校園消息 College News 第九十二次書院基金會會議 The 92 nd Meeting of the College Endowment Fund Committee 3 第一百二十五次院務委員會會議 The 125 th Meeting of the Assembly of Fellow

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校園消息 College News 第九十二次書院基金會會議 The 92 nd Meeting of the College Endowment Fund Committee 3 第一百二十五次院務委員會會議 The 125 th Meeting of the Assembly of Fellows 3 書院六十周年院慶典禮 The College 60 th Anniversary Ceremony 3 書院六十周年院慶餐舞會 The College 60 th Anniversary Banquet 3 到訪傑出學人朱棣文教授 Distinguished Visiting Scholar Professor Steven Chu 4 書院支持 香港無冷氣夜 2016 The College Supports Hong Kong No Air-con Night 2016 4 北京航空航天大學訪問書院 Beihang University Visited the College 5 國內教育界代表訪問書院 Delegation from Mainland China Visited the College 5 書院六十周年院慶攝影比賽 聯合印象一甲子 The College 60 th Anniversary Photo Competition UC Impression: 60 Years of Memories 6 書院官方臉書專頁 The College Official Facebook Page 6 學生消息 Student News 語文改善計劃 2016 年秋季課程 The Language Improvement Project Autumn Programmes 2016 6 2016 至 2017 年度校內住宿助學金 Hostel Residence Grants 2016-2017 7 2016 至 2017 年度校外住宿助學金 Off-campus Residence Grants 2016-2017 7 書院新生輔導營 The College Orientation Camp 8 2016 至 2017 年度 書院校園培訓及服務獎勵計劃 招募校內學生助手 The College Student Training and Service Award Scheme 2016-2017: Student Helpers Wanted 書院校友活動招募接待員 Recruitment of Student Helpers for the College Alumni Functions 9 書院邁進地球村系列 The College GOAL Programme 9 書院服務體驗實習計劃 台灣篇 The College Service Learning Internship Programme (SLIP) in Taiwan 12 書院新生簡介會 The College Sharing Sessions for Freshmen 12 儲物箱接受走讀生申請 Locker Application for Non-residential Students 13 中國樂器班招生 Chinese Musical Instrument Courses Open for Application 13 大學藝術行政主任辦公室消息 News from the Office of the Arts Administrator, CUHK 14 教職員消息 Staff News 2016 至 2017 年度 利希慎基金研究津貼計劃 及 書院基金研究津貼計劃 Lee Hysan Foundation Research Grant & Endowment Fund Research Grant Schemes 2016-2017 2016 至 2017 年度 師生交流 津貼 Social Fund 2016-2017 14 2017 至 2018 年度 到訪傑出學人 計劃接受提名 Nominations Open for Distinguished Visiting Scholar Scheme 2017-2018 15 本院副院長兼輔導長參與語文計劃總結發佈會 College Associate Head and Dean of Students Attended Dissemination Seminar on Language Programme 校友消息 Alumni News 書院校友會 2016 年周年會員大會 The College Alumni Association Annual General Meeting 2016 15 書院六十周年院慶校友日 The College 60 th Anniversary Alumni Day 16 畢業二十五年及畢業三十五年或以上校友院慶千人宴 Feast for a Thousand for Alumni Graduated for 25 Years and 35 Years or above 17 本院校友獲委任為崇基學院院長 College Alumnus Appointed as Head of Chung Chi College 18 本院校友獲委任為敬文書院院長 College Alumnus Appointed as Master of C W Chu College 18 服務消息 Service News 書院運動設施星期日開放予書院師生校友使用 The College Sports Facilities Open on Sundays for Staff, Students and Alumni 18 書院網球場消息 News of the College Tennis Courts 19 下期 聯合動態 截稿日期 Next Issue of United News 19 書院生活預覽 College Event Calendar (15/9/2016 16/10/2016) 19 光輝聯合人 Glorious United Man 揮桿投球 專訪蔡利利同學 20 9 14 15 2

第九十二次書院基金會會議 The 92 nd Meeting of the College Endowment Fund Committee 書院基金會第九十二次會議將於 2016 年 10 月 6 日 ( 星期四 ) 下午 5 時 30 分假香港灣仔皇后大道東四十三至五十九號東美中心二十二樓太平洋保險有限公司會議室舉行 The 92 nd Meeting of the College Endowment Fund Committee will be held on Thursday, 6 October 2016 at 5:30 pm at Conference Room, The Pacific Insurance Co Ltd, 22/F, Dominion Centre, 43-59 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong. 第一百二十五次院務委員會會議 The 125 th Meeting of the Assembly of Fellows 第一百二十五次院務委員會會議將於 2016 年 9 月 23 日 ( 星期五 ) 上午 11 時 30 分假校董會議室舉行 The 125 th Meeting of the Assembly of Fellows will be held on Friday, 23 September 2016 at 11:30am in the College Board Room. 書院六十周年院慶典禮 The College 60 th Anniversary Ceremony 聯合書院六十周年院慶典禮訂於 2016 年 10 月 21 日 ( 星期五 ) 上午 11 時 30 分假大學邵逸夫堂舉行 書院校董會主席張煊昌博士及香港鐵路有限公司主席馬時亨教授, 金紫荊星章, 太平紳士將擔任主禮嘉賓 典禮後, 書院隨即於聯合校園舉行院慶生日會及六十周年院慶雕塑揭幕禮 六十周年院慶雕塑是由書院藝術顧問利漢楨教授特別為慶祝書院六十周年設計並送贈予書院 揭幕禮後, 書院隨即於張祝珊師生康樂大樓頂樓文怡閣舉行院慶聚餐 為慶祝書院院慶, 書院學生會亦籌備了一連串的慶祝活動, 包括 10 月 21 日晚上的院慶千人宴, 其他慶祝活動內容將稍後公佈 院慶為書院一年一度之盛事, 歡迎書院同仁踴躍出席各項活動 如有查詢, 請致電 3943 8655 與本院高級書院發展主任周鍾寶華女士聯絡 The Ceremony marking the 60 th Anniversary of United College will be held on Friday, 21 October 2016 at 11:30 am at the Sir Run Run Shaw Hall. Dr Thomas H C Cheung, Chairman of the College Board of Trustees and Professor Frederick S H Ma, GBS, JP, Chairman of the MTR Corporation Limited, will officiate at the Ceremony. Immediately after the Ceremony, there will be an Anniversary Birthday Party and an Unveiling Ceremony of the 60 th Anniversary Sculpture on the College campus. The 60 th Anniversary Sculpture is a gift specially designed and presented by Professor Lee Hon-ching, Art Advisor of the College, to commemorate the 60 th Anniversary of the College. The day s highlight will be the Anniversary Luncheon at the College Staff Common Room at 1:15 pm. The College Student Union will also organise a series of activities to celebrate the occasion, including the Anniversary Feast for a Thousand in the evening of 21 October. Details of other celebration activities will be announced soon. All members of the College are cordially invited to take part in the above celebration activities. For enquiries, please contact Mrs Jackie B W Chow, Senior College Development Officer at 3943 8655. 書院六十周年院慶餐舞會 The College 60 th Anniversary Banquet 為慶祝聯合書院創校六十周年, 書院校友會及書院教職員聯誼會將於 2016 年 12 月 10 日 ( 星期六 ) 晚上假香港港麗酒店宴會廳舉辦 聯合書院六十周年院慶餐舞會 這個五年一度的盛會, 將以 桃李滿聯合 春風一甲子 為主題, 希望能讓不同年代的校友師生, 新知舊雨, 濟濟一堂 香港特別行政區政務司司長林鄭月娥將出任餐舞會榮譽贊助人, 當晚節目包括晚宴 舞會 傳統藝術表演 幸運抽獎等 餐券每位港幣 980 元 ( 每枱十二人, 合共港幣 11,760 元 ), 有興趣參加的書院教職員可於 2016 年 9 月 8 日起於 https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/webform/view.php?id=1960221 訂購, 亦可致電 3943 8656 或 3943 7580 向書院學生輔導處胡黃雪萍女士或林佩珊小姐報名 名額有限, 先到先得, 售完即止 To celebrate United College 60 th Anniversary, the College Alumni Association and the College Staff Association will jointly organise an Anniversary Banquet on Saturday, 10 December 2016 at the Grand Ballroom of Conrad Hong Kong. It is hoped that this quinquennial happening will bring members of the College together for a joyous night. Mrs Carrie Y N Lam, Chief Secretary for Administration, HKSAR, has consented to be the Honorary Patron of the evening. There will be dinner, ballroom dance, traditional art performances, lucky draw, etc. The ticket price is HK$980 per person (HK$11,760 for a table of 12). Starting from 8 September 2016, interested staff members may register online at https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/webform/view.php?id=1960221 or contact Mrs Joyce S P Wu or Miss Becky P S Lam of the College Dean of Students Office at 3943 8656 or 3943 7580. As seats are limited, tickets will be available on a first-come-first-served basis.

