前言 Preface 该指引旨在规范品牌形象的正确应用, 以保证品牌完整性和一致性 适用对象为 : 微信事业群各部门 公司其他事业群 业务合作第三方公司 个人等 该文件由微信事业群基础产品部设计中心品牌设计组设计和维护 该品牌形象指引提供标志各场景的应用规范以及示例, 各场景设计请遵循, 标志下载请

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微信卡包视觉形象指引 WeChat Card Pack Visual Identity Guidelines WEDESIGN 2017. 03

前言 Preface 该指引旨在规范品牌形象的正确应用, 以保证品牌完整性和一致性 适用对象为 : 微信事业群各部门 公司其他事业群 业务合作第三方公司 个人等 该文件由微信事业群基础产品部设计中心品牌设计组设计和维护 该品牌形象指引提供标志各场景的应用规范以及示例, 各场景设计请遵循, 标志下载请打开 :WEDESIGN- 资源下载 (https://wechat. design/resource) This guide is intended to standardize the use of the WeChat brand and ensure the brand's integrity and consistency. The guide applies to all departments of the Weixin Business Group ( or "WXG", the group responsible for WeChat ), other Tencent business groups, and third-party companies and partners. The brand design guidelines provide specifications for using the WeChat brand logo and emblem along with examples for use in different situations. To download the brand emblem and design guidelines, go to WEDESIGN at https://wechat.design/ resource. 微信卡包视觉形象指引 前言 WeChat Card Pack Visual Identity Guidelines Preface 01

目录 Contents 1. 品牌标志 1. Brand Emblem 1.1 标准品牌标志 04 1.1 Standard Brand Emblem 04 1.2 完整标志 05 1.2 Full Emblem 05 1.3 完整标志组合形式 06 1.3 Emblem Versions 06 1.4 标志图形规范 08 1.4 Standard Symbol Proportions 08 1.5 不可侵入范围和最小应用尺寸 09 1.5 Spacing and Minimum Size 09 1.6 标志错误使用示例 11 1.6 Examples of Inappropriate Use 11 1.7 标志标准色 12 1.7 Emblem Standard Colors 12 1.8 标准背景色 14 1.8 Standard Background Colors 14 2. 应用规则 2. Usage Guidelines 2.1 主品牌背书规范 16 2.1 Main Brand Specifications 16 2.2 合作品牌并置规范 18 2.2 Co-Branding Specifications 18 2.3 合作品牌并置规范应用示例 19 2.3 Co-Branding Examples in Promotions 19 3. 物料规范 3. Showcase 3.1 贴纸 22 3.1 Sticker 22 3.2 二维码台卡 23 3.2 QR Code Placard 23 3.3 会员卡顾客操作指引 24 3.3 WeChat Member Cards Customer Tutorial 24 3.4 优惠券顾客操作指引 25 3.4 WeChat Offers Customer Tutorial 25 3.5 海报 26 3.5 Posters 26 3.6 X 展架 28 3.6 X Display 28 微信卡包视觉形象指引 目录 WeChat Card Pack Visual Identity Guidelines Contents 02

品牌标志 Brand Emblem 微信卡包视觉形象指引 WeChat Card Pack Visual Identity Guidelines 03

1.1 标准品牌标志 Standard Brand Emblem 微信卡包视觉形象指引 品牌标志 WeChat Card Pack Visual Identity Guidelines Brand Emblem 04

1.2 完整标志 Full Emblem 微信卡包完整标志包含图形部分和文字部分, 在各场景下作为微信卡包品牌背书须使用完整标志 图形 Symbol 文字 Logotype The WeChat Card Pack full emblem consists of a symbol combined with the logotype, which, when put together represent the official branding for WeChat Card Pack. 完整标志 Full Emblem 请勿仅单独使用文字部分做品牌识别 Don't use the logotype portion of the full emblem without also using the symbol. 微信卡包视觉形象指引 品牌标志 WeChat Card Pack Visual Identity Guidelines Brand Emblem 05

