Moon Cake Brochure_L5

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凡參加者均可獲贈精美手挽袋一個 精美證書一張及個人檔案一本(NEW) 凡參加全日班(四週或以上)或半日班(四週或以上)的幼兒可額外獲贈 DVD 一隻 (內容為學童上課 之花絮) 凡參加者可訂製 DIY 年曆 (1314 年度)一本 費用$120 詳情請閱下文 DIY 年曆(1314 年度)製作方法



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板 栗 Chestnuts Roasted & Peeled (g) $.00 烘 烤 去 殼, 入 口 鬆 化, 風 味 原 始, 絕 不 加 糖, 含 豐 富 維 生 素 芝 麻 糕 Sesame cake (00g) $.00 抗 高 血 壓, 烏 髮, 通 便, 解 毒, 補 充 鈣 質 (

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9 19 ( ) 888 * (852) 2822 8870 The Mid-Autumn Festival is about reunion with your family and loved ones. This year, Golden Leaf will once again offer a selection of beautifully packaged mooncakes including the limited edition handmade traditional mooncakes. Two new flavours, Low Sugar Mooncake and Mixed Nuts Mooncake are being introduced to satisfy different cravings. In celebration of the hotel s 25th anniversary, the culinary team from Golden Leaf will reveal their mooncake recipe and secret in the one-day only cooking class on 19 September. Including a 5-course lunch, the cooking class is priced at HK$888*. Reserve your seats now at or call us on (852) 2822 8870. 10% Service Charge

Festive Hamper HK$1,388 (6 ) X.O. (450 ) 25 Traditional white lotus seed paste with egg yolk mooncake (6pcs), Chinese premium tealeaves (Pu-erh tea), Golden Leaf X.O. sauce (450g), Conrad Hong Kong 25th anniversary private label red wine (France) Mid-Autumn Hamper HK$2,188 (6 ) X.O. (450 ) (220 ) (10 ) (200 ) (12 ) 25 Traditional white lotus seed paste with egg yolk mooncake (6 pcs), Chinese premium tealeaves (Pu-erh tea), Golden Leaf X.O. sauce (450g), Chinese mushrooms (220g), Chinese almond cookies (10pcs), Homemade honey glazed walnuts (200g), Assorted chocolates (12pcs), Conrad Hong Kong 25th anniversary private label red wine and white wine (Loire Valley, France) Deluxe Hamper HK$3,188 (6 ) (8 ) X.O. (450 ) (220 ) (10 ) (160 ) (200 ) (425 ) (12 ) Perrier-Jouët 25 Traditional white lotus seed paste with egg yolk mooncake (6pcs), Green tea with egg yolk mini mooncake (8pcs), Chinese premium tealeaves (Pu-erh tea), Golden Leaf X.O. sauce (450g), Chinese mushrooms (220g), Chinese almond cookies (10pcs), Conpoy (160g), Homemade honey glazed walnuts (200g), Abalone (425g), Assorted chocolates (12pcs), Champagne - Perrier-Jouët Grand Brut NV, Conrad Hong Kong 25th anniversary private label red wine or white wine (Loire Valley, France) XO (852) 2521 3838 Trio gift hampers brimming with mooncake delicacies, Golden Leaf X.O. Sauce, the limited-edition Conrad Hong Kong Silver Jubilee wines, and many more luxurious goodies are available at the Cake Shop. For information about custom-made hamper or gift vouchers, please contact Cake Shop on (852) 2521 3838. 8 23 8 4,000 250 Premium Club 8 8 23 75 Mooncakes order placed on or before 23 August will enjoy 20% discount. Orders over HK$4,000 will receive a HK$250 dining certificate. Premium Club members are entitled for a 20% discount on mooncakes and hampers. An additional 5% discount will be offered for orders placed on or before 23 August. Bulk order discount Quantity ( box) Discount 15 50 15% 51 100 20% 101 101 or above Please contact Cake Shop for discount and special arrangement

Mid-Autumn Festival Order Form 2015 Description Mini mooncakes ( 8 pieces) ( ) Unit Price (HK$) Quantity Total To place your order, please fax or email to Conrad Hong Kong. Please call us for enquiries. Telephone : (852) 2521 3838 Fax : (852) 2822 8849 Email : Sender Green tea with egg yolk 338 Creamed egg yolk 338 Traditional mooncakes ( 6 pieces) White lotus seed paste with egg yolk 338 Low sugar white lotus seed paste 338 Mixed nuts with salted pork 338 Sender s tel no. Sender s fax no. Recipient Recipient s tel no. Address Sender s mobile no. Recipient s mobile no. Grand assorted mooncake set (2 of each) ( Classic Golden Leaf limited edition mooncake gift set (handcrafted cherry-wooden box) - 2 4-2 pieces of 25th anniversary mooncakes with a choice of 4 pieces of traditional mooncakes Hamper 338 888 Pick up / delivery date Payment by credit card ( ) Please attach a copy of your credit card (front and back) from my credit card: Please debit the amount of HK$ Amex Visa JCB Union Pay MasterCard Diners Club Mid-Autumn hamper 1,388 Festive hamper 2,188 Deluxe hamper 3,188 Card number Cardholder s name Expiry date Cardholder s signature Order can be made from 1 July until 24 September 2015. Collection at Cake Shop from 24 August to 24 September 2015. Delivery charge (per location) Please tick as appropriate. Delivery service is available and charges are as listed. Delivery service is not applicable to New Territories & outlying islands. Hong Kong Island HK$120 Kowloon HK$160

Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2521 3838 Fax: (852) 2521 3888 Email: @conradhkhotel