到訪傑出學人朱棣文教授 Distinguished Visiting Scholar Professor Steven Chu 2016 至 2017 年度的 到訪傑出學人 為美國斯坦福大學威廉 凱南物理學講座教授兼分子和細胞生理學講座教授朱棣文, 他將於 2016 年 10 月 17 至 22 日到訪本院 是次訪問由聯合書院基金會及卓智基金資助 朱棣文教授在美國密蘇里州聖路易斯出生, 祖籍中國江蘇 他於 1970 年在美國羅切斯特大學取得數學及物理雙學士學位,1976 年在加州大學柏克萊分校完成物理學博士學位課程, 並獲頒授國家科學基金會博士預備生獎學金 朱棣文教授為美國第十二屆能源部長, 是首位擔任內閣首長的科學家, 亦是任期最長的能源部長 他於 2009 年 1 月至 2013 年 4 月的掌政期間, 招攬了不少傑出的科學家和工程師, 為國家效力 他亦發表了二百六十篇有關原子和分子物理學 生物物理學 生物學 生物醫藥 電池等的學術論文, 並取得十一項發明專利 朱棣文教授學術地位嵩高, 獲獎無數, 包括於 1997 年以鐳射冷卻和原子捕集的研究, 獲得諾貝爾物理學獎的殊榮 他擁有三十個榮譽博士學位, 包括香港中文大學於 1998 年頒授的榮譽理學博士學位 此外, 他是美國國家科學院 美國哲學學會 美國文理科學院和中央研究院院士 ; 亦是英國皇家學會 英國皇家工程院 中國科學院和韓國科學及工程學院海外院士 Professor Steven Chu, William R Kenan, Jr Professor of Physics and Professor of Molecular and Cellular Physiology, Stanford University, USA, will visit the College from 17 to 22 October 2016 as the College s Distinguished Visiting Scholar in 2016-2017. This visit is supported by the United College Endowment Fund and the Philomathia Foundation. Professor Steven Chu was born in St Louis, Missouri, with ancestry from Jiangsu, China. He received both a BA in mathematics and a BS in physics in 1970 from the University of Rochester. He earned his PhD in physics from the University of California, Berkeley in 1976, with a Graduate Research Fellowship supported by the National Science Foundation. Professor Steven Chu was the 12 th US Secretary of Energy from January 2009 to April 2013. As the first scientist to hold a Cabinet position and the longest serving Energy Secretary, he recruited outstanding scientists and engineers into the Department of Energy. He has also published 260 papers in atomic and polymer physics, biophysics, biology, biomedicine, batteries, and holds 11 patents. Professor Steven Chu has won numerous awards including the 1997 Nobel Prize in Physics for the research in laser cooling and atom trapping. He holds 30 honorary degrees, including the degree of Doctor of Science from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1998. He is also a member of the National Academy of Sciences, the American Philosophical Society, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Academia Sinica, and is a foreign member of the Royal Society, the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Korean Academy of Sciences and Technologies. 朱棣文教授於是次訪問期間, 將主持兩個公開講座, 講題及詳情如下 : Professor Steven Chu will deliver two public lectures during his visit, details are as follows: 1. 科學逍遙遊 A Random Walk in Science 2016 年 10 月 18 日 ( 星期二 ) 下午 4 時 30 分至 6 時 30 分 18 October 2016 (Tuesday); 4:30 pm 6:00 pm 尖沙咀香港科學館演講廳 Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Science Museum, Tsim Sha Tsui * 只供獲邀請的中學學生參加 For invited secondary school students only 2. 走出能源及氣候變化的死胡同 Energy, Climate Change and a Low Cost Path Forward 2016 年 10 月 20 日 ( 星期四 ) 下午 4 時 30 分至 6 時 30 分 20 October 2016 (Thursday); 4:30 pm 6:00 pm 香港中文大學邵逸夫堂 Sir Run Run Shaw Hall, CUHK 以上講座均以英語主講, 歡迎各界人士出席 查詢請電 3943 7598 或 3943 7455 與本院學生輔導處林偉源先生或楊頌妍小姐聯絡 Both lectures will be delivered in English. For further information, please contact Mr George W Y Lam and Ms Amy C Y Yeung of the Dean of Students Office at 3943 7598 or 3943 7455. 書院支持 香港無冷氣夜 2016 The College Supports Hong Kong No Air-con Night 2016 為支持由環保觸覺主辦的 香港無冷氣夜 活動, 聯合書院鼓勵四所宿舍 聯合苑 張祝珊師生康樂大樓及聯合書院範圍內的課室於 2016 年 10 月 7 日晚上 7 時至 10 月 8 日早上 7 時關掉空調, 以減少溫室氣體排放 The College supports the Hong Kong No Air-con Night organised by Green Sense and encourages the residents and users of four College hostels, United College Staff Residence, Cheung Chuk Shan Amenities Building and classrooms on the College campus to switch off air conditioners from 7:00 pm on 7 October to 7:00 am on 8 October 2016 so as to reduce greenhouse gases. 4

北京航空航天大學訪問書院 Beihang University Visited the College 由北京航空航天大學黨委副書記程基偉博士率領的代表圑, 於 2016 年 7 月 27 日到訪書院 院長余濟美教授及副院長兼輔導長麥陳淑賢教授向到訪嘉賓介紹大學書院制度 書院的學生活動 宿舍及康樂設施等 A delegation led by Dr Jiwei Cheng, Vice President of Beihang University in Beijing, visited the College on 27 July 2016. Professor Jimmy C M Yu, College Head and Professor Barley S Y Mak, Associate College Head and Dean of Students, received the delegation and introduced the College system, student activities, hostels and amenities of the College. 北京航空航天大學黨委副書記程基偉博士 ( 右 ) 贈送紀念品予院長余濟美教授 ( 左 ) Dr Jiwei Cheng (right), Vice President of Beihang University, presented a souvenir to Professor Jimmy C M Yu, College Head (left). 大合照 Group photo 此外, 來自北京航空航天大學的四十多位師生, 於 2016 年 8 月 15 至 18 日到訪書院, 並與書院同學分享書院生活的經驗 More than 40 students from Beihang University visited the College and shared their College life experiences with our students from 15 to 18 August 2016. 北京航空航天大學的同學與書院同學分享書院生活的經驗 Students from Beihang University shared their College life experiences with our students. 大合照 Group photo 國內教育界代表訪問書院 Delegation from Mainland China Visited the College 香港文化教育交流協進會創會主席丁健華先生率領國內教育界的代表, 於 2016 年 8 月 16 日到訪書院 副院長兼通識教育主任李鴻基教授向到訪嘉賓介紹大學的書院制度 書院的學生活動 宿舍及康樂設施等 嘉賓並參觀了湯若望宿舍 胡忠多媒體圖書館及書院校園 A delegation led by Mr Francis K W Ting, Founding Chairman of the Hong Kong Cultural and Educational Exchange Association, visited the College on 16 August 2016. Professor Lee Hung-kay, Associate College Head and Dean of General Education, received the delegation and introduced College system, student activities, hostels and amenities of the College. The delegation also visited Adam Schall Residence, Wu Chung Multimedia Library and the College campus. 香港文化教育交流協進會創會主席丁健華先生 ( 後排左五 ) 率領的國內教育界代表來訪書院 A delegation led by Mr Francis Ting, Founding Chairman of the Hong Kong Cultural and Educational Exchange Association (back row, 5 th from left), visited the College. 5

書院六十周年院慶攝影比賽 聯合印象一甲子 The College 60 th Anniversary Photo Competition UC Impression: 60 Years of Memories 為慶祝書院六十周年院慶, 書院特別舉辦六十周年院慶攝影比賽 聯合印象一甲子, 徵集有關書院的新舊照片, 歡迎書院學生 教職員及校友踴躍參加 參加者需填妥網上參加表格 (https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/webform/view.php? id=1912285), 並自行列印表格的確認電郵, 連同存於光碟的作品, 於 2016 年 11 月 30 日下午 5 時前, 郵寄或親身遞交至聯合書院 ( 新界沙田香港中文大學聯合書院曾肇添樓二樓 ) 每位參賽者最多可遞交三份作品 比賽結果將於 2017 年 1 月下旬公佈 冠 亞 季軍得獎者可獲獎勵, 得獎作品更有機會於攝影展覽中公開展出及刊登於書院刊物 詳情請瀏覽院慶網頁 : http://uc60.uc.cuhk.edu.hk/images/uc60photocompetition.pdf 如有查詢, 請致電 3943 9266 或電郵至 carolchow@cuhk.edu.hk 與本院學生輔導處周穎姿女士聯絡 To celebrate the College s 60 th Anniversary, the 60 th Anniversary Photo Competition UC Impression: 60 Years of Memories will be organised to collect old and new photos of United College. All College students, staff and alumni are welcome to join. Entrants should complete the webform at https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/webform/view.php?id=1912285 and submit their photo entries saved in a CD-Rom, with a hard copy of the confirmation email, to the College Dean of Students Office (2/F, Tsang Shiu Tim Building, United College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, NT). The submission deadline is 5:00 pm, 30 November 2016. Each entrant is allowed to submit a maximum of three entries. Results will be announced in late January 2017. A first, a second and a third prizes will be awarded. The winning entries will have the opportunity to display at public exhibitions and publish in various College publications. For details, please visit the 60 th anniversary webpage: http://uc60.uc.cuhk.edu.hk/images/uc60photocompetition.pdf. For enquiries, please contact Ms Carol W C Chow of the Dean of Students Office at 3943 9266 or via email at carolchow@cuhk.edu.hk. 書院官方臉書專頁 The College Official Facebook Page 聯合書院的官方臉書 (Facebook) 專頁由 2011 年 3 月啟用以來, 至今已獲超過五千名臉書用戶支持 歡迎書院同學 教職員及校友瀏覽 http://www.facebook.com/unitedcollege, 或以 QR 碼登入專頁, 並按 讚, 以收取更多聯合書院的資訊 Since the launch of the official Facebook page of United College in March 2011, more than 5,000 Facebook users showed their support to the page. All College students, staff and alumni are welcome to visit the page at http://www.facebook.com/unitedcollege, and click Like to get more information of the College activities. You are welcome to use this QR Code to reach our Facebook page. 語文改善計劃 2016 年秋季課程 The Language Improvement Project Autumn Programmes 2016 語文改善計劃 秋季課程將於 2016 年 9 至 11 月舉行, 書院同學可免費參加 同學請於 2016 年 9 月 5 日起瀏覽書院網頁 : http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/uc/uc_lip 或前往書院學生輔導處索取章程 名額有限, 有興趣參加的同學請於 2016 年 9 月 20 日前報名 查詢請致電 3943 1288 與書院學生輔導處陳家華先生聯絡 The Language Improvement Project (LIP) Autumn Programmes are offered to College students for free. The language courses will be held from September to November 2016. For details, please visit the College website at http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/uc/uc_lip or collect the programme pamphlets at the Dean of Students' Office from 5 September 2016 onwards. Seats are limited and interested students should register before 20 September 2016. For enquiries, please contact Mr Ken K W Chan of the College Dean of Students' Office at 3943 1288. 6

