded and fully folded data are included. Applied voltage is 200 mv. 别上检测出双链 DNA(dsDNA) 分子过孔的折叠状态 Solid-state nanopores have emerged as potential candidates for biosensing and rapid DNA sequencing. We have fabricated a 5-nm nanopore in the SiNx membrane. By using these nanopores, the folding states of dsdna translocation through the nanopore are 19

Annual Report 2015 光子学材料及先进制备技术 / Photonics Materials and Advanced Fabrication Techniques 负责人 : 孔勇发 本方向涉及多功能光学晶体 低维功能材料 软物质 硅基发光 微晶玻璃陶瓷 光子学微结构等方面 本年度发表论文 23 篇, 申请发明专利 4 项, 在研课题经费 1067 万元 取得的代表性成果如下 : In this field, we mainly focused on the multi-functional optical crystals, low-dimensional functional materials, soft matter, silicon based light emitting materials, nano-crystalline glass ceramics, and photonic microstructure. 22 papers were published in international academic journals, and 2 patents applied. The total researching founds are 10.67 million. This year, we obtained some important results, they are mainly shown as following: 本年度我们深入研究了铋镁双掺铌酸锂晶体的抗光损伤和光折变性能同时增强现象, 研究了铋镁铌酸锂晶体的吸收谱, 发现铋离子在铌酸锂晶体中形成深能级, 吸收峰在 350 nm 附近, 并通过理论模拟, 得到了掺铋铌酸锂晶体的能级图, 结果与实验一致, 如图 1 所示 深入研究了铌酸锂晶体的光折变机制, 提出掺铋铌酸锂晶体的光折变机制为扩散, 如图 2 所示 也就是说, 当扩散机制占主导时, 光折变对光斑形状影响较小, 晶体的抗光伤性能较好 ; 当光生伏打效应占主导时, 通过晶体的光斑形状变化较大, 晶体的抗光伤性能较差 该结论对于深刻认识非线性光学晶体的光损伤具有重要的意义, 为设计高抗光损伤的非线性光学晶体指明了方向 For a long time that optical damage was renamed as photorefraction, here we find that the optical damage resistance and photorefraction can be simultaneously enhanced in MgO and Bi2O3 co-doped LiNbO3 (LN:Bi,Mg). The UV-visible transmission spectra of LN:Bi,Mg crystals are shown in Fig. 1(a), we can see that there is 20 obvious absorption at around 350 nm as compared with that of CLN, which is in good agreement with the result from first-principle calculation shown in Fig. 1(b). Our experimental results indicate that photorefraction doesn t equal to optical damage. The underground mechanism was analyzed and attributed to that diffusion dominates the transport process of charge carriers, and the experimental result is shown in Fig. 2. That is to say photorefraction causes only slight optical damage under diffusion mechanism, which is very important for the practical applications of photorefractive crystals, such as in holographic storage, integrated optics and 3D display. 图 1. (a) 铋镁双掺铌酸锂晶体的可见 紫外透射谱, 插入的方框图为铋镁双掺铌酸锂和名义纯晶体的透射差谱, 由名义纯晶体的透射谱减去铋镁双掺铌酸锂晶体的透射谱得到 ;(b) 理论计算得出的掺铋铌酸锂的能级示意图 Fig.1 (a) The UV-visible transmission spectra of LN:Bi,Mg, and the inset shows transmission difference between LN:Bi,Mg and CLN, which is obtained by subtracting the measured transmission of LN:Bi,Mg from that of CLN. (b) The calculated energy level diagram of LN:Bi. 图 2. LN:Bi,Mg 6.0 晶体二波耦合的能量转移过程, 波长 532 nm. Fig. 2. The light energy transfer during the two coupling process of LN:Bi,Mg 6.0 crystal in 532 nm.

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 我们首次调查了金属氟氧化物的二次 谐波发生 (SHG) 效应 采用 Bi(NO 3 ) 3 5H 2 O 和可溶性的金属氟化物为原料, 以比文献合 成方法温和的水热技术制备出 Bi 7 F 11 O 5 使 用 X 射线粉末衍射 热重 - 差热分析 傅里叶 红外变化光谱 拉曼光谱和粉末漫反射谱等 对产物进行了表征 Bi 7 F 11 O 5 具有较好的热 稳定性, 至 400 C 才分解 其粉末 SHG 效率 是 KDP 的 2.7 倍, 并能实现相位匹配 我们对 晶体结构中配位多面体的偶极矩进行了理 论计算分析, 以理解其 SHG 效应 Bi 7 F 11 O 5 具有宽广的透光范围 (0.3-12.5μm); 相对其 它含铋化合物,Bi 7 F 11 O 5 较短的紫外吸收边 归因于 F 的作用 最后, 我们基于密度泛函 理论计算了 Bi 7 F 11 O 5 的能带 态密度和光学 性质, 阐明了其构效关系 图 3. Bi 7 F 11 O 5 的粉末相位匹配曲线 (a) 和漫反射谱 (b) Fig. 3. The phase-matching curve (a) and diffuse reflectance spectrum of polycrystalline Bi 7 F 11 O 5. This paper presents the first investigation of the second-harmonic generation (SHG) effect of a metal oxyfluoride. Bi 7 F 11 O 5 was prepared by the hydrothermal method employing Bi(NO 3 ) 3 5H 2 O and ZnF 2 as raw materials. The compound was characterized by X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetry-differential scanning calorimetry, and Fourier transform infrared, Raman, and diffuse reflectance spectroscopies. Bi 7 F 11 O 5 is thermally stable up to 400 C. Powder SHG experiments show that the SHG efficiency of Bi 7 F 11 O 5 is about 2.7 times that of KH 2 PO 4 (KDP); moreover, the developed material is type I phase-matchable. Bi 7 F 11 O 5 has a middle-ultraviolet absorption edge (<300 nm) and a wide transparency range up to the mid-infrared region (12.5 μm). An analysis of the dipole moments of the polyhedra and theoretical density functional theory calculations were also performed to clarify the structure-properties relationships of Bi 7 F 11 O 5. 我们研究了三元体系 CaO-SrO-B 2 O 3 和 CaO-BaO-B 2 O 3 固相线下相关系 用高温固 相合成法制备了红色荧光粉 Ba 3 B 2 O 6 :Sm 3+, 变温 PL 谱显示该荧光粉具有很好的热稳定 性 制备了具有良好热稳定性的高亮度绿色 荧光粉 SrB 2 O 4 :Ce 3+, Tb 3+, Na +, 并研究了 Ce 3+ Tb 3+ 之间的能量传递机理, 为电偶极 - 电偶极相互作用 The subsolidus phase relations of the ternary system CaO-SrO-B 2 O 3 and CaO-BaO-B 2 O 3 are investigated by the powder X- ray diffraction method. A new red phosphor Ba 3 B 2 O 6 :Sm 3+ is synthesized by high temperature solid state reaction method, and the temperature dependent PL results reveal that it is thermally stable. A green phosphor SrB 2 O 4 :Ce 3+, Tb 3+, Na + is prepared, and the energy transfer mechanism from Ce 3+ to Tb 3+ ions is proved to be dipole dipole interaction. The energy transfer efficiency η T from Ce 3+ to Tb 3+ reached as high as 80.2 % for the Tb 3+ concentration of 10 mol %. 用高温固相合成法在弱还原气氛下制 备了新型荧光粉 α-liznbo 3 :Mn 2+, 研究了它 的发光特性 在该荧光粉中,Mn 2+ 占据四配 位的 Zn 2+ 的格位, 在四配位的情况下,Mn 2+ 多发射绿光 但在该荧光粉可被 400-450nm 的光有效激发, 发射中心值在 647nm 的红 光, 通过 ESR 谱确认了激活离子为 Mn 2+ 而 非 Mn 4+, 排除了 Mn 4+ 发光的可能性 该荧 光粉为国际上第四个 Mn 2+ 反常发光的实例 通过详细研究 Mn 2+ 离子的局域晶体学环境, 并与已知的另外三个 Mn 2+ 反常发光荧光粉 进行对比, 发现能级劈裂是导致反常发光的 主要原因 该荧光粉的最佳掺杂浓度为 7mol%, 浓度猝灭是由电偶极 - 电四极相互 作用引起 温度猝灭表明,α-LiZnBO 3 :Mn 2+ 的热稳定性较好, 当温度为 75 度和 125 度 时, 样品的发光强度仍能保持室温时的 79% 和 64% 但是由于热膨胀效应, 使得发射波 21

Annual Report 2015 长出现蓝移 图 4. α-liznbo 3 :xmn 2+ (x = 0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.02, 0.04) 的 ESR 谱, 插图为 α-liznbo 3 :0.001Mn 2+ 的 ESR 谱 Fig. 4. ESR spectra at room temperature of α-liznbo 3 :xmn 2+ (x = 0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.02, and 0.04) samples. Inset is the case of α-liznbo 3 :0.001Mn 2+. 图 5.(a)α-LiZnBO 3 :Mn 2+ 的变温 PL 谱 ;(b) 发射波长与温度 的变化关系 ;(c)α-liznbo 3 :Mn 2+ 与 SrS:Eu 2+ 的发射强度与温 度的关系图 ;(d)ln(i 0 /I T 1) 与 (1/k B T) 之间的关系图 Fig.5. (a) Temperature-dependent PL spectra of α-liznbo 3 :0.07Mn 2+ phosphor (λ ex = 431 nm). (b) Dependence of wavelength of emission peak on temperature. (c) Normalized PL intensity as a function of temperature. As a comparison, thermal quenching data of SrS:Eu 2+ excited at 460 nm are also measured as a reference. (d) The ln(i 0 /I T 1) vs. 1/k B T activation energy graph for thermal quenching of α-liznbo 3 :0.07Mn 2+. Mn 2+ -activated red phosphor α-liznbo 3 :Mn 2+ was synthesized by solid state reaction. ESR spectra prove that the doped ions are Mn 2+. The doped Mn 2+ ion is inclined to occupy Zn 2+ site, which is a tetrahedral coordination. The diffuse reflection spectra indicate that α-liznbo 3 :Mn 2+ has strong absorption in the range of 400 450 nm. Excited at 431 nm, an abnormal red emission band in the wavelength of 550 800 nm is observed, which is because of the strong crystal field induced by the distorted tetrahedral. The emission bands are centered at 647 nm, regardless of the excitation wavelength and Mn 2+ doping concentration. The temperature-dependent PL results reveal that α-liznbo 3 :Mn 2+ is thermally stable but the emission peak moves to shorter wavelength as temperature increases because of the decrease of the crystal field. 通过变温 X 射线衍射确认了新相 β NaSrBO 3 是 α NaSrBO 3 在 200 发生相变后的物相 在还原气氛下合成了可以被 358 nm 紫外光激发的 β-nasrbo 3 :Ce 3+ 蓝色荧光粉, 通过 X 射线衍射 (XRD) 图谱 激发光谱 (PLE) 和发射光谱 (PL) 荧光衰减曲线以及变温荧光光谱等, 对 β-nasrbo 3 :Ce 3+ 荧光粉的晶体结构和发光性质进行了研究 结果表明 : 稀土离子的掺入并未改变基质的晶体结构 β-nasrbo 3 :Ce 3+ 最佳发射波长为 424 nm, 发射强度随 Ce 3+ 掺杂浓度增加而增强, 当掺杂浓度达到 5% 时发生浓度猝灭 ; 由变温荧光光谱得出, 由于非辐射跃迁增强, 样品发射强度随温度升高而减弱 将 β-nasr 0.95 BO 3 :0.05Ce 3+ 蓝色荧光粉与商用红色荧光粉和绿色荧光粉混合后涂覆在 360 nm InGaN 芯片上封装 LED 灯泡, 当电流 I=350 ma 时发射出色温为 CCT=3666 K 的暖白光, 发射光色度坐标为 CIE=(0.3803, 0.3383), 显色指数 Ra=92.6 以上结论表明: β-nasrbo 3 :Ce 3+ 是可以应用于暖白光 LED 的性能优异的蓝色荧光粉 The alkali metal borate β-nasrbo 3 is determined to be a high-temperature phase of α-nasrbo 3 by the temperature-dependent XRD pattern. Ce 3+ activated β-nasrbo 3 :Ce 3+ blue-emitting phosphors are synthesized and the photoluminescence properties of β-nasrbo 3 :Ce 3+ are studied as well as temperature-dependent PL spectra and decay curves. The phosphors exhibit absorptions in the UV vis spectral region of 200 400 nm and show an intense asymmetric broad band emission peak at 424 nm under 358 nm 22

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 excitation, which is ascribed to the parity allowed 4f-5d transitions of Ce 3+ ions. A near-ultraviolet (NUV) pumped warm white light-emitting diodes (w-leds) with β-nasrbo 3 :0.05Ce 3+ phosphor as the blue composition was fabricated. The LED lamp after illumination at 350 ma gives chromaticity coordinate, color rendering index and correlated color temperature of (0.3803, 0.3383), 92.6, and 3666 K, respectively. These results indicate that the blue emission phosphor β-nasrbo 3 :0.05Ce 3+ can serve as a promising candidate for applications in warm-white LEDs. 图 6. α-nasrbo 3 的变温 X- 射线衍射图 Fig. 6. Temperature-dependent XRD patterns of α-nasrbo 3. 图 7. (a) β-nasrbo 3 :0.05Ce 3+ 的色度坐标, 插图是蓝色 LED 灯的照片 (b) 以 β-nasr 0.95 BO 3 :0.05Ce 3+ 为蓝色荧光粉与商用红粉和绿粉混合制备的暖白光 LED 电致发光谱, 插图为 LED 灯照片 Fig. 7. (a) CIE chromaticity coordinates for β-nasrbo 3 :0.05Ce 3+, inset is the photograph of the blue LED lamp; (b) EL spectra of warm-white LED fabricated using an NUV LED chip (360 nm) combined with blue-emitting β-nasrbo 3 :0.05Ce 3+, green-emitting Sr 1.75 Ca 1.25 (PO 4 ) 2 :Eu 2+, and red-emitting CaAlSiN 3 :Eu 2+ mixed phosphors under a forward bias of 350 ma. The inset shows photograph of the warm-white LED lamp. 首次建立了固体材料中类溶剂化动力学模型来研究晶格场如何调制光谱特性 利用 Eu 3+ 离子作为荧光探针, 采用 热诱导 - 腐 蚀 法制备了 Eu 3+ 掺 β-pbf 2 和 BaF 2 的纳米微 晶 通过光谱研究 结构分析 电荷密度分 布模拟证明了类溶剂化模型的合理性 A solvation-like dynamics model in the solid state was constructed for the first time to investigate the physical mechanism on how the spectral properties are modulated by crystalline field. By using Eu 3+ as a fluorescence probe, the Eu 3+ doped β-pbf 2 and BaF 2 nanoparticles are prepared by thermal induction and corrosion treatment. Spectral investigations, structural analysis and charge density distribution prove the solvation-like dynamics model to be reasonable. 在类溶剂化动力学模型中, 晶格场被认 为是一种静电场而促使稀土离子的电荷密 度重新分布 通过光激发, 中心离子的电偶 极矩扩大导致整体系统的静电场不平衡 中 心离子的电荷密度重新分布来调整晶格场 平衡 调整过程中, 电子云畸变导致能级劈 裂和漂移 静电场的方向和大小分别决定了 电子云畸变的形状和电子云大小, 进一步决 定了光谱的 Stark 劈裂和峰位偏移 特别指出的是,β-PbF 2 :Eu 3+ 和 BaF 2 :Eu 3+ 的电荷密度分布模拟图表明电子云畸变只发生在 Eu 3+ 上而不是周围配位离子上 这就证明类溶剂 化动力学也是依靠中心离子的电子云密度 分布来完成的 In the solvation-like dynamics model, the crystalline field is considered as an electrostatic field that facilitates charge-density redistribution at the RE 3+ ions. Upon photoexcitation, the dipole moment of the central ion is changed and the electrostatic field of the whole system is shifted into a nonequilibrium state. Then, the charge-density of the central ion redistributed to the altered electric field. During this adjustment process, the charge cloud distorted which induced the energy levels splits and shift. And the direction and intensity of the electrostatic field determines the shape and region of the charge cloud distortion, respectively, further 23

Annual Report 2015 determines the Stark splits and emission shift. Particularly, the charge density distribution of β-pbf 2 :Eu 3+ and BaF 2 :Eu 3+ shows the charge cloud distortion mainly occurs on Eu 3+ ions, while that of ligand ions do not distort. This proves that the charge density distribution mainly occurs on the center ions in the solvation-like dynamics model. 图 8. β-pbf 2 :Eu 3+ and BaF 2 :Eu 3+ 的吸收光谱 (a) 和发射光谱 (b) Fig. 8. The absorption spectra (a) and emission spectra (b) of β-pbf 2 :Eu 3+ and BaF 2 :Eu 3+. 图 9. β-pbf 2 :Eu 3+ (a) 和 BaF 2 :Eu 3+ (b) 的电荷密度分布三维图 其中, 右侧表示切面 (100),(001) 和 (110) 的电荷密度分布等高面, 右下角为切面 (110) 上 Eu 3+ 电荷密度分布等高线的放大图. Fig. 9. The stereoscopic views of isosurface with 4.9 e/å 2 on charge density distribution in β-pbf 2 :Eu 3+ (a) and BaF 2 :Eu 3+ (b). The right shows the corresponding contour plots of charge density in slices (100), (001), (110), and the partial enlarged detail at lower right corner represents the corresponding charge density of Eu 3+ in slice (110). 基于点电荷静电场模型, 计算出了晶格场的方向和强度 相同的晶格场方向导致电子云畸变形状相同, 所以引起了相同 Stark 劈裂数目 较强的静电场导致电子云分布范围较大, 导致发射光谱红移 类溶剂化动力 学模型考虑了电荷密度分布的中间媒介作 用, 即可以通过施加外加电场或调整基质结 构来调整电荷密度分布, 进而调制光谱特性 类溶剂化动力学模型解释了晶格场如何来 影响光谱特性, 并拓宽了稀土离子的应用范 围 On the base of point charge electrostatic model (PCEM), the direction and intensity of crystalline field are calculated. The direction of the electrostatic field is the same, which induces the same shape in the charge-density distribution. Therefore, the Stark splitting are identical. The stronger electrostatic field intensities, which induce the larger charge-density distribution region, also result in the red-shift. The solvation-like dynamics model in the solid state considers the role of charge-density distribution. This means that the spectral properties can be changed by altering the charge-density distribution through application of an external electrostatic field as well as modulating internal matrix structure. The solvation-like dynamics model provides a more comprehensive understanding of the impact of the crystalline field on spectral properties, and broadens the range of application of rare earth ions. 近红外荧光染料由于其在生物体中较 强的穿透能力, 使得其在生物成像 疾病诊 断等方面的应用价值日渐突显, 但荧光染料 的光漂白性限制其发展 Tm 3+ 掺杂的无机纳 米荧光材料 800 nm 波段的荧光具有宽谱发 射, 因而具有很高的生物学应用价值 我们 系统研究了 Tm 3+ 掺杂微晶结构及相变过程, 通过结构调控 Tm 3+ 的发光, 优化 Tm 3+ 掺杂发 光材料的光学性能, 如图 10 所示 Near-infrared fluorescent dyes have great potential applications in bioimaging and disease diagnosis due to the high penetration properties in living tissues. However, the dye can be bleached in principle. Tm 3+ doped luminescent materials especially appeal for biology, since its main NIR emission band is located around 800 nm, which corresponds to 24

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 an absorption minimum for water and tissues. We can modulate the luminescence of Tm 3+ by studying structures of Tm 3+ doped nanocrystals and phase transition processes in order to optimize the optical properties of Tm 3+ doped luminescent materials, shown in Fig.10. 利用高温固相法获得了化学组分为 (45-x)SiO 2-5Al 2 O 3-40PbF 2-10CdF 2 -xtm 2 O 3 (x=1, 2, 3, 5) (mol%) 的掺 Tm 3+ 氟氧化物玻 璃前躯体 通过整体析晶法制备出具有浓度 梯度和温度梯度的微晶玻璃样品 利用 Materials Studio 软件模拟得出理论可能 Tm 3+ 替位 Pb 2+ 的 PbF 2 -Tm 微晶结构 通过 XRD 表 征, 分别讨论 Tm 3+ 掺杂浓度以及热处理温度 对氟化铅微晶结构的影响 通过 Rietveld 精 修进一步验证所提出的浓度诱导和温度诱 导结构相变理论 最终通过对荧光光谱的表 征, 得出浓度和温度诱导结构相变会对导致 Tm 3+ 所处晶体场对称性发生变化从而调控 Tm 3+ 的发光, 对改善 Tm 3+ 的光学性能有重大 意义 gradients. We propose possible PbF 2 -Tm nano-structures using Materials Studio program. Nano-structures in different doping concentrations and thermal temperatures are investigated by means of X-ray diffraction. We further confirm the concentration and temperature induced phase transition theory by Rietveld refinements. By photoluminescence spectroscopy, an optimization of optical properties by structural modulation will finally be studied to modulate the luminescence of Tm 3+. 由带相反电荷的聚电解质形成的聚电解质复合物具有广泛的应用, 用作诸如涂层 絮凝和润滑等 近期, 聚电解质复合物在设计新型非病毒载体的基因传递领域备受关注 许多疾病和生命过程也涉及带相反电荷的生物聚合物的复合 我们使用副本交换 Monte Carlo 模拟对带相反电荷的 具有相同电荷数量和相同或不相同电荷分布的聚 电解质的复合行为进行了研究 研究的模型聚电解质序列如表 1 所示 其中每一个 E 单元带一个单位的负电荷, 每一个 K 单元带一个单位的正电荷, 每一个 G 单元为电中性 我们研究的三个模型体系分别为 20((EGEG) 5 /(KGKG) 5 ), 20((EEGG) 5 /(KKGG) 5 ) 和 图 10. 687nm 氙灯激发时 Tm 3+ 的发射光谱 ( 3 H 4 3 H 6 跃迁 ), (a) 和 (b) 分别对应 Tm 3+ 在立方相和四方相晶体场 Fig. 10. Emission spectra of the 3 H 4 3 H 6 transitions with the excitation at 687 nm in cubic samples (a) and elongated tetragonal samples (b). A series of Tm 3+ doped oxyfluoride glasses with the composition of (45-x) SiO 2-5Al 2 O 3-40PbF 2-10CdF 2 -xtm 2 O 3 (x=1, 2, 3, 5 ) (mol%) have been prepared with traditional melt-quenching method. By certain thermal treatment, we obtain Tm 3+ doped glass ceramis in concentration and temperature 25 20((EEGG) 5 /(KGKG) 5 ) 本研究中只考虑静电相互作用, 对电能的计算采用了改进的 Ewald 求和方法 我们的研究结果如图 11 和图 12 由图 11 可知, 带相反电荷的聚电 解质链的电荷分布以及电荷分布的匹配与 否对体系的聚集行为有较大的影响 当电荷 分布匹配时, 如 (EGEG) 5 /(KGKG) 5, 体系形 成较致密的聚集体结构 ; 而当电荷分布不匹 配时, 如 (EEGG) 5 /(KGKG) 5, 体系形成较松 散的聚集体结构 上述差异是由于其微观结 构中电荷排布的不同造成的 如图 12a-c 所

Annual Report 2015 示, 在体系 (EGEG) 5 /(KGKG) 5 的聚集体结构中 E/K 单层和 G 单层交替排列, 在 E/K 单层中 E K 单元交替排列 在 (EEGG) 5 /(KKGG) 5 体系的聚集体结构中 E/K 双层和 G 双层交替排列,E/K 双层中 E K 单元交替排列 ( 图 12f ) 在 (EEGG) 5 / (KGKG) 5 体系的聚集体结构中 E/K 双层形成箱体壳层结构, 将三层 G 包围其中 ( 图 12i) 由于聚集体中溶剂分子一般与电中性的 G 单元相邻, 因此,(EEGG) 5 / (KGKG) 5 体系中三层连续的 G 单元的存在是造成其密度小的原因 我们的上述结果与北京大学梁德海组关于多肽复合体系的实验结果有较好的吻合 此外, 我们还解释了他们实验体系中的多肽浓度对多肽聚集行为的影响 目前我们两组的实验和模拟结果已结合在一起发表 图 11. 模型聚电解质复合体系的热力学量随温度的变化 :(a) 比热,(b) 聚集数,(c) 约化密度 Fig. 11. (a) Specific heat, (b) Average aggregation number and (c) Reduced density as a function of 1/T for the three mixture systems. Complexation behavior of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes in a solution is investigated using a combination of computer simulations and experiments, focusing on the influence of polyelectrolyte charge distributions along the chains on the structure of the polyelectrolyte complexes. The simulations are performed using Monte Carlo with the replica-exchange algorithm for three model systems where each system is composed of a mixture of two types of oppositely charged model polyelectrolyte chains, (EGEG) 5 /(KGKG) 5, (EEGG) 5 /(KKGG) 5, and (EEGG) 5 /(KGKG) 5, in a solution including explicit solvent molecules. Among the three model systems, only the charge distributions along the chains are not identical. Thermodynamic quantities are calculated as a function of temperature (or ionic strength), and the microscopic structures of complexes are examined. It is found that the three systems have different transition temperatures, and form complexes with different sizes, structures, and densities at a given temperature. Complex microscopic structures with an alternating arrangement of one monolayer of E/K monomers and one monolayer of G monomers, with one bilayer of E and K monomers and one bilayer of G monomers, and with a mixture of monolayer and bilayer of E/K monomers in a box shape and a trilayer of G monomers inside the box are obtained for the three mixture systems, respectively. The experiments are carried out for three systems where each is composed of a mixture of two types of oppositely charged peptide chains. Each peptide chain is composed of Lysine (K) and glycine (G) or glutamate (E) and G, in solution, and the chain length and amino acid sequences, and hence the charge distribution, are precisely-controlled, and all of them are identical with those for the corresponding model chain. The complexation behavior and complex structures are characterized through laser light scattering and AFM measurements. The order of the apparent weight-averaged molar mass and the order of density of 26

