3 INFORMATION ON VENDOR AND OTHERS INVOLVED IN THE DEVELOPMENT 賣方及有參與發展項目的其他人的資料 Vendor Handy Solution Limited Holding companies of the Vendor Wheeloc

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2 INFORMATION ON THE DEVELOPMENT 發展項目的資料 Name of the street at which the development is situated and the street number allocated by the Commissioner of Rating and Valuation for the purpose of distinguishing the development 10 Muk Ning Street* Total number of storeys of each multi-unit building Tower 1 & 2 : 32 storeys Tower 3 & 5 : 31 storeys Mansion A, B & C : 4 storeys Mansion D : 6 storeys The above number of storeys has not included 1 level of basement, roof, upper roof 1, upper roof 2 and top roof numbering in each multi-unit building as provided in the approved building plans for the development Tower 1 & 2 B1/F, G/F, 1-3/F, 5-12/F, 15-23/F, 25-33/F, 35-36/F, roof, upper roof 1, upper roof 2 and top roof Tower 3 & 5 B1/F, G/F, 1-3/F, 5-12/F, 15-23/F, 25-33/F, 35/F, roof, upper roof 1, upper roof 2 and top roof Mansion A, B & C : B1/F, G/F, 1-3/F, roof and top roof Mansion D : B1/F, G/F, 1-3/F, 5-6/F, roof and top roof Omitted floor numbers in each multi-unit building in which the floor numbering is not in consecutive order Tower 1, 2, 3 & 5 : 4/F, 13/F, 14/F, 24/F and 34/F Mansion D : 4/F Refuge floors (if any) of each multi-unit building Roof of Tower 1, 2, 3 & 5 Roof of Mansion D Estimated material date for the Development as provided by the Authorized Person 31 May 2019 The estimated material date is subject to any extension of time that is permitted under the agreement for sale and purchase. Under the land grant, the consent of the Director of Lands is required to be given for the sale and purchase. For the purpose of the agreement for sale and purchase, without limiting any other means by which the completion of the development may be proved, the issue of a certificate of compliance or consent to assign by the Director of Lands is conclusive evidence that the development has been completed or is deemed to be completed (as the case may be). * The provisional street number is subject to confirmation when the Development is completed. 發展項目所位於的街道名稱及由差餉物業估價署署長為識別發展項目的目的而編配的門牌號數沐寧街 10 號 * 每幢多建築物的的總數第 1 及 2 座 :32 層第 3 及 5 座 :31 層低座 A B 及 C 座 :4 層低座 D 座 :6 層上述數目並不包括一層地庫 天台 上層天台 1 上層天台 2 及頂層天台發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定的每幢多建築物內的號數第 1 及 2 座 : 地庫 1 樓 地下 1 至 3 樓 5 至 12 樓 15 至 23 樓 25 至 33 樓 35 至 36 樓 天台 上層天台 1 上層天台 2 及頂層天台第 3 及 5 座 : 地庫 1 樓 地下 1 至 3 樓 5 至 12 樓 15 至 23 樓 25 至 33 樓 35 樓 天台 上層天台 1 上層天台 2 及頂層天台低座 A B 及 C 座 : 地庫 1 樓 地下 1 至 3 樓 天台及頂層天台低座 D 座 : 地庫 1 樓 地下 1 至 3 樓 5 至 6 樓 天台及頂層天台每幢有不依連續次序的號數的多建築物內被略去的號數第 1 2 3 及 5 座 :4 13 14 24 及 34 樓低座 D 座 :4 樓每幢多建築物內的庇護層 ( 如有的話 ) 第 1 2 3 及 5 座之天台低座 D 座之天台發展項目的認可人士提供的發展項目的預計關鍵日期 2019 年 5 月 31 日預計關鍵日期, 是受到買賣合約所允許的任何延期所規限的 根據批地文件, 進行該項買賣, 需獲地政總署署長同意 為買賣合約的目的, 在不局限任何其他可用以證明該項目落成的方法的原則下, 地政總署署長發出的合格證明書或轉讓同意, 即為該項目已落成或當作已落成 ( 視屬何種情況而定 ) 的確證 * 此臨時門牌號數有待發展項目建成時確認 8