2016 至 2017 年度校內住宿助學金 Hostel Residence Grants 2016-2017 校內住宿助學金計劃蒙多位捐款人支持, 旨在提供校內住宿資助予有經濟困難的同學, 鼓勵同學積極參與校園活動, 並爭取學習時間, 以提升學業成績 The Hostel Residence Grants Scheme provides financial support to needy students, to enable them to experience residential College life, aiming for advancement in academic performance and for better participation in various activities on campus. This scheme is supported by various donors. 申請資格及資助形式 Application and Grant Amount 計劃公開予所有聯合書院在學同學申請,2016 至 2017 年度的助學金每個金額為一千三百元正, 申請人全年上 下學期最多可獲資助兩個獎額 (HK$1,300 x 2 = HK$2,600) 同學必須獲分配校內宿舍 ( 包括書院宿舍 國際生宿舍 教學醫院宿舍 ) 的宿位方可取得此住宿助學金 Applicants being provided a hostel place (including College hostels, I-house and hostels of the teaching hospital) on the University campus are eligible to apply. A maximum of two grants (@HK$1,300 x 2 = HK$2,600 for 2016-2017) may be allocated for two academic terms in one year. 申請日期 Application Period 2016 年 9 月 12 至 30 日 12 to 30 September 2016 申請方法 Application Method 申請者必須登入 https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/webform/view.php?id=1921246 遞交申請 完成網上申請後, 申請人將透過電郵收到申請確認書, 請列印此電郵並連同下列文件, 於截止申請日期前交回書院學生輔導處辦理 Students should submit application through https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/webform/view.php?id=1921246 with their own login account. Applicants will receive an application confirmation via email after completing the online application. Please print out the email, attach the documents listed below and submit them to the College Dean of Students' Office before the application deadline. 2015 年 4 月至 2016 年 3 月期間申請人經濟狀況之文件副本 ; A copy of the applicant s Financial Status (from April 2015 to March 2016); 2015 年 4 月至 2016 年 3 月期間申請人家庭經濟狀況之文件副本 ; A copy of the Financial Status of the applicant s family (from April 2015 to March 2016); 附加聲明 ( 如失業 患病等情況 ); Additional Declaration (e.g. Unemployment, Sickness, etc.); 其他 ( 如適用 ) Others (if appropriate). 備註 : 香港中文大學已於 2014 至 2015 學年首次推出 學生宿舍助學金計劃, 由入學及學生資助處統籌 ( 查詢電話 : 3943 1898 或 3943 7205) 詳情請瀏覽該處之網頁 : https://www.oafa.cuhk.edu.hk/safs/open-for-application/financialaid 歡迎同學同時申請大學及書院的住宿助學金 如有查詢, 請致電 3943 7575 或 3943 1750 與書院學生輔導處聯絡 N.B. CUHK has launched the Student Residence Bursary Scheme since 2014-2015, administered by the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid (OAFA) (Enquiry Tel: 3943 1898 / 3943 7205). For more details, please refer to OAFA website: https://www.oafa.cuhk.edu.hk/safs/open-for-application/financial-aid. For enquiries, please contact the College Dean of Students Office at 3943 7575 or 3943 1750. 2016 至 2017 年度校外住宿助學金 Off-campus Residence Grants 2016-2017 校外住宿助學金旨在提供校外住宿資助予有經濟困難, 而又未能成功申請在校內住宿的聯合書院同學, 租住較現行家庭住址更接近大學校園的地方, 以鼓勵同學積極參與校園書院活動, 並爭取學習時間, 以提升學業成績 詳情如下 : The Off-campus Residence Grant Scheme provides financial support to needy students who have not been assigned a hostel place on campus, to rent a place off-campus closer to the University compared with the family s residence. It aims at facilitating students to participate in College activities and striving for excellence in study. Details are as follows: 2016 至 2017 年度的助學金上限為港幣五千二百元正 (HK$520 x 10 個月, 每學年 9 月起計算 ) The maximum grant for 2016-2017 is HK$5,200 (HK$520 x 10 months, starting from September of each academic year) 租住單位地區包括沙田 馬鞍山 大埔及北區 Area of rented flat covers Shatin, Ma On Shan, Tai Po and North District 全年接受申請 Applications are accepted all year round 如有查詢, 請致電 3943 7575 或 3943 1750 與本院書院學生輔導處聯絡 For enquiries, please contact the College Dean of Students Office at 3943 7575 or 3943 1750.

書院新生輔導營 The College Orientation Camp 本年度書院新生輔導營於 2016 年 8 月 29 日至 9 月 1 日在書院校園舉行, 主題是 聯傲群雄合霸蒼宆, 副題為 UC60 出席的新生有三百九十九位本地和非本地生 籌委會希望透過四日三夜的新生輔導營, 協助新生認識大學生活和建立網絡, 從而加深對書院的認識和在六十周年這個特別的時刻增強對書院的歸屬感, 並透過一連串的活動來加深同學對領導才能的認識, 以及反思大學生的角色和如何計劃未來的大學生活 籌委會特別製作四個六呎高的立體 UC60 字樣, 並繫上繩網和襯花作裝飾, 讓參與輔導營的嘉賓和同學將寫上對書院六十周年的祝福和期望的心意卡掛上 籌委會特別感謝校友會會長殷巧兒女士 院長余濟美教授 副院長兼通識教育主任李鴻基教授 副院長兼輔導長麥陳淑賢教授 副院長王香生教授 恒生樓舍監兼新生輔導活動諮詢工作小組召集人黃安東先生 伯利衡宿舍舍監陳德有博士 陳震夏宿舍舍監李詠恩教授 胡忠多媒體圖書館館長馬輝洪先生 書院學生會會長司徒冠豐同學及書院學生會監議會副主席溫健鈞同學撥冗出席輔導營於 8 月 29 日舉行的開幕禮 書院謹向所有籌辦及協辦本屆新生輔導營籌委會的學長及所有提供協助的單位致意 中大九所書院的新生合力砌出 16 CU 的圖形 Freshmen of nine Colleges formed the characters of 16 CU. The College Orientation Camp of this year was held from 29 August to 1 September 2016 on the College campus, attended by 399 local and non-local freshmen. Through the four-day-three-night camp, the Organising Committee aims at helping freshmen to understand their university life and establish networks, as well as to build up a strong sense of belonging for the College s 60 th Anniversary. Through a series of games and activities, it is hoped that they could acquire leadership skills, reflect on the role of university students and plan for their undergraduate studies. The organisers made four huge 3D characters of UC60, which were decorated with ropes and flowers. They invited guests and participants of the camp to write their wishes and expectations for the College s 60 th Anniversary on greeting cards and hang the cards on the 3D characters. The Organising Committee would like to thank Ms Lina H Y Yan, President of the United College Alumni Association; Professor Jimmy C M Yu, College Head; Professor Lee Hung-kay, Associate College Head and Dean of General Education; Professor Barley S Y Mak, Associate College Head and Dean of Students; Professor Stephen H S Wong, Associate College Head; Mr Wong On-tung, Warden of Hang Seng Hall and Convenor of the College Orientation Activity Consultation Working Group; Mr Chan Tak-yau, Warden of Bethlehem Hall; Professor Vivian W Y Lee, Warden of Chan Chun Ha Hostel; Mr Leo F H Ma, Librarian of Wu Chung Multimedia Library; Mr Jerry K F Sze-To, President of the College Student Union and Mr Wan Kin-kwan, Vice-chairman of the Student Union Council, in attending the opening ceremony of the camp on 29 August 2016. The College appreciated the effort of the Orientation Camp Organising Committee, group leaders and all supporting units in making the event a success. 院長余濟美教授為新生輔導營開幕禮致辭 Professor Jimmy C M Yu, College Head, addressed at the Opening Ceremony of the College Orientation Camp. 書院校友會會長殷巧兒女士致辭時, 建議同學把握機會學習, 拓闊眼界和廣交好友 Ms Lina H Y Yan, President of the College Alumni Association, suggested freshmen to treasure the learning opportunities, broaden their horizons and make more new friends. 8 副院長兼輔導長麥陳淑賢教授 ( 中 ) 及新生輔導活動諮詢工作小組召集人黃安東先生 ( 左三 ), 與新生輔導營籌委於誓師活動中主持切燒豬儀式 Professor Barley S Y Mak, Associate College Head and Dean of Students (middle); Mr Wong On-tung, Convener of the Working Group for the College Orientation Activities (3 rd left) and executive members of the College Orientation Camp Organising Committee conducted the roasted pig carving in the Pledging Ceremony. 大合照 Group photo

