150 Klebsiella pneumoniae ( Klebsiella pneumoniae) [1] [2-4] K. pneumoniae (Acinetobacter baumannii) 2017 A. baumannii K. pneumoniae [5] K

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57 mainly qi deficiency and yin deficiency. The most common syndrome types are kidney qi deficiency dual deficiency of qi and yin and kidney yin defic


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149 Klebsiella pneumoniae 1 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2 1 1 2 3 2015 7 14 2015 10 31 (Klebsiella pneumoniae) 12 K. pneumoniae 10 (8 1 1 ) 2 12 11 (Third-generation cephalosporins) 92% (11/12) 10 2 K. pneumoniae 20% (2/10) ATP (adenosine triphosphate) - 12 36.3% (4/12) 8 7 6 11 7.9 central venous catheter (CVC) bundle CVC bundle - 2015 11 K. pneumoniae 2018:28:149-163 106 8 10 106 10 30 107 7 6 95 (02) 2833-2211 2095 DOI: 10.6526/ICJ.201808_28(4).0001 107 8

150 Klebsiella pneumoniae ( Klebsiella pneumoniae) [1] [2-4] - 2010 2016 K. pneumoniae (Acinetobacter baumannii) 2017 A. baumannii K. pneumoniae [5] K. pneumoniae K. pneumoniae 50% [2-4] K. pneumoniae [6-7] [8] 10 2 5 ( ) 60 2 2 1:2.5

151 K. pneumoniae 3 3,100 2015 7 14 2015 10 31 1~2 2004 2015 8 5 7 8 5 2 1 K. pneumoniae 3 107 8

152 Klebsiella pneumoniae 8 7 2 5 K. pneumoniae K. pneumoniae 2 5 (third-generation cephalosporins) 2 K. pneumoniae 2015 7 14 2015 10 31 12 K. pneumoniae 10 (8 1 1 ) 2 ( ) 6 7 31 8 5 12 ( ) 11 92% (11/12) K. pneumoniae ( ) (2015 7~10 ) (2015 1~6 ) K. pneumoniae ( ) K. pneumoniae AN CAZ CIP CMZ CRO CXM CZ DOR ETP FEP GM IPM LVX PIP TZP 1 PI03 7/14 S R S R R R R S R R S S S R S 2 PI09 7/31 R S S S R R R S S S R S S R S 3 PI06 7/31 S R S I R R R S S S I S S R R 4 PI01 8/3 S R S I R R R S S R I I S R S 5 PI02 8/3 S R S I R R R S S R I I S R S 6 PI05 8/4 S R S I R R R S S R R S S R I 7 PI03 8/5 S R S I R R R S S R I S S R S 8 PI09 8/17 R S S S R R R S S R R S S R S 9 PI08 8/20 S R S I R R R S S R R S S R S 10 PI11 9/5 S S S I R R S S S I I S S 11 PI11 10/6 R R S S R R S S R R S S S 12 PI01 10/31 S S S S S I S S S S S S S AN (Amikin) CAZ (Ceftazidime) CIP (Ciprofloxacin) CMZ (Cefmetazole) CRO (Ceftriaxone) CXM (Cefuroxime) CZ (Cefazolin) DOR (Doripenem) ETP (Ertapenem) FEP (Cefepime) GM (Gentamicin) IPM (Imipenem) LVX (Levofloxacin) PIP (Piperacillin) TZP (Piperacillin + Tazobactam)

153 介入感染管制措施 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ( 月 ) K. pneumoniae K. pneumoniae (2015 7 ~2015 10 ) 10 181 191 (2015 1 ~2015 6 ) 0 205 205 10 386 396 P value 0.001* * Fisher s exact test (2-tailed) (P = 0.001) ATP (adenosine triphosphate)- K. pneumoniae K. pneumoniae (PI03) (agar plate method) 1. ATP- 107 8

154 Klebsiella pneumoniae ATP ATP ATP ATP 16 (cm 2 ) (relative light unit, RLU) 200 RLU ATP 2. 35 48 BAP (blood agar plate )/EMB (eosin methylene blue) 3. ( ) 4. Vitek 2 (API bio-mérieux, La Balme, Les Grottes, Franc) K. pneumoniae (clinical and laboratory standards institutes, CLSI) [9] central venous catheter (CVC) bundle - ( ) 1. 8 5 ( ) 8 31 2. 3. 2 2% chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) CVC bundle CVC bundle 1 2 75% 5~7.5

