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wwwcrazy4languagescom dòng wù the animals Grammar page 9 / Conjugation page 14 Student version page 1 Teacher version page 27 1

wwwcrazy4languagescom dòng wù EXERCISE 1- Match pictures and Pin Yin! yú 1 māo 8 qīng wā 2 gŏu 9 niăo 3 zhū 10 wū guī 4 lăo shŭ mă 11 5 tù zi cāng shŭ 12 6 niú xióng māo 13 7 lóng 14 2

wwwcrazy4languagescom EXERCISE 2- Match pictures and Characters! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 3

wwwcrazy4languagescom EXERCISE 3 - Wordsearch - (Pin Yin) X F W U G U I P S P W I F N A J T O O F L E O E A I U U U H A L C N P O U S Z Q O C A J G S R N I I S N N M L M Y I S N H O G A O N A A T G U U S O B L K O K W T T H R T C Y A L A Z H U H N I U K M E EXERCISE 4 - Unjumble the letters - PIN YIN Answers at the bottom of the page 1LAOSHŬ = MOUSE 2MĂ = HORSE 3TÙZI = RABBIT 4NIÚ = COW 5CĀNGSHŬ = HAMSTER 6XIÓNGMĀO = PANDA 7LÓNG = DRAGON 8YÚ = FISH 9MĀO = CAT 10QĪNGWĀ = FROG 11GŎU = DOG 12NIĂO = BIRD 13ZHŪ = PIG 14WŪGUĪ = TURTLE 1 alohsŭ 2 ăm 3 ùtiz 4 úni 5 nghcāsŭ 6 ólgn 7 úy 8 ióxmgāno 9 qnīāwg 10 ŏug 11 nioă 12 hzū 13 ūuwgī 14 āmo Answers exercise 4 1 lao shŭ I 2 mă I 3 tù zi I 4 niú I 5 cāng shŭ I 6 lóng I 7 yú I 8 xióng māo I 9 qīng wā I 10 gŏu I 11 niăo I 12 zhū I 13 wū guī I 14 māo I 4

wwwcrazy4languagescom EXERCISE 5 - TRUE or FALSE - if «FALSE» write the right answer Dòng wù Pin Yin/Word TRUE FALSE ANSWER gŏu yú x niăo tù zi x niăo māo wū guī zhū qīng wā lao shŭ mă niú xióng māo lóng 5

wwwcrazy4languagescom EXERCISE 6 - TRUE or FALSE - if «FALSE» write the right character Dòng wù Pin Yin/Word TRUE FALSE ANSWER 6

wwwcrazy4languagescom EXERCICE 7 «Hangman» PIN YIN Answers at the bottom of the page 1 2 3 4 5 _ 6 7 _ 8 _ 9 _ Answers exercise 5 1 lao shŭ I 2 lóng I 3 niăo I 4 xióng māo I 5 gŏu I 6 tù zi I 7 wū guī I 8 māo I 9 cāng shŭ 7

wwwcrazy4languagescom EXERCISE 8 Match up English, Pin Yin and Characters! 1 lao shŭ 2 mă 3 tù zi 4 niú 5 cāng shŭ 6 xióng māo 7 lóng 8 yú 9 māo 10qīng wā 11gŏu 12niăo 13zhū 14wū guī dog cat mouse fish horse panda dragon turtle frog bird pig cow hamster rabbit dog cat mouse fish horse panda dragon turtle frog bird pig cow hamster rabbit EXERCISE 9 Match up! 1 lao shŭ 2 mă 3 tù zi 4 niú 5 cāng shŭ 6 xióng māo 7 lóng 8 yú 9 māo 10qīng wā 11gŏu 12niăo 13zhū 14wū guī 8

wwwcrazy4languagescom Grammar Measure words In Chinese, measure words (also known as classifiers) are used with a noun In Chinese we don't say "One cat" but "One (measure word) cat" Indeed, Mandarin Chinese requires a measure word for every noun In English we can say, three cars, but in Mandarin Chinese, we need to say three (measure word) cars Measure words do not have any meaning by themselves The most widely used measure word is (gè) which in informal and spoken language, native speakers tend to use far more than any other Some measure words refer to the shape of the object for instance Others are arbitrary For example, many flat objects such as tables, papers, beds, use the classifier zhāng, whereas many long and thin objects use tiáo There are more than a hundred Mandarin Chinese measure words, and the only way to learn them is by memorizing them Whenever you learn a new noun, you should also learn its measure word 9

