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1 General Introduction on Treatment Principles Dr Igor Micunovic

2 内容提要 main contents 针灸治疗原则 treatment principles 针灸治疗作用 treatment function 针灸处方 prescriptions 特定穴的应用 applications of specific points

3 针灸治疗原则 principles 补虚泻实 to reinforce deficiency and to reduce the excess 清热温寒 to clear away the heat and to warm the cold 治病求本 to seek the root when treating diseases 三因制宜 three aspects concerned treatment, different individuals, time and geography

4 补虚泻实 reinforce deficiency and to reduce the excess 素问. 通评虚实论 : 邪气盛则实, 精气夺则虚 Predominance of evil makes excess, while Qi exhaustion makes deficiency

5 reinforce deficiency and to reduce the excess 灵枢. 经脉 : 盛则泻之, 虚则补之, 热则疾之, 寒则留之, 陷下则灸之, 不盛不虚, 以经取之 reducing the excess, reinforcing the deficiency, fast method for heat syndrome, retaining method for cold syndrome, moxibustion for prolapsed syndrome

6 补虚泻实 reinforce deficiency and to reduce the excess 补法 reinforcing methods 虚则补之 reinforcing the deficiency 虚则实之 陷下则灸之 moxibustion for prolapsed syndrome 寒则留之 retaining method for cold 平补平泻 promoting qi for meridian problem

7 补虚泻实 reinforce deficiency and to reduce the excess 泻法 reducing 盛则泻之 reducing the excess 邪盛则虚之 满则泄之 eliminating the fullness 热则疾之 fast method for heat 宛陈则除之 blood letting method for stagnation

8 补虚泻实 reinforce deficiency and to reduce the excess 虚则补之 : 虚 : 正气虚 ;vital qi deficiency reinforce 补 : 补法 reinforcing 单式补法或复式补法, 穴性属补 ( 关元 足三里 ) St.36 to apply single or complex reinforcing method with Guan Yuan(R.4 or Zu San Li

9 补虚泻实 reinforce deficiency and to reduce the excess 陷下则灸之 : 陷下 : 阳气下陷 指脏腑 经络之气虚弱, 失其固摄之权 Qi prolapsed 属补的范围 大肉陷下 内脏下垂阳气暴脱 prolapsed syndrome include atrophy of muscles, prolapsed organs, exhaustion of qi 灸百会 Bai Hui Du. 20 神阙 Shen Que Ren.8 关元 Guan Yuan Ren.4 足三里 Zu San Li St.36

10 补虚泻实 reinforce deficiency and to reduce the excess 实则泻之 :reducing method 单式泻法或复式泻法, 穴性属泻 ( 十二井 十宣 ) to apply single or complex reducing method with 12 Jing-well or Shi Xuan

11 reinforce deficiency and to reduce the excess 宛陈则除之 ( 泻法 ) 经脉瘀阻的病证, 以三棱针点刺出血.Blood letting to eliminate blood stagnation 如 : 闪挫扭伤 委中放血, 刺络拔罐 ; acute lumbago Wei Zhong U.B 40 腱鞘囊肿 小儿疳积 点刺放液 Middle finger pricking for ganglion or infantile malnutritong

12 清热温寒 clear away the heat and to warm the cold 热则疾之 : 热 - 热证 ;heat syndrome 疾 : 快针 浅刺 疾出 ;fast puncturing 手法轻巧快速, 不留针 ( 刺热者, 如手探汤 灵枢. 经脉 ) Fast puncturing Without retaining needle 如 : 高热 刺大椎 曲池, 浅刺疾出 ; puncturing Da Zhui Du 14 and Qu Chi L.I 11 for high fever 咽喉肿痛 少商或商阳点刺出血 Prick bleeding at Shao Shang Lu.11 and Shang Yang L.I 1 for sore throat

13 清热温寒 clear away the heat and to warm the cold 寒则留之 : 寒证 ( 虚 实 )cold syndrome 留 : 留针 retaining needle 深刺而久留针 ( 如人之不欲行 ) 如 : 风寒湿痹 留针侯气或艾灸 Waiting for Qi from retaining needle or moxibustion applied to treat Bi syndrome caused by wind, cold and damp

14 八纲辨证与补泻原则 Eight principles with reinforcing and reducing 阳证 Yang Syndrome 表证 浅刺 Shallow puncture for superior 热证 浅刺疾出, 或刺出血 Shallow puncture with fast withdrawing needle for heat 实证 泻法, 多针, 少灸 More needles with reducing method

15 Eight principles with reinforcing and reducing 阴证 Yin syndrome 里证 深刺 deep puncture for internal syn. 寒证 留针, 多灸 more moxibustion and retaining needle 虚证 补法, 多灸 more moxibustion and reinforcing method

