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1 可程序计数数组 (PCA) 功能使用方法 1 适用产品 :SM59D04G2,SM59D03G2 2 应用说明 : PCA 共有五组, 每组皆可工作于以下七种模式 : 捕获模式 - 正缘捕获模式 (Positive edge capture mode) 捕获模式 - 负缘捕获模式 (Negative edge capture mode) 捕获模式 - 正缘及负缘捕获模式 (Both positive and negative edge capture mode) 计时模式 (Timer mode) 高速频率输出模式 (High Speed Output mode) 8 位脉宽调变模式 (8-bit PWM mode) 16 位脉宽调变模式 (16-bit PWM mode) 3 PCA Compare/Capture mode 应用说明 3.1 捕获模式 - 正缘捕获模式 (Positive edge capture mode): Capture mode 致能时,PCA 16-bit counter 计数缓存器 (CCCH, CCCL) 会不断的上数, 当 CC0~CC4 pin 输入外部讯号, 低电位转换成高电位的讯号将做为捕获条件, 捕获时产生中断, 并且由硬件将 PCA counter 存至捕获数据缓存器 CCnD[15:0](CCnDH, CCnDL) 图 : PCA capture mode with positive edge IRFWX-A124 1 Ver. A 2009/03

2 3.2 捕获模式 - 负缘捕获模式 (Negative edge capture mode): 可程序计数数组功能使用方法 Capture mode 致能时,PCA 16-bit counter 计数缓存器 (CCCH, CCCL) 会不断的上数, 当 CC0~CC4 pin 输入外部讯号, 高电位转换成低电位的讯号将做为捕获条件, 捕获时产生中断, 并且由硬件将 PCA counter 存至捕获数据缓存器 CCnD[15:0](CCnDH, CCnDL) 图 : PCA capture mode with negative edge 3.3 捕获模式 - 正缘及负缘捕获模式 (Both positive and negative edge capture mode) Capture mode 致能时,PCA 16-bit counter 计数缓存器 (CCCH, CCCL) 会不断的上数, 当 CC0~CC4 pin 输入外部讯号, 高电位转换成低电位, 或由低电位转换成高电位的讯号将做为捕获条件, 捕获时产生中断, 并且由硬件将 PCA counter 存至捕获数据缓存器 CCnD[15:0](CCnDH, CCnDL) 图 : PCA capture mode with both negative and positive edge IRFWX-A124 2 Ver. A 2009/03

3 3.4 计时模式 (Timer mode) 当该模式致能,PCA 16-bit counter 计数缓存器 (CCCH, CCCL) 会上数, 直到 PCA counter 溢位时, 则会产生中断. 图 : PCA Timer mode 3.5 高速频率输出模式 (High Speed Output mode) 当高速频率输出模式 ( 比较模式 ) 致能, 每当 PCA 16-bit counter 计数缓存器 (CCCH, CCCL) 和数据缓存器 CCnD[15:0] 相同时,CCn pin 则会做反相讯号输出 图 : PCA high speed output IRFWX-A124 3 Ver. A 2009/03

4 3.6 8-bit 脉宽调变模式 (8-bit PWM mode) 位 PWM 仅使用数据缓存器 CCnDL[7:0], 未使用 CCnDH[15:8] 位 PWM 讯号输出频率由 bit PCAC2^CCCLK 设定 : CCCLK 6T 12T 00 Fosc/256 (Fosc/2)/ (Fosc/4)/256 (Fosc/8)/ (Fosc/12)/256 (Fosc/24)/ (CCCI pin frequency )/256 (CCCI pin frequency )/ 当使用 8 位 PCA 之 PWM 功能时需注意如下 : 当 CCnDL=0x00 或 0xFF 时 CCn pin 输出皆为 low; 当 CCnDL=0x01 时 CCn pin 输出 low pulse 为 2 个 PWM Input clock; 当 CCnDL=0x02 时 CCn pin 输出 low pulse 为 3 个 PWM Input clock; 当 CCnDL=0xFE 时 CCn pin 输出 high pulse 为 1 个 PWM Input clock IRFWX-A124 4 Ver. A 2009/03