1.3 完整标志组合形式 Emblem Versions 横版微信卡包完整标志有全彩 浅灰色 深灰色 白色四种版本, 可根据您的需要选用 工艺 设备条件允许的情况下, 彩色横版标志建议优先选择使用 There are four versions of the horizontal emblem design that may be used: full color, light gray, dark gray and white. If conditions permit, it is recommended to use the full color version of the emblem. 彩色标志 Full color emblem 浅灰色标志 Light gray emblem 深灰色标志 Dark gray emblem 白色标志 White emblem 微信卡包视觉形象指引 品牌标志 WeChat Card Pack Visual Identity Guidelines Brand Emblem 06

1.3 完整标志组合形式 Configurations and versions 竖版微信卡包完整标志有全彩 浅灰色 深灰色 白色四种版本, 可根据您的需要选用 工艺 设备条件允许的情况下, 彩色横版标志建议优先选择使用 彩色标志 Full color emblem 浅灰色标志 Light gray emblem There are four versions of the vertical emblem design that may be used: full color, light gray, dark gray and white. If conditions permit, it is recommended to use the full color version of the emblem. 深灰色标志 Dark gray emblem 白色标志 White emblem 微信卡包视觉形象指引 品牌标志 WeChat Card Pack Visual Identity Guidelines Brand Emblem 07

1.4 标志图形规范 Standard Symbol Proportions 此页展示微信卡包图标的制图规范 造型比例, 曲线关系, 空间结构 The graphic shows specifications, proportions, angles, and spatial structure for the symbol. 3/4 X 15 º 9 X X 10 X 微信卡包视觉形象指引 品牌标志 WeChat Card Pack Visual Identity Guidelines Brand Emblem 08

1.5 不可侵入范围和最小应用尺寸 Spacing and Minimum Size 为保证微信卡包标志视觉上的完整独立清晰, 标志不可侵入范围内不要排布任何文字 图形 图像等 标志使用时请不要小于最小尺寸, 印刷 打印标志宽度不小于 12 毫米, 屏幕显示标志宽度不小于 60 像素 In order to ensure that the emblem for WeChat Card Pack is coherent and visually distinguishable, additional text or graphics should not interfere with the Cards & Offers emblem. When displaying the horizontal emblem in print, the emblem should be at least 12 mm in width. When displaying the horizontal emblem on screen, the emblem should be at least 60 pixels in width. X 0.5 X 标志不可侵入范围 Spacing 印刷 Print:12 mm 显示器 Screen:60 px 微信卡包视觉形象指引 品牌标志 WeChat Card Pack Visual Identity Guidelines Brand Emblem 09

1.5 不可侵入范围和最小应用尺寸 Spacing and Minimum Size 为保证微信卡包标志视觉上的完整独立清晰, 标志不可侵入范围内不要排布任何文字 图形 图像等 标志使用时请不 要小于最小尺寸, 印刷 打印标志宽度不小于 8 毫米, 屏幕显示标志宽度不小于 42 像素 0.25 X In order to ensure that the emblem for WeChat Card Pack is coherent and visually distinguishable, additional text or graphics should not interfere with the Cards & Offers emblem. When displaying the vertical emblem in print, the emblem should be at least 8 mm in width. When displaying the vertical emblem on screen, the emblem should be at least 42 pixels in width. X 印刷 Print:8 mm 显示器 Screen:42 px 标志不可侵入范围 Spacing 微信卡包视觉形象指引 品牌标志 WeChat Card Pack Visual Identity Guidelines Brand Emblem 10

1.6 全彩标志错误使用示例 Examples of Inappropriate Use 此页例举了微信卡包标志错误使用示例, 请勿出现以下 ( 包含但不仅限于 ) 各类错误 请勿更改标志外观 Don't alter the emblem design. 请勿在标志周围添加任意文本 Don't place any additional text with them emblem. Several examples of inappropriate use of the emblem are shown here. 请勿改变标志的比例关系 Don't change the proportions of emblem parts. 请勿任意拉伸标志 Don't stretch the emblem's aspect ratio. 请勿将标志立体化或添加阴影 Don't produce 3D version of the emblem or add drop shadows. 请勿使用模糊 羽化 质量低的标志 Dont perform any blurring, feathering, or add other visual filters to the emblem. 微信卡包视觉形象指引 品牌标志 WeChat Card Pack Visual Identity Guidelines Brand Emblem 11

