(2) Change to another train of Metro Line 2 at the same metro station, direction East Xujing or Songhong Road; get off at People s Square. (3) Change

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Practical Information Accommodation Hengshan Picardie Hotel 534 Hengshan Road Xuhui District, 200030 Shanghai The accommodation costs are covered for all the speakers. However, eventual additional services costs at the hotel are not. 住宿 衡山宾馆上海市徐汇区衡山路 534 号邮政编码 :200030 会议组委会为报告人提供免费的住宿仅限于支付房费, 其他酒店内的消费将不包括在内 Meals 餐食 The lunches are covered and served in a restaurant within the campus. Dinners are at the charge of each participant except for the conference dinner on Monday. 会议组织者将在校内食堂为与会者预订午餐, 并将在周一组织晚宴, 其余时间将不负责与会人员的餐食 Arrival in Shanghai From Shanghai Pudong International Airport to Hengshan Hotel: Plan 1: (1) Take Metro Line 2, direction Guanglan Road; get off at Guanglan Road. 1

(2) Change to another train of Metro Line 2 at the same metro station, direction East Xujing or Songhong Road; get off at People s Square. (3) Change to Metro Line 1 (Red Line), direction Xinzhuang; get off at Hengshan Road, take the exit 2. (4) Walk for 0.5km along Hengshan Road to find the hotel (see the map below). Plan 2: (1) Take the Maglev, direction Longyang Road; get off at Longyang Road. (2) Change to Metro Line 2, direction East Xujing or Songhong Road; get off at People s Square. Then, follow Plan 1: (3) and (4). From Shanghai Pudong International Airport to the Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Xuhui Campus): Plan 1: (1) Take Metro Line 2, direction Guanglan Road; get off at Guanglan Road. (2) Change to another train of Metro Line 2 at the same metro station, direction East Xujing or Songhong Road; get off at Nanjing East Road. (3) Change to Metro Line 10, direction Hongqiao Railway Station or Hangzhong Road; get off at Jiaotong University, take the exit 2. (4) Follow the map on the webpage of Venue to find the main entrance of the university. Plan 2: (1) Take the Maglev, direction Longyang Road; get off at Longyang Road. (2) Change to Metro Line 2, direction East Xujing or Songhong Road, get off at Nanjing East Road. Then, follow Plan 1: (3) and (4). 2

From Shanghai Hongqiao Airport or Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station to Hengshan Hotel: Take Metro Line 10 direction Xinjiangwancheng; get off at Shanghai Library; take the exit 2, then walk for 1km, via Gaoan Road and Hengshan Road, to find the hotel (see the map below). From Shanghai Hongqiao Airport or Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station to the Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Xuhui Campus): Take Metro Line 10, direction Xinjiangwancheng; get off at Jiaotong University and take the exit 2. Follow the map on the webpage of Venue to find the main entrance of the university. 抵达上海 经由虹桥机场或虹桥高铁站 : 乘坐地铁 10 号线到上海图书馆站下车, 经 2 号出口出站沿高安路 衡山路行走 10 分钟可抵达衡山宾馆 乘坐地铁 10 号线到交通大学站下车,2 号出口即为交通大学 经由浦东机场 : 乘坐地铁 2 号线到广兰路站或乘坐磁悬浮列车到龙阳路站下车, 换乘地铁 2 号线到人民广场站下车, 再换乘地铁 1 号线到衡山路站下车, 经 2 号出口出站, 沿衡山路行走 5 分钟可抵达衡山宾馆 3

乘坐地铁 2 号线到广兰路站或乘坐磁悬浮列车到龙阳路站下车, 换乘地铁 2 号线到南京东路站下车, 再换乘地铁 10 号线到交通大学站下车,2 号出口即为交通大学 经上海站或上海南站 : 乘坐地铁 1 号线到衡山路站下车, 经 2 号出口出站, 沿衡山路行走 5 分钟可抵达衡山宾馆 乘坐地铁 1 号线到徐家汇站下车, 换乘地铁 11 号线到交通大学站下车,2 号出口即为交通大学 Contacts 会议组委会联系电话 In case of any problem, do not hesitate to contact 如有任何困难, 请与我们联系 +86-187-0190-1707 (Yiqing) +86-137-6442-9054 (Samuel) 4

Travel Tips Currency Exchange You can change currency prior to your travel. This can also be done after arrival. You can either withdraw at an ATM with VISA/Eurocard/Mastercard (low fees) or change notes at an exchange counter at Pudong Airport (high fees) / change notes at any bank branch in the city (low fees). Public Transportation Metro in Shanghai There are a dozen of metro lines in Shanghai, punctual and highly efficient. In general, they provide service from 5am to 23pm daily. Almost every station is equipped with automatic ticket machines with English interface and a help center. The price of ticket varies based on travelling distance. Only small notes below 20 RMB and coins are accepted by ticket machines. Tickets are also sold at the help center. Taxi in Shanghai Licensed taxis equipped with meter are reliable in Shanghai. Fare is paid mandatorily according to the meter. The passengers are expected to pay the full fare displayed on the meter plus the fare showed on a highway toll receipt at the end of the journey. Please keep the taxi receipt in case of Lost and Found. No extra for luggage and no tip for any type of journey. Please use RMB to pay the fares and refuse any suggestion on making payment with foreign currency. If needed, the address of Hengshan Hotel in Chinese can be found on the first page of this document. Insurance Medical insurance covering your trip to China is strongly recommended. 5

Useful Website Shanghai is an international city. Many websites provide city information, such as http://www.smartshanghai.com/ http://www.timesoutshanghai.com Emergency Contacts Police: 110 This number is for all emergencies. Dial directly. English service available. Consulate emergency numbers: Check the website of your consulate before you go. 6