3 INFORMATION ON VENDOR AND OTHERS INVOLVED IN THE DEVELOPMENT 賣方及有參與發展項目的其他人的資料 Vendor Handy Solution Limited Holding companies of the Vendor Wheelock and Company Limited Wheelock Investments Limited Myers Investments Limited Wheelock Properties Limited Realty Development Corporation Limited Dannette Holdings Limited Ironhead Holdings Limited Spring Colour Limited Authorized Person for the Development Chan Wan Ming The firm or corporation of which an Authorized Person for the Development is a proprietor, director or employee in his or her professional capacity P & T Architects and Engineers Limited Building contractor for the Development Hip Hing Construction Company Limited The firm of solicitors acting for the owner in relation to the sale of residential properties in the Development Baker & McKenzie Any authorized institution that has made a loan, or has undertaken to provide finance, for the construction of the Development The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. DBS Bank Ltd., Hong Kong Branch Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited Any other person who has made a loan for the construction of the Development Wheelock Finance Limited 賣方 Handy Solution Limited 賣方的控權公司 會德豐有限公司 Wheelock Investments Limited Myers Investments Limited 會德豐地產有限公司 聯邦地產有限公司 Dannette Holdings Limited Ironhead Holdings Limited Spring Colour Limited 發展項目的認可人士 陳韻明 認可人士以其專業身分擔任經營人 董事或僱員的商號或法團 巴馬丹拿建築及工程師有限公司 發展項目的承建商 協興建築有限公司 就發展項目中的住宅物業的出售而代表擁有人行事的律師事務所 貝克 麥堅時律師事務所 已為發展項目的建造提供貸款或已承諾為該項建造提供融資的認可機構 The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. DBS Bank Ltd., Hong Kong Branch 澳新銀行集團有限公司 已為發展項目的建造提供貸款的任何其他人 Wheelock Finance Limited 9

