Introducton Reference Book Defniton of Classic Formulas About Shang Han Lun Case Studies Test Case

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1 Understand TCM Classic Formulas by Case Studies Chao-Cheng Yeh, Ph.D., L.Ac. 2017/10/28

2 Introducton Reference Book Defniton of Classic Formulas About Shang Han Lun Case Studies Test Case

3 Reference Book Shang Han Lun on Cold Damage Translaton and Commentaries Auther: Craig Mitchell, Chung-Ching Chang, Feng Ye Publisher: Paradigm Publicatons (MA); 1 editon (January 1999) Language: English ISBN-10: ISBN-13:

4 Defniton of Classic Formulas Classic Formulas is the translaton of 經方, it s frst mentoned in the book 漢書 which is writen about 1800 years ago. 漢書 藝文志 : 經方十一家, 二百七十四卷, 經方者, 本草石之寒溫, 量疾病之淺深, 假藥味之滋, 因氣感之宜, 辨五苦六辛, 致水火之齊, 以通閉結, 反之於平

5 Defniton of Classic Formulas The Classic Formulas are now well known as the formulas writen in books from Han Dynasty (206 BC 220 AD) to Tang Dynasty (618 AD 907 AD). Among these books, the most important ones are Zhang Zhong-Jing s Shang Han Lun Jin Qui Yao Lue and Sun Si-Miao s Bei Ji Qian Jin Yao Fang Qian Jin Yi Fang

6 About Shang Han Lun Shang Han Lun, known in English as the Treatse on Cold Damage Disorders or the Treatse on Cold Injury, is a Chinese medical treatse that was compiled by Zhang Zhong-Jing sometme before the year 220, at the end of the Han dynasty. The Shang Han Lun has 398 sectons with 113 herbal prescriptons, organized into the Six Divisions corresponding to the six stages of disease.

7 About Shang Han Lun Names for Six Divisions : Tai Yang ( 太陽, Greater Yang) Yang Ming ( 陽明, Yang Brightness) Shao Yang ( 少陽, Lesser Yang) Tai Yin ( 太陰, Greater Yin) Shao Yin ( 少陰, Lesser Yin) Jue Yin ( 厥陰, Revertng Yin)

8 Case Studies -Case 1 Patent info: Gender: Male Age: 7 years old Subjectve Patent Complaints: Severe Food Allergy Reacton Patent ate the cookie which contains tree nuts.

9 Case Studies -Case 1 Symptoms: Hives Redness of the skin Itchy eyes Dry throat Stomach pain/bloatng Nausea Swelling of the lips and tongue Shortness of breath

10 Case Studies -Case 1 TCM diagnosis: Pulse: Float, Rapid Hot skin Restless What will be your TCM diagnosis and treatment/prescripton?

11 Case Studies -Case 1 Lines from Shang Hun Lun : Line 4: On the frst day of cold damage, Greater Yang contracts [the disease]. If the pulse is tranquil, this means no passage; a strong desire to vomit, if [there is] agitaton and vexaton, and the pulse is rapid and urgent, means passage. 傷寒一日, 太陽受之 脈若靜者, 為不傳 ; 頗欲吐, 若躁煩, 脈數急者, 為傳也

12 Case Studies -Case 1 Line 33: When in Greater Yang and Yang Brightness combinaton disease, diarrhea is absent, [and] only retching [is present], Pueraria Decocton Plus Pinellia governs. ( Ge Gan Jia Ban Xia Tang 葛根加半夏湯 ) 太陽與陽明合病, 不下利, 但嘔者, 葛根加半夏湯主之

13 Case Studies -Case 1 Line 180: In disease of Yang Brightness, the stomach domain is replete. 陽明之為病, 胃家實是也 Line 182: Queston: What are the outward signs of Yang Brightness? Answer: [There is] generalized heat [efusion], spontaneous sweatng, and no aversion to cold, but aversion to heat. 問曰 : 陽明病外證云何? 答曰 : 身熱 汗自出, 不惡寒, 反惡熱者

14 Case Studies -Case 2 Patent info: Gender: Female Age: 17 Subjectve Patent Complaints: Cold/Flu for more than a week Patent sufered by fever and low energy. Had been treated with Ge Gen Tang ( 葛根湯 ) and Yin Qiao San ( 銀翹散 ) but no efect.

