主要内容 main contents 1. 奇经八脉的源流 origin and development of 8 extra meridians 2. 奇经八脉的特征 characteristics of 8 extra meridians 3. 奇经八脉的辨证纲要 differentiation

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1 奇经八脉及其辨证论治 Eight Extra Meridians and it s relation with syndrome differentiations 天津中医药大学 仲强惟 Tianjin UTCM Zhong Qiangwei

2 主要内容 main contents 1. 奇经八脉的源流 origin and development of 8 extra meridians 2. 奇经八脉的特征 characteristics of 8 extra meridians 3. 奇经八脉的辨证纲要 differentiations of 8 extra meridians 4. 奇经八脉病症的中药治疗 treatment by herbs to the diseases of 8 extra meridians 5. 奇经八脉病症的针灸治疗 treatment by Acupuncture to the diseases of 8 extra meridians

3 源 origin 一 奇经八脉的源流 origin and development of 8 extra meridians 经脉理论首见 帛书 足臂十一脉灸经, 阴阳十一脉灸经, 内经 完善成 12 经脉, 后人推测奇经八脉晚于经脉理论 Meridians theory initially recorded in Bo Shu called Hand and foot 11 meridians and Yin Yang 11 meridians, which was developed in Nei Jing called 12 meridians. 8 extra meridians is late than 12 regular meridians

4 源 origin 老子 虚其心, 实其腹, 绵绵若存, 用之不勤 Empty in heart mind and full in abdomen by Lao Zi 庄子 吹昀呼吸, 吐故纳新, 熊经鸟伸, 缘督以为经, 可以保身, 可以全生, 可以尽年 Regular breathing means breathing out turbid and breathing in the fresh 公元前 400 年的一件 行气玉佩铭 (45 字 ), 完整描述了呼吸锻炼方法 : 行气, 深则蓄, 蓄则伸, 伸则下, 下则定, 定则固, 固明萌, 萌则长, 长则退, 退则天, 天几椿在上, 地几椿在下, 顺则生, 逆则死 There are ever 45 characters recorded in one jade 400B. C, talking about qi movement in the body

5 真气运行法 : 李少波 Circulation of Zhen qi 第一步 : 呼气注意心窝部, 使真气聚于心窝 ( 行气, 深则蓄 ) First step: Concentrating qi in the chest 第二步 : 将集中的真气向下延伸, 呼气注意丹田, 丹田发热 ( 蓄则伸, 伸则下 ) Second step: Leading the concentrated qi down to Dan Tian 第三步 : 意首丹田, 真气在丹田内形成气丘, 恒定存在, 并逐渐充实饱满, 丹田内呈现很大的张力聚于心窝 ( 下则定, 定则固, 固明萌 ) Third step:mind concentrating at Dan Tian till stronger

6 真气运行法 : 李少波 Circulation of Zhen qi 第四步 : 丹田真气充实到一定程度, 经会阴, 尾閭, 命门向后窜动, 并沿脊柱向上过夹脊, 透玉枕, 直达脑海 ( 萌则长, 长则退, 退则天 ) Fourth step:the stronger qi concentrated at Dan Tian moving toward Hui Yin, Ming Men, and again upward to Head 第五步 : 贯通督脉后, 真气在任督运转 ( 小周天 ), 头顶百会穴与丹田之间有互相吸引的一种磁性力量, 为生命的主宰 ( 天几椿在上, 地几椿在下, 顺则生, 逆则死 ) Fifth step:after crossing through Du meridian, Zhen Qi moving around Ren and Du meridians, till the attractive sensation between Bai Hui and Dan Tian

7 扁鹊治虢太子尸厥时 : 乃使弟子子阳礰针礰石, 以取三阳五会 督脉之百会 Bian Que ever cured the dying patient by puncturing Bai Hui. 扁鹊为妇人治病时称作 带下医 Bian Que was ever called Dai Xia Yi when he was treating women patients. 总结 : 源于内经之前, 但命名于内经 So the name of 8 extra meridians started from Nei Jing, but the practice was earlier than Nei Jing. 八脉的全称首见于内经, 奇经八脉的全称则首见于难经

8 流 Development 主要是两部书 滑寿 十四经发挥 和李时珍 奇经八脉考 The key books are Exploration of 14 meridians by Hua Shou, and Textual research on 8 extra meridians by Li Shizhen 1 滑寿认为 任督二脉, 一源而二岐, 人身之有任督, 犹天地之有子午也, 盖以人之气血, 常行于十二经脉, 其诸经满溢, 则流入奇经焉 Dr.Hua Shou considered that Ren and Du meridians are as important as Heaven and Earth 2 李时珍认为 医不知此, 罔探病机, 仙不知此, 难安炉鼎, 医而知呼八脉, 则十二经, 十五络之大旨得矣, 仙而知呼八脉, 则虎龙升降, 玄牡幽微之窍妙得矣 Dr. Li Shizhen considered that doctors can know 12 regular meridians and 15 collaterals, but only celestial being can master 8 extra meridians.

9 二 奇经八脉的特征 Characteristics of 8 extra meridians 前后看任督 Ren and Du meridians control the front and Back Holism 纵横看冲带 Chong and Dai meridians control the upper and down 左右看二跷 Qiao meridians control the left and right 表里看二维 Wei meridians control the balance of the superficies and internal

10 督脉 Du meridian l. 循行部位 circulation 督脉起于胞中, 下出会阴, 沿脊柱里面上行, 至项后风府穴处进入颅内, 络脑, 并由项沿头部正中线, 以头顶 额部 鼻部 上唇, 到上唇系带处 ( 龈交穴 ) It starts from lower abdomen down to pubic region, goes through spinal column to Feng Fu, and enters to brain, neck, head, forehead, nose and lips to Yin Jiao. 分支 1: 从脊柱里面分出, 络肾 Branch 1 to kidney 分支 2: 从小腹内分出, 直上贯脐中央, 上贯心, 到喉部, 向上到下颌部, 环绕口唇, 再向上至两眼下部中央 Branch 2 from abdomen umbilicus, heart, throat, eyes

11 Function of Du meridian 2. 基本功能 Basic functions 督, 有总督 督管 统率之义 Du means governing and controlling (1) 调节阳经气血, 为 阳脉之海 Regulating qi and blood in Yang meridians, so called Sea of Yang meridians (2) 反映脑 髓和肾和心的功能 It is related with brain, marrow, kidney and heart functions.