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 complexes observed from the three experimental systems are qualitatively in agreement with those predicted from the simulations. 图 13. TiO 2 Ni-TiO 2 Pd -TiO 2 和 Pd/Ni-TiO 2 的 XRD 谱 ; Pd/Ni-TiO 2 化学催化机理示意图. Fig. 13. XRD pattern of TiO 2, Ni-TiO 2, Pd-TiO 2 and Pd/Ni-TiO 2 ; the mechanism schematic diagram of chemical catalysis for Pd/Ni-TiO 2. 图 12. 模型聚电解质复合体系的典型形态随温度的变化 其中 E 单元为绿色,K 单元为红色,G 单元为黄色 在 (a, b, d, e, g, h) 中为清楚起见略去了 G 单元 Fig. 12. Typical snapshots from the simulations for polyions in the three mixture systems. The E monomers are shown in green, the K monomers in red and the G monomers in yellow. In snapshots (a, b, d, e, g and h), the G monomers are omitted for clarity. 为了发展高效光催化剂, 掺杂和表面敏化通常是提高催化剂可见光活性的有效方法 在该研究中, 我们将 Pd 催化剂所具有的偶联反应应用到光催化中 研究发现, 掺入的 Pd 离子以 O Pd Cl 物种形式存于 Ni-TiO 2 表面, 而且 O Pd Cl 物种起到了化学催化作用, 导致了催化剂可见光催化活性的有效提高 例如,Pd/Ni-TiO 2 可见光催化活性是 N-TiO 2 的 9 倍 在光催化反应过程中 Pd 2+ 得到光生电子转化为 Pd 0, 导致了偶联反应在催化剂表面发生, 同时伴随着光催化的共同作用, 使催化剂光催化活性有效提高 Different approaches like doping and sensitization have been used to develop photocatalysts that can lead to high reactivity under visible-light illumination, which would allow efficient utilization of solar irradiation and even interior lighting. We demonstrated a conceptually different approach by changing 27 图 14. TiO 2 Ni-TiO 2 Pd -TiO 2 和 Pd/Ni-TiO 2 催化剂的光催化活性 Fig. 14. The photocatalytic activity of TiO 2, Ni-TiO 2, Pd-TiO 2 and Pd/Ni-TiO 2. reaction route via introducing the idea of conventional Pd catalysis used in cross-coupling reactions into photocatalysis. The O Pd Cl surface species modified on Ni-doped TiO 2 can play a role the same as that in chemical catalysis, resulting in remarkably enhanced photocatalytic activity under visible-light irradiation. For instance, Pd/Ni-TiO 2 has much higher activity than N-TiO 2 (about 9 times for all of the 4-XP systems) upon irradiation with wavelength of 420 nm. The catalytically active Pd(0) is achieved by reduction of photogenerated electrons from Ni-TiO 2. Given high efficient,

Annual Report 2015 stable Pd catalysts or other suitable chemical catalysts, this concept may enable realization of the practical applications of photocatalysis. [Scientific Reports, (2015)] 采用溶胶 - 凝胶法制备出一组 TiO 2 /vanadates (Sr 10 V 6 O 25, Ni 3 V 2 O 8, Zn 2 V 2 O 7 ) 异质结光催化剂 理论计算表明,TiO 2 和钒酸盐的能带匹配, 有利于异质结的形成 由 XRD, Raman, TEM, EDX, XPS, 吸收谱和时间分辨 PL 谱结果表明, 存在于 TiO 2 表面的钒酸盐阻止了光生载流子的复合, 延迟了光生载流子的寿命, 而且为光催化反应提供了表面空穴活性位, 从而促进了催化剂光催化还原 CO 2 合成 CH 4 活性的有效提高 of TiO 2, could suppress the recombination of charge carriers, prolong the life-time of photogenerated electrons and provide the surface reactive hole sites, improving the photocatalytic activity on photo-reduction of CO 2 into CH 4. [Nanoscale, (2015)] 利用水热法合成出一种新型纳米结构的 PbBiO 2 Cl 催化剂 利用 XRD 和 SEM 技术确定了 PbBiO 2 Cl 的晶体结构,PbBiO 2 Cl 为 {002} and {103} 晶面暴露在外切去顶端的双锥体结构 理论计算和吸收谱表明, PbBiO 2 Cl 可见光吸收强, 其带隙为 2.53eV, 并且具有较高降解甲基橙和对氯苯酚的可见光催化活性 图 16. PbBiO 2 Cl 的 XRD 谱 (a) TEM(b, d) 和 HR-TEM(c, e). 插 图 (e) 为 PbBiO 2 Cl 的 FFT 图 Fig. 16. (a) XRD pattern, (b, d) TEM and (c, e) HR-TEM images 图 15. 钒酸盐 (Sr 10 V 6 O 25, Ni 3 V 2 O 8, Zn 2 V 2 O 7 ) 的能带结构 XRD 和吸收光谱 ;TiO 2 / 钒酸盐的光催化活性和光催化机理示意图 Fig. 15. Band structure, XRD and UV-visible spectra for vanadates (Sr 10 V 6 O 25, Ni 3 V 2 O 8, Zn 2 V 2 O 7 );the photocatalytic activity and the schematic diagram of photocatalytic mechanism for TiO 2 /vanadates. A series of TiO 2 /vanadates (Sr 10 V 6 O 25, Ni 3 V 2 O 8, Zn 2 V 2 O 7 ) heterostructure photocatalysts were prepared by a simple sol-gel method. The theory calculation implies the possible energy band match between TiO 2 and vanadates. Characterized by XRD, Raman, TEM, EDX, XPS, absorption spectra, PL and time-resolved PL decay curves, it is revealed that the vanadates, which exist on the surface of PbBiO 2 Cl nanostructures. Insets of (e) shows the corresponding FFT of PbBiO 2 Cl. A new kind of nanostructured photocatalytst, PbBiO 2 Cl is synthesized by a simple hydrothermal method. The proposed formation mechanism of PbBiO 2 Cl is carried out by the analyzing the XRD patterns and SEM images of the products prepared under different conditions. The PbBiO 2 Cl nanostructure behaves as a truncated bipyramid, exposed with {002} and {103} facets. Moreover, theoretical calculation and absorption spectrum indicate the PbBiO 2 Cl shows strong absorption in visible region with a band gap of 2.53 ev. The obtained PbBiO 2 Cl bipyramid nanostructures exhibit significantly 28

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 enhanced photocatalytic activity on degradation of methyl orange (MO) and 4-chlorophonel (4-CP). This work may offer a paradigm on designing and synthesizing visible photocatalyst exposed with reactive facets, which can be applied in many fields. [J. Phys. Chem. C, (2015)] 利用溶胶 - 凝胶法制备出一组不同浓度的 Zn 掺杂的 TiO 2 和不同焙烧温度的 Zn 掺杂的 TiO 2 为研究 Zn 的掺杂态 Zn 掺杂态的转换和 Zn 掺杂的 TiO 2 的晶型转换, HRTEM XPS 和 XRD 技术被应用 结果表明,Zn 的掺杂态和掺杂态间的转换 (O-Zn-Cl 和 ZnTiO 3 ) 与 Zn 的焙烧温度 掺杂浓度和晶型转换温度 ( 锐钛矿到金红石 ) 相关 并提出了在 TiO 2 中 Zn 的掺杂机理 related to the calcination temperature and content of introduced Zn ions, as well as the phase transition temperature from anatase to rutile. This work can be helpful for a better realization about the doping mechanism of Zn 2+ ions in Zn doped TiO 2. [CrystEngComm, (2015)] 一种新型的 Ni/Ni 3 (BO 3 ) 2 /NiO 异质结光催化剂被合成 由于异质结的存在, 在光还原反应中光生载流子被有效地利用, 导致了催化剂的光还原 CO 2 合成 CH 4 的光催化活性有效地提高 图 18. Ni/Ni 3 (BO 3 ) 2 /NiO 异质结催化剂的 XRD 谱 XPS 价带谱 光催化活性和光催化机理示意图 Fig. 18. XRD, XPS advance band spectra, the photocatalytic activity and the schematic diagram of photocatalytic mechanism 图 17. (A) P-500, (B) Z-500-5, (C) Z-500-30, (D) P-800, (E) Z-800-5 and (F) Z-800-30 样品的 HRTEM 照片 Fig. 17. HRTEM images of (A) P-500, (B) Z-500-5, (C) Z-500-30, (D) P-800, (E) Z-800-5 and (F) Z-800-30. A series of Zn doped TiO 2 are prepared via sol-gel method by changing the concentration of Zn ions and calcination temperature. To investigate the existing states of introduced Zn, the transformation of existing states and the phase transition for the Zn doped TiO 2 samples, high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques are applied. The existing states of Zn 2+ ions and the transformation of existing states (O-Zn-Cl and ZnTiO 3 ) in Zn doped TiO 2 is closely for Ni/Ni 3 (BO 3 ) 2 /NiO heterostructured photocatalyst. A new Ni/Ni 3 (BO 3 ) 2 /NiO heterostructured photocatalyst was synthesized, Because of the formation of heterostructure, the photogenerated charge carriers are ultalized more efficiently for the redox reaction, resulting in an enhanced photocatalytic activity on reduction of CO 2 with H 2 O into CH 4. [Separation and Purification Technology, (2015)] Al 2 O 3 :Er 是常用的硅上集成波导光放大器材料, 折射率大于 SiO 2, 是优良的硅基波导光放大材料, 由于 Al 2 O 3 :Er 是绝缘材料, 电注入载流子非常困难, 一直未能实现电致发光器件的突破 我们在 2014 年完成 SiO 2 :Tb 硅基 MOS 结构电致发光器件的基础上,2015 年转入发射波长为 1.5 微米波段 29

Annual Report 2015 的 Al 2 O 3 :Er 硅基 MOS 结构电致发光器件的研究, 利用原子层沉积方法研制出 Al2O3/TiO2 纳米复合结构介质缓冲层, 成功克服了向 Al 2 O 3 :Er 薄膜导带内稳定注入过热电子的难题, 研制出外量子效率高达 31% 的红外电致发光器件, 目前达到硅基电致发光器件的最高水平 高效率 Al 2 O 3: Er 电致发光器件的研制成功为研制电注入硅基波导放大器和激光器件奠定了基础, 对于硅基光子学发展具有重要意义 图 19. 利用原子层沉积方法制备的硅基 MOS 器件的结构及其电致发光性能 Fig. 19. Structure and EL properties of the silicon based Al 2 O 3 :Er MOSLED. Al 2 O 3 :Er is the basic material for silicon photonic devices, such as planar waveguide amplifier. Due to its dielectric property, it is difficult to inject current in to Al 2 O 3 :Er for generation of efficient electroluminescence. After successfully fabrication of the efficient SiO2:Tb MOS light emitting devices on silicon in 2014, we have obtained efficient infrared electroluminescence from Al 2 O 3 :Er MOSLEDs utilizing Al 2 O 3 /TiO 2 dielectric current injection buffering layer for injection stable hot electrons into the conduction band of the Al 2 O 3 :Er layers. The external quantum efficiency reaches the highest level up to 31%, which is the top level ever reported up to now on silicon. 30

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 弱光非线性及量子相干光学 / Weak Light Nonlinear Optics and Quantum Coherent Optics 负责人 : 许京军 本年度我们围绕光子晶格体系中光的传输与类量子调控 高 Q 值微腔的制备与性质以及超材料 等离激元及其应用等方面开展了较系统的研究, 取得了如下主要进展 : During this academic year, we mainly focused on the studies on light propagation and quantum-analogy in photonic lattices, fabrication and optical properties of high Q micro-cavity, metamaterials, plasmonics and their applications, and the main progresses are as follows. 一 光子晶格体系中的光传输与类量子调控 Light propagation and quantum-analogy in photonic lattices 光子石墨烯是非常好的研究石墨烯物理的光学平台 赝自旋, 作为石墨烯中电子的一个新的自由度, 对理解石墨烯中很多物理现象起着非常重要的作用 与电子的自旋不同, 赝自旋通常被认为是一个不可观测的物理量, 不能通过外加磁场来测量, 最近的理论工作表明石墨烯中的赝自旋是一个真正的可观测的角动量, 但是目前为止仍然没有观察到 我们在光子石墨烯中, 通过选择性的激发两个子晶格, 实验观察到了基于赝自旋的涡旋产生以及涡旋拓扑电荷的反转 我们的理论结果也证实了赝自旋可以完全的转化成涡旋的轨道角动量 我们的结果表明赝自旋不仅仅是数学类比而是具有真正的物理可观测量 Photonic graphene provides a useful optical platform to study graphene physics. Pseudospin, an additional degree of freedom inherent in graphene, plays a key role in understanding many fundamental phenomena such as the anomalous quantum Hall effect, electron chirality and Klein paradox. Unlike the electron spin, the pseudospin was traditionally considered as an unmeasurable quantity, immune to Stern-Gerlach-type experiments. Recently, however, it has been suggested that graphene pseudospin is a real angular momentum that might manifest itself as an observable quantity, but so far direct tests of such a momentum remained unfruitful. Here, by selective excitation of two sublattices of an artificial photonic graphene, we demonstrate pseudospin-mediated vortex generation and topological charge flipping in otherwise uniform optical beams with Bloch momentum traversing through the Dirac points. Corroborated by numerical solutions of the linear massless Dirac-Weyl equation, we show that pseudospin can turn into orbital angular momentum completely, thus upholding the belief that pseudospin is not merely for theoretical elegance but rather physically measurable. 图 1. 光子石墨烯中激发三个狄拉克点产生涡旋的实验结果 Fig1. Experimental observation of vortex generation by initial excitation of three Dirac points. 我们研究了四方光子晶格中的高带隙孤子 在自聚焦非线性下的四方光子晶格中实验实现了高带的偶极与四极带隙孤子 我们的结果表明偶极带隙孤子是存在于第一个布拉格反射禁带中, 而四极带隙孤子是存在于第二个布拉格反射禁带中 如果改变入射光激发的条件, 偶极和四极带隙孤子在传播过程中会围绕晶格的主轴周期性的旋转, 对于四极孤子来说是其模式是在四极子和二阶涡旋之间周期性转化 该结果对我们理解高带的非线性模式提供了有益的帮助 We demonstrate self-trapping and rotation of higher-band dipole and quadruple-like gap 31

Annual Report 2015 solitons by single-site excitation in a two-dimensional square photonic lattice under self-focusing nonlinearity. Experimental results show that the second-band dipole gap solitons reside in the first photonic (Bragg reflection) gap, whereas the quadruple-like gap solitons are formed in an even higher photonic gap, resulting from modes of the third-band. Moreover, both dipole and quadruple-like gap solitons exhibit dynamical rotation around the lattice principle axes and the direction of rotation is changing periodically during propagation, provided that they are excited under appropriate initial conditions. In the latter case, the nonlinear rotation is accompanied by periodic transitions between quadruple and doubly-charged vortex states. Our numerical simulations find good agreement with the experimental observations. based on the concept of quasi-energy and Floquet-Bloch (FB) formalism. Band discontinuity and adiabatic optical transition between different FB modes from different Bloch bands were predicted at specific resonant points. Such adiabatic optical evolution and transition is an exact optical analogy to spin exchange related to a rapid adiabatic crossing of resonance in nuclear magnetic resonance when it is driven by a temporally varying magnetic field with adiabatically increased frequency, which can be used to manipulate the flow of light in photonic lattices with controllable bending light trajectory. 图 3. (a) 纵向调制耦合波导阵列体系中光束传播常数 随纵向 调制周期 T 变化的频谱图, 其中红色和蓝色分别代表第一和第 三 Bloch 带上的 Floquet-Bloch 模 (b) 当 Floquet-Bloch 模沿 (a) 中 图 2: 高带四极带隙孤子实验结果 ( 第一行 ) 与数值模拟结果 ( 第二行 ) Fig2: Experimental (top row) and numerical (bottom row) results showing the formation of third-band quadruple-like gap soliton. 我们基于准能量概念和 Floquet-Bloch 理论计算了纵向调制耦合波导阵列体系的光子带隙结构, 发现由折射率纵向调制可引起光子 Bloch 带在特殊共振点上的不连续, 以及不同 Bloch 带上的 Floquet-Bloch 模之间的绝热演化和转换 这种 Floquet-Bloch 模的绝热演化和转换在机制上完全类似于核磁共振体系在外加变频磁场作用下电子自旋状态之间的绝热演化和转换 更为有趣的是, 伴随着 Floquet-Bloch 模的绝热演化和转换, 我们可以通过设计纵向调制周期控制光束在体系中的传输, 实现光束可控的弯曲传输 We calculated the band structure of longitudinally modulated photonic lattices 的 a b c 演化和转换时, 光束在体系中的传播轨迹 Fig3. (a) A typical spectrum of propagation constant as a function of longitudinal modulation period T in longitudinally modulated coupled waveguide array, where the red and blue curves represent the evolution of Floquet-Bloch modes between Band 1 and Band 3. (b) The corresponding light propagation trajectory in longitudinally modulated coupled waveguide array evolving along spectral curve a b c in (a). 自加速光近来引起了广泛的关注 相比于传统光束, 他们在众多应用中表现出了优越性 然而, 在已报道的大多数情况中, 人们所使用的自加速光具有很多能量次瓣, 因而尺寸较大 ( 如图 4(a) 所示 ) 通常而言, 自加速光的主瓣是最有用的, 因此次瓣就造成了能量的损失 在这个工作里, 我们对沿任意凸状曲线轨迹传播的自加速光进行了研究, 并对其能量的优化给出了实验设计 通过对自加速光的频谱进行合理的横向压缩, 新产生的自加速光的主瓣光强峰值得到 32

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 了极大的提高, 同时由于次瓣的减少使得整个光束尺寸大大减小 ( 图 4(b-d)) 尽管如此, 优化后的自加速光保持了优化之前所有的特性, 其中包括自加速和自修复, 相关的实验结果与数值模拟符合得很好 我们期望该优化方法能用于自加速光的能量或尺寸在实际应用中受限的一些领域 图 4.(a) 为传统的自加速光的强度分布 ;( b-d) 优化后的自加速光 :( b) 为典型的强度分布 ;( c) 为传播轨迹 ( 包括抛物线 三次和指数曲线 );(d) 为光强峰值 ( 红色 ), 这里以沿抛物轨迹传播的自加速光为例, 并与传统自加速光的情况 ( 蓝色 ) 进行对比 Fig4. (a) shows the typical intensity pattern of a conventional accelerating beam; (b-d) show the optimized accelerating beams: (b) the typical intensity pattern; (c) the propagation trajectories including parabolic, cubic and exponential curves; (d) the peak intensity denoted by red color exemplified by an accelerating beam along the parabolic trajectory, which compares to the conventional case (denoted by blue color). Accelerating beams have attracted a lot of attention recently and they exhibit advantages in a variety of applications over conventional beams. In most reported cases, however, accelerating beams occupy a large area filled by several sub-lobes (Fig. 4(a)), leading to a loss of a large part of energy since the most useful part of these beams are the main lobe. Here, we report the experimental observation of energetically confined self-accelerating optical beams propagating along various convex trajectories. We show that, under an appropriate transverse compression of their spatial spectra, these 33 self-accelerating beams can exhibit a dramatic enhancement of their peak intensity and a significant decrease of their transverse expansion, yet retaining both the expected acceleration profile and the intrinsic self-healing properties (Fig. 4(b-d)). We found our experimental results to be in excellent agreement with the numerical simulations. We expect further applications in such contexts where power budget and optimal spatial confinement can be important limiting factors. 艾里脉冲在色散系统中比较常见, 它的 线性与非线性传输得到了广泛的研究, 然而 其在高阶非线性下的传播基理还不清楚 该 工作探究了艾里脉冲在拉曼自频移效应下 的演化规律, 我们从实验上论证了可以利用 艾里脉冲来实现拉曼孤子频率的调谐 由于 艾里脉冲的不对称性, 在延时的拉曼散射的 作用下, 其时间反演的两个脉冲在激发拉曼 孤子的数目上表现出不一样 ( 图 5(a) 和 (b)) 不仅如此, 我们还通过改变相关参数实现了 出射波长的调控 ( 图 5(c)) 该方法与传统 利用高斯脉冲的方法相比更有效和更可行 利用此法还能实现多个拉曼孤子的产生, 而 且这些孤子间的波长差也可以得到有效的 调节 ( 图 5(d) 和 (f)) Airy pulses are ubiquitous in dispersive optical systems. Extensive theoretical and numerical studies have been devoted to the study of the linear and nonlinear dynamics. However, its dynamics under the influence of the higher order nonlinearities is not clear. Here we study the evolution of Airy pulse under the intra-pulse Raman scattering that can lead to soliton self-frequency shift (SSFS). We experimentally demonstrate the possibility of tuning the frequency of a laser pulse via the use of an Airy pulse-seeded SSFS. The intrinsically asymmetric nature of Airy pulses, is revealed through the nonlinear generation of both a primary and a secondary Raman SSFS (Figs. 5(a) and (b)). The resulting frequency shift can be carefully controlled by applying an offset to the cubic phase modulation used

Annual Report 2015 to generate the pulses (Fig. 5(c)). When compared with the use of conventional chirped Gaussian pulses, our technique brings about unique advantages in terms of both efficient frequency tuning and feasibility, along with the generation and control of multicolor Raman solitons with enhanced tenability (Figs. 5(d) and (f)). 图 6 二维傍轴非相干自加速光束的实验结果 :( a) 实验装置, 通过一个旋转毛玻璃产生非相干光 (b-g) 对应于传播距离 z=0 [(b), (d), (f )] 和 z=20cm [(b), (d), (f )] 上的不同相干性的艾里 光束的横向光场分布 : 相干 [(b), (c)]; l c 215 μm [(d), (e)]; l c 115 μm [(f ), (g)] (h) (j) 分别对应于这些艾里光束的传播 侧视图 (k) 给出了这三种不同相干性的艾里光束的主瓣得 横向拐弯距离随传播距离变化的曲线 从结果可以看出, 相干 性的变化不影响自加速的过程 Fig6 Experiments with two-dimensional incoherent paraxial 图 5(a,b) 展示了时间反演的两个艾里脉冲的非线性传输, accelerating beams. (a) Experimental setup, where L stands for 其中插图画出了相关的入射脉冲形状 ;(c) 通过对三次相位施 lens and BS for beamsplitter. The incoherent beam is generated 加偏移量实现的频率调谐 ;(d,e) 通过功率调节实现的多色 by a rotating diffuser followed by an SLM, with x 0 =75 μm and 拉曼孤子 a=0.075. (b) (g) Transverse intensity patterns taken at Fig5. (a,b) show the nonlinear propagation of time-inversed Airy propagation distance z [(b), (d), (f )] and at z =20 cm [(b), (d), pulses and the insets plot the profiles of the inputs for each case; (f )]for a coherent Airy beam [(b), (c)], an incoherent Airy beam (c) frequency shift controlled by applying an offset to the cubic with l c 215 μm, [(d), (e)], and an incoherent accelerating beam phase modulation; (d, e) show the power-dependent control of with l c 115 μm [(f ), (g)]; (h) (j) side view of beam multicolor Raman soliton generation. 类似于量子薛定谔粒子的无势场自加 propagation for the three cases (coherent, l c 215 μm, l c 115 速产生机制一样, 自加速光束同样是波包自 μm), respectively; (k) deflection of the main lobe of the 调制干涉的结果 所以, 光的相干性在自加 accelerating beams as a function of propagation distance for the 速光束的产生过程中起着决定性作用 然而, three cases. It is evident that the incoherence does not affect the acceleration for the distances presented. 事实上, 我们通过实验和理论研究表明, 非 force-free acceleration as a result of 傍轴和傍轴的空间非相干自加速光束同样 interference effects following proper 可以被实现 我们在原理上发现, 即使在很 preparation of the initial Schrödinger wave 短的横向相干长度比如波长这个尺度上, 空 function. Indeed, interference is at the heart of 间非相干自加速光束也能够保持与相干自 such wave packets, and hence it is implied that 加速光束一样的加速过程 我们的研究, 加 self-accelerating wave packets must be 深了对自加速光束与相干性的关系的进一 coherent entities. Counter to that, we 步理解, 并可引导设计其他受到相干性限制 demonstrate theoretically and experimentally 的自加速量子波包 spatially incoherent self-accelerating beams, Self-accelerating optical beams form as a in both the paraxial and the nonparaxial direct outcome of interference, initiated by a domains. We show that in principle, the predesigned initial condition. In a similar transverse correlation distance can be as short fashion, quantum mechanical particles exhibit 34

