2 electrolux 目录 Electrolux. Thinking of you. 在 上分享更多我们的思维 重要安全信息 2 环境 3 安装 4 产品说明 6 控制板 6 初次使用前 7 程序表 7 重要安全信息 重要事项! 为了您的安全起见和确保正确使

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Download "2 electrolux 目录 Electrolux. Thinking of you. 在 上分享更多我们的思维 重要安全信息 2 环境 3 安装 4 产品说明 6 控制板 6 初次使用前 7 程序表 7 重要安全信息 重要事项! 为了您的安全起见和确保正确使"


1 用户手册 user manual 滚筒干衣机 Tumble dryer EDH 97981W

2 2 electrolux 目录 Electrolux. Thinking of you. 在 上分享更多我们的思维 重要安全信息 2 环境 3 安装 4 产品说明 6 控制板 6 初次使用前 7 程序表 7 重要安全信息 重要事项! 为了您的安全起见和确保正确使用, 安装和初次使用干衣机之前, 请仔细通读本用户手册, 包括其中的提示以及警告 为了避免不必要的错误和意外, 必须确保所有使用本干衣机的人员完全清楚其操作和安全性能 请妥善保管说明书并在搬迁或转售干衣机时一并附上说明书, 以便使用该干衣机的所有人都能够正确了解干衣机的使用和安全信息 - 请在使用本干衣机之前阅读说明书 常规安全事项 不管以任何方式改变本产品规格或改造本产品都非常危险 本干衣机不可由肢体伤残 感觉障碍以及缺乏相关经验和知识的人员 ( 包括儿童 ) 使用, 除非在其安全负责人的看管或指导下才可使用 确定儿童和小动物没有爬入烘干槽内 为避免发生此情况, 请在使用之前检查烘干槽内部 任何物体, 如硬币 安全别针 钉子 螺丝钉 石头或任何其他坚硬 尖锐的材料都会导致重大损害, 因此切勿将这些物体放入干衣机内 为了避免过量烘干导致的火患危险, 请不要使用本干衣机来烘干下列物品 : 垫子 棉被等物品 ( 这类物品会累积热量 ) 如泡沫塑料 ( 乳胶泡沫 ) 胶乳泡沫 浴帽 防水纺织品 胶底物品和衣物或装有泡沫橡胶的枕头等物品都不应放在滚筒干衣机内烘干 使用 清洁和维护之后务必拔下干衣机的电源插头 不论在任何情况下都不应该尝试自行维修干衣机 没有经验的人员执行维修工 日常使用 9 烘干架 11 清洁和保养 12 如果 应该如何处理 14 技术信息 15 干衣机设置 16 服务 16 如有更改恕不另行通知 作会导致受伤或严重故障 请联系您当地的服务中心 始终坚持使用原装备件 被烹饪油丙酮 汽油 煤油 污迹去除剂 松节油 蜡和蜡去除剂等物质污染的衣物, 应该先用额外数量的洗衣剂在热水中洗涤, 然后才放入滚筒干衣机内烘干 爆炸危险 : 切勿用干衣机来烘干沾有易燃溶剂 ( 汽油 甲基化酒精 干洗液和类似物品 ) 的衣物 因为这些物质是挥发性的并可导致爆炸 仅使用干衣机来烘干用水洗过的衣物 火灾危险 : 被植物油或烹饪油脏污或浸湿的衣物会导致火灾危险, 请不要用干衣机来烘干这类衣物 如果您使用污迹去除剂洗涤衣物, 必须执行额外的漂洗程序之后才将衣物放入滚筒干衣机 如果要将衣物装入干衣机, 请确定衣物的口袋中没有意外遗留的打火机或火柴 警告! 火灾危险! 切勿在烘干程序结束之前停止滚筒干衣机, 除非迅速取出所有衣物并摊开使热消散 切勿使滚筒干衣机四周积聚棉绒 触电危险! 请勿对干衣机喷水 滚筒烘干程序的最后部分在不加热的情况下进行 ( 冷却程序 ), 以确保衣物保持在一个可保证衣物不会受损的温度 请不要在使用工业化学物品进行清洁工作后使用滚筒干衣机 确定您安装本产品的室内通风良好, 以避免从干衣机回流的气体燃烧其他燃料, 包括明火 安装 本电器很重 搬动时请务必小心

3 electrolux 3 当您拆开干衣机的包装时, 请检查并确定产品没有损坏 如有疑问, 请勿使用干衣机并联系服务中心 使用干衣机之前, 必须拆除所有的包装 若不遵循此指示, 会导致产品和财产严重损坏 请参阅 用户手册 中的相关部分 安装本干衣机所需的任何电气工作都应该由合格电工或有能力的人员进行 如果将干衣机放置在有地毯的地面上, 请调整机脚, 使干衣机底下的空气可以自由流通 安装干衣机后, 检查并确保干衣机没有压住或阻碍电源线 如果将干衣机放置在洗衣机的上面, 就必需使用堆叠套件 ( 可选附件 ) 使用 此干衣机设计为在家庭中使用 切勿将本产品用于设计以外的用途 仅洗涤可使用机器烘干的织物 请遵循衣物标签上的说明 请勿在滚筒干衣机中烘干未洗涤的衣物 请勿超载干衣机 请参阅 用户手册 中的相关部分 请勿将还在滴水的衣物放入干衣机内 请勿将沾有挥发性石油产品的衣物放入机器内烘干 如果使用挥发性清洁液, 请 环境 产品上或其包装上的标记表示不能把本产品作为家庭垃圾般处理, 而是应该将其送至适当的电气和电子设备回收站点 通过确保本品得到正确处理, 您可以帮助避免由于本产品废弃后处理不当而给环境和人类健康带来的潜在负面效果 如需了解更多有关本产品回收的详细信息, 请联系您当地的废品回收部门 您的家庭垃圾处理服务点或您购买本产品的商店 环境信息包装材料符合环保要求并可回收利用 塑料部件都使用标记识别, 例如 >PE< >PS< 等 请将包装材料丢弃在社区废物处理设施的适当容器内 重要事项! 该滚筒干衣机的热泵中包含一个装满制冷剂 ( 不含氟氯烃 ) 的全封闭制冷回路 不得损坏热泵中的制冷回路 警告! 不再继续使用该设备时 : 小心确保去除衣物上的清洁液再将衣物放入机器内 请勿通过拉动电源线将插头从插座上拔出, 务必要握住插头 如果电源线 控制面板 工作台面或底座损坏而可以接触滚筒干衣机的内部, 切勿使用滚筒干衣机 使用衣物柔顺剂或类似产品时, 必须按照衣物柔顺剂说明书的指示进行 小心 - 表面高温 : 打开照明时, 请勿碰触机门灯罩表面 ( 仅限于配备内部烘干槽照明的干衣机 ) 儿童安全要求 本烘干机不可在没有看管的情况下由儿童或体弱人士使用 儿童通常不会意识到与电气设备有关的危险 应该看管儿童以确保他们没有玩耍干衣机 警告! 窒息危险! 包装部件 ( 例如塑料袋 聚苯乙烯 ) 可能会对儿童造成危险 - 将其存放在儿童无法触及的安全地方 将所有洗洁剂它们存放在儿童无法触及的安全地方 确定儿童或小动物没有爬入烘干槽内 请从插座中拔出插头 剪断电源线和插头并一起丢弃 丢弃门扣 这样能防止儿童将自己困在干衣机内, 危及生命 环境提示 在干衣机内, 衣物会变得蓬松和柔软 因此在洗涤时不需要使用衣物柔顺剂 如果您遵循下列说明, 您的干衣机将能够以最经济的方式运作 : 始终保持干衣机底座上的通风槽通畅无阻 ; 使用程序概观中指定的装载容量 ; 确保安装室内的通风良好 ; 完成每个烘干程序后, 清洁微细过滤器和细微滤网 ; 烘干之前使衣物完全脱水 耗能量取决于洗衣机上设置的脱水转速 较高脱水转速 较低能源消耗

