香港棒球總會主辦 目標 Target 賽期 Period 年度全港青少年棒球聯賽 Hong Kong Youth Baseball League : 1. 積極發展及推動本地青少年棒球比賽, 提升技術水平, 宏揚團隊合作和體育精神 ; To actively

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目標 Target 賽期 Period : 1. 積極發展及推動本地青少年棒球比賽, 提升技術水平, 宏揚團隊合作和體育精神 ; To actively organize and promote local baseball competitions for teenagers, it helps improve technical skills and also promote team spirit and sportsmanship. 2. 培養香港年青一代精英棒球員及香港棒球代表隊年青梯隊, 積儲國際比賽經驗 ; To nurture the next generation of Hong Kong elite baseball players and training squad, and allow them to gain more experience in international tournament. : 2019 年 9 月 29 日至 2020 年 5 月 ( 逢星期六或星期日 ) 29 September 2019 to May 2020 (Saturday and/or Sunday) 組別 Division U11 U12 U16 參賽年 Age 7-11 歲, 男女均可 2013 年 8 月至 2008 年 9 月出生 Age 7-11, Boy or Girl. Born within Aug 2013 and Sep 2008 9-12 歲, 男女均可 2011 年 8 月至 2007 年 9 月出生 * Age 9-12, Boy or Girl. Born within Aug 2011 and Sep 2007*. *2007-9-1 ~ 2011-8-31 13-16 歲, 男女均可 2007 年 8 月至 2003 年 9 月出生 Age 13-16, Boy or Girl. Born within Aug 2007 and Sep 2003 *2003-9-1 ~ 2007-8-31 賽制 隊數 ( 場數 / 限時 ) No. of Team, Game Format (No. of matches/ Time) 雙循環制 # 8 隊或以下 ( 約 58 場 /120 分鐘 ) Double Round Robin Max. 8 teams, (~58 matches/ 120 mins) 三循環制 # 4 隊或以下 ( 約 26 場 /120 分鐘 ) 或雙循環制 # 8 隊或以下 ( 約 58 場 /120 分鐘 ) Quadruple Round Robin# Max. 4 teams, (~26 matches/ 120 mins) OR Double Round Robin# Max. 8 teams, (~58 matches/ 120 mins) 雙循環制 # 8 隊或以下 ( 約 58 場 /120 分鐘 ) Double Round Robin# Max. 8 teams, (~58 matches/ 120 mins) 地點 Venue 香港道教聯合會純陽小學 / 巴富街運動場 / 東何文田配水庫遊樂場 / 康文署轄下場地 HKTA Shun Yeung Primary School/ Perth Street Sports Ground/ Ho Man Tin East Service Reservoir Playground/ LCSD Venues 東何文田配水庫遊樂場 / 晒草灣遊樂場 / 康文署轄下場地 Ho Man Tin East Service Reservoir Playground/ Sai Tso Wan Baseball Field/ LCSD Venues 比賽用球 Game Ball 硬式棒球 Hard Ball 冠軍隊代表 Champion Team will participate in: 不適用 Not Available BRONCO 12U LEAGUE COLT 16U LEAGUE 香港棒球總會將由本年度全港青少年棒球聯賽的合資格球員中挑選精英球員參與 PONY 14U TM LEAGUE HKBA will select eligible elite players of this year HKYBL to participate in PONY 14U TM LEAGUE. PONY 14U TM LEAGUE # 本會可因實際報名隊伍數目而調整賽制並於領隊會議中宣佈 # Hong Kong Baseball Association (HKBA) reserves the right to determine the game format and it will be announced in the Team Manager s Meeting.