wwwcrazy4languagescom EXERCISE 10 - Complete with the correct «measure word» Answers at the bottom of the page 1 lao shŭ 2 mă 3 tù zi 4 niú 5 cāng shŭ 6 xióng māo 7 lóng 8 yú 9 māo 10 qīng wā 11 gŏu 12 niăo 13 zhū 14 wū guī yī zhī yī tiáo yī tóu yī pĭ EXERCISE 11 Read and circle the correct items lao shŭ mă tù zi niú cāng shŭ xióng māo lóng yú Answers exercise 10 1 yī zhī I 2 yī pĭ I 3 yī zhī I 4 yī tóu I 5 yī zhī I 6 yī zhī I 7 yī tiáo I 8 yī tiáo I 9 yī zhī I 10 yī zhī I 11 yī tiáo I 12 yī zhī I 13 yī tóu I 14 yī zhī 10

wwwcrazy4languagescom māo qīng wā gŏu niăo zhū wū guī 11

EXERCISE 12 - Crosswords - Pin Yin wwwcrazy4languagescom 12 ú y z ū h ŭ s h a s o l g n a c n ó i x m ā o ó g n w g n ī q i ă o m ū g u ī ù t z ŏ u ú

wwwcrazy4languagescom EXERCISE 13 - Write in Pin Yin + measure words EXERCISE 14 - Write the correct character 1 yī tiáo gŏu 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13

wwwcrazy4languagescom CONJUGATION Verbs don't conjugate in Mandarin They have only one basic form whatever the person and the tense Here is an example with the verb to have - yŏu I have Wŏ yŏu You have Nĭ yŏu He has Tā yŏu However, personal pronouns (I, you, he ) have specific forms There are 5 personal pronouns for singular and 5 for plural "He, she and it" have the same pronounciation but different characters "They" take three different forms one for gentlemen, one for ladies and one for animals or objects with similar pronounciation but different characters The same for «they» 14

wwwcrazy4languagescom EXERCISE 15 - Match up!! The personal pronouns «he, she, it, we» Nĭmen Tāmen Wŏmen Tā Tāmen Tā Wŏ Nĭ Tā Tāmen you (one person) they (gentlemen) he they (ladies) we you (more than 1 person) I she It they (animals or objects) EXERCISE 16 - Complete with the correct personal pronouns yŏu yŏu yŏu yŏu yŏu yŏu yŏu yŏu yŏu yŏu 15

wwwcrazy4languagescom EXERCISE 17 - Match up!! The verb «yŏu» (to have) Tā yŏu Nĭ yŏu Nĭmen yŏu Tā yŏu Wŏ yŏu Wŏmen yŏu Tā yŏu Tāmen yŏu Tāmen yŏu Tāmen yŏu you have (one person) they have (gentlemen) he has they have (ladies) we have you have (more than 1 person) I have she has It has they have (animals or objects) EXERCISE 18 - Match the sentences a) You have a fish b) You have a horse c) We have a dragon d) I have a rabbit e) She has a bird f) We have a cat g) They have a mouse h) He has a panda 16

wwwcrazy4languagescom EXERCISE 19 - Build sentences (Check answers on the very last page) Tāmen Tā Wŏ Nĭ Tāmen Tā Tāmen Wŏmen Nĭmen 1 Wŏ yŏu yī pĭ mă 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 17

wwwcrazy4languagescom EXERCISE 20 Put the words in order Answers at the bottom of the page yī yŏu zhī lao shŭ Tā yŏu Wŏ yī wū zhī guī yŏu Wŏmen yī yú tiáo niú yŏu yī Nĭ tóu EXERCISE 21 Put the characters in order Answers at the bottom of the page Answers exercises 20-21 1 Tā yŏu yī zhī lao shŭ / 2 Wŏ yŏu yī zhī wū guī / 3 Wŏmen yŏu yī tiáo yú / 4 Nĭ yŏu yī tóu niú 5 6 7 8 18

wwwcrazy4languagescom EXERCISE 22 Read and answer the questions (Check answers on the very last page) This is Xiao Hong Questions - Answer in English and underline the characters to justify your answer a How many and what animals does Xiao Hong have? This is Li Ming Questions - Answer in English and underline the characters using black, red and blue pens a How many frogs does Li Ming have? b What colour is Li Ming s cat? c What other animals has he got? 19