4 4 electrolux 安装 运输干衣机重要事项! 如果无法直立运输干衣机, 那么在运输时只能将干衣机向左侧倾斜 ( 如图所示 ) 警告! 如果没有以直立方式运输干衣机, 那么在首次通电并使用之前需要先放置 12 小时, 以便使油流回到压缩机中 否则会损坏压缩机 放置干衣机 为了方便起见, 建议将干衣机放置在靠近洗衣机的地方 必须将滚筒干衣机安装在一个干净 不会累积灰尘的地方 干衣机周围的空气必须能够自由流通 请勿阻挡前端的通风栅, 或干衣机背面的进气格栅 若要在使用滚筒干衣机时保持最低的震动和噪音, 应将它放置在一个平稳的表面上 放置在固定工作位置后, 使用水平仪协助检查干衣机是否处于绝对水平 若不是, 可升高或降低机脚, 直到其水平为止 切勿卸下机脚 请勿使用厚绒地毯 木条或类似物体来限制干衣机与地面的间隙 这样可能会导致热量积聚, 从而影响干衣机的操作 重要事项! 滚筒干衣机排出的热风温度最高可达 60 C 因此切勿将干衣机安装在不能耐高温的地面上 操作滚筒干衣机时, 室温不得低于 +5 C 高于 +35 C, 因为这会影响干衣机的性能 若要移动干衣机, 必须直向搬运 切勿将干衣机安装在可上锁的门 拉门或在干衣机门对面装有铰链的门后面, 这样会使干衣机无法完全打开 拆除运输防护包装小心! 使用运输的所有部件之前, 必须拆除包装 1. 打开机门 2. 从干衣机内部烘干槽顶部撕下胶带 3. 从机器取下箔软管和聚苯乙烯垫 拆除烘干架包装小心! 在设备使用所有的包装部件和烘干架之前, 必须将它们从烘干槽中取出 烘干槽的内部必须清洁干净 若要拆除架子包装 :

5 electrolux 5 1. 撕开中间的聚苯乙烯部件将它拆除 3. 撕开右边的聚苯乙烯部件将它拆除 松开聚苯乙烯部件 3 和 4 4. 撕开左边的聚苯乙烯部件将它拆除 2. 稍微抬高架子然后小心将它从烘干槽中取出 电气连接有关电源电压 电流类型和所需保险丝的详细信息, 可在标牌上查找 标牌位于靠近装载孔的地方 ( 请参阅 产品说明 章节 ) 根据现行的电线布线规范, 将干衣机连接到接地的插座上 警告! 制造商对于不遵循上述安全注意事项而导致的损坏或伤害不承担任何责任 若需要更换设备的电源线, 应该交由我们的服务中心执行 警告! 安装干衣机后, 必须能够插拔插头 机门反转为了更轻松装入或取出衣物, 机门可进行反转 警告! 只有授权的服务工程师可反转机门 请联系您当地的服务团队中心 工程师将会执行机门反转, 费用由您自理

6 6 electrolux 特殊附件堆叠套件可从授权经销商那里获得 堆叠套件可以使滚筒干衣机安装在 60 厘米宽的前载式洗衣机的顶部 这种安装方式有助于节省更多空间 请仔细阅读该套件随附的说明 排水套件可从授权经销商那里获得 ( 可以安装在某些型号的滚筒干衣机上 ) 用于将冷凝水全部排放到水盆 虹吸管 水沟等处的安装套件 安装后, 冷凝水容器将会自动排水 冷凝水容器必须位于干衣机内 产品说明 控制板 2 储水器 控制板 控制板 程序选择器和 关闭开关 2 显示屏 3 Extra delicate( 额外纤细 ) 程序选择按钮 4 Dryness( 干燥度 ) 按钮 所安装软管距离地面的高度必须在 50 厘米到 1 米之间 软管不得形成回路 如果可以的话, 请减少软管的长度 请仔细阅读该套件随附的说明 带抽屉底座可从授权经销商那里获得 能够将干衣机放在更高的位置, 有助于轻松放入和取出衣物 抽屉可用于存放衣物, 如 : 毛巾 清洁产品等 请仔细阅读该套件随附的说明 3 细绒毛滤网 4 烘干槽灯 5 装载门 ( 可反转 ) 6 烘干架 7 粗绒毛滤网 8 绒毛滤网 9 用于打开底座门的按钮 10 铭牌 11 气流格栅 12 绒毛滤网 13 可调机脚 14 换热器门 5 Long anti-crease( 长防皱 ) 按钮 6 Buzzer( 蜂鸣器 ) 按钮 7 Time( 时间 ) 按钮 8 Start/Pause( 启动 / 暂停 ) 按钮 9 警报指示灯 : 冷凝器 过滤器 水已满 10 Delay( 延迟 ) 按钮 显示屏

7 electrolux 7 符号 说明 符号 说明 额外纤细停止 程序性能, 自动干燥度检测 额外纤细启动 1) 最低干燥度 中等干燥度 最高干燥度 自动干燥度 结束时间 ( 定时程序的时间 延迟开始的时间 ) 长防皱儿童安全防护锁警报延迟开始烘干阶段冷却阶段防皱阶段错误 错误选择 1) 仅适用于合成纤维程序 初次使用前 警告! 如果没有以直立方式运输干衣机, 那么在首次通电并使用之前需要先放置 12 小时, 以便使油流回到压缩机中 否则会损坏压缩机 为了去除生产时可能产生的任何残余物, 可使用湿布擦拭干衣机的烘干槽, 或将湿布放 程序表 程序 Extra ( 额外 ) 在干衣机内然后执行简短的烘干程序 (30 分钟 ) 在烘干程序开始时 (3 到 5 分钟 ), 可能会出现比正常运行声音稍大一点的噪音 这是因为压缩机在启动, 这在由压缩机驱动的设备中很常见, 如 : 冰箱 冷冻机 洗衣量 1) 应用 / 性质选项 7 公斤 7 公 Cupboard ( 衣橱 ) 2) 斤 Iron( 熨烫 ) 2) 7 公斤 Cottons( 棉质 ) 烘干厚织物或多层织物, 例如, 厚绒布毛巾物品 浴衣 烘干更厚的织物, 例如, 厚绒布毛巾物品 针织品 毛巾 烘干正常厚度的棉或亚麻布制品, 例如被褥 桌布 Synthetics( 合成纤维 ) Dryness( 干燥度 ) Long anti-crease ( 长防皱 ) Buzzer ( 蜂鸣器 ) Delay( 延迟 ) Dryness( 干燥度 ) Long anti-crease ( 长防皱 ) Buzzer ( 蜂鸣器 ) Delay( 延迟 ) Dryness( 干燥度 ) Long anti-crease ( 长防皱 ) Buzzer ( 蜂鸣器 ) Delay( 延迟 ) 护理标签

