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THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM 樓 6 樓 0646 mchuang@ha.mc.ntu.edu.tw 1

MUSCLE TISSUE Types of Muscle Tissue Skeletal muscle tissue Cardiac muscle tissue Smooth muscle tissue 滑 2

Functions of Muscle Tissue producing body movements stabilizing body positions storing and moving substances within the body producing heat 3

Characteristics of Muscle Tissue Electrical excitability triggered by neurotransmitter ( 神 ), hormone, ph Contractility generating force Extensibility can be stretched Elasticity return to the original shape 4

Fascia: superficial fascia and deep fascia Superficial fascia Deep fascia 5

- Epimysium : total muscle - Perimysium : muscle fiber bundle (fascicle ) - Endomysium : individual muscle fiber Tendon Tendon: a cord of dense regular connective tissue Epimysium Perimysium Endomysium 6

Tendon : a cord of dense regular connective tissue Gastrocnemius ( ) Achilles tendon 7

Aponeurosis ( ) a sheet-like tendon Galea aponeurotica Frontalis Occipitalis 8

Aponeurosis ( ) a sheet-like tendon 9

Tendon (synovial) sheath ( 滑 ) tubes of fibrous connective tissue 10

Tendon (synovial) sheath ( 滑 ) 11

Nucleus 12

Filaments and sarcomere 13

Striation of skeletal muscle: A bands and I bands 14

Structure of thick and thin filaments 15

Neuromuscular junction: synapse between a motor neuron and a skeletal muscle fiber muscle fiber 16

Sliding filament mechanism of muscle contraction 17

Motor unit 18

Types of skeletal muscle fibers How rapidly the ATPase in its myosin heads hydrolyzes ATP Slow fibers: Fiber diameter : smallest Myoglobin : large amount Color : red ATP generation : high capacity by aerobic Rate of ATP use: slow Contraction : slow Location : postural muscles such as those of the neck 19

Cardiac muscle tissue Intercalated discs - gap junction - desmosome 20

Smooth muscle tissue Multiunit smooth muscle tissue - walls of large arteries - arrector pili muscles ( ) -iris ( ) - ciliary muscles ( 狀 ) 21

limited 22

SKELETAL MUSCLE TISSUE - striated ( ) muscle - voluntary ( ) muscle 23

Attachment of muscle Origin Insertion : muscle attached to the bone that does not move proximal : muscle attached to the move end distal belly ( ) widest part of the muscle 24


Lever systems and muscle actions 26

Individual and group actions of muscles A. Agonist prime mover; is responsible for producing a movement B. Antagonist opposes the movement of a prime mover C. Synergist work together with a prime mover D. Fixator : postural muscle provides a stable base 27 for the action of a prime mover

Arrangement of fascicles 狀 羽狀 狀 羽狀 羽狀 狀 28

Nomenclature 1. Direction Rectus ( ), Transverse ( ), Oblique ( ) 2. Size Maximus ( ); Minimus ( ); Longus ( ); Brevis ( ) 3. Shape Deltoid, Rhomboid, Serratus 4. Action Extensor ( ); Flexor ( ) 5. Number of origins Biceps brachii ( ) 2 heads; Triceps brachii 3 heads 6. Location Supraspinatus ( ); Infraspinatus ( ) 7. Attachment sites Sternohyoid ( ) 29

Orbicularis oculi vs. Levator palperbrae superioris 輪 Orbicularis oculi Levator palpebrae superioris 30

Corrugator supercilii Corrugator supercilii 31

Frontalis Frontalis 32

Orbicularisoris( 輪 ) Orbicularis oris ( 輪 ) 33

Muscles open the mouth 降 34

Buccinator ( ) -major muscular portion of the cheek Whistling Blowing Sucking Buccinator ( ) 35

(muscles of mastication) the muscles that move the mandible Masseter Temporalis Medial pterygoid Lateral pterygoid 36

Masseter ( ) 力量 (muscles of mastication) Masseter 37

Medial pterygoid Lateral pterygoid 38

Platysma ( ) 拉 Platysma ( ) 39

Extrinsic muscles of the eyeball 精 40


Muscles that move the tongue 42

Sternocleidomastoid ( ) 43

Sternocleidomastoid ( ) Sternocleidomastoid ( ) 44

Muscles of the male anterolateral abdominal wall 45

Cremaster muscle ( Internal oblique Cremaster muscle ( 46

Muscles for breathing 肋 肋 Aortic hiatus, Esophageal hiatus, Inferior vena cava 47

External anal sphinctor ( ) 48

Triangles of perineum Urogenital triangle Anal triangle 49

Pelvic diaphragm levator ani : pubococcygeus (, iliococcygeus ( coccygeus fascia covering internal and external surfaces 50

Superficial muscles of urogenital triangle ischiocavernosus ( ) bulbospongiosis ( ) superficial transverse perineus 51

Muscles that move the pectoral girdle: anterior thoracic muscles 拉 boxer s muscle 52

Muscles that move the pectoral girdle: posterior thoracic muscles 拉 菱 菱 53

Axial muscles that move the humerus (Arm) Pectoralis major ( ): Latissimus dorsi ( ): 54

Scapular muscles that move the humerus (Arm) ( ) Swimmer s muscle Subscapularis Rotator cuff 55

Subscapularis 56

Muscles that move the radius and ulna (forearm) 57

(brachioradialis) (palmaris longus) (flexor carpi radialis) (flexor carpi ulnaris) 58

(extensor carpi radialis longus) (extensor carpi ulnaris) (extensor digitorum) 59

Muscles that move the vertebral column Erector spinae: iliocostalis ( ) longismus ( ) spinalis ( ) 60

Anterior (extensor) compartment Muscles that move thigh and leg Medial compartment (pectineus) (adductor longus) (Gracilis) (adductor magnus) Anterior superficial view 61

Sartorius Sartorius 62

Muscles that move thigh and leg Gluteus maximus 神 Posterior (flexor) compartment (semitendinosus) (biceps femoris) (semimembranosus) Posterior superficial view 63

Muscles that move the foot and toes Tibialis anterior Peroneus longus Lateral compartment Peroneus brevis 64

Muscles that move the foot and toes Gastrocnemius ( ) Soleus Achilles tendon 65