球隊參加資格 Eligibility : 教練 Coach 1. 各參賽球隊必須由香港棒球總會一級或以上級別的註冊教練任教及管理 The team should be managed and coached by the HKBA registered coach 2. 每位註冊教練於當年全港棒球公開賽中同一組別只可擔任一支球隊之教練 Any registered coach should not coach more than one team in the same grade. 球員 Player 1. 必須為香港棒球總會會員 ( 可即時申請入會, 會籍至 2020 年 3 月 31 日 ) Player must be Hong Kong Baseball Association(HKBA) member (Player can register on HKBA website, membership valid till 31 Mar 2020 ) 2. 持有香港居民身份證 ( 持有香港特區護照的適齡球員方合資格參加遴選香港代表隊球員 ) ; Holding Hong Kong Identity Card (Only player with HKSAR Passport is eligible to represent Hong Kong to participate in International Recognized Events.) 3. 每名球員於該年全港棒球青少年聯賽中同一組別只可於一支球隊註冊 Each player should not register more than one team in the same grade. 球隊註冊費 Team Reg. Fee : U11 U12 U16 $12,000 $15,000 $15,000 球員註冊費 Player Reg. Fee : 每名球員港幣 300 元 HK$ 300 per player 會員年費 Membership Fee : 每名球員港幣 100 元 HK$ 100 per player 球隊保證金 Team Deposit : 每隊港幣 1,000 元 ( 賽事完結後扣除所需費用後發還 ) HK$1,000 per team (Deposit will be refunded to Team after the League is completed.) 隊教練會議保證金 Team Manager Meeting Deposit : 每隊港幣 500 元 ( 領隊會議按金將於領隊會議中退回出席之教練 / 代表 ; 如缺席領隊會議則全數充公 ) HK$500 per team (Team Manager Meeting Deposit will be forfeited if the Team Coach/representative absent from the Team Manager Meeting; refund will be made during the meeting)

截止報名 Application Deadline : 球隊註冊 Team Registration 球員註冊 Player Registration 2019 年 9 月 9 日, 星期一 2019 年 9 月 13 日, 星期五 9 September 2019, Monday 13 September 2019, Friday 隊教練會議 Team Manager s Meeting : 2019 年 9 月 20 日, 星期五 香港銅鑼灣大球場徑一號奧運大樓一樓會議室 U11 U12 U16 晚上 7 時 00 分 晚上 7 時 30 分 晚上 8 時 00 分 20 September 2019, Friday Meeting Room, 1/F., Olympic House, No. 1 Stadium Path, Causeway Bay, HK. U11 U12 U16 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 報名手續 Procedure : 請參閱網上球員註冊及球隊註冊程序及須知 Please refer to the Online Player Registration & Team Registration Procedure & Guideline 1. 所有球員會員註冊及教練註冊必須於截止報名當日或之前完成, 如欠文件 報名費用 相片 簽署或資料不全之報名申請, 恕不受理 All membership and coach registration must be completed by the application deadline, incomplete application will not be considered 2. 所有球隊名單及相片將會於網上系統公佈 The team rosters and photos will be published on the portal system.

備註 Remarks (1) 設冠 亞 季軍 ; 可獲頒獎盃一座及註冊人數之獎牌數或最多十八枚 ; A trophy and a medal for each grade registered players (up to 18pcs) will be awarded to the Champion team, the 1 st and 2 nd runner-up team. (2) 香港棒球總會有權要求參賽人士出示身份證明文件以核實參賽人士的身份 ; HKBA has the authority to check the identity of players. (3) 參賽隊伍只可使用 USA Bat certified 或 BBCOR certified 球棒 ; The teams must use USA Bat certified bat or BBCOR certified bat (4) 比賽中各球隊均須自備棒球用具和器材 ; The team should arrange playing equipment including uniforms, gloves, mitts, bats, catcher s gears and protective helmets. (5) 各球隊均須購備至少七頂雙耳頭盔, 所有擊球員 跑壘員及壘指導員必須戴上 ; The team should arrange at least seven protective helmets. Batter, runner and base coach must wear it. (6) 參賽隊伍每缺席一場比賽須罰款壹仟元 ( 由保證金中扣除 ), 如欲繼續參加比賽, 必須在比賽前三個工作天先行向 香港棒球總會 繳付保證金 ; The penalty, HK$1,000 per game, will be deducted from the deposit for a team absent from a scheduled game. The team should pay HKBA the team deposit, HK$1,000, three working days before the next game for keeping on the game. (7) 參賽隊伍之隊教練或領隊必須出席隊教練會議, 並遵守會議中訂定之各項協議 ; The team manager or team coach should attend the Team Manager s Meeting and comply with all agreed rules. (8) 每隊的賽事工作人員費已包括在球隊註冊費內 ; The official fee was included in the team registration fee already. (9) 所有康文署運動場不容許穿著金屬片棒球鞋 ( 晒草灣棒球場除外 ); No metal spike shoes are allowed in LCSD s sports grounds (except Sai Tso Wan Baseball Field). (10) 所有運動場內不准吸煙 ; No smoking in the LCSD s sports grounds. (11) 參賽隊伍各球員出賽時, 必須穿著整齊棒球制服, 且背後附有不少於 6 英寸高之背號 ; 否則主裁判有權即時取消其出賽資格 ; All players on a team shall wear uniforms identical in color, trim and style, and all players uniforms shall include minimal six-inch numbers on their backs. Each umpire has authority to disqualify any player whose uniform does not conform to that of his/her teammates shall be permitted to participate in a game. (12) 每日頭場比賽的隊伍負責擺設比賽場地的各項設施用品 ; 而尾場比賽隊伍則負責將比賽場地的各項設施用品放回指定的貯物地點或交付運輸人員 ; 如有查詢, 請聯絡當值裁判 ;

