试验材料 ml 1. 2 试验设计 3 0 3% 4% 5% Table 1 1 Chemical compositions and in vitro digestib

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1 * ACTA PRATACULTURAE SINICA 22 3 Vol. 22 No * % 4% 5% 14 ph ph / P < / 3% % S DOI /cyxb A Hordeum vulgare Lolium perenne ph 6 40% ~ 46% 7 Cajarville 8 ph Rezaei 9 Amaranthus hypochondriacus ph * BAE XZ20093ZD hnyxj0702@ 163. com * taoshaolan@ 163. com

2 试验材料 ml 1. 2 试验设计 3 0 3% 4% 5% Table 1 1 Chemical compositions and in vitro digestibility of ensilage materials Items Hullessbarley straw Perennial ryegrass Dry matter g /kg FW ± ± Water-soluble carbohydrate ± ± Crude protein ± ± Neutral detergent fibre ± ± Acid detergent fibre ± ± In vitro dry matter degradability % ± ± In vitro neutral detergent fiber degradability % ± ± In vitro acid detergent fiber degradability % ± ± 试验方法 cm % 280 g g 100 ml 70 g 4 24 h 2-20 ph h ph HANNA ph211 ph lactic acid LA - 10 water soluble carbohydrate WSC - 11 ammonia nitrogen AN - 12 volatile fatty acids VFAs acetic acid AA propionic acid PA butyric acid BA GC-14B m mm μm kpa 50 kpa 50 kpa 13 crude protein CP neutral detergent fiber NDF acid detergent fiber ADF min CO ml

3 118 ACTA PRATACULTURAE SINICA 2013 Vol. 22 No. 3 CO 2 40 ml 20 ml 1 g Davies h 1. 4 数据处理 SAS 9. 2 ANOVA Duncan P < 添加糖蜜对青稞秸秆和多年生黑麦草混合青贮 ph 值 干物质和乳酸含量的影响 2 30 P > % P < P < ph P < d 30 P < ph 7 ph d 60 d ph ph Table 2 2 ph Effect of adding molasses on ph dry matter and lactic acid contents of mixed silage of hullessbarley straw and perennial ryegrass during ensiling Items Ensiling days d Molasses treatments % Dry matter g /kg FW ± aa ± aa ± aa ± aa ± aba ± bca ± ba ± aa ± aba ± aba ± aba ± aa ± bb ± cab ± bab ± aa ph ph value ± ba ± bb ± bb ± bb ± ba ± bb ± bb ± bb ± ba ± abb ± abb ± bb ± aa ± ab ± ab ± ab Lactic acid ± bb ± aba ± aa ± ba ± bb ± aa ± aa ± aa ± ab ± ba ± aa ± ca ± bb ± aba ± aa ± ca P < P < 0. Note Values with different little letters show significant differences among ensiling days in the same treatment P < values with different capital letters show significant differences among treatments in the same ensiling day P < the same as below 添加糖蜜对青稞秸秆和多年生黑麦草混合青贮挥发性脂肪酸含量的影响 P > P < P > P < / / P < P > 0. P > P >

4 g /kg DM g /kg DM g /kg DM g /kg DM P > 添加糖蜜对青稞秸秆和多年生黑麦草混合青贮氨态氮 / 总氮和水溶性碳水化合物含量的影响 / P < d / P > / g /kg TN g /kg TN / 30 / 100 g /kg TN g /kg TN g /kg TN P > P < P < P > Table 3 3 Effect of adding molasses on volatile fatty acid contents of mixed silages of hullessbarley straw and perennial ryegrass during ensiling Items Acetic acid Propionic acid Butyric acid Ensiling days d Molasses treatments % ± ba ± bab ± bb ± cc ± aba ± aa ± aa ± ba ± aa ± aab ± abc ± bc ± aa ± aa ± aa ± aa ± aa ± bb ± ab ± ab ± ba ± ba ± aa ± aa ± aa ± aa ± aa ± aa ± aa ± ab ± ab ± ab ± aa ± cb ± ab ± cb ± aa ± bcb ± ab ± cb ± aa ± aba ± aa ± ba ± aa ± aa ± aa ± aa ± ba ± bb ± bbc ± cc Total volatile fatty ± aba ± aa ± aa ± ba acids ± aa ± aab ± abc ± bc ± aa ± aa ± aa ± aa / Lactic / acetic acid ± ac ± ab ± ab ± aa ± bb ± aba ± ba ± ba ± abc ± bb ± bab ± ca ± bb ± ba ± ba ± ca 2. 4 添加糖蜜对青稞秸秆和多年生黑麦草混合青贮饲料营养成分及体外降解率的影响 60 d 5 P > P < P > % P < P > P < 0. 05

5 120 ACTA PRATACULTURAE SINICA 2013 Vol. 22 No. 3 4 Table 4 / Effect of adding molasses on WSC content and AN /TN of mixed silages of hullessbarley straw and perennial ryegrass during ensiling Items Ensiling days d Molasses treatments % / Ammonia /total N g /kg TN ± ba ± cb ± db ± cb ± ba ± cb ± cb ± bcb ± ba ± bb ± bb ± abb ± aa ± ab ± ab ± ab ± ac ± ab ± aa ± aa Water-soluble ± bc ± bb ± bcab ± ba carbohydrate ± bcb ± ba ± ba ± ba ± cb ± ca ± ca ± ca Table 5 5 Effect of adding molasses on the chemical compositions and in vitro digestibility of mixed silage of hullessbarley straw and perennial ryegrass after 60 days ensiling Items Molasses treatments % Crude protein ± A ± A ± A ± A Neutral detergent fibre ± A ± B ± B ± C Acid detergent fibre ± A ± AB ± A ± B In vitro dry matter degradability % ± A ± A ± A ± A In vitro neutral detergent fiber degradability % ± A ± B ± B ± B In vitro acid detergent fiber degradability % ± A ± A ± A ± A P < Note The different letters within the same row mean the significant difference at P < d 5% Baytok 16 ph d ph g /kg DM ph ph ph ph Yokota 17 3% 7 14 d /

