西门子家用电器产品保修指南 博西家用电器 ( 中国 ) 有限公司南京市中山路 129 号中南国际大厦 楼 全国统一客户服务热线 : 客户服务电子邮箱 : 公司网站 : 本资料内容

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西门子家用电器产品保修指南 博西家用电器 ( 中国 ) 有限公司南京市中山路 129 号中南国际大厦 20 21 楼 全国统一客户服务热线 : 4008899999 客户服务电子邮箱 : careline.china@bshg.com 公司网站 : www.siemens-home.cn 本资料内容如有变更, 恕不另行通知

友情提示 如果您的机器出现异常现象, 在联系客户服务之前, 请先参照机器说明书中的 异常现象及处理方法 进行排查 如果维修人员上门后发现机器并无故障, 即使在包修期内, 您也将承担相关费用 您可以在本指南中找到客户服务的联系方式 在上门服务前请提供下列信息 : 详细的地址和电话号码 故障描述 购机及收货日期 (E-Nr.) 生产日期 (FD) 上述信息有助于更好地为您提供服务, 同时也可以为您省去不必要的开支 请参见铭牌 保修说明 1. 根据 中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法 和 部分商品修理更换退货责任规定, 本机作为家用电器, 自购买收货之日起整机包修 1 年, 主要部件包修 3 年 用于生产经营目的 商用 公司集体使用等用途所购买的家电, 其整机及主要零配件自收货之日起包修期为 3 个月, 除非购销合同中另有规定 法律法规另有规定的, 按照其规定执行 2. 产品存在瑕疵但不影响产品的性能 功能, 也不违反国家强制性规定, 厂方 商业单位作降价处理的, 其包修条件同上, 但因此而降价的部位不予包修 3. 包修期内, 用户修理时必须提供修理产品的有效收货凭证 购买发票和厂方指定的相关三包凭证, 三包包修期自购买收货之日算起 如果收货凭证遗失, 按照购买发票日期顺延 7 日作为三包开始日期 如果收货凭证和购买发票同时遗失且不能提供有效信息, 按照出厂日期顺延 45 日作为包修开始日期 4. 下列项目不属于免费包修范围, 应实行收费修理 用户搬运, 安装, 使用, 维护, 保管不当而损坏的 使用电源电压低于 187 伏或高于 240 伏而损坏的 自行或非厂方特约维修点拆修的 无有效购买发票和三包凭证的 购买发票或三包凭证型号与不符或涂改的 因不可抗据力造成产品损坏的 过了免费包修期的 5. 由于产品使用环境条件, 如电源 水源 温度 湿度等非本公司所能控制的因素引起的一切损坏及损失, 不在免费保修范围内 服务保障措施 24 小时热线 原厂配件 全程服务 延保计划 联系方式 全国统一客户服务热线 :4008899999 客户服务传真 :025-84701672 客户服务电子邮箱 :careline.china@bshg.com 公司网站 :www.siemens-home.cn 2014 年 04 月 02 日

西门子家用电器客户服务保修卡 联系地址 维修点名称 维修点电话 结算第五联 结算第四联 结算第三联 结算第二联 结算第一联

Tips Please first look up chapter in Instruction manual troubleshooting before you ask for home service. If service people could not find any malfunction on the appliances, consumer need to pay for related cost even if the appliances is in the warranty period. In order to provide prompt service, our service staff needs specific information about the appliance. Please inform the following us to in detail: Exact address and telephone number.; Failure description; Date of purchase and receipt; Product model (E-Nr.) and Production date (FD). You may lookup the name plate for the product model. Warranty Instruction 1. In accordance with the Consumer Protection Law of the People's Republic of China and the Provisions on Liability Concerning the Repair, Replacement and Return of Some Commodities, as an appliance purchased for household use this unit is protected from the date of purchase and receipt by a 1-year warranty for the complete unit and a 3-year warranty for major parts. For household appliances purchased for production and business purposes, commercial, corporate and collective use or other purposes, the warranty period for the complete unit and spare parts is 3 months from the date of receipt unless otherwise specified in the contract. The laws and regulations will take the prior when the company's warranty condition collides with any of them. 2. For appliances having defects that do not affect the product's performance or functionality and which are sold at reduced prices, the warranty period is the same, but the price-reduced part is not protected under warranty. 3. Within the warranty period, the user must furnish the valid receipt certificate, purchase invoice and warranty certificate defined by the manufacturer when requesting repairs under warranty. The warranty period starts from the date of purchase and receipt. If the receipt certificate is lost, the warranty period starts 7 days after the invoice date. If the receipt voucher and purchase invoices are both lost and valid information cannot be furnished, the warranty period starts 45 days after the date of manufacture. 4. The following cases are not covered by the free of charge repair and should be paid by the customer: Damage caused by improper transportation, installation, operation, maintenance and storage by customer. Damage caused by power supply on customer site less than 187V or more than 240V. Damage caused by unauthorized repair. Without valid purchase invoice or without relevant guarantee document. The model number on the purchase invoice or warranty certificate does not match the model number on the product or has been altered. Damage caused by force majeure. Out of warranty. 5. If the appliances are used under condition of improper power supply, water supply, temperature or humidity, the damage and loss are not covered by the free of charge repair and should be paid by the customer. Because the factors mentioned above is beyond the control of manufacturer. Service Safeguards 24 hours hotline Genuine Parts Service communication End-to-End Service Extended Warranty Plans Service call: 4008899999 Service fax: 025-84701672 Service mailbox: careline.china@bshg.com Website: www.siemens-home.cn 2014.04.02

Warranty Card Address Repair name Repair Fifth page Fourth page Third page Second page First page 9000 986 784 (9404)