16 八纲辨证与补泻原则 Eight principles with reinforcing and reducing 不盛不虚 平补平泻 even hand method applied for imbalaned meridians 瘀滞不通 泻法, 刺络出血 reducing method with prick bleeding for blood stagnation 陷下之证 灸法, 补法 reinforcing and moxibustion for prolapsed syndrome

17 治病求本 Seeking the root when treating different diseases 治病求本 : 针对疾病的本质进行治疗 treat root 如 : 头痛 : headache 外感 -- 风池解表 Feng Chi G.B 20 for wind 血虚血瘀 -- 膈俞养血活血 Ge ShuU.B 17 for blood deficiency 痰阻 -- 丰隆化痰 Feng Long St.40 for phlegm retention 肝阳上亢 -- 太冲平肝 Tai Chong Liv.3 for liver Yang ascending

18 治病求本 Seeking the root when treating different diseases 急则治标 : 针对急重的标病进行治疗 treat branch when disease is in acute 如脑病 : cerebral problem 昏迷 人中醒脑 Ren Zhong Du.26 for coma 高热 十宣泻热 Shi Xuan for high fever 抽搐 阳陵舒筋 Yang Ling Quan G.B 34 for spasm of muscles

19 治病求本 Seeking the root when treating different diseases. 缓则治本 : treat the root when disease is in chronic 针对疾病的本质进行治疗 based on the root 如支气管哮喘 Bronchial asthma 补肺健脾益肾 肺俞脾俞肾俞 Fei Shu U.B 13 reinforcing Lung Pi Shu U.B 20 strengthening Spleen Shen Shu U.B 23 reinforcing Kidney

20 治病求本 Seeking the root when treating different diseases. 标本同治 : 针对疾病表现 本质同时治疗 Treat both root and branch at same time 如高血压 : hypertention 标 -- 百会治头痛 branch-bai Hui Du. 20for headache 本 -- 太冲平肝熄风 root-tai Chong Li. 3 for liver wind 太溪滋阴潜阳 Tai Xi Kid. 3 nourishing Yin and balancing Yang

21 三因制宜 three aspects concerned treatment 因地制宜 : 根据不同地理环境 生活习惯制定治疗方法 selecting method according to different location and living habit 北方 多用火针 温灸 fire or warming needle applied in the north 南方 微针 ( 毫针 皮肤针 ) micro-needle ( filiform or cutaneous needle) applied in the south

22 三因制宜 three aspects concerned treatment 因时制宜 : 根据不同的季节和时辰特点, 制定治疗方法 selecting methods according to different seasons and time 春夏病邪浅表 浅刺 shallow puncture at spring or summer 秋冬病邪深在 深刺 deep puncture at autumn or winter 择时选穴 ( 子午流注 ) selecting point according to different time ( Zi Wu circulation)

23 三因制宜 three aspects concerned treatment 因人制宜 : 根据性别 年龄 体质制定治疗方法 selecting method according to sex, ages, and different constitutions 肥人 长针 long needle for fat people 瘦人 短针 short needle for thin people 体虚 老人 小孩 刺激宜轻 light puncture for weak, old and child patients 孕妇 产后 刺激宜轻, 穴位选择 light puncture for pregnant and delivered women

24 针灸治疗作用 The function of Acupuncture 疏通经络 promoting meridians 不通则痛 pain is due to the stagnation of qi and blood 千金方 : 凡病皆由血气壅滞不得宣通, 针以开导之, 灸以温暖之 Most of the diseases are caused by qi or blood stagnation, so acupuncture is for promotion while mosibustion for warming. 疏通经络是针灸治病的最主要 最直接的作用 Promoting meridians is one of the most important and direct method

25 疏通经络 Promoting meridians 经络闭阻不通 实热 : 针刺, 如高热针 大椎 曲池 外关 puncturing Da zhi, Qu Chi and Wai Guan for high fever

26 Promoting meridians 经络闭阻不通 stagnation of meridians 实热 : 高热针大椎 曲池 外关 if due to heat, you puncture Da zhi(du.14), Qu Chi(L.I.11) and Wai Guan )S.J. 5) for high fever 虚寒 : 胃寒灸中脘等 if due to cold, you puncture and moxibustion at Zhong Wan (Ren.12) for deficient cold

27 调和阴阳 Regulating Yin and Yang 灵枢. 根结 : 用针之要, 在于知调阴与阳 The key for Acupuncture is to regulate Yin and Yang from The Yellow Emperor 素问. 至真要大论 : 调气之方, 必别阴阳 谨察阴阳所在而调之, 以平为期 regulate Qi refers to differentiate Yin and Yang from The Yellow Emperor 调和阴阳是针灸治病的最终目的 So regulating Yin and Yang is the final goal of Acupuncture

