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The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited RENMINBI SAVINGS ACCOUNT RULES [For Personal Renminbi Savings Account, Renminbi Trade Settlement Savings Account and Renminbi Savings Account (for Designated Business Customer)] Part A [Applicable to all Personal Renminbi Savings Accounts, Renminbi Trade Settlement Savings Accounts and Renminbi Savings Accounts (for Designated Business Customer)] 1. Opening a Renminbi Savings Account By opening a Renminbi Savings Account with us, you will be considered to have read and accepted the General Terms and Conditions and these Account Rules and will be bound by them. These Account Rules prevail to the extent of any inconsistency between the General Terms and Conditions and these Account Rules. The terms used in these Account Rules are defined at the end. If you wish to open a Renminbi Savings Account, you have to supply such information and documents, and complete such forms and procedures as we may specify from time to time. We have the right to set or vary without prior notice from time to time any minimum amount of deposit required to open and maintain a Renminbi Savings Account. 2. Fees, charges and interest We have a right to charge fees and charges for maintaining a Renminbi Savings Account or for providing Renminbi Savings Account services. These fees and charges may include the following (or any of them): (i) fees for closing a Renminbi Savings Account within such period after the account opening date as specified by us from time to time; and (ii) fees and charges on the credit balance in a Renminbi Savings Account from time to time. We may vary the fees and charges and the frequency of payment from time to time by notice. Our tariff guides have details of various fees and charges including the applicable rates or amounts. Our tariff guides are available at our website or upon request at any of our branches in Hong Kong. We are entitled without prior notice to you to debit any amount payable by you to us (including any fees, expenses or interest) from any of the accounts maintained by you with us irrespective of whether there are sufficient available funds, overdraft or other facilities in the said accounts. If any debit causes the relevant account to be overdrawn, you are liable to repay the outstanding amount to us on demand together with any fees, expenses and interest accruing on the outstanding amount at such rate as we may set. 3. Renminbi savings interest Interest on a Renminbi Savings Account accrues: (i) on a daily basis; (ii) on the credit balance in the Renminbi Savings Account; and (iii) at the interest rate specified by us at our discretion. Interest rates applicable from time to time will be displayed at our premises or published on our website. Interest at a rate above zero is payable by us to you and will become a credit entry to the Renminbi Savings Account (i) at the end of each calendar half-year (for Personal Renminbi Savings Account and Renminbi Savings Account (for Designated Business Customer)); (ii) at the end of each calendar month (for Renminbi Trade Settlement Savings Account); or (iii) at such other interval as we may set from time to time. We have the right to set or vary without prior notice from time to time any minimum amount of credit balance for interest to accrue. No such interest will accrue if the credit balance in the Renminbi Savings Account falls below the minimum amount set by us. Where a Renminbi Savings Account is closed during an interest period whether by you or by us for any reason, interest accrues only up to the last calendar day before the day of closure. 