2019 Summer Rockies_6-10_GH.pdf

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2019 Summer Rockies_6-10_GH.pdf

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Highlights explore the European style village of Banff. Pass through Mt Revelstoke National Park, Glacier National Park, Banff and Jasper National Park, Yoho National Park. and Pyramid Lake. The Sightseeing gondola ride to the top of Mt. Whitehorn and visit Athabasca Falls, Spahats Creek Falls, and Bowlake falls. in Jasper National Park. Greeting and transfer services at Vancouver or Seattle Airport Free WIFI on Coach (limited condition). UJRO06/UJRO07 1 Hometown-Vancouver / Seattle Please refer to pick up arrangement 2 Vancouver-Kelowna-Vernon (L*/D*) 3 Vernon-Emerald Lake-Lake Louise Gondola-Lake Louise Banff (B*/L*) 4 Athabasca Falls-Jasper/Hinton (B*/L*/D*) 5Patricia Lake/Pyramid Lake Jasper/Hinton-Maligne Canyon-Patricia Lake/Pyramid Lake-Mt. Robson-Spahats Creek Falls-Sun Peak (B*/L*/D*) 6 Sun Peak - Kamloops Vancouver (B*/L*) For those departing from Vancouver will be transferred to 7 Vancouver/Seattle-Hometown Please refer to departure arrangement. Lake Louise

UJRV07/UJRO08 1 Hometown-Vancouver / Seattle Please refer to pick up arrangement. 2 Vancouver-Kelowna-Vernon (L*/D*) 3 Vernon-Emerald Lake-Lake Louise Gondola-Lake Louise Banff (B*/L*) 4 Athabasca Falls-Jasper/Hinton (B*/L*/D*) 5Patricia Lake/Pyramid Lake Jasper/Hinton-Maligne Canyon-Patricia Lake/Pyramid Lake-Mt. Robson-Spahats Creek Falls-Sun Peak (B*/L*/D*) 6 Sun Peak-Kamloops-Vancouver (B*/L*) 7 Vancouver-Victoria Tour-Vancouver (L) For those departing from Vancouver will be transferred to 8 Vancouver/Seattle-Hometown Please refer to departure arrangement. 1 Hometown-Vancouver / Seattle Please refer to pick up arrangement. 2 Vancouver-Kelowna-Vernon (L*/D*) 3 Vernon-Emerald Lake-Lake Louise Gondola-Lake Louise Banff (B*/L*) 4 Athabasca Falls-Jasper/Hinton (B*/L*/D*) 5Patricia Lake/Pyramid Lake Jasper/Hinton-Maligne Canyon-Patricia Lake/Pyramid Lake-Mt. Robson-Spahats Creek Falls-Sun Peak (B*/L*/D*) 6 Sun Peak-Kamloops-Vancouver (B*/L*) 7 Vancouver-Victoria Tour-Vancouver 8 Victoria-Duncan-Chemainus-Vancouver 9 Vancouver/Seattle-Hometown 9 Whistler 1 Day Tour 10 Vancouver/Seattle-Hometown Please refer to departure arrangement. We reserve the rights to change and re-order travel itineraries; Lake Louise Gondola

Merritt Branded as the Country Music Capital of Canada, Merritt has a wealth of country music attractions, activities, and events. Kelowna Take photos at Okanagan Lake which is famous for its legendary story for the lake monster Ogopogo. Honey Farm Thanks to the local climatic conditions, the farm has selected conditions for breeding bees and producing top-quality pure honey from the BC region. Visitors can join a guided tour of the of honey and buy organic honey products such as beeswax, propolis and skin care products. Famous Winery To learn the basic of wine making along with some tasting of Canadian wines and ice Wine. Emerald Lake It is the largest lake in Yoho National Park i and the bottom is an accumulation of glacial ruins, so the water in the sun will appear deep shallow different green color, known as The Emerald of the mountain of Rocky Mountains. Banff This is the Main Street in Banff. The town lies in the middle of Banff National Park. There are many shops, restaurants and art galleries. Don t miss the chance to have a walk on its streets. Glacier Skywalk Experience waterfalls, wildlife, fossils and more on an exciting cliff-edge walkway that leads to a platform where glass is all that (Skywalk opens from May- Oct only). Lake Louise Sightseeing Gondola (Mount Whitehorn) From the top, at 2088m (6850ft), Cruise for fourteen glorious minutes, the Bet Grizzly Bear Viewing and Scenery in the Canadian Rockies! (Subject to opening hours) Lake Louise Lake Louise known worldwide as the Jewel of the Rockies. It s a world famous landmark for its turquoise lakes, the Victoria Glacier, soaring mountain backdrop, palatial hotel, and incredible hiking and skiing. Peyto Lake Peyto Lake is one of the most popular attractions in Banff National Park. It turns aqua blue in summer, creating a beautiful sight as the water is surrounded by snow-capped peaks. Columbia Icefield Glacier Adventure Setting foot at this 255 meters depth Athabasca Glacier of the will leave you feeling exhilarated and inspired, with an amazing ride on a massive Ice Explorer to trek onto the surface of the Athabasca Glacier. Athabasca Falls