書院新生輔導營的參加者將寫上對書院六十周年的祝福和期望的心意卡掛在巨型的 UC60 架上 Participants of the College Orientation Camp hanged the greeting cards with wishes and expectations for the College s 60 th Anniversary on the huge 3D characters of UC60. 新生輔導營第三天晚上, 籌委和新生在晚會後到校外吃宵夜, 副院長兼輔導長麥陳淑賢教授 ( 中 ) 和新生輔導活動諮詢工作小組召集人黃安東先生 ( 左 ) 親臨打氣, 與籌委會主席馮兆芪同學 ( 右 ) 同席 On the third night of the Orientation Camp, organisers and freshmen went to have night snacks outside the campus. Professor Barley S Y Mak, Associate College Head and Dean of Students (middle); Mr Wong On-tung, Convener of the Working Group for the College Orientation Activities (left) showed up for support. They were on the same table with Mr Fung Siu-ki, Chairman of the College Orientation Camp (right). 2016 至 2017 年度 書院校園培訓及服務獎勵計劃 招募校內學生助手 The College Student Training and Service Award Scheme 2016-2017: Student Helpers Wanted 書院同學如有興趣在校內擔任學生助手, 請登入以下網址登記 : https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/webform/view.php? id=979477 學生助手服務每小時可獲五十五元作獎勵 The College students who are interested in serving as student helpers on campus may now register at https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/webform/view.php?id=979477. An award of HK$55 per hour will be arranged to student helpers. 書院校友活動招募接待員 Recruitment of Student Helpers for the College Alumni Functions 本院將於 2016 年 10 月 29 日 ( 星期六 ) 及 2016 年 11 月 26 日 ( 星期六 ) 假書院校園舉辦校友活動, 現招募同學協助當日活動之接待工作 報名及查詢詳情, 請致電 3943 1948 與本院學生輔導處余慧儀女士聯絡 The College is now recruiting student helpers for reception duties of various alumni activities on the College campus on 29 October 2016 (Saturday) and 26 November 2016 (Saturday). Interested students please contact Ms Maggie W Y Yu of Dean of Students Office at 3943 1948. 書院邁進地球村系列 The College GOAL Programme 荷蘭烏特勒支大學暑期課程 Summer Programme at Utrecht University, the Netherlands (2 16/7/2016) 本院四十名同學在課程顧問資深書院導師陳錦泰教授率領下, 於 2016 年 7 月 2 至 16 日前往荷蘭烏特勒支大學兩星期修讀有關歐洲文化及政治為主題的課程 烏特勒支大學也安排了不同的參觀及考察活動, 如到鄰近的城市海牙和阿姆斯特丹, 讓同學對歐洲文化及政治制度有更深入的了解 40 College students led by Programme Adviser, Professor Chan Kam-tai, Senior College Tutor of United College, attended the summer courses European Cultures and Identities and European Politics offered by Utrecht University in the Netherlands from 2 to 16 July 2016. Utrecht University also arranged a number of visits and excursions to nearby cities, namely the Hague and Amsterdam, allowing students to learn more about the European culture and political system. 9

薪火計劃 : 中大聯合. 兩岸清華. 服務學習體驗 Pass-it-on: Service Learning Programme by United College and Cross-strait Tsinghua (11/7 10/8/2016) 聯合書院與北京及國立清華大學於本年 7 月 11 日至 8 月 10 日再次合辦 薪火計劃 : 中大聯合. 兩岸清華. 服務學習體驗 計劃主要分三個部份, 首站在北京舉行, 三十名來自三地的同學先前往河北固安, 參加了 第一屆三地青年公益論壇 隨後在北京走訪了不同類型的公益單位, 了解他們為自閉症兒童 失明人士及長者所提供的服務 計劃的第二部份在香港舉行, 學員分組到香港耀能協會轄下的學校及訓練中心為智障及自閉症的青少年及成人提供服務, 亦籌辦 中大遊 活動讓耀能機構的學員到中文大學及書院參觀 此外, 三地同學亦到大澳協助長者清潔家居和平安車 到南生圍了解環境保育及都市發展的問題及到深水埗參觀天台屋以了解基層市民的生活情況 最後一部份的活動在台灣舉行, 三地同學前往雙溪闊瀨進行步道建設工作 ; 大隊最後前往台南土溝村協助在村內進行藝術創作的同時, 亦了解當地社區營造的情況 整個活動於 8 月 10 日完結 本計劃之香港部份由 楊書家邁進地球村系列紀念獎學金 資助舉行 United College, Tsinghua University, Beijing and National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan jointly organised a service learning programme named Pass-it-on: Service Learning Programme by United College and Cross-strait Tsinghua from 11 July to 10 August 2016. The programme was divided into three parts. All 30 students from Hong Kong, Taiwan and Beijing attended the 1 st Cross-strait Youth Forum on Charity in Guan, Hebei to exchange ideas on the recent development of charity work in Hong Kong, Beijing and Taiwan. The group then paid visits to a number of community service units in Beijing which provided services for the children with autism, visually handicapped people and the elderly. The second part of the programme was held in Hong Kong. Students were divided into small groups and attached to different centres of The Spastics Association of Hong Kong (SAHK) to provide voluntary service to teenagers and adults with special needs. They organised a one-day visit to CUHK and the College for the service users of SAHK so that they could have the chance to visit the campus. The group also provided cleaning service for the elderly living in Tai O. After that, they joined a tour to Nam Sang Wai to learn more about the recent issues on environmental conservation and urban development. Finally, they visited the rooftop slums in Sham Shui Po to experience the daily life of grassroots. The final part of the programme was held in Taiwan. Students helped to repair the hiking path in Kuolai, Shuangxi. After that, the group travelled to Tugou in Tainan to assist in community building. The whole voluntary service programme was completed on 10 August 2016. The Hong Kong part of this programme is sponsored by the Dr Shu-chia Yang GOAL Programme Memorial Scholarships. 北京部分 Beijing Part (11 21/7/2016) 香港部分 Hong Kong Part (21 31/7/2016) 10

台灣部分 Taiwan Part (31/7 10/8/2016) 暑期外地文化及語文研習課程 蘇格蘭愛丁堡大學 Non-local Culture and English Language Programme at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland (15/7 7/8/2016) 本院十一名同學在領隊食品及營養科學博士生陳艷瓊女士帶領下, 於 2016 年 7 月 15 日至 8 月 7 日前往英國愛丁堡大學參加暑期文化及語文研習課程 同學由當地家庭接待, 並參加了由愛丁堡大學安排的英語課程和參觀當地的歷史文化景點 同學除可透過計劃改善英語水平外, 亦能加深對英國文化的了解 11 College students led by Ms Tan Yan-qin, PhD student of Food and Nutritional Sciences Programme, attended the Summer Culture and English Language Programme at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland from 15 July to 7 August 2016. They attended English language courses at the University of Edinburgh and stayed with local families. The programme is designed to provide students with opportunities to improve their English and appreciate the Scottish culture. 暑期文化及英語課程 牛津大學哈福特學院 Culture and English Language Programme at Hertford College, University of Oxford, UK (16 31/7/2016) 本院十三名書院同學在課程顧問政治與行政學系朱湄教授率領下, 於 2016 年 7 月 16 日至 31 日前往歷史悠久的英國牛津大學哈特福學院修讀一個兩星期的暑期課程, 親身體驗傳統英式的書院生活 課程內容除了包括學習英語外, 還會透過講座及考察等活動, 如到倫敦大英博物館及國家美術館等以加深同學對英國歷史及文化的認識 13 College students led by Programme Adviser, Professor Chu May of Department of Government and Public Administration, attended a 2-week summer programme at Hertford College of the University of Oxford, United Kingdom from 16 to 31 July 2016. The programme included English language courses and excursions about British Culture and History, such as visits to the British Museum and the National Gallery in London. The College students stayed at the student hostel of Herford College to experience the traditional college life in one of the oldest colleges in Oxford. 11