4. Account statement Where the applicable regulatory requirements do not require us to provide statements for the Renminbi Savings Account, we may provide account statement at our discretion if we consider appropriate whether or not you have opted not to receive account statement. Subject to the above, we will provide you with an account statement monthly or at such intervals as we may determine, unless your Renminbi Savings Account has zero balance or you request otherwise. You should examine and check the accuracy of each account statement or relevant report provided by us. You should see if there is any error, omission, discrepancy, unauthorised debit or irregularity in the entries or transactions shown in each account statement or relevant report, whether caused by forged signature or other forgery, fraud, lack of authority, negligence of any person or other reasons. You should notify us of any alleged error, omission, discrepancy, unauthorised debit or irregularity shown in an account statement or relevant report within ninety (90) days after we deliver it by the means set out in Clause 7 of Part A. If we do not receive any such notice from you within the specified period, (i) the account statement or relevant report will be considered as correct, conclusive and binding on you, and (ii) you will be considered to have waived any right to raise any objection or pursue any remedies against us in relation to that account statement or relevant report. 5. Operating a Renminbi Savings Account You may make withdrawals from your Renminbi Savings Account at our counter during business hours of our branch. Before a withdrawal, you have to produce satisfactory evidence of your identity. You also have to produce satisfactory evidence of your authority, if requested by us. We do not allow withdrawal from a Renminbi Savings Account by cheque. We may offer, vary, suspend or withdraw any services (including not accepting a deposit) relating to a Renminbi Savings Account at any time. You may be required to make separate application to obtain these services. We may also specify or vary from time to time further terms and conditions that govern these services. We have the right to pay any amount you withdraw from a Renminbi Savings Account by any one of or any combinations of the following methods: (i) by cash payment in Renminbi; and (ii) by cash payment in Hong Kong dollar, converting (if necessary) the equivalent amount from Renminbi at our prevailing buying rate for our customers at the time of conversion. Page 1/4 Member HSBC Group

(e) (g) (h) (i) (j) A withdrawal in cash in Renminbi is subject to availability of Renminbi notes. Unless otherwise agreed by us, we may require at least seven (7) days' prior notice from you to allow us sufficient time to process a request of withdrawal in Renminbi. Payment by us to a person has the same effect as if payment to you personally if that person produces: (i) satisfactory evidence of his identity; and (ii) if requested by us, a withdrawal form appears to be signed, sealed or chopped by you (as applicable) or according to your