mcmthesis 文档类 v6.2.1 English Version latexstudio 黄晨成 2017/01/01 摘要这份模板是美国大学生数学建模竞赛 (MCM/ICM) 的论文模

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Download "mcmthesis 文档类 v6.2.1 English Version latexstudio 黄晨成 2017/01/01 摘要这份模板是美国大学生数学建模竞赛 (MCM/ICM) 的论文模"


1 mcmthesis 文档类 v6.2.1 English Version latexstudio 黄晨成 2017/01/01 摘要这份模板是美国大学生数学建模竞赛 (MCM/ICM) 的论文模板 模板遵循赛事官方的要求, 设置了页眉页脚 字体和摘要页等内容 本文档对模板的使用做出了说明 1 模板介绍 这份模板最早由王昭礼设计, 并在往年参赛者的建议下不断改进 2014 年年初, 黄晨成接手模板, 用 key-value 语法重构了文档选项, 并修复了一些 bug 2015 年年初, 黄晨成将模板使用 DocStrip 的语法重构, 并上传至 CTAN 详细的使用说明, 可以参考这里 如果你需要视频讲解说明可以参看这里的视频讲解 2.1 下载 2 手工安装说明 你可以到项目主页下载模板的最新版本 除去项目主页之外, 不再维护任 何镜像 CTAN GitHub 这份文档是 mcmthesis v6.2.1 的说明文档, 更新日期 2017/01/01 1

2 3 使用说明 2 此外, 文档类也已上传至 CTAN, 你可以在 TEX Live 等发行版的宏包管 理器中下载 2.2 安装我们以 SOURCE 代表你下载的源文件目录, 在终端下执行以下命令 cd SOURCE xetex mcmthesis.dtx xelatex mcmthesis.dtx xelatex mcmthesis.dtx xelatex mcmthesis -demo.tex xelatex mcmthesis -demo.tex 你可以将生成的 mcmthesis.cls 拷贝至 TEXMF/tex/latex/mcmthesis/ 目录, 将 mcmthesis.dtx 拷贝至 TEXMF/source/latex/mcmthesis/, 将 mcmthesis.pdf mcmthesis-demo.tex mcmthesis-demo.pdf figures/ 和 code/ 拷贝至 TEXMF/doc/latex/mcmthesis/, 然后在终端执行 texhash; 也可以将 mcmthesis.cls 放在当前目录直接使用 生成的 mcmthesis-demo.tex 是一个示例文件, 你可以参照这个文件来构建你的论文 ; 也可以直接修改这个文件 3 使用说明 3.1 依赖 mcmthesis 依赖于以下宏包, 这些宏包在常见的 TEX 发行版中都已包含, 在安装使用之前, 请确认你的 TEX 发行版中正确安装了这些宏包 xkeyval etoolbox fancyhdr fancybox ifthen lastpage listings appendix amsmath amssymb amsfonts amsbsy bm mathrsfs latexsym paralist longtable multirow hhline tabularx ctex xecjk CJK xcjk2uni tabu environ longtable hologo array flafter pifont calc

3 3 使用说明 3 colortbl booktabs geometry fontenc berasans hyperref ifpdf ifxetex graphicx epstopdf bmpsize xcolor longtable tabu hologo palatino 如果你尚未安装这些宏包, 可以启动你的 TEX 发行版的宏包管理器来安 装 ; 或者到 上搜索下载并安装 3.2 选项 mcmthesis 定义了一些选项, 用来控制模板的行为 你可以在载入文档类的时候指定这些选项的值, 例如 \documentclass[tcn = 12345, problem = B, titlepage = false]{mcmthesis} \mcmsetup 你也可以使用 \mcmsetup{ key-value 列表 } 来指定这些值, 例如 \documentclass{mcmthesis} \mcmsetup{tcn = 12345, problem = B, titlepage = false} 两种做法效果等同 当前,mcmthesis 有八个选项 : CTeX 兼容选项, 默认关闭 当使用 版本的 CTeX 套装时请打开 tcn 队伍控制号码, 接受一个字符串作为值 ; 输入的值将显示在摘要页上和每一页的页眉上 ; 默认为 0000 problem 选题, 接受一个字符串作为值 ; 输入的值将显示在摘要页上 ; 默认为 A sheet 布尔值 ; 为真时将输出摘要页, 否则不输出 ; 默认为 true titleinsheet 布尔值 ; 为真时将在摘要页输出标题, 否则不输出 ; 默认为 false keywordsinsheet 布尔值 ; 为真时将在摘要页输出关键字, 否则不输出 ; 默认为 false titlepage 布尔值 ; 为真时将输出标题页, 否则不输出 ; 默认为 true abstract 布尔值 ; 为真时将在标题页输出摘要和关键词, 否则不输出 ; 默认值为 true

