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08 Employers' MPF Newsletter 08 Issue IMPORTANT INFORMATION.. 8. 4..A ) 65 65 ( ) / 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.. This Newsletter is for informational purposes only. The contents of the Newsletter are subject to change without further notice.. You may at anytime choose not to receive any marketing mailings from the Trustee. To make such arrangement, please address to BOCIPrudential's Data Privacy Officer in writing via email: or at /F, Citicorp Centre, 8 Whitfield Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.. You should consider your own risk tolerance level and financial circumstances before making any investment choices. In your selection of funds, if you are in doubt as to whether a constituent fund is suitable for you (including whether it is consistent with your investment objectives), you should seek independent financial and/or professional advice and choose the fund(s) most suitable for you taking into account your circumstances. 4. You should consider your own risk tolerance level and financial circumstances before investing in the MPF Default Investment Strategy ("DIS" as defined in section.a headed "MPF Default Investment Strategy" of the Principal Brochure of My Choice Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme (the "Scheme")). You should note that the My Choice Core Accumulation Fund and the My Choice Age 65 Plus Fund may not be suitable for you, and there may be a risk mismatch between the My Choice Core Accumulation Fund and the My Choice Age 65 Plus Fund and your risk profile (the resulting portfolio risk may be greater than your risk preference). You should seek financial and/or professional advice if you are in doubt as to whether the MPF Default Investment Strategy is suitable for you, and make the investment decision most suitable for you taking into account your circumstances. 5. You should note that the implementation of the MPF Default Investment Strategy may have an impact on your MPF investments and benefits. We recommend that you consult with the Trustee if you have doubts on how you are being affected. 6. The My Choice MPF Conservative Fund of the Scheme does not guarantee the repayment of capital. Investment in the My Choice MPF Conservative Fund and My Choice RMB & HKD Money Market Fund is not the same as placing funds on deposit with a bank or deposit taking company and that the Trustee has no obligation to redeem the investment at the subscription value. In addition, the My Choice MPF Conservative Fund and My Choice RMB & HKD Money Market Fund are not subject to the supervision of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. 7. Fees and charges of a MPF conservative fund can be deducted from either: (i) the assets of the fund; or (ii) members' account by way of unit deduction. The My Choice MPF Conservative Fund uses method (i) and, therefore, unit prices/ Net Asset Value/ fund performance quoted have incorporated the impact of fees and charges. 8. Investment involves risks. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Price of units and investment returns may go down as well as up. 9. The following information is for your reference only. You should not solely rely on the standalone information to make any investment decision. Please refer to the Principal Brochure of the Scheme for details (including risk factors and fees and charges) before making any investment decision. 0

Editorial Notes CEO of BOCIPrudential Trustee Limited Mr. Alex Chu 08 08 5 4( ) In the second quarter of 08, we have been awarded the Best Group Over Years Overall and constituent funds under our MPF scheme also won multiple accolades in the 08 Lipper Hong Kong Fund Awards. We shall continue to strive to provide quality MPF products with outstanding performance. On 4th May, MPFA held a pledging ceremony for upholding the Governance Charter for MPF Trustees (the Charter ). Representatives from the board of directors on behalf of the Trustee and other stakeholders of the industry attended the ceremony and committed together to put in place a sound governance framework which will include value for money and memberfirst core values, in response to the MPFA s initiative. Together, the MPFA and the trustees would continue to develop the MPF system into a retirement pillar that is important to the people of Hong Kong. Our objective is to lay down a sound governance framework to operate MPF schemes effectively and efficiently for the benefit of the working population in Hong Kong. The governance belief of the Trustee also reflects the spirit of the Charter. For details, please visit our website Overview of Latest Awards & Events 08 Lipper Hong Kong Fund Awards Awards_Methodology_8._Release) Group Award Best Group Over Years Overall BOCIPrudential Trustee Limitedd Fund Awards Best Fund Over Years China Equity Best Fund Over 5 Years China Equity Best Fund Over 5 Years Hong Kong Equity Best Fund Over 5 Years HKD Bond Source: Thomson Reuters Lipper. The award was based on Lipper's selection criteria ( _8._Release). For more details, please visit the Lipper s website: This award information is for informational purposes only and does not constitute any distribution, offer or solicitation to buy or sell. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. You should not solely rely on the standalone marketing material to make any investment decision.

