16. 如有任何爭議, 本行持有最終決定權 B. 優惠詳情 17. a. 推薦獎賞 ( 推薦獎賞 ) 推薦人於推廣期內成功推薦被推薦客戶選用綜合理財服務, 可獲享以下推薦獎賞 推薦獎賞 被推薦客戶選用 智選理財 貴賓理財 貴賓晉裕 之銀行服務 每一位 100 港元 500 港元 1,200 港元 b

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客戶推薦計劃 ( 本計劃 ) 條款及細則 A. 一般條款及細則 1. 本計劃的推廣期由 2018 年 4 月 3 日至 2018 年 8 月 31 日 ( 包括首尾兩天 )( 推廣期 ) 2. 推薦人於推廣期內成功推薦新客戶成為中國建設銀行 ( 亞洲 ) 股份有限公司 ( 本行 ) 之 貴賓晉裕 / 貴賓理 財 / 智選理財 ( 綜合理財服務 ) 客戶 ( 被推薦客戶 ), 可獲享於下列 B 部分所列明之推薦獎賞 此外, 於推廣期內, 推薦人成功推薦新客戶開立本行之港元支票 / 儲蓄戶口 ( 指定戶口 ) 或成為本行之綜合理財服務客戶, 而客戶推薦表格經本行網站遞交, 推薦人及被推薦客戶均可獲享於下列 B 部分所列明之額外獎賞 3. 推薦人必須為本行之現有客戶及不能為本行職員及中國建設銀行股份有限公司的附屬公司的職員 4. 被推薦客戶必須於開立指定戶口或成為綜合理財服務客戶前過往 12 個月內未曾在本行以個人或聯名形式持有任何賬 戶或任何銀行產品或服務 ( 不包括信用卡 ), 及不能為本行職員 5. 選用綜合理財服務之被推薦客戶必須於選用綜合理財服務後首 2 個月內保持不少於每日平均合併結餘 ( 即存款及其 他理財產品價值總和, 扣除未清還臨時透支額之金額 ) 達 100,000 港元 ( 適用於 智選理財 客戶 ) / 1,000,000 港元 ( 適 用於 貴賓理財 客戶 ) / 5,000,000 港元 ( 適用於 貴賓晉裕 客戶 ) 或以上等值 6. 被推薦客戶必須於以下指定期限以內開立 網上個人銀行服務 ( 包括同時啟動密碼及首次登入 網上個人銀行 ) 或申請銀聯雙幣卡並須成功使用該卡最少一次 登入 網上個人銀行服務 或使用銀聯雙幣卡的指定期限如下: 推廣期 被推薦客戶開立指定戶口或選用 綜合理財 服務之指定期限 登入 網上個人銀行 或使用銀聯雙幣卡的指定期限 第一段推廣期 2018 年 4 月 3 日至 5 月 31 日 2018 年 7 月 31 日或之前 第二段推廣期 2018 年 6 月 1 日至 7 月 31 日 2018 年 9 月 30 日或之前 第三段推廣期 2018 年 8 月 1 日至 8 月 31 日 2018 年 10 月 31 日或之前 7. 被推薦客戶必須於被推薦客戶開立指定戶口或選用綜合理財服務當日或之前成功填妥客戶推薦表格及遞交到本行零售分行或經本行網站遞交 ( 以本行紀錄為準 ) 8. 若客戶推薦表格經本行網站遞交, 推薦人及被推薦客戶必須符合以下要求 : i. 推薦人必須透過 www.ccbasia-campaign.com 完成及遞交推薦人登記表格 ii. 推薦人於遞交推薦人登記表格後會透過電郵及 / 或手機短訊收到推薦人的專屬推薦連結 推薦人須把專屬推薦連結傳送給被推薦客戶 iii. 被推薦客戶必須於開立指定戶口或選用綜合理財服務當日或之前, 透過推薦人的專屬推薦連結遞交客戶推薦表格 9. 推薦人及被推薦客戶必須於推薦人登記表格及客戶推薦表格上提供正確姓名 ( 須與身份證明文件相同 ) 及手提電話號碼 ( 須與本行記錄相同 ), 方符合資格獲享推薦獎賞及 / 或額外獎賞 10. 推薦人與被推薦客戶不可互相推薦 推薦人與被推薦客戶不能為同一人 如被推薦客戶以聯名形式開立指定戶口或選用綜合理財服務, 推薦人及被推薦客戶將只獲享推薦獎賞及 / 或額外獎賞一次 若推薦人為新聯名指定戶口或聯名綜合理財服務戶口之其中一位戶口持有人, 推薦人及被推薦客戶將不可獲取推薦獎賞及額外獎賞 11. 於推薦獎賞及 / 或額外獎賞存入時, 推薦人必須持有本行任何有效之港元支票 / 儲蓄戶口或信用卡主卡賬戶及被推薦客戶必須仍然持有指定戶口或為相關綜合理財服務客戶 ( 如適用 ) 否則, 推薦獎賞及 / 或額外獎賞將會被取消及不會以任何其他方式提供予推薦人及被推薦客戶 12. 本計劃不可與其他推薦計劃優惠一併使用, 本行保留向客戶只提供部分或全部優惠之權利 13. 本行保留權利聯絡推薦人以核實推薦人資料, 有關資料僅會作確認獎賞獲享資格之用 14. 客戶須同時受本推廣相關之銀行產品及服務的有關條款及細則所約束, 詳情請參閱相關宣傳單張或瀏覽本行網站或向本行職員查詢 如本條款及細則的規定與銀行產品及服務的有關條款和細則有任何抵觸, 則以本條款及細則為準 15. 本行保留隨時修訂以上條款及細則及停止有關獎賞之權利