4 3 使用说明 4 注意,titleinsheet 和 keywordsinsheet 的效果受 sheet 的影响 若 sheet = false, 则不论前二者的真假, 均不会在摘要页上输出标题和 / 或关键字 另一方面, 若 sheet = true, 则摘要部分总是会出现在摘要页 abstract 与 titlepage 选项的关系于前述类似 3.3 题号 \problem 除了使用 \mcmsetup 来指定题号, 你还可以使用 \problem{ 题号 } 命令 来选择题号 后一种方式是为了兼容而提供的, 不推荐使用 3.4 环境 abstract keywords mcmthesis 重新定义了 abstract 环境, 并且定义了 keywords 环境 需要注 意的是, 他们的行为和 L A TEX 标准的 \title 命令类似 在使用的时候, 只 是记录内容, 而并不输出内容 ; 内容的实际输出要等到 \maketitle 命令 3.5 摘要页头部设置 \headset MCM/ICM 的主办方经常变动摘要页头部的年份及赛事名称说明的格式, 可谓岁岁年年各不同 因此, 模板很难保证这部分的格式与当年的要求完全一 致, 故而给出一个易于修改的接口 例如 : \renewcommand{\headset}{{\ Large\the\year}\\MCM/ICM\\Summary Sheet} 将会输出 : 2017 MCM/ICM Summary Sheet 3.6 编译方式模板支持多种编译方式 : XƎL A TEX 这是推荐的方式 ; pdfl A TEX; L A TEX + DVIPDFMx

5 4 版本历史 中文支持由于 MCM/ICM 要求以英文写作, 所以模板没有内建的中文支持 如果你在文章中需要使用个别中文字符, 可以自行使用合适中文支持方式 例如, 使用 CTeX 宏集 : \usepackage[utf8, nocap]{ctex} 4 版本历史 5.1.0a 首次上传到 CTAN 5.1.0b 修复 CheckSum 和一些拼写错误 5.1.0c 新增 titleinsheet 等选项 5.1.0d 修改 problem 的定义方式, 定义 \mcmsetup{ key-val 列表 } 以修改选项, 调高了摘要页表格的位置, 修复摘要页和标题页页码的问题, 修复标题 摘要和关键字过长时分行 分页的问题 5.1.0e 重新定义摘要页顶部的表格, 以符合赛事主办方 COMAP 的最新版的摘要页 5.1.0f 取消 TCN 和选题的红色标记 6.0 微调输出格式, 新增选项 CTeX 以兼容 版本的 CTeX 套装 6.1 修复问题 6.2 可定制的 headset.

6 The mcmthesis class v6.2.1 中文版 latexstudio Liam Huang 2017/01/01 Abstract This template is designed for MCM/ICM. The template configured fonts, header and footer and summary sheet style, accroding to the requirements of COMAP. This document desicribes the template. 5 Introduction This template was designed by Zhaoli Wang first, and was improved by him following the suggestions from contest takers. In the beginning of the year 2014, Liam Huang redesigned it, by using key-value syntax, and fixed known bugs. Liam reimplemented it at the begining of the year 2015, by DocStrip, and uploaded it to CTAN. 6 Installation Guide 6.1 Download You could find the latest version of this template at the project homepage. We will not maintain any other mirror. CTAN GitHub This Document corresponds to mcmthesis v6.2.1, dated 2017/01/01. 6

