Luk Yeung Galleria - Special Privilege Program 2007

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Luk Yeung Galleria - Special Privilege Program 2017 綠楊坊 - 尊享優惠推廣計劃 2017 Offers Summary / 優惠總結 As of 1 July 2017 30 June 2018 由二零一七年七月一日至二零一八年六月三十日 * Special Privilege only valid to the Employees and Residents of the following Corporation and Estate * 優惠只適用於以下機構員工及屋苑住戶 Corporate Staff 機構員工 Residents 屋苑住戶 Hong Kong Disneyland (Disneyland) 香港迪士尼樂園 Luk Yeung Sun Chuen 綠楊新邨 MTR Corporation Limited (MTR) 香港鐵路有限公司 Shop No. 舖號 Shop Name 店舖名稱 Offer 優惠 正價貨品 9 折優惠 10% off on regular-priced items. G5 Jipi Japa 不可與 VIP 優惠及其他優惠共同使用 Cannot be used with VIP privileges and other promotion offers. 不適用於皮鞋護理用品 Exclude leather care items. 正價貨品 9 折優惠 10% off on regular-priced items. G6 Skechers 減價貨品額外 95 折優惠 Extra 5% off on discounted items. 不可與其他優惠共同使用 Cannot be used with other promotion offers. G7 RICCINI 正價貨品 85 折優惠 15% off on regular-priced items. 減價貨品額外 95 折優惠 Extra 5% off on discounted items.

正價購買任何一對 Amaztep 鞋, 即可半價換購 LeccaLecca 或 Amaztep 鞋款 另於 網上購物可憑電子優惠券 LYG68 享全單 68 折 + 免運費 條款及細則 : 1. 不得兌換現金及與其他優惠共同使用 2. 不設退款 退貨及換貨服務 3. Shutalk 保留隨時修改 暫停或取消以上優惠及其條款細則的酌情權, 毋須事先通知 G8 Shutalk Enjoy half price on the second pair of LeccaLecca / Amaztep when you purchase a pair of Amaztep shoes at retail shop, and shop online to enjoy 32% off discount + free delivery with e-coupon code LYG68. 1. This offer cannot be exchanged for cash, credit or other items; and cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts and promotion offers. 2. No refund, return or exchange is permitted under this promotion offer. 3. Shutalk reserves the right on amend, suspend or terminate the offer and its terms & conditions at any time without prior notice. In case of disputes, the decision of the Shutalk shall be final. G14 LEONA LEONA 正價貨品 9 折優惠 10% off for Leona regular-priced items. 不可與其他優惠共同使用 Cannot be used with other promotion offers. G22-23 PIT 正價貨品 9 折優惠 10% off on regular-priced items. G27 美心皇宮 指定飲品買一送一優惠 1. 此推廣只適用於荃灣美心皇宮 2. 客人惠顧時需出示有效之員工證或住戶證以享用優惠 3. 優惠只適用於午或晚市堂食散座 ( 不適用於廳房 ) ; 另收加一服務費 ( 以原價計算 ) 茶位費及前菜費 4. 此推廣不可兌換現金 / 服務 其他產品 / 食品及折扣及不得轉讓 5. 如有任何爭議, 荃灣美心皇宮保留使用此推廣的最終決定權 G28 Mirabell 正價貨品 9 折優惠 10% off on regular-priced items.