1.7 标志标准色 Emblem Standard Colors 此页制定了微信卡包标志彩色的专用色彩规范, 严禁使用非标准色彩, 更改标志颜色 Standard WeChat Card Pack emblem color specifications are provided. Don't make any adjustments to the standard colors. A B C A B C WeChat Green Standard Blue Standard Gray 1 #1AAD19 C76 M7 Y100 K0 R26 G173 B25 PANTONE:354 #10AEFF C70 M20 Y89 K0 R16 G174 B255 PANTONE:10AEFF #4D4D4D C0 M0 Y0 K83 R77 G77 B77 PANTONE:Cool Gray 11 标准彩色标志应用于各客户端 网页 彩色印刷等 Standard colors for use within the app, on web pages, or when printing in color. 微信卡包视觉形象指引 品牌标志 WeChat Card Pack Visual Identity Guidelines Brand Emblem 12

1.7 标志标准色 Emblem Standard Colors 此页制定了微信卡包单色标志的专用色彩规范, 建议在以下 场景下使用单色标志 : 工艺原因无法实现全彩标志的场景 与合作品牌单色标志并置的场景 页面背景色相或明度不能 清晰显示全彩标志的场景 A special color specification is provided for the monochromatic emblem. The monochromatic versions should be used in the following scenarios: when using the full color emblem is not possible, when used in conjunction A B C with a partner brand emblem, or when the page background color or brightness necessitates using a Standard Gray 1 Standard Gray 2 Standard White monochromatic design instead of the full color emblem. #4D4D4D C0 M0 Y0 K83 R77 G77 B77 PANTONE:Cool Gray 11 #AAAAAA C0 M0 Y0 K50 R170 G170 B170 PANTONE:Cool Gray 5 #FFFFFF C0 M0 Y0 K0 R255 G255 B255 White A B 建议在白色背景下使用,C 建议在深色 彩色背景下使用 Recommended A or B when using a white background. Recommended C when using a dark or color background 微信卡包视觉形象指引 品牌标志 WeChat Card Pack Visual Identity Guidelines Brand Emblem 13

1.8 标准背景色 Standard Background Colors 此页例举了微信卡包标志背景色正确使用示例和错误使用示例, 请参考规范根据场景选择适合的背景色 彩色标志放置白色背景色 Full color emblem with a white background 请勿将标志放置于色相接近背景色 Don't use the full color emblem with a color background Several examples of correct and incorrect use of the emblem against different backgrounds are shown here. Refer to the specifications to select an appropriate background color according to the scenario. 浅灰色标志放置白色背景色 Light gray emblem against a white background 请勿将标志放置于明度接近背景色 Don't use light gray emblem with a gray background 深灰色标志放置白色背景色 Dark gray emblem against a white background 请勿将标志放置于对比色的背景 Don't use the full color emblem with a color background 单色标志放置专色背景色 White emblem against a single color background 请勿将标志放在于花哨的背景 Don't use the emblem with a complex background 微信卡包视觉形象指引 品牌标志 WeChat Card Pack Visual Identity Guidelines Brand Emblem 14

应用规则 Usage Guidelines 微信卡包视觉形象指引 WeChat Card Pack Visual Identity Guidelines 15

2.1 主品牌背书规范 Main Brand Specifications 微信卡包标志与主品牌标志同页并置时, 建议使用的颜色搭配 大小比例以及位置关系参考示例 When using the WeChat Card Pack emblem in connection with the main WeChat logo, use the following specifications for color, sizing, and positioning. 微信会员卡零售行业专场 赋能线下商户顾客连接助力关键环节提效增收 微信卡包视觉形象指引 应用规则 WeChat Card Pack Visual Identity Guidelines Usage Guidelines 16