書院服務體驗實習計劃 台灣篇 The College Service Learning Internship Programme (SLIP) in Taiwan 經過了四十五天的服務學習計劃後, 十位聯合同學於 2016 年 7 月 30 日在台灣中壢平鎮區復興里集會所舉辦了成果發佈會 當日活動包括懷舊童玩小遊戲攤位 手工藝及歌舞表演, 吸引了社區人士共同參與 最後亦安排了共膳活動, 令活動在輕鬆愉快的氣氛下完結 After the 45-day service learning trip, ten students successfully organised a sharing session at Fuxin Lane Meeting House, Pingzhen District, Zhongli, Taiwan. Traditional stall games, handicrafts, singing and dancing performances were arranged for members of the community. Communal dining was also arranged and the activity was concluded in a pleasant atmosphere. 書院新生簡介會 The College Sharing Sessions for Freshmen 聯合書院於 2016 年 8 月 9 日為新生舉行講座, 讓新生了解中大的書院制, 以及聯合書院的辦學理念和為學生提供的交流機會 獎助學金 全人教育和支援等 書院院長余濟美教授 書院副院長兼輔導長麥陳淑賢教授及書院校董何萬森校友均於當日出席與新生進行交流 學生代表葛嘉亮同學 ( 醫科 / 三 ) 亦於簡介會上分享參與書院生活的各種體驗 In order to introduce the college system in CUHK, mission of the College, exchange opportunities, scholarships and financial aids, whole-person education, as well as support to students of the College, two sharing sessions were held for the new students on 9 August 2016. Professor Jimmy C M Yu, College Head; Professor Barley S Y Mak, Associate Head and Dean of Students and Mr Ho Man-sum, College trustee and alumnus, attended the briefing sessions. College student, Mr Kot Ka-leong (MEDU/3) also attended the sessions to share his college life. 12

儲物箱接受走讀生申請 Locker Application for Non-residential Students 書院於伍何曼原樓四樓設有儲物箱, 供走讀生借用 書院學生可由 2016 年 9 月 14 日至 30 日於辦公時間內親自前往曾肇添樓二樓學生輔導處辦理借用手續 由於儲物箱數量有限, 除特殊情況外, 書院一概不接受宿生或已獲學系分配儲物箱之同學申請借用 如有查詢, 請致電 3943 1288 與本院陳家華先生聯絡 儲物箱之借用規則如下 : Lockers at 4/F of Wu Ho Man Yuen Building are now available for non-residential students. Interested students should apply in person during office hours at the College Dean of Students' Office on 2/F of Tsang Shiu Tim Building from 14 to 30 September 2016. Since only a limited number of lockers are available, application from residential students or students who have been assigned lockers in their respective departments will not be considered unless with special reasons. For enquiries, please contact Mr Ken K W Chan at 3943 1288. The loan regulations are as follows: 1. 借用同學須繳付儲物箱按金港幣 50 元 請以恒生銀行或匯豐銀行自動櫃員機將按金存入香港中文大學戶口 293-005005-001, 並保留收據, 於收據背面寫上學生姓名及編號, 連同填妥的申請表格 ( 可於學生輔導處索取 / 書院網頁下載 ), 一併交回書院學生輔導處辦理申請 A deposit of HK$50 is required. Applicants should pay the deposit via ATM of Hang Seng Bank or HSBC to the bank account of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (293-005005-001). Please keep the ATM Customer Advice and write your name and student ID at the back of the slip. Both ATM Customer Advice and completed application form (available at the College Dean of Students Office / on the College webpage) should be submitted to the College Dean of Students Office for processing. 2. 借用者須保持儲物箱整潔, 並避免於箱內存放貴重物品 The lockers must be kept clean at all times and no valuables should be kept inside. 3. 同學可自行決定借用年期, 借用期最長為畢業學年 5 月 31 日止 惟書院可能在有需要情況下, 不再提供儲物箱借用服務, 屆時將另行通知借用同學 Students can decide the loan period up to 31 May of graduation year. However, the College reserves the right to terminate the locker service under special circumstances and concerned students will be informed accordingly. 4. 借用期屆滿前, 借用者須清理箱內物品, 並親自前往曾肇添樓二樓書院學生輔導處辦理手續 書院將安排透過自動轉賬方式把按金退回借用者之存款戶口內 Before returning the locker to the College, students are responsible for cleaning the locker and return the key in person to the College Dean of Students' Office. Deposit will be refunded by autopay. 5. 倘逾期辦理退箱手續, 按金概不發還, 儲物箱內之物品將列作棄置物品處理 Deposit will be forfeited for failure to return the locker when the loan period is expired. Items inside the locker will be disposed. 中國樂器班招生 Chinese Musical Instrument Courses Open for Application 為推廣中國音樂文化和陶冶性情, 書院將於 2016 年 9 月開辦中國樂器班, 包括二胡及笛子 導師分別為二胡演奏家兼本院中樂顧問辛小玲女士及笛子洞簫演奏家朱文昌先生 樂器班詳情如下 : To promote Chinese music on campus, the College will organise two Chinese musical instrument courses from September 2016, including Er Hu and Di Zi. The course instructors are Ms Hsin Hsiao-ling, famous huqin virtuoso and College Adviser on Chinese Music; and Mr Choo Boon-chong, renowned Di Zi virtuoso. Details of the courses are as follows: 課程 Courses 日期 Date 時間 Time 地點 Venue 對象 Participants 學費 Fee 名額 Quota 截止報名 Application Deadline 二胡班 笛子班 Er Hu and Di Zi 2016 年 9 月 28 日至 11 月 16 日 ( 共八堂, 逢星期三 ) 28 September - 16 November 2016 (8 lessons in total, on every Wednesdays) * 補課日期定於 2016 年 11 月 23 日 ( 如有需要 ) * The make-up class will be scheduled on 23 November 2016 (If necessary) 晚上 7 時至 8 時 30 分 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm 書院校園 College campus 書院學生 教職員及校友 College students, staff and alumni 學生每人全期 $800( 出席六堂或以上可獲 $260 資助 ) 校友及教職員每人全期 $1,120( 不設退款 ) UC Students: $800 (for attendance over 6 lessons, $260 will be sponsored) Staff / Alumni: $1,120 (non-refundable) 每班十人 ( 最少四人開班 ) 10 persons for each course (At least 4 persons to form a class) 2016 年 9 月 21 日 ( 星期三 ) 21 September 2016 (Wednesday) 課程現正開始接受報名, 名額有限, 先到先得 學生請到書院學生輔導處報名及繳費, 教職員和校友報名請於書院網頁下載報名表格, 並連同支票 ( 抬頭請寫 香港中文大學 ) 郵寄至香港中文大學聯合書院學生輔導處梁庭豪先生收 如有查詢, 請致電 3943 1560 與本院梁庭豪先生聯絡 The courses are now open for application on a first-come-first-served basis. For students, please register and pay the fee at the counter of the College Dean of Students Office. For staff and alumni, please download the application form at the College website and send the completed form together with a cheque (payable to The Chinese University of Hong Kong ) to Mr Red T H Leung, Dean of Students Office, United College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. For enquiries, please contact Mr Red T H Leung at 3943 1560.

大學藝術行政主任辦公室消息 News from the Office of the Arts Administrator, CUHK 由大學藝術行政主任辦公室主辦的 藝術兵團 及 學生文化大使 活動現已接受報名 為鼓勵學生積極參與文娛藝術活動, 聯合書院特別提供額外津貼, 令更多書院同學受惠 查詢請致電 3943 1928 或 3943 7528 與藝術行政主任辦公室聯絡 Two programmes, Friends of the Arts and Student Cultural Ambassadors, organised by the Office of the Arts Administrator, CUHK are now open for enrollment. In order to encourage students to engage in art and cultural activities proactively, the College will provide extra subsidies to support more College students in joining these programmes. For further information, please contact the Office of the Arts Administrator, CUHK at 3943 1928 or 3943 7528. 2016 至 2017 年度 利希慎基金研究津貼計劃 及 書院基金研究津貼計劃 Lee Hysan Foundation Research Grant & Endowment Fund Research Grant Schemes 2016-2017 2016 至 2017 年度 利希慎基金研究津貼計劃 及 書院基金研究津貼計劃 現已公開接受聯合書院全職教職員申請 歡迎於本院網頁 申請及公佈結果 一欄下載申請表格及計劃詳情 截止申請日期為 2016 年 10 月 28 日, 申請結果將於 11 月下旬公佈 查詢請致電 3943 8654 與本院文化交流及研究委員會秘書陸敏兒女士聯絡 The application for Lee Hysan Foundation Research Grant and Endowment Fund Research Grant Schemes 2016-2017 is now open for submission. All full-time teaching staff of United College are welcome to download the application form and guidelines at the Applications and Results section of the College website. The closing date for applications is 28 October 2016. Results will be announced in late November. For enquiries, please contact Ms Amy M Y Luk, Secretary of the Committee on Cultural Interchange and Research at 3943 8654. 2016 至 2017 年度 師生交流 津貼 Social Fund 2016-2017 師生交流津貼是為加強書院全職及行政人員與書院學生在課餘時間的溝通和交流而設, 每名成員的全年基本津貼額為港幣一千元, 而 GEUC4011 的通識科老師 研究顧問 院系聯絡人 舍監 體育部老師 交流團領隊等會有額外的津貼金額 每次聚餐之報銷金額以每名聯合師生港幣一百元為限 申請表格須於 2017 年 6 月 15 日前遞交書院學生輔導處辦理 申請表格及指引可於以下網址下載 : http://www.uc.cuhk.edu.hk/uc_media/attachment/applicationforms/ SocialFundGuideline16-17.pdf 查詢請致電 3943 8656 或 3943 1948 與書院學生輔導處胡黃雪萍女士或余慧儀女士聯絡 The Social Fund was set up with the aim of fostering personal interaction and strengthening contacts among teachers and students of the College beyond classroom. As such, it covers the expenses incurred by teaching and administrative staff of the College while engaging in consultation, tutorial and other legitimate activities in relation to their teaching and mentoring duties. The yearly budget is HK$1,000 per staff member and the maximum claim is HK$100 per person per occasion. Additional funds can be allocated to Course Supervisors of GEUC4011, Graduate Research Consultants, College Coordinators, Wardens, Teachers of PE Unit as well as leaders of study tours. Application for reimbursement should be submitted to the College Dean of Students Office before 15 June 2017. Application form and further details can be obtained at http://www.uc.cuhk.edu.hk/uc_media/attachment/application Forms/SocialFundGuideline16-17.pdf. For enquiries, please contact Mrs Joyce S P Wu or Ms Maggie W Y Yu of the College Dean of Students Office at 3943 8656 or 3943 1948. 14