5 bit 脉宽调变模式 (16-bit PWM mode) 位 PWM 使用数据缓存器 CCnDL[7:0] 和 CCnDH[15:8] 位 PWM 讯号输出频率由 bit PCAC2^CCCLK 设定 : CCCLK 6T 12T 00 Fosc/65536 (Fosc/2)/ (Fosc/4)/65536 (Fosc/8)/ (Fosc/12)/65536 (Fosc/24)/ (CCCI pin frequency )/65536 (CCCI pin frequency )/ 当使用 PCA 之 PWM 功能时需注意如下 : 当 CCnD = 0x0000 或 0xFFFF 时 CCn pin 输出皆为 low; 当 CCnD = 0x0001 时 CCn pin 输出 low pulse 为 2 个 PWM Input clock; 当 CCnD = 0x0002 时 CCn pin 输出 low pulse 为 3 个 PWM Input clock; 当 CCnD =0xFFFE 时 CCn pin 输出 high pulse 为 1 个 PWM Input clock 4 Pin Description 40L PDI P Pin # 44L QFP Pin # 44L PLC C Pin # Symbol I/O Names P12/CCCI/EEI2 Bit 2 of port 1 & PCA External clock input & EEI i/o /ICP_DATA interrupt 2 & ICP data/command IO P13/CC0/EEI3 i/o Bit 3 of port 1 & PCA Channel 0 & EEI interrupt P14/CC1/EEI4 i/o Bit 4 of port 1 & PCA Channel 1 & EEI interrupt P15/CC2/EEI5 i/o Bit 5 of port 1 & PCA Channel 2 & EEI interrupt P16/CC3/EEI6 i/o Bit 6 of port 1 & PCA Channel 3 & EEI interrupt P17/CC4/EEI7 i/o Bit 7 of port 1 & PCA Channel 4 & EEI interrupt 7 IRFWX-A124 5 Ver. A 2009/03

6 5 特殊功能缓存器说明 : Mnemonic Description Direct Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 RESET PCA PCAC1 PCA control register 1 A1h CCR CIDL - CC4IE CC3IE CC2IE CC1IE CC0IE PCAC2 PCA control register 2 A2h CCCLK[1:0] - CC4IF CC3IF CC2IF CC1IF CC0IF PCAH PCA counter high 9Ah PCA[15:8] PCAL PCA counter low 9Bh PCA[7:0] CC0CON CC0 control register A3h TOG0 - CC0MOD[2:0] CC0DH CC0 data high 9Ch CC0D[15:8] CC0DL CC0 data low 9Dh CC0D[7:0] CC1CON CC1 control register A4h TOG1 - CC1MOD[2:0] CC1DH CC1 data high 9Eh CC1D[15:8] CC1DL CC1 data low 9Fh CC1D[7:0] CC2CON CC2 control register A5h TOG2 - CC2MOD[2:0] CC2DH CC2 data high 91h CC2D[15:8] CC2DL CC2 data low 92h CC2D[7:0] CC3CON CC3 control register A6h TOG3 - CC3MOD[2:0] CC3DH CC3 data high 93h CC3D[15:8] CC3DL CC3 data low 94h CC3D[7:0] CC4CON CC4 control register A7h TOG4 - CC4MOD[2:0] CC4DH CC4 data high 95h CC4D[15:8] CC4DL CC4 data low 96h CC4D[7:0] IRFWX-A124 6 Ver. A 2009/03