2.1 主品牌背书规范 Main Brand Specifications 微信卡包标志与主品牌标志同页并置时, 建议将主品牌标志放置于页面四角, 预留不可侵犯区域 X When the WeChat Card Pack full emblem is displayed in conjunction with the main WeChat symbol, be sure to place the WeChat logo in the four corners of the page with the specified spacing with the page borders. 不可侵入范围 1X Spacing of 1X 微信卡包视觉形象指引 应用规则 WeChat Card Pack Visual Identity Guidelines Usage Guidelines 17

2.2 合作品牌并置规范 Co-Branding Specifications 当微信卡包标志与合作品牌标志并置使用时, 为使标志与物料内容相对独立和清晰, 建议放置于页面四角, 并遵循不可侵入范围 ( 以星巴克品牌作为合作品牌示例 ) In order make the full emblem and co-brand emblem coherent and distinguishable, it is recommended use the specified amount of minimum spacing at the four corners as well as between the two emblems (using the Starbucks emblem as an example of a co-brand). 0.5X X 2X 微信卡包视觉形象指引 应用规则 WeChat Card Pack Visual Identity Guidelines Usage Guidelines 18

2.2 合作品牌并置规范 Co-Branding Specifications 当微信卡包与合作品牌标志组合时需保持大小尺寸一致, 且采用相同的色彩版本, 以保证清晰的传达品牌合作关系 ( 以星巴克品牌作为合作品牌在三种应用场景下的示例 ) When using the WeChat Card Pack emblem in combination with a co-brand emblem, it's important to maintain the same sizes and consistent color versions in order to ensure a clear co-brand relationship (using the Starbucks emblem as a co-brand in the following three examples). 合作品牌标志需与卡包标志保持尺寸一致 Co-brand emblem should be the same size as the Cards & Offers emblem 请勿将合作品牌标志尺寸放大 Don't make the co-brand emblem larger than the Cards & Offers emblem 彩色合作品牌标志需与彩色卡包标志并置 Use a full color Cards & Offers emblem when displaying a full color co-brand emblem 请勿将彩色标志与合作品牌黑白标志并置 Don't use a full color emblem paired with a black & white co-brand emblem 黑白合作品牌标志需与深灰色卡包标志并置 A B&W or gray co-brand emblem must be combined with the dark gray Cards & Offers emblem 请勿深灰色标志与合作品牌彩色标志并置 Don't use a monochromatic emblem paired with a full color co-brand emblem 微信卡包视觉形象指引 应用规则 WeChat Card Pack Visual Identity Guidelines Usage Guidelines 19

2.3 合作品牌并置规范应用示例 Co-Branding Examples in Promotions 此页展示了微信卡包与合作品牌标志的组合方式在相关物料设计中应用的示例 Examples of the WeChat Card Pack emblem in conjunction with co-brands are shown as part of promotional material designs. 微信卡包视觉形象指引 应用规则 WeChat Card Pack Visual Identity Guidelines Usage Guidelines 20

物料规范 Showcase 微信卡包视觉形象指引 WeChat Card Pack Visual Identity Guidelines 21

3.1 贴纸 Sticker 微信卡包贴纸物料仅用于门店台卡场景, 请勿对指引自行编辑或放置于其他场景 ( 登录微信公众平台可下载该物料模版 https://mp.weixin.qq.com) WeChat Card Pack sticker to be placed at retail point-of-sale. Don't alter it's appearance or use it for inappropriate scenarios. (Log in to the WeChat Official Account Admin to download the sticker template at https://mp.weixin.qq.com) 贴纸尺寸 :100 mm 100 mm 材料 : 背胶贴纸亚克力 Stickers Size :100 mm 100 mm Material:Acrylic adhesive sticker 微信卡包视觉形象指引 物料规范 WeChat Card Pack Visual Identity Guidelines Showcase 22

