J. G. Akerboom Nurseries, Inc., Projected Fall 2018/Spring 2019 Availability GENUS SPECIES YEAR AVAILABILITY SIZE PRICE (each) Acer palmatum (Big Seed

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GENUS SPECIES YEAR AVAILABILITY SIZE PRICE (each) Acer palmatum (Big Seed) 1-0 13000 4-8" $0.65 Green Japanese Maple 13000 8-12" $0.80 2475 12-18" $0.95 Acer palmatum var. Atropurpureum 1-0 19500 4-8" $0.75 Red Japanese Maple 5000 8-12" $0.90 2-0 3385 12-18" $1.25 Aesculus octandra RM1-0 1850 8-12" $2.00 Yellow Buckeye Alnus serrulata 1-0 6500 4-8" $0.75 Smooth Alder/Tag Alder 12000 8-12" $0.90 6550 12-18" $1.10 6500 2-4" $0.60 Amelanchier laevis 1-0 Sold Out 8-12" Allegheny Serviceberry Sold Out 12-18" Sold Out 18-24" 2 yr Transplants 1000 12-18" $3.00 350 18-24" $3.50 Amelanchier canadensis 1-0 5700 4-8" $0.80 Shadblow Serviceberry 1150 8-12" $0.95 0 12-18" $1.10 Aronia arbutifolia 'Brilliantissima' 1-0 1800 12-18" $0.80 Red Chokeberry 1150 18-24" $0.95 1900 24-30" $1.10 Aronia melanocarpa 1-0 2825 8-12" $0.65 Black Chokeberry 8050 12-18" $0.80 Asimina triloba 1-0 4300 2-4" $1.00 Pawpaw 3075 4-8" $1.50 Betula nigra 1-0 4500 18-24" $0.90 River Birch 6000 24-30" $1.10 6000 30-36" $1.25 2-0 2000 2-3' $1.50 2950 3-4' $2.00 Betula papyrifera 1-0 1000 18-24" $0.90 Paper Birch 1000 24-30" $1.10 Sold Out 30-36" $1.25 Betula populifolia 1-0 1600 18-24" $0.90 Grey Birch 1600 24-30" $1.10 1000 30-36" $1.25 Buxus 'Green Velvet' 1 yr Transplants Sold Out 4" Green Velvet Boxwood Sold Out 4-8" Buxus sempervirens 1 yr Transplants Sold Out 4-8" American Boxwood Sold Out 8-12" Buxus 'Winter Gem' 1 yr Transplants 1600 4-8" $2.25 Winter Gem Boxwood 2200 8-12" $2.50 Carpinus betulus 1-0 8250 4-8" $0.70 European Hornbeam 3250 8-12" $0.85 1000 12-18" $1.00 2-0 Sold Out 18-24" Sold Out 24-30" Sold Out 30-36" Carpinus caroliniana 1-0 9000 8-12" $0.75 American Hornbeam 5000 12-18" $0.90 10000 18-24" $1.10 2-0 1200 12-18" $1.25 1700 18-24" $1.50 1800 24-30" $1.75 Ceanothus americanus 1-0 4850 4-8" $0.85 New Jersey Tea 5655 8-12" $1.00 PAGE 1 OF 6

Cedrus deodara 1-0 6700 2-4" $0.45 Himalayan/Deodar Cedar 9850 4-8" $0.60 Sold Out 8-12" $0.75 Celtis occidentalis 1-0 Sold Out 12-18" Hackberry Sold Out 18-24" Cercis canadensis 1-0 Sold Out 4-8' Canadian Redbud Sold Out 8-12" Sold Out 12-18" Sold Out 18-24" Chionanthus retusus 1-0 8800 4-8" $0.75 Chinese Fringetree 0 8-12" $0.90 Chionanthus virginicus 2-0 9100 4-8" $1.00 White Fringetree 7400 8-12" $1.25 975 12-18" $1.50 Cornus alternifolia 1-0 2000 4-8" $0.60 Pagoda Dogwood 1925 8-12" $0.75 1-1 Transplants Sold Out 12-18" $2.50 Sold Out 18-24" $3.00 Cornus ammomum 1-0 4750 18-24" $0.90 Silky Dogwood 8000 24-30" $1.05 8000 30-36" $1.20 Cornus florida 1-0 7900 12-18" $0.75 White Flowering Dogwood 12400 18-24" $0.90 Cornus kousa chinensis 2-0 Sold Out 18-24" $1.25 Chinese Dogwood 2-3' $1.75 3-4' $2.00 Cornus mas 1-0 4000 8-12" $0.60 Cornelian Cherry 3950 12-18" $0.75 Cornus officinalis 1-0 400 4-8" $0.60 Japanese Cornel Dogwood 400 8-12" $0.75 Cornus racemosa 1-0 2400 12-18" $0.75 Gray Dogwood 4150 18-24" $0.90 4800 24-30" $1.05 Cornus sericea 1-0 4000 12-18" $0.75 Red Osier Dogwood 7500 18-24" $0.90 8650 24-30" $1.05 Cotinus coggygria atropurpurea 1-0 Sold Out 12-18" Purple Smoketree 18-24" 24-30" Euonymous alatus 'Compactus' 2 Yr. Transplant 1500 4-8" $2.25 Burning Bush 2000 8-12" $2.75 Diospyros virginiana 2-0 2750 18-24" $1.25 American Persimmon 2750 2-3' $1.50 2250 3-4' $2.00 Forsythia 'Lynwood Gold' 1yr Transplant 4200 30-36" $2.50 Lynwood Gold Forsythia 2 yr Transplant 6000 3-4' $3.25 PAGE 2 OF 6