8 8 electrolux 程序 Extra 额外 Cupboard 衣橱 2) Iron 熨 烫 洗衣 量 1) 应用/性质 选项 3公 斤 Extra delicate 额外纤 细 Dryness 干 烘干厚织物或多层织物 例如 套头毛衣 燥度 Long anti被褥 桌布 crease 长防皱 Buzzer 蜂鸣器 Delay 延迟 3公 斤 烘干无需烫熨的薄织品 例如 免烫衬衫 桌布 婴孩衣服 袜子 带罩杯和铁丝网的 女用内衣 3公 斤 Extra delicate 额外纤 细 Dryness 干 烘干同样需要烫熨的薄织品 例如 编织衣 燥度 Long anti物 棉质衬衫 crease 长防皱 Buzzer 蜂鸣器 Delay 延迟 Extra delicate 额外纤 细 Dryness 干 燥度 Long anticrease 长防皱 Buzzer 蜂鸣器 Delay 延迟 Special 特殊 Long anti-crease 长 防皱 Buzzer 蜂 鸣器 Time 时 间 Delay 延迟 Time 时 间 7公 斤 按照用户设置的时间烘干衣物 时间值必 须对应于衣物量 烘干一件衣物或少量衣 物时 我们建议使用段时间 Quick 35' 快速 35 分钟 2公 斤 在 35 分钟内快速烘干棉质或合成纤维衣 物 Dryness 干燥度 Long anti-crease 长防皱 Buzzer 蜂鸣器 Delay 延 迟 Mix 混 合 3公 斤 用于在低温下烘干棉质及合成纤维织品 Dryness 干燥度 Long anti-crease 长防皱 Buzzer 蜂鸣器 Delay 延 迟 7公 斤 Dryness 干燥度 Long anti-crease 烘干不同材料厚度 例如颈围 裤子翻边和 长防皱 Buzzer 接缝 的休闲衣物 例如牛仔裤 汗衫等 蜂鸣器 Delay 延 迟 Jeans 牛仔裤 1公 斤 Easy 或 5 Iron 易烫 件衬 衫 烘干免烫衣物 如衬衫和女装衬衫 经过该 Dryness 干燥度 程序的处理 衣物会变得很容易熨烫 为了 Long anti-crease 达到良好效果 我们建议抖动湿衣物并平整 长防皱 Buzzer 地放在滚筒干衣机内 程序结束后 取出衣 蜂鸣器 Delay 延 物并挂在晾衣架上 迟 Rack 烘干架 Wool 毛织品 3) 1公 斤 烘干毛织衣物 使用该程序时 必须使用 Time 时间 功能设置时间 我们建议程 序结束后立即取出衣物 Buzzer 蜂鸣器 Time 时间 Delay 延迟 Sport Shoes 运 动鞋 3) 1双 烘干 1 双之前经过洗涤并以 1000 rpm 的 Buzzer 蜂鸣器 速度脱水的运动鞋 使用该程序时 必须使 Time 时间 Delay 用 Time 时间 功能设置时间 延迟 护理 标签

9 electrolux 9 程序 洗衣量 1) 应用 / 性质选项 护理标签 Refresh ( 光鲜 ) 1 公斤 快速烘干衣物 Buzzer( 蜂鸣器 ) 1) 干衣物最大重量 2) 仅适用于测试机构 : 为了进行性能测试, 请使用 EN 文档中指定的标准程序 必要时修正衣物剩余的湿度, 通过 Dryness( 干燥度 ) 功能调节程序 3) 只能使用烘干架烘干 日常使用 分类衣物 按织品类型分类 : 棉 / 亚麻布使用 Cottons( 棉质 ) 程序组内的程序 混合织品及合成纤维使用 Synthetics( 合成纤维 ) 程序组内的程序 按护理标签分类 : 护理标签表示 : 可按照操作原理在滚筒干衣机内烘干 在正常温度烘干 可低温烘干 不可以在滚筒干衣机内烘干 重要事项! 请勿将任何护理标签上未指明适合滚筒烘干的湿衣物放入干衣机内 本干衣机可用于标明适合滚筒烘干的所有湿衣物 请勿将新的彩色纺织品和浅色衣物一起烘干 纺织品的颜色可能会渗透到衣物上 请勿使用 Extra( 额外 ) 程序烘干棉质运动衫和针织品 衣物可能会收缩! 可以使用 Wool( 毛织品 ) 程序烘干毛织品和类似毛织品的纺织品 在烘干程序之前, 尽可能使羊毛纺织品脱水 ( 速度最高 1200 rpm) 仅烘干属于类似或相同材料 颜色或重量的羊毛纺织品 请单独烘干羊毛面料的沉重衣物 准备衣物 若要避免衣物缠结 : 将拉链拉上 扣好棉被的扣, 并绑紧松开的结及丝带 ( 例如围裙 ) 清空衣物口袋 取出金属物件 ( 回形针 安全别针等 ) 将带双层织物的衣物翻面 ( 例如, 带棉衬里的兜帽, 棉层应该在最外面 ) 这样可更好的烘干这类织物 重要事项! 请勿使干衣机超载 遵循最大 7 公斤的装载量 平均衣物重量浴衣 被套 男装工作衬衫 男装睡衣 床单 台布 男装衬衫 睡衣 枕套 毛巾料毛巾 女装衬衫 女装内裤 男装内裤 餐巾 小台布 1200 克 700 克 600 克 500 克 500 克 250 克 200 克 200 克 200 克 200 克 100 克 100 克 100 克 100 克 100 克 打开干衣机电源将程序选择器转到任何程序 干衣机电源将会打开 打开装载门时, 内部灯管将会照亮烘干槽

10 10 electrolux 操作 可用来设置个别烘干时间, 范围从最少 20 分钟到最多 3 小时 ( 步幅为 10 分钟 - 重复按下按钮, 直到所需的程序持续时间出现在显示屏中, 例如,1 小时 20 分钟的程序为 ); 对适当的程序有效 Delay( 延迟 ) 可以延迟启动烘干程序的时间最少 30 分钟, 最长 20 小时 1. 选择烘干程序和附加烘干选项 2. 反复按下 Delay( 延迟 ) 按钮, 直到所需的延迟开始时间出现在显示屏中, 例如, 若要在 12 小时之后启动程序, 则为 H 3. 若要激活延迟计时器, 可按下 Start/Pause ( 开始 / 暂停 ) 按钮 - 程序启动时间将会持续显示 开始程序 烘干选项 Extra delicate( 额外纤细 ) 该功能可以减少程序运行期间衣物的移动 经过该程序处理的衣物更加柔软蓬松 仅适用于合成纤维程序 Dryness( 干燥度 ) 充分增加已烘干衣物的干燥度至所选水平 : - 最大 按 Start/Pause( 开始 / 暂停 ) 按钮 程序将会启动 程序进度将通过 LCD 上显示的烘干时间和 - 中等 动画图标 显示 - 最小 设置儿童安全防护锁 - 对某些程序无效该选项有助于达到满意的烘干效果 Long anti-crease( 长防皱 ) 将防皱阶段延长至 90 分钟, 有助于防止衣物在烘干后出现皱摺 ; 可以随时取出衣物 Buzzer( 蜂鸣器 ) 以有声方式确认 : 程序结束 防皱阶段开始和结束 程序中断 错误 Time( 时间 ) 您可以设置 儿童安全防护锁 来防止程序意外启动, 或执行中的程序被意外更改 儿童安全防护锁功能可锁定所有按钮和程序旋钮 要启用或禁用儿童安全防护锁, 可同时按住 Buzzer( 蜂鸣器 ) 和 Time( 时间 ) 按钮 5 秒 符号 : 将会出现在显示屏中, 表示已启用儿童安全防护锁

