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ACE-I, 3 ARB, 6 ARB+ HCTZ, 4 CCB, 16 -BLK, 16 -BLK, 1 -BLK, 3 1 1 2 14 2 17 9 6 11 2 162

昭和大学薬学雑誌第 2 巻第 2 号 2011 年 5 60mg 8 12mg 250mg 40 PL 1mg 15 1 30mg 20 10mg 0.2mg 15mg 10 50mg 10mg 20mg 0.25mg 2000 2000 1700 1600 1500 1400 1400 1400 1300 1300 1100 1000 1000 800 800 800 2800 2500 2500 2500 4700 137 50810* 14710 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 * 163

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Essential drug information assessed by an inventory record of a relief medicine database at a disaster area in Japan Tomoko HANDA 1) Ryouhei KUROIWA 1) Ayako ISHII 1),2) Tatsuya KURIHARA 1) Toshiyuki ATUMI 1) Yumi KAMIJYO 3) Yuji KIUCHI 1) Hifumi UCHIDA 4) Yasuhisa KATO 1) Abstract The East Japan Great Earthquake occurred on March 11, 2011, and The Showa University sent medical relief teams to Yamada-cho, Shimohei County, Iwate. The medical base camp was held inside the Southern Yamada public elementary school and included a temporary pharmacy, where many relief medical supplies were collected and stored. The inventory database (DB) in this pharmacy, which was converted into an Excel file, was evaluated to identify what useful information was necessary during disaster operations. The drug inventory DB was collected from March 11 through April 8 and was assessed in the number of pharmacologic categories and the quantity of drugs ordered during this time. As of April 8, there were 406 drugs supplied. Of the drugs supplied, the various pharmacologic categories included the following distributions; circulation medicines were 17 %, central nervous system medicines were 11% and infection medicines were 9%. Among the circulation medicines, there were medications indicated for hypertension with seven different mechanisms of action. A complicating factor for medication dispensing was that some of the products which were not available were requested. As such, this required prescription adjustments and confirmations, which caused a dispensing pile up. Combination medicines were also supplied during this time frame, but only rarely ordered as a combination product. The medications supplied consisted of antibiotics and antiviral agents, which was utilized to cover tsunami-related infectious diseases. For the pediatric population treated on-site, the development of a prescribing code proved very useful. Out of 406 drugs, only one-third, or 137 drugs were dispensed. In conclusion, drug information books were useful. To continue to optimize relief medical supplies, the inventory list of drug supplies should be electronically updated and revised during usual condition. Additionally, this computer-installed list should be sent to the disaster area with the drugs supplied. Furthermore, dosage adjustment tables, pediatric codes, and disaster codes may be helpful to provide directly to the disaster relief medical care givers. Key Wordsdisaster medicine, drug database, relief medical supplies, drug information, the East Japan Great Earthquake 168