The method to be used to determine the order of priority in which each of the persons interested in purchasing any of the specified residential proper

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1 Information on Sales Arrangements 銷售安排資料 Name of the development: 發展項目名稱 : Date of the sale: 出售日期 : Time of the sale: 出售時間 : Place(s) where the sale will take place: 出售地點 : Number of specified residential properties that will be offered to be sold: 將提供出售的指明住宅物業的數目 : Jones Hive 雋琚 From 30 January 2015 由 2015 年 1 月 30 日 On 30 January 2015: From 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. From 31 January 2015 and thereafter: From 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m 年 1 月 30 日 : 下午七時至下午十一時由 2015 年 1 月 31 日起 : 每日上午十一時至下午八時 Jones Hive Sales Office, 31/F, One International Finance Centre, 1 Harbour View Street, Central, Hong Kong 香港中環港景街 1 號國際金融中心一期 31 樓雋琚售樓處 33 Description of the residential properties that will be offered to be sold: 將提供出售的指明住宅物業的描述 : The following flats: 10A, 19A, 25A, 27A, 28A, 30A, 8B, 10B, 16B, 25B, 27B, 28B, 8C, 9C, 10C, 11C, 12C, 16C, 18C, 19C, 22C, 23C, 26C, 8D, 9D, 10D, 11D, 12D, 16D, 18D, 19D, 21D, 22D 以下單位 : 10A, 19A, 25A, 27A, 28A, 30A, 8B, 10B, 16B, 25B, 27B, 28B, 8C, 9C, 10C, 11C, 12C, 16C, 18C, 19C, 22C, 23C, 26C, 8D, 9D, 10D, 11D, 12D, 16D, 18D, 19D, 21D, 22D

2 The method to be used to determine the order of priority in which each of the persons interested in purchasing any of the specified residential properties may select the residential property that the person wishes to purchase: 將會使用何種方法, 決定有意購買該等指明住宅物業的每名人士可揀選其意欲購買的住宅物業 的優先次序 : On 30 January 2015: Balloting will be used to determine the order of priority. The persons or companies interested in purchasing any of the specified residential properties ( the registrant(s) ) must follow the procedures below:- 1. Each of the registrants (or his/her authorized person) must submit the following to Jones Hive Sales Office at 31/F, One International Finance Centre, 1 Harbour View Street, Central ( Jones Hive Sales Office ) during the period from 23 January 2015 to 29 January 2015 (from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.). The order of registration will not have any impact on the order of priority for selecting the residential property: a. only one Registration of Intent duly completed and signed by the registrant. Duplicated submission will not be accepted; b. the Registration of Intent shall be accompanied with cashier order(s). The number of cashier order(s) shall be equal to the number of residential property(ies) which the registrant(s) intends to purchase as indicated in the Registration of Intent, but such number of residential property(ies) in any event shall not exceed two (2). Each cashier order shall be in the sum of HK$200,000 and made payable to LO AND LO ; and c. a copy of the registrant s I.D. Card(s) or Passport(s) (as the case may be) or copy of Business Registration Certificate or Certificate of Incorporation and the I.D. Card of the Director of the registrant (if applicable). 2. The cashier order(s) will be used as part payment of the preliminary deposit for the purchase of the specified residential property(ies). 3. On 30 January 2015 the registrants who have submitted the registration in accordance with paragraph 1 above shall personally attend at Jones Hive Sales Office between 7 :00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. (check-in time slot). The registrants must bring along their I.D. Card(s) or (as the case may be) Passport(s) or Business Registration Certificate, Certificate of Incorporation and I.D. Card of the Director of the registrant (if applicable) and the official receipt for the Registration of Intent. The registrants whose identities have been verified by the Vendor shall be eligible for the balloting. Any registrant who arrives at Jones Hive Sales Office at any time later than 8:00 p.m. on 30 January 2015 shall not be eligible for any balloting and the registration of such registrant will be deemed invalid.