2017 至 2018 年度 到訪傑出學人 計劃接受提名 Nominations Open for Distinguished Visiting Scholar Scheme 2017-2018 由書院基金會贊助之 到訪傑出學人 計劃每年邀請國際知名學者到訪書院, 進行為期一至兩週之學術交流活動 到訪傑出學人的來回商務客位機票及每日津貼 ( 包括住宿 飲食及交通 ) 均由本計劃贊助 至於訪問活動之細節, 將由 到訪傑出學人 委員會及提名人共同商議及安排, 一般包括兩至三次公開講座及師生學術交流活動等 2017 至 2018 年度 到訪傑出學人 計劃現正公開接受書院各學系同寅提名 提名人須填妥提名表格, 交系主任加簽, 連同有關履歷, 於 2016 年 10 月 31 日 ( 星期一 ) 或以前交給到訪傑出學人委員會秘書 提名表格可於以下網址下載 : http://www.uc.cuhk.edu.hk/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=34&itemid=125&lang=en 查詢可致電 3943 7598 與到訪傑出學人委員會秘書林偉源先生聯絡 The Distinguished Visiting Scholar (DVS) Scheme is sponsored by the College Endowment Fund. It invites internationally renowned scholars to visit the College in every year, in order to promote cultural and academic exchanges between the scholar and the College members. The invited scholar will be provided with a round-trip business class air ticket as well as the all-inclusive lump sum allowance (including accommodation, meals and transportation). Detailed programme for the visit will be designed by the DVS Committee in consultation with the nominator. The invited scholar is expected to deliver two to three public lectures and take part in other academic and social activities with the staff and students of the College. DVS nominations are now invited from academic staff of United College for 2017-2018. Nominations, together with the nominee s full curriculum vitae and endorsement by the respective department chairperson, should be forwarded to Secretary of the DVS Committee on or before Monday, 31 October 2016. The nomination form can be downloaded at http://www.uc.cuhk.edu.hk/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=34&itemid=125&lang=en. For enquiries, please contact Mr George W Y Lam, Secretary of the DVS Committee at 3943 7598. 本院副院長兼輔導長參與語文計劃總結發佈會 College Associate Head and Dean of Students Attended Dissemination Seminar on Language Programme 本院副院長兼輔導長麥陳淑賢教授 ( 前排右六 ) 於 2016 年 6 月 13 日舉行的優質教育基金小學英國語文網絡計劃 2015/16 年度總結發佈會上, 以項目負責人及優化英語教學研究中心總監身份, 頒發獎狀予參與學校和老師 當日有教育局官員 小學校長 英文科主任 教師 家長及學生參與, 分享計劃經驗及成果 College Associate Head and Dean of Students, Professor Barley S Y Mak (6 th right, front row), attended the Dissemination Seminar of Quality Education Fund Thematic Network (QTN) on English Language (Primary) 2015/16 on 13 June 2016. As the Director of The Centre for Enhancing English Learning and Teaching and leader of the QTN, she presented certificates to participating schools and teachers. Guests from Education Bureau, school principals, English panel heads, teachers, parents and students from local primary schools shared their successful experiences at the seminar. 書院校友會 2016 年周年會員大會 The College Alumni Association Annual General Meeting 2016 日期 Date 時間 Time 地點 Venue 2016 年 10 月 4 日 ( 星期二 ) 4 October 2016 (Tuesday) 下午 7 時正 7:00 pm 香港灣仔皇后大道東四十三至五十九號東美中心二十二樓太平洋保險有限公司會議室 Conference Room, The Pacific Insurance Co Ltd, 22/F, Dominion Centre, 43-59 Queen s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong 敬請各會員踴躍出席 All members of the College Alumni Association are invited to join this annual general meeting. 15

書院六十周年院慶校友日 The College 60 th Anniversary Alumni Day 聯合書院六十周年校友日將於 2016 年 10 月 29 日 ( 星期六 ) 在書院校園舉行 書院及書院校友會誠邀歷屆聯合校友及家人返回母校, 慶祝書院六十周年院慶, 互聚情誼, 了解母校最新發展情況, 加強校友與母校的聯繫 書院將安排一連串的精彩節目, 供聯合校友及家人參加, 詳情如下 : The United College 60th Anniversary Alumni Day will be held on 29 October 2016 (Saturday) on the College campus. The College and the College Alumni Association invite all United College alumni and their families to join this annual reunion gathering to celebrate the College's 60th Anniversary. The College would like to keep our alumni informed of the latest developments of the College, as well as to further strengthen the bond with our alumni. The College has prepared a list of programmes for all United College alumni and their families, programmes are appended as follows: 16 1:30 pm 1:45 pm 2:00 pm 3:00 pm 3:45 pm l 5:45 pm 專車於港鐵大學站接載校友到聯合書院 Shuttle buses will be arranged to pick up alumni from University MTR Station to United College Campus 登記處設於書院教職員飯堂外, 校友可於登記處簽名留念及領取紀念品 Alumni can register and get souvenir from the registration counter outside the College Staff Canteen 參與聯合書院六十周年校友日 千人同心健步行 籌款開步禮, 環繞書院步行, 為書院六十周年籌款 Opening Ceremony of the Fundraising Walk for the United College 60th Anniversary Alumni Day 於書院學生飯堂參與院慶生日會及下午茶敍 Anniversary Birthday Party with a tea buffet at the College Student Canteen 院長余濟美教授及校友會會長殷巧兒女士致歡迎辭 Welcoming speeches by Professor Jimmy C M Yu, College Head and Ms Lina H Y Yan, President of the College Alumni Association 為答謝參與聯合書院六十周年校友日 千人同心健步行 的校友對書院的支持, 書院特備以下精彩節目, 費用全免, 讓校友及家人在書院度過愉快的周末 To show our token of thanks to alumni who joined the fundraising walk, the College will arrange five different programmes for alumni and their family members at the same time, all programmes are free-of-charge 節目一 : 健康檢查 Programme 1: Health Check 校友及家人可免費參與健康檢查 ( 名額有限, 先到先得 ) Free-of-charge health check for alumni and their family members (First come, first served) 健康檢查內容包括 Health check items including: 1. 中醫健康活動 : 體質辨析 拔罐 耳穴壓貼 Traditional Chinese Medicine Workshops 2. 體適能測試 身體質量指數 (BMI) 計算 Physical Fitness Test, Measurement of Body Mass Index (BMI) 3. 血糖篩查 Blood Glucose Screening 4. 心電圖篩查 Electrocardiogram Screening 5. 藥物審評 ( 參加者可帶同日常服用的藥物 ) Drug Review (Participants can bring their own daily drugs) 地點 : 張祝珊師生康樂大樓三樓文怡閣 二樓學生休息室及學生會屬會會議室 Venue: Staff Common Room, Student Common Room and Affiliated Societies Meeting Room, 3 rd and 2 nd Floor, Cheung Chuk Shan Amenities Building 節目二 : 兒童樂園 Programme 2: Kids Fun Zone 吹氣彈床滑梯 Inflatable Trampoline Slides 小朋友創意工作坊 Kids Creative Painting Workshop 免費雪糕派發 ( 限量 200 杯 ) Free Distribution of Ice Creams (Limited to 200 cups) 免費汽球派發 Free Distribution of Balloons 地點 : 湯草 Venue: The Lawn outside Adam Schall Residence 節目三 : 暢遊水塔籌款活動 Programme 3: Water Tower Fundraising Walk 每人捐款港幣六十元或以上均可參加 Alumni can tour the water tower if they make donations of HK$60 or above 每二十分鐘一節, 每節人數約二十人 Each session lasts for 20 minutes, around 20 people will be served per session 參加者可沿樓梯步行至水塔五樓, 一窺水塔內裏乾坤, 亦可居高臨下飽覽書院及吐露港景色 ( 由於通道狹窄, 水塔五樓以上恕未能開放 ) Participants can walk upstairs to the water tower (5/F of the water tower will not be opened) 基於安全考慮,1.2 米以上人士方可參加, 校友可考慮讓 1.2 米以下小童參加兒童樂園活動 For safety purposes, participants must be taller than 1.2m. Alumni can consider to arrange their children to play at Kids Fun Zone 節目四 : 攝影區 Programme 4: Photo Taking Zone 校友可參觀新揭幕的六十周年雕塑及拍照 Alumni can visit the new 60th Anniversary Sculpture 書院將提供相框 / 道具予校友作拍攝合照之用 The College will provide photo shooting props to alumni 地點 : 胡草 Venue: The Lawn outside Wu Chung Multimedia Library 節目五 : 聯合書院校園遊 Programme 5: United College Campus Tour 不同單位將開放供校友參觀, 包括 : 湯若望宿舍 伯利衡宿舍 岑才生聯合書院校史文物館 思源文娛中心 胡忠多媒體圖書館及張煊昌體育館 College amenities will be opened for alumni to tour around, including Adam Schall Residence, Bethlehem Hall, Shum Choi Sang College Archives, Si Yuan Amenities Centre, Wu Chung Multimedia Library and Thomas H C Cheung Gymnasium