155 > 30 5. 8 9 ( ) 1. 8 5 1:100 (500 ppm) ( ) 1:10 (5,000 ppm) ( ) 1:10 (5,000 ppm) 2. 3. ATP- 3 8 6 8 7 9 9 8 21 ( ) 1. 2. 2 10 3 10 ( ) 2015 8 5 2015 7 14 ~10 31 12 K. pneumoniae 10 8 1 ( ) 1 2 10 ( ) 10 107 8

156 Klebsiella pneumoniae K. pneumoniae 編號床號性別 出生週數 Apgar score 入住 ICU 日期 感染日 感染部位 入住 ICU 日期至感染日 侵入性導管置放天數 臍動靜脈導管 中心靜脈導管 導管相關 1 PI06 男 24 3 7/23 7/31 血流 8 8 天 14 天 Y 2 PI05 女 28 7 7/24 8/3 血流 10 無置放 13 天 Y 3 PI03 男 24 3 6/20 8/3 血流 44 無 26 天 Y 4 PI02 女 25 7 7/11 8/5 血流 25 3 天 22 天 Y 5 PI01 男 23 4 8/4 8/5 血流 1 11 天無置放 Y 6 PI08 男 39 8 8/15 8/17 血流 2 無置放無置放 N 7 PI09 男 29 7 8/10 8/20 血流 10 2 天 7 天 Y 8 PI11 女 30 7 8/20 9/5 腸胃 16 4 天 12 天 N 9 PI11 女 30 7 8/20 10/6 血液 47 無置放 12 天 N 10 PI01 男 29 7 9/14 10/31 尿液 47 8 天 9 天 N

157 K. pneumoniae 28.1 4.6 Apgar score 6 21 18.5 8 7 6 11.2 7.9 8 6 ATP- K. pneumoniae PI05 PI06 PI10 PI11 (2 ) (2 ) (1 ) (2 ) (1 ) (1 ) (2 ) (1 ) 12 ( ) ATP > 200 RLU ( *2 ) 36.3% (4/12) 8 7 14 PI01 PI06 (2 ) (2 ) (4 ) (2 ) IV pump (2 ) IV Bag (2 ) K. pneumoniae 3 (yeast) 4 (coagulase- ATP- ATP (RLU 1 PI11 55 2 PI11 12 3 PI11 116 4 PI11 49 5 PI11 62 6 PI10 242 7 PI10 5 8 PI05 28 9 PI06 4 10 PI05-06 1352 11 PI10-11 815 12 PNICU 309 >200RLU =36.3%(4/12) 107 8

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162 Klebsiella pneumoniae Investigating outbreak of Klebsiella pneumoniae infection in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Yu-Chiao Hung 1, Tsrang-Neng Jang 1,2,3, Chien-Shien Huang 1,2,3, Tai-Chin Hsieh 1,2, Shu-Hua Lee 1 1 Committee of Nosocomial Infection Control, 2 Section of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital, 3 School of Medicine, Catholic Fu-Jen University, Taipei, Taiwan An outbreak of Klebsiella pneumoniae infection occurred in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of Taipei medical center from July through October 2015, during which time K. pneumoniae was isolated from 12 critically ill neonates. Of these, 10 were identified as health-care associated infections (8 blood stream, 1 urinary tract, 1 gastrointestinal tract) and 2 were sputum colonization. Although the antibiotic susceptibility of 12 K. pneumoniae isolates from patients was not completely identical, 11of 12 (92%) were ESBL (Extended-spectrum -lactamases) strains which were resistant to 3rd generation cephalosporins. We used ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) bioluminescence method to detect environmental cleanliness. Of 12 collected environmental sample, detection result of the failure rate was 36.3% (4/12). Besides, among the 8 patients with blood stream infection, seven had placement of central venous catheter (CVC) and/or umbilical arteriovenous catheter before infections. Six of them were identified as catheterrelated blood steam infection according to CDC definition. The mean interval from catheter insertion to infection was 11.2 7.9 days. Epidemiological investigation failed to reveal a common source of the outbreak, although the epidemic K. pneumoniae strain was isolated from hand-washes. We inferred that cross-transmission was the major route for this outbreak. Besides, we found that catheter-related blood stream infection played an important role in this outbreak. However, central venous catheter (CVC) bundle was not introduced in neonatal ICU before due to patient characteristics. Therefore, the management

163 of this outbreak included: implementing a modified CVC care bundle, strengthen staff education and training, strict handwashing practices, cohorting and isolation of colonized and infected patients, aggressive cleaning of the environment surfaces with disposable paper towels, and ICU space improvement. The outbreak was successfully controlled, no further K. pneumoniae infection was identified since Nov 2015. Key words: Neonatal intensive care unit, Klebsiella pneumoniae, outbreak 107 8