3.2 二维码台卡 WeChat QR Code Placard 微信卡包二维码台卡仅用于门店台卡与场景, 请勿放置于其他场景 二维码台卡可编辑区请严格按照规范进行编辑 ( 登录微信公众平台可下载该物料模版 https://mp.weixin. qq.com) WeChat Card Pack QR code placard for placement at retail point-of-sale. Don't use it for inappropriate scenarios. The QR code placard can be moderately edited as needed as long as it the editing doesn't violate usage guidelines. (Log in to the WeChat Official Account Admin to download the placard template at https:// mp.weixin.qq.com) 文案区可由商家修改 Edit this content as needed 请替换为会员卡领取二维码 Replace with the appropriate Member Card QR code 请替换为商家标志 Replace with vendor's emblem or logo 二维码台卡尺寸 :100 mm 160 mm 材料 :L 形立牌 WeChat QR Code Placard Size:100 mm 160 mm Material:L-shaped standing placard 微信卡包视觉形象指引 物料规范 WeChat Card Pack Visual Identity Guidelines Showcase 23

3.3 会员卡顾客操作指引 WeChat Member Cards Customer Tutorial 微信卡包会员卡顾客操作指引物料仅用于门店台卡场景, 请勿对指引自行编辑或放置于其他场景 ( 登录微信公众平台可下载该物料模版 https://mp.weixin.qq.com) The WeChat Member Cards customer tutorial should be placed at the retail point-of-sale. Don't alter it's appearance or use it for inappropriate scenarios. (Log in to the WeChat Official Account Admin to download the tutorial template at https://mp.weixin.qq.com) 尺寸 :290 140 mm 275 140 mm 210 140 mm 材料 : 背胶纸亚克力彩色喷绘 Size: 290 140 mm 275 140 mm 210 140 mm Material: Color-printed on posterboard with adhesive backing 微信卡包视觉形象指引 物料规范 WeChat Card Pack Visual Identity Guidelines Showcase 24

3.4 优惠券顾客操作指引 WeChat Offers Customer Tutorial 微信卡包优惠券顾客操作指引物料仅用于门店台卡场景, 请勿对指引自行编辑或放置于其他场景 ( 登录微信公众平台可下载该物料模版 https://mp.weixin.qq.com) The WeChat Offers customer tutorial should be placed at the retail point-of-sale. Don't alter it's appearance or use it for inappropriate scenarios. (Log in to the WeChat Official Account Admin to download the tutorial template at https://mp.weixin.qq.com) 尺寸 :290 140 mm, 275 140 mm, 210 140 mm 材料 : 背胶纸亚克力彩色喷绘 Size: 290 140 mm, 275 140 mm, 210 140 mm Material: Color-printed on posterboard with adhesive backing 微信卡包视觉形象指引 物料规范 WeChat Card Pack Visual Identity Guidelines Showcase 25

3.5 海报 Poster 微信卡包海报用于门店海报宣传场景, 请勿放置于其他场景 海报可编辑区请严格按照规范进行编辑 ( 可登录微信公众平台下载该物料模版 https://mp.weixin.qq.com) The WeChat Card Pack poster should be used in-store for promotion purposes. Don't use it for inappropriate scenarios. The poster can be moderately edited as needed as long as it the editing doesn't violate usage guidelines. (Log in to the WeChat Official Account Admin to download the poster template at https:// mp.weixin.qq.com) 无二维码版 Non-QR code version 尺寸 : 国际标准纸张尺寸材料 : 美术纸彩色喷绘 Size: A4 / A3 / A1 / A0 Material: Color-printed poster paper 图片可更换为商家商品图 Replace image with vendor's graphic 大标题每行最多可输入 8 个字 Title no longer than eight characters 活动规则可由商家自行编写 Vendor can replace with promotion details 替换商家标志 Replace with vendor emblem or logo 微信卡包视觉形象指引 物料规范 WeChat Card Pack Visual Identity Guidelines Showcase 26

