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日 本 位 于 亚 洲 东 部, 太 平 洋 西 北 角, 是 我 国 东 方 的 一 个 岛 国 在 洪 积 世 ( 注 1) 的 大 部 分 时 期 内, 日 本 与 大 陆 相 连 大 约 在 洪 积 世 晚 期 至 冲 积 世 ( 注 2) 初 期, 日 本 各 地 发 生 海 进, 出 现


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3 基 金 杠 杆 从 分 级 基 金 的 概 念, 我 们 知 道 了 分 级 基 金 的 A 份 额 是 每 年 获 得 固 定 收 益 的 稳 健 份 额,B 份 额 是 具 有 杠 杆 效 应 的 激 进 份 额 分 级 基 金 中 的 杠 杆 一 般 有 三 类 : 份 额 杠 杆 =(A


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29 2014 17-32 2013/10/23 2014/04/04 * Report on the Field Survey for the Memorial Matters from the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake at Atami and Ito Cities in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan Masayuki TAKEMURA Disaster Mitigation Research Center, Nagoya Univ. Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8601, Japan Many memorial towers and monuments have been constructed for the heavy toll of life and for the restoration of villages or cities in Southern Kanto and Izu districts. Death claimed a toll of about 105,000 totally from the 1923 Great Kanto earthquake. These towers and monuments must be forever witnesses to the tragedy of the earthquake damage and spokesmen for the dying victims wish don t repeat such damages. However, most of them have been already forgotten by the citizens. We thought it s sacrilege and must use them for the public education of earthquake disaster prevention. This manuscript is a report on the field survey for the memorial matters from the Great Kanto earthquake at Atami and Ito Cities in Sizuoka Prefecture. Keywords: Memorial Tower, Great Kanto Earthquake, Genroku Earthquake, Atami City, Ito City., 1923,. 2010, [ (2010)]., 2011,, [ (2011)]., 2012 23 [ (2012)]. 2013 [ (2013a, b)].,. 2010 9 29-30, 2011 12 17, 2012 9 29, 2012 11 21 4. (1975) (2008). (1975), (2008).,. 2.,,,.,,,.. (2002, 2004). 1925(1926). * 464-8641 : takemura.masayuki@b.mbox.nagoya-u.ac.jp - 17 -

1 [ (2002, 2004) ] Table 1 Summary of damages for old municipalities in Atami and Ito area. (1926) 1. [ (1924)],.,,,. (1924).,,.,,,.,. 3m, 3m, 6m., 1703, (2008),., (2005),,. 3..,,,, 5. 20. 5. 1,...,.. Fig.1 Map of the survey areas in Izu Peninsula. 2 Fig.2 Atami area. - 18 -

.., 135 1953. 3 135 Fig.3 Memorial tower of Narusawa in Atami erected for the souls of victims due to landslide. 3-1 2 (1) 135 JR 2km, 135 400m 3.,.,. (2) JR 4.,,,. 2009,, 1896( 29)... 0.5km 1900( 33). 5. 1906( 39),. 2 40.,, 1920( 9),. [ (1926)]., [ (2008)],. 4 Fig.4 A locomotive of the light railroad in the open space of Atami station. - 19 -

1922( 11). 1923( 12) 9. (3) JR 500m., 5.,,,,,,,, 9 6 9,,,,,.,,..,. 6 Fig.6 Usami area. 5 Fig.5 Memorial tower of Onsen-ji Temple in Atami erected for the soul of victims. 3-2 6 (1) JR 700m. 2-3 12 7. 60 1762.. (2005). - 20 -

,,.,,.,.,,,,.,,.,,.,,,,.,...,., 1633, (1996),. 12,., 600m.. 26 [ (2007)],.,. 1725.,., 3. [ (1969 ], 550, 2008, [ (2007)].,,,. 2008,. (1996),., 7 Fig.7 A mark of tsunami flooding at stone steps of Gyoren-ji Temple in Usami. (2) JR 300m. 8,.. 8 Fig.8 A mark of tsunami flooding near Jyoshuku hall in Usami. - 21 -

