1 79 Key words Tarim Basin Bachu -Maigati area Silurian growth fault sandy dispersion system Fig. 1 1 Overview of Bachu -Maigaiti regio

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34 1 2015 3 GLOBAL GEOLOGY Vol. 34 No. 1 Mar. 2015 1004 5589 2015 01 0078 10 1 1 2 1 1 3 1. 130061 2. 210046 3. 132013 P534. 43 P542. 3 A doi 10. 3969 /j. issn. 1004-5589. 2015. 01. 009 Syngenetic fault and its control of sandy dispersion system of Silurian in Bachu -Maigaiti area Tarim basin WANG Kai 1 FANG Shi 1 YUAN Wei 2 JIANG Wen-chao 1 ZHAO Jian 1 QIAN Hai 3 1. College of Earth Sciences Jilin University Changchun 130061 China 2. Geophysical Technology Research Institute of Jiangsu Oilfield Nanjing 210046 China 3. The Second Geological Survey in Jilin Province Jilin 132013 Jilin China Abstract On the basis of seismic data interpretation of Silurian in Bachu -Maigaiti area of Tarim Basin we did the research on the faults by using growth index method got the sand body distribution by using well constrained inversion and finally studied the controlling effect of the faults on sand body. In this area the faults are mainly shovel-like contemporaneous reverse in type. They contain some typical thrust tectonic styles such as the snakehead anticline and the rushed up structure. Many faults appear arc in the plane with nearly NW as the main trend. By the NE extruding the studied area has formed two sets of opposite dip parallel thrust faults. The combined fault type is syncline type thrust system in type. In this area the controlling effect of contemporaneous faults on sand body displays two different type that when the contemporaneous reverse fault and the provenance direction are nearly orthogonal the controlling effect of contemporaneous faults for sand body is characterized by curb effect while they are crossing obliquely it is characterized by leading effect. 2014-11-13 2015-01-16 41472173 ZP -Y -01 201311111 201004001. 1974-. E-mail fs812625@ vip. sina. com

1 79 Key words Tarim Basin Bachu -Maigati area Silurian growth fault sandy dispersion system 0 3 4 60 1 1 2 Fig. 1 1 Overview of Bachu -Maigaiti region in Tarim Basin 1. 3 10 4 1 km 2 NW 5

80 34 2 1 205 m BK1 - S 1 k S 1 t S 2 y 5 90 ~ 446 m 107 ~ 683 m 158 ~ 332 m 6 T 4 7. T 3 6. T 1 6. 7 8 2 Fig. 2 Shovel-like contemporaneous thrust fault T 2 6. 2 2. 1 1 60 ~ 85 20 ~ 60 3 T 4 7. T 3 6. T 2 6. T 1 6. Fig. 3 3 Typical tectonic style of shovel-like thrust fault in Bachu -Maigaiti region of Tarim Basin

1 81 2 3 4 9 Fig. 4 4 Comparison of thrust fault combination type 2. 2 3. 1 10 11 30 ~ 120 km F7 140 km 5 1 5 3. 1. 1 1 5 F1 F3 F4 F1 1. 74 1. 29 2 1. 55 F2 1. 85 5 F2 F3 1. 2 1. 06 F3 1. 14 F4 1. 53 1. 03 1. 28 F5 2. 5 1. 82 2. 16 F6 1. 42 1. 04 1. 23 F7 F6 1. 4 1. 2 1. 3 3 F8 F9 1. 02 1. 05 F1

82 34 F2 F5 2. 5 NW SE 5a Fig. 5 5 Fault growth index distribution of Silurian in Bachu -Maigaiti region of Tarim Basin 3. 1. 2 F3 1. 25 1. 06 1. 17 F4 F1 1. 31 1. 62 1. 31 1. 47 F5 1. 1 1. 23 F2 1. 28 1. 8 F6

1 83 1. 8 1. 16 1. 5 1. 75 1. 48 F7 2 Table 1 1 Fault growth index of Silurian in Bachu -Maigaiti region of Tarim Basin F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 BC91 -NE133 1. 63-1. 16 - - - - - - BC0591 -NE109 1. 74-1. 20 1. 03 - - - - - BC04 -HGYN -L1 1. 29 1. 85 1. 06 1. 53 2. 50 1. 42 1. 20 BC09-192 -5SN - - - - 1. 82 - - 1. 02 1. 05 TZ03 -HTH -268 - - - - - 1. 04 - - - TZ02 -HGYN -30 - - - - - - 1. 40 - - BC91 -NE133 1. 1-1. 25 - - - - - - BC0591 -NE109 1. 31-1. 20 1. 62 - - - - - BC04 -HGYN -L1 1. 29 1. 28 1. 06 1. 31 1. 80 1. 80 2. 00 - - BC09-192 -5SN - - - - - - - - - TZ03 -HTH -268 - - - - - 1. 16 - - - TZ02 -HGYN -30 - - - - - - 1. 50 - - BC91 -NE133 1. 29-1. 04 - - - - - - BC0591 -NE109 1. 20-1. 14 1. 17 - - - - - BC04 -HGYN -L1 1. 02 1. 29 1. 14 1. 52 1. 73 1. 01 1. 33 - - BC09-192 -5SN - - - - - - - - - TZ03 -HTH -268 - - - - - 1. 05 - - - TZ02 -HGYN -30 - - - - - - 1. 63 - - F4 F5 F6 F7 1. 73 2 F5 5c NE SW 5b 3. 1. 3 HRS F1 1. 29 1. 02 1. 17 F2 1. 28 F3 1. 14 6 1. 04 1. 11 F4 1. 52 1. 17 1. 35 F5 1. 73 F6 3. 2. 1 1. 05 1. 01 1. 03 F7 1. 63 1. 33 1. 48 3. 2 F5 F4 F5 F7 100 ~ 200

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1 85 F2 F2 F2 F2 F1 F2 F3 F3 F3 F2 F3 F4 F4 F4 F4 F5 F3 F2 S 2 F6 F7 F2 6c F5 6a 3. 2. 2 150 ~ 200 m 250 m 50 ~ 100 m 200 m F4 200 ~ 300 m 50 ~ 120 m F5 4 F5 6b S 1 S 2 S 1 F1 F3 F4 F4 S 2 F1 F2 F3 F4 F4 6b 3. 2. 3 7 F5 10 ~ 40 m 50 m 15 ~ 50 m 70 m F4 30 ~ 50 m 10 ~ 20 m 6c S 1 S 2 S 1 F1

86 34 7F4 Fig. 7 7 Controlling effect of syngenetic fault on sand body of Silurian in Bachu -Maigaiti region of Tarim Basin 2 6a F5 3 100 ~ 200 m 6a F1 10 ~ 40 m 4 6b F4 6c F1 5 1. J. 1 2009 31 4 345-349. CHEN Qiang-lu ZHOU Ling-fang ZHANG Gen-fa et al. Evaluation of oil and gas exploration domains in Bachu -Maigaiti area of Tarim Basin J. Petroleum Geolo-

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