7 5.1 PCA 控制缓存器 1(Control register 1) Bit 7 Bit 0 CCR CIDL - CC4IE CC3IE CC2IE CC1IE CC0IE Read/Write - Reset Value CCR: PCA Counter Run control bit: CCR =1, 启动 PCA 计数, 由软件设定 CCR =0, 停止 PCA 计数, 由软件设定 CIDL: Counter Idle control: CIDL =1, 进入闲置模式, 但必须要 PCON[0] 同时也被致能为 1 CIDL =0, 离开闲置模式 CCnIE: CC0 ~ CC4 interrupt enable. CCnIE = 1, 中断致能 CCnIE = 0, 中断禁能 5.2 PCA 控制缓存器 2(Control register 2) Mnemonic: PCAC2 Address: A2h CCCLK[1:0] - CC4IF CC3IF CC2IF CC1IF CC0IF - CCCLK[1:0] 比较捕获频率来源选择 (Compare/Capture clock source select) CC0CLK[1:0] Clock source 00 Fosc 01 Fosc/4 10 Fosc/12 11 External clock input (CCCI pin) CCCLK 会和 6T 或 12T 有关, 详细请参考表一 图一及图二说明. 相关名词定义如下 : System clock frequency(f SYS ) = crystal(f CRY ) or oscillator(f OSC ) frequency in 6T, and System clock frequency(f SYS )= crystal(f CRY ) or oscillator(f OSC ) frequency divided by 2 in 12T CCnIF CC0 ~ CC4 中断旗标 (CC0 ~ CC4 interrupt flag) 当发生中断时由硬件设置为 1, 必须由软件清除. IRFWX-A124 7 Ver. A 2009/03

8 表一 : 计算取样周期, 以使用 Crystal 16MHz 为范例 Machine Fcry CCCLK[1:0] PCA counter increment Div Sample period(us) cycle (MHz) 6T system clocks T system clocks T system clocks T system clocks T system clocks T system clocks External clock input External clock input 6T/12T / (CCCI pin) (CCCI pin) 注 :CCCLK[1:0]=11 时, 取样周期会依照外部的讯号输入而定 ; 其它模式取样周期 (Sample period) = 1 / (Fcry / Div) 图. PCA clock selection at 6T mode 图二. PCA clock selection at 12T mode IRFWX-A124 8 Ver. A 2009/03

9 5.3 PCA 计数缓存器 1(Counter register 1) Mnemonic: PCAH Address: 9Ah PCA[15:8] Mnemonic: PCAL Address: 9Bh PCA[7:0] 5.4 CC0CON (Compare/Capture channel 0 control register) Mnemonic: CC0CON Address: A3h TOG0 - CC0MOD[2:0] CC0MOD[2:0] 比较 / 捕获信道 0 模式选择 (Compare/Capture channel 0 modes select) CC0MOD[2:0] Function 000 Disable PCA channel Positive edge capture mode 010 Negative edge capture mode 011 Both positive and negative edge capture mode 100 Timer mode 101 High Speed Output mode bit PWM bit PWM TOG0: CC0 toggle register. 5.5 CC0 Data register Mnemonic: CC0DH Address: 9Ch CC0D[15:8] Mnemonic: CC0DL Address: 9Dh CC0D[7:0] IRFWX-A124 9 Ver. A 2009/03

10 5.6 CC1CON (Compare/Capture channel 1 control register) Mnemonic: CC1CON Address: A4h TOG1 - CC1MOD[2:0] CC1MOD[2:0] 比较 / 捕获信道 1 模式选择 (Compare/Capture channel 1 modes select) CC1MOD[2:0] Function 000 Disable PCA channel Positive edge capture mode 010 Negative edge capture mode 011 Both positive and negative edge capture mode 100 Timer mode 101 High Speed Output mode bit PWM bit PWM TOG1: CC1 toggle register. 5.7 CC1 Data register Mnemonic: CC1DH Address: 9Eh CC1D[15:8] Mnemonic: CC1DL Address: 9Fh CC1D[7:0] 5.8 CC2CON (Compare/Capture channel 2 control register) Mnemonic: CC2CON Address: A5h TOG2 - CC2MOD[2:0] CC2MOD[2:0] 比较 / 捕获信道 2 模式选择 (Compare/Capture channel 2 modes select) IRFWX-A Ver. A 2009/03