7 7 USAGE 7 Moreover, this template had been uploaded to CTAN, so that it could be managed by the package manager of your distribution, such as TEX Live. 6.2 Installation We denote SOURCE as the folder, who contains the file you ve just downloaded. Execute these command in the terminal. cd SOURCE xetex mcmthesis.dtx xelatex mcmthesis.dtx xelatex mcmthesis.dtx xelatex mcmthesis -demo.tex xelatex mcmthesis -demo.tex To finish the installation, you could copy mcmthesis.cls to TEXMF/tex/latex/mcmthesis/, copy mcmthesis.dtx to TEXMF/source/latex/mcmthesis/, copy mcmthesis.pdf, mcmthesis-demo.tex, mcmthesis-demo.pdf, figures/ and code/ to TEXMF/doc/latex/mcmthesis/, and then run texhash in your terminal; you could also put mcmthesis.cls in the same folder of the master file. mcmthesis-demo.tex is a generated demo file, you could write the manuscript of you paper by mimicing this file; you may also modify this file to build your paper. 7 Usage 7.1 Dependence The mcmthesis class depends on the following pakcages. These packages has been installed in common TEX distribution. Before installation, please make sure that you have installed these packages correctly. xkeyval etoolbox fancyhdr fancybox ifthen lastpage listings appendix amsmath amssymb amsfonts amsbsy bm mathrsfs latexsym paralist longtable multirow hhline tabularx

8 7 USAGE 8 ctex xecjk CJK xcjk2uni tabu environ longtable hologo array flafter pifont calc colortbl booktabs geometry fontenc berasans hyperref ifpdf ifxetex graphicx epstopdf bmpsize xcolor longtable tabu hologo palatino If you haven t install these packages, you could execute the package manager of your distribution and install them; you could also download them from Options mcmthesis defined serval options to control the behaviour of the template. You could specify these options while loading the class. \documentclass[tcn = 12345, problem = B, titlepage = false]{mcmthesis} \mcmsetup You may also use the command \mcmsetup{ key-value list } to specify them. \documentclass{mcmthesis} \mcmsetup{tcn = 12345, problem = B, titlepage = false} The two methods share the same effect. mcmthesis has seven options. tcn The team control number, recieves a string as value; this value will be displayed on summary sheet and every page s header. The default value is problem The question, recieves a string as value; this value will be displayed on summary sheet. The default value is A. sheet Bool, true to print the summary sheet, default is true. titleinsheet Bool, true to print the title in the summary sheet, default is false.

9 7 USAGE 9 keywordsinsheet Bool, true to print keywords in the summary sheet, default is false. titlepage Bool, true to print the titlepage, default is true. abstract Bool, true to print the abstract on the titlepage, default is true. Note that the effect of titleinsheet and keywordsinsheet are under the control of the option sheet, that is, if sheet is set to false, title and/or keywords will not be printed on the summary sheet, whatever the value of these two options are. On the other hand, the abstract will always be printed on the summary sheet, if the sheet is set to true. The relationship between abstract and titlepage is similar to that just mentioned. 7.3 Question \problem Besides using \mcmsetup to choose question, you could also use \problem{ Question } to do this. However, the later one is here just because of backward compatibility, and is not recommended any longer. 7.4 Environment mcmthesis redefined the abstract environment, and defined a new envi- ronment named keywords. Note that these two environments behave like the standard \title they will not print any contents to the PDF file when they are used but just record them; the output task belongs to \maketitle. abstract keywords 7.5 The headset of the Summary Sheet \headset Due to the frequent change of the headset s style of the Summary Sheet from the host of MCM/ICM, it s difficult for me to keep in with. Hence, a easy-to-modified interfaced is designed. Let s see an succinct example: \renewcommand{\headset}{{\ Large\the\year}\\MCM/ICM\\Summary Sheet} while the output is: 2017 MCM/ICM

10 8 HISTORY 10 Summary Sheet 7.6 Compilation Workflow The template supports various kinds of compilation workflow: XƎL A TEX (recommend); pdfl A TEX; L A TEX + DVIPDFMx 8 History 5.1.0a First release to CTAN b Fix the bug of CheckSum and typos c Import options, such as titleinsheet d Change the way to define problem, create \mcmsetup{ key-val list } to modify the option, slightly lift the table on the summary sheet, fix the bug of page number and fix the bug of title, abstract and keywords e Redefine the table at the top of the summary sheet to match the latest summary sheet from COMAP, the maker of the contest f Cancle the red emphasizing of tcn and problem mark in the table at the topo of the summary sheet. 6.0 Change the output style slightly. 6.1 Bugfix. 6.2 Making headset of the Summary Sheet modifible.