11 electrolux 11 若要更改烘干参数, 必须禁用儿童安全防护锁 在烘干程序的最后阶段, 将无法禁用儿童安全防护锁 更改程序若要更改错误选择的程序, 在程序启动后, 立即将程序选择器转到关闭, 然后重置程序 程序一旦启动, 就无法直接更改 但是, 如果尝试更改程序旋钮上的程序, 程序进度显示和维护指示灯将闪烁 如果按下选项按钮 ( Buzzer( 蜂鸣器 ) 按钮除外 ), 将出现在显示屏上 但是, 烘干程序将不会受到此操作的影响 ( 衣物保护 ) 烘干程序完成 / 取出衣物 烘干程序完成之后, 显示屏将会显示防皱图 标 和闪烁的 以及警报指示 灯 : 滤网和 水已满 如果按下 Buzzer ( 蜂鸣器 ) 按钮, 将会间歇性的发出 声音信号约一分钟 烘干架 用于可水洗的毛织物和运动鞋轻柔干燥的特殊装置 效果无可比喻的湿毛织物干燥 - 免除运动, 防止扭结 对于干燥架的拆包, 请参阅安装一节的内容 重要事项! 安装干燥架前, 请先检查干衣机滚筒 它必须是空的! 运动鞋的干燥不能没有干燥架 - 滚筒会损坏鞋子 烘干程序 ( Wool( 毛织品 ) 程序除外 ) 结束之后将会自动执行防皱阶段, 该阶段持续大约 30 分钟 烘干槽将会在这个阶段按一定时间间隔旋转 这样可使衣物散开而不会出现皱摺 在防皱阶段, 您可以随时取出衣物 ( 应该在防皱阶段的最后部分即将结束时取出衣物, 以防止形成皱摺 ) 如果选择了 Long anti-crease ( 长防皱 ) 功能, 防皱阶段将会延长 60 分钟 1. 打开机门 2. 取出衣物之前, 先从微细过滤器取出绒 毛 最好是弄湿双手再执行此操作 ( 请参阅 清洁和保养 ) 3. 取出衣物 4. 将程序选择器转到 关闭 重要事项! 在每个烘干程序结束之后 : - 清洁微细过滤器和细微滤网 - 排空冷凝水容器 ( 请参阅 保养和清洁 ) 5. 关闭干衣机门 2. 小心装入架子, 让架子的两个支承托架坐落在塑胶法兰的前面 安装和使用 1. 打开装载门.

12 12 electrolux 打开支架并放入鞋子 3. 在架子上放置毛织物或一双运动鞋 4. 选择合适的架子干燥程序和干燥时间 5. 按 " 开始 / 暂停 " 按钮 6. 循环完成时, 打开装载门并取出毛织物 或鞋子 7. 把程序选择旋钮转到 OFF( 关闭 ) 位置 8. 从滚筒中取出干燥架 鞋垫必须放置在干燥架上鞋子的旁边, 携带必须系紧 干燥提示 把毛织物平铺在干燥架上并轻微卷起之 请勿挤压或折叠毛织物 清洁和保养 清洗绒毛滤网滤网会收集在烘干过程中积聚的所有绒毛 为了确保干衣机完美操作, 必须在执行每个烘干程序之后, 清洗绒毛滤网 ( 细微滤网和绒毛滤网 ) 小心! 请勿使用没有安装绒毛滤网或者绒毛滤网损坏或阻塞的干衣机

13 electrolux 肮脏的热泵只能通过昂贵的处理方式来清洁 必要时, 大约每 6 个月, 便需要使用提供的海绵去除热交换器上的绒毛 进行这项操作时, 请使用橡胶手套 ( 图 7) 清洁机门密封垫烘干程序完成后, 立即使用湿布擦拭机门密封垫 清空储水器执行每个烘干程序之后都需清空储水器 要自动排空储水器中的水, 可以安装排水套件 ( 参阅章节 : 安装 特殊附件 ) 警告! 小心有毒 冷凝水不能饮用或制备食物 冷凝水可作为蒸馏水使用, 例如, 用于蒸汽熨斗 必要时需过滤冷凝水 ( 例如, 使用咖啡过滤器 ) 以去除残余物和小绒毛 程序可能会由于储水器装满水而停止运行 排干储水器中的水 按 Start/ Pause ( 开始 / 暂停 ) 按钮继续烘干程序 清洁热交换器滤网重要事项! 切勿操作不具备绒毛滤网的干衣机 堵塞的过滤器会增加能耗 ( 烘干程序延长 ), 损坏干衣机 清洁烘干槽 小心! 请勿使用研磨剂或钢丝绒来清洁烘干槽

14 14 electrolux 水或清洁剂中的石灰可能会在烘干槽内部形成几乎不能看见的内层 衣物的烘干程度将无法再可靠检测 衣物从干衣机取出时比预期更潮湿 使用标准的家用清洁剂 ( 例如, 含醋的清洁剂 ) 向下擦拭烘干槽的内部和烘干槽骨架 如果 应该如何处理 清洁控制面板和机架 小心! 请勿使用家具清洁剂或强力清洁剂来清洁干衣机 使用湿布向下擦拭控制面板和机架 自己动手排除问题 故障 1) 可能的原因补救方法 干衣机不启动 对烘干结果不满意 机门未关闭 LCD 上显示 Err( 错误 ) 5) 无烘干槽照明 LCD 上显示的程序时间不规律变化 5) 程序未激活 烘干周期过短 烘干周期过长 6) 干衣机未插上电源 机门被打开 未按下 START PAUSE ( 开始 / 暂停 ) 按钮 将插头插入电源插座中 检查保险丝盒 ( 安装在室内 ) 中的保险丝 关上机门 按下 START/PAUSE ( 开始 / 暂停 ) 按钮 程序设置不正确 设置适当的程序 2) 绒毛过滤器堵塞 清洁绒毛过滤器 3) 换热器堵塞 清洁换热器 3) 超过最大装载量 通风网罩被盖住 桶内有残留物 遵守最大装载量 让底部的通风网罩露出来 对桶内部进行清洁 水质硬度过高 设置适当的水质硬度 4) 过滤器未锁定到位 尝试在启动程序后更改参数 将细滤器安装到位和 / 或将粗滤器按放到位 关闭干衣机电源然后再打开 设置请求的参数 程序选择器处于 OFF ( 关闭 ) 位置 将其转到 DRUM LIGHT ( 烘干槽照明 ) ( 如果可用 ) 或任何程序 灯泡出现故障 更换灯泡 ( 请参阅下一章节 ) 将会根据以下各项计算程序结束时间 : 衣物的类型 体积和湿度 储水器已满 衣物量不大 / 衣物相对于所选程序来说过干 绒毛过滤器堵塞 装载量过高 衣物未充分烘干 自动处理 ; 这不是干衣机故障 排空储水器 3), 按下 START PAUSE ( 开始 / 暂停 ) 按钮 选择时间程序或更高的烘干水平 ( 例如 EXTRA DRY ( 额外烘干 )) 清洁绒毛过滤器 遵守最大装载量 将衣物充分烘干