11 CC2MOD[2:0] Function 000 Disable PCA channel Positive edge capture mode 010 Negative edge capture mode 011 Both positive and negative edge capture mode 100 Timer mode 101 High Speed Output mode bit PWM bit PWM TOG2: CC2 toggle register. 5.9 CC2 Data register Mnemonic: CC2DH Address: 91h CC2D[15:8] Mnemonic: CC2DL Address: 92h CC2D[7:0] 5.10 CC3CON (Compare/Capture channel 3 control register) Mnemonic: CC3CON Address: A6h Res et TOG3 - CC3MOD[2:0] CC3MOD[2:0] 比较 / 捕获信道 3 模式选择 (Compare/Capture channel 3 modes select) CC3MOD[2:0] Function 000 Disable PCA channel Positive edge capture mode 010 Negative edge capture mode 011 Both positive and negative edge capture mode 100 Timer mode 101 High Speed Output mode bit PWM IRFWX-A Ver. A 2009/03

12 bit PWM TOG3: CC3 toggle register CC3 Data register Mnemonic: CC3DH Address: 93h CC3D[15:8] Mnemonic: CC3DL Address: 94h CC3D[7:0] 5.12 CC4CON (Compare/Capture channel 4 control register) Mnemonic: CC4CON Address: A7h TOG4 - CC4MOD[2:0] CC4MOD[2:0] 比较 / 捕获信道 4 模式选择 (Compare/Capture channel 4 modes select) CC4MOD[2:0] Function 000 Disable PCA channel Positive edge capture mode 010 Negative edge capture mode 011 Both positive and negative edge capture mode 100 Timer mode 101 High Speed Output mode bit PWM bit PWM TOG4: CC4 toggle register. IRFWX-A Ver. A 2009/03

13 5.13 CC4 Data register Mnemonic: CC4DH Address: 95h CC4D[15:8] Mnemonic: CC4DL Address: 96h CC4D[7:0] IRFWX-A Ver. A 2009/03

14 6 中断 (Interrupt) 6.1 中断向量表 (Interrupt Vector Table): Interrupt Source Interrupt Vector Polling sequence External interrupt h Timer 0 000Bh External interrupt h Timer 1 001Bh Serial Port 0023h Timer 2 002Bh EEI 0033h PCA interrupt 003Bh Polling sequence 6.2 使用 Keil C 的中断设定范例程序 : unsigned char CPH,CPL; void init(void) IE = 0x80; IE1= 0x02; // PCAC1[7]=>PCA counter run bit // PCAC1[4]~PCAC1[0] =enable all of CC4 ~ CC0 interrupt PCAC1 = 0x9f; // Clock source = Fosc (note:12t=fosc/2,6t=fosc) PCAC2 = 0x00; void PCA_Capture(void) interrupt 7 //vector 003Bh //user code=================== PCAL = 0x00; PCAH = 0x00; CPH=CC0DH; CPL=CC0DL; //============================ PCAC2 = PCAC2&0xC0; //clear all flag IRFWX-A Ver. A 2009/03

15 7 PCA 范例程序及说明 : 7.1 PCA Capture mode 应用的范例程序 : Device:SM59D04G2C25 function generator: f=2khz,t=500us Description Example: P1.3 Negative edge capture mode Crystal: 24MHz/12T, Clock source = Fosc/2, t= us, CC0D= 1743h T*CC0D = us Crystal: 24MHz/12T, Clock source = Fosc/8, t= us, CC0D= 05DFh T*CC0D = 500.9us Crystal: 24MHz/12T, Clock source = Fosc/24, t= 1us, CC0D= 01EEh T*CC0D = 496us Main program //==================================================================== // // S Y N C M O S T E C H N O L O G Y // //==================================================================== #include "sfr.h" //#include <reg51.h> unsigned int j = 0; unsigned char CPH,CPL; void init(void) P0 = 0xff; P1 = 0xff; P2 = 0xff; P3 = 0xff; //EA = 1; IE = 0x80; IE1= 0x02; // PCAC1[7]=>PCA counter run bit // PCAC1[4]~PCAC1[0] =enable all of CC4 ~ CC0 interrupt PCAC1 = 0x9f; //Clock source = Fosc (note:12t=fosc/2,6t=fosc) //PCAC2 = 0x00; //Clock source = Fosc/4 (note:12t=fosc/8,6t=fosc/4) //PCAC2 = 0x40; //Clock source = Fosc/12 (note:12t=fosc/24,6t=fosc/12) PCAC2 = 0x80; //Clock source = External clockc (note:ccci pin) //PCAC2 = 0xc0; PCAL = 0x00; PCAH = 0x00; IRFWX-A Ver. A 2009/03