G31 Fotomax 4R 數碼相片輸出 9 折優惠 * ( 優惠劵編號 DP090821) 10% off* on 4R print from digital media. (Coupon No. DP090821) * 每宗沖哂服務的最低消費為 HK$12, 以折實價計算 *There will be minimum charge of HK$12 for each transaction of photo printing services, calculated on nett price. G44 Sukhama 購物滿 HK$300, 正價貨品 85 折優惠 ( 皮手袋除外 ) 15% off on regular-priced items for purchasing HK$300. (Exclude leather hand bag items) 購買任何 18/25 Altura 手調飲品, 可享免費升級優惠 Free upgrade upon purchase of any 18/25 Altura handcrafted beverages. F1 Pacific Coffee 1. 此優惠只適用於綠楊坊分店 2. 此優惠不適用於特調咖啡 酒調咖啡 樽裝飲品及果汁 3. 此優惠不能與其他優惠同時使用, 自攜杯優惠除外 4. 此優惠不適用於外賣遞送服務 5. 此優惠不可兌換現金 產品不設退換或退款 6. Pacific Coffee Co. Ltd. 保留此優惠之最終決定權 1. This offer is applicable to Luk Yeung Galleria Pacific Coffee only. 2. This offer is not applicable to specialty coffee, liqueur coffee, bottled drinks and juices. 3. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions, except bring-your-own-mug discount. 4. This offer is not applicable to delivery services. 5. This offer cannot be exchanged for its cash equivalent and the purchased items are non-refundable and non-exchangeable. 6. Pacific Coffee Co. Ltd. reserves the rights of final decision in any case of disputes. F13 美康 購物時出示有效證件, 可享免費髮質分析及試用小樣乙份 Present the recognized card before payment, enjoy a free hair analysis and a trial pack after analysis. F14 韓印紅 正價貨品 8 折優惠 20% off on regular-priced items.

人蔘產品購物滿 HK$1000 即送韓國當季水果乙份 Purchase ginseng products over HK$1,000, send Korean season fruit for gift. 消費滿 HK$ 6000 即可獲得人蔘大王酒乙份 Purchase over HK$6,000 get Ginseng King wine for gift. 凡購買指定產品 ( 猴棗除痰散 珠珀保嬰丹 蛇膽陳皮川貝未 ( 兒童 / 成人配 方 ) 養陰丸系列 金裝鹿尾羓丸 古方蜜丸 靈芝孢子系列 蟲草菌絲體 膠囊 蟲草 (Cs-4 膠囊 ) 可享售價 9 折優惠 * F18 位元堂 10% off* designated products (including: Hou Tsao Powder, Po Ying Dan, She Dan Ultimate Powder, Young Yum Pill Series, Golden Deer s Tail, Look Mei Pills, Shun Hay Pills, Chuen Look Pills, Po Sun Pills, Chee Park Pills, Lee Chung Pills, Po Sin Dan, Bo Hei Pills, Tai Poo Pill, Foo Kwei Pill, Wall-Broken Ganoderma Lucidum Spores(Upgraded Formula), Ganoderma Lucidum Spores and Propolis, Wall-Broken Ganoderma Lucidum Spores Lipid Saft Capsule, Pure Cordyceps Mycelium Capsules, Cordyceps(Cs-4 Capsules). 1. * 特別註明不可享有售價 9 折之產品除外 2. 優惠只適用於位元堂綠揚坊分店使用 3. 此優惠不能兌換現金及不能與其他優惠同時使用 4. 如有任何爭議, 位元堂藥廠有限公司 保留最後決定權 1. *Exclude selected promotion items. 2. This offer is valid at Wai Yuen Tong Luk Yeung Galleria branch only. 3. This offer cannot be redeemed for cash or used in conjunction with other promotion offers. 4. In case of any dispute, Wai Yuen Tong Medicine Co., Ltd. reserves the right of final decision. F19A 盞記燕窩蟲草專門店 新價乾貨燕窩產品 9 折優惠 10% off on new-priced dried bird s nest items. 優惠不能兌換現金及與其他優惠同時使用 Offer cannot be exchange for cash and cannot be used with other promotion offers.

