Content 目錄 1. Start 開始使用 1.1 Login SPTrader 登錄 SP 系統 Change Password 更改密碼 Logout SPTrader 登出 SP 系統 4 2. Trade 交易 2.1 Account Info 戶口資料 5 2

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SPTrader User Manual SPTrader 用戶指南

Content 目錄 1. Start 開始使用 1.1 Login SPTrader 登錄 SP 系統 3 1.2 Change Password 更改密碼 4 1.3 Logout SPTrader 登出 SP 系統 4 2. Trade 交易 2.1 Account Info 戶口資料 5 2.2 Select Product 選擇產品 5 2.3 Enter Order 買賣指示 6-7 3. FAQ 常見問題 8-10 2

1. Start 開始使用 1.1 Login SPTrader 登錄 SP 系統 Step 1 步驟一 : Download Sharpoint Trading Program. Double click SPTrader icon on your desktop. 下載 Sharpoint 交易系統, 然後用滑鼠雙擊桌面上的 SPTrader 圖示, 便可立即啟動 SP 系統 Step 2 步驟二 : Please select your language first (English, Traditional and Simplified Chinese are supported). 登入時可以首先選用自己慣用的語言 ( 支援英文, 中文繁體及中文簡體 ) Step 3 步驟三 : Enter the Host, your User ID and password. Then click Accept & Login. 用戶必須輸入網域 使用者以及密碼, 然後點擊 " 同意及登入 " 方能登入 SP 系統 3

1.2 Change Password 更改密碼 If it is the first time you login the SP system, you should change your password in the Change Password Window, and then you could trade. 用戶第一次登陸 SP 交易系統時, 會跳出更改密碼視窗, 用戶必須更改您的密碼方可進入交易平台進行交易 1.3 Logout SPTrader 登出 SP 系統 Select "Logout" under "File" in the system menu to exit your account. OR click the exit button in the top right corner. 選擇 " 檔案 " 下的 " 登出 ", 用戶便可登出自己的戶口 亦可以選擇右上角的關閉按鈕 4

2. Trade 交易 2.1 Account Info 戶口資料 Open the Account Info window from the Account Menu. 您可以在 户口 功能表中找到此視窗 2.2 Select Product 選擇產品 In Market Price Window, you click the small button in the top of right corner to open the price tree. Then, you can drag and drop your product(s) to the page in the right hand side. 在 " 價格資訊視窗 " 點擊右上角的, 報價目錄會在左邊出現 從報價目錄你可以選擇所需商品, 然後用滑鼠拖拉到到右邊的頁面, 你便可看到此產品價格資訊 5

2.3 Enter Order 買賣指示 Open this window from the Order Menu. 從 交易指示 功能表中打開此視窗 This window is used for sending orders. The Order can either be manually entered or selected by clicking at a prevailing market price or quantity in the Price Information window (the Price & Qty field will also be automatically filled in with the prevailing market price and quantity at the time of clicking). 交易指示可以手動輸入或通過點擊報價視窗中的市場報價及交易量來輸入 ( 注意 : 在點擊報價和交易量時, 市場可以隨時變更 ) Options on different Conditional orders are available to choose from, you can learn more by clicking? on the window. 交易指示視窗內亦提供多種條件單供閣下選擇, 想了解更多, 可以點撃視窗上的? 6

Different order statuses are displayed on order book of the Account information window. 在我的交易指示內, 有時會顯示不同的下單情況 Status 狀況 Descriptions 說明 Work 工作中 Pend 等候中 Inactv 無效 Add 增加中 Chg 更改中 Del 刪除中 Traded 已成交 Chg (Resync) 更改中 ( 同步中 ) The order request has been successfully sent to market 下單指示已成功被發送至市場 The order request is pending for triggering and not send to market yet. 下單指示等待觸發, 仍未發送至市場 The order is being inactivated. It will not be sent to the market. 下單指示已經無效及不會發送至市場 The order request is trying to be sent to market. If the status remains for some times, please contact your broker immediately on order situation. 嘗試發送下單指示指令到市場 若長時間維持此狀況, 請儘快聯絡閣下的經紀行 The order is trying to be changed. If the status remains for some times, please contact your broker immediately on order situation. 嘗試更改指定下單指示指令 若長時間維持此狀況, 請儘快聯絡閣下的經紀行 The order is trying to be deleted. If the status remains for some times, please contact your broker immediately on order situation. 嘗試刪除指定下單指示指令 若長時間維持此狀況, 請儘快聯絡閣下的經紀行 The order is already traded. 該下單指示已成交 The order status is unknown. If the status remains for some times, please contact your broker immediately on order situation. 該下單指示狀況不明 若長時間維持此狀況, 請儘快聯絡閣下的經紀行 7