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 as a single wavelength, while a properly designed initial beam will give rise to shape-preserving acceleration for the same distance as a coherent accelerating beam propagating on the same trajectory. These findings expand the understanding of the relation between coherence and accelerating beams, and may have implications for the design of self-accelerating quantum wave packets with limited quantum coherence. 我们设计并实现了一种简单的利用艾里光束进行图像信号传输的方法 即通过把图像信息加载在艾里光束的傅里叶频谱上实现了跨障碍信号弯曲传输 更特别的是, 我们发现这种图像信号传输方式也能应用在无序散射介质里面 我们的理论和实验结果都很好得证明了这些结论 图 7 数值模拟结果 不同艾里光束和高斯光束携带信号进行传输时, 在 z=5cm 遇到障碍物后在 z=10cm 处的输出结果, 其中 : (a3), (a4) 代表高斯光束 ;(a1), (a2), (b1-b4) 代表艾里光束, 相应的参数分别为 :(a1), (a2) α =0.04, r 0 = 48 μm, K m= 0.92, h y = μm; (b1), (b2)α = 0.04, r 0 = 48 μm, K m = 0.92, h y =160 μm ((b1) 中的内插图描述艾里光束的主瓣和部分副瓣在 z=5cm 处被挡住后的光场分布 );(b3), (b4)α=0.082, r 0 =33.5 μm, K m= 1.886, h y =160 μm 第五列图是光束传输的侧视图 白线表示遇到的障碍物大小 Fig7 Numerical results. Outputs (at z =10 cm) of Airy beams and Gaussian beams with different parameters that carry a signal after getting over the obstacle placed at z =5 cm in the path of the beams: (a1), (a2) an Airy beam α =0.04, r 0 = 48 μm, K m= 0.92, h y = μm; (a3), (a4) a Gaussian beam; (b1), (b2) α = 0.04, r 0 = 48 μm, K m = 0.92, h y =160 μm (the inset in (b1) is the beam profile at z =5 cm, where the main lobe and part of the side lobes of the Airy beam are blocked); (b3), (b4) α=0.082, r 0 =33.5 μm, K m= 1.886, h y =160 μm. The fifth column shows side views of the 10 cm propagations, where the white lines at z = 5 cm mark the obstacle with h y =160 μm. The intensity in (a3) is enhanced for better visualization. We propose and demonstrate an approach for image signal transmission based on self-accelerating Airy beams. The spatial information is encoded in the Fourier space through a 4-f telescope system, which can circumvent obstacles to realize a self-bending signal transmission. Furthermore, the information can be retrieved from the Airy beams after propagation through a disordered scattering medium.our experimental results agree well with theoretical predictions. 有效地控制和塑造放电的轨迹依然是一个巨大的挑战 我们的研究表明通过特殊形貌的激光束来电离空气能达到这个目的 比如, 可以利用艾里光束使得放电过程沿抛物线的轨迹分布 ( 图 8(a)), 因此电荷输运能沿弯曲轨迹进行, 从而可以绕过障碍物 不仅如此, 艾里光束另一个重要的性质是它的自愈功能 它即使被障碍物挡住, 但在后续的传播过程中能够恢复它的形貌 该性质也被另外一类无衍射光 贝塞尔光束所拥有 ( 图 8(b) 为贝塞尔光束诱导的放电过程 ) 我们从实验上展示了这两种光束的自愈功能可以转移到电荷上, 即放电过程在某个位置被障碍物截断后, 但后续的放电过程依然维持在原轨迹上 ( 图 8(c,d)) Developing methods to effectively control and shape the path of an electrical spark along a predetermined trajectory still remains a significant challenge. Here, we show that properly shaped laser beams can provide a mean to this end by virtue of the ionization they induce in air. For instance, parabola-like electrical discharges can be achieved (see Fig. 8(a)) by using an Airy beam, thus transporting the electrical charge around objects that would have otherwise completely blocked the discharge itself. Another important attribute of an Airy beam is its ability to spontaneously reform its main intensity features after encountering an obstacle. This property, referred to as self-healing, is shared also by another important class of sub-diffractive beams, the 35

Annual Report 2015 so-called Bessel beams (Fig. 8(b) presents its induced discharge). Remarkably, we show that the self-healing properties of Airy and Bessel laser wavefronts can be readily transferred to the electrical discharge, which also self-heals and resumes its original trajectory even after a direct hit on an obstacle (Figs. 8(c) and (d)). 图 9. 沿着双曲正割曲线轨迹传播的三阶奇点光束三维驱动微粒的实验结果 (a) 沿着弯曲轨迹捕获和转动微粒示意图,(b-f) 在不同横截面上捕获颗粒的图像 Fig 9. Experimental observation of 3D microparticle spiraling driven by a triply-charged singular beam propagating along a 图 8. (a) 和 (b) 分别为艾里光束和贝塞尔光束诱导的放电过程 ;(c) 和 (d) 分别为在 (a) 和 (b) 的情况下将障碍物置于放电路径后放电过程的自修复 Fig8. (a) and (b) show the discharge induced by an Airy beam and a Bessel beam, respectively; (c) and (d) are the self-healing of discharge shown in (a) and (b) encountering an obstacle in its path, respectively. 携带角动量的奇点光束一直以来都是人们感兴趣的课题 因为它在不同的研究领域有很多新奇的应用, 比如在光学操控, 光子纠缠, 显微镜, 探测旋转的黑洞甚至是相对论电子及强场物理等方面 但是, 在大部分的研究中, 奇点光束都是沿直线传播, 并且在线性传输中会展宽, 而在非线性介质中会破缺 在这里, 我们设计和实现了可沿空间任意轨迹传输的无衍射奇点光束 这些弯曲光束不仅具有一个不变尺寸的黑 洞 的中心, 也保持其角动量, 表现出结合了涡旋光, 贝塞尔光和艾里光束这三者的特性 此外, 我们在实验上利用该新型光束实现了对微粒三维螺旋转动的操控 我们的发现可能为结构光在不同的应用中开辟新的途径 Singular beams carrying angular momentum have been a topic of considerable interest. Their intriguing applications are ubiquitous in a variety of fields, ranging from optical manipulation to photon entanglement, and from microscopy and coronagraphy to free-space communications, detection of hyperbolic secant trajectory. (a) Schematic illustration of guiding and rotating particles along the bending trajectory; (b f) Snapshots of trapped microparticles from videos taken when at different transverse planes. rotating black holes, and even relativistic electrons and strong-field physics. In most applications, however, singular beams travel naturally along a straight line, expanding during linear propagation or breaking up in nonlinear media. Here, we design and demonstrate diffraction resisting singular beams that travel along arbitrary trajectories in space. These curved beams not only maintain an invariant dark hole in the center but also preserve their angular momentum, exhibiting combined features of optical vortex, Bessel, and Airy beams. Furthermore, we observe three-dimensional spiraling of microparticles driven by such fine-shaped dynamical beams. Our findings may open up new avenues for shaped light in various applications. 二 高 Q 值微腔的制备与性质 Fabrication and optical properties of high Q micro-cavity 利用在位于硅片上的反楔形二氧化硅微盘腔上生长多晶铌酸锂薄膜的办法, 我们制备了品质因子十万以上的多晶铌酸锂 / 二氧化硅复合微腔 利用由单模光纤拉制而成的锥形光纤, 我们实现了复合微腔的高效耦合 基于 454nm 蓝光脉冲引起的微腔共振 36

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 波长的移动, 我们演示了基于铌酸锂 / 二氧化硅复合微腔的光开关 由于铌酸锂晶体相比于二氧化硅材料在 454nm 波段更强的吸收, 同时具有更强的热光效应, 铌酸锂 / 二氧化硅复合微腔在 454nm 波导具有远优于具有相似品质因子的纯二氧化硅微盘腔的全光调制特性 利用铌酸锂晶体的电光效应, 我们也演示了复合微腔共振波长的电光调制效应 此项工作展示了通过引入具有较好的热学 光学和光电响应的介质材料来调节和控制包括高品质因子二氧化硅微腔在内的回音廊模式微腔光学性质的可行性 图 10. 铌酸锂 / 二氧化硅复合微腔的 (a) 结构示意图 ( b) 光学显微镜照片 (c) 扫描电子显微镜图片和 (d) 原子力显微镜图片 Fig10. Schematic diagram (a), optical microscopy image (b), scanning electron image (c), and AFM image (d) of fabricated lithium-niobate-silica hybrid resonators. We fabricated whispering gallery mode (WGM) resonators with Q up to 10 5 made of polycrystalline lithium niobate (LN) and silica on silicon chip by depositing a layer of LN film on the top surface of inverted-wedge silica resonators. Utilizing a fiber taper pulled from commercial single-mode fiber, efficient coupling near critical coupling were realized. Active optical switch was demonstrated in the hybrid resonators based on the resonance wavelength shift induced by blue light pulses in the 454 nm band irradiated on the hybrid resonator. The performance of the hybrid resonators as an optical switch is much better than that of pure silica WGM resonators with similar quality factors. Moreover, using the electro-optic response of LN fi lm, we demonstrated electrooptic modulation of resonance wavelengths of LN WGMs in the hybrid LN silica resonators. Our work shows the possibility to manipulate the optical properties of WGM resonators, especially the high-q silica resonators fabricated on silicon wafers, through the introduction of other dielectric materials with better thermal, optical, and electro-optic responses. 利用紫外光刻 反应离子束刻蚀和氢氟 酸刻蚀, 我们成功地在铌酸锂 - 二氧化硅 - 铌 酸锂单晶薄膜上批量制备出了位于晶片上 的单晶铌酸锂微腔 厚度为 0.5 微米半径为 39.6 微米的盘形微腔的品质因子可以达到 1.19 10 6, 这一数值是以前公开报道到的利 用允许批量加工的工艺制备得到的铌酸锂 微腔的品质因子 (4.84 10 5 ) 的两倍以上 利用铌酸锂晶体的电光效应, 我们在制备得 到的铌酸锂微腔内实现了腔共振波长的电 光调制, 共振波长的有效调制速率为 3.0 GHz/V ( 10-2 -1 0 1 2 3 Frequency Detuning (GHz) 图 11. (a) 单晶铌酸锂盘形微腔的扫描电子显微镜图片,(b) 不同外加电压条件下测量得到的铌酸锂微腔某一共振峰附近 的透射谱线 Fig11. (a) Scanning electron image of the fabricated monocrystalline lithium niobate whispering gallery mode resonator. (b) Transmission spectra measured when different external voltages were applied across the lithium niobate resonator. Lithium niobate (LN) microdisk resonators on a LN-silica-LN chip were fabricated using only conventional semiconductor fabrication processes including UV-lithophotography, reative ion ething and Normalized Transmission 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 ( - 4 kv +4 kv 37

Annual Report 2015 HF etching. The quality factor of the LN resonator with a 39.6-μm radius and a 0.5-μm thickness is up to 1.19 10 6, which doubles the record of the quality factor 4.84 10 5 of LN resonators produced by microfabrication methods allowing batch production. Electro-optic modulation with an effective resonance-frequency tuning rate of 3.0 GHz/V was demonstrated in the fabricated LN microdisk resonator. 被称为光学分子的耦合微腔系统提供了一个良好的研究平台, 基于此平台可以进行 PT 对称体系和光学拓扑绝缘体相关的基础研究, 也可以进行高灵敏度传感和慢光相关的应用研究 通过将两个二氧化硅盘形微腔上下叠加耦合在一起, 我们实现了一个光学分子 在该光学分子的模式劈裂可以通过调节两个微盘腔之间的相对未来控制 我们发现在两个微腔纵向靠近的过程中, 两腔之间耦合导致的模式劈裂逐渐变大 而当两腔发生横向相对位移的时候, 模式分裂展现出周期振荡的特性 我们提出了多区域耦合理论, 即两腔之间的能量耦合发生在多个不连续的区域, 考虑不同区域耦合如腔内的相干叠加效应, 我们成功解释了分布在不同平面的两个微腔之间的这种横向耦合振荡 Coupled-resonator systems refered to as photonic molecules provide a platform to study fundamental physics including PT-symmetry system and toplogical insulators and have applications ranging from ultra-sensitive sensing to slow light. We report the formation of a photonic molecule by vertically coupling two microdisk resonators. Such a photonic molecule allows manipulating its mode splitting by scanning the relative position between the two microdisks. We show that mode splitting monotonously increases when one resonator vertically approaches the other. However, when the vertical distance is kept fixed and one resonator is moved horizontally with respect to the other, the strength of coupling and 38 hence the mode splitting demonstrate an oscillatory behavior. This is attributed to the interference of light coupled into the resonators through multiple coupling regions as confirmed by a theoretical model based on coupled mode theory. 图 12. (a) 纵向耦合的两个盘形腔组成的光学分子的结构示 意图,(b) 两微腔横向位置扫描所导致的模式分裂的耦合振荡 效应 Fig12. (a) Illustration of the vertically coupled microdisk resonators forming a photonic molecule. (b) Oscillatory coupling of vertically coupled resonators in a photonic molecule obtained by scanning the horizontal relative position between the coupled resonators. 三 超材料 等离激元及其应用 Metamaterials, plasmonics and their applications 南开大学许京军教授课题组同清华大学范 守善教授课题组合作实现了一种厚度仅为 150nm 的线偏振纳米光源 ( 图 13a) 利用等 离激元光学天线偶极散射场对半导体发光 量子点跃迁偶极矩进行共振受迫驱动 ( 图 13b), 实验中得到了线偏振度达 90% 以上的 光波直接辐射 现今, 偏振光在诸如显示 通讯 光谱 学等领域具有广泛的应用 目前, 人们普遍 采用偏振片实现偏振光的产生, 但由于偏振 片工作于光源辐射的远场区, 使得偏振光源 及其相关器件的小型化与集成度受限 同时, 偏振片的使用也伴随着至少一半光辐射能 量的浪费 等离激元纳米偏振光源的实现, 为以上诸多问题提出了一种解决方案 而且 由于等离激元的场增强效应, 该光源的发光 效率与亮度明显高于玻璃基底上的量子点 直接发光 ( 图 13c,e) 同时实验中发现该 光源的辐射特性 ( 如发光波长 偏振度水平 等 ), 可以简单的通过改变光学天线的尺寸 参数进行有效的调控与设计 ( 图 13f), 这是

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 超越传统光源特性上的一个巨大优势 该研究结果有望应用于未来高集成度 微小尺寸偏振光源及其相关器件的研发与制造中 图 13 基于等离激元天线阵列共振驱动量子点的纳米线偏振光源 (a) 量子点 - 纳米天线复合体系示意图 (b) 当辐射偶极子处于纳米天线表面 10 nm 高度时, 天线原胞内的诱导电荷 σ ( 彩图 ) 与电流密度 j( 红色箭头 ) 分布图 (c,d) 玻璃基底表面量子点的自发辐射光谱与偏振度 (DOP) 曲线 (e) 量子点 - 纳米天线 ( 不同天线长度 ) 复合体系的辐射光谱 ( 橙色曲线 ), 这些曲线已经对于曲线 (c) 的峰值进行归一化 其中蓝色虚线为高斯拟合线, 红色虚线为体系的吸收光谱 (f) 不同结构尺寸量子点 - 纳米天线复合体系的辐射线偏振度 (DOLP) 曲线 其中蓝色虚线为数值模拟预测值 Fig13. Linearly polarized light emission from quantum dots (QDs) with plasmonic nanoantenna arrays. (a) Schematics of linearly polarized emitting of QDs-combined rectangular slot nanoantenna array. (b) The charge distributions σ (color map) and the current density j (red arrows) induced by dipoles p x, and p y located 10 nm directly above the center of the unit cell. (c,d) The luminescence spectrum and DOP (degree of polarization) from the QDs-polymer film on the silica substrate. (e) The emission spectra from QDs combined nanoantenna arrays with different slot lengths (orange curves), which are normalized to the maximum luminescence value in (c). Blue dashed curves are gaussian fits. Red dashed lines are the absorption spectral for different structures. (f) The corresponding DOLP (degree of linear polarization) curves for different structures (orange curves). The blue dashed lines present the DOLP predicted by the numerical In this work, Group of Prof. Jingjun Xu, collaborated with Group of Prof. Shoushan Fan, manufactured a light source that could directly emit linearly polarized light with the thickness of only 150nm (Fig.13a). By resonant oscillation of the transition dipole moment of semiconducting quantum dots (QDs) driven by the dipole scattering fields from the plasmonic nanoantennas (Fig.13b), light emission with degree of linear polarization of 90% is achieved in experiment. Nowadays, polarization forms the basis for many technologies, including telecommunications, liquid-crystal displays, spectroscopic techniques, and so forth. In the optical band, to generate polarized light, adopting polarizers are traditionally regarded as straightforward methods. However, the polarizers need to operate in the far-field region of emitters, and induce the problems of extra space, and intrinsic absorptive/reflective loss. Plasmonic nano-polarization light sources would provide solutions to above problems. As a result of the plasmonic enhancement to the local fields, the emission efficiency is dramatically improved relative to the QDs on the glass substrates (Fig.13c, e). Furthermore, it is also demonstrated that the luminescence properties (such as emitting wavelength, degree of polarization, et al) could be changed simply by changing the geometric values of the antennas (Fig.13f). This is the big advantage compared to conventional counterparts. We believe that this work opens up an exciting access to the innovative nanoscale polarized light sources, which could find applications in a wealth of areas, including optical displays, quantum communications, spectroscopy, and compact biosensors. 我们在实验上实现了一种基于脚手架结构设计的超材料应变传感器 ( 图 14a) 等离子体激元超材料的光学性质同其结构的 simulations. 39

Annual Report 2015 几何尺寸密切相关, 其几何尺寸的变化将使得特征光谱在一定波长范围内进行调谐 利用这种性质, 我们将一种具有脚手架结构设计的超材料加工于弹性低密度聚乙烯 (LDPE) 薄膜表面, 这样超材料的尺寸参数将随着基底的应变发生变化 ( 图 14c,d), 进而其光谱特征峰位发生位移 ( 见图 14e) 实验中测量得到在应变量达 37% 时特征谱峰位变化 27nm( 图 14f) 通过监测光谱的位移, 此类传感器可用于监测被测物的微小形变 同以往其他报道的等离子体激元应变传感器相比, 我们的结构基于负型设计, 可以通过使用聚焦离子束直写技术一步工序完成加工, 极大简化了加工复杂性 We demonstrate a strain sensor based on scaffold metamaterial (Fig.14a). The optical properties of plasmonic nanostructures are highly dependent on their geometric configurations. Thus variations in the dimensional parameters of constitutive elements would tune the optical spectra of the nanostructures efficiently. In this manner, the nanostructures can work as sensors to retrieve any changes in structure parameters by monitoring the modifications in spectra. Fabricating the metamaterial on compliant polymeric substrate (low density polyethylene, LDPE, in our experiment), the geometric parameters could be tuned under external strain (Fig.14c,d). And the amount of the strain could be retrieved form the tuning in reflection resonance wavelength (Fig.14e). In our experiment, about 27 nm resonance wavelength shift is observed by applying as much as 37% tensile strain (Fig.14f). Such sensor could be used to determine or monitor the mechanical deformation of objects. The strain sensor is presented based on an intaglio stretchable scaffold metamaterial. Compared to the previous reported results, our structures could be manufactured directly by one step fabrication using focused ion beam (FIB) cutting, which makes the fabrication process much simpler. 图 14. 基于脚手架结构超材料的应变传感器性能 (a) 脚手架结构示意图 (b) 在共振波长位置的 y 偏振模拟场图 (c) 样品拉伸测试装置图 待拉伸样品初始长度为 3mm (d) 拉伸前后样品的扫描电镜图片对比 ( e) 拉伸长度 δl 每增加 100μm 时样品的反射光谱图 ( f) 特征峰位置随 δl 的变化图 Fig14 Strain sensor based on scaffold metamaterial. (a) Design of the scaffold metamaterial. (b) The simulated maps of Hz under y-polarized light at resonance wavelength. (c) The photograph of the sample tester. The suspending part of the gold/ldpe stripe has length of about 3 mm. (d) The SEM images of the sample without and with y-directional external stretches. After elongation, the line width w is increased. The scale bars are 100 nm. (e) The spectra for different elongation values δl from 0 to 1100 μm in step of 100 μm. (f) The valley wavelength as a function of the elongation values. The dashed line is for eye-guiding. 我们研究了缺角石墨烯圆盘的光学响应 在金属中, 这种结构具有很好的 Fano 共振效应 而在石墨烯圆盘中, 虽然具有类似 Fano 的共振峰出现, 我们分析可知这种非对称来源于不同模式的强度叠加, 而非相干叠加 石墨烯等离激元与金属等离激元的不同之处来源于吸收占主导而非散射 进一步, 石墨烯结构中非对称线性可以通过改变石墨烯的载流子迁移率和费米能级, 也能通过结构来调控 We demonstrate that the concepts in metal plasmonics cannot be totally used indiscriminately in graphene plasmonics. A typical Fano resonance for a metallic symmetry-breaking structure is simulated for graphene. Although a Fano-like extinction spectrum emerges, our analysis proves that the asymmetry is due to the intensity superposition of three plasmon modes instead of interference. The difference between 40

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 graphene and metal plasmons comes from different contributions to the extinction, where the former is absorption instead of scattering. Furthermore, the asymmetric lineshape can be effectively tuned by changing not only the carrier mobility and Fermi energy of graphene, but also the geometry of the disk. mechanism on tuning plasmon-phonon coupled modes (PPCMs) is proposed due to the fact that the energy and lifetime of substrate surface phonons depend a lot on the carrier concentration. Specifically, the change of dispersion and lifetime of PPCMs can be controlled by the carrier concentration of the substrate. The energy of PPCMs for a given momentum increases as the carrier concentration of the substrate increases. On the other hand, the momentum of PPCMs for a given energy decreases when the carrier concentration of the substrate increases. The lifetime of PPCMs is always larger than the intrinsic lifetime of graphene plasmons without plasmon-phonon coupling. 17-3 n = 0, 0.2, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 ( 10 cm ) (a) Branch A 图 15 缺角石墨烯的光学响应, 模式 1-3 为偶极 四级以及多极 模式 Fig15 The optical response of the symmetry-broken graphene Branch B Laudau intraband loss disk. The dipolar, qudrupolar and multipolar modes are labeled as 1, 2 and 3, respectively. 我们研究了石墨烯与半导体基底的表面声子的耦合模式, 这种耦合模式可以通过调控基调实现调控 因为等离激元 - 声子耦合模式的色散和寿命依赖于基底的载流子浓度, 耦合模式调控的新机制被提出 对于特定动量的耦合模式, 基底载流子浓度升高导致耦合模式的能量升高 ; 另一方面, 对于特定能量的耦合模式, 动量随着基底掺杂浓度升高而下降 同时, 石墨烯等离激元 - 声子耦合模式的寿命比非耦合模式非耦合模式更长 The coupled modes between graphene plasmons and surface phonons of a semiconductor substrate are investigated, which can be efficiently controlled by carrier injection of the substrate. A new physical 17-3 n = 0, 0.2, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 ( 10 cm ) (b) 图.16 石墨烯等离激元 - 基底声子耦合模式的色散 (a) 与寿 命 (b) 随着载流子浓度的调控 Fig 16 The dependence of dispersion (a) and lifetime (b) of the plasmon-phonon coupled modes on the carrier density in the substrate. 基于石墨烯结构中的相干控制, 我们利 用一对石墨烯带实现了等离激元诱导透明 (PIT) 效应, 这种透明效应源自于石墨烯 带对中偶极和四极模式之间的耦合 通过改 变条带的几何参数或外加偏压, 可调谐条带 41

Annual Report 2015 中偶极和四极模式的频率, 从而可以有效获得 PIT 效应 该效应在中红外波段具有潜在的应用价值, 如可用来作为远场光开关 此外, 对石墨烯条带中 PIT 的调控为等离激元学提供了一种主动相干调控的手段 The control of coherent phenomena in graphene structures is proposed. Specifically, plasmon induced transparency (PIT) effect is investigated in a kind of simple graphene structures - graphene ribbon pairs. The transparency effect are understood by the mode coupling between dipolar and quadrupole plasmons modes in graphene ribbons. By using bias voltage tuning or geometry parameters changing, the PIT effect can be effectively controlled, which is based on the frequency tuning of dipolar or quadrupole modes in ribbons. These properties make these structures possess applications in two-dimensional plasmonics devices in mid-infrared range. In addition, the tuning of PIT in graphene ribbon pairs opens an avenue for active coherent control in plasmonics. 往往只关注单个原胞的作用, 而不考虑原胞之间的相互作用 整个材料的性能, 是所有原胞的代数求和 在这个工作中, 我们考虑原胞之间的相互作用, 设计和制作了周期阵列的超材料结构, 并借助固体物理的概念, 提出了赝等离子晶体的概念 这个超材料结构可以作为一个 0.6-1.0 THz 带阻滤波器, 实现波导模式的选择 基模通过, 高阶模式阻止 通过这个超材料, 在铌酸锂亚波长波导中选择了适当频率和模式的太赫兹波, 对在这种晶片中实现 THz 波的集成化器件奠定了基础 用我们设计的时间分辨相衬成像系统, 太赫兹波电场的时空信息被全部记录成为一个动画 图 18. 实验装置示意图 53 微米厚的铌酸锂晶片从三个透镜成像在 CCD 上 位相版放置在第一个透镜的傅里叶面上 800 nm 的飞秒激光被一个柱透镜聚焦在铌酸锂晶片内 蓝色的探测光 (400 nm) 垂直晶片表面传播 图中左下角的插图, 展示了太赫兹波在晶片内的产生和传输情况 图 17: (a) 两个宽度为 100nm 的石墨烯带铺在基底上, 一个 x 方向偏振的平面波垂直入射 两石墨烯带之间的间距为 10nm, 左右两带的费米能级分别为 0.2eV 和 0.41eV (b) 实线为双石墨烯带的消光界面, 虚线是仅有右带时的消光截面 Fig17 (a) Schematic of two graphene ribbons of the width 100 nm lay on the substrate and an x -polarized plane wave normally irradiates. The gap distance between the ribbons is d =10 nm. The Fermi energies of the left and right ribbon are E lf =0.2 ev and E rf =0.41 ev, respectively. (b) The solid (dash) line indicates the extinction cross section of the ribbon pair with (without) the left ribbon. 太赫兹波应用的一个本质困难就是很难找到响应的材料 而超材料由于其在这个频段的损耗小, 易于加工亚波长的功能结构, 而受到人们的青睐 人们在设计超材料时, 42 Fig18 Overview diagram of the main experimental setup. The sample, a 53 μm thickness LN slab, is imaged onto the CCD camera using three lenses, and the phase plate is placed in the Fourier plane of the first lens. Red beam represents the 800 nm pump beam and tightly focus in LN slab. Blue light represents the 400 nm probe beam and propagates perpendicular to the LN surface. The left bottom inset shows schematic illustration of THz generation in LN crystal. For the practical applications of THz wave, it is a big challenge that lack of materials having a suitable THz response. Metamaterials can play a key role in solving this issue, because of its small metallic losses and relatively easy fabrication of functional structures. Generally, people just pay close