authorisation. By making payment to that person, we discharge all our liabilities to you or any other person with respect to the amount paid. We do not offer overdraft facilities on a Renminbi Savings Account. The maintenance and operation of a Renminbi Savings Account are subject to all Applicable Regulations. Without limiting or reducing the effect of Clauses 1 and 7 of Part A, you are required to comply with all Applicable Regulations and other terms and conditions which we may specify from time to time in connection with the Renminbi Savings Account (collectively, "Renminbi Regulations"). The Renminbi Regulations (except the General Terms and Conditions) prevail to the extent of any inconsistency between them and these Account Rules. If you fail to comply with any Renminbi Regulations or if any instruction relating to your Renminbi Savings Account violates any Renminbi Regulations, we have the right to close your Renminbi Savings Account or reject the instruction (or to do both). We are not liable for any loss or damage which you may suffer or incur in these cases. Before carrying out a currency conversion transaction, we may require you to provide information or documentation to prove that such transaction is in compliance with all Applicable Regulations. We have the right to refuse to carry out a currency conversion transaction if we are not satisfied with the information or documentation provided by you. You must notify us immediately in writing if you lose any identity document, seal or chop used for operating a Renminbi Savings Account. We are not liable to you for effecting any payment or transaction before we actually receive such written notice. We have the right to (i) set a daily limit for depositing Renminbi notes in your Renminbi Savings Account or withdrawing Renminbi notes from your Renminbi Savings Account, (ii) charge commission, fees and charges for such deposit or withdrawal (regardless of amount) and (iii) do all of the above. Paragraphs (k) (o) below are applicable to Personal Renminbi Savings Accounts and Renminbi Trade Settlement Savings Accounts only (k) (l) (m) (n) (o) You may deposit any Item to your Renminbi Savings Account using any means accepted by us from time to time. Before depositing an Item, you will ensure that the Item is on its face in order. This includes ensuring that an Item is appropriately dated and signed, with the amounts in words and figures matched. Coins will not be accepted for cash deposit. We have the right to require you to provide details of an Item when depositing it. You are solely responsible for providing accurate and complete details. We are entitled to rely on the details provided by you in issuing a receipt and processing the Item. We also have the right to verify any details provided by you after issuing a receipt for the Item. If there is any discrepancy between a receipt and the outcome of our verification, the outcome of our verification is final and binding on you. We are entitled to adjust the Renminbi Savings Account accordingly. An inward remittance or Item may be in Hong Kong dollar or any other currency and may include a payment pursuant to the standing instruction of another person. We accept each inward remittance or Item for deposit into a Renminbi Savings Account subject to final payment or clearing. We may not make the proceeds available for use until full and final