11 9 THE IMPLEMENTATION Basic Information 9 The Implementation 1 class 2 \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1999/12/01] 3 \ProvidesClass{mcmthesis} 4 [2017/01/01 v6.2.1 The Thesis Template Designed For MCM/ICM] 5 \typeout{the Thesis Template Designed For MCM/ICM} 6 \def\mcmversion{v6.2.1} 9.2 Options Loading xkeyval and etoolbox to handle key-value options. 7 \RequirePackage{xkeyval} 8 \RequirePackage{etoolbox} Declaring options. 9 \define@boolkey{mcm}[mcm@opt@]{ctex}[false]{} 10 \define@boolkey{mcm}[mcm@opt@]{titlepage}[true]{} 11 \define@boolkey{mcm}[mcm@opt@]{abstract}[true]{} 12 \define@boolkey{mcm}[mcm@opt@]{sheet}[true]{} 13 \define@boolkey{mcm}[mcm@opt@]{titleinsheet}[false]{} 14 \define@boolkey{mcm}[mcm@opt@]{keywordsinsheet}[false]{} 15 \define@cmdkeys{mcm}[mcm@opt@]{tcn,problem} 16 \define@key{mcm}{tcn}[0000]{\gdef\mcm@opt@tcn{#1}} 17 \define@key{mcm}{problem}[a]{\gdef\mcm@opt@problem{#1}} 18 \setkeys{mcm}{tcn=0000,problem=b} \define@key{mcmthesis.cls}{tcn}[0000]{\gdef\mcm@opt@tcn{#1}} 21 \define@key{mcmthesis.cls}{problem}[a]{\gdef\mcm@opt@problem{#1}} 22 \define@boolkey{mcmthesis.cls}[mcm@opt@]{titlepage}{} 23 \define@boolkey{mcmthesis.cls}[mcm@opt@]{abstract}{} 24 \define@boolkey{mcmthesis.cls}[mcm@opt@]{sheet}{} 25 \define@boolkey{mcmthesis.cls}[mcm@opt@]{titleinsheet}{} 26 \define@boolkey{mcmthesis.cls}[mcm@opt@]{keywordsinsheet}{} 27 \MCM@opt@sheettrue 28 \MCM@opt@titlepagetrue 29 \MCM@opt@titleinsheetfalse 30 \MCM@opt@keywordsinsheetfalse

12 9 THE IMPLEMENTATION \mcmsetup 32 \newcommand{\mcmsetup}[1]{\setkeys{mcm}{#1}} Processing options. 33 \ProcessOptionsX\relax Loading document class. 34 \LoadClass[a4paper, 11pt]{article} User interface. 35 \newcommand{\team}{team \#\ 9.3 Loading Packages 36 \RequirePackage{fancyhdr, fancybox} 37 \RequirePackage{ifthen} 38 \RequirePackage{lastpage} 39 \RequirePackage{listings} 40 \RequirePackage[toc, page, title, titletoc, header]{appendix} 41 \RequirePackage{paralist} 42 \RequirePackage{amsthm, amsfonts} 43 \RequirePackage{amsmath, bm} 44 \RequirePackage{amssymb, mathrsfs} 45 \RequirePackage{latexsym} 46 \RequirePackage{longtable, multirow, hhline, tabularx, array} 47 \RequirePackage{flafter} 48 \RequirePackage{pifont, calc} 49 \RequirePackage{colortbl, booktabs} 50 \RequirePackage{geometry} 51 \RequirePackage[T1]{fontenc} 52 \RequirePackage[scaled]{berasans} 53 \RequirePackage{hyperref} 54 \RequirePackage{ifpdf, ifxetex} \else 57 \RequirePackage{environ} 58 \fi Loading graphicx and its relations after checking drivers.