Participating teams shall help for setting bases and return the base set to the storage place. (13) 在球場上必須服從主裁判之指示及決定, 各球員應保持運動員良好的紀律與體育精神 ; 避免發生任何衝突 ; 違規的球員或球隊, 有可能受到扣除積分或停賽處分 ; No player, manager, coach or substitute shall object to any umpire s judgment decisions, please maintain good discipline and true sportsmanship. No conflict is allowed. The respective teams will be stripped off all their points or suspended from the game. The offending player, coach and manager will receive a warning letter. (14) 參賽隊伍, 如有上訴局面, 必須於賽後由隊教練立即向主裁判正式提出及於四十八小時內以書面向香港棒球總會提出並繳付上訴費用伍百元 ; 未有如期繳付者, 所有上訴, 均不作處理 ; 倘上訴得直, 則可獲如數發還, 否則全數充公, 不得異議 ; Appeal or protest arising shall be made by the team coach to the umpire-in-chief right in the game and give written notice and pay handling fee of HK$1,000 to HKBA office within 48 hours after the game. No appeal or protest shall be permitted if fail to follow the procedure. Handling fee will be refunded in full if the appeal or protest is accepted. (15) 各項已繳費用, 除香港棒球總會特別註明外, 一律概不發還 ; No application fee or payment will be refunded except those remarked. (16) 全部比賽完結後, 香港棒球總會將按照規定退回各隊之比賽保證金 ; 惟若有缺席之隊伍則須由保證金中扣除一切應繳之罰款 ; Team deposit will be refunded after finishing the season; absent penalty will be deducted from the team deposit. (17) 參賽隊伍及所有註冊球員必須遵守 香港棒球總會 訂定之各項比賽規則與安排 ; Participating teams shall comply with the rules and regulations and arrangement made by HKBA (18) 如編訂之賽事未能如期進行, 補賽日期及地點, 均視乎場地或康樂及文化事務署安排而定, 參賽隊伍不得異議 ; Any re-schedule games are subject to the available venue provided by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, no objection is allowed. (19) 若於截止日期後如需新增球員或任何更改, 需於十四個工作天前於網上註冊系統進行球員註冊及更新球隊註冊, 每次申請球隊需付手續費港幣叁佰元 ; 球員註冊請參看 網上球員註冊及球隊註冊程序及須知 ; Any change of team roster through the Online Registration System at least fourteen working days before the effective date; please refer to the Online Player Registration & Team Registration Procedure & Guideline for details.administration Fee HK$ 300 will be charged per application. (20) 賽期公佈後如個別球隊需要改期, 必須自行聯絡涉及調期的球隊, 獲得同意後於原訂賽期一星期前以書面 ( 電郵至 通知 香港棒球總會 ; 每隊每季只限提出改期壹次 Each team is allowed to change its game date once in a season, the requested team is required

to contact and get consent of the related teams about the change then write to the Hong Kong Baseball Association with copy to the opposite teams by email at not less than one week before the scheduled game day. 注意事項 : 上述各項, 香港棒球總會 有權按實際情況而作出修改 Notes: Hong Kong Baseball Association reserves the rights to amend any clauses and make any re-arrangement subject to actual happening from time to time. 查詢電話 / Enquires :2504 8330