28 调和阴阳 Regulating Yin and Yang 阳盛高热 : 委中放血 针外关 you apply Wei zhong(u.b.40), Wai Guan(S.J.5) for high fever due to excessive heat 泻其有余 reducing the excess 阴盛寒凝 : 阴陵泉 丰隆 ( 针或灸 ) you apply Yin Ling Quan(Sp.9), Feng Long(St.40) for cold retention due to excessive cold

29 Regulating Yin and Yang 补其不足 reinforcing the deficiency 阴虚阳盛 : 太溪 照海 ( 壮水之主, 以制阳光 ) you apply Tai Xi (Kid.3), Zhao Hai(Kid.6) to nourish yin and balance yang 阳虚阴盛 : 关元 命门 ( 益火之源, 以消阴翳 ) you apply Guan Yuan(Ren4), Ming Men(Du.4) to warm yang and balance yin

30 扶正祛邪 Assisting in vital energy and eliminating the evils 扶正祛邪是针灸治病的根本法则和手段 Assisting in vital energy and eliminating the evils are considered as an important principle and method in Acupuncture treatment.

31 Assisting in vital energy and eliminating the evils Taking facial paralysis as an example 面瘫初期 ( 放血 ) 祛邪为主 in the earlier period of facial paralysis, you apply reducing method of blood letting 面瘫初期 : 泻合谷 太冲 in the earlier period of facial paralysis, you He Gu (L.I.4), Tai Chong (Liv.3) 面瘫后期 ( 艾灸 ) 扶正为主 in the later period of facial paralysis, you apply reinforcing method of needling or moxibustion 面瘫后期 : 补足三里 三阴交 in the later period of facial paralysis, you reinforce Zu San Li(St.36), San Yin Jiao(Sp.6)

32 Assisting in vital energy and eliminating the evils 腧穴性质 charact ers of points 补 : 气海 关元 命门 肾俞 足三里 Reinforcing points: Qi Hai(Ren 6), Guan Yuan(Ren4), Ming Men(Du.4), Shen Shu(U.B.23), Zu San Li(St.36) 泻 : 委中 水沟 十宣 合谷 reducing points: Wei Zhong(U.B.40, Shui Gou(Du.26), Shi Xuan, He Gu(L.I.4)

33 针灸处方 Acupuncture prescriptions 穴位的选择 selection of points 选穴原则近部选穴 local point 远部选穴 distal point 辨证对症选穴 based on symptoms 配穴方法按经脉配穴法 matching points based on meridians 按部位配穴法 matching points based on locations 刺灸法的选择 selection of puncturing method

34 选穴原则 Principle for selecting the points 近部取穴 :local principles 指选取病痛的所在部位或 邻近部位的腧穴 腧穴所在, 主治所及 local point applied for local problems 如 : 鼻病 素疗 迎香 su liao,ying xiang(l.i.20) for nose problem 眼病 睛明 太阳 Jing Ming(U.B.1), Tai Yang for eye problem 痔疮 长强 次缭 chang qiang(du.1), ci liao(u.b.32) for hemorrhoid

35 选穴原则 Principle for selecting the points 远部选穴 : local principles 指选取距离病痛较远部位的穴位 经脉所通, 主治所及 distal point applied for meridian problem 灵枢 终始 : 病在上者下取之, 病在下者高取之, 病在头者取之足, 病在足者取之腘. Yellow Emperor says: you select the points from lower part of body for upper part diseases, while select the points from upper part for lower part diseases.

36 Principle for selecting the points 四总穴歌 : 4 General points 头项寻列缺 Lie Que(Lu.7) for head and neck problem 面口合谷收 He Gu(L.I.4) for face and mouth problem 肚腹三里留 Zu san li(st.36) for abdominal problem 腰背委中求 Wei Zhong(U.B.40) for lumbar and back problem

37 远部选穴 Selection for distal points 如高血压头痛 太冲透涌泉 Tai Chong(Liv.3) through Yong Quan(Kid.1) for hypertention 脱肛 子宫下垂 灸百会穴 Moxa on Bai Hui(Du.20) for prolapse of uterus and anus 腰骶疼痛 刺龈交 Puncture Yin Jiao(Ren 24) for lumbago 急性腰肌扭伤 腰痛点 Lumbago point for acute lumbar twist 肩周炎 条口透承山 Tiao Kou(St.38) through Cheng Shan(U.B.57) for frozen shoulder

38 辨证对症选穴 Syndromes points 辨证取穴 : 指针对某些全身症状或疾病的病因病机选取腧穴 Selection of points based on different manifestations or etiology 如 : 发热 大椎 外关 曲池 Da Zhui(Du.14), Wai Guan(S.J.5), Qu Chi(L.I.11) for fever 痰多 丰隆 Feng Long(St.40) for phlegm retention 昏迷 人中 十宣 Ren Zhong(Du.26), Shi Xuan for coma 贫血 出血 膈俞 Ge Shu(U.B.17) for blood def. or bleeding