報名辦法 Registration Methods: 1. 登入校友日網頁 : http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/uc/alumniday2016, 以網上註冊方式登記出席是次活動 校友更可瀏覽此網頁以了解書院校友日的最新消息 ; 或 Please visit the Alumni Day webpage: http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/uc/alumniday2016 and register online. Updated information about the Alumni Day will also be posted on this link; or 2. 填妥附於 聯合校友 2016 年 9 月號之活動回條, 於 10 月 24 日前傳真至 2603 5412 或寄回香港中文大學聯合書院學生輔導處 ; 或 Please fill in the registration form enclosed in the September 2016 issue of United Alumni Newsletter and fax the form to 2603 5412, or post the form to Dean of Students' Office, United College, CUHK on or before 24 October 2016; or 3. 直接致電 3943 1948 向本院余慧儀女士報名, 或電郵至 alumni-uc@cuhk.edu.hk 報名均可 Please call Ms Maggie W Y Yu at 3943 1948 to make reservation, or send email to alumni-uc@cuhk.edu.hk. 每位聯合校友可攜同最多三位家人出席 查詢請致電 3943 8654 與本院高級書院發展主任陸敏兒女士或 3943 1948 與余慧儀女士聯絡 敬請各位校友踴躍支持及參與聯合書院六十周年校友日 千人同心健步行 Each participant may bring up to three family members to the event. For enquiries, please contact Ms Amy M Y Luk, Senior College Development Officer at 3943 8654 or Ms Maggie W Y Yu at 3943 1948. Please support and join the Fundraising Walk for the United College 60th Anniversary Alumni Day. 畢業二十五年及畢業三十五年或以上校友院慶千人宴 Feast for a Thousand for Alumni Graduated for 25 Years and 35 Years or above 適逢聯合書院慶祝六十周年院慶, 書院將於 2016 年 10 月 29 日校友日晚上 7 至 9 時假本院張祝珊師生康樂大樓一樓張煊昌體育館舉行校友聚餐, 特別邀請畢業二十五周年 ( 即 1991 年畢業 ) 及畢業三十五周年或以上 ( 包括聯合書院成立前五間成員書院的畢業校友, 即 1981 年或以前畢業 ) 的聯合校友參加, 與同屆校友聚舊一番 書院將於當晚 6 時恭候,6 時 30 分安排拍攝大合照 書院已於 2016 年 8 月底寄發邀請咭予 1991 年畢業及 1981 年或以前畢業的校友, 校友及同行親友餐費每位港幣二百元正, 歡迎攜眷出席, 大小同價 凡於 9 月 30 日或以前報名或自組一枱十二人的校友均可享餐費八折優惠 閣下亦可向書院提出建議, 邀請當年的老師一同出席是次聚餐, 閣下可於邀請咭的出席回條上提名 為令院慶聚餐更添意義, 本院誠徵各位校友在學時代的相片, 本院將於晚宴中展示, 以喚起各位校友美好的回憶 請電郵照片至 alumni-uc@cuhk.edu.hk, 或郵寄相片至沙田香港中文大學聯合書院陸敏兒收 敬請各位校友踴躍支持 查詢及訂座請致電 3943 1948 與本院余慧儀女士聯絡 To celebrate the 60 th Anniversary of United College, the College will organise the Feast for a Thousand for Alumni graduated for 25 years and 35 years or above on 29 October 2016 (Saturday) from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at Thomas H C Cheung Gymnasium, First Floor, Cheung Chuk Shan Amenities Building, United College. Reception will start at 6:00 pm, while a group photo taking session will be held at 6:30 pm. Invitation cards have been sent to Class of 1991 and Classes of 1981 or above in late August 2016. All alumni and their friends and relatives attending the dinner will be charged HK$200 per person at cost. Alumni register on or before 30 September can enjoy an early bird discount at 20% off. Alumni can also form a table of 12 people to enjoy a discount at 20% off. Alumni are welcome to nominate their teachers so that the College could invite them to attend the dinner for reunion. To make the Feast for a Thousand a meaningful one, the College welcomes old photo submission from Class of 1991 and Classes of 1981 or before. Please send the soft copies to alumni-uc@cuhk.edu.hk or send the hard copies by mail to Ms Amy M Y Luk, United College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Please support and participate in this function. For enquiries and reservation, please contact Ms Maggie W Y Yu at 3943 1948. 17

本院校友獲委任為崇基學院院長 College Alumnus Appointed as Head of Chung Chi College 本院校友方永平教授 (83/ 生化 ) 獲委任為崇基學院院長, 任期四年, 由 2016 年 8 月 1 日起生效 本院同仁謹致賀忱! College alumnus, Professor Fong Wing-ping (83/BCHE) has been appointed as Head of Chung Chi College for four years, with effect from 1 August 2016. Our warmest congratulations to Professor Fong! 本院校友獲委任為敬文書院院長 College Alumnus Appointed as Master of C W Chu College 本院校友陳偉儀教授 (74/ 化學 ) 獲委任為敬文書院院長, 任期四年, 由 2017 年 1 月 1 日起生效 本院同仁謹致賀忱! College alumnus, Professor Chan Wai-yee (74/CHEM) has been appointed as Master of C W Chu College for four years, with effect from 1 January 2017. Our warmest congratulations to Professor Chan! 書院運動設施星期日開放予書院師生校友使用 The College Sports Facilities Open on Sundays for Staff, Students and Alumni 由 2016 年 9 月 4 日起, 書院將繼續於授課期內之星期日開放運動設施予書院教職員 學生及校友會會員使用, 亦歡迎教職員及校友的家屬使用 各項設施不設收費, 以先到先得形式提供 除網球場外, 其他設施均毋須預約 使用者須出示職員證 學生證或校友會會員證 查詢請致電 3943 7539 與書院體育部聯絡 With effect from 4 September 2016, the College sports facilities will resume term-time opening hours on Sundays for College staff, students and alumni who have joined the United College Alumni Association (UCAA). Family members of staff and alumni are also welcome to use the facilities. The facilities are provided free-of-charge on a first-come-first-served basis. No advance booking is necessary except for the tennis courts. Users are required to show their CU Link Card or UCAA membership card for verification. For enquiries, please contact the College Physical Education Unit at 3943 7539. 書院體育部運動設施 Facilities Available at the College Physical Education Unit 運動設施 Sport Facilities 張煊昌體育館 Thomas H C Cheung Gymnasium 健身室 Physical Fitness Room 乒乓球室 Table Tennis Room 網球場 Tennis Courts 地點 Venue 聯合書院張祝珊師生康樂大樓一樓 1/F, Cheung Chuk Shan Amenities Building, United College 聯合路與士林路交界 Junction of United Road and Residence Road 授課期內之星期日開放時間 (2016 年 9 月至 2017 年 4 月 ) Opening Hours on Sundays (September 2016- April 2017) 月 / 年份 Month/Year 星期日開放日期 Open on the following Sundays 開放時間 Opening Hours 9/2016 4 11 18 25 10/2016 2 16 23 30 11/2016 6 13 20 27 1/2017 8 15 22 2:15 pm - 9:00 pm 2/2017 5 12 19 26 3/2017 5 12 19 26 4/2017 2 9 * 公眾假期 註冊及考試組留用的星期日不設開放 *Closed on Public Holidays and Sundays reserved by the Registration and Examinations Section. 18