12 联络脏腑器官 : 肾, 心 ( 心肾相交 ), 脑, 髓 Connecting with the organs like Kidney, heart, brain, marrow 联络经脉 :Meridians Du passed through: 1 与足太阳同起于目内呲 Du connects with Foot Tai Yang at eye 2 与手足三阳经会于大椎 connecting with Yang at Da Zhui 3 与冲脉 任脉同起于胞中, 并与二脉会于咽喉部 Together with Chong and Ren meridians, Du starts from Lower abdomen and accumulate at throat 4 与阳维脉会于风府 哑门 Connects with Yang wei at Feng Fu and Ya Men 5 与带脉相交于十四椎 Connects with Dai meridian at 14 vertebrae 6 与足厥阴经会于巅顶 Connects with Liver at vertex

13 3. 主治概要 Main indications 难经 二十八难 督脉为病, 脊强反折 本经腧穴主治神志病, 热病, 腰骶 背 头项等局部病症及相应的内脏病症 Mental problems, febrile diseases, local pain around lumbar, back and head area. Some internal organs problems are also related.

14 任脉 Ren meridian l. 循行部位 circulation 任脉起于胞中, 下出会阴, 经阴阜沿腹部和胸部正中线上行, 至咽喉, 上行至下颌部, 环绕口唇 ( 内侧 ), 沿面颊, 分行至目眶下 It starts from lower abdomen down to pubic region and upto chest and throat, upward to cheek and lips, to eyes 分支 : 由胞中别出, 与冲脉相并, 行于脊柱前, 贯脊柱内, 向上行于背 Branch separates from lower abdomen, together with Chong meridian upward to spinal column, to back.

15 Function of Ren meridian 2. 基本功能 Basic function 任, 有担任, 妊养之义, 故又通 妊 indicates obligation and nourishing Ren (1) 调节阴经气血, 为 阴脉之海 Regulating qi and blood for Yin meridians (2) 任主胞胎 : 任脉起于胞中, 具有调节月经, 促进女子生殖功能的作用 与女子妊娠有关, 为生养之本, 故 任主胞胎 Ren starts from lower abdomen, in charge of regulating menstruation and promoting the function of reproduction, so called Ren in charge of pregnancy

16 任脉所过部位 : Passing through: 少腹 ( 石门, 关元为男子藏精女子系胎之处 ), 胸中 ( 膻中为气海 ), 咽喉 ( 天突 廉泉交会阴维脉 ), 口唇, 脐中 ( 神阙为命宫 ), ), ( 为气 Lower abdomen( Shi Men, Guan Yuan), Chest (Shan Zhong), Throat ( Tian Tu, Lian Quan), mouth and lip (Yin Jiao), Umbilicus( Shen Que). 联络经脉 :Meridians Ren passed through: 1 与足三阴交会于中极 关元 Connecting with foot 3 Yin at Zhong Ji and Guan Yuan 2 与阴维脉交会于天突 廉泉 Connecting with Yin Wei meridian at Tian Tu and Lian Quan) 3 与冲脉交会于阴交 Connecting with Chong at Yin Jiao

17 3. 主治概要 Main indications 本经腧穴主治少腹 脐腹 胃脘 胸 颈 咽喉 头面等局部病症和相应的内脏病症, 部分腧穴有强壮作用或可治疗神志病 It is mainly indicated for lower abdomen, umbilicus, stomach, chest, neck, throat, head and some local problems. Some of the points are related with strengthening the body and mental problems also.

18 任督二脉的特点 of Ren and Du meridians 1 与手足三阳会于大椎 connecting with Yang meridians at Da Zhui Characters 督为阳脉之海 Du is the sea of yang meridians 2 与阳维会于哑门, 凤府 connecting with Yang Wei at Ya Men Feng Fu 3 与带脉会于 14 椎 Connecting with Dai meridian at 14 vertebrae 4 命门肾间动气通过督脉转输诸经 Yuan Qi starts from Ming Men and transpatates to different meridians through Du meridian

19 任督二脉的特点 of Ren and Du meridians 1 与足三阴会于中极, 关元 Characters 任为阴脉之海 Ren is the sea of Yin meridians Connecting with foot 3 Yin at Zhong ji and Guan Yuan 2 与冲脉交于阴交 connecting with Chong meridian at Yin Jiao 3 与阴维会于天突, 廉泉 Connecting with Yin Wei at Tian Tu and Lian Quan

20 冲脉 Chong meridian 1. 循行部位 circulation 起于胞中, 下出会阴,( 前行支 ) 从气街起与足少阴经相并, 挟脐上行, 散布于胸中, 再向上行, 经喉, 环绕口唇, 到目眶下 It starts from lower abdomen, together with kidney meridian, goes upward to chest and then throat and inner canthus. 分支 1: 从少腹输注于肾下, 浅出气街沿大腿内侧进入腘窝, 再沿胫骨内缘, 下行到足底 The first branch enters to kidney from abdomen, then to interior part of legs to popliteal space till bottom of foot. 分支 2: 从内踝后分出, 向前斜入足背, 进入大趾 The second branch separates from internal malieu to dorsum of foot, to big toe. 分支 3: 从胞中分出, 向后与督脉相通, 上行于脊柱内 The third branch separates from abdomen goes to connect with Du meridian, then to spinal column.