15 Case Studies -Case 2 Symptoms: Fever (in the beginning) Low energy Headache Bad Appette Dry throat (preferred warm water) Aversion to Cold

16 Case Studies -Case 2 TCM diagnosis: Pulse: Float, a litle Rapid, Weak, and String Tongue: Thin, White What will be your TCM diagnosis and treatment/prescripton?

17 Case Studies -Case 2 Lines from Shang Hun Lun : Line 1: In disease of the Great Yang, the pulse is floatng, the head and nape are stf and painful, and [there is] aversion of cold. 太陽之為病, 脈浮, 頭項強痛而惡寒 Line 263: In disease of Lesser Yang, [there is] a biter taste in the mouth, dry throat and dizzy vision. 少陽之為病, 口苦 咽乾 目眩也

18 Case Studies -Case 2 Line 96: When in cold damage, [there has lasted of] fve or six days [or] wind strike, [there is] alternatng [aversion to] cold and heat [efusion], [the person] sufers from fullness in the chest and rib-side, taciturnity with no desire for food or drink, heart vexaton and frequent retching, or possibly [there is] vexaton in the chest and no retching, or thirst or pain in the abdomen, or a hard glomus under the ribside, or palpitatons below the heart with inhibited urinaton, or absent of thirst with mild generalized heat, or cough; [then] Minor Burpleurum Decocton governs. ( Xiao Chai Hu Tang 小柴胡湯 ) 傷寒五六日, 中風, 往來寒熱, 胸脇苦滿, 默默不欲飲食, 心煩喜嘔, 或胸中煩而不嘔, 或渴 或腹中痛, 或脇下痞硬, 或心下悸, 小便不利, 或不渴, 身有微熱, 或咳者, 小柴胡湯主之

19 Combinaton Disease Combinaton Disease from Shang Hun Lun Tai Yang (Greater Yang) and Yang Ming (Yang Brightness) : Line 32, Line 33, Line 48. Tai Yang (Greater Yang) and Shao Yang (Lesser Yang) : Line 172, Line 142, Line 150, Line 171 Is there any other combinatons?

20 Combinaton Formulas Promote Sweatng Mildly for Tai Yang and Yang Ming combinaton Line 48 3 Combinaton formulas from Shang Hun Lun Line 33: Gui Zhi Ma Huang Ge Ban Tang ( 桂枝麻黃各半湯 ) Line 25: Gui Zhi Er Ma Huang Yi Tang ( 桂枝二麻黃一 湯 ) Line 27: Gui Zhi Er Yue Bi Yi Tang ( 桂枝二越婢一 湯 )

21 Ratos of Combinaton Formulas Gui Zhi Ma Huang Ge Ban Tang ( 桂枝麻黃各半湯 ) 1/3 Gui Zhi Tnag + 1/3 Ma Huang Tang Gui Zhi Er Ma Huang Yi Tang ( 桂枝二麻黃一湯 ) 5/12 Gui Zhi Tnag + 2/9 Ma Huang Tang Gui Zhi Er Yue Bi Yi Tang ( 桂枝二越婢一湯 ) 1/4 Gui Zhi Tnag + 1/8 Yue Bi Tang

22 Case Studies -Case 3 Patent info: Gender: Female Age: 50+ Subjectve Patent Complaints: Sever Cough Asthma

23 Case Studies -Case 3 Symptoms: Fever Headache Cough with phlegm, watery type Aversion to Cold

24 Case Studies -Case 3 TCM diagnosis: Pulse: Float and Rapid, Weak, Slippery Tongue: Thick, White Coatng What will be your TCM diagnosis and treatment/prescripton?