payment has been cleared. If full and final payment of an inward remittance or Item is not actually received by us for any reason (including insufficient funds for effecting payment), we have the right to debit the Renminbi Savings Account with the appropriate amount plus any charges. If we accept a cheque in Hong Kong dollar for deposit into the Renminbi Savings Account and that cheque is dishonoured, we will debit the Renminbi Savings Account with the amount of the cheque calculated using our prevailing buying rate or the original selling rate (whichever is lower). If we accept a cheque in a currency other than Renminbi or Hong Kong dollar for deposit into the Renminbi Savings Account and that cheque is dishonoured, we will debit the Renminbi Savings Account with the amount of the cheque calculated using the exchange rates at which we effected the currency conversion at the time of depositing the cheque or reversing the deposit as we may determine. 6. Our rights relating to a Renminbi Savings Account You agree that the amount we owe you does not exceed the net amount of any credit balance held by us after deducting or providing for all the liabilities that you owe us in connection with any account or in any other respect. These liabilities (i) may be actual or contingent, present, future or deferred, primary or collateral, (ii) may be owing by you solely or jointly with any other person, and (iii) may include fees, expenses or interest. Without limiting or reducing the effect of paragraph and in addition to and without limiting or reducing any of our rights in law or under any agreement, we are entitled without prior notice to you to do the following (or any of them): (i) withhold, combine and consolidate the balance on your accounts maintained with us and set off or transfer any moneys (in the form of credit balance or credit facility) standing to the credit of any account in or towards settlement of any amount owing by you to us; and (ii) refuse to repay you any moneys in any currency standing to the credit of your accounts maintained with us when due or on demand by you if and to the extent that such moneys are equal to or less than the amount owing by you to us. If we exercise this right with respect to any moneys, such moneys will remain outstanding from us on substantially the terms and conditions in force immediately before we exercise this right or on such other terms as we may consider appropriate. Where you are an individual, our rights in this paragraph will not be limited or reduced by your death or legal incapacity. Unless we have received specific contrary instructions from you, we have the right to close a Renminbi Savings Account if it (i) has a zero balance for a period of time as set by us from time to time or (ii) remains inactive for a period of time as set by us from time to time. If we find out or reasonably suspect at any time that any Renminbi notes deposited with us and credited to your Renminbi Savings Account are counterfeit notes ("counterfeit notes"), you irrevocably authorise us to do the following (or any of them) without notice to you: (i) (ii) debit the total amount of the counterfeit notes from your Renminbi Savings Account or any other account maintained by you with us; not to return the counterfeit notes to you and to dispose of the counterfeit notes at our discretion; and (iii) notify the relevant