4 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PARTIES INVOLVED IN THE DEVELOPMENT 有參與發展項目的各方的關係 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) The vendor or a building contractor for the development is an individual, and that vendor or contractor is an immediate family member of an authorized person for the development; 賣方或有關發展項目的承建商屬個人, 並屬該項目的認可人士的家人 ; The vendor or a building contractor for the development is a partnership, and a partner of that vendor or contractor is an immediate family member of such an authorized person; 賣方或該項目的承建商屬合夥, 而該賣方或承建商的合夥人屬上述認可人士的家人 ; The vendor or a building contractor for the development is a corporation, and a director or the secretary of that vendor or contractor (or a holding company of that vendor) is an immediate family member of such an authorized person; 賣方或該項目的承建商屬法團, 而該賣方或承建商 ( 或該賣方的控權公司 ) 的董事或秘書屬上述認可人士的家人 ; The vendor or a building contractor for the development is an individual, and that vendor or contractor is an immediate family member of an associate of such an authorized person; 賣方或該項目的承建商屬個人, 並屬上述認可人士的有聯繫人士的家人 ; The vendor or a building contractor for the development is a partnership, and a partner of that vendor or contractor is an immediate family member of an associate of such an authorized person; 賣方或該項目的承建商屬合夥, 而該賣方或承建商的合夥人屬上述認可人士的有聯繫人士的家人 ; The vendor or a building contractor for the development is a corporation, and a director or the secretary of that vendor or contractor (or a holding company of that vendor) is an immediate family member of an associate of such an authorized person; 賣方或該項目的承建商屬法團, 而該賣方或承建商 ( 或該賣方的控權公司 ) 的董事或秘書屬上述認可人士的有聯繫人士的家人 ; The vendor or a building contractor for the development is an individual, and that vendor or contractor is an immediate family member of a proprietor of a firm of solicitors acting for the owner in relation to the sale of residential properties in the development; 賣方或該項目的承建商屬個人, 並屬就該項目內的住宅物業的出售代表擁有人行事的律師事務所行事的經營人的家人 ; The vendor or a building contractor for the development is a partnership, and a partner of that vendor or contractor is an immediate family member of a proprietor of a firm of solicitors acting for the owner in relation to the sale of residential properties in the development; 賣方或該項目的承建商屬合夥, 而該賣方或承建商的合夥人屬就該項目內的住宅物業的出售代表擁有人行事的律師事務所行事的經營人的家人 ; The vendor or a building contractor for the development is a corporation, and a director or the secretary of that vendor or contractor (or a holding company of that vendor) is an immediate family member of a proprietor of such a firm of solicitors; 賣方或該項目的承建商屬法團, 而該賣方或承建商 ( 或該賣方的控權公司 ) 的董事或秘書屬上述律師事務所的經營人的家人 ; The vendor, a holding company of the vendor, or a building contractor for the development, is a private company, and an authorized person for the development, or an associate of such an authorized person, holds at least 10% of the issued shares in that vendor, holding company or contractor; 賣方 賣方的控權公司或有關發展項目的承建商屬私人公司, 而該項目的認可人士或該認可人士的有聯繫人士持有該賣方 控權公司或承建商最少 10% 的已發行股份 ; t t t t t t (k) (l) (m) (n) (o) (p) (q) (r) (s) The vendor, a holding company of the vendor, or a building contractor for the development, is a listed company, and such an authorized person, or such an associate, holds at least 1% of the issued shares in that vendor, holding company or contractor; 賣方 賣方的控權公司或該項目的承建商屬上市公司, 而上述認可人士或上述有聯繫人士持有該賣方 控權公司或承建商最少 1% 的已發行股份 ; The vendor or a building contractor for the development is a corporation, and such an authorized person, or such an associate, is an employee, director or secretary of that vendor or contractor or of a holding company of that vendor; 賣方或該項目的承建商屬法團, 而上述認可人士或上述有聯繫人士屬該賣方 承建商或該賣方的控權公司的僱員 董事或秘書 ; The vendor or a building contractor for the development is a partnership, and such an authorized person, or such an associate, is an employee of that vendor or contractor; 賣方或該項目的承建商屬合夥, 而上述認可人士或上述有聯繫人士屬該賣方或承建商的僱員 ; The vendor, a holding company of the vendor, or a building contractor for the development, is a private company, and a proprietor of a firm of solicitors acting for the owner in relation to the sale of residential properties in the development holds at least 10% of the issued shares in that vendor, holding company or contractor; 賣方 賣方的控權公司或該項目的承建商屬私人公司, 而就該項目中的住宅物業的出售而代表擁有人行事的律師事務所的經營人持有該賣方 控權公司或承建商最少 10% 的已發行股份 ; The vendor, a holding company of the vendor, or a building contractor for the development, is a listed company, and a proprietor of such a firm of solicitors holds at least 1% of the issued shares in that vendor, holding company or contractor; 賣方 賣方的控權公司或該項目的承建商屬上市公司, 而上述律師事務所的經營人持有該賣方 控權公司或承建商最少 1% 的已發行股份 ; The vendor or a building contractor for the development is a corporation, and a proprietor of such a firm of solicitors is an employee, director or secretary of that vendor or contractor or of a holding company of that vendor; 賣方或該項目的承建商屬法團, 而上述律師事務所的經營人屬該賣方或承建商或該賣方的控權公司的僱員 董事或秘書 ; The vendor or a building contractor for the development is a partnership, and a proprietor of such a firm of solicitors is an employee of that vendor or contractor; 賣方或該項目的承建商屬合夥, 而上述律師事務所的經營人屬該賣方或承建商的僱員 ; The vendor or a building contractor for the development is a corporation, and the corporation of which an authorized person for the development is a director or employee in his or her professional capacity is an associate corporation of that vendor or contractor or of a holding company of that vendor; 賣方或該項目的承建商屬法團, 而該項目的認可人士以其專業身分擔任董事或僱員的法團為該賣方或承建商或該賣方的控權公司的有聯繫法團 ; The vendor or a building contractor for the development is a corporation, and that contractor is an associate corporation of that vendor or of a holding company of that vendor. 賣方或該項目的承建商屬法團, 而該承建商屬該賣方或該賣方的控權公司的有聯繫法團 t t 10

5 INFORMATION ON DESIGN OF THE DEVELOPMENT 發展項目的設計的資料 There will be non-structural prefabricated external walls forming part of the enclosing walls for the Development. (Remark: t to Mansion A, B, C & D of the Development.) 發展項目將會有構成圍封牆的一部份的非結構的預製外牆 ( 註 : 並於發展項目的低座 A B C 及 D 座 ) Total Area of non-structural prefabricated external walls of each residential property (sq.m) 每個住宅物業的非結構的預製外牆的總面積 ( 平方米 ) A The thickness of the non-structural prefabricated external walls of Tower 1, 2, 3 & 5 of the Development is 150mm. 發展項目的第 1 2 3 及 5 座的非結構的預製外牆之厚度為 150 毫米 3/F 3 樓 C 0.236 D Schedule of Total Area of the n-structural Prefabricated External Walls of Each Residential Property 每個住宅物業的非結構的預製外牆的總面積表 5/F 5 樓 A 0.258 C 0.236 Tower 1 第 1 座 5-12/F, 15-23/F, 25-33/F & 35/F 5 至 12 樓 15 至 23 樓 25 至 33 樓及 35 樓 Total Area of non-structural prefabricated external walls of each residential property (sq.m) 每個住宅物業的非結構的預製外牆的總面積 ( 平方米 ) A 0.214 B 0.248 D 0.131 F 0.173 A Tower 2 第 2 座 6-12/F, 15-23/F, 25-33/F & 35/F 6 至 12 樓 15 至 23 樓 25 至 33 樓及 35 樓 36/F 36 樓 D A B 0.258 D 0.236 A C 0.236 36/F 36 樓 B 0.248 D 0.131 11