16 // Select_channel_mode Set // CCnCON.2 CCnCON.1 CCnC0N.0 Capture mode // postive edge // Negative edge // postive&negative edge // Timer mode void Select_channel_mode(void) CC0CON = 0x02; //P1.3 Negative edge capture mode CC1CON = 0x02; //P1.4 Negative edge capture mode CC2CON = 0x01; //P1.5 Postive edge capture mode CC3CON = 0x03; //P1.6 Postive & Negative capture mode CC4CON = 0x03; //P1.7 Postive & Negative capture mode void PCA_Capture(void) interrupt 7 //vector 003Bh // PCA Capture interrupt PCAL = 0x00; PCAH = 0x00; CPH=CC0DH; CPL=CC0DL; PCAC2 = PCAC2&0xC0; void main(void) unsigned int i=0, ii=0; init(); Select_channel_mode(); P3 = 0xFF; while(1) for(i=0;i<1000; i++) for(ii=0;ii<200; ii++) P0 =CPH; P2 =CPL; IRFWX-A Ver. A 2009/03

17 7.2 PCA Timer mode 应用的范例程序 : Description Device:SM59D04G2C25 Crystal:24MHz/12T Clock source= Fosc/4 6T:T =1 / Clock source = 4/24MHz = us 12T:T =2(1 / Clock source) =2*4/24MHz = us PCA = (decimal) = C = 0xFED4 300T = 100us, will detect P3 toggles about 100us Main program //==================================================================== // // S Y N C M O S T E C H N O L O G Y // //==================================================================== #include "sfr.h" // enable interrupt and select clock source void Initial() IE=0x80; //enable all interrupt IE1=0x02; //enable PCA interrupt //PCAC1: CCR CIDL - CC4IE CC3IE CC2IE CC1IE CC0IE //PCAC1=0x9f; PCAC1=0x81; //PCAC2.7,PCAC2.6 Clock source // 0 0 Fosc // 0 1 Fosc/4 // 1 0 Fosc/12 // 1 1 External clock input(ccci pin,p1.2) PCAC2=0x40; //clock source from Fosc/4 PCAL =0xD4; //software reload value PCAH =0xFE; //software reload value // select_channel 0 ~ 4 void select_channel(void) CC0CON=0x04; //channel"0" timer mode CC1CON=0; //channel"1" timer mode disable CC2CON=0; //channel"2" timer mode disable CC3CON=0; //channel"3" timer mode disable CC4CON=0; //channel"4" timer mode disable void PCA_Timer(void) interrupt 7 using 0//vector 003Bh //if (PCAC2&0x01) // // (decimal) = C = 0xFED4 IRFWX-A Ver. A 2009/03

18 // PCAL =0xD4; PCAH =0xFE; //software reload value //software reload value P3 = ~P3; //12T@24MHz P3 toggle per 100us PCAC2 &= 0x40; //software clear all flag 可程序计数数组功能使用方法 void main(void) select_channel(); Initial(); while(1) 7.3 PCA High speed output mode 应用的范例程序 : Description High speed pulse width Device:SM59D04G2C25 Crystal:24MHz/12T Clock source = Fosc/12 6T: T =1 /source clock = 1/(Fosc/12) = 12/24MHz =0.5us 12T: T =2(1 /source clock) = 2/(Fosc/12) =2*12/24MHz =1us 100T =100us, detect pin CC0(P1.3) toggles about 100us. Main program //==================================================================== // // S Y N C M O S T E C H N O L O G Y // //==================================================================== //******************************************************************** // high speed pulse width // Device:SM59D04G2C25 Crystal:24MHz/12T // 6T: 1 source clock = 1/(Fosc/12) = 12/24MHz =0.5us // 12T: 1 source clock = 2/(Fosc/12) =2*12/24MHz =1us // detect P1.3 toggle per 100us //******************************************************************** #include"sfr.h" void Initial() IE=0x80; IE1=0x02; //enable all interrupt //enable PCA interrupt PCAC1=0x81; //PCAC1.7=>PCA counter run bit //PCAC1 enable CC0 interrupt //PCAC2.7,PCAC2.6 Clock source // 0 0 Fosc // 0 1 Fosc/4 // 1 0 Fosc/12 IRFWX-A Ver. A 2009/03