13 9 THE IMPLEMENTATION \ifpdf 60 \RequirePackage{graphicx} 61 \RequirePackage{epstopdf} 62 \else 63 \ifxetex 64 \RequirePackage{graphicx} 65 \else 66 \RequirePackage[dvipdfmx]{graphicx} 67 \RequirePackage{bmpsize} 68 \fi 69 \fi 70 \RequirePackage{xcolor} 9.4 hyperref Settings 71 \ifpdf 72 \hypersetup{hidelinks} 73 \else 74 \ifxetex 75 \hypersetup{hidelinks} 76 \else 77 \hypersetup{dvipdfm, hidelinks} 78 \fi 79 \fi 9.5 Page Layout Setting paper size and margin sep. 80 \geometry{a4paper, margin = 1.2in} Making the footer and header. 81 \pagestyle{fancy} 82 \fancyhf{} 83 \lhead{\small\sffamily \team} 84 \rhead{\small\sffamily Page \thepage\ of \pageref{lastpage}} Setting \parskip. 85 \setlength\parskip{.5\baselineskip} 9.6 Redefining TOC

14 9 THE IMPLEMENTATION \renewcommand\tableofcontents{% 87 \centerline{\normalfont\large\bfseries\sffamily\contentsname \MakeUppercase\contentsname}{\MakeUppercase\contentsname}}% 90 \vskip 5ex% } 9.7 Mastering Floats, Figures and Tables Setting counters. Here totalnumber is the maximum number of floats on a text page, topnumber is the maximum number of floats at top of a text page and bottomnumber is the maximum number of floats at bottom of a text page. Obviously, we have totalnumber = topnumber + bottomnumber. 93 \setcounter{totalnumber}{4} 94 \setcounter{topnumber}{2} 95 \setcounter{bottomnumber}{2} Setting float fractions. 96 \renewcommand{\textfraction}{0.15} 97 \renewcommand{\topfraction}{0.85} 98 \renewcommand{\bottomfraction}{0.65} 99 \renewcommand{\floatpagefraction}{0.60} Setting caption names. 100 \renewcommand{\figurename}{figure} 101 \renewcommand{\tablename}{table} Setting graphic paths. 102 \graphicspath{{./}{./img/}{./fig/}{./image/}{./figure/}{./picture/} 103 {./imgs/}{./figs/}{./images/}{./figures/}{./pictures/}} 9.8 Designing Sheets and their Relations Redefining \maketitle, which will check if the control sheet and titlepage should be printed. 104 \def\maketitle{% 105 \let\saved@thepage\thepage 106 \let\thepage\relax 107 \ifmcm@opt@sheet

15 9 THE IMPLEMENTATION \makesheet 109 \fi 110 \newpage \fi 114 \newpage \setcounter{page}{1} 117 \pagestyle{fancy} 118 } Making the abstract environment. 119 \def\abstractname{summary} 120 \newbox\@abstract% 121 \setbox\@abstract\hbox{}% 122 \long\def\abstract{\bgroup\global\setbox\@abstract\vbox\bgroup\hsize\textwidth\leftskip1cm\rig 123 \def\endabstract{\egroup\egroup} 124 \def\make@abstract{% 125 \begin{center} 126 \textbf{\abstractname} 127 \end{center} 128 \usebox\@abstract\par 129 } Making the keywords environment. 130 \def\keywordsname{keywords} 131 \ifmcm@opt@ctex 132 \newbox\@keywords 133 \setbox\@keywords\hbox{} 134 \def\keywords{\global\setbox\@keywords\vbox\bgroup\noindent\leftskip0cm} 135 \def\endkeywords{\egroup}% 136 \def\make@keywords{% 137 \par\hskip.4cm\textbf{\keywordsname}: \usebox\@keywords\hfill\par 138 } 139 \else 140 \NewEnviron{keywords}{\xdef\@keywords{\expandonce\BODY}} 141 \def\make@keywords{% 142 \par\noindent\textbf{\keywordsname}: 143 \@keywords\par