Franklinia alatamaha 1-0 Sold Out 4-8" Franklin Tree Sold Out 8-12" Ginkgo biloba 1-0 3400 4-8" $0.65 Maidenhair Tree / Ginkgo Tree 2350 8-12" $0.80 Hamamelis x intermedia 1-0 1400 4-8" $0.80 Hybrid Witchhazel 3000 8-12" $0.95 2850 12-18" $1.20 Hamamelis vernalis 1-0 7600 8-12" $0.80 Vernal Witchhazel 11250 12-18" $0.95 2-0 1000 18-24" $1.00 1000 24-30" $1.25 900 30-36" $1.50 Hamamelis virginiana 1-0 13000 4-8" $0.65 Common Witchhazel 10250 8-12" $0.80 Ilex glabra 'Compacta' 2 Yr. Transplant 1650 8-12" $2.50 Compact Inkberry 1600 12-15" $3.00 Ilex glabra 'Shamrock' 1 Yr. Transplant 8400 4-6" $2.00 Shamrock Inkberry 2 Yr. Transplant 4000 8-12" $3.00 3925 12-15" $3.50 Ilex verticillata 1-0 900 4-8" $0.65 American Winterberry 900 8-12" $0.80 0 12-18" $0.95 Ilex verticillata 'Winter Red' 1 Yr. Transplant 0 4-8" $2.25 Winter Red Winterberry 100 8-12" $2.75 1400 12-18" $3.25 Juniperus virginiana 2-0 Sold Out 12-18" $0.90 Eastern Red Cedar Sold Out 18-24" $1.10 Ligustrum ovulifolium 1 Yr. Transplant 6000 4-8" $1.75 California Privet 6150 8-12" $2.00 2 Yr. Transplant 2250 18-24" $3.50 3000 24-30" $3.75 Lindera benzoin 1-0 10,400 8-12" $0.85 Spicebush 9000 12-18" $1.00 15050 18-24" $1.25 Lindera glauca var. salicifolia 1-0 4350 12-18" $1.50 Asian Spicebush 1800 18-24" $2.00 Liquidabar styraciflua 1-0 5500 12-18" $0.75 American Sweetgum 7000 18-24" $0.90 7000 24-30" $1.05 2-0 1500 18-24" $1.00 3900 24-30" $1.25 2900 30-36" $1.50 Magnolia accuminata 1-0 Sold Out 2-4" $0.90 Cucumbertree Magnolia Magnolia virginiana 1-0 3000 2-4" $0.60 Sweetbay Magnolia 7650 4-8: $0.75 8800 8-12" $0.90 2-0 2400 8-12" $1.00 3000 12-18" $1.25 3975 18-24" $1.50 2900 24-30" $2.00 PAGE 3 OF 6

Myrica (Morella) pennsylvanica 1-0 20000 2-4" $0.55 Northern Bayberry 31400 4-8" $0.70 2-0 4500 12-18" $1.25 0 18-24" $1.50 1-1 Transplants Very Good 4-8" $2.00 Very Good 8-12" $2.50 1-2 Transplants 1800 18-24" $3.25 Nyssa sylvatica 1-0 6000 8-12" $0.65 Tupelo / Blackgum 5975 12-18" $0.80 Ostrya virginiana 1-0 0 8-12" $0.90 American Hophornbeam / Ironwood 500 12-18" $1.10 400 18-24" $1.25 Prunus avium 1-0 1600 12-18" $0.95 Sweet Cherry 2400 18-24" $1.10 Prunus maritima 1-0 Sold out 18-24" $1.05 Beach Plum 4725 24-30" $1.20 7750 30-36" $1.50 Prunus serotina 1-0 800 12-18" $0.70 Black Cherry 800 18-24" $0.85 600 24-30" $1.00 Rosa caroliniana 2-0 750 12-18" $1.00 Carolina Rose / Pasture Rose 1400 18-24" $1.25 Rosa palustris 1-0 2600 12-18" $0.75 Swamp Rose 2000 18-24" $0.85 Rosa rugosa 'Pink' 1-0 1000 8-12" $0.65 Pink Rugosa Rose Sold out 12-18" $0.80 Rosa virginiana 1-0 1600 8-12" $0.60 Virginia Rose / Prarie Rose 2400 12-18" $0.75 Sassafras albidum 1-0 Sold Out 8-12" Sassafras Tree Sold Out 12-18" Sold Out 18-24" Styrax japonicus 1-0 1950 12-18" $1.25 Japanese Snowbell 1700 18-24" $1.50 900 24-30" $1.75 Styrax obassia 1-0 650 8-12" $1.00 Fregrant Snowbell 650 12-18" $1.25 400 4-8" $0.85 Syringa vulgaris 2-0 3600 4-8" $0.50 Common Lilac 3600 8-12" $0.65 1800 12-18" $0.80 Taxodium distichum 1-0 1400 18-24" $0.90 Bald Cypress 3300 24-30" $1.10 3200 30-36" $1.25 2-0 2500 18-24" $1.10 2500 24-30" $1.25 2500 30-36" $1.50 PAGE 4 OF 6