書院網球場消息 News of the College Tennis Courts 位於聯合路及士林路交界之聯合書院網球場獲書院撥款支持, 在今年暑期完成場地優化工程, 使網球場更標準化及更安全, 並添置了裁判椅及座位 網球場已於 2016 年 8 月 26 日重新開放, 供書院師生及書院校友會會員免費使用 歡迎書院師生在網上預訂網球場, 而書院校友會會員則可致電 3943 7539 與書院體育部預訂場地 欣逢書院六十周年誌慶, 書院希望藉着優化各項體育設施, 繼續推動充滿運動氣氛的校園生活 The Tennis Courts of United College located at the junction of United Road and Residence Road were reopened on 26 August 2016, with completion of the renovation project during this summer. This renovation was financially supported by the College. The project aimed to make the tennis courts more standardized and to improve the safety, while judge chairs and side benches were also added. College staff and students are welcome to book the courts online while members of the College Alumni Association can call the PE Unit for free booking at 3943 7539. To celebrate the College s 60 th Anniversary, the College has dedicated to enhance different sports facilities to promote a sporty College life. 下期 聯合動態 截稿日期 Next Issue of United News 下期 聯合動態 將於 2016 年 10 月 17 日出版 歡迎教職員報告其研究 著作或其他人事動態 稿件請於 2016 年 9 月 23 日或以前交回聯合書院曾肇添樓 201 室或傳真至 2603 5412 或電郵至 unitedcollege@cuhk.edu.hk 來稿請以中文及英文撰寫 查詢請致電 3943 1696 與本院郭芷欣女士聯絡 書院同仁如不欲收取印刷版本, 請電郵至 rukiakwok@cuhk.edu.hk 聯合動態 同時上載於書院網頁以供瀏覽 : http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/uc/uc_news The next issue of United News will be published on 17 October 2016. Staff members are welcome to report on their research findings, publications or any other information. Contributions in both Chinese and English should be sent to Room 201, Tsang Shiu Tim Building, United College or by fax to 2603 5412 or via email to unitedcollege@cuhk.edu.hk on or before 23 September 2016. For enquiries, please contact Ms Rukia T Y Kwok at 3943 1696. College members who do not wish to receive hard copy can send email to rukiakwok@cuhk.edu.hk. Online version of United News is also available at http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/uc/uc_news. 書院生活預覽 College Event Calendar (15/9/2016 16/10/2016) 項目 Item 日期及時間 Date & Time 地點 Venue 聯絡人 Contact Person 岑才生學長計劃 : 2016 至 2017 殷巧兒學年學員簡介會 20/9/2016 鄭棟材樓 C1 講室胡黃雪萍女士 Shum Choi Sang Mentorship Programme: Year of Lina 6:30 pm 8:00 pm Lecture Theatre C1, Mrs Joyce Wu HY Yan (2016-2017) Mentees Briefing Session T C Cheng Building 3943 8656 / 3943 7582 書院國際演講會示範會議 The College Toastmasters Club Demonstration Meeting 中國樂器班 Chinese Musical Instrument Courses 書院水運會 College Swimming Gala 書院聚會 College Assembly 對中國書法的幾點認知 Chinese Calligraphy Talk 講者 : 張愛國教授 Speaker: Professor Zhang Aiguo 書院國際演講會會議 The College Toastmasters Club Regular Meeting 書院聚會 College Assembly 儒家思想與書法教育 Chinese Philosophy and Calligraphy Talk 講者 : 汪永江教授 Speaker: Professor Wang Yongjiang 書院六十周年院慶音樂節 The College 60th Anniversary Music Festival 22/9/2016 6:45 pm 28/9 16/11/2016 ( 逢星期三 Every Wed) 7:00 pm 8:30 pm 26/9/2016 6:30 pm 6/10/2016 3:30 pm 5:00 pm 6/10/2016 6:45 pm 13/10/2016 3:30 pm 5:00 pm 13/10/2016 6:00 pm 8:30 pm 鄭棟材樓 C2 講室 Lecture Theatre C2, T C Cheng Building 書院校園 College campus 大學游泳池 University Swimming Pool 伍宜孫書院演藝廳 College Theatre, Wu Yee Sun College 曾肇添樓 312 室 Room 312, Tsang Shiu Tim Building 伍宜孫書院演藝廳 College Theatre, Wu Yee Sun College 湯若望宿舍外草地 Lawn outside Adam Schall Residence 欲知書院最新消息請瀏覽書院網頁 For the latest news, please visit the College s website : http://www.uc.cuhk.edu.hk 陸敏兒女士 Ms Amy Luk 3943 8654 / 3943 7570 林偉源先生 Mr George Lam 3943 7598 / 3943 1560 陳鄧翠怡女士 Mrs Eastre Chan 3943 8657 / 3943 7573 陳鄧翠怡女士 Mrs Eastre Chan 3943 8657 / 3943 1750 陸敏兒女士 Ms Amy Luk 3943 8654 / 3943 7570 陳鄧翠怡女士 Mrs Eastre Chan 3943 8657 / 3943 1750 高榮銘先生 Mr Ken Ko 3943 1844 19

揮桿投球 專訪蔡利利同學 校園記者 : 譚德恩 ( 新傳 / 二 ) 就讀體育運動科學四年級的蔡利利同學是中大活木球隊的成員, 她曾於 2016 年大專盃活木球賽事取得女子個人第一及當選為 大專最佳女子運動員 有誰想到得獎的蔡利利其實只是學習了活木球短短數年, 就能取得如此佳績? 蔡利利的成功, 不止是因為她勤於練習, 更是因為大學和書院的支持及教練的鼓勵 老師邀請試玩從此愛活木球 就讀香港專業學院 (IVE) 時, 蔡利利獲港隊教練邀請, 到科大郊外草地試玩, 科大活木球的練習場是一片綠油油的草地, 又能在藍天白雲之下玩活木球, 活動的環境令她感到心曠神怡 ; 而且她知道活木球是新興運動, 只要肯努力練習, 更有機會參與大專賽及代表香港出賽, 因此她便對活木球產生興趣, 並開始學習這項運動 活木球在 90 年初由台灣人結合高爾夫球的揮桿與門球的推桿而成的新興運動, 不少參加者都是由零開始的初學者, 因此蔡利利知道只要自己肯努力就有機會參賽, 令她有奮鬥的目標 而且新人只需練成基本功就可以完成一場活木球賽事, 蔡利利於 9 月開學時開始練習活木球, 到了翌年的 3 月便能參加大專賽事, 能在短時間掌握一項新的運動並有機會出賽, 令蔡利利充滿成功感, 因而更喜歡活木球 每周專注勤練兩年躍進參賽短短兩年, 蔡利利就能代表學校參賽 她說初時專注於練好基本功, 為了打好基礎, 每逢週末的練習, 她都會比隊友更早到達場地, 先自行熱身兩小時, 再進行三小時的常規練習 蔡利利相信在練習基本動作下苦功, 只要多做一點就能取得進步 兩年的練習及參賽為她累積了經驗, 可是蔡利利說現階段打活木球不只講求技術, 而是要學習調整心態, 不能再像初學時過於進取, 而是在每步之前都多加思考, 微調動作及觀察比賽環境, 打出最好的一桿 蔡利利說活木球易學難精, 而且是 思考型運動, 此項運動對於學習者的體能需求不大, 反而是要高度集中的專注力及在每次打球前思考, 改善動作以達到更好的成績 學習活木球後, 蔡利利的專注力大大提升, 因為每次發球都要雙目注視球門調整方向再擊球, 令她學習調整心態 沈着應戰 除了每次擊打前都要調整心態, 活木球比賽的挑戰在於球員要因應場地的規範改變策略, 考驗球員的應變能力 特別是國外比賽的草地與香港的平地不同, 多數都有坡度, 因此蔡利利也學習以最短時間熟習場地, 打出練習的水 準 蔡利利同學說 : 每一次練習都是勝過上次的自己 因此學習初期她每個週末都會花八至十個小時練習基本功, 打好基礎, 造就她在短短數年間就能代表中大於大專盃取得女子個人第一的佳績 港難尋練習場感謝學校支持 高爾夫球需要大面積草坡作為場地, 雖然活木球只需 一片草地即可進行, 但要在寸金尺土的香港尋找可作活木 球練習場地卻不容易, 幸而中大的夏鼎基運動場為她提供 了訓練的草地, 而且也讓中大活木球隊在儲物室放置器材 及球具 蔡利利感謝書院體育部師長對她的關懷及鼓勵, 他們常會詢問蔡利利何時比賽, 是否能兼顧學業, 願意提 供支援, 讓她感到窩心 蔡利利也十分感謝向她介紹活木 球的 IVE 恩師鄧麗華老師及中大教練鄧子銘老師的提醒和 引導, 他們除了希望她能在技術上有所進步, 更會幫助蔡 利利作心態上的調節 他們常常提醒蔡利利要以平穩心態 面對比賽及作為活木球隊隊長如何配合隊友等等, 讓她穩 定成長, 成為一個更成熟的球員 積極裝備自己任教推活木球 蔡利利希望畢業後能成為體育老師, 她除了要涉獵不 同類型的運動外, 也為推廣活木球而積極裝備自己 蔡利 利分別接受了活木球教練及裁判課程訓練, 現在她時常到 小學教授活木球運動, 將此項活動推廣至中 小學 近年 活木球在大專界開始普及, 是因大專院校擁有大片運動的 草地, 可以開班教授學生, 推廣活木球 可是坊間卻難以 找到場地練習, 阻礙活木球的推廣 因此, 蔡利利寄望可 在 2016 年 9 月代表香港出戰亞洲沙灘運動會沙灘木球項 目爭取名次, 從而贏取港府對運動的支持及提供資源和場 地, 讓更多人接觸活木球運動 20