15 electrolux 15 室温过高 - 非机器故障 如果可能, 请降低室温 1) 如果 LCD 上出现错误消息 ( 例如,E51, 仅限于带 LCD 的干衣机 ): 关闭干衣机电源然后再打开 设置程序 按下 START/PAUSE ( 开始 / 暂停 ) 按钮 干衣机不启动 - 请通知当地服务中心并提供错误代码 2) 遵循程序的建议 ( 请参阅程序概述一章 ) 3) 请参阅护理和清洁一章 4) 请参阅干衣机设置一章 5) 仅限于带 LCD 的干衣机 6) 注意 : 烘干程序会大约会在 5 小时后自动终止 ( 请参阅烘干程序完成章节 ) 更换内部照明的灯泡仅使用特别为干衣机设计的特殊灯泡 您可以从当地的服务中心获取专用灯泡 重要事项! 打开干衣机时, 内部照明将会在打开机门情况下的 4 分钟后自动关闭 警告! 请勿使用标准灯泡! 这些灯泡会积聚过多的热并可能会损坏干衣机! 更换灯泡之前, 请先拔下电源插头 ; 若是永久连接 : 完全松开或停用保险丝 1. 松开灯泡上方灯罩的螺丝钉 ( 可在位于顶部的装载孔正背面找到 ; 请参阅 干衣机说明 章节 ) 技术信息 2. 更换灯泡 3. 用螺丝钉栓紧灯罩 用螺丝钉栓紧机门灯罩之前, 检查 o 形垫圈的位置是否正确 如果机门灯罩上缺少 o 形垫圈, 请不要操作干衣机 警告! 为了安全起见, 必须用螺丝钉紧固灯罩 如果未完成此操作, 切勿操作干衣机 高度 x 宽度 x 深度 85 x 60 x 58 cm 烘干槽容量 108 升 打开装载门时的深度 109 厘米 可调节高度 1.5 厘米 干衣机重量 59 公斤 最大装载量 7 公斤 电压 V 需要的保险丝 13 A 总功率 900 W 能源效率等级 A 能源消耗 ( 千瓦时 / 工作周期 )( 1) 1,58 千瓦 / 小时 平均每年能源消耗 104,4 千瓦 / 小时 使用类型 家庭 允许的环境温度 + 5 C 至 + 35 C 1) 7 公斤棉质, 在 1000 rpm 转速下预先排水, 根据 EN 标准 )

16 16 electrolux 干衣机设置 设置 蜂鸣器保持打开 / 关闭 在默认情况下, 报警将保持关闭 要将永久警报设置为打开 ( 关闭 ): 1. 将程序选择器转到任何程序 2. 同时按住 Dryness ( 干燥度 ) 和 Long anti-crease ( 长防皱 ) 按钮大 约 5 秒钟 水质硬度 1) 1. 将程序选择器转到任何程序 2. 同时按住 Long anti-crease ( 长防皱 ) 和 Start/Pause ( 开始 / 暂停 ) 按钮大约 5 秒钟 3. 按下 Start/Pause ( 开始 / 暂停 ) 按钮, 直到您设置所需的水平为止 - 低传导性 < 300 微秒 / 厘米 - 中等传导性 微秒 / 厘米 - 高传导性 < 600 微秒 / 厘米 4. 若要记住设置, 可同时按下 Long anti-crease ( 长防皱 ) 和 Start/Pause ( 开始 / 暂停 ) 按钮, 或将旋钮转到 关闭位置 1) 水包含不固定数量的石灰石和矿盐, 其数量会根据地理位置而有所不同, 从而会改变其传导性值 水传导性的相应变化与工厂预先制定的值比较, 会轻微影响程序结束时的衣物残余湿度 该干衣机允许您根据水的传导性值调节烘干传感器的灵敏度 执行 服务 若出现技术故障, 请先检查您是否可借助操作说明自行解决问题 请参阅 如果 应该如何处理 章节 如果您无法自行解决问题, 请联系客户服务部门或我们的服务合作伙伴之一 为了快速为您提供帮助, 我们需要下列信息 : - 型号说明 - 产品编号 (PNC) - 序列号 ( 序列号位于粘贴到产品的铭牌上 - 若要查找该序列号, 请参阅产品说明章节 ) 故障类型 显示屏所显示的任何错误信息 当您从干衣机获取必要的参考编号后, 我们建议您在此处记下这些信息 : 型号说明 :... 产品编号 :... 序列号 :...

17 CONTENTS Electrolux. Thinking of you. Share more of our thinking at Important safety information 17 Environment 19 Installation 19 Product description 22 Control panel 23 Before first use 23 Programme chart 24 IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION Important! In the interest of your safety and to ensure the correct use, before installing and first using the appliance, read this user manual carefully, including its hints and warnings. To avoid unnecessary mistakes and accidents, it is important to ensure that all people using the appliance are thoroughly familiar with its operation and safety features. Save these instructions and make sure that they remain with the appliance if it is moved or sold, so that everyone using it through its life will be properly informed on appliance use and safety. - Please read the instruction book before using this appliance. GENERAL SAFETY It is dangerous to alter the specifications or attempt to modify this product in any way. This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical and sensory conditions or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety. Make sure that small children and pets do not climb inside the drum. To avoid this, please check into the drum before using. Any objects such as coins, safety pins, nails, screws, stones or any other hard, electrolux 17 Daily use 25 Drying rack 28 Cleaning and maintenance 29 What to do if Technical information 32 Machine settings 32 Service 32 Subject to change without notice sharp material can cause extensive damage and must not be placed into the machine. In order to avoid danger of fires caused by excessive drying, do not use appliance to dry the following items: Cushions, quilts etc. (these items accumulate heat). Items such as foam rubber (latex foam), shower caps, waterproof textiles, rubber backed articles and clothes or pillows fitted with foam rubber pads should not be dried in the tumble dryer. Always unplug the appliance after use, cleaning and maintenance. Under no circumstances should you attempt to repair the machine yourself. Repairs carried out by inexperienced persons may cause injury or serious malfunctioning. Contact your local Service Centre. Always insist on genuine spare parts. Items that have been soiled with substances such as cooking oil acetone, petrol, kerosene, spot removers, turpentine, waxes and wax removers should be washed in hot water with an extra amount of detergent before being dried in the tumble dryer. Danger of explosion: Never tumble dry items that have been in contact with inflammable solvents (petrol, methylated spirits, dry cleaning fluid and the like). As these substances are volatile, they could cause an explosion. Only tumble dry items washed with water.

18 18 electrolux Risk of fire: items that have been spotted or soaked with vegetable or cooking oil constitute a fire hazard and should not be placed in the tumble dryer. If you have washed your laundry with stain remover you must execute an extra rinse cycle before loading your tumble dryer. Please make sure that no gas lighters or matches have accidentally been left in pockets of garments incase they are loaded into appliance Warning! Risk of fire! Never stop a tumble dry before the end of the drying cycle unless all items are quickly removed and spread out so that the heat is dissipated. Lint must not be allowed to accumulate around the tumble dryer. Risk of electric shock! Do not spray down the appliance with jets of water. The final part of a tumble dryer cycle occurs without heat ( cool down cycle ) to ensure that the items are left at a temperature that ensures that items will not be damaged. The tumble dryer is not to be used if industrial chemicals have been used for cleaning. Ensure you have good ventilation in the installation room to avoid the back flow of gases into the room from appliances burning other fuels, including open fires. INSTALLATION This appliance is heavy. Care should be taken when moving it. When unpacking the appliance, check that it is not damaged. If in doubt, do not use it and contact the Service Centre. All packaging must be removed before use. Serious damage can occur to the product and to property if this is not adhered to. See relevant section in the user manual. Any electrical work required to install this appliance should be carried out by a qualified electrician or competent person. If the machine is situated on a carpeted floor, please adjust the feet in order to allow air to circulate freely under the appliance. After having installed the appliance, check that it is not pressing or standing on its electrical supply cable. If the tumble dryer is placed on top of a washing machine, it is compulsory to use the stacking kit (optional accessory). USE This appliance is designed for domestic use. It must not be used for purposes other than those for which it was designed. Only wash fabrics which are designed to be machine dried. Follow the instructions on each garment label. Do not dry unwashed items in the tumble dryer. Do not overload the appliance. See the relevant section in the user manual. Clothes which are dripping wet should not be placed in the dryer. Garments which have been in contact with volatile petroleum products should not be machine dried. If volatile cleaning fluids are used, care should be taken to ensure that the fluid is removed from the garment before placing in the machine. Never pull the power supply cable to remove the plug from the socket; always take hold of the plug itself. Never use the tumble dryer if the power supply cable, the control panel, the working surface or the base are damaged so that the inside of the tumble dryer is accessible. Fabric softeners, or similar products should be used as specified by the fabric softener instructions. Caution - hot surface : Do not touch the door light cover surface when the light is switched on. (Only dryers equipped with internal drum light) CHILD SAFETY This machine is not intended for use by young children or infirm persons without supervision. Children often do not recognise the hazards associated with electrical appliances. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.