25 Case Studies -Case 3 Lines from Shang Hun Lun : Line 40: When in cold damage the exterior has not resolved and [there is] water Qi below the heart, with dry retching, heat efusion and cough, and possibly thirst or diarrhea, or dysphagia, or inhibited urinaton and lesser abdominal fullness, or pantng, Minor Green-Blue Dragon Decocton governs. ( Xiao Qing Long Tang 小青龍湯 ) 傷寒表不解, 心下有水氣, 乾嘔發熱而咳, 或渴 或利 或噎 或小便不利, 少腹滿, 或喘者, 小青龍湯主之

26 Common Formula for Flu/Cold Ephedra amount comparison Ge Gen Tang 葛根湯 : 3 Liang 三兩 Ma Huang Tang 麻黃湯 : 3 Liang 三兩 Xiao Qing Long Tang 小青龍湯 : 3 Liang 三兩 Ma Xing Gan Shi Tang 麻杏甘石湯 : 4 Liang 四兩 Da Qing Long Tang 大青龍湯 : 6 Liang 六兩

27 Case Studies -Case 4 Patent info: Gender: Male Age: 40+ Subjectve Patent Complaints: Palpitaton Low Blood Pressure

28 Case Studies -Case 4 Symptoms: Dizziness Insomnia Weak Low Blood Pressure (84/57, HR 85)

29 Case Studies -Case 4 TCM diagnosis: Pulse: Weak, Thin and Hollow Tongue: Thin, White Coatng What will be your TCM diagnosis and treatment/prescripton?

30 Case Studies -Case 4 Lines from Shang Hun Lun : Line 64: When copious sweatng has been promoted and the person s hand are crossed over the heart and there are palpitatons below the heart, with a desire for pressure, Cinnamon Twig and Licorice Decocton governs. ( Gui Zhi Gan Cao Tang 桂枝甘草湯 ) 發汗過多, 其人叉手自冒心, 心下悸, 欲得按者, 桂枝甘草湯主之

31 Case Studies -Case 5 Patent info: Gender: Male Age: 19 Subjectve Patent Complaints: Fever Vomit right afer eat or drink

32 Case Studies -Case 5 Symptoms: Fever Thirsty Nausea

33 Case Studies -Case 5 TCM diagnosis: Pulse: Float and Big, Slippery Tongue: Thick, White Coatng What will be your TCM diagnosis and treatment/prescripton?

34 Case Studies -Case 5 Lines from Shang Hun Lun : Line 71: When in Great Yang disease, afer sweatng promoted and issues, [if there is] dryness in the stomach, vexaton and agitaton with insomnia, and a desire to drink water, giving a small amount of water will harmonize the stomach Qi so that recover [will ensure]. If the pulse is floatng and [there is] inhibited urinaton, slight heat, and dispersion-thirst, Poria (Hoelen) Five Powder governs. ( Wu Ling Sa 五苓散 ) 太陽病, 發汗後, 大汗出, 胃中乾, 煩燥不得眠, 欲得飲水者, 少少與飲之, 令胃氣和則愈 若脈浮, 小便不利, 微熱消渴者, 五苓散主之

35 Case Studies -Case 5 Lines from Shang Hun Lun : Line 72: When sweatng has already been promoted, the pulse is floatng and rapid, and [there is] vexaton and thirst, Poria (Hoelen) Five Powder governs. ( Wu Ling Sa 五苓散 ) 發汗已, 脈浮數, 煩燥者, 五苓散主之 Line 73: When in cold damage [there is] sweatng and thirst, Poria (Hoelen) Five Powder governs. ( Wu Ling Sa 五苓散 ) [If] thirst absent, Poria (Hoelen) and Licorice Decocton governs. ( Fu Ling Gan Cao Tang 茯苓甘草湯 ) 傷寒汗出而渴者, 五苓散主之, 不渴者, 茯苓甘草湯主之

36 Case Studies -Case 5 Lines from Shang Hun Lun : Line 74: When in wind strike [the person has] heat efusion,unresolved afer six or seven days and vexaton, [so that][there is] an exterior and an interior patern [marked by] thirst with a desire to drink water and immediate vomitng of ingested fluids, [this] is called water counterflow. [for which] Poria (Hoelen) Five Powder govens. ( Wu Ling San 五苓散 ) 中風發熱, 六七日不解而煩, 有表裡症, 渴欲飲水, 水入則吐者, 名曰水逆, 五苓散主之

37 Case Studies -Case 6 Patent info: Gender: Female Age: 20+ Subjectve Patent Complaints: Flu/Cold Vertgo when moving the head

38 Case Studies -Case 6 Symptoms: Low-Grade Fever Dizzy Thirsty Chest tghtness Urinaton Difculty

39 Case Studies -Case 6 TCM diagnosis: Pulse: Deep and String, Tongue: Thick, White Coatng What will be your TCM diagnosis and treatment/prescripton?