6 ph 18 Shao d ph 18 / / 100 g /kg TN / 19 ph 21 ph 7 / g /kg TN 30 g /kg TN 30 d / / g /kg TN g /kg TN / ph Yokota 22 Pennisetum purpureum / 60 d ph / Baytok 16 Zea mays Jaurena Pichard 23 Medicago sativa Uma a 24 Cynodon dactylon 4 ph ph %

7 122 ACTA PRATACULTURAE SINICA 2013 Vol. 22 No J D J J J J Lima R Lourenco M Diaz R F et al. Effect of combined ensiling of sorghum and soybean with or without molasses and lactobacilli on silage quality and in vitro rumen fermentation J. Animal Feed Science and Technology Cajarville C Britos A Garciarena D et al. Temperate forages ensiled with molasses or fresh cheese whey Effects on conservation quality effluent losses and ruminal degradation J. Animal Feed Science And Technology Rezaei J Rouzbehan Y Fazaeli H. Nutritive value of fresh and ensiled amaranth Amaranthus hypochondriacus treated with different levels of molasses J. Animal Feed Science and Technology Barker S B Summerson W H. The colorimetric determination of lactic acid in biological material J. Journal of Biological Chemistry Owens V N Albrecht K A Muck R E et al. Protein degradation and fermentation characteristics of red clover and alfalfa silage harvested with varying levels of total nonstructural carbohydrate J. Crop Science Weather M W. Phenol-hypochlorite reaction for determinations of ammonia J. Annual of Chemistry Shao T Zhang Z X Shimojo M et al. Comparison of fermentation characteristics of italian ryegrass Lolium multiflorum Lam. and guineagrass Panicum maximum Jacq. during the early stage of ensiling J. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences Van Soest P J Robertson J B Lewis B A. Methods for dietary fiber neutral detergent fiber and nonstarch polysaccharides in relation to animal nutrition J. Journal of Dairy Science Davies Z S Mason D Brooks A E et al. An automated system for measuring gas production from forages inoculated with rumen fluid and its use in determining the effect of enzymes on grass silage J. Animal Feed Science and Technology Baytok E Aksu T Karsli M et al. The effects of formic acid molasses and inoculant as silage additives on corn silage composition and ruminal fermentation characteristics in sheep J. Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences Yokota H O Okajima T Ohshima M. Nutritive value of napier grass Pennisetum purpureum Schum. silage ensiled with molasses by goats J. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences McDonald P Henderson A R Heron S J E. The Biochemistry of Silage 2th ed M. Aberystwyth Cambrian Printers Ltd Shao T Ohba N Shimojo M et al. Effects of addition of glucose and sorbic acid on the fermentation quality of guineagrass Panicum maximum jacq. silages J. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture Kyushu University Shao T. Fermentation quality of forage oat Avena sativa L. silages treated with pre-fermented juices sorbic acid glucose and encapsulated-glucose J. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture Kyushu University J Yokota H O Ohshima M Huang K J et al. Lactic acid production in napier grass Pennisetum purpureum Schum. silage J. Grassland Science Jaurena G Pichard G. Contribution of storage and structural polysaccharides to the fermentation process and nutritive value of lucerne ensiled alone or mixed with cereal grains J. Animal Feed Science and Technology Uma a R Staples C R Bates D B et al. Effects of a microbial inoculant and or sugarcane molasses on the fermentation aerobic

8 stability and digestibility of bermudagrass ensiled at two moisture contents J. Journal of Animal Science Effect of molasses addition on fermentation and nutritive quality of mixed silage of hulless barley straw and perennial ryegrass in Tibet YUAN Xian-jun 1 2 WANG qi 1 LI Zhi-hua 1 YU Cheng-qun 3 Masataka Shimojo 4 SHAO Tao 1 1. Institute of Ensiling and Processing of Grass College of Animal Science and Technology Nanjing Agricultural University Nanjing China 2. Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences Shanghai China 3. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China 4. Laboratory of Animal Feed Science Division of Animal Science Department of Animal and Marine Bioresource Sciences Faculty of Agriculture Kyushu University Fukuoka Japan Abstract To investigate enlargement of feed sources in Tibet mixtures of hulless barley straw and perennial ryegrass 6 4 were ensiled with molasses at four levels 0 3% 4% and 5% of fresh weight. Triplicate silos per treatment were opend on and 60 days after ensiling and the fermentation characteristics and in vitro degradability of silages were analysed. Molasses addition quickly and greatly enhanced LA lactic acid production but decreased the ph value within 14 days of ensiling. Molasses supplemented silages showed higher P < LA /AA acetic acid LA and WSC water soluble carbohydrate contents but lower ph values and AN ammonia nitrogen /TN total nitrogen P < than the control silage. After 60 days ensiling silages with added molasses had higher CP crude protein lower NDF neutral detergent fiber and ADF acid detergent fiber contents than the control and the in vitro degradability of all silages were higher than that of fresh material. These results indicate that 3% molasses addition can effectively improve the fermentation and nutitive quality of mixed silages. Key words molasses hullessbarley straw Hordeum vulgare perennial ryegrass Lolium perenne fermentation quality nutritive quality


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