Thuja occidentalis 'Nigra Dark Green' 1 Yr Transplants Sold Out 8-12" $2.25 Dark American Arborvitae 450 12-15" $2.50 Tilia cordata 1-0 Sold Out 1/4" $1.00 Little Leaf Linden Sold Out 3/8" $1.20 Viburnum 'Alleghany' 1 Yr. Transplant 1400 8-12" $2.25 Alleghany Leatherleaf Viburnum 1700 12-18" $2.75 2000 18-24" $3.25 Viburnum 'Burkwoodii' 1 Yr. Transplant 2800 8-12" $2.25 Burkwood Viburnum 3800 12-18" $2.75 Viburnum carlesii 2-0 Sold Out 8-12" $1.00 Korean Spice Viburnum Sold Out 12-18" $1.25 Sold Out 18-24" $1.50 Sold Out 24-30" $1.75 Viburnum dentatum 1-0 Sold Out $0.65 Arrowwood Viburnum Sold Out $0.80 Sold Out $0.95 Viburnum 'Juddii' 2 Yr Transplant 500 8-12" $2.75 Juddii Viburnum Viburnum 'Mariesii' 1 Yr Transplant 1900 8-12" $2.25 Mariesii Doublefile Viburnum 2400 12-18" $2.75 2300 18-24" $3.25 Viburnum 'Pragense' 1 Yr Transplant 2000 4-8" $2.00 Pragense Viburnum 7000 8-12" $2.25 2 Yr Transplant 2500 12-18" $3.25 650 18-24" $3.50 Viburnum rhytidophyllum 2 Yr Transplant 900 12-18" $3.00 Leatherleaf Viburnum Sold Out 18-24" $3.50 Viburnum setigerum 2-0 850 18-24" $1.00 Tea Viburnum 750 24-30" $1.25 750 30-36" $1.50 Viburnum 'Shasta' Transplant TBD Shasta Doublefile Viburnum Viburnum trilobum Wentworth 2-0 Sold Out 18-24" $1.00 American Cranberrybush Viburnum 1350 24-30" $1.25 1650 30-36" $1.50 Zelkova serrata 1-0 7000 12-18" $0.70 Japanese Zelkova 6500 18-24" $0.85 6985 24-30" $1.00 PAGE 5 OF 6

One Gallon Liners: Quantity Available Price Chamaecyparis nootkatensis Pendula 75 $11.50 Chamaecyparis nootkatensis Green Arrow 25 $11.50 Chamaecyparis nootkatensis Wells Pendula 60 $11.50 Chamaecyparis obtusa Aurea Nana 130 $11.50 Cupressus arizonica Golden Pyramid 30 $10.50 Ilex opaca Dan Fenton 50 $8.75 Ilex opaca Libery Bells 70 $8.75 Ilex opaca Martha s Vineyard 50 $8.75 Ilex opaca Miss Helen 20 $8.75 Ilex opaca Satyr Hill 230 $8.75 Juniperus chinensis Hook s # 6 25 $9.00 Picea abies Inversa Pendula 15 $11.50 Picea omorika Berliner s Weeper 20 $11.50 Picea omorika Pendula Brunz 160 $11.50 Picea orientalis Atrovirens 325 $11.50 Picea orientalis Pendula 40 $15.00 Picea orientalis Skylands 60 $15.00 Pinus densiflora Pendula 40 $11.50 Pinus parviflora Adcock s Dwarf 90 $11.50 Pinus strobus Fastigiata 55 $11.50 Pinus strobus Stowe Pillar 60 $11.50 Pinus thunbergii Thunderhead 5 $11.50 Quart Liners: Picea abies 'Frohburg' 240 $9.00 Picea abies 'Gold Drift' 35 $9.00 Picea omorika Pendula 75 $9.00 Picea omorika Berliner s Weeper 50 $9.00 Picea omorika Pendula Brunz 100 $9.00 Picea orientalis 'Atrovirens' 95 $9.00 Picea orientalis 'Skylands' 105 $9.00 Pinus strobus 'Nana' 40 $9.00 Pinus strobus 'Louie' 45 $9.00 Pinus koreansis 'Silverray' 60 $9.00 PAGE 6 OF 6