39 辨证对症选穴 Symptoms points 对症选穴 : 指针对疾病的特殊症状而选取穴位的则 Selection of points based on some special symptoms 如 : 哮喘 定喘 Ding Chuan for asthma 虫证 百虫窝 Bai Chong Wo for parasites 腰痛 腰痛点 Lumbar point for lumbago

40 配穴方法 Point s matching methods 按经脉配穴法本经配穴法 matching on meridians itself meridians 表里经配穴法 matching on exterior and interior 同名经配穴法 matching on same name 按部位配穴法上下配穴法 matching on upper and lower place locations 前后配穴法 matching on front and back place 左右配穴法 matching on left and right place

41 按经脉配穴法 Matching based on meridians 本经配穴法 : 脏腑经络病变, 取该经穴位配合使用 selection of point based on own meridians 不盛不虚, 以经取之 如 : 耳鸣耳聋 翳风 耳门 中渚 Yi Feng(S.J.17), Er Men(S.J.21), Zhong Du(S.J.3) for tinnitus and deaf 肺病咳嗽 中府 尺泽 列缺 Zhong Fu(Lu.1), CHi Ze(Lu.5), Lie Que (Lu.7) for cough due to Lung problem

42 按经脉配穴法 Matching based on meridians 表里配穴法 : 脏腑经络病变, 取本经配合相表里经位 matching based on exterior and interior of Fu and Zang organs 从阴引阳, 从阳引阴 如 : 胃痛 梁门 足三里 公孙 Liang Men(St.21), Zu San Li(St.36), Gong Sun(Sp.4) for stomach pain 心绞痛 内关透外关 Nei Guan(Pe.6) through Wai Guan(S.J.5) for heart pain

43 按经脉配穴法 Matching based on meridians 同名经配穴法 : 手足同名经腧穴相互配合使用 matching method based on same name meridians of hand and foot 如 : 阳明头痛 合谷 内庭 He Gu(L.I.4), Nei Ting (St.44) for Yang Ming headache 落枕 后溪 昆仑 Hou Xi (S.I.3), Kun Lun (U.B.60) for stiff neck

44 按部位配穴法 Matching based on different regions 上下配穴法 : 将腰以上或上肢腧穴和腰以下或下肢腧穴配合应用 matching point based on upper and lower of lumbar region, arms and legs 如 : 风火牙痛 合谷 内庭 He Gu(L.I.4), Nei Ting(St.44) for toothache 胃痛呕吐 内关 足三里 Nei Guan(Pe.6), Zu San Li (St.36) for vomiting and stomachache 子宫脱垂 百会 关元 Bai Hui(Du.26), Guan Yuan(Ren 4) for prolapse of uterus 头项强痛 大椎 昆仑 Da Zhui(Du.14), Kun Lun (U.B.60) for stiff and headache

45 按部位配穴法 Matching based on different regions 前后配穴法 : 将身体前后穴位配合使用 ( 腹背阴阳的配穴法, 内经 称 偶刺 ) matching point based on front and back of the body 如 : 中风失语 廉泉 哑门 风府 Lian Quan(Ren23), Ya Men(Du15), Feng Fu(Du16) for aphasia due to stroke 眼病 睛明 风池 Jing Ming(U.B.1), Feng Chi(G.B.20) for eye problems 气喘 膻中 定喘 Tan Zhong(Ren 17, Ding Chuan for asthma 胃脘痛 中脘 胃俞 Zhong Wan(Ren12), Wei Shu (U.B.21)for gastric pain

46 按部位配穴法 Matching based on different regions 左右配穴法 : 将身体左右穴位配合使用 matching point based on the left and right sides of the body 左右对称取穴 : balanced method of left and right 如 : 胃肠病 足三里双 内关双 double Zu San Li(St.36) and Nei Guan(Pe.6) for gastric problem 左右交叉取穴 : left cross to right side 素问 阴阳应象大论 以右治左, 以左治右, 属 : 巨刺 缪刺 如 : 胃脘痛 ( 肝胃不和 ) 足三里左 太冲右 left Zu San Li(St.36) and right Tai Chong(Liv.3) for gastric pain

47 左右配穴法 Matching from left and right 左右循经取穴 :left and right following meridians 偏头痛 同侧取外关, 对侧取合谷 Wai Guan(S.J.5) at same side and He Gu(L.I.4) at opposite side for migraine 面瘫 同侧取地仓 颊车, 对侧取合谷 Di Cang(St.4) and Jia Che(St.6) at same side and He Gu(L.I.4) at opposite side for facial paralysis 肩周炎 取对侧条口透承山 opposite Tiao Kou(St.38) through Cheng Shan for frozen shoulder 急性腰扭伤 对侧腰痛点 opposite Lumbar point for acute lumbar twist 中风病后期 取健侧穴 points of healthy side for sequela of stroke