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 attention to the effect of one unit cell without thinking about the interaction among the unit cells. The property of metamaterials device is the summation of unite cells. In this work, we paid more attention to the interaction among the unite cells, designed and implemented periodic bar arrays metamaterials to select appropriate frequencies of terahertz (THz) waves propagating in a LiNbO 3 sub-wavelength waveguide. The metamaterials can operate as a band-stop filter to realize blocking back THz waves in a band range of 0.6-1.0 THz, while transparent transmission for the fundamental mode of the slab over a range of 0.3-0.6 THz. The spatial and temporal electric field profiles of the THz waves were recorded using a time-resolved phase contrast imaging system. 图 19. 超材料设计和反射谱的数值模拟结果 (a) 一个超材料单元, 金条被镀在铌酸锂表面, 金条宽是 5 微米 (b)-(d) 是不同金条长度 L, 和间距 d 或 g 的反射能流谱图 Fig 19. Metamaterials design and numerical calculation results of reflected spectrum. (a) An individual unit cell of metamaterials, gold bar (yellow) is deposited on the LN slab (grey) surface, the bar width is fixed to 5 μm, L is the bar length, d and g are the gaps between bars along x and z directions, -x direction is the propagation direction of THz waves, the thickness of LN slab is 53 μm along y direction; figures (b) (d) shows reflected energy flow (Sr) vs frequency as a function of g, L, d, respectively. 通常情况下, 超材料的设计是垂直于光的入射方向 这里, 我们设计的超材料是平行入射方向的结构 这个结构由二维的金条 组成 图 19(a) 表示二维阵列的一个原胞 太赫兹波沿 -x 方向传播 金条的长度, 长短轴间的间距都会影响超材料的作用 我们用 FDTD 的方法模拟了超材料结构的反射谱, 如图 19 所示 Normally, most metamaterials are designed in a plane perpendicular to the wave propagation direction. Here we try to introduce a type of through-plane metamaterials, 2D array of gold bars surfaced on a LN slab, to select appropriate frequencies and modes. One unit cell of the 2D bar array is shown in Fig. 19 (a). The THz waves propagate through the metamaterials along -x direction. The bar length L, the gap g between bars (periodicity along z) and the gap d along the propagation direction (periodicity along x) will all affect the resonance frequencies. We use FDTD method to simulate the reflected THz spectrums shown in Fig. 19. 图 20(a) 所示为表面镀有金属条阵列超材料的铌酸锂样品, 以及在其表面上激发太赫兹声子极化激元的示意图 图 20(b) (c)(d) 分别是太赫兹波在入射前 与超材料结构作用中 完全透射过超材料三个时刻的场强分布图 从图 20(b) 能够看到, 刚激发时, 产生传输的太赫兹波在铌酸锂平板波导中形成了三个稳定传输的模式, 箭头所示方向为 THz 波的传输方向, 红色虚线框内为金属阵列型超材料区域 当太赫兹脉冲波传输进入超材料区域时, 一部分波在结构边缘就发生了反射, 如图 20(c) 中所示 为了能够对比, 我们在样品的上半部分没有镀超材料, 可以明显的看到上半部分的太赫兹波传输没有受到任何影响, 依旧沿着原方向继续传输 而下半部分超材料内部区域, 零阶模 ( 第一个波包 ) 传输到超材料区域内影响不是很大, 且强度也没有明显的衰减, 近距离观察可看到波包产生了一定的延迟 影响最大的是后面两个模式的波 传输 54 ps 后的情况如图 20(d) 所示, 只有零阶模透过了超材料区域, 而其余两个模式被超材料区域所阻止 43

Annual Report 2015 图 20 (a) 超材料结构及 THz 波产生示意图 (b)-(d) 是不同时刻的电场分布图 红线框内是超材料区域 这些图分别取自太赫兹波激发后 (b) 20 ps,( c) 40 ps, and (d) 54 ps Fig 20. (a) Schematic illustration of pump geometry and LN sample with surfaced metamaterials structure. Figures (b) (d) show the images of the THz electric field distribution taken at different time delays, the region within the red dotted lines is filmed with metamaterials structure. Pictures were captured (b) 20 ps, (c) 40 ps, and (d) 54 ps after THz wave was generated respectively. At the center of the sample surface, bar arrays metamaterials structure was deposited as shown in Fig. 20(a). The structure consisted of 30ⅹ40 (x direction 30) unit cells. The sample acts as a sub-wavelength waveguide, and the THz wave is broken up into discrete waveguide modes, the first three of which are visible as shown in Fig. 20(b). In Figs. 20(b) 3(d), the yellow arrows show the propagation directions of different modes of THz waves. The metamaterials structure is deposited in the region within the red dotted lines. For comparison, there are no patterns deposited on the upper part of the LN crystal. Figure 20(c) shows an image captured 40 ps after the THz wave generation. Most of the higher order modes are blocked back by the metamaterials structure and propagate oppositely. As a comparison, they still propagate forward with the zeroth-order mode in the upper part of the sample. After 54 ps, only the zeroth-order mode passes through the whole metamaterials structure, as shown in Fig. 20(d). The alternating arranged electric resonant gold bars change the effective through plane refractive index, which causes the lag in the THz wave propagation in Figs. 20(c) and 3(d). 我们将实验结果得到的动画, 转化为图 21(a). 进一步分析, 我们在反射区域, 中 间区域和透射区域选取了三条白线, 分别在 x=2.75 mm,x=1.75 mm,x=0.5 mm 其线 的长度表示所取的作用时间段 前两条线选 取的是 24-54 ps, 经过对该位置时间段内场 强变化的提取和傅里叶变换, 画出了场强随 时间变化的轨迹图及其频谱图, 如图 21(b) (c) 所示 第三条白线选取透射区域 x=0.5 mm 位置, 时间为 40-70 ps, 我们在 (d) 图 中给出了该位置经过的透射波的频谱, 以及 与反射位置的波的频谱的对比 对于图 21(c) (d) 中红色曲线峰值 0.3 THz 的相对强度, 我们得知, 从 x=1.75 mm 传输到 x=0.5 mm 的过程中, 其场强太该衰减了三分之一 从 分析结果中能够得出, 透射频段在 0.25-0.6 THz, 而反射频段在 0.6-1.0 THz 这样, 我 们实现了金属条超材料对于 0.6-1.0 THz 的 波段的带阻滤波作用, 透射波段只有 0.25-0.6 THz 波段, 而这一部分只有零阶模, 从而也间接实现了对于基模的选择 The full temporal and spatial evolution of propagating THz waves can be displayed in a single graphic, as shown in Fig. 21(a). At x = 2.75, 1.75 mm positions, we measured the THz E-field and its Fourier spectrum, shown in Figs. 21(b) and 4(c). Furthermore, comparison of Fourier spectrums of transmission (red, at x = 0.50 mm) and reflection (blue, at x = 2.75 mm) is shown in Fig. 21(d). It is obvious that the first two order modes separate before they propagate into the metamaterials region (Meta region). In addition, most of the first-order mode is blocked back by the Meta region and reverses its propagation direction, while the zeroth-order mode out of band-stop range transmits through the whole Meta region. By 44

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 this way, we select the fundamental mode using the metamaterials, which achieves as a THz filter for sub-wavelength waveguide. It is interesting that the metamaterials can operate as a frequency filter to realize transparent transmission for the fundamental mode of the slab over a special range. 图 21 (a) 太赫兹波传输的时空分布图 图中 3 条白线分别 取自三个区域进行下一步分析, 反射区域 x = 2.75 mm 位置, 超材料区域 x = 1.75 mm 位置, 透射区域 x = 0.5 mm 位置 其 线长都是 30 ps. 图 (b) 和图 (c) 为采自 x = 2.75mm 和 x = 1.75 mm 时间轨迹图及其傅里叶变换频谱图 图 (d) 透射 ( 红色 x= 0.50 mm) 和反射 ( 蓝色 x = 2.75 mm) 频谱对比图 Fig 21. (a) Space-time plot of the propagating THz waves. The white lines are three selected positons for further analysis, x = 2.75 mm in reflection region, x = 1.75 mm in Meta region, and x = 0.5 mm in transmitted region, respectively. Figures (b) and (c) are the THz field traces (measured at x = 2.75 mm and x = 1.75 mm, respectively) and their normalized Fourier spectrums. These two positions are equidistant to the incident boundary of Meta structure (at x = 2.25 mm). Figure (d) shows comparison of the Fourier spectrum in transmitted region (red, at x = 0.50 mm) with that in reflected region (blue, at x = 2.75 mm). 为了对比透射波和反射波的模式, 我们 在图 21(a) 中选取了若干个不同区域进行 二维傅里叶变换 得到了对应区域的色散曲 线如图 22(a) 图中显示的是入射区域的 在该波导中激发的三条 TE 模式的色散曲线, 其中最下面的是零阶模, 中间的是一阶模, 最上面的是二阶模 图 22(b) 示超材料全 区域的色散曲线图, 我们能够看到有一部分 一阶模的能量存在, 是由于一阶模有一部分 进入了超材料区域, 这部分一阶模在整个超 材料区域的传输过程中, 逐渐地被反射或吸 45 收再辐射, 最终被滤阻掉 图 22(c) 和 22 (d) 图是实验中透射部分和反射部分的色散曲线图 透射的色散曲线只有零阶模, 大部分能量集中在 0.6 THz 以下的波段, 近距离仔细观察, 我们还能发现在 0.75-0.85 THz 附近也有一小部分能量存在 反射部分的色散曲线, 既包括一阶模也包括零阶模, 范围在 0.6-1.0 THz 其中大部分一阶模式在反射中基本全存在, 反射的零阶模由一个能量相对强的频段 (0.6-0.75 THz) 和一个相对弱的频段 (0.85-1.0 THz) 组成 图 22(e) 和 22(f) 示用 FDTD 方法模拟的色散曲线图, 分别是模拟的透射区域和反射区域的色散曲线 可以看到实验和理论模拟都符合的很好 图中的白色线是空气中光波的色散曲线, 蓝色线为铌酸锂中光波的色散曲线, 绿色曲线为计算的 53 μm 厚铌酸锂平板波导的色散曲线, 这几条理论曲线覆盖在实验和模拟结果上作为参考 To compare the transmitted wave with the reflected wave, we select the signals in different regions of Fig. 21(a), and obtain the dispersion curves by taking two-dimensional Fourier trans-form of these regions, as shown in Fig. 22. In Fig. 22(a), the three bright dispersion curves (red) reveal three TE modes existing in the waveguide generated in the incident region. Although in the Meta region we can see very weak signal of the first-order mode in Fig. 22(b), it is blocked by the Meta region gradually because of the through plane process. After the THz wave transmits through the metamaterials structure region, the firstand second- order modes are not exist, as shown in Fig. 22(c). Closer inspection of Fig. 22(c) shows that the signal appears weakly at around 0.75-0.85 THz, and this band can be also found in simulated results as shown in Fig. 22(e). Figure 22(d) shows the experimental dispersion curves of the reflected THz waves, which conclude most of the first-order mode and part of the zeroth-order mode over the range of 0.6-1.0 THz. The

Annual Report 2015 图 22 太赫兹波在不同区域铌酸锂波导传输的色散曲线 :(a) 入射区域,10-30 ps; (b) 超材料区域,25-60 ps; (c) 透射区域, 40-70 ps, 已经透过了全部超材料 (d) 反射区域,35-50 ps; (e) 模拟的透射区域的色散曲线 ; (f) 采用与实验条件一致的波源模拟的反射区域的色散曲线 其中红色曲线为实验数据, 白线为理论计算的空气中传输色散曲线, 蓝线为块状铌酸锂中理论传输色散, 绿色为 53μm 平板铌酸锂波导的波导模式曲线 Fig 22. Dispersion curves of the THz waves in the LN slab waveguide computed by taking 2D Fourier transformation of different regions of Fig. 4(a) and corresponding simulation results: (a) the initial incident wave (Inci. Region, 10-30 ps); (b) the Meta Region, 25-60 ps; (c) the transmitted wave (Tran. Region, 40-70 ps), which passes through the whole metamaterials structure; (d) the reflected wave (Relf. Region, 35-50 ps); (e) the transmitted dispersion curves from simulation; (f) the reflected dispersion curves from simulation. The horizontal axis of the figure is the wave vector, and the vertical axis is the frequency of THz wave in the sample. Overlaid on the experimental data (red curves) are the theoretical dispersion curves in air (white line), bulk LN (blue line), and the first three waveguide modes for a 53 μm slab waveguide (green curves). reflected zeroth-order mode concludes a strong signal part at 0.6-0.75 THz and a relative weak part in a range of 0.85-1.0 THz. Simulation results show that the metamaterials, we designed can act as a band-stop filter in a range of 0.58-0.75 THz. Figures 22(e) 22(f) show the dispersion curves of the transmitted and the reflected THz waves from FDTD simulation results, respectively. Comparing to figures 22(c) 22(d), they match the experimental results very well. Overlaid on top of the experimental dispersion curves in green curves are the theoretical dispersion curves for a 53 mm LN slab. The calculated dispersion curves in air and bulk LN are shown as white and blue lines respectively for a reference. The experimental data fit the theoretical results quite well. 我们用三维时域有限差分方法研究了 nanosphere-in-a-nanoegg (NSNE) 结构的光学特性 数值模拟研究表明, 将一个对称的金属纳米球结构放入一个非对称的金属纳米蛋空腔结构中, 能够抑制由于对称性破缺所导致的高阶等离子模式 我们关于等离子模式抑制的研究结果, 对于金属等离子器件的设计非常重要 我们用双层等离子杂化模型来解释了这一机制 由于 NSNE 结构在近红外区域小于 100nm 尺寸的等离子共振良好可调节性, 在生物学应用中它可以作为 Au-Silica-Au 多层球壳结构非常好的替代结构 此外, 相比于后者,NSNE 结构还具有一个优势, 是它可以在金外壳实现强的场增强 We study the optical properties of the nanosphere-in-a-nanoegg structure (NSN E) by the three-dimensional finite difference time domain method. We demonstrate the suppression of the high-order plasm on modes in NSNE, which is induced by the plasmon interaction between the inner nanosphere and the outer nanoegg shell. A two-layer plasm on hybridization model is presented to explain this mechanism. The results we showed for plasmon mode suppression would be important to the design of the metal plasmonic devices. In addition, due to high tunable plasmon resonances in the near-infrared region (700 to 1,300 nm) with sub-100 -nm size, NSNE can serve as a good substitute for the Au-silica-Au multilayer nanoshells in biological applications. Furthermore, 46

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 图 23 NSNE 结构 (a),nanoegg 结构 (b),au-silica-au 多层结构示意图 (c) 入射光的偏振及传播方向 Fig 23. Mid-sectional view and the structure parameters of NSNE (a), the nanoegg (b), and Au-Silica-Au multilayer structure (c). The polarization (E) and propagation (k) directions of incident light are denoted. compared with the Au-silica-Au nanoshells, NSNE has the advantage that the strong field enhancement can be achieved at the outer surface of the Au shell. 我们制作了一种有金属银膜覆盖的 AAO 结构作为 SERS 衬底用于检测食品中的氯霉素 利用 SEM 和 AFM 对结构进行了表征, 并且研究了此复合结构的表面拉曼增强特性 计算模拟和实验测试结果表明, 利用制备的衬底可以对牛奶中氯霉素进行高灵敏度探测 图 24 nanoegg 结构在不同的内核偏心 (D) 情况下的多极消光谱 (R1/R2 = 36 nm/46 nm). 不同颜色的形状代表多极消光峰 ( 红色圆圈, l=1; 绿色四方,l=2; 紫色三角,l=3; 蓝色棱形,l=4) Fig24. The multipolar extinction spectra of nanoegg with different core offset D at R1/R2 = 36 nm/46 nm. Various coloured shapes indicate the peak wavelengths of multipolar extinction spectra (red circles, l=1; green squares, l=2; purple triangles, l=3; blue diamond, l=4). 图 26. 不同浓度氯霉素溶液 SERS 光谱 (10 to 100 ppm) Fig 26.SERS spectral features of a series of concentrations of 图 25 (a) NSNE 结构不同 r1 半径下的消光谱 (r 2 /r 3 = 36 nm/46 nm and d= 9nm). (b) 高能偶极峰 (, 514 nm), 四极峰 (, 776 nm), 低 1 2 能偶极峰 (, 1025 nm) 的电荷密度分布 1 Fig25. (a) The extinction spectra of NSNE with different radius of Au core r 1 at r 2 /r 3 = 36 nm/46 nm and d= 9nm. (b) The charge density distributions of the high energy dipolar mode (, 514 nm), the quadrupolar mode 1 (, 776 nm), and the low energy dipolar mode (, 1025 nm) of 2 1 NSNE with r 1 /r 2 /r 3 /d= 28 nm/36 nm/46 nm/9 nm. chloramphenicol (10 to 100 ppm). We have developed a silver nanofilm-coated porous anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) as a surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS)-active substrate for the detection of trace level of chloramphenicol. We used atomic force microscopy and scanning electron microscopy images to determine the morphology of this nanosubstrate, and characterized its localized surface plasmon resonance by ultraviolet-visible reflection. Using electromagnetic field theory, we developed a detailed mathematical model to explain the mechanism of Raman signal enhancement of this nanosubstrate. With simple sample pretreatment and separation steps, this silver 47

Annual Report 2015 nanofilm-coated AAO substrate could detect 50 ppb chloramphenicol in milk, indicating good potential as a reliable SERS-active substrate for rapid detection of chemical contaminants in agricultural and food products. 四 其他 (Miscellaneous) 利用全光纤声光调制器的移频光, 我们组建了全光纤外差系统, 它可以实现 1 皮米分辨率的振动测量, 同时可以对振动波形, 位移进行解调 ; 由于产生拍频的分束比可调, 这种全光纤结构的外差探测还具有信噪比动态可调的优势, 可以在探测不同反射率表面时获得更好的结果 除此之外, 我们还在光纤中验证了交叉互相位调制传感中, 谐波振幅与传感灵敏度的关系, 这对于光频传感的应用有着指导意义 SNR to adapt surfaces with different reflections. Beyond this, we also verified the relationship between harmonic amplitude and sensitivity in the mutually modulated cross gain modulation measurement in the fiber, which was useful in the optical frequency sensing. 图 28 大黄酸抑制 ATP/BzATP 引起的对荧光微球吞噬的衰减作用 Fig 28 Rhein prevented ATP/BzATP-induced phagocytosis decrease in rat peritoneal macrophages. 嘌呤受体 P2X 7 是 ATP 门控离子通道, 在免疫和炎症过程中发挥了重要作用, 是多种免疫疾病潜在的治疗靶点 大黄酸是蒽醌类衍生物的一种, 在免疫抑制和调节炎症过程中有明显的作用, 但其作用机理不明 因此, 我们通过体外实验探究了大黄酸对于 P2X 7 受体活化后所调节的免疫反应的影响 和机制 首先, 在外源表达重组大鼠 P2X 7 蛋白的人类胚胎肾细胞系 (rp2x 7 -HEK293) 中, 我们发现大黄酸可以抑制 P2X 7 生理性激动剂 ATP 诱发的胞内钙离子浓度的升高和膜通透性 大孔 效应, 并且具有剂量依赖性 同时, 我们发现在 P2X 7 高表达的大 图 27: 全光纤外差探测装置以及对振动波形的解调 Fig 27 The setup of the all fiber heterodyne system and the demodulations of complex vibrations. We constructed all fiber heterodyne system, which could realize vibration measurement with a resolution around 1 pm. It could also show vibration waveforms and shift. Because the ratio of two frequency components was adjustable, it gained tunable 鼠腹腔巨噬细胞中, 大黄酸对上述两种 P2X 7 介导的特征性效应也存在相似的抑制效果 进一步我们发现, 大黄酸还可以抑制 ATP 及 P2X 7 特异性激动剂 BzATP 诱导的巨噬细胞中氧自由基生成以及抑制 ATP/BzATP 引起的对荧光微球吞噬的衰减作用 ( 图 28) 而且, 在脂多糖激活的巨噬细胞中, 大黄酸可以有效抑制前炎性介质 IL-1β 因子的释放 进一步的实验表明, 高剂量 ATP 持续作用于巨噬细胞后, 会导致细胞死亡 ( 包括凋亡 ), 引起线粒体膜电位变化和 caspase3/7 蛋白激活, 而大黄酸可以显著抑制这些作用 此外, 我们使用考马斯亮蓝 (BBG, 一种已知的 48

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 P2X 7 受体抑制剂 ) 作为阳性对照, 得到了与大黄酸相似的抑制效果 上述结果表明, 大黄酸可以明显抑制巨噬细胞中 P2X7 受体的作用及其介导的反应, 提示其能以 P2X 7 受体为作用靶点, 影响免疫和炎症过程, 为相关药物研发提供基础 P2X7 receptor plays important roles in inflammation and immunity, and thereby it serves as a potential therapeutic target for inflammatory diseases. Rhein, an anthraquinone derivative, exhibits significant anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive activities in therapy. However, the underlying mechanisms are largely unclear. Here, we aimed to investigate the effects of rhein on P2X7 receptor mediated responses in vitro. In HEK293 cells expressing rat P2X7 receptor, we first found that rhein concentration-dependently blocked ATP-induced cytosolic calcium concentration ([Ca 2+ ] c ) elevation and pore formation of the plasma membrane, two hallmarks of the P2X7 receptor activation. These two inhibitory effects of rhein were also observed in rat peritoneal macrophages. Furthermore, rhein counteracted macrophage phagocytosis attenuation and suppressed reactive oxygen species (ROS) production triggered by ATP/BzATP. Meanwhile, rhein reduced ATP/BzATP-induced IL-1β release in lipopolysaccharide-activated macrophages. Prolonged application of ATP caused macrophage apoptosis, while the presence of rhein suppressed this cell cytotoxicity. Such ATP/BzATP-induced cellular reactions were also inhibited by a well-known rat P2X7 receptor antagonist, brilliant blue G, in a similar way to rhein. Together, our results demonstrate that rhein inhibit ATP/BzATP-induced [Ca 2+ ] c increase, pore formation, ROS production, phagocytosis attenuation, IL-1β release and cell apoptosis by antagonizing the P2X7 receptor in rat peritoneal macrophages. 超散射体通过壳层结构中表面等离激元模式的共振可以极大程度的增加总的散射截面, 我们设计了三种不同的超散射体, 它们的最大总散射截面位于三原色的波长, 从而使其可以应用于大屏幕激光显示 利用这三种超散射体, 我们分别设计了随机增益系统, 并分析了随机激光的发射特性 我们发现超散射体随机激光的辐射波长在超散射体最大散射截面波长附近, 并且其激射阈值和常规散射体随机激光系统相比, 降低了两个数量级 图 29. 随机增益系统的辐射谱 蓝色 绿色 红色 洋红色和黑色曲线分别对应于蓝 绿 红三原色超散射体 金属散射体和介质散射体 Fig 29. Radiation spectra of the random systems with gain media. Blue, green, red, magenta and black curves correspond to random systems with trichromatic superscatterers, metallic rods and dielectric rods, respectively. Superscattering has been proposed to enhance the total scattering cross-section significantly. Here we design three kinds of super-scatterers with maximum total scattering cross-sections at three primary colors. They are utilized to construct random systems, whose random lasing properties are analyzed. We find that the lasing thresholds are reduced by two orders of magnitude at these trichromatic wavelengths in respect to other wavelengths or compared to random systems with conventional scatterers. 激光直写 MTMO 灰度掩模是指激光氧化一些具有透明氧化物的金属薄膜来制作灰度掩模, 激光功率可以调节氧化程度和灰度值 MTMO 灰度掩模具有高分辨, 简单便宜的制作过程和良好的光热稳定性等优点, 近年来受到人们的关注 激光直写 49