21 Function of Chong meridian 2. 基本功能 Basic function 冲, 有 要冲 的含义 Chong means rush. (1) 调节十二经气血 : 有 十二经脉之海 之称 Regulating qi and blood in 12 regular meridians, so called Sea of 12 meridians (2) 与女子月经及孕育功能有关 : 有 血海 之称 Sea of blood means it is related with menstruation and pregnancy.

22 冲脉所过部位 : passing through: 前上支 : 少腹 ( 胞中, 气冲 ), 胸中, 咽喉 Front upward: lower abdomen, chest and throat. 前下支 : 宗筋 ( 上下巨虚 ), 鼷谷, 足背 Front downward: Zong Jin (Shang Juxu, Xia Juxu), dorsum of foot ( Chong Yang) 背上部 : 脊背 ( 大杼 ) Back upward: Da Zhu(C1,1.5) 背下部 : 腘窝 ( 阴谷 ) Back downward: popliteal space

23 冲脉所过部位 : passing through: 联络经脉 :Meridians Chong passed through: 与足阳明合于宗筋, 会于气街 Connecting with foot Yang Ming at Qi Jie (Qi Chong) 与足少阴并于腹部 ( 相关穴 ) Connecting with Kidney in abdomen 与足厥阴上会于头, 下会于足 Connecting with liver at head and foot 与足太阳上行并于后背, 下行入腘窝中 ( 委中 ) Connecting with foot tang yang at back and knee( Wei Zhong) 与心肺会于胸中 Connecting with heart and lung at chest

24 3. 冲脉主要病证 :Main indications: 月经失调 不孕等妇科病证及腹部气逆上冲等 Irregular menstruation, sterility, qi abnormal ascending in abdomen 4. 交会腧穴 :Connecting points 会阴 阴交 ( 任脉 )Hui Yin, Yin Jiao (Ren Meridian) 气冲 ( 胃经 )Qi Chong (stomach) 横骨 大赫 气穴 四满 中注 肓俞 商曲 石关 阴都 通谷 幽门 ( 肾经 )Heng Gu, Da He, Qi Xue, Si Man, Zhong Zhu, Huang Shu, Shang Qu, Shi Guan, Yin Du, Tong Gu, You Men (kidney)

25 带脉 Dai meridian 1. 循行部位 Circulation 起于季胁, 斜向下行, 交会于足少阳胆经的带脉 G.B.26(11 肋游离端垂直向下与脐水平相交点 ), 绕身一周, 并在带脉处再向前下方沿髂骨上缘斜行到少腹 It starts from hypochondria, down to connect with G.B. meridian at G.B.26, and then takes a circle around lumbar region, oblique to lower abdomen.

26 带脉联系的经脉脏腑 :Passing through: 起于 14 椎, 所过督脉 ( 命门 ), 足少阴, 肝胆经 ( 章门 ) Dai meridian starts from 14 vertebrae, and passes through Du meridian (Ming Men), kidney and Spleen( both congenital and postnatal root of the body) Liver and G.B. meridian (Zhang Men). 所过脾经, 沟通先后天

27 2. 带脉主要病证 :Main indications: 月经不调 赤白带下等妇科经带病症及痿证等 Irregular menstruation, leucorrhea, flaccidity and other women diseases. 3. 交会腧穴 :connecting points: 带脉 五枢 维道 ( 胆经 ) G.B. Dai Mai, Wu Shu, Wei Dao.

28 冲带的特点 Characters of Chong and Dai meridians 1 前 通过任脉交会诸阴经 Front connecting with Yin meridians through Ren 冲脉 Chong meridian 2 后 通过督脉交会诸阳经 Back connecting with Yang meridians through Du 3 上 在头面灌注诸阳经 Upper pouring to Yang meridians at head 4 下 在下肢渗入三阴 Lower permeating into 3 Yin at legs 5 与阳明会于宗筋 ( 气街后天 ) Connecting with Yang Mian at Qi Jie (postnatal) 6 与肾合于腹部 ( 关元先天 ) Connecting with

29 冲带的特点 带脉 Dai meridian Characters of Chong and Dai meridians 1 固摄脾肾精微 Consolidating the essences from both spleen and kidney 2 约束肝胆的疏泄 Restricting the promoting of liver and G.B. 沈今敖 : 一身上下, 机关全在于带, 带不能自持其气, 其证皆陷下而不上矣

30 阴阳跷脉 Yin Qiao and Yang Qiao 1. 循行部位 Circulation 阴跷脉起于足跟内侧足少阴经的照海穴, 沿内踝后直上下肢内侧, 经前阴, 沿腹 胸, 进入缺盆, 出行于足阳明经的人迎穴之前, 经鼻旁, 到目内眦, 与手足太阳经 阳跷脉会合. It starts from Zhao Hai of Kidney, upward to interior of legs till pubic region, to abdomen, chest, superclavicular fossa, emerges from stomach meridian at Ren Ying, to nose and finally connecting with hand and foot Tai Yang meridian and Yang Qiao at inner canthus.

31 阴阳跷脉 Yin Qiao and Yang Qiao 1. 循行部位 Circulation 阳跷脉起于足跟外侧足太阳经的申脉穴, 沿外踝后上行, 经下肢外侧后缘上行至腹部经腹部, 沿胸部后外侧, 经肩部 颈外侧上挟口角, 到达目内眦, 与手足太阳经 阴跷脉会合, 再上行进入发际, 向下到达耳后, 与 足少阳胆经会于项后 It starts from Shen Mai of U.B, upward to exterior of legs till abdomen, to the lateral of chest, to shoulder and neck, then to corner of mouth and connecting with hand and foot Tai Yang meridian and Yin Qiao at inner canthus, and finally upward to head till back ear, finally accumulates with foot Shao Yang at back head.