3 4. The balloting will take place at 8:05 p.m. on 30 January 2015 and the ballot results, including registration number and ballot result priority, will be posted by the Vendor at Jones Hive Sales Office on 30 January Registrants will not be separately notified of the ballot results. Every valid Registration of Intent shall be allotted such number of lot(s) which equals the number of specified residential property(ies) which the registrant(s) intends to purchase as indicated in the Registration of Intent. Once a lot allotted to a Registration of Intent has been successfully drawn, all other lot(s) (if any) relating to the same Registration of Intent shall be cancelled and be treated as null and void. The number of specified residential property(ies) that the registrant(s) of a successfully drawn Registration of Intent is entitled to purchase shall not exceed the number of specified residential property(ies) which such registrant(s) intends to purchase as indicated in that Registration of Intent. 5. If a registrant has not purchased any specified residential property or the number of specified residential property(ies) being purchased is less than the number of specified residential property(ies) which the registrant intends to purchase as indicated in the Registration of Intent, his/her unused cashier order(s) will be available for collection without interest by the registrant (or his/her authorized person) at Jones Hive Sales Office during 31 January 2015 to 1 February 2015 (from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.). The registrant must bring along the I.D. Card(s) or Passport(s) of the registrant (or a copy of the I.D. Card(s) or Passport(s) of the registrant if unused cashier order(s) is/are collected by the authorized person) and (if applicable) copy of Business Registration Certificate or Certificate of Incorporation of the Registrant, the original receipt of the valid Registration of Intent, and (if applicable) a valid authorization letter and a copy of the I.D. Card or Passport of the authorized person. After the completion of the balloting and the selecting and purchasing of the specified residential properties by eligible persons in accordance with the above procedures, the order of priority in the selection of the remaining specified residential properties (if any) will be on a first come first served basis. But the Vendor, in order to maintain order at the sales offices, reserves the right to allocate the particular specified residential property to any of the interested person and determine to whom a residential property will be sold in case of any dispute by any method (including balloting). On 31 January 2015 and thereafter: First come first served. Persons interested in purchasing must personally attend the designated place where the sale will take place.