3.5 海报 Poster 微信卡包海报用于门店海报宣传场景, 请勿放置于其他场景 海报可编辑区请严格按照规范进行编辑 ( 可登录微信公众平台下载该物料模版 https://mp.weixin.qq.com) The WeChat Card Pack poster should be used in-store for promotion purposes. Don't use it for inappropriate scenarios. The poster can be moderately edited as needed as long as it the editing doesn't violate usage guidelines. (Log in to the WeChat Official Account Admin to download the poster template at https:// mp.weixin.qq.com) 带二维码版 QR code version 尺寸 : 国际标准纸张尺寸材料 : 美术纸彩色喷绘 Size: A4 / A3 / A1 / A0 Material: Color-printed poster paper 图片可更换为商家商品图 Replace image with vendor's graphic 活动规则可由商家自行编写 Vendor can replace with promotion details 大标题每行最多可输入 8 个字副标题每行最多可输入 16 个字 Title no longer than eight characters Subtitle no longer than 16 characters 微信会员卡 / 卡包二维码, 请在微信公众平台 - 卡券功能 - 会员卡 / 卡包中下载 WeChat Member Card / Cards & Offers QR code: Download from Official Account Admin - Cards & Offers - Member Cards / Cards & Offers Downloads 微信卡包视觉形象指引 物料规范 WeChat Card Pack Visual Identity Guidelines Showcase 27

3.6 X 展架 X Display Rack 无二维码版 Non-QR code version 尺寸 :600 1600 mm 材料 : 背胶相纸金属架彩色喷绘 Size: 600 1600 mm Material: Color-printed poster material supported by metal frame 微信卡包 X 展架用于门店海报宣传场景, 请勿放置于其他场景 海报可编辑区请严格按照规范进行编辑 ( 可登录微信公众平台下载该物料模版 https://mp.weixin.qq.com) 图片可更换为商家商品图 Replace image with vendor graphic The WeChat Card Pack display rack should be used in-store for promotion purposes. Don't use it for inappropriate scenarios. The poster can be moderately edited as needed as long as it the editing doesn't violate usage guidelines. (Log in to the WeChat Official Account Admin to download the display rack template at https://mp.weixin.qq.com) 大标题每行最多可输入 8 个字 Title no longer than 8 characters 活动规则可由商家自行编写 Vendor can replace with promotion details 商家方形标志或圆形标志 Replace with vendor logo or vertical emblem 微信卡包视觉形象指引 物料规范 WeChat Card Pack Visual Identity Guidelines Showcase 28

3.6 X 展架 X Display Rack 微信卡包 X 展架用于门店海报宣传场景, 请勿放置于其他场景 海报可编辑区请严格按照规范进行编辑 ( 可登录微信公众平台下载该物料模版 https://mp.weixin.qq.com) 带二维码版 QR code version 尺寸 :600 1600 mm 材料 : 背胶相纸金属架彩色喷绘 Size: 600 1600 mm Material: Color-printed poster material supported by metal frame 图片可更换为商家商品图 Replace image with vendor graphic The WeChat Card Pack display rack should be used in-store for promotion purposes. Don't use it for inappropriate scenarios. The poster can be moderately edited as needed as long as it the editing doesn't violate usage guidelines. (Log in to the WeChat Official Account Admin to download the display rack template at https://mp.weixin.qq.com) 大标题每行最多可输入 8 个字副标题每行最多可输入 16 个字 Title no longer than eight characters Subtitle no longer than 16 characters 微信会员卡 / 卡包二维码, 请在微信公众平台 - 卡券功能 - 会员卡 / 卡包中下载 WeChat Member Card / Cards & Offers QR code: Download from Official Account Admin - Cards & Offers - Member Cards / Cards & Offers Downloads 活动规则可由商家自行编写 Vendor can replace with promotion details 商家标志 Replace with vendor logo or vertical emblem 微信卡包视觉形象指引 物料规范 WeChat Card Pack Visual Identity Guidelines Showcase 29