19 // 1 1 External clock input(ccci pin) PCAC2=0x80; //clock source from Fosc/12 可程序计数数组功能使用方法 PCAH =0x00; PCAL =0x00; CC0DH=0x00; CC0DL=0x64;; // //software reload value //software reload value //detect P1.3 toggle per 100us // only for select channel at CCnCON. void Select_channel_mode() CC0CON=0x05; //high speed mode =>P1.3 enable CC1CON=0x00; //high speed mode =>P1.4 disable CC2CON=0x00; //high speed mode =>P1.5 disable CC3CON=0x00; //high speed mode =>P1.6 disable CC4CON=0x00; //high speed mode =>P1.7 disable // PCA High Speed interrupt void PCA_High_Speed(void) interrupt 7//vector 3B PCAL =0x00; //software reload value PCAH =0x00; //software reload value PCAC2=PCAC2&0xC0; // PCAC2.7:6 (CCCLK is "11" representative external clock input "p1.2") void main() Initial(); Select_channel_mode(); while(1) IRFWX-A Ver. A 2009/03

20 7.4 PCA PWM mode 应用的范例程序 : Description Device:SM59D04G2C25 Crystal:24MHz/12T Main program //==================================================================== // // S Y N C M O S T E C H N O L O G Y // //==================================================================== #include"sfr.h" void Select_channel(); void Initial(); void main() Initial(); Select_channel(); while(1) p3=~p3; //***************************************************************** // initial set and select clock source mode0 ~ mode3 //***************************************************************** void Initial() p0=0xff; p1=0xff; p2=0xff; p3=0xff; PCAC1=0x9f; //PCAC1.7=>PCA counter run bit enable //PCAC1.4 ~ PCAC1.0 enable CC4 ~ CC0 interrupt //source clock = Fosc/12 PCAC2=0x80; //***************************************************************** // select 8 bit or 16 bit PWM and select PWM output p1.3 ~ p1.7 //***************************************************************** void Select_channel(void) CC0CON=0x06; //8bit PWM CC0DL= 0x3F; //pulse width,low:high =64us:192us =1:3 /* CC1CON=0x07; //16bit PWM CC1DH= 0x3F; //pulse width,low:high =16.386ms:49.159ms =1:3 CC1DL= 0xFF; CC1CON=0x06; //8bit PWM CC1DL= 0x00; //pulse width,always low CC0CON=0x06; //8bit PWM CC0DL= 0x01; //pulse width,low:high =2:254 IRFWX-A Ver. A 2009/03

21 */ /* CC2CON=0x06; //8bit PWM CC2DL= 0xfd; //pulse width,low:high =254:2 CC3CON=0x06; //8bit PWM CC3DL= 0xfe; //pulse width,low:high =255:1 CC4CON=0x06; //8bit PWM CC4DL= 0xff; //pulse width,always low CC0CON=0x07; //16bit PWM CC0DH= 0x00; //pulse width,low:high =3:65533 CC0DL= 0x02; CC1CON=0x07; //16bit PWM CC1DH= 0x00; //pulse width,low:high =2:65534 CC1DL= 0x01; CC2CON=0x07; //16bit PWM CC2DH= 0x00; //pulse width,always low CC2DL= 0x00; CC3CON=0x07; //16bit PWM CC3DH= 0xFF; //pulse width,low:high =65535:1 CC3DL= 0xFE; CC4CON=0x07; //16bit PWM CC4DH= 0xFF; //pulse width,always low CC4DL= 0xFF;*/ IRFWX-A Ver. A 2009/03

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