Authorities of the counterfeit notes and disclose to them all such information relating to the counterfeit notes as we consider appropriate. Such information may include your name and contact details. You will indemnify us for all actions, proceedings and claims which may be brought against us, and all losses, damages and reasonable costs and expenses which we may incur or suffer as a result of or in connection the matters set out in this Clause 6 of Part A. RENMINBI SAVINGS ACCOUNT RULES [For Personal Renminbi Savings Account, Renminbi Trade Page 2/4 Settlement Savings Account and Renminbi Savings Account (for Designated Business Customer)]

7. General (e) You must notify us in writing of any change of address or other contact details recorded with us. Any communication from us to you will be considered as having been delivered to you after we have delivered it to the address or according to the contact details last notified to us. No person other than you and us will have any right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance to enforce or enjoy the benefit of any of the provisions of these Account Rules. These Account Rules are governed by and will be construed according to Hong Kong laws. You agree to be bound by any conditions, limits, guidelines or directions brought to your attention from time to time by way of display at our premises or in any manner we consider appropriate. The English version of these Account Rules prevails to the extent of any inconsistency between the English and the Chinese versions. Any Chinese version of these Account Rules is for reference only. You submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts. These Account Rules may be enforced in the courts of any competent jurisdiction. Part B1 (Applicable to Personal Renminbi Savings Accounts only) 1. Our right to impose negative interest We have the right to impose negative interest on credit balances on the Renminbi Savings Account. Where such interest becomes payable by you to us, we are entitled to debit any of the accounts maintained by you with us for the purpose of settling such negative interest, irrespective of whether there are sufficient available funds, overdraft or other facilities in the said accounts. If any debit causes the relevant account to be overdrawn, you are liable to repay the outstanding amount to us on demand together with any fees, expenses and interest accruing on the outstanding amount at such rate as we may specify. Negative interest (if any) on a Renminbi Savings Account accrues: (i) on a daily basis; (ii) on the credit balance in the Renminbi Savings Account; and (iii) at the interest rate specified by us at our discretion. Interest rates applicable from time to time will be displayed at our premises or published on our website. Negative interest (if any) is payable by you to us and will become a debit entry to the Renminbi Savings Account at the end of each calendar half-year (or at such other interval as we may set from time to time). Where a Renminbi Savings Account is closed during an interest period whether by you or by us for any reason, negative interest (if any) accrues only up to the last calendar day before the day of closure. We have the right to set or vary without prior notice from time to time any minimum amount of credit balance for negative interest to accrue. No such interest will accrue if the