Annual Report 2015 In-MTMO 灰度掩模的制作过程就是激光氧化 In 薄膜的过程, 我们提出了 In 薄膜在不同加工条件下具有三种不同的氧化模型 : 自然氧化, 激光低功率非熔化氧化和激光高功率熔化氧化 (1) 没有激光辐照时,MTMO 灰度掩模表面有一层 1 nm 厚的氧化层, 可以用 Mott-Cabrera 低温氧化理论进行解释, 即自然氧化过程 (2) 低功率激光下, 样品未发生熔化 波长为 532 nm 的光子照射到 In 薄膜使得 In 内自由电子到达激发态, 电子通过热电子激发效应穿过氧化物与氧气分子结合为 O 在光子作用下, 在氧化物 2 空气界面 O2 hv O O( hv 1.5eV) 氧化物空气界面的 O 离子浓度增加, 表面面电荷密度增大, 在激光功率足够大, 氧化物两侧电势差 Vʹ 会大大超过自然氧化下的 Mott 电势 VM, 如图 30(c) 所示, 从而使得氧化继续发生 (3) 高功率激光下, 样品发生熔化 激光熔化金属, 破坏了金属的晶格结构, 降低了金属氧化物界面处氧空位的迁移势垒 W, 大大提高了氧化速度 激光非熔化氧化的机理依然适用于激光熔化氧化, 即 In 薄膜的激光功率吸收密度 Q 决定了氧化电势差 V, 进而决定了氧化程度 我们通过模拟计算结合实验结果来进行了验证 One kind of novel grayscale photomask based on Metal-transparent-metallic-oxides (MTMOs) system fabricated by laser direct writing was demonstrated recently. Here, a multilayer oxidation model of In-In2O3 film with a glass substrate was proposed to study the pulsed laser-induced oxidation mechanism. The distribution of the electromagnetic field in the film is calculated by the transfer matrix method. Temperature fields of the model are simulated based on the heat transfer equations with the Finite-Difference Time-Domain method. The oxidation kinetics process is studied based on the laser-induced Cabrera-Mott theory. The simulated oxidation processes are consistent with the experimental results, which mean that our laser-induced oxidation model can successfully interpret the fabrication mechanism of MTMO grayscale photomasks. 图 30 (a) 电子穿过氧化层前, 各个部分的能带图 ;(b) 电子穿过氧化层后, 准平衡状态能带图 ;(c) 532 nm 激光增强 In 2 O 3 两侧电势差 Fig 30 The electron energy-level diagrams of In, In 2 O 3 and In 2 O 3 surface; (b) the electronic equilibrium energy-level diagrams of this system in natural oxidation, (c) the electronic equilibrium energy-level diagrams of this system in laser induced oxidation. 50

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 光谱表征及传感技术 /Spectral Charaterization and Sensing Techniques 负责人 : 宋峰 本方向涉及制备稀土发光材料, 研究稀土材料发光的机理及其应用, 以及应用光谱学和光谱仪器等方面 取得的代表性成果如下 : In this field, we mainly focused on the preparation of rare earth luminescent materials, the research of their mechanisms of luminescence and their applications, applied spectroscopy and spectral instrument. Some representative results are as follows: 1. 合成了调解纳米结构寿命通过 Eu 螯合嫁接到表面等离子体的核壳纳米粒子, 系统研究了他们的光学特征 在单一红光发射, 有多于 12 个特征的发光寿命和高的发光效率 Eu 嫁接的核壳结构的纳米晶具有宽的调解范围, 有更大的寿命间隔和对于距离更加灵敏和其它的 Eu 的核壳结构相比 这些显著的优点是由于 Eu 嫁接的独特的纳米结构 图 1. Eu 螯合嫁接到 Ag@SiO 2 纳米晶的合成过程 Fig1. Synthetic route for europium chelate grafted onto the surface of Ag@SiO 2 nanoparticles. Here, a synthesis of tunable fluorescence lifetime nanocomposites is reported featuring europium chelate grafted onto the surface of plasmonic core-shell nanoparticles, and systematically investigated their optical performance. In a single red color emission channel, more than 12 distinct fluorescence lifetime populations with high fluorescence efficiency (up to 73%) are reported. The fluorescence lifetime of Eu-grafted core-shell nanoparticles exhibits a wider tunable range, possesses larger lifetime interval and is more sensitive to separation distance than that of 51 ordinary Eu-doping core-shell type. These superior performances are attributed to the unique nanostructure of Eu-grafed type. 图 2. Eu 3+ 嫁接到金属纳米核壳表面的下转化发光荧光衰减曲线 Fig2. Time-resolved fluorescence decay curves of Eu-grafted core shell nanoparticles. 图 2. 为 Eu 嫁接在核壳结构上壳二氧化硅的厚度为 5,12,25nm, 壳 Ag 的为 25nm 和 50nm 分别 这些寿命衰减曲线为多指数衰减和 Eu(ttfa) 3 的单指数衰减不同 嫁接了的 Eu 展现出更长的寿命 更长的寿命是由于 Eu 螯合和配体之间的络合作用 Figure 2 shows fluorescence decay curves of Eu-grafted core shell nanoparticles with 5, 12, and 25 nm silica shell on 25 and 50 nm Ag cores, respectively. These fluorescence decay curves show multiexponential decays different from a single exponential decay of free Eu(ttfa) 3. Furthermore, the Eu-grafted type shows longer fluorescence lifetime after being grafted. The prolonged lifetime usually stems from the complexation between Eu chelate and bidentate ligands. 2. 我们研究了高斯和高斯贝塞尔函数产生的三维紧聚焦 同时我们也比较了拉盖尔高斯函数在同样条件下的情况 发现在高斯函数时, 有最小的零强度斑点 然而, 贝塞尔高斯函数不仅拥有稳定性, 而且有好的均一性, 可以应用于超分辨荧光显微镜 We investigate three-dimensional focus shaping generated from double-mode cylindrical vector beams with the Gaussian

Annual Report 2015 and Bessel Gaussian pupil apodization functions by choosing the suitable polarization states of beams. Further, we compare them with that generated from the Laguerre Gaussian pupil apodization function in the same situation. We find that the focus shaping generated from the Gaussian beam has the smallest zero intensity spot size. However, the situation of the Bessel Gaussian beam not only possesses stability, which makes it suitable when applied in optical trapping, but also shows the best uniformity, which indicates its excellent performance in super-resolution fluorescence microscopy. 图 4. DG 和 DBG 当 φ 1=0.18π, φ 2=0.82π (φ 1+φ 2=π) 时, 产生的光学围笼 Fig4. Optical cages generated from (a) the DG and (b) the DBG beams with the φ 1=0.18π, φ 2=0.82π (φ 1+φ 2=π). 图 4. 为 DG 和 DBG 在聚焦电场 r-z 平面下的强度分布 从外形来看,DG 和 DBG 产生的光学围笼和 DLG 产生的相似 而且当 φ 1=0.18π, φ 2=0.82π, 聚焦形状的光学势井展现出更好的均一性 Figure 4 shows the intensity distribution of the focal electric field in the r-z plane for the DG and the DBG beams. From the contour figure we can easily find that both the DG and DBG beams generate the optical cage similar to that for the DLG beam. What is more, when φ 1=0.18π, φ 2=0.82π, the optical potential well of the focus shaping shows much better uniformity. 图 3.(a) DG 和 DBG 对于不同的 β 值在焦点处的轴线分布的强度图 (b) DLG,DG, 和 DB 的入射光的复振幅 垂直的虚线是内环和外环的边界线 Fig3. (a)intensity profiles of axial components of the DG and DBG beams for different β at the focal point. (b)complex amplitudes for the DLG,DG, and DBG incident beams. The vertical dashed line shows boundary of the inner and outer ring. 图 3.(a) DG 和 DBG 对于不同的 β 值在焦点处的轴线分布的强度图 (b) DLG,DG, 和 DB 的入射光的复振幅 Figure 3(a) shows their axial component intensity profiles at the focal point. Figure 3(b) indicates the complex amplitudes for the DLG (β 0=1.3), DG (β 1=1.23), and DBG (β 2=1.28) incident beams. 图 5.(a) 在焦平面上的光学围笼的强度图 (b) 光学围笼沿光轴的 DBG 和 DG 在 φ 1=0.18π, φ 2=0.82π 和 DLG 在 δ=0.2π 的强度图 Fig5. (a) Intensity profiles of optical cages in the focal plane and(b) intensity profiles of optical cages along the optical axis for thedbg, the DG beams with φ 1=0.18π, φ 2=0.82π and the DLG beams with δ=0.2π. 52

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 3. 通过沉积银纳米晶在光纤的末端面上, 来研究饱和吸收 纳米银基础上的饱和吸收有大的调节深度和高的透射率 我们在此基础上建立了掺铒 Q 调制的光纤激光 Q 调制在 1564.5 nm 阈值泵浦功率能量达到了 19.9mW; 在泵浦功率 139mW 时,2.4µs 泵浦重复频率 58.5 khz, 最大的单一脉冲能量为 139 mw 结果表明纳米银可以提高 Q 调制的光纤激光的饱和吸收 We demonstrated saturable absorbers (SAs) based on silver nanoparticles (SNPs) by depositing them on the end facet of the fiber. The SNPs-based SAs showed large modulation depths and high maximum transmittances. With one of the SNPs-based SA, we built a passively Q-switched erbium-doped fiber laser (EDFL). Self-started Q-switching at 1564.5 nm in the EDFL was achieved for a threshold pump power of 19.9 mw; 2.4-µs pulses with a repetition rate of 58.5 khz and maximum single pulse energy of 132 nj were achieved at a pump power of 139 mw. The obtained results showed the possibility of SNPs serving as a high performance SA for a Q-switched fiber laser. 图 6.(a) 测量纳米银影响下的饱和吸收特性原理实验图 (b) 纳米银存在时的饱和吸收特性 Fig6. (a) The schematic experimental setup for measurement of the saturable absorption properties of the SNPs based SAs. (b) Saturable absorption properties of the SNPs based SAs 通过功率计监测 10% 能量, 测试得到的输出锁模 EDFL 提高了, 当其余的 90% 的能量通过纳米银监测另一个功率计 如图中所示, 饱和强度和调节深度都随纳米银的尺寸的增大而增大然而最大的传输在这个过程中减小 The output of the mode-locked EDFL was amplified and 10% of the power was monitored by a power meter, while the other 90% went through the SNPs based SAs and monitored by another power meter then. As showed in the picture, both saturable intensity and modulation depth became larger as the size of SNPs increased, while maximum transmission decreased in this process. 图 7.(a) 泵浦宽度和重复率是泵浦能量的函数 (b) 随着泵浦功率的增加, 平均输出功率和单一脉冲能量变化图 Fig7. (a) Pulse width and repetition rate as a function of pump power. (b) Average output power and single pulse energy vary with the increasing pump power. 单一脉冲能量和之前有关报道金纳米粒子的 Q 调制 EDFLs, 要比变化的 CNTs 和石墨烯基础上的 EDFLs. 相对较高 The single pulse energy is comparable to the outputs of the previously reported gold nanoparticles based Q-switched EDFLs, which were relatively higher than the outputs of various CNTs and graphene based EDFLs. 4. 我们介绍了所有的基于石墨烯饱和吸收的 Q 调制 这个调节具有许多的优点, 例如所有的光纤结构, 所有的光调节, 宽谱应用 在这个 Q 调制下, 我们成功的搭建了一个 Yb 掺杂的光纤激光器 泵浦重复率可以调节的范围是从 30.32 khz 到 101.29 khz 而且同步 Q 调制激光泵浦和调制激光脉冲能够实现, 这有许多潜在的应用, 例如非线性频率转换, 多色泵浦探针光谱和拉曼散射 53

Annual Report 2015 光谱 We demonstrate an all-optical Q-switcher based on grapheme saturable absorber (GSA). This Q-switcher has many advantages such as all-fiber structure, all-optical modulation, broadband applications. With this Q-switcher, we have successfully fabricated an actively Q switched ytterbium-doped fiber laser. The pulse repetition rate can be tuned from 30.32 khz to 101.29 khz. What s more, synchronization of the Q switched laser pulses and modulation laser pulses can be realized, which has many potential applications such as nonlinear frequency conversion, multi-color pump probe spectroscopy and Raman scattering spectroscopy. 图 8. 调节重复率为 40.19 khz 时,Q 调制 YDFL 的输出特征 there is a delay between 1060 nm pulse and 1550nm pulse of about 5 μs. The output power, pulse width, peak power and pulse energy varied as a function of the pump power are shown in Figs. 1(c) and 1(d). It can be seen that the pulse duration decreased when the pump power was increasing. This can be attributed to incomplete inversion between pulses. 5. 我们设计了周期结构金属增强基底, 在硅基底上覆盖一层厚约 260nm 的金膜, 然后在金膜上刻蚀出二维矩形凹槽周期阵列 在实际应用中, 利用磁控溅射和离子束刻蚀方法可以实现此种微结构的制备 典型的结构尺寸为 : 矩形凹槽长 250nm, 宽 60nm, 深 200nm, 金层的厚度 2 60nm, 周期均为 400nm 基于 FE M 方法我们计算了周期阵列的近场分布 计算过程中, 采用周期性边界条件 为了进一步研究矩形凹槽周期阵列结构的光学性质, 我们改变其结构参数考察了体系尺寸对表面电场分布的影响 计算结果表明结构周期 矩形凹槽长度 凹槽宽度以及结构表面环境介质对 SPR 均有调谐作用 为实现共振波长的可控提供了途径 (a) 在 382.4mW 泵浦下的输出脉冲 (b) YDFL 的输出光谱 (c) 泵浦能量为输出能量和脉冲宽度的函数 (d) 泵浦能量为脉冲能量和峰值能量的函数 Fig8. Output characteristics of the Q-switched YDFL with modulation repetition rate of 40.19 khz. (a) Output pulse trains under pump power of 382.4 mw. (b) Output optical spectrum of YDFL. (c) Output power and pulse width as a function of pump power. (d) Pulse energy and peak power as a function of pump power.. 从图中可以看出激光的重复率和调节光是一致的 在 1060nm 脉冲和 1550nm 脉冲大概弛豫 5μs 输出能量, 脉冲宽度和脉冲能量为泵浦能量的函数如图 1(c) 和 1(d) 随着泵浦能量的增加脉冲持续降低 这是由于脉冲之间的不完整的反转引起的 It can be seen that the repetition rate of the laser is in accordance with that of the modulation light. It should also be noted that 图 9. 周期结构金属增强基底 Fig9. Surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrate. We have obtained the surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrate by depositing silver nanoparticles on the surface of the inverted pyramidal nanovoid in order to improve the enhance effects. Experimental results showed that the combined substrate exhibited greater enhancement than the nanovoid substrate or nanoparticles. In order to test the SERS activity of the combined substrates, Rh6G and ricin toxin were used as 54

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 图 10. 周期阵列微结构表面平均电场强度随入射波长的 combined substrate. Finite element method (FEM) was employed to simulate electric field and induced charge distribution of gold nanovoid substrate, silver nanoparticle dimer, and combined substrate. Linearly polarized plane wave was used as the incident source. Perfect match layers (PMLs) were applied in propagation direction to avoid nonphysical reflection from boundaries. Periodic boundary conditions in x and y direction were used when simulating nanovoid substrate and combined substrate. The permittivity of gold and silver was referred to the experimental data of Johnson and Christy and interpolated to get the dispersion relation. 变化 (a) 和 SPR 共振峰随凹槽长度的变化 (b) Fig10. Surface average electric field intensity of surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrate at different incident wavelength(a) and variation of SPR peak with different lenghth of rectangular pit. 图 12. 典型的增强拉曼光谱测试结果 Fig12. The surface-enhanced Raman spectrum. 图 11. 表面平均电场随激发波长的变化 Fig11.Surface average electric field intensity at different incident wavelength. Raman probes. Finite element method was employed to simulate electric field and induced charge distribution of the substrates, which have been used to explore the interaction between nanoparticles and nanovoid as well as mechanism of the great enhancement. Rhodamine 6G (Rh6G) was used to characterize the SERS performance of the gold nanovoid, silver colloid, and 55

Annual Report 2015 光场调控及其应用 /Manipulation of Optical Fields and Its Application 负责人 : 王慧田 本方向主要开展连续光和飞秒脉冲矢量光场和光学涡旋等新型光场的调控生成 焦场工程 非线性光学效应 微加工和微操纵及新材料的理论预测等方向的研究 取得的代表性成果如下 : In this field, we mainly focused on the generation of the new optical fields such as vector fields and optical vortex by continuous wave and femtosecond pulse, the focusing engineering, the nonlinear effect, the micro manipulation and fabrication by the new optical fields. This year, we obtained some respective results as following. 提出了一种空间均匀椭圆偏振矢量光场, 这种矢量光场偏振态的椭偏率空间不变, 长轴取向空间任意变化 同时, 我们使用了一种新的实验方法, 通过控制两个级次的光强比在实验中生成了这种新型的矢量场, 如图 1 所示 最后, 我们给出了其紧聚焦的图案, 证明了其相对于柱对称矢量光场所具有的灵活性, 如图 2 所示 图 1. 均匀椭圆偏振矢量光场生成系统示意图 Fig1. Schematic for generating the uniformly elliptically polarized vector optical fields. We have presented a kind of uniformly elliptically polarized vector fields, which has the same ellipticity and sense of local elliptic polarization at any location and also has a flexibly designable distribution of orientation of the elliptic polarization. Meanwhile, we have used a new experimental setup to generate this new kind of vector optical fields by changing the intensity of different orders, 56 which is shown in Fig. 1. Finally, we give the tight focusing patterns in Fig. 2, which proves the flexibility of the uniformly elliptically polarized vector fields compared with the traditional cylindrical vector fields. 图 2. 均匀椭圆偏振矢量光场的紧聚焦图 Fig2. Tight focusing patterns of the uniformly elliptically polarized vector optical fields 这种矢量光场偏振态的椭偏率空间均匀不变, 而其长轴取向是可以空间任意调控的 这样, 相对于传统的局域线偏振矢量光场, 我们就多了椭圆偏振态的椭偏率这样一个参数可以调控, 也就是说为光场调控增加了一个新的自由度, 增加的自由度和灵活性可以在更多领域找到新颖的应用 This kind of vector fields has the same ellipticity and sense of local elliptic polarization at any location, but the distribution of orientation of the elliptic polarization is space-variant. So a new parameter is used in the new optical fields, which is different from the traditional cylindrical vector fields. This means a new degree of freedom is introduced, and as a result, this new degree of freedom and the flexibility can be applied in many areas. 首次提出了空间完备正交的双曲坐标系, 在其中设计了双曲对称矢量光场, 并利用已提出庞加莱球和波前重构的矢量光场

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 生成方案 ( 和图 1 类似 ), 在实验中成功生成了这种矢量场 这种矢量光场的偏振态沿双曲坐标系的等值线保持不变, 同时打破了传统矢量光场的柱对称性 图 3 为一类双曲对称矢量场的光强示意图, 我们在里面可以看到明显的双曲对称性和丰富灵活的调节参数 图 4 展示了双曲对称矢量光场的紧聚焦图案和其微加工的图案 图 3. 双曲对称矢量光场的光强示意图 Fig 3. Intensity patterns of hyperbolic-symmetry vector optical fields. 图 4. 双曲对称矢量光场的紧聚焦图和微加工图 Fig4. Tight focusing patterns and corresponding micro-structures fabricated by hyperbolic-symmetry vector optical fields. We present and construct a new kind of orthogonal coordinate system, hyperbolic coordinate system. In this coordinate system, we present and design a kind of vector optical fields with the hyperbolic symmetry of linear polarization. With the experimental approach based on the wavefront reconstruction and the Poincáre sphere describing SoP of light (similar to Fig. 1), we experimentally demonstrate the generation of such a kind of hyperbolic-symmetry vector optical fields. The polarization of this kind of vector fields reminds the same along the constant curves of the coordinate system, and the fields break the cylindrical symmetry of the traditional vector fields. Fig. 3 shows the intensity patterns of the hyperbolic-symmetry vector fields, and it is obvious that the hyperbolic symmetry and the flexibility of the controlling parameters are shown. Tight focusing patterns and micro-structures fabricated by the corresponding focal fields are shown in Fig. 4. 相对于传统的柱对称矢量光场, 这种双曲对称矢量光场多了一个自由度, 其紧聚焦焦场具有更强的灵活性和更加丰富的图案, 因此在光学微加工 光学俘获等领域拥有潜在的新应用 There is a new degree of freedom in this kind of hyperbolic-symmetry vector fields with respect to the traditional cylindrical fields. As a result, there is more flexibility and variation of the tight focusing fields, so we look forward to more new applications in areas such as optical machining and trapping. 首次合成及表征硼烯 硼烯 ( 二维硼 ), 石墨烯的近亲, 其理论结构预测已逾 10 年之久, 至今尚未成功合成 即便有个别样品 ( 薄膜等 ), 由于其结构异常复杂难以表征, 成为凝聚态物理及材料物理的公开难题之一 南开大学物理学院周向锋教授 王慧田教授和纽约州立大学石溪分校 Artem Oganov 教授等基于进化算法结合第一性原理计算, 预测了一个独特的二维硼结构 [Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 085502 (2014)], 具有与石墨烯类似的狄拉克锥现象, 但不是完美的锥形, 导致新颖的各向异性的输运性质, 如果能找到合适的衬底生长这种二维硼结构, 将是继 IV 族元素后, 第二类纯元素体系中出现零质量的狄拉克 - 费米子效应的材 57

Annual Report 2015 料 此项研究进一步激发了实验学家挑战合成硼烯的兴趣, 美国阿贡国家实验室 南开大学 纽约州立大学石溪分校和西北大学等研究单位共同合作, 利用高真空原子溅射的方法, 在 Ag(111) 表面成功生长出褶皱的单原子层硼烯 ( 如图 5 所示 ), 其理论模型与实验结果符合甚好, 并理论证明该材料具有优越的各向异性的电导性质, 且具有罕见的 负泊松比 现象 ( 拉升导致垂直方向膨胀 ) 更有意思的是其面内杨氏模量( 弹性限度内材料抗拉或抗压的物理量, 沿 a 轴方向等于 398 GPa nm) 甚至比最硬的二维材料石墨烯 (340 GPa nm) 还大 相关研究发表在 2015 年 12 月 18 日 科学 杂志上 [Science 350, 1513 (2015)], 并刊登标题为 拨开最薄硼烯的迷雾 专题介绍, 同时 Nature 也刊发题为 单原子层硼烯加入二维材料俱乐部 的亮点报道 1513.abstract 1468 hene-joins-2d-materials-club-1.19060 (a) (b) 图 5 (a) 二维狄拉克硼,(b) 原子硼烯 Fig5 (a) illustration of two dimensional (2D) Dirac boron, (b) atomic borophene. Borophene, a cousin of graphene, had been predicted more than 10 years, but not successfully synthesized so far. Even there are several boron samples, such as thin films or small planar clusters; however, they are extremely difficult to be characterized due to the structural complexity, and consequently be one of distinguished open questions in condensed matter physics. An international team led by Profs. Xiang-Feng Zhou, Hui-Tian Wang at Nankai University, and Prof. Artem R. Oganov at Stony Brook University, predicted a novel 2D-boron which can exhibit massless Dirac fermions with anisotropic Dirac cones, i.e. that transport properties of these Dirac fermions will depend on direction, which gives an additional degree of freedom for electronic applications [Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 085502 (2014)]. This work further stimulates experimentalists to challenge the realization of borophene or boron sheets. Fortunately, scientists from Argonne National Lab, Northwestern University, Stony Brook University, Nankai University and so on, collaborated closely to achieve the major breakthrough by growing atomic borophene on Ag (111) surface under ultrahigh-vacuum (UHV) conditions (see Fig. 5). The experiment combined with theory show that this stable, atomic borophene displays remarkable properties. For example, calculations reveal that it has an anisotropic conductivity, and possesses a rarely negative Poisson s ratio (tensile strain results in an unusual expansion along its perpendicular direction). Interestingly, its in-plane Young s modulus (a measure of stiffness) is equal to 398 GPa nm along the a axis, which potentially rivals graphene (the hardest 2D material), at 340 GPa nm. This work was published in Science 350, 1513 (2015) on December 18, 2015. 1513.abstract with the perspective viewpoints at 1468 hene-joins-2d-materials-club-1.19060 古斯 - 汉欣 (Goos-Hänchen, GH) 指代的是电磁波束发生全反射时 反射波束相对入射光束在反射面上的位移 其伴随的是反射 58

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 相位的跳变, 而且可以用消逝波的存在联系起来 通常的 GH 位移都是发生在全反射情况下, 入射角大于临界角 我们研究了磁光效应诱导 GH 位移, 发现在垂直入射情况下也能获得 GH 位移 作为该光学非互易性的一个特殊效应, 我们讨论了 k-zero 模式, 即一种具有不为零的群速度但其位相在空间均匀分布的光学模式 利用严格的 Maxwell s 方程组和波导理论两种方法, 论证了该模式的存在与垂直入射条件下非零的 GH 位移有关 同时, 用全矢量数值模拟证明了该种模式的确可以被激发 ( 图 1) 发表文章 Phys. Rev. A 91, 023808 (2015) 图 6:k-zero 模式的数值模拟 (a) 模拟设计, (b) 场分布, (c) 相位分布 PRA 91, 023808 (2015) Fig6. Numerical simulation of a k-zero mode. (a) Scheme of simulation, (b) distribution of field intensity, and (c) distribution of phase. [PRA 91, 023808 (2015)] In waveguide theory the dispersion of a guided mode can be explained in terms of the Goos-Hanchen shift, a lateral displacement Ls that takes place on total internal reflection. Usually GH shifts can be obtained only under oblique incidence. However, the existence of nonzero Ls at normal incidence when reflected from amo medium has been noticed before, but its role in guiding EM waves has not been studied. Base on this effect, we introduce a concept of a k-zero mode, an electromagnetic wave with a nonzero group velocity ( ω/ k = 0) but a null phase gradient (k = 0). Existence conditions of k-zero modes are discussed. We emphasize that the existence of k-zero modes is closely related to the the unique nonzero lateral displacement when reflected from a magneto-optical (MO) medium at normal incidence. Consequently, the waveguide should be suitably designed to avoid a destructive interference between the lateral displacements at differentmo-dielectric interfaces.numerical full-field simulation proves our analysis, see Fig. 1. The importance of this study is discussed. This investigation has been published in Phys. Rev. A 91, 023808 (2015). 特异介质可以实现很多自然界中存在和不存在的材料特性 并且可以设计材料与电磁波之间的相互作用来对电磁场进行调节, 包括调节电磁场的振幅, 相位, 频率, 以及传播方向 并且材料里能量的传播方向是和该材料的等频面的法线方向一致的, 所以利用这一点我们可以设计材料来实现不同的等频面, 来控制光场的传播方向 还可以进一步通过材料的设计来实现控制等频面上本征态的分布, 实现依赖于电场自旋态的光的传播 在一般的自然材料中, 这两个态是完全简并的, 所以在等频面的某个点上他们的能量传播方向也相同 但是特异介质可以实现这两个简并态的分离, 实现依赖于电场自旋的能量的传播 这样就可以利用特异介质实现光的传播方向的控制, 并且和光的偏振状态相关, 这有利于实现亚波长的自旋光子器件 为此, 设计了一种具有双各向异性光学响应的特异介质, 如图 2 所示 利用材料沿各个方向传播的场的反透射系数, 反推了材料的有效参数, 实现了我们需要的双各向异性的特征 分析了色散关系, 并展示了偏振敏感的折射现象, 如图 3 所示 发表文章 Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 067402 (2015) Engineering equifrequency surfaces (EFSs)by using artificial photonic structures, such as photonic crystals and metamaterials, has generated a plethora of unconventional 59