19 electrolux 19 Warning! Danger of suffocation! The packaging components (e.g. plastic film, polystyrene) can be dangerous to children - Keep them out of children s reach. ENVIRONMENT The symbol on the product or on its packaging indicates that this product may not be treated as household waste. Instead it should be taken to the appropriate collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and human health, which could otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste handling of this product. For more detailed information about recycling of this product, please contact your local council, your household waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased the product. ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION The packaging materials are environmentally friendly and can be recycled. The plastic components are identified by markings, e.g. >PE<, >PS<, etc. Please dispose of the packaging materials in the appropriate container at the community waste disposal facilities. Important! The heat pump of your tumble dryer contains a closed refrigerant circuit filled with a refrigerant which is free from fluoro-chloro-hydrocarbons. The refrigerant circuit in the heat pump must not be damaged. INSTALLATION TRANSPORTING THE APPLIANCE Important! Only tip the appliance on its left side to transport (see illustration), if it cannot be transported in an upright position. Keep all detergents in a safe place out of children s reach. Make sure that children or pets do not climb inside the drum. Warning! When a unit is no longer being used: Pull the plug out of the socket. Cut off the cable and plug and dispose of them. Dispose of the door catch. This prevents children from trapping themselves inside and endangering their lives. ENVIRONMENTAL TIPS In the dryer, laundry becomes fluffy and soft. Fabric softeners are not therefore needed when washing. Your dryer will function most economically if you: Always keep the ventilation slots on the base of the dryer unobstructed; Use the loading volumes specified in the programme overview; Ensure you have good ventilation in the installation room; Clean the micro-fine filter and fine strainer after each drying cycle; Spin the laundry well before drying. Energy consumption depends on spinning speed set in washing machine. Higher spinning speed - lower energy consumption.

20 20 electrolux Warning! If the appliance was not transported in an upright position, leave it to stand for 12 hours before connecting it to the electricity supply and using it for the first time, so that the oil can flow back to the compressor. Otherwise the compressor could be damaged. APPLIANCE POSITIONING It is recommended that, for your convenience, the appliance is positioned close to your washing machine. The tumble dryer must be installed in a clean place, where dirt does not build up. Air must be able to circulate freely all round the appliance. Do not obstruct the front ventilation grille or the air intake grilles at the back of the appliance. To keep vibration and noise to a minimum when the tumble dryer is in use, it should be placed on a firm, level surface. Once in its permanent operating position, check that the tumble dryer is absolutely level with the aid of a spirit level. If it is not, raise or lower the feet until it is. The feet must never be removed. Do not restrict the floor clearance through deep pile carpets, strips of wood or similar. This might cause heat built-up which would interfere with the operation of the appliance. Important! The hot air emitted by the tumble dryer can reach temperatures of up to 60 C. The appliance must therefore not be installed on floors which are not resistant to high temperatures. When operating the tumble dryer, the room temperature must not be lower than +5 C and higher than +35 C, as it may affect the performance of the appliance. Should the appliance be moved, it must be transported vertically. The appliance must not be installed behind a lockable door, a sliding door a door with a hinge on the opposite side to that of the appliance in such a way that a full opening of the tumble dryer is restricted. REMOVING TRANSPORT SAFETY PACKAGING Caution! Before use all parts of the transport packaging must be removed. 1. Open loading door 2. Pull off adhesive strips from inside machine on top of drum. 3. Remove foil hose and polystyrene padding from the machine. DRYING RACK UNPACKING Caution! Before appliance use all packaging parts and drying rack must be removed from the drum. The inside of the drum must be clean. To unpack the rack:

21 electrolux Remove middle polystyrene part by pulling it. 3. Remove right polystyrene part by pulling it. Loosen polystyrene parts 3 and Remove left polystyrene part by pulling it. 2. Lift slightly rack and take it carefully out from the drum. ELECTRICAL CONNECTION Details on mains voltage, type of current and the fuses required should be taken from the type plate. The type plate is fitted near the loading aperture (see Product description chapter). Connect the machine to an earthed socket, in accordance with current wiring regulations. Warning! The manufacturer declines any responsibility for damage or injury through failure to comply with the above safety precautions. Should the appliance power supply cable need to be replaced, this must be carried out by our Service Center. Warning! The plug must be accessible after installing the machine.

22 22 electrolux DOOR REVERSAL To make it easier to load or unload the laundry, the door can be reversed. Warning! The door must only be reversed by an authorised service engineer. Please contact your local Service Force Centre. The engineer will carry out the door reversal at your cost. SPECIAL ACCESSORIES STACKING KIT Available from your authorized dealer. The stacking kit is to install the tumble dryer on the top of the 60 cm wide front load washing machine. The installation helps to get more space. Read carefully the instructions supplied with the kit. DRAINING KIT Available from your authorized dealer (can be attached to some types of the tumble dryers). PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Control panel 2 Water reservoir Installation kit for through draining of the condensed water into a basin, siphon, gully, etc. After installation the water container is drained automatically. The water container must stay in the appliance. Installed hose must be on the height from minimum of 50 cm to maximum of 1 m from floor level. The hose cannot be in loop. If possible decrease the length of the hose. Read carefully the instructions supplied with the kit. PEDESTAL WITH THE DRAWER Available from your authorized dealer. To put the appliance higher at the level which helps to easy load and remove the laundry. The drawer can be use for laundry storage e.g. : towels, cleaning products and more. Read carefully the instructions supplied with the kit. 3 Fine fluff filters 4 Drum light 5 Loading door (reversible) 6 Drying rack 7 Course fluff filters 8 Fluff filters 9 Push button for base door opening 10 Rating plate 11 Airflow grille 12 Fluff filter 13 Adjustable feet 14 Heat exchanger door

23 electrolux 23 CONTROL PANEL CONTROL PANEL Symbol Description Extra delicate on 1) Minimal dryness level Programme selector and off switch 2 Display 3 Extra delicate programme selection button 4 Dryness button 5 Long anti-crease button 6 Buzzer button 7 Time button 8 Start/Pause button 9 Warning lights: Condenser, Filters, Full tank 10 Delay button DISPLAY Medium dryness level Maximal dryness level Auto dryness level Time to end (time of time programme, time of start delay) Cycle performance, auto dryness detection Long anti-crease guard Child lock Alarm Delay start Drying phase Cooling phase Anti-crease guard phase Error, wrong selection Symbol Description Extra delicate off 1) only for synthetics programmes BEFORE FIRST USE Warning! If the appliance was not transported in an upright position, leave it to stand for 12 hours before connecting it to the electricity supply and using it for the first time, so that the oil can flow back to the compressor. Otherwise the compressor could be damaged. In order to remove any residues which may have been produced during production, wipe the dryer drum with a damp cloth or carry out a brief drying cycle (ca. 30 min.) with damp cloths in the machine. At the beginning of drying cycle (3-5 min.) there could be a slightly higher sound level. It is because of start of the compressor that is normal for compressor powered appliances such: refrigerators, freezers.