40 Case Studies -Case 6 Lines from Shang Hun Lun : Line 67: When in cold damage, afer vomitng or precipitaton, [there is] counterflow fullness below the heart, the Qi surges upward to the chest, [the person experiences] dizzy head upon standing, and the pulse is sunken and tght, [if] sweatng is promoted, the channels will be strred and there will be quivering and trembling then Poria(Hoelen), Cinnamon Twig, Ovate Atractylodes, and Licorice Decocton governs. (Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang 苓桂朮甘湯 ) 傷寒, 若吐若下後, 心下逆滿, 氣上衝胸, 起則頭眩, 脈沈緊, 發汗則動經, 身為振振搖者, 茯苓桂枝白朮甘草湯主之

41 Case Studies -Case 7 Patent info: Gender: Female Age: 20+ Subjectve Patent Complaints: Vertgo for 3 weeks Feel dizzy even while lying down Need assist to get up

42 Case Studies -Case 7 Symptoms: Drowsy Thirsty Heavy Limbs Urinaton Difculty Headache Nausea

43 Case Studies -Case 7 TCM diagnosis: Pulse: Deep and Weak, Tongue: Thick, White Coatng; Pale What will be your TCM diagnosis and treatment/prescripton?

44 Case Studies -Case 7 Lines from Shang Hun Lun : Line 82: When in Great Yang Disease, sweatng has been promoted and sweat issues [but the disease] does not resolve, the person stll has heat efusion, and [there are] palpitaton below the heart, dizzy head, generalized twitching, and [the person is] quivering and about to fall. True Warrior Decocton governs. (Zhen Wu Tang 真武湯 ) 太陽發汗, 汗出不解, 其人仍發熱, 心下悸, 頭眩, 身瞤動, 振振欲擗地者, 真武湯主之

45 Formulas for Dizziness Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang 苓桂朮甘湯 Wu Ling San 五苓散 Xiao Chai Hu Tang 小柴胡湯 Zhen Wu Tang 真武湯 Dang Gui Shao Yao San 當歸芍藥散

46 Case Studies -Case 8 Patent info: Gender: Male Age: 40+ Subjectve Patent Complaints: Lose Weight Super Large Appette

47 Case Studies -Case 8 Symptoms: Feel hungry every 2-3 hours Quivery when feel hungry Feel hot Bad Temper Thirsty Irritable

48 Case Studies -Case 8 TCM diagnosis: Pulse: Float, Big and Slippery Tongue: Thin, White Coatng What will be your TCM diagnosis and treatment/prescripton?

49 Case Studies -Case 8 Lines from Shang Hun Lun : Line 176: When in cold damage, the pulse is floatng and slippery, this [means there is] heat in the exterior and cold in the interior. White Tiger Decocton governs. (Bai Hu Tang 白虎湯 ) 傷寒, 脈浮滑, 此表有熱, 裡有寒, 白虎湯主之

50 Case Studies -Case 8 Lines from Shang Hun Lun : Line 170: When in cold damage, the pulse is floatng, [and there is] heat efusion [and] sweatng is absent, the exterior has not resolved; one cannot give White Tiger Decocton; If [there is] thirst with a desire for fluids and no exterior signs, White Tiger Decocton Plus Ginseng governs. (Bai Hu Jia Ren Shen Tang 白虎加人參湯 ) 傷寒, 脈浮, 發熱無汗, 其表不解, 不可與白虎湯 ; 渴欲飲水, 無表症者, 白虎加人參湯主之

51 Case Studies -Case 9 Patent info: Gender: Female Age: 40+ Subjectve Patent Complaints: Urinary Tract Infecton

52 Case Studies -Case 9 Symptoms: Frequent urinaton Pain and Burning sensaton with urinaton Itching Backache

53 Case Studies -Case 9 TCM diagnosis: Pulse: Float, String and Thin Tongue: Thin, White Coatng What will be your TCM diagnosis and treatment/prescripton?