Annual Report 2015 spin optical manipulations. We provide a realistic metamaterial design to show that the required bianisotropy can bereadily obtained, and published a paper in Phys. Rev. Lett. 图 7: 设计的双各向异性光学响应的特异介质结构 图中的电磁场和电流分布说明了材料的双各项异性 Fig7. A structural design with the required bi-anisotropic optical response. Distributions of field and current explain the mechanism of the bi-anisotropic optical response. optical properties. In general, optical media exhibit two sheets of EFSs, corresponding to two distinct polarization states for each propagation direction. In most natural isotropic media, the two polarization states are degenerate, leading to the presence of a single degenerate spherical EFS. However, introducing anisotropy and chirality can lift the degeneracy, resulting in polarization-dependent wave propagation. Propagation of light in a medium is dictated by EFSs, which play a similar role as Fermi surfaces for electrons in crystals. Engineering the EFS of light through structuring a photonic medium enables superior control over light propagation that goes beyond natural materials. We show that a bulkmetamaterial with a suitably designed bianisotropy can exhibit line degeneracy in its EFSs that consist of two ellipsoids of opposite helicity states intersecting with each other. Very interestingly, light propagating along the direction of the line degeneracy experiences strong spin-dependent photon deflection, or optical spin Hall effect, which may lead to applications in optical signal processing and 图 8: 在频率 7.5GHz 处的等效参数下的 (a) 等频线,(b) 放大的 (a) 中的带隙图部分, 其中的箭头代表不同偏振态的电场的传播方向 (c-e) 光沿着 x 方向正入射时等效介质里的电场分布情况, 入射光分别为 (c) 线偏振光 (d) 右旋圆偏振光 (e) 左旋圆偏振光,(f-h) 对应入射角相对于 x 轴为 15o 的情况 Fig8. Scheme of the simulation results at 7.5 GHz, for (a) EFSs, (b) zoomed region of the gap. The propagation directions of various polarizations are represent by arrows. Plots (c-e) show the distribution of fields when the beam is incident among x axis, for (c) linearly, (d) right-handed, and (e) left-handed circularly polarized, respectivily. The angle between k and x shown in plots (f-h) is 15 degree. 60

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 发表论文 /Publications in Journal 1. D. Song, V. Paltoglou, S. Liu, Y. Zhu, D. Gallardo, L. Tang, J. Xu, M. Ablowitz, N.K. Efremidis, Z. Chen, Unveiling pseudospin and angular momentum in photonic graphene, Nat. Commun., 6, 6272 (2015). * 2. Mengxin Ren, Mo Chen, Wei Wu, Lihui Zhang, Junku Liu, Biao Pi, Xinzheng Zhang, Qunqing Li, Shoushan Fan, and Jingjun Xu, Linearly polarized light emission from quantum dots with plasmonic nanoantenna arrays, NanoLett. 15, 2951-2957 (2015). 3. Zhenhai Wang, XiangFeng Zhou, Xiaoming Zhang, Qiang Zhu, Huafeng Dong, Mingwen Zhao, and Artem R. Oganov, Phagraphene: A Low-Energy Graphene Allotrope Composed of 5 6 7 Carbon Rings with Distorted Dirac Cones, Nano.Lett.15, 6182-6186 (2015) 4. Andrew J. Mannix, Xiang-Feng Zhou, Brian Kiraly, Joshua D. Wood, Diego Alducin, Benjamin D. Myers, Xiaolong Liu, Brandon L. Fisher, Ulises Santiago, Jeffrey R. Guest, Miguel Jose Yacaman, Arturo Ponce, Artem R. Oganov, Mark C. Hersam, Nathan P. Guisinger, Synthesis of borophenes: Anisotropic, two-dimensional boron polymorphs, Science 350, 1513-1516 (2015) 5. Qinghua Guo, Wenlong Gao, Jing Chen, Yongmin Liu, and Shuang Zhang, Line Degeneracy and Strong Spin-Orbit Coupling of Light with Bulk Bianisotropic Metamaterials,Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 067402 (2015) 6. Yi Hu, Amirhossein Tehranchi,Stefan Wabnitz, Raman Kashyap, Zhigang Chen, and Roberto Morandotti, Improved Intrapulse Raman Scattering Control via Asymmetric Airy Pulses, Phys. Rev.Lett. 114, 073901 (2015). 7. Fang Bo, Jie Wang, Jiao Cui, Sahin Kaya Ozdemir, Yongfa Kong, Guoquan Zhang, Jingjun Xu, and Lan Yang, "Lithium-Niobate Silica Hybrid Whispering-Gallery-Mode Resonators," Adv. Mater. 27, 8075-8081 (2015). 8. Hua Cheng, Zhaocheng Liu, Shuqi Chen, and Jianguo Tian, Emergent Functionality and Controllability in Few-layer Metasurfaces, Adv. Mater. 27, 5410 (2015). 9. Zhaocheng Liu, Zhancheng Li, Zhe Liu, Jianxiong Li, Hua Cheng, Ping Yu, Wenwei Liu, Chengchun Tang, Changzhi Gu, Junjie Li, Shuqi Chen, and Jianguo Tian, High performance broadband circularly polarized beam deflector by mirror effect of multi-nanorod metasurfaces, Adv. Funct. Mater. 25, 5428 (2015). 10. Jianxiong Li, Shuqi Chen, Haifang Yang, Junjie Li, Ping Yu, Hua Cheng, Changzhi Gu, Hou-Tong Chen, and Jianguo Tian, Simultaneous Control of Light Polarization and Phase Distributions Using Plasmonic Metasurfaces, Adv. Funct. Mater. 25, 704 (2015). 11. Xiao Dong, Meng Hu, Julong H, Yongjun Tian and Hui-Tian Wang, A new phase from compression of carbon nanotubes with anisotropic Dirac fermions, Scientific Reports 5, 10713 (2015). 12. F. Hu, F. L. Xing, G. Zhu, G. X. Xu, C. B. Li, J. L. Qu, I. Lee, L. T. Pan*, Rhein antagonizes P2X7 receptor in rat peritoneal macrophages, Scientific reports 5, 14012 (2015). 13. J. Zhao, I. D. Chremmos, D. Song, D. N. Christodoulides, N. K. Efremidis and Z. Chen,, "Curved singular beams for three-dimensional particle manipulation", Scientific Reports, 5,12086 (2015). 14. Bin Han, Lei Xu, Yiling Dou, Jingjun Xu, and Guoquan Zhang, Bending light via adiabatic optical transition in longitudinally modulated photonic lattices, Scientific Reports 5, 15805 (2015). * 选录论文 /Selected papers 61

Annual Report 2015 15. Zhancheng Li, Wenwei Liu, Hua Cheng, Shuqi Chen, and Jianguo Tian, Realizing broadband and invertible linear-to-circular polarization converter with ultrathin single-layer metasurface, Scientific Reports 5, 18106 (2015). 16. Yan-Long Yu, Tao He, Ling-Ju Guo, Ya-Jun Yang, Li-Mei Guo, Yue Tang and Ya an Cao, Efficient visible-light photocatalytic degradation system assisted by conventional Pd catalysis, Scientific Reports 5, 9561(1-6) (2015) 17. Ya-Bin Yan, Yan-Long Yu, Di Wu, Ya-Jun Yang and Ya an Cao, TiO 2 /vanadate (Sr 10 V 6 O 25, Ni 3 V 2 O 8, Zn 2 V 2 O 7 ) heterostructured photocatalysts with enhanced photocatalytic activity for photoreduction of CO 2 into CH 4, Nanoscale 8, 949-958 (2016) 18. W. Wu, M. Ren*, B. Pi, W. Cai*, J. J. Xu*. Scaffold metamaterial and its application as strain sensor, Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 091104 (2015). 19. Xiaojie Wang, Xiangming Liu, Fang Bo, Shaolin Chen, Jing Chen, Yongfa Kong, Jingjun Xu, and Guoquan Zhang, "Photo-Hall effect in highly Mg-doped lithium niobate crystals," Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 191102 (2015). 20. Xing F, Xin W, Jiang W-S, Liu Z-B, and Tian J-G, A general method for large-area and broadband enhancing photoresponsivity in graphene photodetectors. Applied Physics Letters, 107,163110 (2015). 21. Wenwei Liu, Shuqi Chen, Zhancheng Li, Hua Cheng, Ping Yu, Jianxiong Li, and Jianguo Tian, Realization of broadband cross-polarization conversion in transmission mode in the terahertz region using a single-layer metasurface, Opt. Lett. 40, 3185 (2015). 22. Ping Yu, Shuqi Chen, Jianxiong Li, Hua Cheng, Zhancheng Li, Wenwei Liu, Boyang Xie, Zhaocheng Liu, and Jianguo Tian, Generation of vector beams with arbitrary spatial variation of phase and linear polarization using plasmonic metasurfaces, Opt. Lett. 40, 3229 (2015). 23. Yi Liang, Yi Hu, Daohong Song, Cibo Lou, Xinzheng Zhang, Zhigang Chen, and Jingjun Xu, Image signal transmission with Airy beams, Opt. Lett., 40, 5686-5689 (2015). 24. Jie Wang, Fang Bo, Shuai Wan, Wuxia Li, Feng Gao, Junjie Li, Guoquan Zhang, and Jingjun Xu, "High-Q lithium niobate microdisk resonators on a chip for efficient electro-optic modulation," Opt. Express 23, 23072-23078 (2015). 25. Pidong Wang, Xinzheng Zhang*, Yinxiao Xiang, Fan Shi, Mykhailo Gavryliak, and Jingjun Xu*, Random laser with superscatterers at designable wavelengths, Opt. Exp. 23, 24407-24415 (2015). 26. Feng Xia, Xinzheng Zhang*, Meng Wang, Qian Liu, and Jingjun Xu*, Analysis of the laser oxidation kinetics process of In-In 2 O 3 MTMO photomasks by laser direct writing, Opt. Exp. 23, 29193-29201 (2015). 27. Lei Wang, Wei Cai*, Linyu Niu, Weiwei Luo, Zenghong Ma, Chenglin Du, Shuqing Xue, Xinzheng Zhang, Jingjun Xu, Substrate carrier concentration dependent plasmon-phonon coupled modes at the interface between graphene and semiconductors, Opt. Exp. 23, 29533-29542 (2015). 28. Bin Zhang, Qiang Wu, Chongpei Pan, Ruobai Feng, Jingjun Xu, Cibo Lou, Xiaodong Wang, and Fuhua Yang, THz band-stop filter using metamaterials surfaced on LiNbO 3 sub-wavelength slab waveguide, Optics Express, 23(12), 16042-16051 (2015). 29. Ligang Huang, Weihua Peng, Feng Gao, Fang Bo, Guoquan Zhang, and Jingjun Xu, "Mutually modulated cross-gain modulation with a considerable modulation wavenumber-interaction length product," Opt. Express 23, 12004-12012 (2015). 62

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 30. Fang Bo, Şahin Kaya Özdemir, Bo Peng, Jie Wang, Guoquan Zhang, Jingjun Xu, and Lan Yang, "Vertically coupled microresonators and oscillatory mode splitting in photonic molecules," Opt. Express 23, 30793-30800 (2015). 31. Jun Yao, Xin Zhao, Xiao-Qing Yan, Xiang-Tian Kong, Chengmin Gao, Xu-Dong Chen, Yongsheng Chen, Zhi-Bo Liu, and Jian-Guo Tian, "Making transient optical reflection of graphene polarization dependent," Opt. Express 23(19), 24177-24188 (2015). 32. Jiwen Sun, Jin Wang, Qing Ye, Jianchun Mei, Wenyuan Zhou, Chunping Zhang, and Jianguo Tian. Analysis of reflectance curve of turbid media and determination of the non-surface complex refractive index, Optics Express, 23(19), 24602 (2015). 33. Jian Xu, Weiping Zang, JianGuo Tian, Effect of multiple scattering to optical forces on a sphere near an optical waveguide, Opt. Express 23, 4195-4205 (2015). 34. hi-li Li, Yan-Ge Liu, Ming-Ming Luo, Wen-Yuan Zhou, Jian-Guo Tian, Tunable optofluidic microring laser based on a tapered simplified hollow-core microstructured optical fiber, Opt. Express, 23, 10413-10420 (2015). 35. Jiwen Sun, Jin Wang, Yuanze Liu, Qing Ye, Huanhuan Zeng, Wenyuan Zhou, Jianchun Mei, Chunping Zhang, and Jianguo Tian. Effect of the gradient of complex refractive index at boundary of turbid media on total internal reflection, Optics Express, 23(6), 7320 7732 (2015). 36. Zhi-Cheng Ren, Ling-Jun Kong, Si-Min Li, Sheng-Xia Qian, Yongnan Li, Chenghou Tu and Hui-Tian Wang, Generalized Poincare sphere, Opt. Express 23, 26586-26595 (2015). 37. Xu-Zhen Gao, Yue Pan, Meng-Qiang Cai, Yongnan Li, Chenghou Tu and Hui-Tian Wang, Hyperbolic-symmetry vector fields, Opt. Express 23, 32238-32252 (2015). 38. Jin Wang, Zhichao Deng, Xiaowan Wang, Qing Ye, Wenyuan Zhou, Jianchun Mei, Chunping Zhang, and Jianguo Tian. Measurement of the refractive index of hemoglobin solutions for a continuous spectral region, Biomed. Opt. Express, 6(7), 2536-2541 (2015). 39. Shiqiang Xia, Daohong Song, YuanyuanZong, Liqin Tang*, and Zhigang Chen, Observation of self-trapping and rotation of higher-band gap solitons intwo-dimensional photonic lattices, Opt. Express 23, 4397-4405 (2015). 40. Aibing Ren,Ming Feng,Feng Song,Yangyang Ren,Shuai Yang,Zhenguo Yang,Yigang Li,Zhibo Liu,Jianguo Tian, Actively Q-switched ytterbium-doped fiber laser by an all-optical Q-switcher based on grapheme saturable absorber, Opt. Express,23,16, 21490(2015) 41. Daohong. Song, Sheng Liu, Vassilis Paltoglou, Daniel Gallardo, Liqin Tang, Jianlin Zhao, Jingjun Xu, Nikolaos K Efremidis and Zhigang Chen, Controlled generation of pseudospin-mediated vortices in photonic graphene. 2D Materials. 2, 034007 (2015). 42. Juanying Zhao, I. D. Chremmos, Ze Zhang, Yi Hu, Daohong Song, Peng Zhang, N. K. Efremidis, Zhigang Chen, Specially shaped Bessel-like self-accelerating beams along predesigned trajectories, Science Bulletin, 60,1157 (2015). 43. Qian Jun, Sun Yiding, Li Yudong, Xu Jingjun, Sun Qian. Nanosphere-in-a-nanoegg: damping the high-order modes induced by symmetry breaking, Nanoscale Research Letters, 10(17), 1-8, (2015). 44. Jing Chen, Shaolong Feng, Fang Gao, Edward Grant, Jie Xu, Shuo Wang, Qian Huang, and Xiaonan Lu, Fabrication of SERS-Active Substrates using Silver Nanofilm-Coated Porous Anodic Aluminum Oxide for Detection of Antibiotics, Journal of Food Science, 80, N834-N840, (2015). 63

Annual Report 2015 45. Jun Yao, Xin Zhao, Xiao-Qing Yan, Chengmin Gao, Xu-Dong Chen, Wei Xin, Yongsheng Chen, Zhi-Bo Liu, and Jian-Guo Tian, "Polarization dependence of optical pump-induced change of graphene extinction coefficient," Opt. Mater. Express 5(7), 1550-1559 (2015) 46. Chengmin Gao, Xin Zhao, Jun Yao, Xiao-Qing Yan, Xiang-Tian Kong, Yongsheng Chen, Zhi-Bo Liu, and Jian-Guo Tian, "Sign of differential reflection and transmission in pump-probe spectroscopy of graphene on dielectric substrate," Photon. Res. 3(2), A1-A9 (2015) 47. Lei Xu, Yiling Dou, Fang Bo, Jingjun Xu, and Guoquan Zhang, "Two-photon correlation and photon transport in disordered passive parity-time-symmetric lattices," Phys. Rev. A 91, 023817 (2015). 48. Rui-Peng Guo, Li-Ting Wu, Mu Yang, Tian-Jing Guo, Hai-Xu Cui, Xue-Wei Cao, and Jing Chen, Nonreciprocal propagating electromagnetic modes without phase gradients, Phys. Rev. A 91, 023808 (2015). 49. Fang Bo, XiaoOu Wang, Ying Li, Feng Gao, GuoQuan Zhang, and JingJun Xu, "Mode characteristics of silver-coated inverted-wedge silica microdisks," Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 58, 1-5 (2015). 50. Hua Cheng, Shuqi Chen, Ping Yu, Wenwei Liu, Zhancheng Li, Jianxiong Li, Boyang Xie, and Jianguo Tian, Dynamically tunable broadband infrared anomalous refraction based on graphene metasurfaces, Adv. Opt. Mater. 3,1744 (2015). 51. Hua Cheng, Shuqi Chen, Ping Yu, Wenwei Liu, Zhancheng Li, Jianxiong Li, Boyang Xie, and Jianguo Tian, Dynamically tunable broadband infrared anomalous refraction based on graphene metasurfaces, Adv. Opt. Mater. 3,1744 (2015). 52. Ping Yu, Shuqi Chen, Jianxiong Li, Hua Cheng, Zhancheng Li, Wenwei Liu,and Jianguo Tian, Dynamically tunable plasmonic lens between the near and far fields based on composite nanorings illuminated with radially polarized light, Plasmonics 10, 625 (2015). 53. Yu Zheng, Qing Ye, Chen Wang, Jin Wang, Zhichao Deng, Jianchun Mei,Wenyuan Zhou, Chunping Zhang, and Jianguo Tian. Nonlinear optical properties of methyl red under CW irradiation, Optics & Laser Technology, 75, 132 137 (2015). 54. Zhichao Deng, Jin Wang, Yuanze Liu, Qing Ye, Tengqian Sun, Wenyuan Zhou, Jianchun Mei, Chunping Zhang, and Jianguo Tian. Research on the change of complex refractive index of porcine muscle during natural dehydration, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 20(4), 045001 (2015). 55. Zhichao Deng, Jin Wang, Qing Ye, Tengqian Sun, Wenyuan Zhou, Jianchun Mei, Chunping Zhang, and Jianguo Tian. Continuous refractive index dispersion measurement based on derivative total reflection method, Review of Scientific Instruments, 86(4), 043101 (2015). 56. Xiaowan Wang, Qing Ye, Tengqian Sun, Jin Wang, Zhichao Deng, Jianchun Mei, Wenyuan Zhou, Chunping Zhang, and Jianguo Tian. Two-dimensional scanning focused refractive-index microscopy and applications to refractive-index profiling of optical fibers, Review of Scientific Instruments 86, 013702 (2015). 57. Tengqian Sun, Qing Ye, Xiaowan Wang, Jin Wang, Zhichao Deng, Shike Liu, Qilin Yang, Jianchun Mei, Wenyuan Zhou, Chunping Zhang, Jianguo Tian. Time dependent detection of the refractive index distribution of nonlinear optical materials, photonics technology letters 28(3), 260-263 (2015). 58. Yue Pan, Zhi-Cheng Ren, Sheng-Xia Qian, Xu-Zhen Gao, Yongnan Li, Chenghou Tu and Hui-Tian Wang, Uniformly elliptically-polarized vector optical fields, J. Opt. 17, 035616 (2015). 64

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 59. Yi Li, Wen-Yuan Zhou, Cui-Feng Ying, Na Yang, Shao-Jie Chen, Qing Ye and Jian-Guo Tian, Novel cone lasing emission in a non-uniform one-dimensional photonic crystal, Journal of Opt., 17, 065403 (2015) 60. Wenjing Cui,Feng Song,Dandan Ju,Guiyang Chen,Feifei Song, Effect of the focal shaping generated from different double-mode cylindrical vector beams, Journal of the Optical Society of America A,32,(2015) 61. Hao Guo, Ming Feng, Feng Song, Haoyu Li, Aibing Ren, Xukang Wei,Yigang Li, Xiaoxuan Xu,Jianguo Tian, Q-Switched Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser Based on Silver Nanoparticles as a Saturable Absorber, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters,28,2(2016) 62. Wei-Guo Yan, Zu-Bin Li,* and Jian-Guo Tian,* "Tunable Fabrication and Optical Properties of Metal Nano Hole Arrays," J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 15(3), 1704-1707 (2015). 63. Zubin Li, Kan Yao, Fengnian Xia, Sheng Shen, Jianguo Tian, and Yongmin Liu, "Graphene Plasmonic Metasurfaces to Steer Infrared Light," Sci. Rep. 5, 12423 (2015). 64. Fengxiao Wang, Feng Song, Shuangxin An, Wenshun Wan, Hao Guo, Shujing Liu, Jianguo Tian, Er 3+ /Yb 3+ -codoped phosphate glass for short-length high-gain fiber lasers and amplifiers Applied Optics,54,5(2015) 65. Jun Zhang, Feng Song, Zhubing He, Yanling Liu, Zhanyao Chen, Shangxin Lin, Ling Huang, Wei Huang, Wide-Range Tunable Fluorescence Lifetime and Ultrabright Luminescence of Eu-Grafted Plasmonic Core Shell Nanoparticles for Multiplexing, Small, DOI: 10.1002/smll.201502107 (2015) 66. Jian-Jun Li, Yi Zhang, Wei Zhao, Dahyun Nam, Hyeonsik Cheong, Li Wu, Zhi-Qiang Zhou and Yun Sun, A temporary barrier effect of the alloy layer during selenization: tailoring the thickness of MoSe 2 for efficient Cu 2 ZnSnSe 4 solar cells, Advanced Energy Materials 5, 1402178 (2015). 67. Jian-Jun Li, Yi Zhang, Hong-Xia Wang, Li Wu, Ji-Guo Wang, Wei Liu, Zhi-Qiang Zhou, Qing He and Yun Sun, On the growth process of Cu 2 ZnSn(S,Se) 4 absorber layer formed by selenizing Cu-ZnS-SnS precursors and its photovoltaic performance, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 132, 363-371 (2015). (IF=5.337) 68. Yan-Long Yu, Yao Gu, Wenjun Zheng, Yi-Hong Ding andya an Cao, New type photocatalyst PbBiO 2 Cl: materials design and experimental validation, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119(50), 28190-28193 (2015). 69. Weiwei Luo, Wei Cai, Shuqing Xue, Lei Wang, Zenghong Ma, Chenglin Du, Linyu Niu, Xinzheng Zhang, Jingjun Xu, The Fano-like lineshape without interference in graphene symmetry-breaking structures, Opt. Commun. 355, 10-14 (2015). 70. Zhi-Cheng Ren, Sheng-Xia Qian, Chenghou Tu, Yongnan Li and Hui-Tian Wang, Focal shift in tightly focused Laguerre Gaussian beams, Opt. Commun. 334, 156-159 (2015). 71. H. R. Wang, L. Wu, H. Yi, B. Wang, L. W. Wu, Y. L. Gu and Y. Zhang, Abnormal luminescent property of Mn 2+ in α-liznbo 3 :Mn 2+, Dalton Transactions 44, 1427-1434 (2015). 72. Yan-Long Yu, Jing-Sheng Wang, Wei Li, Wen-Jun Zheng and Ya an Cao, Doping mechanism of Zn 2+ ions in Zn-doped TiO 2 prepared by a sol-gel method, CrystEngComm 17(27), 5074-5080, (2015). 73. Yan-Long Yu, Li-Mei Guo, Han Gao, Yue-Kai Lv, En-Jun Wang and Ya an Cao, A new 65