24 24 electrolux PROGRAMME CHART Programme Extra Dryness, Long anticrease, Buzzer, Delay Dryness, Long anticrease, Buzzer, Delay Dryness, Long anticrease, Buzzer, Delay Cupboard 2) Iron 2) Extra Extra delicate, Dryness, Long anticrease, Buzzer, Delay Extra delicate, Dryness, Long anticrease, Buzzer, Delay Extra delicate, Dryness, Long anticrease, Buzzer, Delay Cupboard 2) 35' Iron Time Quick Load 1) Application/properties Options 7 kg 7 kg 7 kg 3 kg 3 kg 3 kg 7 kg 2 kg Cottons To dry thick or multi- layered fabrics, e.g. terry towelling items, bathrobes. To dry fabrics of even thicknesses, e.g. terry towelling items, knitwear, towels. To dry normal thickness cotton or linen laundry, e. g. bedding, table linen. Synthetics To dry thick or multi-layered fabrics, e. g. pullovers, bedding, table linen. To dry thin fabrics which are not ironed, e.g. easy care shirts, table linen, baby clothes, socks, lingerie with bones or wires. To dry thin fabrics which are also to be ironed, e.g. knitwear, shirts. Special To dry laundry with the time set by the user. The time value must be related to the load. To dry one item or small quantities of the laundry we recommend to use short times. To quickly dry cotton or synthetic clothes in only 35 minutes. Long anti-crease, Buzzer, Time, Delay Dryness, Long anticrease, Buzzer, Delay Care label Mix 3 kg To dry cotton and synthetic fabrics, uses low temperature. Dryness, Long anticrease, Buzzer, Delay Jeans Easy Iron 7 kg 1 kg (or 5 shirts) To dry leisure clothing, such as jeans, sweatshirts, etc., of different material thicknesses (e.g. at the neck, cuffs and seams). To dry easy care cloths such as shirts and blouses. After this programme the cloths iron easiest. To have good result, we recommend to shake the wet cloths and put straight in the tumble dryer. After the programme end, remove the cloths and put on the cloths hanger. Rack Dryness, Long anticrease, Buzzer, Delay Dryness, Long anticrease, Buzzer, Delay

25 electrolux 25 3) Programme Wool Sport Shoes 3) Load 1) Application/properties Options 1 kg 1 pair To dry the cloths made of wool. With this programme you must set the time with the Time function. We recommend to remove the cloths immediately after the programme end. To dry one pair of sport shoes, washed and spun before at 1000 rpm. With this programme you must set the time with the Time function. Buzzer, Time, Delay Buzzer, Time, Delay Care label Refresh 1 kg To quickly air the clothes. Buzzer 1) maximal weight of dry clothes 2) For test institutes only: To make a performance test use the standard programmes which are specified in the EN document. If is necessary to correct the remaining moisture level of the laundry, adjust the programme with the Dryness function. 3) To dry with the rack only. DAILY USE SORTING LAUNDRY Sort by fabric type: Cotton/linen for programmes in Cottons programme group. Mixtures and synthetics for programmes in Synthetics programme group. Sort by care label: The care labels mean: Drying in the tumble dryer possible in principle Drying at normal temperature Drying at reduced temperature Drying in the tumble dryer not possible Important! Do not place in the appliance any wet laundry which is not specified on the care label as being suitable for tumbledrying. This appliance can be used for all wet laundry items which are labelled as suitable for tumble-drying. Do not dry new, coloured textiles together with light-coloured laundry items. Textile colours may bleed. Do not dry cotton jersey and knitwear with the Extra programme. Items may shrink! Wool and wool-like textiles can be dried using the Wool programme. Before the drying cycle spin the woollen textiles as well as possible (max rpm). Only dry woollen textiles together of similar or the same material, colour and weight. Please dry heavy laundry items made of wool separately. Preparing laundry To avoid laundry becoming tangled: close zips, button up duvet covers and tie loose ties or ribbons (e.g. of aprons). Empty pockets. Remove metal items (paper clips, safety pins, etc). Turn items with double-layered fabrics inside out (e.g. with cotton-lined anoraks, the cotton layer should be outermost). These fabrics will then dry better. Important! Do not overload the appliance. Observe max. loading volume of 7 kg. AVERAGE LAUNDRY WEIGHTS bathrobe 1200 g quilt cover 700 g man s work shirt 600 g man s pyjamas 500 g sheet 500 g

26 26 electrolux tablecloth man s shirt night dress pillow case towelling towel blouse ladies briefs men s underpants napkin tea cloth 250 g 200 g 200 g 200 g 200 g 100 g 100 g 100 g 100 g 100 g SWITCHING MACHINE ON Turn the programme selector to any programme. The machine switches on. When the loading door is open, the internal lamp illuminates the drum. OPERATING increases the dryness of the dried laundry adequately to the selected level: - maximum - medium - minimum - inactive with some programmes this option helps to achieve satisfying result of drying Long anti-crease prolongs anti-crease phase to 90 min., helps to keep laundry free from creases after drying; laundry can be removed at any time Buzzer audible confirmation of: cycle end anti-crease phase start and end cycle interruption error Time allows to set individual time of drying from minimum 20 min. to maximum of 3 hours (in 10 min. steps - press the button repeatedly until the desired programme duration is shown in the display, e.g. - for a programme of 1 hour and 20 minutes ); active with suitable programme DRYING OPTIONS Extra delicate this function decreases the movement of the laundry during the cycle. The laundry after the cycle is more soft and loose. For synthetic programmes only. Dryness Delay allows to delay the start of a drying programme from minimum of 30 min. to maximum of 20 hours 1. select the drying programme and additional drying options 2. press the Delay button repeatedly until the desired delay start is shown on the display, e.g. H if the programme has to start after time of 12 hours 3. to activate the delay timer, press the Start/ Pause button - time to start elapses on the display

27 electrolux 27 STARTING THE PROGRAMME Press the Start/Pause button. The programme starts. The programme progress is shown by elapsing dry time and animated icon on LCD. SETTING CHILD LOCK The child lock can be set to prevent a programme being accidentally started or a programme in operation being accidentally changed. The child lock function locks all buttons and the programme selector. The child lock can be activated or deactivated by holding down the Buzzer and Time buttons simultaneously for 5 seconds. The symbol: on the display means that the child lock is active. Any changes of drying parameters require child lock deactivation. The child lock cannot be deactivated in the last phase of the drying cycle. CHANGING PROGRAMME To change a programme which has been selected by mistake once the programme has started, first turn the programme selector to off and then reset the programme. The programme can no longer be changed directly once the programme has started. If nevertheless there is an attempt to change the programme on the programme knob, the programme progress display and the maintenance indicators flash. If an option button (excluding the Buzzer button) is pressed, appears on the display. The drying programme is not however affected by this (laundry protection). DRYING CYCLE COMPLETE / REMOVING LAUNDRY Once the drying cycle is complete, the display shows the anti-crease icon and flashing as well as warning lamps: filter and full tank. If the Buzzer button has been pressed, an acoustic signal sounds intermittently for about one minute. The drying cycles (except from the Wool programme) are automatically followed by an anti-crease phase which lasts around 30 minutes. The drum rotates at intervals during this phase. This keeps the laundry loose and free of creases. The laundry can be removed at any time during the anti-crease phase. (The laundry should be taken out towards the end of the anti-crease phase at the latest to prevent creases from forming.) If Long anti-crease function has been selected, the anti-crease phase is lengthened by 60 minutes. 1. Open door. 2. Before removing the laundry, remove fluff from the micro-fine filter. It is best to use a damp hand for this purpose. (See Cleaning and maintenance.) 3. Remove laundry. 4. Turn the programme selector to off. Important! After each drying cycle: - Clean the micro-fine filter and fine filter - Drain the condensed water container (See chapter Cleaning and maintenance.) 5. Close the door.