credit balance in the Renminbi Savings Account falls below the minimum amount set by us. 2. Payment method Without limiting or reducing our rights under Clause 5 of Part A, we have the right to pay any amount you withdraw from a Renminbi Savings Account by issuing to you a cheque drawn by us on any bank in the PRC payable in Renminbi. Part B2 [Applicable to Renminbi Trade Settlement Savings Accounts and Renminbi Savings Accounts (for Designated Business Customer) only] 1. Our right to impose negative interest We have the right to impose negative interest on credit balances on the Renminbi Savings Account. Where such interest becomes payable by you to us, we are entitled to debit any of the accounts maintained by you with us for the purpose of settling such negative interest, irrespective of whether there are sufficient available funds, overdraft or other facilities in the said accounts. If any debit causes the relevant account to be overdrawn, you are liable to repay the outstanding amount to us on demand together with any fees, expenses and interest accruing on the outstanding amount at such rate as we may specify. Negative interest (if any) on a Renminbi Savings Account accrues: (i) on a daily basis; (ii) on the credit balance in the Renminbi Savings Account; and (iii) at the interest rate specified by us at our discretion. Interest rates applicable from time to time will be displayed at our premises or published on our website. Negative interest (if any) is payable by you to us and will become a debit entry to the Renminbi Savings Account at the end of each calendar half-year (or at such other interval as we may set from time to time). Where a Renminbi Savings Account is closed during an interest period whether by you or by us for any reason, negative interest (if any) accrues only up to the last calendar day before the day of closure. We have the right to set or vary without prior notice from time to time any minimum amount of credit balance for negative interest to accrue. No such interest will accrue if the credit balance in the Renminbi Savings Account falls below the minimum amount set by us. RENMINBI SAVINGS ACCOUNT RULES [For Personal Renminbi Savings Account, Renminbi Trade Page 3/4 Settlement Savings Account and Renminbi Savings Account (for Designated Business Customer)]

Definitions Account Rules means these account rules governing the Renminbi savings account services offered to you, as may be amended from time to time. Applicable Regulation means any law, regulation or court order, or any rule, direction, guideline, code, notice or restriction (whether or not having the force of law) issued by any Authority or industry or self-regulatory body, whether in or outside Hong Kong, to which we or you are subject or with which we or you are expected to comply from time to time. Authority means any local or foreign judicial, administrative, public or regulatory authority, governmental agency (including tax authority), clearing or settlement bank or exchange. General Terms and Conditions means the General Terms and Conditions governing various accounts and services as specified by us and as may be amended from time to time. Hong Kong means the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. Item means any cheque or other monetary instrument which we may accept for deposit. PRC means the People's Republic of China. Renminbi means