wwwcrazy4languagescom EXERCISE 23 Practising characters (I) 1-LÓNG 2-NIÚ 3-MĂ 4-YÚ 5-GŎU 20

wwwcrazy4languagescom 6-NIĂO 7-MĀO 8-ZHŪ 9-TÙ ZI 10-WŪ GUĪ 21

wwwcrazy4languagescom 11-XIÓNG MĀO 12-CĀNG SHŬ 13-LAO SHŬ 14-QĪNG WĀ 22

wwwcrazy4languagescom EXERCISE 24 Practising characters (II) LÓNG NIÚ MĂ YÚ GŎU NIĂO MĀO ZHŪ TÙ ZI TÙ ZI 23


wwwcrazy4languagescom ANSWERS EXERCISE 19 Put the words in order 1 Wŏ yŏu yī pĭ mă 2 Nĭ yŏu yī zhī wū guī 3 Tā yŏu yī zhī xióng māo 4 Tā yŏu yī tóu zhū 5 Wŏmen yŏu yī zhī niăo 6 Nĭmen yŏu yī zhī lăo shŭ 7 / Tāmen yŏu yī tiáo gŏu 8 Tāmen yŏu yī zhī tù zi 9 / Tāmen yŏu yī tiáo yú EXERCISE 20 Put the words in order 1 Tā yŏu yī zhī lao shŭ 2 Wŏ yŏu yī zhī wū guī 3 Wŏmen yŏu yī tiáo yú 4 Nĭ yŏu yī tóu niú EXERCISE 21 Put the characters in order 25

wwwcrazy4languagescom EXERCISE 22 Read and answer the questions a How many and what animals does Xiao Hong have? Xiao Hong has five animals Three rabbits and two birds Questions - Answer in English and underline the characters using black, red and blue pens a How many frogs does Li Ming have? Li Ming has ten frogs c What colour is Li Ming s cat? Li Ming s cat is white c What other animals has he got? He has five black dogs 26

wwwcrazy4languagescom dòng wù - the animals TEACHER VERSION Grammar page 35 / Conjugation page 40 27

wwwcrazy4languagescom dòng wù EXERCISE 1- Match pictures and Pin Yin! yú 1 māo 8 qīng wā 2 gŏu 9 niăo 3 zhū 10 wū guī 4 lăo shŭ mă 11 5 tù zi cāng shŭ 12 6 niú xióng māo 13 7 lóng 14 28

wwwcrazy4languagescom EXERCISE 2- Match pictures and Characters! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 29

wwwcrazy4languagescom EXERCISE 3 - Wordsearch - (Pin Yin) X F W U G U I P S P W I F N A J T O O F L E O E A I U U U H A L C N P O U S Z Q O C A J G S R N I I S N N M L M Y I S N H O G A O N A A T G U U S O B L K O K W T T H R T C Y A L A Z H U H N I U K M E EXERCISE 4 - Unjumble the letters - PIN YIN 1LAOSHŬ = MOUSE 2MĂ = HORSE 3TÙZI = RABBIT 4NIÚ = COW 5CĀNGSHŬ = HAMSTER 6XIÓNGMĀO = PANDA 7LÓNG = DRAGON 8YÚ = FISH 9MĀO = CAT 10QĪNGWĀ = FROG 11GŎU = DOG 12NIĂO = BIRD 13ZHŪ = PIG 14WŪGUĪ = TURTLE 1 alohsŭ 2 ăm 3 ùtiz 4 úni 5 nghcāsŭ 6 ólgn 7 úy lao shŭ mă tù zi niú cāng shŭ lóng yú 8 ióxmgāno 9 qnīāwg 10 ŏug 11 nioă 12 hzū 13 ūuwgī 14 āmo xióngmāo qīng wā gŏu niăo zhū wū guī māo 30

wwwcrazy4languagescom EXERCISE 5 - TRUE or FALSE - if «FALSE» write the right answer Dòng wù Pin Yin/Word TRUE FALSE ANSWER gŏu yú x x niăo x māo tù zi x niăo māo x lao shŭ wū guī x tù zi zhū x wū guī qīng wā x zhū lao shŭ x xióng māo mă x qīng wā niú x mă xióng māo x niú lóng x 31