28 28 electrolux DRYING RACK Special equipment for gentle drying washable woollens and sport shoes. Incomparable for drying wet woollens - eliminated movement, protection from matting. For drying rack unpacking see Installation chapter. Important! Before drying rack installation check the dryer drum. It must be empty! Sport shoes cannot be dry without the drying rack - drum damage. 7. Turn the programme selector to OFF. 8. Take out the drying rack of the drum. DRYING TIPS for the best drying result spread the woollens out loosely on the drying rack and roll it up do not squash and fold the woollens INSTALLATION AND USE 1. Open the loading door. 2. Insert the rack carefully resting its two support brackets on the front of plastic flange. open support and put sport shoes on it the insoles should be placed beside the shoes on the drying rack and the shoelaces should be tied 3. Place the woollens or pair of sport shoes on the rack. 4. Select the suitable rack drying programme and drying time. 5. Press the START/PAUSE button. 6. When cycle is finished open the loading door and remove the woollens or shoes.

29 electrolux 29 CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE CLEANING FLUFF FILTERS The filters collect all the fluff which accumulates during drying. To ensure that the dryer works perfectly, the fluff filters (fine filters and fluff filters) must be cleaned after each drying cycle. Caution! Never operate the dryer without fluff filters or with damaged or blocked fluff filters CLEAN THE DOOR SEAL Wipe the door seal with a damp cloth immediately after the drying cycle has finished. EMPTYING THE WATER CONTAINER Empty the water container after each drying cycle. To drain the water container automatically you can install draining kit (see chapter: Installation Special accessories) Warning! Risk of poisoning. The condensed water is not applicable to drink or to prepare food. The condensed water can be used as distilled water, e.g. for to steam iron. If necessary filter the condensed water (e.g. with a coffee filter) to remove possible residue and small pieces of fluff. The programme can be stopped as a result of the full water container. Drain the water container. Push the Start/ Pause button to continue the drying cycle. CLEANING HEAT EXCHANGER FILTER Important! Never operate the dryer without the fluff filters. Clogged filters cause higher energy consumption (drying cycle elongation) and dryer damage. A dirty heat pump can only be cleaned up by means of a costly process. As necessary, approx. once every 6 months, remove the fluff from the heat exchanger using the sponge supplied. When doing this, please use rubber gloves (picture 7).

30 30 electrolux CLEANING THE DRUM Caution! Do not use abrasives or steel wool to clean the drum. Lime in the water or cleaning agents may form a barely visible lining on the inside of the drum. The degree to which the laundry has been dried is then no longer detected reliably. The laundry is damper than expected when removed from the appliance. Use a standard domestic cleaner (e.g. vinegar-based cleaner) to wipe down the inside of the drum and drum ribs. CLEAN CONTROL PANEL AND HOUSING Caution! Do not use furniture cleaners or aggressive cleaning agents to clean the machine. Use a damp cloth to wipe down the control panel and housing. WHAT TO DO IF... TROUBLESHOOTING BY YOURSELF Problem 1) Possible cause Remedy Dryer does not work. Dryer not connected to mains supply. Loading door opened. The START PAUSE button not pressed. Plug in at mains socket. Check fuse in fuse box (domestic installation). Close loading door Press the START PAUSE button.

31 electrolux 31 Incorrect programme set. Set suitable programme. 2) Fluff filters clogged. Clean fluff filters. 3) Unsatisfactory drying results. Heat exchanger clogged. Clean heat exchanger. 3) Max. loading exceeded. Respect max. loading volume. Covered ventilation grill. Uncover ventilation grill in base area. Residue inside the drum. Clean the drum inside. High water hardness. Set suitable water hardness 4). Loading door does not close Err (Error) on the LCD. 5) No drum light Abnormally elapsing time on the LCD 5) Filters not locked in place. Attempt to change parameters after start of the programme. Programme selector in OFF position. Defective light bulb. Time to end is calculated on the basis of: type, volume and dampness of laundry. Install fine filter and/or snap course filter into place. Turn the dryer off and on. Set requested parameters. Turn it to DRUM LIGHT (if available) or to any programme. Replace light bulb (see next section). Automatic process; this is not a machine fault. Programme inactive Drying cycle to short Drying cycle to long 6) Full water reservoir. Small laundry volume./too dry laundry for selected programme. Fluff filters clogged. To high loading volume. Laundry insufficiently spun. Particularly high room temperature - no machine fault. Empty water reservoir 3), press START PAUSE button. Select time programme or higher drying level (e.g. EXTRA DRY ). Clean fluff filters. Respect max. loading volume. Spun adequately the laundry. Lower the room temperature if possible. 1) In case of error message on the LCD (e.g. E51- only dryers with the LCD): Switch the dryer off and on. Set programme. Press the START PAUSE button. Does not work? - inform local service and quote the error code. 2) follow program recommendation - see Programme overview chapter 3) see Care and cleaningchapter 4) see Machine settings chapter 5) only dryers with the LCD 6) Note: After around 5 hours the drying cycle ends automatically (see Drying cycle complete section). CHANGING THE BULB FOR INTERIOR LIGHTING Only use a special bulb which is designed specially for dryers. The special bulb can be obtained from your local service centre. Important! When the appliance is switched on, the interior lighting switches itself off after 4 minutes when the door is open. Warning! Do not use standard bulbs! These develop too much heat and may damage the appliance! Before replacing the bulb, disconnect the mains plug; with a permanent connection: fully unscrew or deactivate the fuse. 1. Unscrew cover above the bulb (this can be found directly behind the loading aperture, at the top; refer to "Description of machine" section.) 2. Replace defective bulb. 3. Screw cover back down. Check the correct positioning of o-ring gasket before screwing back the door light cover. Do not operate the dryer when missing o-ring gasket on door light cover.

32 32 electrolux Warning! For safety reasons, the cover must be screwed down tightly. If this is TECHNICAL INFORMATION not done, the dryer must not be operated. height x width x depth drum volume depth with the load door opened adjustable height the appliance weight maximum load volume voltage necessary fuse total power energy efficiency class energy consumption kwh/cycle 1) annual energy consumption type of use 85 x 60 x 58 cm 108 l 109 cm 1.5 cm 59 kg 7 kg V 13 A 900 W A 1,58 kwh 104,4 kwh Domestic permitted ambient temperature + 5 C to + 35 C 1) 7 kg of cotton, centrifuged at 1000 rpm with reference to EN MACHINE SETTINGS Setting Buzzer permanent on/off Implementation The alarm is by default always off. To set permanent alarm on (off): 1. Turn the programme selector to any programme. 2. Press simultaneously the Dryness and Long anti-crease buttons and hold down for approx. 5 seconds. Water hardness 1) 1. Turn the programme selector to any programme. 2. Press simultaneously the Long anti-crease and Start/Pause buttons and hold down for approx. 5 seconds. 3. Press the Start/Pause button until you set desired level: - low conductivity <300 μs/cm - medium conductivity μs/cm - high conductivity >600 μs/cm 4. To memorize setting press simultaneously the Long anti-crease and Start/Pause buttons or turn knob to off position 1) Water contains, a variable quantity of limestone and mineral salts of which quantities vary according to geographical locations thus varying its conductivity values. Relevant variations of the conductivity of the water compared to those prefixed by the factory could slightly influence the residual humidity of the laundry at the end of the cycle. Your dryer allows you to regulate the sensitivity of the drying sensor based on conductivity values of the water. SERVICE If there are technical faults, first check if you can remedy the problem yourself with the help of the operating instructions - see chapter What to do if.

33 electrolux 33 If you cannot remedy the problem on your own, get in touch with the Customer Care Department or one of our service partners. To assist you quickly, these data are necessary: Model description Product number (PNC) Serial number (S No. is on rating plate stuck to the product - to find it see chapter Product description)) Type of failure Any error messages shown by the display. So that you have the necessary reference numbers from your appliance at hand, we recommend that you write them in here: Model description:... PNC:... S No:...

34 34 electrolux

35 electrolux 35

36 A

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