報讀任何常規課程, 可獲贈其他樂器課堂兩堂 ( 三選二..敲擊樂 / 塑膠學 前色士風 / 小提琴班際試堂 ), 及於優惠時段報名參加樂器課程, 可享 5 小時免費租用有關課程之練習室 Enjoyed 2 free musical instruments lessons (choose 2:Percussion/ jsax/ Violin) when applied regular class. Whenever clients joining any musical instrumental classes during Day time offer,5 hours relevant musical instruments practicing room rental service will be entitled for free. 購買指定鋼琴款式可享港幣 $1,000 折扣, 其他樂器 ( 公價貨品及指定型號除外 ) 書籍 配件可享 95 折及豁免新生註冊費 Enjoyed HK$1,000 discount for selected piano and 5% discount off for any purchase on musical instruments (regular-prized and selected models excluded), books & accessories, and wavier of registration fee for new students. P10A 柏斯琴行 1. 所有免費課堂不可兌換其他優惠 產品 服務 課程或現金 2. 所有優惠不得轉讓 3. 所有免費課堂地方 日期 時間由柏斯安排, 如未能出席, 將不獲補堂 4. 免費租用練習室有效期為第一課堂內之兩個月內 5. 練習室使用時間為星期一至五下午 3 時前 6. 優惠時段為星期一至五下午 3 時前 7. 柏斯保留最終解釋決定權或取消此優惠或計劃而毋須另行通知 1. All free lessons could not redeem in conjunction with others discount, product, service, lesson or cash. 2. This special offer is not transferrable. 3. Free lessons (including date, time and location) shall be arranged by Parsons Music. Make up class will not be arranged for unattended students. 4. Valid within 2 months upon the1st lesson commencement. 5. Free practicing room servicing hours: before 3pm (Monday to Friday). 6. Day time offer is from Monday to Friday before 3pm. 7. Parsons Music reserves the right for any decision or cancellation without prior notice.

購買任何手調飲品或食品可享 85 折優惠 15% off on any handcrafted beverage or food. S10-12 Starbucks Coffee 1. 只適用於手調飲品 2. 不適用於樽裝飲品 罐裝飲品及包裝食品 3. 不可與其他優惠同時使用 1. Only applicable to handcrafted beverage. 2. Not applicable to bottled drinks, canned drinks and packaged food. 3. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion offers. 凡惠顧可享 9 折優惠 * Enjoy 10% discount* everyday. * 加一服務費後計算 ( 堂食適用 ) *After including 10% service charge. (for dine-in orders) S10-12 丼丼屋 1. 只適用於丼丼屋綠楊坊分店 2. 適用於惠顧堂食及外賣 3. 請於結帳時出示有效住戶證或員工證, 影印本無效 4. 此優惠不可兌換現金或貨品 5. 此優惠不可與其他現金禮券 餐飲禮券 優惠或折扣 ( 包括任何信用卡或員工折扣 ) 同時使用 6. 丼丼屋保留隨時修訂此條款及細則之權利而毋須事先通知 7. 如有任何爭議, 丼丼屋保留最終決議權 1. This offer can be used at DONDONYA Luk Yeung Galleria Store only. 2. Valid for dine-in and takeaway. 3. Please present valid resident card or staff card upon payment, photocopies are not accepted. 4. This offer cannot be redeemed for cash or merchandise. 5. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other cash coupons, dining certificates, promotion offers and discounts (including any credit card or staff discount). 6. DONDONYA reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice. 7. In case of any disputes, the decision of DONDONYA shall be final.