Annual Report 2015 Ni/Ni 3 (BO 3 ) 2 /NiO heterostructured photocatalyst with efficient reduction of CO 2 into CH 4, Separation and Purification Technology 142, 14-17, (2015). 74. Li-Wei Wu, Fang-Xin Zhang, Li Wu, Huan Yi, Hong-Run Wang, Yi Zhang, Yong-Fa Kong and Jing-Jun Xu, Structure refinement and one-center luminescence of Eu 3+ activated ZnBi 2 B 2 O 7 under UV excitation, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 648, 500-506 (2015). 75. Bo-Yan Li, JianJun Li, Li Wu, Wei Liu, Yun Sun and Yi. Zhang, Barrier effect of AlN film in flexible Cu(In,Ga)Se 2 solar cells on stainless steel foil and solar cell, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 627, 1-6 (2015). 76. Wei Hu, Pai Shan, Tong-Qing Sun, Hong-De Liu, Jian-Ming Zhang, Xuan-Wen Liu, Yong-Fa Kong and Jing-Jun Xu, Preparation, nonlinear optical properties, and theoretical analysis of the non-centrosymmetric bismuth oxyfluoride, Bi 7 F 11 O 5, Journal Alloys and Compounds 658, 788-794 (2016) 77. Ming-Tian Zhao, Ji-Han Zhou, Cui-Cui Su, Lin Niu, De-Hai Liang and Bao-Hui Li, Complexation behavior of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes: effect of charge distribution, Journal of Chemical Physics 142, 204902(1-8) (2015). 78. Chun-Yan Jin, Ben Liu, Zhong-Xiang Lei and Jia-Ming Sun, Structure and photoluminescence of the TiO 2 films grown by atomic layer deposition using tetrakis-dimethylamino titanium and ozone, Nanoscale Research Letters 10, 95(1-9) (2015). 79. Meng Wang, Bin Wang, Shixuan Wu, Tingke Guo, Haoyu Li, Zhaoqing Guo, Junhua Wu, Peiyuan Jia, Yuxia Wang, Xiaoxuan Xu, Yufang Wang, Cunzhou Zhang. Combination of inverted pyramidal nanovoid with silver nanoparticles to obtain further enhancement and its detection for ricin. Nanoscale Res Lett, 10(1): 1-6 (2015). 80. Dan-Dan Zhao, Yan-Long Yu, Chi Cao, Jing-Sheng Wang, En-Jun Wang and Ya an Cao, The existing states of doped B 3+ ions on the B doped TiO 2, Applied Surface Science 345, 67-71, (2015). 81. Hua Yu, Hui Guo, Xiao-Yu Zhang, Ai-Qing Lao, Shao-Hua Gao, Qing-Xuan Li and Li-Juan Zhao, A direct route for the investigation of crystalline field effects on the spectral properties of Eu 3+ ions in designed nanostructures, Journal Applied Physics 118, 084304(1-6) (2015). 82. Li-Ping Cao, Zhan-Dong Chen, Chun-Ling Zhang, Jiang-Hong Yao, Effect of thermal annealing on sub-band-gap absorptance of microstructured silicon in air, Frontiers of Physics 10(4), 1-7 (2015). 83. Da-Huai Zheng, Yong-Fa Kong, Shi-Guo Liu, Jia-Ying Yao, Ling Zhang, Shao-Lin Chen and Jing-Jun Xu, The photorefractive characteristics of bismuth-oxide doped lithium niobate crystals, AIP Advances 5, 017132 (2015). 84. Ya-Zhou Cheng, Jin-Man Lv, Shavkat Akhmadaliev, Sheng-Qiang Zhou, Yong-Fa Kong and Feng Chen, Mid-infrared ridge waveguide in MgO:LiNbO 3 crystal produced by combination of swift O 5+ ion irradiation and precise diamond blade dicing, Optical Materials 48, 209-214 (2015). 85. Jin-Feng Yang, Jun Sun, Jing-Jun Xu, Qing-Lian Li, Ji-Fang Shang, Ling Zhang, Shi-Guo Liu and Cun-Xin Huang, Twin defects in thick stoichiometric lithium tantalate crystals prepared by vapor transport equilibration method, Journal of Crystal Growth 433, 31-35 66

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 (2016). 86. Yue Liu, Hao-Nan Zhu, Zi-Dong Pei, Yong-Fa Kong and Jing-Jun Xu, Molecular dynamic simulations of surface morphology and pulsed laser deposition growth of lithium niobate thin films on silicon substrate, Chinese Physics B 24(5), 056802 (2015). 87. 刘悦, 孔勇发, 许京军,Sang-Wook Cheong, Fe 掺杂 YbMnO 3 晶体的磁性增强研究, 人工晶体学报,44(8),2024-2027 (2015). 88. 曹丽萍, 陈战东, 吴强, 张春玲, 姚江宏, 退火对微构造黑硅光致发光瞬态性质的影 响, 光学学报,35(5),0530001(1-7) (2015). 89. 匡元江, 古瑶, 郭丽梅, 王海涛, 王恩君, 曹亚安, 四丁基氢氧化铵改性 TiO 2 的可见 光催化活性, 高等学校化学学报,6,1174-1179 (2015). 90. 赵丹丹, 于彦龙, 高东子, 曹亚安, 金红石二氧化钛纳米片的性质及其光催化活性, 无机材料学报,31(1),1-6 (2016). 91. 商继芳, 孙军, 张勇军, 杨金凤, 李清连, 张玲, 许京军, 一种锥光干涉和近光轴调制结合测量晶体电光系数的方法, 人工晶体学报,44(11),2925-2938 (2015). 92. 王蒙, 王斌, 付苏阳, 孙希鹏, 黄森鹏, 郭廷珂, 李昊宇, 徐晓轩, 王玉芳. 利用矩形金属周期阵列实现局域电场的增强和共振波长的可控. 光谱学与光谱分析, 35(2): 293-297 (2015). 合作文章 : 第二单位 93. Domenico Bongiovanni, Yi Hu, Benjamin Wetzel, Raul A. Robles, Gregorio Mendoza González, Erwin A. Marti-Panameño, Zhigang Chen and Roberto Morandotti, Efficient Optical Energy Harvesting in Self-Accelerating Beams Scientific Reports 5, 13197(2015). 94. Lei Wang, Chuang Wang, Haoran Zhang, Feng Xia, Cong Wang, Fengyou Yang, Xinzheng Zhang and Qian Liu, Fabrication-resolution enhancement method based on low-energy multiple exposures, Opt. Exp. 23, 29353-29359 (2015). 95. Wending Zhang, Wei Gao, Ligang Huang, Dong Mao, Biqiang Jiang, Feng Gao, Dexing Yang, Guoquan Zhang, Jingjun Xu, Jianlin Zhao, "Optical heterodyne micro-vibration measurement based on all-fiber acousto-optic frequency shifter", Optics Express 23(13), 17576-17583 (2015). 96. Peilong Hong, and Guoquan Zhang, "Synchronous position two-photon interference of random-phase grating," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 32, 1256-1261 (2015). 97. Peilong Hong, and Guoquan Zhang, "Super-resolved optical lithography with phase controlled source," Phys. Rev. A 91, 053830 (2015). 98. Matteo Clerici, Yi Hu, PhilippeLassonde, Carles Milián, Arnaud Couairon, Demetrios N. Christodoulides, ZhigangChen, Luca Razzari, François Vidal, François Légaré, Daniele Faccio and RobertoMorandotti, Laser-assisted guiding of electric discharges around objects, Science Advances, 1, e1400111 (2015) 99. Yaakov Lumer, Yi Liang, Ran Schley, Ido Kaminer, Elad Greenfield, Daohong Song, Xinzheng Zhang, Jingjun Xu, Zhigang Chen, and Mordechai Segev, Incoherent self-accelerating beams, Optica, 2(10), 886-892 (2015). 100. 67

Annual Report 2015 出版专著 : 1. Guoquan Zhang,Daohong Song, Zhibo Liu, Mengxin Ren, Zhigang Chen, JIanguo Tian, Jingjun Xu, Chapter1,English Version: Recent progresses on weak-light nonlinear optics in Advances in Nonlinear Optics, De Gruyter 978-3-11-030430-5 (2015). 68

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 专利 /Patents 申请专利 / Patents Applied [1] 201510801683.5; 偏振成像系统以及采用该偏振成像系统成像的方法 ; 发明 ; 任梦昕, 兀伟, 皮彪, 蔡卫, 张心正, 许京军 (2015.11.24) [2] 201510801179.5; 光学非线性偏振调控元件以及调控入射光波偏振的方法 ; 发明 ; 任梦昕, 兀伟, 皮彪, 蔡卫, 张心正, 许京军 ( 2015.11.20) [3] 201510236181.2; 一种实现微区光谱测量的光谱仪设计方法 ; 发明 ; 任梦昕, 兀伟, 皮彪, 蔡卫, 张心正, 许京军 ;( 2015.5.12) [4] 201510445700.6; 一种微结构阵列光学位移传感器的制造方法及其用于检测微小位移的方法 ; 发明 ; 兀伟, 任梦昕, 皮彪, 蔡卫, 张心正, 许京军 ( 2015.7.28) [5] 201510236182.7; 一种微结构阵列光学应变传感器设计及其制造方法 ; 发明 ; 兀伟, 任梦昕, 皮彪, 蔡卫, 张心正, 许京军 (2015.5.12) [6] 201210543908.8; 一种制作表面增强拉曼散射基底的方法 ; 发明 ; 齐继伟, 孙骞, 吴强, 李玉栋, 杨明, 王午登, 禹宣伊, 唐柏权, 许京军 (2015.11.25) [7] 201510654191.8; 一种基于全内反射结构的石墨烯光电探测器及其制备方法 ; 发明 ; 刘智波, 辛巍, 邢飞, 田建国 ( 2015.11.06) [8] 201510197673.5; 用于宝石表面折射率测量的宝石显微镜 ; 发明 ; 叶青, 孙腾骞, 王槿, 邓志超, 张春平, 田建国 ( 2015.04.24) [9] 201510197674.X; 折射率荧光显微镜 ; 发明 ; 叶青, 孙腾骞, 王槿, 邓志超, 张春平, 田建国 (2015.04.24) [10] 201510664732.5; 一种利用二氧化钛基纳米材料杀死癌细胞的方法 ; 发明 ; 曹亚安, 闫亚宾 (2015.10.15) [11] 201510664371.4; 一种利用石墨烯基催化剂热还原 CO 2 合成 CO 的方法 ; 发明 ; 曹亚安, 闫亚宾, 颜赛 (2015.10.15) [12] 201510245720.9; 一种测量电光晶体电光系数的方法及装置 ; 发明 ; 孙军, 许京军, 张玲, 商继芳, 李清连 ( 2015.5.15) [13] 201410539525.2; 一种窄带发光黄色纳米硅颗粒的制备方法 ; 发明 ; 姚江宏, 栗瑜梅, 潘玉松, 赵丽, 杨明, 陈战东, 吴强, 许京军 (2015.1.28) [14] CN105062472A; 一种用于暖白光 LED 的蓝色荧光粉的制备方法和应用 ; 发明 ; 易欢, 武莉, 张毅 ( 2015.08.26) [15] 201510860470.X; 一种基于动态调控的焦场轨迹制作微结构的装置 ; 发明 ; 涂成厚, 蔡孟强, 李萍萍, 潘岳, 李勇男, 王慧田 (2015.12.2 ) [16] 201510771396.4; 一种基于高光谱成像的监控激光清洗进程的方法 ; 发明 ; 宋峰, 宛文顺, 郑颖, 冯鸣, 刘丽飒, 王欢 (2015.11.1) 69

Annual Report 2015 [17] 201510312630.7; 一种寿命可调的荧光纳米核壳材料及其制备方法 ; 发明 ; 宋峰, 张俊, 安双新 (2015.6.1) 授权专利 / Patents Approved [1] ZL201210543892.0; 一种硫掺杂硅纳米颗粒的制备方法 ; 发明 ; 吴强, 杨明, 左一平, 陈战东, 姚江宏, 孔勇发, 唐柏权, 许京军 ( 2015.06.17) [2] ZL201210543908.8; 一种大面积表面增强拉曼散射基底的制备方法 ; 发明 ; 吴强, 杨明, 齐继伟, 马寅星, 陈战东, 张心正, 孙骞, 许京军 ( 2015.12.15) [3] ZL 201310005489.7; 一种基于石墨烯偏振特性的多层膜光存储方法 ; 发明 ; 刘智波, 邢飞, 田建国 ( 2015.08.26) [4] ZL 201310366961.X; 一种石墨烯选择性定点转移方法 ; 发明 ; 刘智波, 陈旭东, 田建国 (2015.02.04) 70

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 国际合作与交流 /International Cooperation and Exchange 来访人员名单 /Visitors List 序号姓名国家或地区单位技术职称报告题目来访时间来访目的 1. 蔡文杉美国佐治亚理工学院副教授 Optical Metamaterials: from Linear Responses to Nonlinear Interactions and beyond 2015.06.18-2015.06.20 学术交流 2. R. A. Rupp 奥地利维也纳大学教授 2015.9.10-19 学术交流 3. Andrii Ilyin 乌克兰乌克兰科学院物理所研究员 2015.07.03-31 合作研究 4. 林宫玄台湾台湾中央研究院主任 5. 罗玮美国加州大学洛杉矶分校博士 Ultrafast spectroscopy of semiconductor, superconductor, and 2D materials Imaging without lenses: high-resolution, wide field-of-view imaging on a chip 2015.4.11-13 学术交流 2015.03.11 学术交流 6. Lan Yang 美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学教授 Whispering-gallery-mode resonators and their applications: from nanoscale measurement to parity-time symmetric photonics 2015.6.12-15 工作访问学术交流 7. 张琳英国 Aston 大学教授 Photonic Technologies at Aston University Advanced fibre grating devices and applications 2015.1.6-1.7 工作访问讲学 8. Yasuo Tomita 日本日本电气通讯大学教授 Observation of the cascaded fifth-order 2015.9.28-10.1 工作访问 71

Annual Report 2015 optical nonlinearity in nanostructured polymer nanocomposites dispersed with semiconductor CdSe quantum dots 讲学 9. Donna Strickland 加拿大加拿大滑铁卢大学教授 Mid-infrared from two-colour CPA lasers 2015.6.3 工作访问讲学 10. Ping Yu 美国美国密苏里大学教授 - 2015.7.31-8.14 工作访问 11. 刘雪明中国 西安光学精密机械研究所 研究员耗散孤子光纤激光技术的研究进展 2015.3.29 学术交流 12. Lingjie Jay Guo 美国密歇根大学教授光学纳米器件及应用 2015.7.7.-2015.7.17 工作访问学术交流 13. Qiang (David) Wang 美国 Colorado State University 副教授聚合物体系压强的计算 2015.3.1-3;15-17 工作访问学术交流 14. 15. 16. 17. An-Chang Shi Marco Bazzan Krisztian Lengyel Paolo Minzioni 加拿大 McMaster University 教授复杂体系自组装 2015.7.2-5 意大利 Universita Padova, Italy 副教授 匈牙利 意大利 18. Jianmin Shi 德国 Wigner Research Centre, Hungary University of Pavia, Italy Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany 副教授 副教授 副教授 Direct measurement of the Fe-polaron deformation in Fe:LiNbO 3 Defect structures of ODR dopants in LiNbO 3 crystals A Lithium Niobate integrated platform for microfluidic and biophotonics applications Optical in-situ Spectroscopic Study of Defects and Defects-Related Processes in Lithium Niobate Single Crystals 工作访问学术交流 2015.11.3-5 学术交流 2015.11.3-5 学术交流 2015.11.3-5 学术交流 2015.11.3-5 学术交流 19. Simone 德国 Universität Paderborn, 副教授 Structural, electronic and optical 2015.11.3-5 学术交流 72

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 Sanna Germany properties of intrinsic and extrinsic defects in LiNbO 3 20. Frank Bridges 美国 21. Lucas Eng 德国 22. 23. 24. 25. Steffen Ganschow Laszlo Kovacs Nickolai Kukhtarev Vladimir Shur 德国 俄罗斯 美国 俄罗斯 26. Tatyana Volk 俄罗斯 University of California, USA Tech. Univ. Dresden, Germany Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung, Germany Wigner Research Centre, Hungary Alabama A&M University, USA Ural Fed. Univ. Ekaterinburg, Russia Institute of Crystallography of RAS, Russia 教授 教授 教授 教授 教授 教授 教授 27. Steve Granick 美国伊利诺伊大学教授 Substitution sites for Zn and In in LiNbO 3 Conductive domain walls in single crystalline LiNbO 3 Issues of Melt and Solution Growth of Lithium Niobate Crystals Rare earth ions in stoichiometric lithium niobate New applications of lithium niobate: efficient concentrated solar power conversion and compact crystal accelerators Recent Achievements in Micro- and Nano-domain Engineering in Lithium Niobate Domain engineering in LiNbO 3 -based optical waveguides and films with the use of microscopic methods Surprises about Soft Materials Enabled by Optics 2015.11.3-5 学术交流 2015.11.3-5 学术交流 2015.11.3-5 学术交流 2015.11.3-5 学术交流 2015.11.3-5 学术交流 2015.11.3-5 学术交流 2015.11.3-5 学术交流 2015.12.9-10 工作访问学术交流 28. Zhang Shuang 英国 伯明翰大学物理与天文系 教授 Manipulating Electromagnetic Waves with Metamaterials and Metasurfaces 2015.4.9-2015.4.10 工作访问学术交流 73

Annual Report 2015 出访人员名单 /Personnel exchange Researchers List 序 号 姓名 国家或 地区 单位职称或职位出访时间出访目的 1. 张心正德国 雷根斯堡应用科学大学 教授 2015.3.26-4.3 访问交流 2. 潘雷霆美国 加州大学伯克利分校 副教授 2015.12.1-2016.11.30 访问学习 3. 吴强美国 4. 吴强台湾 哈佛 MIT 马里兰大学 亚利桑那大学 台湾清华大学 台湾交通大学 台湾大学 台湾中央研究院 教授 2015.4.14-27 交流 教授 2015.9.13-20 交流 5. 叶青美国 Salk Institute for Biological Studies 副教授 2015.9-2016.9 访问学者 6. 孔勇发奥地利 7. 李勇男美国 8. 周向峰美国 Vienna University 加州大学洛杉矶分校 纽约州立大学石溪分校 教授 2015.6.20-27 合作交流 教授 2015.1-2016.12 访问学习 教授 2014.01-2015.07 博士后 9. 宋峰俄罗斯 俄罗斯科学院激光物理研究所 教授 2015.8.25-2015. 9.6 工作访问学术交流 研究生交流情况 /Personnel exchange Students List 序 号 姓名 国家或 地区 单位 博士生 / 硕士生 出访时间 出访目的 1. 孔令军新加坡 南洋理工大学数理科学学院 博士生 2014.9-2016.4 联合培养 2. 郑大怀奥地利 Vienna University 博士生 2015.6.20-27 合作交流 3. 任志成奥地利维也纳大学博士 2015.10-2017.4 联合培养 4. 郭清华英国伯明翰大学博士生 2013.10-2015.4 联合培养 5. 韩迎东俄罗斯 俄罗斯科学院激光物理研究所 硕士 2015.8.25-2015.9.6 学术交流 74

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 国内 国际会议报告 /Talks at Conferences 1 Wei Cai, Lei Wang, Xinzheng Zhang*, Weiwei Luo, Zenghong Ma, Jingjun Xu, Different Coupling effects in Graphene Plasmons, Nanophotonics in Asia 2015, Osaka, Japan, Dec. 10-11 (2015) (Invited talk) 2 Qiang Wu, Ming Yang, Zhandong Chen, Li Zhao, Jianghong Yao, and Jingjun Xu, Femtosecond Laser Hyperdoped Silocon and High Gain Low Bias Voltage Detector, The 20th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference, Shanghai, China, June 28 - July 2, 2015. (Invited talk) 3 Guoquan Zhang, Xiaojie Wang, Fang Bo, Yongfa Kong and Jingjun Xu, Ultraviolet-light-excited charge carrier transport in highly Mg-doped lithium niobate, 2015 international workshop on lithium niobate, Nov. 3-5, 2015, Tianjin, China (Invited talk). 4 Guoquan Zhang, Bin Han, Lei Xu and Jingjun Xu, Manipulating the light transport in coupled waveguide arrays, 2015 EMN Optoelectronics Meeting (Energy Material Nanotechnology), April 24-27, 2015, Beijing, China (Invited talk) 5 Guoquan Zhang, Peilong Hong, Liming Li, and Jianji Liu, Control on high-order interference through phase modulation on coherent lasers, 2015 EMN Meeting on Quantum Technology, April 14-17, 2015, Beijing, China (Invited talk). 6 Guoquan Zhang, Subwavelength interference realized through phase modulation, Lithography Workshop 2015, June 21-26, 2015, Sun Valley Resort, Ketchum, Idaho, USA (Invited talk). 7 Fang Bo, Sahin Kaya Ozdemir, Faraz Monifi, Guoquan Zhang, Jingjun Xu, and Lan Yang, Oscillatory Lateral Coupling in a Waveguide-microdisk-resonator System, in Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), SC3(1771), July 6-9, 2015, Prague, Czech Republic (Invited talk) 8 Fang Bo, Jie Wang, Jiao Cui, Yongfa Kong, Guoquan Zhang, and Jingjun Xu, Lithium Niobate Whispering Gallery Mode Microresonators, in 2015 international workshop on lithium niobate, November 3-5, 2015, Tianjin, China (Invited talk) 9 Zhigang Chen Novel pseudospin-mediated phenomena in photonic graphene, OSA Topical Conference: the 5th Advances in Optoelectronics and Micro/nano-optics (AOM 15), Hangzhou, China, October 28-31(2015). (Invited talk) 10 Zhigang Chen Specially shaped Bessel-like accelerating beams, Frontiers in Optics (FiO15), San Jose, California, October 18-22 (2015). (Invited talk) 11 Zhigang Chen, Novel Phenomena in Photonic Graphene, 7th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics (CIOP 2015), Nanjing, China, July 12-15(2015) (Invited talk) 12 Zhigang Chen Observation of pseudospin-mediated phenomena in photonic graphene, Photonic North, Ottawa, Canada, June 9-11 ( 2015). (Invited talk) 75

Annual Report 2015 13 Baohui Li, Phase behavior of double-hydrophilic block copolymers in aqueous solution: A Simulation Study, Controlled Structural Formation of Soft Matter International Workshop, Beijing, Aug 3-28 (2015). (Invited Talk) 14 Peng Chi, Lang Wang, Baohui Li Conformation transitions of a polyelectrolyte chain in solution: A replica exchange Monte Carlo study, 2015 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, USA, Dec 15-20 (2015) (Invited Talk) 15 Yongfa Kong, Dahuai Zheng, Shiguo Liu, Shaolin Chen, Jingjun Xu, Problems in lithium niobate crystals for applications in nonlinear optics, 2015 International Workshop on Lithium Niobate, Tianjin, Nov 3-5 (2015) (Invited Talk) 16 J Sun, Preparation and domain reversal of thick stoichiometric lithium tantalate crystals by vapor transport equilibration method, 2015 International Workshop on Lithium Niobate, Tianjin, Nov 3-5 (2015) (Invited Talk) 17 Baohui Li,Jiaping Wu, Phase behavior of double-hydrophilic block copolymers in aqueous solutions: a simulation study, 2015 the 11 th Korea-China Bilateral Symposium on Polymer Materials, Changchun, Aug 23-27 (2015) (Invited Poster) 18 Zhou Xiangfeng, Two-dimensional boron: New structures and novel properties, Materials Science & Technology 2015 Conference & Exhibition,a Symposium on Boron, Boron Compounds, and Boron Nanomaterials: Structure, Properties, Processing, and Applications, Columbia, Ohio, Oct. 4, 2015 (Invited Talk) 19 Zhou Xiangfeng, Applications of USPEX to surfaces and 2D-crystals, Workshop "Computational Discovery of New Materials and Mineral Phases: evolutionary structure prediction using the USPEX code, Materials Science & Technology 2015 Conference & Exhibition,a Symposium on Boron, Boron Compounds, and Boron Nanomaterials: Structure, Properties, Processing, and Applications, Beijing computational science research center, Aug. 19, 2015 (Invited Talk) 20 姚江宏, 吴强, 飞秒激光制备微纳结构硅材料物理机理研究及应用, 第 2 届全国光电 材料 器件及发展趋势研讨会, 西宁 (2015.8.1-3) ( 大会邀请报告 ) 21 李宝会, 典型软物质自组装行为的研究, 计算物理战略研讨会, 北京 (2015.12.7-8) ( 专题邀请报告 ) 22 潘雷霆, 李存波, 张心正, 许京军, 365nm 紫外光辐照对人红细胞携氧能力和膜渗透 脆性影响的研究, 中国微循环协会血液治疗专业委员会第二届学术大会, 北京, (2015.10.23-25) ( 邀请报告 ) 23 任梦昕, 许京军 基于表面等离激元材料的偏振调控 中国物理学会 2015 年秋季会议, 长春 (2015.9.10-13) ( 邀请报告 ) 24 王振华, 李文华, 吴玉娥, 吴强, 张心正 *, 许京军, 基于瞬态克尔透镜效应的宽谱飞 秒超快快门技术,2015 年中国光学学会学术大会, 成都 (2015.8.14-18) ( 邀请报告 ) 25 吴强, 杨明, 陈战东, 赵丽, 姚江宏, 许京军, 飞秒激光改性硅材料的物理机理及其 应用, 第十届硅基光电子材料及器件研讨会, 贵阳 (2015.07.07-09) ( 邀请报告 ) 76