32 Function of Qiao meridians 2. 基本功能 Basic function (1) 主司下肢运动 Movement of legs (2) 主司眼睑开合 Opening and close of eye lids

33 阴跷脉所过 : Yin Qiao Passing through : 起于足少阴 ( 照海 ) It starts from Foot Shaoyin (Zhao Hai) 过阴部与足厥阴并行 It Passes pubic region with liver 过喉咙会足阳明 ( 人迎 ) Meeting with Ren Ying at throat 与手足太阳, 阳跷会于目内眦 ( 睛明 ) Meeting with Hand and foot Tai Yang and Yang Qiao at Jing Ming

34 阳跷脉所过 :Yang Qiao passing through: 起于足太阳 ( 申脉 ) It starts from Foot Tai Yang (Shen Mai) 臀部会足少阳 ( 居蹘 ) Meeting with Foot Shao Yang at Ju Liao 与手足太阳, 阴跷会于目内眦 ( 睛明 ) Meeting with Hand and foot Tai Yang and Yang Qiao at Jing Ming 在脑后会足少阳 ( 风池 ) Meeting with Foot Shao at Feng Chi

35 3. 阴跷脉主要病证 : Main indications of Yin Qiao: 多眠 癃闭及肢体筋脉出现阳缓阴急 Somnolence, retention of urine, muscle spasm on legs 4. 交会腧穴 :Connecting points: 照海 交信 ( 肾 ) 睛明 ( 膀胱 ) Kidney Zhao Hai, Jiao Xin. U.B. Jing Ming

36 3. 阳跷脉主要病证 : Main indications of Yin Qiao: 不眠及肢体筋脉出现阴缓阳急 Insomnia, muscle spasm on legs 4. 交会腧穴 :Connecting points 申脉 仆参 跗阳 ( 膀胱 ) 居瞭 ( 胆 ) 臑俞 ( 小肠 ) 肩隅 巨骨 ( 大肠 ) 天瞭 ( 三焦 ) 地仓 巨瞭 承泣 ( 胃 ) 睛明 ( 膀胱 ) U.B. Shen Mai, Pu cen, Fu yang, G.B. Ju Liao, S.I. Nao Shu, L.I. Jian Yu, Ju Gu, S.J. Tian Liao, Stomach Di Cang, Ju Liao, Cheng Qi, U. B. Jing Ming.

37 跷脉的特点 Characters of Qiao meridians 跷 举足行高也 健也 Qiao means moving upward and flexible 阴跷 主静, 主寐 Yin Qiao quiet, sleeping 阳跷 主动, 主暝 Yang Qiao activity, moving 阴阳相引, 动静结合, 昼动夜卧, 足, 踝, 肩, 口, 面颊, 眼睑之开合有度 Attraction of Yin and Yang, equilibrium of movement and quiet, where as maintain the corporation among foot, ankle, shoulder, mouth and sleeping.

38 阴阳维脉 Yin Wei and Yang Wei 1. 循行部位 Circulation 阴维脉起于小腿内侧足三阴经交会处 ( 足少阴肾经的筑宾穴 ), 沿下肢内侧上行, 至腹部, 与足太阴脾经同行到胁部, 与足厥阴肝经相合, 然后上行至咽喉, 与任脉相会 It starts from Zhu Bin of Kidney, upward to abdomen, together with spleen meridian, it reaches to hypochondria and connects with liver meridian, then up to connects with Ren meridian at throat.

39 阴阳维脉 Yin Wei and Yang Wei 1. 循行部位 Circulation 阳维脉起于外踝下, 与足少阳胆经并行, 沿下肢外侧向上, 经躯干部后外侧, 从腋后上肩 经颈部 耳后, 前行到额部, 分布于头侧及项后, 与督脉会合 It starts from Jin Men of U.B, together with G.B. meridian upward to exterior of trunk, it reaches to shoulder through back of ancillary fossa. Then to neck, back ear, cheek, side head and finally connects with Du meridian at back neck.

40 Function of Wei meridians 2. 基本功能 Basic function: 阳维脉维系联络诸阳经 ; Yang Wei meridian maintains each of Yang meridians. 阴维脉维系联络诸阳经 Yin Wei meridians maintains each of Yin meridians

41 阴维脉所过 :Yin Wei passing through: 起于足少阴 ( 筑宾 ) Starting from Zhu Bin of Foot Shao Yin 与任脉交于咽喉和舌根部 Connecting with Ren meridian at throat and root of tongue 阳维脉所过 :Yang Wei passing through: 起于足太阳金门 Starting from Jin Men of Foot Tang 与督脉会于哑门, 凤府 Connecting with Du meridian at Ya men and Feng Fu

42 3. 阴维脉主要病证 :Main symptoms of Yin wei 心痛 胃痛 胸腹痛 忧郁等 Main symptoms of Yin wei meridian Chest pain, stomachache, abdominal pain, depression, 4. 交会腧穴 :Connecting points 筑宾 ( 肾 ) 府舍 大横 腹哀 ( 脾 ) 期门 ( 肝 ) 天突 廉泉 ( 任脉 )Connecting points Zhu Bin, Fu She, Da Heng, Fu Ai, Qi Men, Tian Tu, Lian Quan, 3. 阳维脉主要病证 : Main symptoms of Yang wei 恶寒发热等外感病及腰痛等 Chill and fever, lumbago, 4. 交会腧穴 : Connecting points 金门 ( 膀胱 ) 阳交 ( 胆 ) 臑俞 ( 小肠 ) 天瞭 ( 三焦 ) 肩井 ( 胆 ) 头维 ( 胃 ) 本神 阳白 头临泣 目窗 正营 承灵 脑空 凤池 ( 胆 ) 凤府 哑门 ( 都脉 ) Jin Men, Yang Jiao, Nao Shu, Tian Liao, Jian Jing, Tou Wei, Ben Shen, Yang Bai, Tou Linqi, MU Chuang, Zheng Ying, Cheng Ling, Nao Kong, Feng Chi, Feng Fu, Ya Men

