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第 1 页 共 5 页 ASTM D6007-14 人造板小气候箱甲醛释放量检测 (标准表板及背板) ASTM D6007-14 Standard Test Method for Determining Formaldehyde Concentration in Air from Wood Products Using a Small Scale Chamber (Standard Face&Back) 检 测 委托单位: 66 号公路 Applicant: Route66 工厂编号 Mill No: 样品类型 : 报 告 中密度纤维板 Sample Type: MDF 检 测 类 别: Test Purpose: 其它检测 Other Test 签发日期 Report Date: 2016-04-28 Shanghai Hongjun Science & Technology Co.,Ltd is California Air Resources Board (CARB) approved as a subcontractor testing laboratory for the PFS Corporation CARB TPC-3

注 意 事 项 第 2 页 共 5 页 I n t e n t i o n s 1. 报告无检测单位 检测专用章 无效 Testing report is invalid without "Special test seal. 2. 复印报告未重新加盖检测单位 检测专用章 无效 未经本公司书面授权 不得部分复制 本报告 Copy of report is invalid without "special seal for testing" and shall not be part copy the report without written authorization. 3. 若需以电话 传真或其它方式传送检测结果时 所发内容只作参考 以正式书面报告为准 If need to telephone, fax, or other means to send the test results, the content is only for reference, will be subject to a formal written report. 4. 报告涂改无效 无编制 审核 批准人签章无效 Report to alter is invalid, no preparation, check, approve signature is invalid. 5. 本检测报告仅对来样负责 This test report is only responsible for samples. 6. 对检测报告若有异议 应于收到报告之日起 5 日内向检测单位提出 逾期不予受理 If the test report, should be within 5 days from receipt of the report to the detection unit, within the time limit shall not accept it. 7. 检测报告书写一律要求采用打印 Test report should print out. 公司注册地址 Registration address 上海市闵行区光华路 598 号 3 幢 1 楼 103-9 检测地址 Test address 重庆市渝中区中山二路 192 号港天大厦 B 座 22-2 邮政编码 Post code 400014 传 真 Fax 023-63530958 电 话 Tel 023-63525678 E-mail

第 3 页 共 5 页 样品信息 Sample Information 生产单位 MFG Name 委托单位 Applicant 66 号公路 Route66 66 号公路 Route66 样品类型 Sample Type 树种类型 MDF 表面是否处理 Wood 是 否 单面未处理 样品规格及数量 Sample Quantity& Size 生产日期 Production Date 产品/批次号 Product/Batch ID 50.8*152.4*12mm 收样日期 Sample Description 样品包装状态 Sample Packaging Status 密封完好 甲醛释放量 小气候箱法 Test Item 检测依据 Test Standard 检测日期 Test Date 2016-04-27 Sample Received 样品描述 检测项目 12mm Sample Thickness Sample Date 双面未处理 样品厚度 3PCS 采样日期 Oak Material ASTM D6007-14 Standard Test Method for Determining Formaldehyde Concentrations in Air from Wood Products Using a Small-Scale Chamber 报告日期 2016-04-27 至 2016-04-28 Report Date 206-04-28 送检的样品经检测 The samples had been tested 甲醛释放量 小气候箱法 参照 ASTM D6007 标准进行检测 检测结果参见第 4 页 检测结论 Conclusion Formaldehyde emission per ASTM D6007(small chamber), see test result in page four. 详见检测信息 See test data. 检测单位 检测专用章 1.样品信息由委托单位提供 备注 Note Applicant to provide the information of the sample. 2.根据委托单位要求 样品平衡时间为 1 天 Per applicant requirement, samples off gas 1 day.

第 4 页 共 5 页 检测信息 Test Data 样品在检测前封边后放置在温度为 24±3 (75±5 F)和相对湿度为 50±5%的箱体内调节 样品调节的箱体甲醛 背景浓度低于 0.01ppm. The samples remained sealed and stored in a room maintained at 50±5% RH, 24±3 (75±5 F) prior to testing. The formaldehyde background concentration in the air where the specimens were conditioned was documented at <0.01 ppm. 然后将样品放入甲醛背景浓度低于 0.01ppm 的气候箱 长 850mm*宽 440mm*高 520mm 体积为 6.92 立方英尺 中 气候箱维持空气交换速率 0.5ACH150 分钟 进气的甲醛浓度低于 0.01ppm 120 分钟后 以每分钟 1 升的速 度采箱体内空气 以分光光度计 7230G 进行分析 甲醛释放量值修正到相对湿度 50% 温度 77 的标准值 Then put the sample into the chamber (850mm*440mm*520mm,volume = 6.92 cu ft), and which was maintained at 0.5 ACH for 150 minutes. The formaldehyde concentration of make-up air and the chamber were both measured at <0.01 ppm. After 120 minutes, air samples were drawn at a rate of one (1) L/minute for 30 minutes. Emission values were determined with spectrophotometer analysis 7230G. The Formaldehyde Emissions are corrected to an emission level at standard conditions (50% RH and 77 ºF). 检测编号 检测日期 Test No Test Date 16372B 甲醛释放量 箱 Q/L 比率 温度 相对湿度 气压 Chamber Q/L ratio Temp RH Atm. Formaldehyde Emissions ( ) (%) (hpa) (ppm) 0.43 77.3 50.2 974.9 0.06 ASTM D6007-14 检测结果满足加州空气资源局 93120 法规表格一中要求的中密度纤维板第二阶段 0.11ppm 的限 值要求 The ASTM D6007-14 test result meets the CARB 93120, Table1, Phase 2 limitation of 批准 Approved: 日期 Date: 审核 Audit: 日期 Date: 0.11ppm for MDF. 编制 Prepared: 日期 Date:

第 5 页 共 5 页 HJ-RD-16372B 检测报告附件 样品图片 Test Report Appendix---Sample Picture -----------------------------------------报告结束 Report End------------------------------------------