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Digital Revolution Series Module 3 Knowledge Audit and Data Analysis in Knowledge Discovery Introduction HKQMA conducts this 12-hour seminar to introduce the concept of Knowledge Audit and Data Analysis in Knowledge Discovery. These seminars give participants idea on what Knowledge Audit and Big Data are, with some hands-on exercises using MS Excel on data analysis and practical methods to capture knowledge for effective project management. Participants can enroll one or more seminars to enjoy the flexibility. Learning Objectives Understand concept and technique of Knowledge Audit Understand DIKW model and big data for service quality improvement Master hands-on exercises on data analysis using MS Excel Learn how to implement effective project and capture organizational knowledge from experienced staff Contents 23 Nov 30 Nov 7 Dec 14 Dec Knowledge Audit What is Knowledge Audit? How to conduct simple audit? Guideline and tips for audit Case Study Knowledge Management in digital era and Big Data for service quality improvement. Hands-on workshop on data analysis/mining by using MS Excel. Implementation of effective project using Knowledge Management and methods/tools to capture organizational knowledge from experienced staff Target audience Anyone interested in knowing the concept of Knowledge Audit and Data Analysis in Knowledge Discovery and learn how companies using them to their competitive advantages. DIKW Model What is Big Data/data mining/data analysis? Case Study Conduct transactions analysis Carry out Market Basket Analysis (Apriori Algorithm) Predict results by Classification Case Exercise Important elements to implement effective project Ways to capture knowledge from experienced staff Guidelines and tips for capturing knowledge Practical Exercise Speakers Dr. Victor Leung (Seminar Facilitator) (Dr. Leung has been working in railway organizations in Hong Kong for over 35 years. He is the Vice-Chairman of the Hong Kong Knowledge Management Development Centre and Fellow of HKQMA. He has been teaching in the University of Hong Kong, HKU SPACE, MTR Academy and other institutions for years.) Mr Justin Tse (Seminar Leader) (Mr. Tse has been working in the field of knowledge management in Hong Kong for 10 years, including government and NGO. He was also invited by various organizations to share his unique KM experience in the past 4 years. He is both the Certified Big Data Science Professional and Project Management Professional. He has been teaching in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University for years) Language Cantonese supplemented with English (Handouts in English) Certificate of Attendance Certificate of attendance will be issued by HKQMA Booking Methods Please email the Reply Slip to enquiry@hkqma.org Seminar Fee HK$1,500 for Module 3 (i.e. 4 seminars) or HK$400 for each seminar. (10% off for early bird booking before 15 Nov 2018 or members of HKQMA/SSI and supporting organizations)

REPLY SLIP Email: enquiry@hkqma.org To: Ms Ann Sit (HKQMA) Please reserve me..seats for the on Module 3 of HKQMA Digital Revolution Series on 23 Nov, 30 Nov, 7 Dec, 14 Dec 2018. Please one or more seminars. (7pm to 10pm). Name:.. (English) Membership No.:. (if any) Organization/Company Name:.. Position:.. Industry:.. Mobile Numbers: Telephone Number:..... Email Address:.. Note: Successful applicants will be notified by email or phone. For enquiry, please contact Ms. Ann Sit at (852) 2581 2210. Organized by: Supporting Organisations

PERSONAL DATA COLLECTION STATEMENT 個人資料收集聲明 The personal data provided on this form is used by HKQMA for purposes related to the processing of enrolment and course administration. Under the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants have rights to request access to and make correction of their personal data. 申請人於此表格提供的個人資料, 本會只會用作處理報名及課程行政的有關事宜 根據個人資料 ( 私隱 ) 條例, 申請人有權查詢及更改其個人資料 I object to the proposed use of my personal data including, without limitation, name, age, gender, phone number, fax number, job title, academic and professional qualification, correspondence address and email address ( Personal Data ) for the purpose of sending me information relating to HKQMA's latest developments, job matching support services, training courses and related events, and other marketing activities as may be organized by HKQMA. 本人反對香港品質管理協會使用本人的個人資料包括但不限於姓名 年齡 性別 電話號碼 傳真號碼 職位 學術及專業資格 通訊地址及電郵地址 ( 個人資料 ) 於推介本會最新發展 就業支援服務 培訓課程及相關的活動及其他由本會的推廣活動的用途 DECLARATION 聲明 I declare that all information provided in this application and the attached documents are, to the best of my knowledge, accurate and complete. 本人聲明在此申請表格及隨附文件所載的資料, 依本人所知均屬完整真確 I consent that if admitted, I will comply with all the Rules and Regulations stipulated by the Hong Kong Quality Management Association. 本人同意如所報讀課程獲取錄, 本人定當遵守香港品質管理協會所定的規則及章程 I have read the IMPORTANT NOTE in this application form and understood that the details of enrolment are subject to revisions in the Forum leaflets and the latest changes in HKQMA website. 本人已細閱申請表格內的重要通知, 並明白所有報名詳情均以本會研討會單張及網頁的最新修訂為依歸 I understand that Personal Data collected will be used for processing application for admission, registration, academic, administrative, research and statistical purposes and will also be used for marketing purposes, specifically for the purpose of sending you information relating to HKQMA s latest developments, job matching support services, events and training courses. Personal Data will be treated in strict confidence. Unless otherwise agreed by me, Personal Data will not be transferred to any third parties. 本人明白所收集的個人資料將會作入學申請 登記 學術 行政 研究 統計及市場分析及用於推介本會最新發展 就業支援服務 活動和培訓課程的用途 個人資料會嚴格保密處理 除非獲得本人的同意, 個人資料不會轉移予第三者 Applicant s Signature Date 申請人簽名 日期 HKQMA Digital Revolution Series

Method of payment 繳費方法 : Cheque 支票 / ATM 自動櫃員機 1. Please complete and return this Reply Slip form together with a crossed cheque payable to Hong Kong Quality Management Association and send the payment to Room 130, 1/F., Liven House, 61-63 King Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon. 將填妥的申請表格連同支票郵寄至 香港品質管理協會 -- 九龍觀塘敬業街 61-63 號利維大廈 1 樓 130 室, 支票抬頭請寫 Hong Kong Quality Management Association. 2. If using payment transfer, please return the bank-in slip to us by the following email address enquiry@hkqma.org 如使用自動櫃員機的繳賬服務繳費, 請將自動櫃員機通知書收據電郵至 : enquiry@hkqma.org Bank Name 銀行 : Account Number 帳號 : Account Name 帳戶名稱 : The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (HSBC) 香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司 019-147404-001 Hong Kong Quality Management Association 以下由協會填寫 取錄 候補 不獲取錄, 原因 :. 收到表格日期 : 通知上課日期 : 收到費用 : 現金或支票號碼 : 收據編號 : 銀行入數日期 : HKQMA Digital Revolution Series