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REMINDERS Product information in this catalog is as of October 2013. All of the contents specified herein are subject to change without notice due to technical improvements, etc. Therefore, please check for the latest information carefully before practical application or usage of the Products. Please note that TAIYO YUDEN CO., LTD. shall not be responsible for any defects in products or equipment incorporating such products, which are caused under the conditions other than those specified in this catalog or individual specification. Please contact TAIYO YUDEN CO., LTD. for further details of product specifications as the individual specification is available. Please conduct validation and verification of products in actual condition of mounting and operating environment before commercial shipment of the equipment. All electronic components or functional modules listed in this catalog are developed, designed and intended for use in general electronics equipment.(for AV, office automation, household, office supply, information service, telecommunications, (such as mobile phone or PC) etc.). Before incorporating the components or devices into any equipment in the field such as transportation,( automotive control, train control, ship control), transportation signal, disaster prevention, medical, public information network (telephone exchange, base station) etc. which may have direct influence to harm or injure a human body, please contact TAIYO YUDEN CO., LTD. for more detail in advance. Do not incorporate the products into any equipment in fields such as aerospace, aviation, nuclear control, submarine system, military, etc. where higher safety and reliability are especially required. In addition, even electronic components or functional modules that are used for the general electronic equipment, if the equipment or the electric circuit require high safety or reliability function or performances, a sufficient reliability evaluation check for safety shall be performed before commercial shipment and moreover, due consideration to install a protective circuit is strongly recommended at customer's design stage. The contents of this catalog are applicable to the products which are purchased from our sales offices or distributors (so called TAIYO YUDENs official sales channel). It is only applicable to the products purchased from any of TAIYO YUDENs official sales channel. Please note that TAIYO YUDEN CO., LTD. shall have no responsibility for any controversies or disputes that may occur in connection with a third party's intellectual property rights and other related rights arising from your usage of products in this catalog. TAIYO YUDEN CO., LTD. grants no license for such rights. Caution for export Certain items in this catalog may require specific procedures for export according to Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Lawof Japan, U.S. Export Administration Regulations, and other applicable regulations. Should you have any question or inquiry on this matter, please contact our sales staff.