16. 如有任何爭議, 本行持有最終決定權 B. 優惠詳情 17. a. 推薦獎賞 ( 推薦獎賞 ) 推薦人於推廣期內成功推薦被推薦客戶選用綜合理財服務, 可獲享以下推薦獎賞 推薦獎賞 被推薦客戶選用 智選理財 貴賓理財 貴賓晉裕 之銀行服務 每一位 100 港元 500 港元 1,200 港元 b. 額外獎賞 ( 額外獎賞 ) 推薦人於推廣期內成功推薦被推薦客戶開立指定戶口或選用綜合理財服務, 而客戶推薦表格成功經本行網站遞 交, 推薦人及被推薦客戶可各享以下額外獎賞 額外獎賞 被推薦客戶開立 / 一般客戶 綜合理財客戶 選用之銀行服務 港元支票 / 儲蓄戶 智選理財 貴賓理財 貴賓晉裕 口 每位推薦 50 港元 50 港元 200 港元 200 港元 18. 每位被推薦客戶只可被推薦一次 如出現多位推薦人同時推薦同一位被推薦客戶, 推薦獎賞及 / 或額外獎賞將依本行 之記錄贈予最後一位遞交客戶推薦表格予本行之推薦人 19. 推薦獎賞及額外獎賞將按下列日期直接存入推薦人於本行持有有效之港元銀行賬戶或信用卡主卡賬戶內及被推薦客 戶於本行持有有效之港元銀行賬戶內, 並將按照以下順序存入推薦人及 / 或被推薦客戶於本行持有之賬戶內 : 港元儲 蓄戶口 港元支票戶口或信用卡主卡賬戶 ( 只適用於推薦人 ), 惟推薦人及被推薦客戶於推薦獎賞及 / 或額外獎賞存入 時必須仍然符合本計劃之條件 有關推薦獎賞及額外獎賞存入日期如下: 推廣期 被推薦客戶開立指定戶口或 存入推薦獎賞及額外獎賞之日期 選用 綜合理財 服務之日期 第一段推廣期 2018 年 4 月 3 日至 2018 年 5 月 31 日 2018 年 8 月 31 日或之前 第二段推廣期 2018 年 6 月 1 日至 2018 年 7 月 31 日 2018 年 10 月 31 日或之前 第三段推廣期 2018 年 8 月 1 日至 2018 年 8 月 31 日 2018 年 11 月 30 日或之前

Customer Referral Program ( The Program ) Terms and Conditions A. General Terms and Conditions 1. The promotion period of the Program is from April 3, 2018 to August 31, 2018 (both dates inclusive) ( Promotion Period ). 2. If Referrer successfully refers a new customer to join PREMIER SELECT/ PREMIER BANKING/ WISE BANKING ( Packaged Banking Service ) with China Construction Bank (Asia) Corporation Limited (the Bank ) during the Promotion Period ( Referred Customer ), Referrer may enjoy the Referral Reward as specified under Section B below. Besides, Referrer successfully refers a new customer to open a HKD Checking/ Savings account ( Designated Account ) or join Packaged Banking Service with the Bank during the Promotion Period with the Customer-Get-Customer Referral Form submitted via the website of the Bank, Referrer and Referred Customer may enjoy the Extra Reward as specified under Section B below. 3. The Referrer must be an existing customer of the Bank, must not be the staff of the Bank and the staff of the subsidiary companies of China Construction Bank. 4. The Referred Customer must not maintain any account or any banking products or services in sole name or joint name (excluding Credit Card Account) with the Bank in the past 12 months from the date of opening the Designated Account or joining the Packaged Banking Service and must not be a staff of the Bank. 5. The Referred Customer who joins Packaged Banking Service must maintain the minimum Daily Average Combined Balance (i.e. the aggregate amount of deposits and other wealth management products less the amount of outstanding unpaid temporary overdrafts) of HK$100,000 (for WISE BANKING customer) / HK$1,000,000 (for PREMIER BANKING customer) / HK$5,000,000 (for PREMIER SELECT customer) equivalent or above for at least 2 months after the date of joining the Packaged Banking Service. 6. The Referred Customer must successfully sign up for Online Personal Banking Service (includes Online Banking PIN activation and first-time login to Online Personal Banking) or apply for a UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card including usage of the card at least once successfully within the specific period below. Specific period to logon to Online Personal Banking Service or usage of UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card are as follows: Promotion Period Date of Opening Designated Account or Enrollment of Packaged Banking Service Specific period for logging on to Online Personal Banking Service or usage of UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card First promotional period April 3, 2018 to May 31, 2018 On or before July 31, 2018 Second promotional period June 1, 2018 to July 31, 2018 On or before September 30, 2018 Third promotional period August 1, 2018 to August 31, 2018 On or before October 31, 2018 7. The Customer-Get-Customer Referral Form must be filled-in and successfully submitted to any consumer branch(es) of the Bank or submitted via the website of the Bank prior to or on the same day of opening Designated Account or joining Packaged Banking Service (as determined in accordance with the Bank s record). 8. To submit the Customer-Get-Customer Referral Form via the website of the Bank. Referrer and Referred Customer must fulfill the following requirements: i. Referrer must complete and submit a Referrer Registration Form via www.ccbasia-campaign.com. ii. After submitting the Referrer Registration Form, Referrer will receive a dedicated referral link via Email and/or MMS. Referrer must forward the dedicated referral link to the Referred Customer. iii. Referred Customer must complete and submit Customer-Get-Customer Referral Form via the dedicated referral link of Referrer prior to or on the same day of opening Designated Account or joining Packaged Banking Service.