3. FAQ 常見問題 3.1 How can user do when it is unable to login into SPtrader? 若登入 SP 系統時, 出現 " 不能够連線, 我可以怎麽辦? Several reasons lead to the login problem: 一般有以下幾個原因導致不能够連線 : 1) The wrong host is typed. Please check with your broker to see if the host is typed correctly. 錯誤網域 請檢查閣下輸入的 " 網域 " 是否正確無誤 2) Cannot access the internet. Please contact your ISP(Internet services provider) to check the stability of your network. 不能進入互聯網 請諮詢閣下的網路供應商 (ISP) 是否發生故障或網路設定是否正常 3) Firewall is set. Please open the ports 8080 to 8089 if firewall setting is allowed. Otherwise please tick the 80 port while login if it is permitted on broker side. For further details please contact your broker. 被閣下的防火牆封鎖 請開放防火牆的連接埠 8080 至 8089 倘若你的公司或所在地方不容許你更改防火牆設定, 可嘗試使用連接埠 80 作為接口, 但此做法要視乎你的經紀商是否支援, 詳情可向經紀商查詢 4) Proxy is used for browsing the internet. Please tick the Proxy while login and click the button to input the proxy information, and try login again. Since proxy settings may limit the websites to be access, please also inform technicians on your side to allow SPSystem to login through port 80 and 443. 你的公司或所在地方是用 Proxy 上網的 你可以在登入視窗中點擊 Proxy, 輸入 Proxy 的設定後, 請再嘗試登入 由於你的公司或所在地方是用 Proxy 限制用户只能看某些內容的網站, 故此即使你巳經將 Proxy 設定好, 也有可能出現連線的問題 你可以與你的公司或所在地方要求開放使用 SPSystem, 告訴技術人員 SPSystem 是需要經 TCP 連接埠 80 及 443 登入 3.2 Can the same user ID be login at different places? 同一個登入用戶可以於兩個地方同時使用嗎? SP System allows user to login at different places, but each time it is limited to single login only. User Already Login will be displayed if user tries double login. SP 系統只能容許一個用戶是可以於兩個不同的地方使用, 但不能同時登入,SP 系統會告訴用戶 巳登入 8

3.3 Can SPsystem automatically logout for me when forget to logout? 若忘記登出, 系統能夠自動替用戶登出嗎? Yes. Please set the Inactive Timeout interval in Preference General Preference. SPsystem will automatically logout if no action is performed within the time interval 能夠 只要在 喜好設定 選取 閒置暫停, 如果在你指定時間內系統用沒有任何操作便會自動登出 當用戶想再次使用 SP 系統, 用戶則必須提供用戶名稱及密碼重新登入 3.4 Why can t users place order even they have made successful login into SPTrader? 我巳經成功登入, 但是為什麽仍然不能下單到市場? Several reasons lead to the issue: 通常不能下單交易的原因有以下幾點 : 1) Users have not changed their password upon first login. To protect our users a first time password change is needed before they can proceed to trading. 首次登入未更改密碼 為保障客戶,SP 系統會在你首次登入時要求客戶設定新的密碼, 客戶只需按系統要求提示更新密碼便可 2) Password has expired. Our system also requires client to change their passwords regularly to ensure security. If password has expired, users just need to change to a new password before trading. 密碼已過期 為保障客戶,SP 系統會自動要求客戶按時更改密碼, 客戶只需按系統要求提示更新密碼便可 3) Insufficient margins in clients account. Our system will consider the margin requirements of all orders and positions of clients to achieve better risk management. Please delete those expired orders that hold your margins or increase the cash balance of your account. 保證金不足 所有交易指示 ( 包括仍未觸發的條件單 / 止損單以及未生效的交易指示 ) 不論成交與否,SP 系統會預先鎖定所需金額, 以達致保障客戶交易之風險 如遇到這情況, 客户可先行取消那些未成交的交易指示或增加户口金額才下單 4) System problem on Exchange or broker side. Please contact your broker for further details and pending for the system resume. 交易所或經紀商的系統故障 請等候系統恢復正常 3.5 How can users tackle the disconnection problem? 怎樣應付網路斷線? Please logout and login again. Go to Status Connection Status to check the connectivity of all links, and press C button to try reconnection.. If problem still exists, please contact your ISP to check the stability of your network 9

first. You may also contact your broker afterwards to know the reason for disconnection. 請先登出, 然後再次登入! 再查看 狀況 連線狀況 中的各項是否連線 ( 或請按 連線狀況 中的 c 號嘗試重新連線 ) 可致電閣下經紀商的資訊科技部為客戶查出斷線的原因, 但客戶必需先諮詢閣下的網路供應商 (ISP) 是否發生故障或網路設定是否正常 3.6 You can learn more by selecting Help User Manual OR clicking? on windows. 想了解更多, 您可以選擇 說明 用戶使用指南 或點擊視窗上的? 10