54 Case Studies -Case 9 Lines from Shang Hun Lun : Line 223: If the pulse is floatng and [there is] heat efusion, thirst with a desire to drink water, and inhibited urinaton, [then] Polyporus Decocton governs. (Zhu Ling Tang 豬苓湯 ) 若脈浮發熱, 渴欲飲水, 小便不利者, 豬苓湯主之

55 Case Studies -Case 10 Patent info: Gender: Male Age: 40+ Subjectve Patent Complaints: Stomach ache for 3 ~ 4 years

56 Case Studies -Case 10 Symptoms: Pain around the belly buton Pain around both the rib side Bad Appette Dry throat Biter taste in mouth

57 Case Studies -Case 10 TCM diagnosis: Pulse: Deep and String Tongue: No Coatng What will be your TCM diagnosis and treatment/prescripton?

58 Case Studies -Case 10 Lines from Shang Hun Lun : Line 266: When originally [there was] Greater Yang disease was unresolved and [thereby] shifed into the Lesser Yang, [there is] hardness and fullness under the rib-side, dry retching and inability to eat, and alternatng [aversion to] cold and heat [efusion]. When [neither] vomitng [treatment not] precipitaton has yet [been used] and the pulse is sunken and tght, [one should] give Minor Bupleurum Decocton. (Xiao Chai Hu Tang 小柴胡湯 ) 本太陽病, 不解, 轉入少陽者, 脇下硬滿, 乾嘔不能食, 往來寒熱, 尚未吐下, 脈沈緊者, 與小柴胡湯

59 Case Studies -Case 10 Lines from Shang Hun Lun : Line 101: [When] in cold damage [or] wind strike, there are [Minor] Bupleurum [Decocton] signs, only one sign [means that] this is [the patern], they do not all have to be present. Whenever a[minor] Bupleurum [Decocton] disease patern [is treated by[ precipitaton, if the [Minor] Bupleurum [Decocton] does not ceased, [one can] give [Minor] Bupleurum [Decocton] again. [There] will be steaming and quivering, then heat efusion and sweatng again, by which [the disease] resolves. 傷寒中風, 有柴胡證, 但見一證便是, 不必悉具 凡柴胡病證而下之, 若柴胡證不罷者, 復與柴胡湯, 必蒸蒸而振, 卻復發熱汗出而解

60 Case Studies -Case 11 Patent info: Gender: Female Age: 20+ Subjectve Patent Complaints: Stomach ache

61 Case Studies -Case 11 Symptoms: Pain around the belly buton(umbilical) Belching Fullness in abdomen Acid Reflux Constpaton Rumbling in abdomen

62 Case Studies -Case 11 TCM diagnosis: Pulse: Moderate and Weak Tongue: Thick, White Coatng What will be your TCM diagnosis and treatment/prescripton?

63 Case Studies -Case 11 Lines from Shang Hun Lun : Line 273: In disease of the Greater Yin, [there is] abdominal fullness and vomitng, inability to get food down, severe spontaneous diarrhea, and periodic spontaneous abdominal pain, and if precipitaton [is used], there will be hard bind below the chest. 太陰之為病, 腹滿而吐, 食不下, 自利益甚, 時腹自痛, 若下之, 必胸下結硬

64 Case Studies -Case 11 Lines from Shang Hun Lun : Line 279: When originally there was Greater Ying disease, but the physician used precipitaton, and consequently [there is] abdominal fullness with periodic pain, this belongs to Greater Yin [disease]. Cinnamon Twig Decocton Plus Peony ( 桂枝加芍藥湯 ) governs; If [there is] great repleton pain, Cinnamon Twig Decocton Plus Rhubarb ( 桂枝加大黃湯 ) governs. 本太陽病, 醫反下之, 因爾腹滿時痛者, 屬太陰也, 桂枝加芍藥湯主之 ; 大實痛者, 桂枝加大黃湯主之

65 Case Studies -Case 12 Patent info: Gender: Male Age: 40+ Subjectve Patent Complaints: Cold/Flu

66 Case Studies -Case 12 Symptoms: Fever Aversion to cold Cold limbs Fatgue Drowsy

67 Case Studies -Case 12 TCM diagnosis: Pulse: Deep, Thin and Weak Tongue: Thick, White Coatng What will be your TCM diagnosis and treatment/prescripton?