the lawful currency of the PRC. Renminbi Savings Account means a Renminbi savings account maintained by you with us. we, us, our means The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited and its successors and assigns. you or your means each person in whose name a Renminbi savings account is maintained and, where the context permits, includes any individual authorised by you to give instructions relating to the account. RENMINBI SAVINGS ACCOUNT RULES [For Personal Renminbi Savings Account, Renminbi Trade Page 4/4 Settlement Savings Account and Renminbi Savings Account (for Designated Business Customer)]

人民幣儲蓄戶口規則 [ 適用於個人人民幣儲蓄戶口 人民幣貿易結算儲蓄戶口及人民幣儲蓄戶口 ( 指定商戶適用 )] 甲部分 [ 適用於個人人民幣儲蓄戶口 人民幣貿易結算儲蓄戶口及人民幣儲蓄戶口 ( 指定商戶適用 )] 1. 開立人民幣儲蓄戶口 閣下於本行開立人民幣儲蓄戶口, 即被視為已閱讀並接受一般條款及細則及本規則並受其約束 如本規則及一般條款及細則有任何不一致, 概以本規則為準 在本規則中使用的詞語的定義載於本規則的末端 如閣下欲開立人民幣儲蓄戶口, 閣下須提供本行可不時指定的資料及文件, 並填妥及完成本行可不時指定的表格及程序 本行有權不時設定或更改開立及維持人民幣儲蓄戶口所需的任何最低存款金額, 而無須事先通知 2. 費用 收費及利息 本行有權就維持人民幣儲蓄戶口或提供人民幣儲蓄戶口服務收取費用及收費 此等費用及收費可包括下列各項 ( 或任何一項 ): (i) 在開立人民幣儲蓄戶口後, 如在本行不時指定的期間內結束戶口而徵收的費用 ; 及 (ii) 就人民幣儲蓄戶口內的結餘不時徵收的費用及收費 本行可透過通知不時更改各項費用及收費及支付的次數 本行的費用簡介載有各項費用及收費的詳情 ( 包括適用利率或金額 ) 本行的費用簡介可於本行網站瀏覽或向本行在香港的任何分行索取 本行有權從閣下於本行維持的任何戶口中支取閣下應向本行繳付的任何金額 ( 包括任何費用 開支或利息 ), 不論上述戶口是否有充足可用資金 可用透支或其他信貸, 而無須事先通知閣下 如任何支賬使相關戶口出現透支的情況, 閣下有責任應本行要求連同任何累算費用 開支及利息 ( 以本行指定的利率或金額就所欠金額累算 ) 清還所欠金額 3. 人民幣儲蓄利息 人民幣儲蓄戶口利息如下述累算 : (i) 以每日為基準 ; (ii) 以人民幣儲蓄戶口內的結餘 ; 及 (iii) 按本行不時酌情指定的利率 本行會在本行的範圍內張貼或在本行的網頁公布不時適用的利率 如利率高於零, 利息會由本行向閣下支付並會 (i) 每半年結束後 ( 個人人民幣儲蓄戶口及人民幣儲蓄戶口 ( 指定商戶適用 )) (ii) 每個月結束後 ( 人民幣貿易結算儲蓄戶口 ), 或 (iii) 按本行可不時設定的其他時段成為人民幣儲蓄戶口入賬的記項 本行有權不時設定或更改任何可累算利息的最低結餘金額, 而無須事先通知 如人民幣儲蓄戶口內的結餘低於本行設定的最低結餘金額, 人民幣儲蓄戶口將不會累算該利息 如在計息期內本行或閣下因任何原因結束人民幣儲蓄戶口, 利息會累算至在結束戶口當天前的最後一個曆日 4. 戶口結單 如相關監管並無要求本行就人民幣儲蓄戶口提供結單, 本行可酌情在本行認為適當的情況下提供戶口結單, 不論閣下是否已選擇不接收戶口結單 在受限於上述的前提下, 除非人民幣儲蓄戶口結餘為零或閣下另有要求, 否則本行會每月或按本行決定的時段向閣下提供戶口結單 閣下應檢查及核對每份由本行提供的戶口結單或有關報告是否準確 閣下應查閱每份戶口結單或有關報告內的記項或交易有否出現因任何人士冒簽或其他偽造 欺詐 未經授權 疏忽或其他原因所引致的任何錯誤 遺漏 差異 未經授權的支賬或不當情況 如戶口結單或有關報告中顯示任何指稱的錯誤 遺漏 差異 未經授權支賬或不當情況, 閣下應在本行以甲部分第 7 條所載的方法遞送戶口結單或有關報告後九十 (90) 日內通知本行 如本行未有在指定期間內收到閣下任何該等通知,(i) 戶口結單或有關報告即被視為正確 最終並對閣下具有約束力, 及 (ii) 閣下亦會被視為已放棄就該戶口結單或有關報告向本行提出任何反對或採取任何補救方法的任何權利 5. 人民幣儲蓄戶口的操作 閣下可在本行分行的營業時間內在櫃位要求從閣下的人民幣儲蓄戶口提款 提款前, 閣下須出示足以證明閣下身份的文件 如本行要求, 閣下亦須出示適當的獲授權的證明 本行不容許以支票從人民幣儲蓄戶口提款 本行有權隨時提供 更改 暫停或撤銷有關人民幣儲蓄戶口的任何服務 ( 包括不接受存款 ) 閣下或須另行申請此等服務 本行亦可不時指定或更改規管此等服務的其他條款及細則 就閣下從人民幣儲蓄戶口提取的任何金額, 本行有權用下列方法 ( 其中任何一個或任何組合 ) 支付 : (i) 以人民幣用現金支付 ; 及 (ii) 以港幣用現金支付 ;( 如需要 ) 按折算時本行向客戶提供當時的買入匯率把人民幣折算為等值金額的港幣 人民幣現金提款受人民幣紙幣供應所限 除非本行另行同意, 本行可要求閣下預早最少七 (7) 天通知, 給予本行足夠時間以處理閣下以人民幣提款的要求 (e) 如本行向下列人士付款, 等同已直接向閣下付款 : (i) 出示適當的身份證明的人士 ; 及 (ii) ( 如本行要求 ) 出示提款單的人士, 而該提款單表面看來是由閣下簽署或蓋章 ( 按情況適用 ) 或按閣下的授權而發出 向該人士付款即解除本行對閣下或任何其他人士就有關金額的所有責任 本行不會為人民幣儲蓄戶口提供透支貸款 頁次 1/3

(g) (h) (i) (j) 持有及操作人民幣儲蓄戶口受限於所有適用法規 在不限制或削弱甲部分第 1 條及 7 條的效力的情況下, 閣下須遵守所有適用法規及其他本行可不時指定有關人民幣儲蓄戶口的條款及細則 ( 統稱 人民幣法規 ) 如人民幣法規 ( 一般條款及細則除外 ) 及本規則有任何不一致, 概以人民幣法規為準 如閣下未有遵守任何人民幣法規或任何有關閣下的人民幣儲蓄戶口的指示違反任何人民幣法規, 本行有權結束閣下的人民幣儲蓄戶口或拒絕指示 ( 或兩者 ) 本行無須就閣下在該等情況下所蒙受或招致的任何損失或損害負責 本行在執行貨幣折算交易前, 可能會要求閣下提供資料或文件以證明有關貨幣折算交易符合所有適用法規 如閣下未能提供令本行滿意的資料或文件, 本行有權拒絕執行貨幣折算交易 如閣下遺失用以操作人民幣儲蓄戶口的任何身份證明文件 印鑑或印章, 閣下必須立即以書面通知本行 就本行在實際收到書面通知前進行的任何付款或交易, 本行無須負責 本行有權 (i) 就閣下的人民幣儲蓄戶口設定每日限額, 限制人民幣紙幣的存款或提款,(ii) 就該項存款或提款 ( 不論提存的金額 ) 收取佣金 費用及收費及 (iii) 作出上述所有事項 下列 (k) 至 (o) 段只適用於個人人民幣儲蓄戶口及人民幣貿易結算儲蓄戶口 (k) (l) (m) (n) (o) 閣下可用本行不時接納的任何方法把任何項目存入閣下的人民幣儲蓄戶口 在存入項目前, 閣下須確保項目所報稱的資料正確無誤 這包括確保項目已適當地註明日期及已簽妥, 並且以大寫及數字填寫的金額一致 本行不接受輔幣存款 本行有權要求閣下在存入項目時提供該項目的詳情 閣下須自行負責提供準確及完整的詳情 本行在發出收據及處理項目時, 有權依賴閣下提供的詳情 本行在發出有關項目的收據後, 有權核實閣下提供的任何詳情 如收據與本行核實的結果有任何差異, 本行核實的結果為最終結果並對閣下具有約束力 本行並有權對人民幣儲蓄戶口作出相應調整 匯入匯款或項目的幣種可以是港幣或任何其他貨幣, 亦可包括按其他人士的常行指示的付款 該匯入匯款或項目須待本行就其收妥最後付款或其已經結算後方獲本行接受 本行可在收妥最終付款或結算後才讓閣下使用有關款項 就匯入匯款或項目, 如本行因任何原因 ( 包括資金不足以付款 ) 未有實際收到全額及最終付款, 本行有權從人民幣儲蓄戶口支取適當金額及任何費用 如本行接受港幣支票存入人民幣儲蓄戶口而該支票不獲兌現, 本行會按本行當時的買入匯率或原本的賣出匯率 ( 以兩者中的較低者 ) 計算支票金額, 再從人民幣儲蓄戶口支取 如本行接受非人民幣或非港幣的支票存入人民幣儲蓄戶口而該支票不獲兌現, 本行會自行決定按存入支票時或還原存款時本行進行貨幣折算的匯率計算支票金額, 再從人民幣儲蓄戶口支取 6. 