,.,,, 2008,,...,.,,,. 9 Fig.9 A mark of tsunami flooding at Kasuga Shrine in Usami. (3) JR 400m., 9.. 12 (4) JR 600m., 10.., 10. 10 Fig.10 A dedicatory lantern at Mine-Kumano Shrine in Usami.,., 2,. - 22 -

,.,. 11 Fig.11 Ito area. 3-3 11 (1) 1 JR 1.3km..,,. 12 12 Fig.12 A dedicatory washstand at Kuzumi Shrine in Ito. (2) JR 1.4km. 110,.. 13. 2 3 1. (a)(b), (c)(d).,. a - 23 -

13 Fig.13 Memorial towers near Nio-Gate of Butsugen-ji Temple in Ito erected for the souls of victims due to the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake and the 1703 Genroku Earthquake., 84, 105.,. b,,,,,,,. 7 14-24 -

,. 84.,.. 2, (d), [ (1996)].,,.. 3.,..,.. (4) JR 1km. (2007, 10 15.., 8, 10. 15 Fig.15 A pine tree survived from the tsunami of the Kanto earthquake in Yamahei-Hotel of Ito. 14 Fig.14 A part of the Okawa-bridge destroyed by the tsunami preserved in Kadoya-store of Ito. (3) ( JR 1.2km. 8 [(2007 ],, 135. 14. (5) (2005), 3.., 16, 17.,. - 25 -

16 Fig.16 A mark of tsunami flooding at Ishidoro bus stop in Ito.. 2005,,,., (1996),,,. (2008), JA. 2005.,,., 11 1km,,. 17 Fig.17 A mark of tsunami flooding at Kuzumi Child Hall in Ito. 110, 135. (2007.,, (2008), 18 Fig.18 Kawana area. 3-4 18 (1) 600m. 7 19. - 26 -

(1996),.,, 1918 5,... 19 Fig.19 A mark of tsunami flooding at stone steps of Kaizo-ji Temple in Kawana. 2. 22, (1996), 3,. (2). 21 Fig.21 A mark of tsunami flooding in front of Renchaku-ji Temple at Futo. 3-5 20 (1) 2.5km 1.1km., 21.. 20 Fig.20 Yahatano area. (2) 1km, 22. - 27 -

22 Fig.22 Memorial tower of Oe-in Temple in Yahatano erected for the soul of drifting victims.,..,.,,. 23 Fig.23 Memorial tower of Seigetsu-in Temple at Akazawa erected for the soul of drifting victims. (3) 3.2km, 23.,.,.,,.. 4. 220 1,,,..,,.,.., 200,. 1,., [ (1994)]..,., (1996),., - 28 -

.,.,.,.,.,,,,.,,.. 2010,.,,.,.,,.,.,,.,.,.,.,... 1923, 2008,, 3, II,,,, 18-39, 50-61., 1975,,, 50, 385-395., 2005,,,pp.369., 2007, 8, 8pp., 2007, 1~5,, 1925,, 100, 163-260., 2002, 1923 9,,2 3,35-71., 2004, (1923 9 1,, 4, 4, 21-45., 1926, ( ), 1236pp., 1926,, 100, 145-214., 2008, (1703),, 23, 191-200., 1969,, 210pp. - 29 -

,1994,,pp.210., 1924,, 478pp.,1996, 2,808pp., 2009,,, 209pp., 2011,,, 26, 1-14., 2012,,, 328pp., 2013a,,, 28, 1-17., 2013b,,, No. 9, 2010,,, 25, 91-100. ( ) 2013 12,.,,. 16 17.,. (2005). Google. 11 200m.,., 16 17, 62 11. - 30 -

(1) 2005. (2), 13(c), 13(d) 2 Fig.A2 Two memorial towers near the Nio-Gate of Butsugen-ji Temple in Ito erected for the soul of victims due to the Genroku earthquake. 1 Fig.A1 Memorial tower of Gyorenn-ji Temple in Usami erected for the soul of victims due to the Genroku earthquake. - 31 -

3 Fig.A3 Memorial tower in front of Bishamon-Hall of Butsugen-ji Temple in Ito erected for the soul of victims due to the Genroku earthquake. 4 Fig.A4 Memorial tower of Ekyo-in Temple in Kawana erected for the soul of victims due to the Genroku earthquake. 2005. (3) 2005. - 32 -