43 维脉的特点 Characters of Wei meridians 阳维脉维于阳 组合阳经会于督脉, 行于卫分主表 Yang wei maintains Yang meridians connecting to Du meridian and circulating in the superficies 阴维脉维于阴 组合阴经会于任脉, 行于营分主里 Yin wei maintains Yin meridians connecting to Ren meridian and circulating in the yin side

44 三 奇经八脉的辨证纲要 differentiations of 8 extra meridians 1. 久病不愈辨奇经 Chronic diseases go for extra meridians 虚证 先天不足, 后天失养, 百脉空虚 deficiency Both congenital and postnatal deficiency make every meridian empty 实证 奇经深邃, 久病入络, 气结络痹 excess Chronic stagnation will remain in both meridians and collaterals.

45 三 奇经八脉的辨证纲要 differentiations of 8 extra meridians 2. 特殊部位辨奇经 Special symptoms go for extra meridian a 腰酸髀痛 冲, 任, 带 Pain and sour feeling are related with Chong, Ren and Du meridians b 背痛佝偻 督 Stiff neck goes for Du meridian c 步态不稳 跷脉 Unstable movement goes for Qiao meridian

46 三 奇经八脉的辨证纲要 differentiations of 8 extra meridians 2. 特殊部位辨奇经 Special symptoms go for extra meridian d 寒热不调, 心痛 维脉 Chill and fever with chest pain go for Wei meridian e 心下痞, 少腹满 冲脉 Fullness below chest and abdominal distension go for Chong meridian f 腰痛下冷, 久遗久漏 带脉 lumbar cold pain and emission or mense

47 四 奇经八脉病症的治疗 treatment to the diseases of 8 extra meridians 1. 督脉为病 Diseases of Du meridian a 经气阻滞 头痛, 巔顶痛, 脊强, 背痛 Stagnation in Du meridian headache, vertex pain, stiff in spinal column, back pain. 藁本 ( 督脉引经药 ), 细辛 ( 太阳引经药 ), 羌活, 防风, 荆芥, 葛根 Gao Ben, Xi Xin, Qiang Huo, Fang Feng, Jing Jie, Ge Gen.

48 四 奇经八脉病症的治疗 treatment to the diseases of 8 extra meridians 1. 督脉为病 Diseases of Du meridian b 热极动风 脊柱强直, 角弓反张, 昏厥 Convulsion due to heat excess coma, rigid spine, opisthotonus. 羚羊角, 钩藤, 天麻, 僵蚕, 全蝎, 蜈蚣平肝熄风止痉 Reliving liver wind Ling Yangjiao, Tian Ma, Jiang Can, Quan Xie, Wu Gong

49 meridians c 督脉亏损, 下元虚寒 阳痿, 滑精, 宫寒不孕, 遗尿, 久泻 Cold deficiency in Du meridian impotence, nocturnal emission, sterility, enuresis, chronic diarrhea. 鹿茸 ( 壮督脉之阳 ), 鹿角霜 ( 通督脉之气 ), 鹿角胶 ( 补督脉之血 ) Reinforcing Du meridian Lu Rong, Lu Jiaoshuang, Lu Jiaojiao 太阳经 阳刚之药 附子, 肉桂, 干姜, 川椒 In 督脉亏损 Du deficiency 四 奇经八脉病症的治疗 treatment to the diseases of 8 extra 1. 督脉为病 Diseases of Du meridian Tai Yang Fu Zi, Rougui, Gan Jiang, 少阴经 阳柔之药 巴戟天, 肉苁蓉, 补骨脂, 枸杞子, 菟丝子, 沙苑蒺藜 In Shao Yin Ba Jitian, Rou Congrong, Bu Guzhi, Gou Qizi, Tu Sizi, Sha Yua Jili

50 四 奇经八脉病症的治疗 treatment to the diseases of 8 extra 2. 任脉为病 Diseases meridians of Ren meridian a 任脉气滞血瘀 - 痛经, 闭经, 徵嘏, 产后腹痛, 恶露不尽, 男子疝气 Qi and blood stagnation dysmenorrheal, amenorrhea, abdominal pain after delivery, bleeding after delivery, hernia. 当归, 丹参 ( 益冲任 ), 桃仁, 红花, 三棱, 莪术, 王不留行 ( 走血分, 乃阳明冲任之药 ), 山渣, 泽兰, 琥珀 Activating blood circulation Dang Gui, Dan Shen, Tao Ren, Hong Hua, San Leng, E Zhu, Wang Bu Liuxing, Shan Zha, Ze Lan, Hu Bo 瘀血须理气 香附, 青皮, 橘核, 川楝子, 元胡, 荔枝核, 柴胡 Promoting qi Xiang Fu, Qing Pi, Ju He, Chuan Lianzi, Yuan Hu, Li Zhihe, Chai Hu.