48 特定穴的应用 Application of specific points 定义 : 特定穴是指十四经脉中具有某种特殊治疗作用的腧穴 Specific points refer to the special function of 14 meridian points 种类 : 五输穴 原络穴 俞募穴 下合穴 郄穴 八会穴 八脉交会穴 交会穴 It includes Five Shu points, Yuan and Luo points, Back Shu and Front Mu Points, Lower He-Sea points, Xi-cleft points, Eight Influential Points, Eight confluent Points, and Crossing points

49 五输穴的临床应用 Five shu points 定义 : 十二经脉分布在肘 膝关节以下 的井 荥 输 经 合五组穴位 Jing-well, Xing-spring, Shu-stream, Jing-river, and He-sea points are located below elbow and knee joint. 内容 : 共 60 个穴位 60 points in all

50 五输穴的临床应用 Five shu points 重病 急病 井穴 severe and acute problem jing well 面红耳赤 ( 肝阳上亢 ) 行间 ( 肝荥 )red face due to liver yang ascending Xing Jian(Liv.2) 反复发作 ( 关节病 ) 太白 ( 脾输 )repetitive onset of joint pain Tai Bai(Sp.3) 声音嘶哑 经渠 ( 肺经 )voice problem Jing Qu(Lu. 饮食不节 胃病 上消出血 足三里 ( 胃合 )poor apetite, stomach problem and even bleeding Zu San Li(St.36)

51 五输穴的临床应用 Five shu points 难经 : 井主心下满, 荥主身热, 输主体重节痛, 经主喘咳寒热, 合主逆气而泄 Jingis for fullness below heart, Xing for fever, Shu for body and joint pain, Jing for cough and asthma due to common cold, He for Qi ascending and diarrhea 冠心病 心绞痛 中冲 ( 心包井 )Zhong chong(pe.9) for coronary heart disease 阳明热盛 内庭 ( 胃荥 Nei Ting (St.44)for Yang Ming heat retention 关节痛 太白 ( 脾输 )Tai Bai(Sp.3) for joint pain 气喘咳嗽 经渠 ( 肺经 )Jing Qu(Lu.8) for cough and asthma 嗳气 泄泻 足三里 ( 胃合 )Zu San Li(St.36) for belching and diarrhea

52 五输穴的临床应用 Five shu points 井穴 主治五脏六腑的急症 重症 以及精神魂魄异常诸症 有泻热 开窍 醒神等作用 Jing is for acute and severe problem with the function of reducing heat and opening the orifice 荥穴 主治脏腑 经脉的热症 有泻热止痛作用 Xing is for heat of Zang-fu and meridians with the function of reducing heat and alleviating pain 输穴 主治发作性疾病及关节炎 有疏通经气 通络止痛作用 Shu is for repetitive onset disease as arthritis with the function of promoting Qi and alleviating pain

53 五输穴的临床应用 Five shu points 经穴 主治喘咳寒热 失音等内脏病 有调整脏腑功能作用 Jing is for cough and asthma due to cold or heat with the function of regulating Zang-fu organs 合穴 主治脏腑功能紊乱病证 经脉盛满有瘀血者 有调整脏腑功能 疏通经络作用 He is for disturbances of Zang-fu organs or blood stagnation with the function of regulating Zang-fu organs and promoting meridians

54 五输配五行作用 按五行相生顺序排列 :sequences Five shu with five elements 难经 : 阳井金, 阴井木 Yang-metal, Ying-wood 五输 : 井荥输经合 Jing Xing Shu Jing He 五行 : 阳经 : 金 水 木 火 土 Yang meridians: metal water wood fire earth 阴经 : 木 火 土 金 水 Yin meridians: wood fire earth metal water

55 五输穴与五行的关系 relationship between five shu point and five elements 木 wood 火 fire 土 earth 金 metal 水 water Yin meridians 井荥输经合 Jinwell xingspring Shustream Jingriver Hesea Lung lu.11 lu.10 lu.9 lu.8 lu.5 Kid. K.1 k.2 k.3 k.7 k.10 liv. Liv.1 liv.2 liv.3 liv.4 liv.8

56 五输穴与五行的关系 relationship between five shu point and five elements 金 metal 水 water 木 wood 火 fire 土 earth Yang meridians 井荥输原经合 Jinwell Xingspring Shustream Yuansource Jingriver He-sea G.B. G.44 G.43 G.41 G.40 G.38 G.34 S.I. S.I 1 S.I 2 S.I 3 S.I.4 S.I. 5 S.I 8 St. St. 45 St. 44 St. 43 St. 42 St. 41 St. 36