9. To be eligible to the Referral Reward and Extra Reward, Referrer and Referred Customer must provide accurate name (must be same as identification document) and mobile phone number (must be same as the Bank s record) on the Referrer Registration Form and Customer-Get-Customer Referral Form. 10. Referrer and Referred Customer cannot refer each other. The Referrer and the Referred Customer cannot be the same person. If the Referred Customer opens Designated Account or joins Packaged Banking Service under joint name with the Bank, the Referrer is eligible for Referral Reward and/ or Extra Reward once only. If the Referrer is one of the account holders of the Designated Account or Packaged Banking Service account under joint name, Referrer and Referred Customer are not eligible to the Referral Reward and Extra Reward. 11. The Referrer must maintain a valid HKD Checking / Savings account or principal credit card account with the Bank and the Referred Customer must maintain the Designated Account or the respective Packaged Banking Service status (if applicable) at the time that the Referral Reward and/ or Extra Reward are credited. Otherwise, the Referral Reward and/ or Extra Reward will be forfeited and will not be provided to the Referrer and the Referred Customer through any other means. 12. The Program cannot be used in conjunction with other referral promotion offers of the Bank, the Bank reserves the right to grant partial or all of offers entitled by the Customer. 13. The Bank reserves the right to contact the Referrer to verify the Referrer information. The information is only used for confirming the eligibility of reward entitlement. 14. Customer is also bound by relevant terms and conditions for the banking products and services under the Program, please refer to the relevant promotional materials or visit the official website of the Bank or contact our staff for details. In the event of any inconsistency between these Terms and Conditions and the relevant terms and conditions for the banking products and service, these Terms and Conditions of the Program shall prevail. 15. The Bank reserves the right to revise these Terms and Conditions, withdraw or vary the offers anytime. 16. In case of dispute, the decision of the Bank shall be final and binding. B. Offers details 17. a. Referral Reward ( Referral Reward ) The Referrer who successfully refers Referred Customer to join Packaged Banking service during the Promotion Period can enjoy Referral Reward. Referral Reward Type of banking service enrolled WISE BANKING PREMIER BANKING PREMIER SELECT For each referral HK$100 HK$500 HK$1,200 b. Extra Reward ( Extra Reward ) If the Referrer successfully refers Referred Customer to open Designated Account or join Packaged Banking service during the Promotion Period and the Customer-Get-Customer Referral Form is submitted via the website of the Bank, each Referrer and Referred Customer can enjoy Extra Reward. Extra Reward Type of banking service General Customer Packaged Banking Customer opened/enrolled by the HKD Checking/ Savings WISE BANKING PREMIER PREMIER SELECT Referred Customer account BANKING For each referral HK$50 HK$50 HK$200 HK$200 18. Each Referred Customer can only be referred once. If the Referred Customer is referred by more than one Referrer, the Referral Reward and/ or Extra Reward will be given to the latest Referrer according to the Bank s record.

19. Referral Reward and Extra Reward will be credited directly to the Referrer s and/ or Referred Customer s valid HKD bank account or principal credit card account held with the Bank (if applicable and in the priority of HKD Savings Account, HKD Checking Account or principal credit card account) according to below schedule. The Referrer and Referred Customer must also fulfill the conditions of the Program at the time of receipt of Referral Reward and/or Extra Reward. Below is the schedule for crediting the Referral Reward and Extra Reward: Promotion Period Date of Opening Designated Account or Enrollment of Packaged Banking Service Referral Reward and Extra Reward Credit Date First promotional period April 3, 2018 to May 31, 2018 On or before August 31, 2018 Second promotional period June 1, 2018 to July 31, 2018 On or before October 31, 2018 Third promotional period August 1, 2018 to August 31, 2018 On or before November 30, 2018