4 But the Vendor, in order to maintain order at the sales offices, reserves the right to allocate the particular specified residential property to any of the interested person and determine to whom a residential property will be sold in case of any dispute by any method (including balloting) 年 1 月 30 日 : 以抽籤方式決定優先次序, 有意購買該等指明住宅物業的人士或公司 ( 下稱 : 登記人 ) 須遵從下列程序 :- 1. 登記人 ( 或其獲授權人士 ) 須於 2015 年 1 月 23 日至 2015 年 1 月 29 日期間 ( 上午 11 時至下午 8 時 ) 到中環港景街 1 號國際金融中心一期 31 樓雋琚售樓處 ( 下稱 : 雋琚售樓處 ) 遞交 : a. 已填妥及由登記人簽署的購樓意向登記表格, 每位登記人只可遞交 1 份購樓意向登記, 重複遞交將不會受理 ; b. 購樓意向登記須附有本票, 本票的數目須與登記人於購樓意向登記內填寫的意欲購買的住宅物業數目相同, 惟該住宅物業數目不能多於 2 個 每張本票金額為港幣 $200,000 及抬頭人須為 羅文錦律師樓 ; 及 c. 登記人的身份證或 ( 視屬何情況而定 ) 護照或商業登記證書或公司註冊證書和董事的身份證副本 ( 如適用 ) 登記次序不會影響揀選住宅物業的優先次序 2. 已繳交之本票將會作為購買指明住宅物業的部份臨時訂金 3. 已根據上述第 1 條進行登記的登記人須於 2015 年 1 月 30 日下午 7 時至 8 時 ( 報到時段 ) 攜同其身份證或 ( 視屬何情況而定 ) 護照或商業登記證書 公司註冊證書和董事的身份證 ( 如適用 ) 及購樓意向登記表格的正式收據親臨雋琚售樓處, 經賣方確認並核實身份後方可享有最終抽籤資格 於 2015 年 1 月 30 日下午 8 時任何時間後才到達雋琚售樓處的登記人將被取消抽籤資格, 其登記將被視作無效 4. 抽籤程序將於 2015 年 1 月 30 日下午 8 時 05 分進行, 賣方會將抽籤結果, 包括 登記號碼 及 抽籤結果次序 於當日於雋琚售樓處公布 登記人將不獲另行通知抽籤結果 每一份購樓意向登記表格可獲分配的籌的數目, 相等於登記人於該購樓意向登記表格內填寫的意欲購買的指明住宅物業數目 當一個籌獲抽中, 其相關購樓意向登記的其他籌 ( 如有 ) 於同一次抽籤程序將會取消及作廢 獲中籤的每份購樓意向登記的登記人只可認購不多於購樓意向登記內所填寫的意欲購買的指明住宅物業數目 5. 如登記人並無購入任何指明住宅物業或其購入之指明住宅物業數目未達其於購樓意向登記內所填寫意欲購買之數目, 登記人 ( 或其獲授權人士 ) 可於 2015 年 1 月 31 日至 2 月 1 日上午 11 時至下午 8 時內於雋琚售樓處辦理無息取回未使用的本票 登記人須攜同登記人身份證或護照正本 ( 如以獲授權人士取回未使用的本票, 則須攜同登記人身份證或護照副本 ) 及 ( 如適用 ) 登記人之商業登記證書或公司註冊證書副本 有效的購樓意向登記收據正本 及 ( 如適用 ) 有效的授權書及獲授權人士之身份證或護照副本 當抽籤及合資格人士選購指明住宅物業完畢後, 餘下的指定住宅物業 ( 如有 ) 將以先到先得形式發售 惟賣方為了維持出售地點的秩序, 如有任何爭議, 賣方保留最終決定權以任何方法 ( 包括抽籤 ),選擇買家及決定將住宅物業售予何人

5 2015 年 1 月 31 日起 : 先到先得 買方必須親臨賣方指定的出售地點揀選其意欲購買的住宅物業 惟賣方為了維持出售地點的秩序, 如有任何爭議, 賣方保留最終決定權以任何方法 ( 包括抽籤 ), 選擇買家及決定將住宅物業售予何人 The method to be used, where 2 or more persons are interested in purchasing a particular specified residential property, to determine the order of priority in which each of those persons may proceed with the purchase: 在有兩人或多於兩人有意購買同一個指明住宅物業的情況下, 將會使用何種方法決定每名該等人士可購買該物業的優先次序 : Please refer to the above method. 請參照上述方法 Hard copies of a document containing information on the above sales arrangements are available for collection by the general public free of charge at (1) 75/F, Two International Finance Centre, 8 Finance Street, Central, Hong Kong; and (2) Jones Hive Sales Office, 31/F, One International Finance Centre, 1 Harbour View Street, Central, Hong Kong. 載有上述銷售安排的資料文件印本於 (1) 香港中環金融街 8 號國際金融中心二期 75 樓 ; (2) 香港中環港景街 1 號國際金融中心一期 31 樓雋琚售樓處可供公眾免費領取 Date of issue ( 發出日期 ): Date of revision ( 修改日期 ):

The method to be used to determine the order of priority in which each of the persons interested in purchasing any of the specified residential proper

The method to be used to determine the order of priority in which each of the persons interested in purchasing any of the specified residential proper Information on Sales Arrangements 銷售安排資料 Name of the development: 發展項目名稱 : South Walk.Aura 南津. 迎岸 Date of the Sale: 出售日期 : From 20 April 2018 由 2018 年 4 月 20 日起 Time of the Sale: 出售時間 : On 20 April 2018:

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