51 四 奇经八脉病症的治疗 treatment to the diseases of 8 extra 2. 任脉为病 Diseases meridians of Ren meridian b 任脉不固 - 遗精, 月经淋漓不断, 带下, 胎漏, 小产 Deconsolidation of Ren meridian nocturnal emission, mense bleeding, leucorrhea, abortion 补肾填精 - 枸杞子, 菟丝子, 覆盆子, 阿胶, 紫河车, 肉苁蓉, 山茱萸, 龟板 ( 龟性阴走任脉 )Reinforcing kidney and essence Gou Qizi, Tu Sizi, Fu Penzi, Er Jiao, Zi Heche, Rou Congrong,, Shan Zhuyu, Gui Ban 补脾益气 - 人参, 黄芪, 白术, 山药 Reinforcing spleen qi Ren Shen, Huang Qi, Bai Zhu, Shan Yao 降任脉虚火 - 黄柏 ( 解任脉之热 ), 知母, 生地, 玄参 Reducing deficient fire from Ren meridian Huang Bai, Zhi Mu, Sheng Dihuang, Xuan Shen.

52 四 奇经八脉病症的治疗 treatment to the diseases of 8 extra 2. 任脉为病 Diseases of Ren meridian meridians c 任督脉俱虚 - 腰酸, 耳鸣, 健忘, 神疲, 遗精, 泄泻 Both Ren and Du deficiency lumbago, tinnitus, poor memory, fatigue, and diarrhea. 人参, 鹿茸, 鹿角霜, 小茴香, 菟丝子, 覆盆子 补任填督 Reinforcing Du and Ren meridians Ren Shen, Lu Rong, Lu Jiao Shuang, Xiao Huixiang, Tu Sizi, Fu Penzi 精关不固, 下焦虚寒 胡桃肉, 芡实, 山药, 沙苑 Warming lower Jiao deficient cold Hu Taorou, Qian Shi, Shan Yao, Sha Yuan 督脉阳虚 泄泻 鹿角霜, 补骨脂, 肉桂 Warming Du meridian Lu Jiaoshuang, Bu Guzhi, Rou GUi 任脉阴虚 遗精 山药, 鱼膘胶, 山茱萸, 龟板 Reinforcing Ren meridian Sha Yao, Shan Zhuyu, Gui Ban

53 3. 冲脉为病 Diseases of Chong meridians a 冲气上逆 奔豚 ( 喘息, 呃逆 ), 妊娠呕吐, 急性出血和经行吐衄 Abnormal ascending of Chong qi Hiccup, short of breath, acute bleeding, nose bleeding in menstruation 冲气上逆 四 奇经八脉病症的治疗 treatment to the diseases of 8 extra Chong qi ascending meridians 从背而上者 督脉 治在少阴 Ascending from back du meridian treating Shao Yin 从腹而上者 冲任 治在厥阴, 或补阳明 Ascending from front chong and ren meridian treating Jue Yin and Yang ming

54 四 奇经八脉病症的治疗 treatment to the diseases of 8 extra meridians 平肝 川楝子, 元胡, 香附, 郁金, 茺蔚子 Promoting liver qi Chuan Lianzi, uan Hu, Xiang Fu, Yu Jin, Chong Weizi 安肾 紫石英 ( 降冲脉之气 ), 龙骨, 桂心, 牛膝 Descending Chong qi Zi Shiying, Long Gu, Niu Xi 降逆 鹿角霜, 羊肉, 紫河车, 肉苁蓉, 杜仲 温养下元 Warming kidney Lu Jiaoshuang, Yang Rou, Zi Heche, Rou Congrong, Du Zhong 和胃 半夏, 旋复花, 代赭石, 龙骨, 牡蛎, 李根白皮 Regulating stomach Ban Xia, Xuan Fuhua, Dai Zheshi, Long Gu, Mu Li, Li Gen Baipi. 3. 冲脉为病 Diseases of Chong meridians

55 四 奇经八脉病症的治疗 treatment to the diseases of 8 extra meridians 3. 冲脉为病 Diseases of Chong meridians b 冲任不足 经迟, 量少, 甚经闭, 不孕, 流产, 乳汁不足, 男子遗精, 早泄, 不育 Deficiency of Chong and Ren meridians delayed menstruation, amenorrhea, sterility, lactation, nocturnal emission, premature ejaculation, 冲脉隶于肝肾 熟地, 当归, 小茴香, 艾叶, 巴戟天, 肉苁蓉, 枸杞子, 杜仲 Reinforcing liver and kidney Shu Dihuang, Dang Gui, Xiao Huixiang, Ai Ye, Ba Jitian, Rou Congrong, Gou Qizi, Du Zhong

56 四 奇经八脉病症的治疗 treatment to the diseases of 8 extra 3. 冲脉为病 Diseases of Chong meridians meridians c 冲任不调 月经先后不定期, 乳汁自出, 不孕 Dysfunction of Chong and Ren meridians irregular menstruation, sterility 肝郁气滞 柴胡, 香附, 荔枝核 Liver qi stagnation Chai Hu, Xiang Fu, Li Zhihe 肾虚 牛膝, 枸杞子, 杜仲 Kidney deficiency Niu Xi, Gou Qizi, Du Zhong 气滞血瘀 当归, 川芎, 王不留行, 路路通 Qi and blood stagnation Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong, Wang Bu Liuxing, Lu Lutong

57 四 奇经八脉病症的治疗 treatment to the diseases of 8 extra 4. 带脉为病 Diseases of Dai meridian meridians a 带脉不和 阻滞不畅 腹满, 腰脐痛, 腰重 Dysfunction of Dai meridian abdominal fullness, pain around umbilicus, heavy feeling around lumbar region. 脾虚湿阻 苍术, 白术, 车前子, 黄柏, 黄芩, 栀子, 茵陈, 茯苓 Phlegm retention in spleen Cang Zhu, Bai Zhu, Huang Bai, Huang Qin, Zhi Zi, Yin Chen, Fu Ling. 肝胆湿热 龙胆草, 柴胡, 泽泻, 车前子, 木通, 生地, 当归 ( 入冲带二脉 ), 栀子, 黄芩, 甘草 Damp heat retention in Liver and G.B Long Dancao, Chai Hu, Ze Xie, Che Qianzi, Mu Tong, Sheng Dihuang, Dang Gui. 白芷入带脉, 治带下, 配椿根白皮 Bai Zhi for leucorrhea