本行有關人民幣儲蓄戶口的權利 閣下同意本行對閣下所欠金額不超過本行經扣除或提撥閣下就任何戶口或在任何方面對本行所負的所有債務的總額後, 本行持有的任何結餘的淨額 該等債務可能 (i) 為實際或待確定 現有 將有或遞延 基本性或擔保性的欠債,(ii) 由閣下獨自或與任何其他人士共同欠下, 及 (iii) 包括費用 開支或利息 在不限制或削弱 段的効力, 以及在不限制或削弱法律或任何合約下授予本行的任何權利的情況下, 本行有權無須事先通知閣下而採取下列行動 ( 或任何一項 ): (i) 扣起 組合及合併閣下於本行維持的戶口的結餘, 並把存於任何戶口的款項 ( 以存款或信貸便利的形式 ) 作抵銷或轉賬, 以結清閣下欠本行的任何金額 ; 及 (ii) 如閣下在本行維持的戶口的結餘 ( 不論任何貨幣 ) 等於或少於閣下欠本行的金額, 當該等結餘到期或被閣下要求償還時拒予償還 如本行就任何款項行使此權利, 該等款項將大體按緊接本行行使此權利前有效的條款及細則或本行認為適當的其他條款而列為本行所欠金額 如閣下是個人, 本行在本段下的權利不會因閣下逝世或在法律上無行為能力而受限制或被削弱 除非本行收到閣下明確相反指示, 如在本行不時設定的期間內人民幣儲蓄戶口 (i) 結餘為零或 (ii) 無進支紀錄, 本行有權結束人民幣儲蓄戶口 如本行發現或合理地懷疑在任何時候存入本行並已於閣下的人民幣儲蓄戶口進行入賬的人民幣紙幣是偽鈔 ( 偽鈔 ), 閣下不可撤銷地授權本行採取下列行動 ( 或任何一項 ), 而無須通知閣下 : (i) 從閣下的人民幣儲蓄戶口或閣下在本行維持的任何其他戶口扣除偽鈔的總金額 ; (ii) 不退回偽鈔予閣下並由本行酌情處理偽鈔 ; 及 (iii) 向有關權力機關通報及披露所有本行認為適當的有關偽鈔的資料 該等資料可包括閣下的姓名及聯絡資料 就因或有關載於本甲部分第 6 條的事宜而引致本行可能招致或蒙受對本行提出的所有法律行動 訴訟及索償及所有損失 損害及合理的成本及開支, 閣下須對本行作出彌償 7. 一般事項 (e) 如閣下更改地址或在本行紀錄中的其他聯絡資料, 閣下須以書面通知本行 在本行向按閣下最後通知本行的地址或聯絡資料向閣下派遞任何通訊之後, 閣下即被視為已收到該通訊 除閣下及本行以外, 並無其他人士有權按 合約 ( 第三者權利 ) 條例 強制執行本規則的任何條文, 或享有本規則的任何條文下的利益 本規則受香港法律管轄並按其詮釋 本行會在本行的範圍內展示或以本行認為適當的方式通知閣下任何條件 限制 指引或指示, 閣下同意受其約束 本規則的英文版本與中文版本如有任何不一致, 概以英文版本為準 本規則的任何中文版本僅供參考 閣下服從香港法院的非專有管轄權 本規則可在任何具司法管轄權的法院強制執行 人民幣儲蓄戶口規則頁次 2/3 [ 適用於個人人民幣儲蓄戶口 人民幣貿易結算儲蓄戶口及人民幣儲蓄戶口 ( 指定商戶適用 )]

乙 ( 一 ) 部分 ( 只適用於個人人民幣儲蓄戶口 ) 1. 本行徵收負利息的權利 本行有權就人民幣儲蓄戶口內的結餘徵收負利息 如該利息應由閣下向本行繳付, 本行有權從閣下於本行維持的任何戶口支賬以結算該負利息, 不論上述戶口是否有充足可用資金 可用透支或其他信貸 如任何支賬使相關戶口出現透支的情況, 閣下有責任應本行要求連同任何累算費用 開支及利息 ( 以本行指定的利率或金額就所欠金額累算 ) 清還所欠金額 人民幣儲蓄戶口負利息 ( 如有 ) 如下述累算 : (i) 以每日為基準 ; (ii) 以人民幣儲蓄戶口內的結餘 ; 及 (iii) 按本行不時酌情指定的利率 本行會在本行的範圍內張貼或在本行的網頁公布不時適用的利率 負利息 ( 如有 ) 應由閣下向本行支付並會每半年結束後 ( 或按本行可不時設定的其他時段 ) 成為人民幣儲蓄戶口支賬的記項 如在計息期內本行或閣下因任何原因結束人民幣儲蓄戶口, 負利息 ( 如有 ) 會累算至在結束戶口當天前的最後一個曆日 本行有權不時設定或更改任何可累算負利息的最低結餘金額, 而無須事先通知 如人民幣儲蓄戶口內的結餘低於本行設定的最低結餘金額, 人民幣儲蓄戶口將不會累算該利息 2. 支付方法 在不限制或削弱本行於甲部分第 5 條下權利的情況下, 就閣下從人民幣儲蓄戶口提取的任何金額, 本行有權以支票支付, 而該支票由本行以人民幣向閣下開出而付款人可以是在中國內地的任何銀行 乙 ( 二 ) 部分 [ 適用於人民幣貿易結算儲蓄戶口及人民幣儲蓄戶口 ( 指定商戶適用 )] 1. 本行徵收負利息的權利 本行有權就人民幣儲蓄戶口內的結餘徵收負利息 如該利息應由閣下向本行繳付, 本行有權從閣下於本行維持的任何戶口支賬以結算該負利息, 不論上述戶口是否有充足可用資金 可用透支或其他信貸 如任何支賬使相關戶口出現透支的情況, 閣下有責任應本行要求連同任何累算費用 開支及利息 ( 以本行指定的利率或金額就所欠金額累算 ) 清還所欠金額 人民幣儲蓄戶口負利息 ( 如有 ) 如下述累算 : (i) 以每日為基準 ; (ii) 以人民幣儲蓄戶口內的結餘 ; 及 (iii) 按本行不時酌情指定的利率 本行會在本行的範圍內張貼或在本行的網頁公布不時適用的利率 負利息 ( 如有 ) 應由閣下向本行支付並會每半年結束後 ( 或按本行可不時設定的其他時段 ) 成為人民幣儲蓄戶口支賬的記項 如在計息期內本行或閣下因任何原因結束人民幣儲蓄戶口, 負利息 ( 如有 ) 會累算至在結束戶口當天前的最後一個曆日 本行有權不時設定或更改任何可累算負利息的最低結餘金額, 而無須事先通知 如人民幣儲蓄戶口內的結餘低於本行設定的最低結餘金額, 人民幣儲蓄戶口將不會累算該利息 定義 規則指規管向閣下提供的人民幣儲蓄戶口服務的本規則, 可被不時修改 適用法規指本行或閣下不時受約束或被預期會遵守的任何法律 法規或法庭命令, 或由任何權力機關或行業或自律監管組織 ( 不論在香港境內或境外 ) 發出的任何規則 指令 指引 守則 通告或限制 ( 不論是否具法律效力 ) 權力機關指任何本地或外地司法 行政 公營或監管機構 政府機關 ( 包括稅務機關 ) 結算或交收銀行或交易所 一般條款及細則指本行不時指定, 規管各種戶口及服務的一般條款及細則, 可被不時修改 香港指中華人民共和國香港特別行政區 項目指本行可接受存入本行的任何支票或其他金融票據 中國指中華人民共和國 人民幣指中國的法定貨幣 人民幣儲蓄戶口指閣下在本行維持的人民幣儲蓄戶口 本行 本行的指香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司及其繼承人及受讓人 閣下或閣下的指以其名義開立人民幣儲蓄戶口的各位人士, 及如文義允許, 包括獲閣下授權發出有關戶口的指示的任何個人 人民幣儲蓄戶口規則頁次 3/3 [ 適用於個人人民幣儲蓄戶口 人民幣貿易結算儲蓄戶口及人民幣儲蓄戶口 ( 指定商戶適用 )]