My Choice Mandatory Choice Provident MPF Fund Scheme Scheme MPF Hot Topics Welcome to submit MPF contribution and remittance statement electronically Go green and consider submitting MPF contributions and remittance statement via electronic means you will be free from the hassle of handwriting and mailing by preparing electronic contribution data files and making contributions electronically via our various channels. Make MPF contributions electronically Set up direct debit authorization (Autopay) Make payment for MPF contributions by echeque upload the echeque file through employer MPF account BOCHK echeque Drop Box, select "echeque Bill Payment" send echeque to BOCIPrudential through email services of BOCNET HK / CBS Online Make online payment via BOC Corporate Banking Services Online (CBS) of BOC(HK), Nanyang Commercial Bank and Chiyu Banking Corporation Submit Remittance Statement electronically Log in to Employer MPF account and use the "ers" function to submit contribution data and the enrollment / termination records of employees online (only applicable to employers who have successfully applied for the "Advanced Mode Login" function) Use our free contribution software "PayEasy" or "SmartCon", email or upload the electronic contribution data file to us Log in to Employer MPF account and upload the electronic Remittance Statement (in jpg, png, tif or pdf format) to us BOCIPrudential Trustee Limited 04

Latest News 08 BOCPT MPF Human Resources and Payroll Management System Offer 08 08 ( ) 90 89 Starting from now until Dec 08, we are pleased to offer to our eligible valued customers a waiver of up to years only on the annual fee on the use of the HR and payroll management system (to which terms and conditions apply). You are more than welcome to contact us at 90 89 or via email for more details of the above HR and Payroll Management System Offer. We are pleased to arrange introductory sessions for your company. Revised MPF Forms Notice of Change of Employer s Particulars/Contribution Method and Investment Change Forms The following MPF forms have been revised, please find the details as below:. Change of Employer s Particulars / Contribution Method form added the field Change of Business Address and deleted the field Change of Authorized Specimen Signature. Investment Change Forms added a note in the relevant investment change forms to alert that the investment instruction may be processed on separate dates if the number of redeemed units exceeding 0% of the total number of units in issue The new forms will be available on our website at Download Corner. Free Briefing Sessions for My Choice MPF Scheme Members (85) 90 89 My Choice MPF member briefing sessions are now available for registration free of charge! Our MPF specialists can pay a visit to your office and provide MPF market updates, help you review MPF annual benefit statement, answer MPFrelated enquiries and assist your employees to consolidate their MPF accounts. For reservation, please call the enrolment hotline at (85) 90 89 or contact us via email Notice of Change of Address of Customer Service Centre and postal address 08 8 7 8 5 ( ) Due to the needs of business growth, our Customer Service Centre will be relocated to 5/F, Citicorp Centre, 8 Whitfield Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong (one floor above our previous location) on 7 Aug 08. Trustee s postal address will also be changed to above address starting from that day. 9966 Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Services Representatives at: MPF Administration Hotline: 9966. 0