57 五输配五行作用 Five shu with five elements 临床运用 :clinical application 理论根据 : 实则泻其子, 虚则补其母 reducing it s child when it is in excess, and reinforcing it s mother when in deficiency 本经子母补泻法 :method 肺病 : 虚证 : 补太渊 土穴 ( 土生金 )reinforcing Tai yuan(lu.9) when Lung is in deficient 实证 : 泻尺泽 水穴 ( 金生水 )reducing Chi Ze(Lu.5) when Lung is in excess

58 五输配五行作用 Five shu with five elements 他经子母补泻法 :other meridians 肺病 : 虚证 : 补土经土穴脾 太白 Tai Bai(sp.3) lung deficiency 胃 足三里 Zu San Li (st.36) 实证 : 泻水经水穴肾 阴谷 YinGu (kid.10) Lung excess 膀胱 通谷 Tong Gu (U.B.66)

59 按时选用 Selecting the points based on time 难经 七十四难 : 春刺井, 夏刺荥, 季夏刺输, 秋刺经, 冬刺合 春夏阳气在上 浅刺井荥 Shallow puncturing at spring and summer seasons 秋冬阳气在下 深刺经合 Deep puncturing at autumn and winter seasons

60 原穴与络穴 Matching of primordial and collateral points 原穴 primordial points 定义 : 是脏腑的原气输注经过留止的部位 the place that Yuan qi of organs accumulated area 内容 : 十二原穴 ( 阳经有单独原穴, 阴经以输代原 )12 in all 应用 :application 1. 用于诊断 : 灵枢 九针十二原 : 五脏有疾也, 应出十二原 It is applied for Zang organ s problem as diagnosis 2. 用于治疗 : 十二原者, 主治五脏六腑之有疾者也 五脏有疾, 当取之十二原 It is applied for Zang and Fu organ s problem as both diagnosis and treatment

61 原穴 primordial point 心烦失眠 : 取神门或大陵 ;Shen Men(H.7) or Da Ling(Pe.7) for irritability and insomnia 肺病咳嗽 : 取太渊 ;Tai Yuan(Lu.9) for cough due to Lung problem 肝阳上亢 : 取太冲 ;Tai Chong(Liv.3) for abnormal ascending of liver Yang 阴虚牙痛 : 取太溪 Tai Xi(Kid.3) for toothache due to Yin deficiency

62 络穴 collateral points 络穴 Luo-collateral points 定义 : 由经脉别出部位的腧穴, 也是表里两经联络之处 It is the connecting place of exterior-interior meridians and separating from the lower part of the elbow and knee joint 内容 : 全身有 16 个络穴 16 collateral points in all 十二经脉 十二络 ;12 regular meridians 督脉络穴 长强 ; Du Chang qiang(du.1) 任脉络穴 鸠尾 ; Ren Jiu wei(ren.15) 脾之大络 大包 ; Spleen Da Bao(Sp.21) 胃之大络 虚里 Stomach Xu li

63 络穴 collateral points 络穴主治特点 :characteristics of application 治疗本经的疾病 ;own meridian s problem 治疗相表里经脉的病变 Problems of exteriorinterior meridians 原络穴配合应用 ( 主客配穴法 )matching each other of both primordial and collateral points 肺病咳嗽伴泄泻 : 取太渊 偏历 ;Tai Yuan(Lu.9) and Pian Li(L.I.6) for cough and diarrhea 肝胆火旺之胁痛 : 取太冲 光明 Tai Chong(Liv.3) and Guang Ming(G.B.37) for hypochongdrac pain due to liver and G.B fire

64 俞穴和募穴 back-shu and front-mu 俞穴 Back-shu points 定义 : 脏腑之气输注之处, 均位于背腰部 Zang-fu s qi concentrated area at the back 内容 :12 Back shu and Front mu 应用 :applications 1 用于诊断 :for diagnosis 2 治疗相应脏腑病证 ( 神经节段理论 ), 多治虚证 Applied for Zang-fu and deficiency mostly 3 治疗五脏所主器官 组织病变 :orifices and tissues 目疾 筋病 肝俞 ;Gan Shu(U.B.18) for eye and tendons 骨病 耳疾, 前后二阴病 肾俞 Shen Shu(U.B.23) for bone, ears, and defecation problem