68 Case Studies -Case 12 Lines from Shang Hun Lun : Line 281: In disease of the Lesser Yin, the pulse is faint and fne and [there is]a desire only to sleep 少陰之為病, 脈微細, 但欲寐也 Line 285: When in Lesser Yin disease, the pulse is fne, sunken and rapid. The disease is the interior and on cannot promote sweatng. 少陰病, 脈沈細數, 病為在裡, 不可發汗

69 Case Studies -Case 12 Lines from Shang Hun Lun : Line 286: When in Lesser Yin disease, the pulse is faint, one cannot promote sweatng, because Yang [will] collapse. [If] Yang is already vacuous and the cubit pulse is weak and rough, then one cannot precipitaton. 少陰病, 脈微, 不可發汗, 亡陽故也 ; 陽已虛, 尺脈弱濇者, 復不可下也

70 Case Studies -Case 12 Lines from Shang Hun Lun : Line 316: When Lesser Yin disease has not ceased [afer] two or three days, and at four or fve days [there is] abdominal pain, inhibited urinaton, heaviness and pain in limbs, and spontaneous diarrhea, it means [there is] water Qi, and the person may cough, or have uninhibited urinaton, or diarrhea, or retching; [therefore] True Warrior Decocton governs. ( Zhen Wu Tang 真武湯 ) 少陰病, 二三日不已, 至四五日, 腹痛, 小便不利, 四肢沈重疼痛, 自下利者, 此為有水氣, 其人或咳, 或小便利, 或下利, 或嘔者, 真武湯主之

71 Case Studies -Case 13 Patent info: Gender: Female Age: 50+ Subjectve Patent Complaints: Chronicle Headache for 13 years Vertgo

72 Case Studies -Case 13 Symptoms: Headache Dizziness Nausea Bad Appette Insomnia

73 Case Studies -Case 13 TCM diagnosis: Pulse: String, Thin and Weak Tongue: Pale, No Coatng What will be your TCM diagnosis and treatment/prescripton?

74 Case Studies -Case 13 Lines from Shang Hun Lun : Line 326: In disease of the Revertng Yin, [there is]dispersion-thirst, Qi surging upward to the heart, pain and the heat in the heart, hunger with no desire to eat, vomitng of roundworms afer eatng, and [if] precipitaton [is used], [there will be] incessant diarrhea. 厥陰之為病, 消渴, 氣上撞心, 心中疼熱, 飢而不欲食, 食則吐蚘, 下之利不止 Line 378: When [there is] dry retching, ejecton of drool and foam, and headache, Evodia Decocton governs. ( Wu Zhu Yu Tang 吳茱萸湯 ) 乾嘔, 吐涎味, 頭痛者, 吳茱萸湯主之

75 Test Case Patent info: Gender: Male Age: 60+ Subjectve Patent Complaints: Ventricular hypertrophy Edema

76 Test Case Symptoms: Short of Breath Can not lay down Fatgue Palpitaton Legs Swelling Insomnia Bad Appette Constpaton

77 Test Case TCM diagnosis: Pulse: Rapid and Weak Tongue: Thin, Light White Coatng What will be your TCM diagnosis and treatment/prescripton?

78 Home Work Case 1 Patent info: Gender: Female Age: 30+ Subjectve Patent Complaints: Constpaton Pain around the belly buton(umbilical)

79 Home Work Case 1 Symptoms: Fever Stomach Ache No bowel movement for several days Bad Appette Acid Reflux Hand/Foot sweatng Biter taste in mouth

80 Home Work Case 1 TCM diagnosis: Pulse: Deep, Rapid with strength Tongue: Thick, Dry and Dark yellow Coatng What will be your TCM diagnosis and treatment/prescripton?

81 Home Work Case 2 Patent info: Gender: Male Age: 60+ Subjectve Patent Complaints: Cold/Flu Fever

82 Home Work Case 2 Symptoms: Fever Headache Lower Back Pain Aversion to Cold Fatgue

83 Home Work Case 2 TCM diagnosis: Pulse: Deep, Thin and Weak Tongue: Pale with Thin, Dark Brown Coatng What will be your TCM diagnosis and treatment/prescripton?

84 Q&A

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