wwwcrazy4languagescom EXERCISE 6 - TRUE or FALSE - if «FALSE» write the right character Pin Yin/Word TRUE FALSE ANSWER x x x x x x x x x x x x x 32

wwwcrazy4languagescom EXERCICE 7 «Hangman» PIN YIN Answers at the bottom of the page 1 2 3 4 5 _ 6 7 _ 8 _ 9 _ Answers exercise 5 1 lao shŭ I 2 lóng I 3 niăo I 4 xióng māo I 5 gŏu I 6 tù zi I 7 wū guī I 8 māo I 9 cāng shŭ 33

wwwcrazy4languagescom EXERCISE 8 Match up English, Pin Yin and Characters! 1 lao shŭ 2 mă 3 tù zi 4 niú 5 cāng shŭ 6 xióng māo 7 lóng 8 yú 9 māo 10qīng wā 11gŏu 12niăo 13zhū 14wū guī dog cat mouse fish horse panda dragon turtle frog bird pig cow hamster rabbit dog cat mouse fish horse panda dragon turtle frog bird pig cow hamster rabbit EXERCISE 9 Match up! 1 lao shŭ 2 mă 3 tù zi 4 niú 5 cāng shŭ 6 xióng māo 7 lóng 8 yú 9 māo 10qīng wā 11gŏu 12niăo 13zhū 14wū guī 34

wwwcrazy4languagescom Grammar Measure words In Chinese, measure words (also known as classifiers) are used with a noun In Chinese we don't say "One cat" but "One (measure word) cat" Indeed, Mandarin Chinese requires a measure word for every noun In English we can say, three cars, but in Mandarin Chinese, we need to say three (measure word) cars Measure words do not have any meaning by themselves The most widely used measure word is (gè) which in informal and spoken language, native speakers tend to use far more than any other Some measure words refer to the shape of the object for instance Others are arbitrary For example, many flat objects such as tables, papers, beds, use the classifier zhāng, whereas many long and thin objects use tiáo There are more than a hundred Mandarin Chinese measure words, and the only way to learn them is by memorizing them Whenever you learn a new noun, you should also learn its measure word 35

wwwcrazy4languagescom EXERCISE 10 - Complete with the correct «measure word» Answers at the bottom of the page 1 yī zhī lao shŭ 2 yī pĭ mă 3 yī zhī tù zi 4 yī tóu niú 5 yī zhī cāng shŭ 6 yī zhī xióng māo 7 yī tiáo lóng 8 yī tiáo yú 9 yī zhī māo 10yī zhī qīng wā 11yī tiáo gŏu 12yī zhī niăo 13yī tóu zhū 14yī zhī wū guī yī zhī yī tiáo yī tóu yī pĭ EXERCISE 11 Read and circle the correct items lao shŭ mă tù zi niú cāng shŭ xióng māo lóng yú 36

wwwcrazy4languagescom māo qīng wā gŏu niăo zhū wū guī 37

EXERCISE 12 - Crosswords - Pin Yin wwwcrazy4languagescom 38 ú y z ū h ŭ s h a s o l g n ā c n ó i x m ā o ó g n w g n ī q i ă o m ū g u ī ù t z ŏ u n i

wwwcrazy4languagescom EXERCISE 13 - Write in Pin Yin + measure words EXERCISE 14 - Write the correct characters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 yī tiáo gŏu yī tiáo yú yī zhī māo yī zhī niăo yī zhī lao shŭ yī zhī wū guī yī zhī tù zi yī tóu zhū yī zhī xióng māo yī zhī qīng wā yī pĭ mă 12 yī tóu niú 13 yī tiáo lóng 39

wwwcrazy4languagescom CONJUGATION Verbs don't conjugate in Mandarin They have only one basic form whatever the person and the tense Here is an example with the verb to have - yŏu I have Wŏ yŏu You have Nĭ yŏu He has Tā yŏu However, personal pronouns (I, you, he ) have specific forms There are 5 personal pronouns for singular and 5 for plural "He, she and it" have the same pronounciation but different characters "They" take three different forms one for gentlemen, one for ladies and one for animals or objects with similar pronounciation but different characters The same for «they» 40