16 9 THE IMPLEMENTATION } 145 \fi \headset 146 \newcommand{\headset}{{\large\the\year}\\mcm/icm\\summary Sheet} Defining the \makesheet. 147 \newcommand{\problem}[1]{\mcmsetup{problem = #1}} 148 \def\makesheet{% 149 \pagestyle{empty}% 150 \null% 151 \vspace*{-5pc}% 152 \begin{center} 153 \begingroup 154 \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} 155 \begin{minipage}{0.28\linewidth} 156 For office use only\\[4pt] 157 \makebox[0.15\linewidth][l]{t1}\rule[-2pt]{0.85\linewidth}{0.5pt}\\[4pt] 158 \makebox[0.15\linewidth][l]{t2}\rule[-2pt]{0.85\linewidth}{0.5pt}\\[4pt] 159 \makebox[0.15\linewidth][l]{t3}\rule[-2pt]{0.85\linewidth}{0.5pt}\\[4pt] 160 \makebox[0.15\linewidth][l]{t4}\rule[-2pt]{0.85\linewidth}{0.5pt} 161 \end{minipage}% 162 \begin{minipage}{0.44\linewidth} 163 \centering 164 Team Control Number\\[0.7pc] 165 {\Huge\textbf{\MCM@opt@tcn}}\\[1.8pc] 166 Problem Chosen\\[0.7pc] 167 {\Huge\textbf{\MCM@opt@problem}} 168 \end{minipage}% 169 \begin{minipage}{0.28\linewidth} 170 For office use only\\[4pt] 171 \makebox[0.15\linewidth][l]{f1}\rule[-2pt]{0.85\linewidth}{0.5pt}\\[4pt] 172 \makebox[0.15\linewidth][l]{f2}\rule[-2pt]{0.85\linewidth}{0.5pt}\\[4pt] 173 \makebox[0.15\linewidth][l]{f3}\rule[-2pt]{0.85\linewidth}{0.5pt}\\[4pt] 174 \makebox[0.15\linewidth][l]{f4}\rule[-2pt]{0.85\linewidth}{0.5pt} 175 \end{minipage}\par 176 \rule{\linewidth}{0.5pt}\par 177 \textbf{\headset}% 178 \par

17 9 THE IMPLEMENTATION \endgroup 180 \vskip 10pt% \normalfont \LARGE \par 183 \fi 184 \end{center} \else \fi} Defining the \begin{center}% 193 \let \footnote \thanks 194 {\LARGE \par}% 195 \vskip 1.5em% 196 {\large 197 \lineskip.5em% 198 \begin{tabular}[t]{c}% \end{tabular}\par}% 201 \vskip 1em% 202 {\large 203 \end{center}% 204 \par 205 \vskip 1.5em% \fi% 210 } 9.9 Mathematics Theorems. 211 \newtheorem{theorem}{theorem}[section]

18 9 THE IMPLEMENTATION \newtheorem{lemma}[theorem]{lemma} 213 \newtheorem{corollary}[theorem]{corollary} 214 \newtheorem{proposition}[theorem]{proposition} 215 \newtheorem{definition}[theorem]{definition} 216 \newtheorem{example}[theorem]{example} Other definitions. 217 \providecommand{\dif}{\mathop{}\!\mathrm{d}} 218 \providecommand{\me}{\mathrm{e}} 219 \providecommand{\mi}{\mathrm{i}} 9.10 Listing Settings 220 \definecolor{grey}{rgb}{0.8,0.8,0.8} 221 \definecolor{darkgreen}{rgb}{0,0.3,0} 222 \definecolor{darkblue}{rgb}{0,0,0.3} 223 \def\lstbasicfont{\fontfamily{pcr}\selectfont\footnotesize} 224 \lstset{% 225 % indexing 226 % numbers=left, 227 % numberstyle=\small,% 228 % character display 229 showstringspaces=false, 230 showspaces=false,% 231 tabsize=4,% 232 % style 233 frame=lines,% 234 basicstyle={\footnotesize\lstbasicfont},% 235 keywordstyle=\color{darkblue}\bfseries,% 236 identifierstyle=,% 237 commentstyle=\color{darkgreen},%\itshape,% 238 stringstyle=\color{black}% 239 } 240 \lstloadlanguages{c,c++,java,matlab,mathematica} 241 /class 242 class \endinput

mcmthesis 文档类 v6.2.2 English Version 王昭礼 黄晨成 2019/01/26 摘要这份模板是美国大学生数学建模竞赛 (MCM/ICM) 的论文模板 模板遵循赛事官方

mcmthesis 文档类 v6.2.2 English Version 王昭礼 黄晨成 2019/01/26 摘要这份模板是美国大学生数学建模竞赛 (MCM/ICM) 的论文模板 模板遵循赛事官方 mcmthesis 文档类 v6.2.2 English Version 王昭礼 黄晨成 2019/01/26 摘要这份模板是美国大学生数学建模竞赛 (MCM/ICM) 的论文模板 模板遵循赛事官方的要求, 设置了页眉页脚 字体和摘要页等内容 本文档对模板的使用做出了说明 1 模板介绍 这份模板最早由王昭礼设计,

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