65 募穴 Front-mu points 定义 : 脏腑之气汇聚之处, 位于胸腹 Zang-fu qi concentrated area at the front 内容 :12 Front mu in all 应用 :applications 1 用于诊断: for diagnosis 肺结核 中府穴压痛 pressing pain at Zhong Fu(Lu.1) for Lung TB 膀胱结石 中极有结节或条索 knots sensation at Zhong Ji(Ren.3) for U.B calculus 2 治疗相应脏腑急证 痛证 实证胆石病 胆绞痛 日月 Ri Yue(G.B.24) for G.B stone 心绞痛 巨阙 Ju Que(Ren14) for angina pectoris 3 俞募相配法( 前后配穴法 ):matching of Shu and Mu 阳病引阴, 阴病引阳 you may select yang points for yin diseases, or opposite

66 八脉交会穴 Eight confluent points 定义 : 奇经八脉与十二经之气相交会的 8 个腧穴 Eight extra meridians cross to 8 meridian s points 公孙内关胃心胸 ;Gong Sun(Sp.4) and Nei Guan(Pe.6) for heart, chest, stomach 临泣外关目锐眦 ;Zu Lin Qi(G.B.41) and Wai Guan(S.J.5) for outer canthus 后溪申脉内眦颈 ;Hou Xi(S.I.3) and Shen Mai(U.B.62) for inner canthus and neck 列缺照海膈肺喉 Lie Que(Lu.7) and Zhao Hai(Kid.6) for Lung, throat and diaphram

67 八脉交会穴 Eight confluent points 公孙 : 足太阴络穴, 入腹, 会关元, 与冲脉通 ;Gong Sun(Sp.4) to abdomen Chong meridian 内关 : 手厥阴络穴, 起于胸中, 与阴维脉相通 ; Nei Guan(Pe.6) chest Yin Wei meridian 临泣 : 足少阳胆经, 经季胁, 与带脉相通, 交会于带脉 五枢 维道三穴 ;Zu Linqi(G.B.41) to hypochondriac region Dai meridian 外关 : 手少阳络穴, 上肩, 经天髎 肩井, 与阳维脉相通 ; Wai Guan(S.J.5) Up to shoulder Yang Wei meridian

68 八脉交会穴 Eight confluent points 后溪 : 属手太阳小肠经, 交肩膀上, 会于大杼 (c1,1.5) 大椎, 与督脉通 ;Hou Xi(S.I.3) S.I up to shoulder Du meridian 申脉 : 属足太阳膀胱经, 阳蹻脉由此分出 ;Shen Mai(U.B.62) starting place of Yang Qiao meridian 列缺 : 手太阴络穴, 出肺系, 经别循喉咙, 与任脉相通 ;Lie Que(Lu.7) lung divergent throat Ren meridian 照海 : 属足少阴肾经, 阴蹻脉由此分出 Zhao Hai(Kid.6) starting place of Yin Qiao meridian

69 Applications of eight confluent points 1 治疗相通奇经病证 for extra meridian s problem a 落枕 颈腰椎病 脊柱强痛 后溪 ( 督 ) Hou Xi(S.I.3) for stiff neck, vertebrae problem b 胸腹气逆, 拘急 公孙 ( 冲 ) Gong Sun(Sp.4) for qi abnormal ascending and spasm c 眼睑下垂 失眠 申脉 照海 ( 阴 阳蹻 ) Shen Mai(U.B.62) and Zhao Hai(Kid.6) for prolapse of eye lids and insomnia

70 Applications of eight confluent points 2 治疗两脉相合病证 ( 上 下配穴 ) It is applied for the disease of two meridians related 心 胸 胃疾病 公孙 内关 ( 冲 阴维 )Gong Sun(Sp.4) and Nei Guan(Pe.6) for heart, chest and stomach 肺 咽喉 胸膈 列缺 照海 ( 任 阴蹻 ) Lie Que and Zhao Hai for Lung, throat, and diaphragm problems

71 Applications of eight confluent points 2 治疗两脉相合病证 ( 上 下配穴 ) It is applied for the disease of two meridians related 目外眦 耳后 颊 颈 肩 缺盆 胸膈部疾患 足临泣 外关 ( 带 阳维 ) Zu Linqi(G.B.41) and Wai Guan(S.J.5) for external canthus, back ears, cheek, neck, shoulder 目内眦 颈项 耳 肩膊 小肠 膀胱部 后溪 申脉 Hou Xi(S.I.3) and Shen Mai(U.B.62) for inner canthus, neck, ears, shoulder

72 Applications of eight confluent points 3. 四阴同施, 四阳同治 Treatment based on 4 yin Points and 4 Yang Points Gong Sun(Sp.4) and Nei Guan(Pec.4) chest and abdomen Lie Que(Lu.7) and Zhao Hai(Kid.6) abdomen and pelvic Yin points Yin meridians Yin places internal Zang and Fu organs Respiratory system, Heart vessel system, digestive system, urinary system