5 INFORMATION ON DESIGN OF THE DEVELOPMENT 發展項目的設計的資料 Total Area of non-structural prefabricated external walls of each residential property (sq.m) 每個住宅物業的非結構的預製外牆的總面積 ( 平方米 ) There will be curtain walls forming part of the enclosing walls for the Development. 發展項目將會有構成圍封的一部份的幕牆 Tower 3 第 3 座 3-12/F, 15-23/F & 25-33/F 3 至 12 樓 15 至 23 樓及 25 至 33 樓 A 0.229 B 0.248 D 0.248 F A 0.274 The thickness of curtain walls of Tower 1, 2, 3 & 5 and Mansion A, B, C & D of the Development is 200mm. 發展項目的第 1 2 3 及 5 座和低座 A B C 及 D 座的幕牆之厚度為 200 毫米 Schedule of Total Area of the Curtain Walls of Each Residential Property 每個住宅物業的幕牆的總面積表 Tower 5 第 5 座 35/F 35 樓 3-12/F, 15-23/F & 25-33/F 3 至 12 樓 15 至 23 樓及 25 至 33 樓 C 0.248 D A 0.405 B 0.248 C 0.229 D A 0.274 Tower 1 第 1 座 5-12/F, 15-23/F, 25-33/F & 35/F 5 至 12 樓 15 至 23 樓 25 至 33 樓及 35 樓 36/F 36 樓 A 1.640 B 2.012 C 0.160 D 0.994 E 0.590 F 1.441 A 3.161 B 2.012 C 0.160 D 0.994 35/F 35 樓 E 0.590 D 0.191 12

5 INFORMATION ON DESIGN OF THE DEVELOPMENT 發展項目的設計的資料 3/F 3 樓 5/F 5 樓 A 0.975 B 0.180 C 1.410 D 1.020 A 0.975 B 0.990 C 1.410 Tower 3 第 3 座 3-12/F, 15-23/F & 25-33/F 3 至 12 樓 15 至 23 樓及 25 至 33 樓 A 0.970 B 1.295 C 0.330 D 1.085 E 0.509 F 0.585 A 2.737 Tower 2 第 2 座 6-12/F, 15-23/F, 25-33/F & 35/F 6 至 12 樓 15 至 23 樓 25 至 33 樓及 35 樓 36/F 36 樓 D 1.020 A 1.465 B 0.975 C 0.990 D 1.410 E 1.020 A 3.651 B 0.990 C 1.410 Tower 5 第 5 座 35/F 35 樓 3-12/F, 15-23/F & 25-33/F 3 至 12 樓 15 至 23 樓及 25 至 33 樓 B 0.330 C 1.085 D 0.509 E 0.585 A 1.310 B 1.335 C 1.030 D 0.585 E 0.585 A 2.701 35/F 35 樓 B 0.585 C 0.585 D 1.310 13

5 INFORMATION ON DESIGN OF THE DEVELOPMENT 發展項目的設計的資料 Mansion A G/F-1/F 地下至 1 樓 A 1.535 B 0.720 C 1.010 G/F-1/F 地下至 1 樓 A 0.722 B 0.802 C 0.653 低座 A 座 Mansion B 2-3/F 2 至 3 樓 G/F-1/F 地下至 1 樓 A 3.985 B 1.775 C 3.130 A 0.990 B 0.720 C 1.010 Mansion D 低座 D 座 2-3/F 2 至 3 樓 D 0.722 A 1.698 B 0.470 C 0.470 D 1.698 A 3.262 低座 B 座 2-3/F 2 至 3 樓 A 3.070 B 1.775 C 3.130 5-6/F 5 至 6 樓 B 1.608 C 1.502 D 3.483 Mansion C G/F-1/F 地下至 1 樓 A 0.990 B 0.720 C 1.535 低座 C 座 2-3/F 2 至 3 樓 A 3.070 B 1.775 C 4.045 14

6 INFORMATION ON PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 物業管理的資料 Harriman Property Management Limited is appointed as the Manager of the Development under the latest draft deed of mutual covenant. 根據有關公契的最新擬稿, 獲委任為發展項目的管理人為夏利文物業管理有限公司 15