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 26 张国权, 激光的超分辨干涉, 第十一届全国光学前沿问题讨论会,2015 年 10 月 10-11 日, 湖南长沙 ( 邀请报告 ) 27 武莉, 张毅, 易欢, 武丽伟, 王标, 王洪润, 孔勇发, 许京军, 二价锰离子在硼酸盐中的反常发光, 第十二届全国 X- 射线衍射学术大会暨国际衍射数据中心 (ICDD) 研讨会, 绵阳 (2015.10.26-29) ( 邀请报告 ) 28 李宝会, 双亲水嵌段共聚物在水溶液中相行为的模拟研究, 中国物理学会 2015 年秋季学术会议, 长春 (2015.9.11-13) ( 分会邀请报告 ) 29 吴佳坪, 李宝会, 双亲水嵌段共聚物在水溶液中相行为的模拟研究, 2015 年全国高分子论文报告会, 苏州 (2015.10.17-21) ( 分会邀请报告 ) 30 Zhichao Ji, Xinzheng Zhang, Wei Li, Irena Drevensek-Olenik and Jingjun Xu, Side-wall Surface Relief Gratings for Micro-structured Liquid Crystal Alignment, The 11th Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR2015), Busan, South Korea, Aug. 24-28 (2015) (Oral) 31 Wenhua Li, Zhenhua Wang, Xinzheng Zhang*, Yu-E Wu, Qiang Wu, and Jingjun Xu, "Ultra-broadband femtosecond optical gating system using transient Kerr lens effect", The 11th Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR 2015), Busan, South Korea, Aug. 24-28 (2015) (Oral) 32 Feng Xia, Xinzheng Zhang, Meng Wang, Sanming Yi, Qian Liu, Jingjun Xu, Analysis of laser induced oxidation processes with different laser powers, The 11th Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR 2015), Busan, South Korea, Aug. 24-28 (2015) (poster) 33 Pidong Wang, Xinzheng Zhang*, Yinxiao Xiang, Fan Shi, Mykhailo Gavryliak, Jingjun Xu, Modeling of random laser at designable wavelengths, The 12th International Conference on Correlation Optics, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, Sep. 14-18 (2015) (poster) 34 Yusong Pan, Yumei Li, Jianghong Yao, Qiang Wu, and Jingjun Xu, Deep and Near Sub-wavelength Ripples on Natural MoS 2 Induced by Femtosecond Laser with Threshold Dependence, CLEO: 2015, The Optical Society, San Jose, United States, May 10-15 (2015). (Oral) 35 Bin Zhang, Chongpei Pan, Yusong Pan, Shibiao Wang, Qiang Wu, and Jingjun Xu, Mode selection filter using THz metamaterials surfaced on LiNbO 3 sub-wavelength slab waveguide, CLEO: 2015, The Optical Society, San Jose, United States, May 10-15 (2015). (Oral) 36 Guoquan Zhang, Peilong Hong, Liming Li, and Jianji Liu, Digital two-photon grating with subwavelength interference fringes, PR15-Photorefractive Photonics, June 16-19, 2015, Villars Switzerland (oral). 37 Xiaojie Wang, Fang Bo, Shaolin Chen, Jing Chen, Yongfa Kong, Jingjun Xu, and Guoquan Zhang, Unusual Conductivity Increase Related to UV-light Assisted Domain Inversion in Mg-doped Lithium Niobate Crystals, in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, STh4M.3, May 10-15, 2015, San Jose, California, USA. (oral) 77

Annual Report 2015 38 Ligang Huang, Wending Zhang, Dong Mao, Feng Gao*, Weihua Peng, Fang Bo, Guoquan Zhang and Jingjun Xu, All-Fiber Tunable Ring Laser Based on an Acousto-Optic Tunable Coupler, CLEO: Science and Innovations 2015, JW2A.93, May 10 15, 2015, San Jose, California United States.(poster)(EI: 20152701008471) 39 Ligang Huang, Weihua Peng, Wending Zhang, Feng Gao, Fang Bo, Guoquan Zhang and Jingjun Xu, Optical Heterodyne Micro-Vibration Measurement Based on All-Fiber Acousto-Optic Frequency Shifter, CLEO: Science and Innovations 2015, JTh2A.83, May 10 15, 2015, San Jose, California United States. (poster)(ei: 20152701008526) 40 Fang Bo, Jie Wang, Jiao Cui, Sahin K. Ozdemir, Yongfa Kong, Guoquan Zhang, Jingjun Xu, and Lan Yang, Lithium-Niobate-Silica Hybrid Whispering-Gallery-Mode Resonators, in Photorefractive Photonics (PR'15), June 16-19, 2015, Villars, Switzerland (oral) 41 Fang Bo, Jie Wang, Jiao Cui, Sahin Ozdemir, Yongfa Kong, Guoquan Zhang, Jingjun Xu, and Lan Yang, Lithium-Niobate-Silica Hybrid Whispering-Gallery-Mode Resonators, in the 11th Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optcis Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR 2015), 27P-75, August 24-28, 2015, Busan, Korea (poster) 42 Jie Wang, Fang Bo, Wuxia Li, Feng Gao, Junjie Li, Guoquan Zhang and Jingjun Xu Lithium niobate resonators for electro-optic modulation, in The 4th International Workshop on Microcavities and Their Applications, P11, Dec. 1-4, 2015, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan. (poster) 43 Shuqi Chen, Xiaoyang Duan, Haifang yang, Hua Cheng, Junjie Li, Wenwei Liu, Changzhi Gu, and Jianguo Tian, Polarization insensitive and wide-angle plasmonically induced transparency by planar metamaterial, TechConnect World, Maryland, U.S.A., May 13-16 (2013). 44 Cui-Feng Ying, Deqiang Wang, Stefan Harrer, Wen-Yuan Zhou, Jian-Guo Tian, Binquan Luan, Gustavo Stolovitzky, Hongbo Peng, Ali Afzali-Ardakani, Regulating the transport of DNA thought a functionalized nanopore in a thin solid membrane, Biophysics Society 59th Annual meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, American Feb 4-Feb 7, 2015 (poster presentation) 45 Daohong Song, Sheng Liu, Vassilis Paltoglou, Daniel Gallardo, Liqin Tang, Jingjun Xu, Nikolaos K. Efremidis, and Zhigang Chen, Asymmetric conical diffraction and generation of non-integer phase singularities in photonic graphene CLEO conference, San Jose, California, May 10 15 (2015). 46 Cuifeng Ying, Yanxiao Feng, Yuechuan Zhang, Deqiang Wang,Wenyuan Zhou, Jianguo Tian, Xiyun Guan Rapid discrimination of DNA sequences using an engineered nanopore The annual International Conference on Manipulation, Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale (3M-NANO), Changchun, China, Oct. 6-9, 2015 (oral presentation) 47 Wenshuai Jiang, Zhibo Liu, Wei Xin, Shuang Xun, Junbao Yang, Shaonan Chen, CunBo Li, Leiting Pan, Yongsheng Chen, Jianguo Tian, A High Sensitive Optical Biosensor Based On Reduced Graphene Oxide Microstructure, The 6th International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology, Beijing, China, September 3-5 (2015). (poster presentation) 78

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 48 Wei Xin, Xudong Chen, Zhibo Liu, Wenshuai Jiang, Peng Wang, Xiaoguang Gao, Xiaoqiang Jiang, Jianguo Tian, Polarization-dependent Graphene Photodetector, The 6th International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology, Beijing, China, September 3-5 (2015). (poster presentation) 49 Xiaoguang Gao, Zhibo Liu, Wei Xin, Shaonan Chen, Xudong Chen, Xin Li, Wenshuai Jiang, Yongsheng Chen, Jianguo Tian, Polarization-dependent optical absorption of reduced graphene oxide, The 6th International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology, Beijing, China, September 3-5 (2015). (poster presentation) 50 Yongfa Kong, Dahuai Zheng, Shiguo Liu, Shaolin Chen, Jingjun Xu, Several problems about lithium niobate on photorefraction, Photorefractive Photonics (PR 15), Villars, Switzerland, Jun. 16-19 (2015). 51 Dahuai Zheng, Yongfa Kong, Jingjun Xu, The photorefractive properties of LN:Bi and LN:Bi,Mg crystals, Photorefractive Photonics (PR 15), Villars, Switzerland, Jun. 16-19 (2015). 52 Yuting Fu, Lijuan Zhao, Yu Liu, Yuao Guo, Jianning Jin, Hua Yu, Structure evolution from oxyfluoride glass to glass ceramics doped with rare earth ions, The international conference on high-performance ceramics, Guilin, China, Nov. 4-7 (2015). 53 Lijuan Zhao, Shaohua Gao, Taojie Zhou, Hua Yu, Jiwen Yin, Colloidal fluoride nanocrystal doped with Re 3+ by corrosion, Faraday Discussion 180: Corrosion Chemistry, London, UK, Apr. 13-15 (2015). 54 Chenghou Tu, Mengqiang Cai & Hui-tian Wang, The manipulation of optical field based on SLM and its applications in micro/nano fabrications, CIOP2015, Nanjing, July 12-15, 2015 55 任梦昕, 许京军 表面等离激元偏振光源研究 第五届全国原子分子光物理青年科学家 论坛, 北京 (2015.10.23-25) ( 张贴报告 ) 56 吴强, 张斌, 潘崇培, 许京军, 基于时间分辨成像的太赫兹声子极化激元的研究, 第 十一届全国光学前沿问题讨论会, 长沙 (2015.10.09-13) ( 口头报告 ) 57 吴强, 杨程亮, 杨明, 陈战东, 张斌, 马寅星, 赵丽, 姚江宏, 许京军, 飞秒激光与 晶体材料的相互作用, 第五届全国原子分子光物理青年科学家论坛, 北京 (2015.10.23-25) ( 口头报告 ) 58 李利明, 洪佩龙, 张国权, 基于分立热光源的单臂鬼成像, 中国物理学会 2015 秋季 学术会议, 吉林长春,9.10-13,2015.( 口头报告 ) 59 王杰, 薄方 *, 万帅, 黄礼刚, 高峰, 张国权, 许京军, 高品质因数单晶铌酸锂微盘 腔的制备及其电光调制 中国物理学会 2015 秋季学术会议, 吉林长春,9.10-13, 2015. ( 张贴报告 ) 60 王晓杰, 刘祥明, 薄方, 陈璟, 陈绍林, 孔勇发, 许京军, 张国权 *, 高掺镁铌酸锂晶 体中光致霍尔效应的研究, 中国物理学会 2015 秋季学术会议, 吉林省长春市,9.10-13, 2015.( 张贴报告 ) 79

Annual Report 2015 61 常朋发, 黄礼刚, 宋晓波, 彭伟华, 高峰 *, 薄方, 张国权, 许京军 基于微球谐振腔和锥形光纤的全光纤窄线宽单纵模激光器, 中国物理学会 2015 年秋季学术会议, 吉林长春,9.10-13,2015.( 张贴报告 ) 62 彭伟华, 黄礼刚, 王杰, 常朋发, 薄方, 高峰 *, 张国权, 许京军, 基于微腔和锥形光纤模式转换的上下话路滤波器, 中国物理学会 2015 秋季学术会议, 吉林省长春市, 9.10-13,2015. ( 张贴报告 ) 63 黄礼刚, 常朋发, 宋晓波, 张文定, 高峰 *, 薄方, 张国权, 许京军, 全光纤外差探测信噪比的优化, 中国物理学会 2015 秋季学术会议, 吉林省长春市,9.10-13,2015. ( 张贴报告 ) 64 王晓杰, 刘祥明, 薄方, 陈绍林, 陈璟, 孔勇发, 许京军, 张国权 *, 铌酸锂晶体中光致霍尔效应的研究,2015 北京大学光学前沿博士生论坛, 北京市北京大学,7.26-29, 2015.( 口头报告 ) 65 高晓梅, 李家方 *, 薄方 *, 王杰, 胡晨阳, 刘之光, 李志远, 张国权, 硅基上基于三维激光直写的双层微盘形谐振腔制备及其杂化的回音壁模式研究 2015 年中国光学学术大会, 四川省成都,8.14-17, 2015.( 张贴报告 ) 66 王杰, 薄方, 张国权, 许京军, 高品质因数单晶铌酸锂微盘腔的制备及其电光调制, 2015 年中国光学学会学术大会, 四川成都,8.14-17,2015. ( 口头报告 ) 67 Fang Bo, Sahin Ozdemir, Guoquan Zhang, Jingjun Xu, and Lan Yang, Controllable oscillatory lateral couplings of whispering gallery mode resonators,2015 年微腔光子学学术研讨会, 安徽合肥,11 月 27-29 日,2015. ( 口头报告 ) 68 高峰, 基于微腔和锥形光纤模式转换的上下话路滤波器, 第五届原子分子光物理青年科学家论坛, 北京市中国科技大学怀柔雁栖湖校区,10.23-25, 2015. ( 张贴报告 ) 69 陈志刚, Spatial solitons in soft-matter, 第三届全国光孤子学术研讨会, 浙江金华 (2015.11.6-8) ( 大会报告 ) 70 胡毅, 陈志刚, 许京军, 自加速光的传播特性研究, 第五届全国原子分子光物理青年科学家论坛, 北京 (2015.10.23-25) 71 胡毅, Amirhossein Tehranchi, Stefan Wabnitz, Raman Kashyap, 陈志刚, and Roberto Morandotti, 利用艾里脉冲对拉曼自频移效应的调控, 第三届全国光孤子学术研讨会, 浙江金华 (2015.11.6-8) 72 夏世强 胡毅 宗元媛 宋道红 唐莉勤 陈志刚, 二维光诱导 Lieb 光子晶格的平带图像传输 中国物理学会 (CPS)2015 年秋季学术会议吉林 (2015.9.11-13) 73 宗元媛 夏世强 唐莉勤 宋道红 胡毅 陈志刚, Kagome 光子晶格中平带模式无衍射传输的实验研究 中国物理学会 (CPS)2015 年秋季学术会议吉林 (2015.9.11-13) 74 刘智波, 辛巍, 蒋文帅, 高晓光, 田建国, 新型传播结构下石墨烯光学性质及其应用, 第五届全国原子分子光物理青年科学家论坛, 北京 (2015.10.23-25) 75 刘智波, 全内反射结构下石墨烯光学性质及其应用, 光学信息前沿南开青年论坛, 天津 (2015.11.27-30) 80

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 76 Teng-Qian Sun, Qing Ye, Xiao-Wan Wang, Jin Wang, Zhi-Chao Deng, Jian-Chun Mei, Wen-Yuan Zhou, Chun-Ping Zhang, Jian-Guo Tian, Measurement of single cell refractive index distribution in microchannel by scanning focused refractive index microscopy, 第十届全国激光技术与光电子学学术会议, 上海, (2015. 15-17). 77 Zhichao Deng, Jin Wang, Yuanze Liu, Qing Ye, Tengqian Sun, Wenyuan Zhou, Jianchun Mei, Chunping Zhang, Jianguo Tian, Research on the change of complex refractive index of porcine muscle during natural dehydration, 第十届全国激光技术与光电子学学术会议, 上海, (2015. 15-17). 78 孙腾骞, 叶青, 王晓婉, 刘诗可, 王槿, 邓志超, 梅剑春, 周文远, 张春平, 田建国, 扫描聚焦折射率显微镜, 北京大学光学前沿博士生论坛, 北京 (2015.7.26-28). 79 孙腾骞, 叶青, 王晓婉, 刘诗可, 王槿, 邓志超, 梅剑春, 周文远, 张春平, 田建国, 利用扫描聚焦折射率显微镜实时测量非线性材料折射率分布, 2015 年中国光学学会学术大会, 成都 (2015.8.15-7). 80 蒋文帅, 刘智波, 辛巍, 荀爽, 杨君宝, 陈少楠, 李存波, 潘雷霆, 陈永胜, 田建国, A High Sensitive Optical Biosensor Based On Reduced Graphene Oxide Microstructure, 中国物理学会 (CPS)2015 秋季学术会议, 长春 (2015. 9. 10-13) 81 辛巍, 陈旭东, 刘智波, 蒋文帅, 王鹏, 高晓光, 姜小强, 田建国, Polarization-dependent Graphene Photodetector, 中国物理学会 (CPS)2015 秋季学术会议, 长春 (2015. 9. 10-13) 82 高晓光, 刘智波, 辛巍, 陈少楠, 陈旭东, 李鑫, 蒋文帅, 陈永胜, 田建国, Polarization-dependent optical absorption of reduced graphene oxide, 中国物理学会 (CPS)2015 秋季学术会议, 长春 (2015. 9. 10-13) 83 武莉, 张毅, 易欢, 武丽伟, 王标, 王洪润, 孔勇发, 许京军, 非稀土离子 Mn 2+ 掺杂硼酸盐基荧光粉的反常发光, 第 6 届海内外中华青年材料科学技术研讨会暨第 15 届全国青年材料科学技术研讨会, 重庆 (2015.10.16-19) 84 王晓慧, 江泽清, 刘宏德, 张玲, 刘士国, 陈绍林, 孙军, 孔勇发, 许京军, 铌酸锂晶体中光束直写环形腔畴结构的研究, 第 17 届全国晶体生长与材料学术会议, 哈尔滨 (2015.8.11-14) 85 单排, 孙同庆, 张健铭, 陈鸿, 刘宏德, 刘宣文, 孔勇发, 许京军, KLa(PO 3 ) 4 晶体的光学性质研究及第一性原理计算, 第 17 届全国晶体生长与材料学术会议, 哈尔滨 (2015.8.11-14) 86 胡伟, 单排, 孙同庆, 刘宣文, 王策, 孔勇发, Bi 7 F 11 O 5 的制备 结构与性质, 第 17 届全国晶体生长与材料学术会议, 哈尔滨 (2015.8.11-14) 87 武莉, 易欢, 武丽伟, 张毅, 孔勇发, 许京军, 非稀土离子 Mn 2+ 掺杂硼酸盐基荧光粉的反常发光, 第 17 届全国晶体生长与材料学术会议, 哈尔滨 (2015.8.11-14) 88 姬静远, 武莉, 易欢, 武丽伟, 孙少君, 张毅, 孔勇发, 许京军, 新型橙红色荧光粉 Ba 3 B 2 O 6 :Sm 3+ 的制备及发光特性, 第 17 届全国晶体生长与材料学术会议, 哈尔滨 (2015.8.11-14) 89 孙少君, 武莉, 易欢, 武丽伟, 姬静远, 张毅, 孔勇发, 许京军, 新型绿色荧光粉 81

Annual Report 2015 SrB 2 O 4 :Ce 3+,Tb 3+,Na + 的制备及其发光特征, 第 17 届全国晶体生长与材料学术会议, 哈 尔滨 (2015.8.11-14) 90 易欢, 李芳, 武莉, 武丽伟, 王洪润, 王标, 张毅, 孔勇发, 许京军, Ba 2 ZnB 2 O 6 :Eu 3+ 红色荧光粉中激活离子占位及其发光性能研究, 第 17 届全国晶体生长与材料学术会议, 哈尔滨 (2015.8.11-14) 91 武丽伟, 张芳馨, 武莉, 易欢, 王洪润, 张毅, 孔勇发, 许京军, 结构精修及单格位 占据的 ZnBi 2 B 2 O 7 :Eu 3+ 荧光粉, 第 17 届全国晶体生长与材料学术会议, 哈尔滨 (2015.8.11-14) 92 马睿, 掺杂铌酸锂晶体电子结构的第一性原理研究, 第 17 届全国晶体生长与材料学 术会议, 哈尔滨 (2015.8.11-14) 93 陈慕灵, 孔勇发, 郑大怀, 刘士国, 张玲, 许京军, 锆铁双掺铌酸锂晶体的脉冲激光 全息研究, 第 17 届全国晶体生长与材料学术会议, 哈尔滨 (2015.8.11-14) 94 孔腾飞, 刘士国, 孔勇发, 陈绍林, 许京军, 三元同成分掺镁铌酸锂晶体的生长和性 能研究, 第 17 届全国晶体生长与材料学术会议, 哈尔滨 (2015.8.11-14) 95 崔娇, 张冠南, 钟海涛, 孔勇发, 许京军, 铌酸锂 / 硅异质结的制备及电学性能研究, 第 17 届全国晶体生长与材料学术会议, 哈尔滨 (2015.8.11-14) 96 钟海涛, 崔娇, 张冠南, 孔勇发, 许京军, Bi 2 FeCrO 6 薄膜的铁电光伏效应研究, 第 17 届全国晶体生长与材料学术会议, 哈尔滨 (2015.8.11-14) 97 诸玲, 孔勇发, 刘士国, 陈绍林, 许京军, 锌 铟 铪与钼双掺铌酸锂晶体的光折变 性能研究, 第 17 届全国晶体生长与材料学术会议, 哈尔滨 (2015.8.11-14) 98 郑大怀, 孔勇发, 刘士国, 张玲, 许京军, 铋镁双掺铌酸锂晶体的抗光损伤增强及相 匹配温度展宽, 第 17 届全国晶体生长与材料学术会议, 哈尔滨 (2015.8.11-14) 99 潘岳, 任志成, 李勇男, 涂成厚, 王慧田, One application of the symmetry analysis of tight focusing field: Vector optical fields of kaleidoscope, 中国物理学会 2015 秋季物理学术会 议, 长春 (2014.9.11-13) ( 光学分会口头报告 ) 100 高旭珍, 潘岳, 蔡孟强, 李勇男, 涂成厚, 王慧田, Hyperbolic-symmetry vector optical fields and their tight focusing properties, 中国物理学会 2015 秋季物理学术会议, 长春 (2014.9.11-13) ( 光学分会张贴报告 ) 101 冯丹, 蔡孟强, 涂成厚 *, 王慧田, 圆孔对称性破缺矢量光场的紧聚焦特性研究, 中国物理学会 2015 秋季物理学术会议, 长春 (2014.9.11-13) ( 光学分会张贴报告 ) 102 蔡孟强, 涂成厚, 王慧田, 利用空间偏振或相位周期变化的动态飞秒光场加工微结构, 中国物理学会 2015 秋季物理学术会议, 长春 (2015.9.11-13) ( 光学分会张贴报告 ) 103 徐晓轩, 成像光谱仪进展, 第二十一届全国光谱仪器与分析监测学术研讨会, 北京 (2015.10.23) 82

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 主办国内 国际会议 /Conferences Sponsored by the Laboratory 光学微腔研讨会 (2015.6.12-14; 天津 ) 2015 年 6 月 12 日至 14 日, 重点实验室在泰达应用物理学院举办了光学微腔研讨会 本次研讨会围绕光学微腔制备 表征和应用等主题展开讨论 共邀请了美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学杨兰教授 中科院半导体所黄永箴研究员 中科院上海光机所程亚研究员 吉林大学徐淮良教授 南开大学薄方副教授 福建师范大学叶明勇副教授 清华大学张靖副教授 中国科学技术大学董春华研究员等等 9 位国内外专家作报告 共有 60 余位师生参加本次研讨会, 除本校师生之外, 清华大学龙桂鲁教授课题组 刘玉玺教授课题组 上海光机所程亚研究员课题组 北京大学肖云峰研究员课题组 中国科学技术大学董春华研究员课题组从事微腔研究的课题组成员也参加了本次会议 本次研讨会为从事回音廊模式光学微腔研究的同行提供了一个交流的平台, 在促进同行合作, 提高重点实验室科研氛围和科研实力等方面起到了一定的作用 南开大学弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室 / The Key laboratory of Weak Light Nonlinear Photonics (Nankai University, Tianjin 300457), Ministry of Education, China 83

Annual Report 2015 第三届国际学术研讨会 光子学前沿 (2015.7.9-12; 天津 ) 2015 年 7 月 9 日至 7 月 12 日, 重点实验室在泰达应用物理学院举办了第三届国际学术研讨会 光子学前沿 本次研讨会吸引了来自美国 加拿大 英国 德国 意大利 克罗地亚和中国的百余位代表参会 研讨会围绕光学学科目前最前沿的领域还展开了充分的交流和讨论 来自中国科学院物理研究所的金奎娟教授 中山大学的王雪华教授 华东师范大学的李文雪教授和美国密西根大学的 Steven Cundiff 教授 美国约翰霍普金斯大学的 Mark Foster 教授 美国戴顿大学的詹其文教授 美国密苏里大学的余平教授 德国埃尔朗根 - 纽伦堡大学的 Ulf Peschel 教授 德国汉堡联邦国防军大学的 Christian Haunhorst, 意大利罗马大学的 Eugenio DelRe 教授, 加拿大国立科学研究院的 Roberto Morandotti 教授, 加拿大多伦多大学的 Stewart Aitchison 教授, 英国南安普顿大学的 Anna Peacock 教授, 克罗地亚萨格勒布大学的 Hrvoje Buljan 教授等专家学者应邀作主题报告 在研讨会期间, 参会代表展开了热烈的讨论 本次研讨会提供了国内院校和科研单位研究者与国际知名学者专家的交流平台, 在推动国内的光学发展 提高重点实验室科研实力及增强国际合作等方面起到了重要作用 南开大学弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室 / The Key laboratory of Weak Light Nonlinear Photonics (Nankai University, Tianjin 300457), Ministry of Education, China 84

2015 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 2015 铌酸锂国际学术研讨会 (2015.11.3-11.5; 天津 ) 2015 年 11 月 3 日至 5 日, 重点实验室在我校物理科学学院举办了 2015 年铌酸锂国际学术研讨会 此次会议为来自德国 中国 匈牙利 美国 俄罗斯等 7 个国家和地区的近 20 位专家 学者提供了一个高水平的学术交流与国际合作的平台 会议期间, 美国加州大学 Frank Bridges 教授 德国德累斯顿科技大学 Lucas Eng 教授 俄罗斯乌拉尔联邦大学 Vladimir Shur 教授 匈牙利维格纳研究中心 Laszlo Kovacs 教授等 18 位国际知名专家围绕有关铌酸锂晶体的结构 性质 生长及器件等主题做了精彩的学术报告 受邀专家学者与我校师生围绕铌酸锂晶体当前最前沿的领域展开了充分的交流和讨论, 并在与会期间参观了泰达应用物理研究院相关实验室 与会代表通过参加本次大会得到了很多收获与启发, 从精彩的学术报告 交流研讨中, 了解到了有关铌酸锂晶体的最新研究成果与发展趋势 本次会议的成功举办, 推动了铌酸锂晶体及其相关领域的学术发展, 促进了我校在这些领域的学术交流与国际合作, 为提高南开大学物理科学学院和泰达应用物理研究院的学术影响力创造了条件 南开大学弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室 / The Key laboratory of Weak Light Nonlinear Photonics (Nankai University, Tianjin 300457), Ministry of Education, China 85