73 Applications of eight confluent points 3. 四阴同施, 四阳同治 Treatment based on 4 yin Points and 4 Yang Points Hou Xi(S.I.3) and Shen Mai(U.B.62) Head and sense organs, 4limbs and back Zu Linqi(G.B.41) and Wai Guan(S.J.5) Head and sense organs, joints problems Yang points Yang meridians Yang places external sense organs and 4 limbs Mouth problems, sense organs, motor system and endocrine system

74 Applications of eight confluent points 3. 四阴同施, 四阳同治 Treatment based on 4 yin Points and 4 Yang Points 对于 四阴同施, 四阳同治 的原则可灵活选穴 如左上配左下, 右上配右下, 左上配右下, 右上配左下, 或左右上下共同施针 The applications of Treatment based on 4 yin Points and 4 Yang Points can be changed in clinical practices, such as left-up and leftdown, right-up and right-down, left-up and right-down, right-up and left-down, and etc.

75 八会穴 Eight influential points 定义 : 指人体脏 腑 气 血 筋 脉 骨 髓等精气聚会的八个穴位 Specially for the concentration of Zang, Fu, Qi, Blood, Tendon, vessels, and Marrow 应用 : 治疗有关组织 脏腑的病证 For special organs and tissues 筋病 肝 胆病 阳陵泉 Yang Ling Quan(G.B.34) for tendon, liver and G.b problem 血病 ( 血虚 出血 瘀血 ) 膈俞 Ge Shu(U.B.17) for Blood problem (blood def. bleeding, and blood stagnation)

76 八会穴 Eight influential points 气会 膻中 ;Qi Tan Zhong (Ren.17) 血会 膈俞 ;blood Ge Shu(U.B.17) 筋会 阳陵 ;tendon Yang Ling Quan(G.B.34) 骨会 大杼 ;bone Da Zhi (U.B.12) 髓会 绝骨 ; marrow Jue Gu(G.B.39) 脉会 太渊 ; vessels Tai Yuan(Lu.9) 脏会 章门 ;Zang Zhang Men(Liv.13) 腑会 中脘 Fu Zhong Wan(Ren.12)

77 郄穴 Xi-cleft points 定义 : 经脉之气深聚的腧穴 Deep concentration of blood 内容 : 十六郄 ( 十二经 阴维 阳维 阴蹻 阳蹻 )each of the 12 regular meridians, yin-wei, yang-wei, yin-qiao, yangqiao, together 16 in all. 应用 :applications 1 治疗急症 顽症及出血症 For Acute and bleeding 阴郄治血证, 如肺咯血 孔最 Kong Zui(Lu.6) for cough blood 阳郄治痛证, 如胃剧痛 梁丘 Liang Qiu(St.34) for stomachache 2 郄会配穴 ( 与八会穴相配 )matching of Xi-cleft and influent point 肺病咳血 孔最 膈俞 Kong Zui(Lu.6) and Ge Shu(U.B.17) for cough blood 急性胃脘痛 梁丘 中脘 Liang Qiu(St.34) and Zhong Wan(Ren.12) for acute gastric pain

78 下合穴 Lower he-sea points 定义 : 指六腑之气相合于足三阳经的腧穴 Qi of six Fu organs connects to Foot 3 Yang meridians 主治特点 : 治疗腑病的主要穴位 内经 : 合治内腑 治腑者, 治其合 It is applied for related Fu organ s diseases

79 下合穴 Lower he-sea points 手太阳 下巨虚 Hand Tai Yang Xia Ju Xu(St.39) 手少阳 委阳 Hand Shao Yang Wei Yang(U.B.39) 手阳明 上巨虚 Hand Yang Ming Shang Ju Xu(St,37) 足太阳 委中 Foot Tai Yang Wei Zhong (U.B.40) 足少阳 阳陵泉 Foot Shao Yang Yang Ling Quan(G.B.34) 足阳明 足三里 Foot Yang Ming Zu San Li(St.36)

80 交会穴 Crossing points 定义 : 两条或两条以上经脉相交会的腧穴 Two meridians or above crosses each other 内容 :95 个 95 in all 应用 : 治疗交会经脉的病证 It is applied for related meridians 大椎 ( 足三阳 督 ) 通阳 清热 Da Zhui(Du.14) is the accumulated point for foot 3 meridians and Du meridian, so good for heat 三阴交 ( 足三阴经 ) 泌尿 生殖 消化疾病 San Ying Jiao(Sp.6) is the accumulated point for foot 3 yin meridians. for urine, reproductive, digestive problem 关元 中极 ( 足三阴 任 ) 补益脾肾, 大补元气 Guan Yuan (Ren4) and Zhong Ji (Ren3) are the accumulated points for foot 3 yin and Ren meridian, so good for Qi def. 曲骨 ( 足厥阴 任 ) 疏肝理气 Qu Gu(Ren.2) is the accumulated point Liver and Ren meridian, so good for promoting Qi

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