wwwcrazy4languagescom EXERCISE 15 - Match up!! The personal pronouns «he, she, it, we» Nĭmen Tāmen Wŏmen Tā Tāmen Tā Wŏ Nĭ Tā Tāmen you (one person) they (gentlemen) he they (ladies) we you (more than 1 person) I she It they (animals or objects) EXERCISE 16 - Complete with the correct personal pronouns Wŏ yŏu Nĭ yŏu Tā yŏu Tā yŏu Tā yŏu Wŏmen yŏu Nĭmen yŏu Tāmen yŏu Tāmen yŏu Tāmen yŏu 41

wwwcrazy4languagescom EXERCISE 17 - Match up!! The verb «yŏu» (to have) Tā yŏu Nĭ yŏu Nĭmen yŏu Tā yŏu Wŏ yŏu Wŏmen yŏu Tā yŏu Tāmen yŏu Tāmen yŏu Tāmen yŏu you have (one person) they have (gentlemen) he has they have (ladies) we have you have (more than 1 person) I have she has It has they have (animals or objects) EXERCISE 18 - Match the sentences a) You have a fish b) You have a horse c) We have a dragon d) I have a rabbit e) She has a bird f) We have a cat g) They have a mouse h) He has a panda 42

wwwcrazy4languagescom EXERCISE 19 - Build sentences Tāmen Tā Wŏ Nĭ Tāmen Tā Tāmen Wŏmen Nĭmen 1 Wŏ yŏu yī pĭ mă 6 2 Nĭ yŏu yī zhī wū guī 3 Tā yŏu yī zhī xióng māo 4 Tā yŏu yī tóu zhū 5 Wŏmen yŏu yī zhī niăo Nĭmen yŏu yī zhī lăo shŭ 7 Tāmen yŏu yī tiáo gŏu 8 Tāmen yŏu yī zhī tù zi 9 Tāmen yŏu yī tiáo yú 43

wwwcrazy4languagescom EXERCISE 20 Put the words in order yī yŏu zhī lao shŭ Tā Tā yŏu yī zhī lao shŭ yŏu Wŏ yī wū zhī guī Wŏ yŏu yī zhī wū guī yŏu Wŏmen yī yú tiáo Wŏmen yŏu yī tiáo yú niú yŏu yī Nĭ tóu Nĭ yŏu yī tóu niú EXERCISE 21 Put the characters in order Answers exercises 20-21 1 Tā yŏu yī zhī lao shŭ / 2 Wŏ yŏu yī zhī wū guī / 3 Wŏmen yŏu yī tiáo yú / 4 Nĭ yŏu yī tóu niú 5 6 7 8 44

wwwcrazy4languagescom EXERCISE 22 Read and answer the questions This is Xiao Hong Questions - Answer in English and underline the characters to justify your answer a How many and what animals does Xiao Hong have? Xiao Hong has five animals Three rabbits and two birds This is Li Ming Questions - Answer in English and underline the characters using black, red and blue pens a How many frogs does Li Ming have? Li Ming has ten frogs d What colour is Li Ming s cat? Li Ming s cat is white c What other animals has he got? He has five black dogs 45

wwwcrazy4languagescom ANSWERS EXERCISE 19 Put the words in order 1 Wŏ yŏu yī pĭ mă 2 Nĭ yŏu yī zhī wū guī 3 Tā yŏu yī zhī xióng māo 4 Tā yŏu yī tóu zhū 5 Wŏmen yŏu yī zhī niăo 6 Nĭmen yŏu yī zhī lăo shŭ 7 / Tāmen yŏu yī tiáo gŏu 8 Tāmen yŏu yī zhī tù zi 9 / Tāmen yŏu yī tiáo yú EXERCISE 20 Put the words in order 1 Tā yŏu yī zhī lao shŭ 2 Wŏ yŏu yī zhī wū guī 3 Wŏmen yŏu yī tiáo yú 4 Nĭ yŏu yī tóu niú EXERCISE 21 Put the characters in order 46

wwwcrazy4languagescom EXERCISE 22 a How many and what animals does Xiao Hong have? Xiao Hong has five animals Three rabbits and two birds Questions - Answer in English and underline the characters using black, red and blue pens a How many frogs does Li Ming have? Li Ming has ten frogs e What colour is Li Ming s cat? Li Ming s cat is white c What other animals has he got? He has five black dogs 47