S15A Hallmark 凡購物滿 HK$100, 即享 9 折優惠 ( 此優惠不能與 VIP 或其他優惠同時使用 ) 10% off on any purchase upon HK$100. (This offer cannot be used in conjunction with VIP or other promotion offers.) S20-21 丸亀製麵 正價食品及飲品 9 折優惠 10% off on food and beverage items. 僅限使用八達通付款 Only use octopus to pay for. 凡惠顧任何套餐即可享 9 折優惠 * 10% off discount* valid purchase any set menu. S25-26 北海道牧場餐廳 * 此優惠適用於下午 2 時後 *Valid after 2pm. * 星期六 日及公眾假期除外 *Except Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays. 星期一至五全日堂食及外賣 9 折優惠 * Enjoy 10% discount* during Monday to Friday. S27 元気寿司 1. * 星期六 日及公眾假期除外 2. 只適用於元気寿司高速線綠楊坊分店 3. 只適用於堂食 ( 包括茶餐 ) 或外賣自取 ( 外賣自取網上訂購 壽司宅配 及節日外賣盛除外 );堂食另收加一服務費, 並以原價計算 4. 請於結賬時出示有效之証明文件 5. 使用此優惠時可使用 元気の賞分, 但全單消費金額將不獲 元気の賞分 6. 不可與元気寿司優惠劵 電子優惠劵 其他現金劵 其他優惠或折扣及元気會員生日優惠同時使用 7. 不可兌換現金 其他貨品或折扣, 並不設找續 8. 使用此優惠時可使用恒生 enjoy 卡或其他信用卡付款, 但不可再獲贈恒生 enjoy 卡 HK$10 餐飲禮劵優惠或其他優惠 9. 元氣壽司 ( 香港 ) 有限公司保留隨時更改使用條款及細則之權利而無需另行通知 如有任何爭議, 元気壽司 ( 香港 ) 有限公司保留最終之決定權

1. *Except Saturday, Sunday and public holidays. 2. Only applicable for Kousoku@Genki Sushi in Luk Yeung Galleria outlet in Hong Kong. 3. Only applicable for dine-in (including tea set menu) or takeaway (except takeaway online ordering, Delivery Menu and festive takeaway sets); 10% service charge is incurred in dine-in consumption and based on the original value. 4. Please present proof of identity upon payment. 5. Genki Points can be used but will not be awarded for the whole transaction. 6. Cannot be used in conjunction with Genki Sushi coupons, e-coupons, other cash coupons, other promotion offers or discount and Genki member birthday offer. 7. Cannot be redeemed for cash, other products or discount and any unused balance will be forfeited. 8. Hang Sang enjoy Card or other credit cards can be used to settle the transaction while Hang Sang enjoy Card HK$10 dining coupons or other discount are no longer granted with this offer. 9. Genki Sushi Hong Kong Limited reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice. In case of any disputes, the decision of Genki Sushi Hong Kong Limited shall be final. 凡單次消費滿 HK$50 或以上, 可獲贈熱奶茶一杯 (regular size) Enjoy a free cup of hot milk tea (regular size) upon spending over HK$50 in single transaction. S31-32 euro go go 此優惠不可與其他折扣及推廣優惠同時使用 This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other special offers. 每人每日只可使用此優惠一次 Each customer is entitled to enjoy this offer once per day only. euro go go 對此優惠的一切保留最終決定權 euro go go has the final decision in all matters concerning the use of this offer.

一般條款及細則 : 此優惠衹適用於綠楊坊 此優惠有效日期由 2017 年 7 月 1 日至 2018 年 6 月 30 日 此優惠不能兌換現金及不能與其他優惠共同使用 不適用於特價及指定貨品 請於消費 落單或報名前出示有效証明以享優惠 食肆優惠只限堂食及不可用作購買香煙之用 所有優惠餘額均不能兌換現金 綠楊坊管理處保留所有修改有關優惠及其使用細則之權利 優惠詳情一律以參與商戶的最終決定為準 優惠如有任何更改, 恕不另行通知 綠楊坊管理處保留收回此優惠卡之權利 General Terms & Conditions: Valid at Luk Yeung Galleria only. Valid from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018 This offer cannot be redeemed for cash and used in conjunction with other promotional offers. Offer is not valid on purchase of discount & specified items. To enjoy the offer, valid identity card must be presented at time of purchase, order or register. Restaurant offer is valid for dine-in only and cannot be used for purchasing cigarette. All outstanding balance cannot be redeemed for cash. Luk Yeung Galleria Management Office reserves the right to alter this terms and conditions without prior notice. In case of any dispute, the decision of the respective tenants shall be final. No individual notice will be given on any change in offers. Luk Yeung Galleria Management Office reserves the right to call back the card.