14 卷 1 期 ( 民國 99 年 3 月 ) 頁 3-15 The Development of Institutional Repository in Taiwan Hsueh-hua Chen University Librarian, National Taiwan University

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14 卷 1 期 ( 民國 99 年 3 月 ) 頁 3-15 The Development of Institutional Repository in Taiwan Hsueh-hua Chen University Librarian, National Taiwan University Library Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, National Taiwan University E-mail: sherry@ntu.edu.tw Su-Chuan Chang Head, Serials Department, National Taiwan University Library E-mail: jane@ntu.edu.tw Seh-Liang Wu Research Assistant, National Taiwan University Library E-mail: sunilwu@ntu.edu.tw Abstract Establishing institutional repositories can preserve research achievements and also provide users with a new channel for academic research. The Taiwan Academic Institutional Repository (TAIR) has created an integrated platform for institutional repository interflow. Incorporating already existing networks, TAIR enables users to access the wealth of research achievements accumulated by Taiwan s universities and colleges, promoting the international profile of the nation in the academic field. This 收稿日期 : 民國 98 年 12 月 14 日 ; 接受日期 : 民國 99 年 4 月 14 日

陳雪華 張素娟 吳瑟量 article seeks to introduce the development of institutional repositories in Taiwan and propose future goals for their promotion and development. Keywords Institutional repository; Taiwan Academic Institutional Repository TAIR I n s t i t u t i o n a l repositoryir 200 TAIR TAIR Open Access J a p a n e s e Institutional Repositories Online JAIRO http://jairo.nii.ac.jp/ N a t i o n a l Institute of Informatics, NII

臺灣學術機構典藏推展之探討 1 portal 2 JAIRO OAI-PMH Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting JAIRO 200 11 130,10 OAIsterhttp://www.oclc. org/oaister/ University of Michigan Library OAIster OCLC Online Computer Library Center200 10 30 OAIster OCLC OCLC WorldCat.org OAIster OAIster 200 11 1,100 2,300 OAIster OAI-PMH nzresearch.org.nz http:// nzresearch.org.nz/index.php/index Kiwi Research Information Service National Research Discovery System Project Coda, Ira OARiNZ 1. Coda http://www.coda.ac.nz/ Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics of New Zealand, ITPNZ 2. Ira Institutional Repositories Aotearoa, http://www.ira.auckland. ac.nz/ University of Auckland U n i v e r s i t y o f C a n t e r b u r y Universities of Victoria Google Scholar

陳雪華 張素娟 吳瑟量 3. OARiNZ Open Access Repositories in New Zealand, http://www.oarinz. ac.nz/ nzresearch.org.nz O A I - P M H metadata nzresearch.org.nz RSS OAI-PMH SRC Australian Scheme for Higher Education Repositories (ASHER, http://www.innovation.gov. au/pages/default.aspx) 2,0 X ASHER H o n g K o n g Institutional Repositories, HKIR, http://lbapps.ust.hk/hkir/ University Grants Committee, UGC HKIR DSpace HKIRcross-searching DSpace

臺灣學術機構典藏推展之探討 200 National Taiwan University RepositoryNTUR NTUR http://ir.org. tw NTUR NTUR Taiwan Academic Institutional RepositoryTAIR TAIR TAIR /

陳雪華 張素娟 吳瑟量 1 12 12 TAIR 101 2 3 TAIR TAIR 1 2 1 101

臺灣學術機構典藏推展之探討 TAIR NTUR OAI handle NTUR TAIR 1 NTUR TAIR TAIR DSpace OAI-PMH TAIR TAIR TAIR 2 12 3.% 12 TAIR / 3 /30 / 1

陳雪華 張素娟 吳瑟量 2 http://tair.org.tw/ 3 TAIR / / 13,1,3 3,1, 0,2 1, 2,2 1, 3,31 13,2 33,33 10,13 2, 23,30 2,2 11, 2,23 1, 2,01 2,0 23, 23, 21,0 1,0 20,1,23 13,21 13,21 10

臺灣學術機構典藏推展之探討 3 TAIR / / 11,22,11 DSpace 11,1 11,1 10,3, 10,2 10,32,000 3,,32,3,,123 2 3,2 2, 2,13 2,13 2,2 2,20 1,22 2,2 3 1, 1,1 1,2 1, 1,3 0 1230 TAIR / 13,1,3 3,1, 2,2 1, 3,31 13,2 33,33 10,13 2, 23,30 2,2 11, 2,23 1, 2,01 2,0 23, 23, 11

陳雪華 張素娟 吳瑟量 0,2 1, 11,22,11 10,3, 10,2 10,32,32,3, 1,2 1, 1, 1,1 0 3,2 2, 1, 1,1 1,2 1 32 1 1 1210 TAIR / % % 31,2 1.3 300,320.3 11,00 1.,0 20.0,2 1.20,00 1. 3,1 100 33,330 100 12 12

臺灣學術機構典藏推展之探討 10 / TAIR TAIR TAIR 1. 2. 3... TAIR TAIR TAIR TAIR Open Access 13

陳雪華 張素娟 吳瑟量 TAIR TAIRmirror site mirror site TAIR ROAR Registry of Open Access Repositories, http://roar. eprints.org/ OpenDOAR The Directory of Open Access Repositories, http://www.opendoar.org/index.html RWWR Ranking Web of World Repositories, http://repositories. webometrics.info/ 14

臺灣學術機構典藏推展之探討 200 43 2 13-10 200 ASHER (Australian Scheme for Higher Education Repositories). Retrieved November 2, 200, from http://www.innovation.gov.au/pages/default.aspx coda (Institutional Repository for the New Zealand ITP Sector). Retrieved November 2, 200, from http://www.coda.ac.nz/ HKIR (Hong Kong Institutional Repository). Retrieved November 20, 200, from http://lbapps.ust.hk/hkir/ Ira (Institutional Repositories Aotearoa). Retrieved November 2, 200, from http:// www.ira.auckland.ac.nz/ JAIRO (Japanese Institutional Repositories Online). Retrieved November 2, 200, from http://jairo.nii.ac.jp/ Kiwi Research Information Service. Retrieved November 2, 200, from http:// nzresearch.org.nz/index.php/index OAIster. Retrieved November 2, 200, from http://www.oclc.org/oaister/ OARiNZ (Open Access Repositories in New Zealand). Retrieved November 2, 200, from http://www.oarinz.ac.nz/ OpenDOAR(The Directory of Open Access Repositories). Retrieved November 20, 200, from http://www.opendoar.org/index.html ROAR (Registry of Open Access Repositories). Retrieved November 20, 200, from http://roar.eprints.org/ RWWR (Ranking Web of World Repositories). Retrieved November 20, 200, from http://repositories.webometrics.info/ 15