Performance of Constituent Funds Cumulative Performance Fund Name Fund Descriptor Launch Date Fund Price months year years 5years 0years Return Since Return Return Return Return Return Inception My Choice Growth Fund My Choice Balanced Fund My Choice Stable Fund My Choice Global Equity Fund My Choice Asia Equity Fund My Choice Hong Kong Tracking Fund My Choice Global Bond Fund My Choice RMB & HKD Money Market Fund My Choice MPF Conservative Fund My Choice Core Accumulation Fund 65 My Choice Age 65 Plus Fund Issuer: Pamphlet BOCIPrudential Issuer: BOCIPrudential Trustee Limited Trustee Limited ( ) 8/07/00 7.5.4% Mixed Assets Fund Global Maximum equity around 90% ( ) 85% Mixed Assets Fund Global Maximum equity 85% ( ) 60% Mixed Assets Fund Global Maximum equity 60% Equity Fund Global Equity Fund Asia Pacific Equity Fund China Bond Fund Global Bond Fund Hong Kong ( ) Money Market Fund China & Hong Kong ( ) Money Market Fund Hong Kong 65% Mixed Assets Fund Global Maximum equity 65% 5% Mixed Assets Fund Global Maximum equity 5% ^ Calendar Year Performance^ 8/07/00 6.056.96% 8/07/00 4.86.05% 8/07/00 9.0 0.6% 8/07/00 6.965.6% 8/07/00 8.677.46% 8/07/00 6.7599.58% 8/07/00 5.847 8/07/00 0.070 7.8% 4.94%.9% 8.57%.% 5.6%.% 5.87% 8.%.9% 0.0% 7.7% 9.56% 5.96% 5.54% 4.%.% 8.%.84% 0.76%.98% 0.0%.9% 8/07/00 0.4645.77% 8/07/00.76 0.47% 06/0/04 0.90.9% 0.00% 0/04/07 0.799 0.8% 0/04/07 0.00 0.6% Fund Name Fund Descriptor 0 0 04 05 06 07 Year To Date My Choice Growth Fund My Choice Balanced Fund My Choice Stable Fund My Choice Global Equity Fund My Choice Asia Equity Fund My Choice Hong Kong Tracking Fund My Choice Global Bond Fund ( ) My Choice RMB & HKD Money Market Fund Money Market Fund China & Hong Kong My Choice MPF Conservative Fund My Choice Core Accumulation Fund 65 My Choice Age 65 Plus Fund ( ) Mixed Assets Fund Global Maximum equity around 90% ( ) 85% Mixed Assets Fund Global Maximum equity 85% ( ) 60% Mixed Assets Fund Global Maximum equity 60% Equity Fund Global Equity Fund Asia Pacific Equity Fund China Bond Fund Global Bond Fund Hong Kong ( ) Money Market Fund Hong Kong 65% Mixed Assets Fund Global Maximum equity 65% ( ) 5% Mixed Assets Fund Global Maximum equity 5% 08 6 0 Data as of 0 June 08. Investment involves risks. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Price of units and investment returns may go down as well as up. Please refer to the Principal Brochure of the Scheme for details (including risk factors and fees and charges) before making any investment decision. If the history of the constituent fund is less than year in the calendar year, the corresponding calendar year performance will be calculated from the inception date to that calendar yearend. The prices of constituent funds were calculated after deduction of investment management fee and other respective charges. For details of other fees and charges, please refer to Section 7 "Fees and Charges" of the Principal Brochure of My Choice MPF Scheme. Performance of constituent funds is calculated in HKD on NAVtoNAV basis with gross dividend reinvested..96%.05%.74%.8% 4.65% 5.68%.57%.45%.69% 4.67% 0.4% 0.0%.59% 7.9% 5.0% 4.04%.97% 0.% 8.56% 9.95%.0%.8%.49% 0.0% 5.5%.8% 7.64% 6.7%.7%.6% 6.06% 5.9% 0.89% 4.88%.47%.55%.54%.48% 6.% 6.5% 4.% 7.6% 5.84%.7%.67% 0.0%.78%.%.08% 0.0% 47.% 4.76% 4.54% 4.6% 50.% 69.8% 6.9% 45.68% 6.% 7.80%.6%.5%.60% 8.0% 5.64%.0%.9%.0%.57%.55%.79% 0.0% 0.04% 8.8%.84% 6.9% 7.% 4.95% 48.04% 4.48% 9.8%.78%.5% 6.99% 0.0% 8.59%.5% 75.% 60.5% 4.86% 9.0% 69.7% 86.7% 67.60% 5.85% 4.65%.8%.9% 0.7% 7.9%.0%.%.94%.78%.67%.7%.% 0.47%.47%.46%.8% 0.0% 0.00% 0.6% 0.% 0