58 四 奇经八脉病症的治疗 treatment to the diseases of 8 extra 4. 带脉为病 Diseases of Dai meridian meridians b 带脉失约 子宫脱垂, 下肢痿痹, 滑胎, 漏胎, 带下, 阴吹, 内脏下垂 Deconsolidation of Dai meridian prolapsed of uterus, flaccidity of legs, abortion, leucorrhea, prolapsed internal organs. 升提带脉 生麻, 五味子 ( 味酸收敛带脉 )Sheng Ma and Wu Weizi for ascending Dai meridian 固脱带脉 龙骨 ( 治带脉为病 ), 牡蛎, 乌贼骨 Long Gu, Mu Li and Wu Zeigu for consolidating Dai meridian 补脾气 人参, 白术, 黄芪, 甘草 Ren Shen, Bai Zhu, Huang Qi and Gan Cao for reinforcing Spleen qi 补肾气 山药, 山茱萸, 芡实, 海螵蛸 Shan Yao, Shan Zhuyu, Qian Shi and Hai Biaoxiao for reinforcing kidney qi

59 四 奇经八脉病症的治疗 treatment to the diseases of 8 extra meridians 5. 蹻脉为病 Diseases of Qiao Meridians a 跷脉阴阳失调 运动失常 步态不正, 痿痹无力, 手足抽搐, 足内外翻, 癫痫 Imbalance of Yin and Yang abnormal walking, flaccidity, spasm, strephexopodia and strephenopodia, 补髓养筋 鳖甲, 白芍, 阿胶, 龟板, 牛骨髓, 猪骨髓, 虎骨, 肉苁蓉, 牛膝, 杜仲, 川断 Reinforcing marrow and nourishing tendons Bie Jia, Bai Shao, Er Jiao, Gui Ban, Niu Gusui, Zhu Gusui, Hu Gu, Rou Congrong, Niu Xi, Du Zhong, Chuan Duan. 热灼跷脉 羚羊角 ( 舒筋止挛 ), 牛黄, 地龙, 栀子, 黄连, 钩藤 Heat burning Qiao meridian Ling Yangjiao, Niu Huang, Di Long, Zhi Zi, Huang Lian, Gou Teng.

60 四 奇经八脉病症的治疗 treatment to the diseases of 8 extra meridians 5. 蹻脉为病 Diseases of Qiao Meridians b 跷脉阴阳不通 失眠, 嗜睡 Irregulation of Yin and Yang insomnia or somnolence 卫气行阳则阳跷盛 从脏到腑通过阴跷 寤 Wei Qi circulates to yang makes Yang qiao stronger full of energy 卫气行阴则阴跷盛 从腑到脏通过阳跷 寐 Wei Qi circulates to yin makes Yin qiao stronger sleepy 卫气不得入于阴, 留于阳则阳气满 阳跷盛 失眠 Wei Qi fails to enter into yin makes yang qiao excess insomnia 卫气留于阴, 不得行于阴, 留于阴则阴气满 阴跷盛 嗜睡 Wei Qi remains in yin makes yin qiao excess somnolence

61 四 奇经八脉病症的治疗 treatment to the diseases of 8 extra 5. 蹻脉为病 Diseases of Qiao Meridians meridians 跷脉阴虚阳盛失眠 黄连, 山茱萸, 酸枣仁, 五味子, 熟地黄 Insomnia due to Yin deficiency and Yang excess Huang Lian, Shan Zhuyu, Suan Zaoren, Wu Weizi, Shu Dihuang 跷脉阳虚阴盛嗜睡 人参, 黄芪, 附子, 肉桂, 陈皮, 石菖蒲, 茯苓 Somnolence due to Yang deficiency and Yin excess Ren Shen, Huang qi, Fu Zi, Rou Gui, Chen Pi, Shi Changpu, Fu Ling

62 四 奇经八脉病症的治疗 treatment to the diseases of 8 extra meridians 6. 维脉为病 Diseases of Wei meridians a 阴阳不相维系 阳维为病苦寒热 日久肾虚 督脉卫气俱虚 寒热往来, 经闭, 气血亏虚之寒热间作 Chill and fever as the main symptoms kidney deficiency Wei and Du deficiency chill and fever, amenorrhea 营卫不和 鹿角霜 ( 温补奇经 ), 柴胡, 桂枝, 青蒿, 黄芩, 半夏, 黄芪 ( 阳维为病苦寒 ) Lu jiaoshuang, Chai Hu, Gui Zhi, Qing Hao, Huang Qin, Ban Xia, Huang Qi

63 四 奇经八脉病症的治疗 treatment to the diseases of 8 extra 6. 维脉为病 Diseases of Wei meridians meridians b 阴维为病苦心痛 阴血亏虚, 心失所养 苦心痛 阴维维系足三阴, 历经胸, 脘, 胁腹 胃脘痛, 胸胁痛, 腰痛, 阴中痛属阴虚兼瘀滞 Diseases of Yin Wei blood deficiency heart pain foot 3 yin meridians problems gastric pain, chest pain, lumbago 川楝子, 元胡, 香附, 当归 ( 阴维维于阴, 营阴虚则心痛而舌红也 ) 川芎, 降香 Chuan Lianzi, Yuan Hu, Xiang Fu, Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong, Jiang Xiang