Bow Lake Bow Lake is a small lake in western Alberta, Canada. It is located on the Bow River, in the Canadian Rockies. It is one of the lakes National Park. Bow Fall Bow Falls was a wide river waterfall situated in the backside of the town of Banff. It is a major waterfall on the Bow River, Alberta. movie stars being swept over Bow Falls, including Marilyn Monroe. Athabasca Falls Athabasca Falls in Jasper National Park is not the highest or the widest waterfall in the Canadian Rockies but it is the most powerful. Feel the spray of the Athabasca River as it thunders into the canyon below. Maligne Canyon It is natural feature located in the Jasper National Park. The canyon measures over 50 meters (160 ft) deep. Patricia Lake / Pyramid Lake Pyramid Lake located next to Patricia Lake. It is an activity, recreation and historic destination. It lies at the foot of Pyramid Mountain, a natural landmark that overlooks the town of Jasper. Mount Robson It is the most prominent mountain in North America s Rocky Mountain range; it is also the highest point in the Canadian Rockies. Spahats Creek Falls It is a waterfall on Spahats Creek within Wells Gray Provincial Park. Kamloops Kamloops, its surroundings are home to one of Canada s ginseng how the natural substance of ginseng. Victoria Visit to the famous Butchart s Gardens, where you can enjoy oldest Chinatown in Canada, which was well established by a including one of the most famous landmarks, British Columbia Parliament Buildings. Visit Beacon Hill Park and the Mile Zero. Gold stream Provincial Park Visit Gold stream Provincial Park to discover heritage. Duncan The City of Totems where has 80 totem poles carved by First Nations artisans around the town including the world s largest one in diameter. There we will also see the world s largest ice hockey Chemainus will learn about the local development history. Whistler Depart for Whistler in the morning, along the famous Sea to Sky Highway. Pass by Horseshoe Bay, Squamish. Stop by Shannon Falls, the third highest waterfall in Canada. Upon arrival Whistler, you may ride on the Peak2Peak to the prominent Whistler Blackcomb and shopping in the European village. Whistler

Hometown-Vancouver Arrive in Vancouver Airport (MUST meet tour guide at arrival hall before 12noon) complimentary half day city tour. Hometown-Seattle-Vancouver Arrive at Seattle Airport and immediately start the complimentary mini Seattle/Vancouver Transfer Service Seattle Sea Tac Airport Around 12nn wait at Baggage Claim#16 Seattle Space Needle Needle YVR Airport-Canada Baggage Claim #2 in domestic terminal Domestic Flight The Totem Poles Waiting Area at the YVR Airport-International & Arrival Hall US Flight Vancouver-Hometown Please take hotel airport shuttle to Vancouver Airport. For In-Out Vancouver passengers, after a half day Vancouver City tour (if not join on the 1st day), Vancouver-Seattle-Hometown For In-Out Seattle passengers, in the morning direct transfer to Seattle Guest must inform arrival flight details 3 days in advance, otherwise deem to give up the pickup service and half day city tour. A Hotel (Standard Hotel ) B Hotel (Budget Hotel) Vernon Banff Four Point Sheraton YVR Airport Hotel Westin Wall Centre Hotel La Quinta YVR Airport Sandman Signature YVR Airport Hotel Delta Hotel Burnaby OR Similar Hotel Accent Inn YVR Airport Hotel Ramada YVR Airport Hotel Hampton Inn YVR Airport Accent Inn Burnaby OR Similar Hotel Village Green Hotel or Similar Banff Inn or Irwin s Inn or Inn of Banff or Similar Hotel Hinton Sun Peaks Econo Lodge Hinton or Similar Hotel Cahilty Hotel Sun Peak or Similar Hotel Victoria Comfort Inn Victoria or Similar Hotel service charge will be applied. Please contact for details. Vancouver

1 Professional tour guide Escorted tours are mainly conducted in Cantonese & Mandarin. English as an option (information only) 2 Hotel Accommodation (2 beds) 3 Tour Coach 1 2 3 4 5 Admissions Meals All personal expenses 1 2 Double are to be shared with 1 or 2 beds, Triple/Quad are to be shared two double beds. Prevail and non-smoking. Any violation 3 Seating will be rotated daily. 4 Passengers are required to be on time at pick-up location. Late comer or visa problem or personal reasons no show will assume voluntary. 5 Itineraries are subject to change or cancel any time due to any unforeseen conditions, Including but not limited to, adverse 6 We reserve the rights to modify the itinerary without liability. The operator is not liable for any injury, death, loss or damage of personal property resulting from the use of the services. If the services included in the tour cannot be supplied or there are changes in an itinerary for reasons beyond the control of the operator, the operator will arrange for the provision of comparable services. Any resulting additional expenses will be payable by tour participants. Purchase of travel insurance is strongly recommended. 7 Grand Holidays reserves the right to cancel the tour 7days prior to departure due to lack of Participants. Grand Holidays has the right to change itineraries without notice. All liability issues must be based on Grand Holidays., not according to the company or companies in other countries as the reference. 8 All Passports must be valid for at least 6 months beyond the date of return from the trip or require an Entry Visa for those born in another country. No trip refunds. Victoria CST#2001110-40 04/01/2019

2019 Summer Jasper 6-10 Days Tours Price List Tour Code UJRO06 UJRO07 UJRV07 UJRO08 UJRO09 UJRO10 YVR Hotel Double Tour Fares (USD) 3rd/4th Person Single A B A B A B A B A B A B Admissions (Pay in advance) Adult Child (6-15 yrs) Adult Price Included Transfer Service to or from Vancouver airport or YVR Canada Place Cruise Terminal. Seattle pick up or drop off: $60 per person one way or $100 per person round trip. 11 Meals (3B/4L/3D) + Child (2-11 yrs) Tour Code UJRO06/07 UJRV07 UJRO08 UJRO09 UJRO10 Departure Dates June-September Admissions UJRO06/07 UJRV07/UJRO08/09 UJRO10 Hotel Types (Vancouver) Please refer to Rockies Booklet for the Hotels detailsto specify accommodations subject to $20 service charge per room night. Please contact us for extending room nights Tour guide & Driver s Gratuities $10 p.p.