64 五 奇经八脉病症的针灸治疗 treatment by Acupuncture to the diseases of 8 extra meridians 八脉交会穴 Eight confluent points 定义 : 奇经八脉与十二经之气相交会的 8 个腧穴 Eight extra meridians cross to 8 meridian s points 公孙冲脉胃心胸, 内关阴维下总同 临泣胆经连带脉, 阳维目锐外关逢 后溪督脉内眦颈, 申脉阳跷络亦通 列缺任脉行肺系, 阴跷照海膈喉咙 公孙内关胃心胸 ;Gong Sun and Nei Guan for heart, chest, stomach 临泣外关目锐眦 ;Zu Lin Qi and Wai Guan for outer canthus 后溪申脉内眦颈 ;Hou Xi and Shen Mai for inner canthus and neck 列缺照海膈肺喉 Lie Que and Zhao Hai for Lung, throat and diaphram

65 Explanation to Eight confluent points 公孙 : 足太阴络穴, 入腹, 会关元, 与冲脉通 ; Gong Sun to abdomen Chong 内关 : 手厥阴络穴, 起于胸中, 与阴维脉相通 ; Nei Guan chest Yin Wei 临泣 : 足少阳胆经, 经季胁, 与带脉相通, 交会于带脉 五枢 维道三穴 ;Zu Linqi to hypochondriac region Dai meridian 外关 : 手少阳络穴, 上肩, 经天髎 肩井, 与阳维脉相通 ;Wai Guan Up to shoulder Yang Wei meridian

66 Explanation to Eight confluent points 后溪 : 属手太阳小肠经, 交肩膀上, 会于大杼 (c1,1.5) 大椎, 与督脉通 ;Hou Xi S.I up to shoulder Du meridian 申脉 : 属足太阳膀胱经, 阳蹻脉由此分出 ;Shen Mai starting of Yang Qiao 列缺 : 手太阴络穴, 出肺系, 经别循喉咙, 与任脉相通 ; Lie Que lung divergent throut Ren meridian 照海 : 属足少阴肾经, 阴蹻脉由此分出 Zhao Hai starting of Yin Qiao meridian

67 Applications of eight confluent points 1 治疗相通奇经病证 extra meridian s problem a 落枕 颈腰椎病 脊柱强痛 后溪 ( 督 ) Hou Xi for stiff neck, vertebrae problem b 胸腹气逆, 拘急 公孙 ( 冲 ) Sun for qi abnormal ascending and spasm c 眼睑下垂 失眠 申脉 照海 ( 阴 阳蹻 ) Shen Mai and Zhao Hai for prolapse of eye lids and insomnia Gong

68 Applications of eight confluent points 1 治疗相通奇经病证 extra meridian s problem d. 承浆 任督交会穴 头痛, 项强 Cheng Jiang for headache and stiff neck e. 地仓 阳跷与足阳明交会穴 口眼歪斜 Di Cang for facial paralysis f. 风池 阳维与足少阳交会穴 解表祛风 Feng Chi for superficial wind attack

69 Applications of eight confluent points 2 治疗两脉相合病证 ( 上 下配穴 ) applied for the disease of two meridians related 心 胸 胃疾病 公孙 内关 ( 冲 阴维 )Gong Sun and Nei Guan for heart, chest and stomach 肺 咽喉 胸膈 列缺 照海 ( 任 阴蹻 ) Que and Zhao Hai for Lung, throat, and diaphragm problems Lie

70 Applications of eight confluent points 2 治疗两脉相合病证 ( 上 下配穴 ) applied for the disease of two meridians related 目外眦 耳后 颊 颈 肩 缺盆 胸膈部疾患 足临泣 外关 ( 带 阳维 ) Zu Linqi and Wai Guan for external canthus, back ears, cheek, neck, shoulder 目内眦 颈项 耳 肩膊 小肠 膀胱部 后溪 申脉 Hou Xi and Shen Mai for inner canthus, neck, ears, shoulder

71 Applications of eight confluent points 3. 特定穴治疗 Treatment based on other specific points a. b. 列缺 ( 合谷 ), 公孙 ( 冲阳 ), 内关 ( 阳池 ), 外关 ( 大陵 ) 为络穴, 可表里同治 Lie Que, Gong Sun, Nei Guan, Wai Guan are Luo collateral points also, which can be applied for related problem of internal and external. 后溪 临泣原为输穴, 可主体重节痛 Hou Xi, Zu Linqi are Shu stream points also, so they are indicated for body and joints pain c. 申脉 照海又分出阴阳跷脉 Shen Mai and Zhao Hai are the starting place of Yin and Yang Qiao meridians, so insomnia, joint problem and epilepsy are also their indications

72 Applications of eight confluent points 4. 四阴同施, 四阳同治 Treatment based on 4 yin Points and 4 Yang Points Gong Sun and Nei Guan chest and abdomen Lie Que and Zhao Hai abdomen and pelvic Yin points Yin meridians Yin places internal Zang and Fu organs Respiratory system, Heart vessel system, digestive system, urinary system

73 Applications of eight confluent points 4. 四阴同施, 四阳同治 Treatment based on 4 yin Points and 4 Yang Points Hou Xi and Shen Mai Head and sense organs, 4limbs and back Zu Linqi and Wai Guan Head and sense organs, joints problems Yang points Yang meridians Yang places external sense organs and 4 limbs Mouth problems, sense organs, motor system and endocrine system

74 Applications of eight confluent points 4. 四阴同施, 四阳同治 Treatment based on 4 yin Points and 4 Yang Points 对于 四阴同施, 四阳同治 的原则可灵活选穴 如左上配左下, 右上配右下, 左上配右下, 右上配左下, 或左右上下共同施针 The applications of Treatment based on 4 yin Points and 4 Yang Points can be changed in clinical practices, such as left-up and leftdown, right-up and right-down, leftup and right-down, right-up and leftdown, and etc.

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