LTF LT LS LW LWNA LF TF F T S W WNA 茲證明 THIS IS TO CERTIFY: 本船業已依照本公約第 14 條之要求檢驗 That the ship has been surveyed in accordance with the requirem

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附件一 國際載重線證書 International Load Lines Certificate 茲由中華民國政府委託依照一九八八年議定書修訂之 一九六六年國際載重線公約之規定發給本證書 Issued under the provisions of the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966, as modified by the Protocol of 1988 relating thereto under the authority of the Government of the REPUBLIC OF CHINA by 中華民國 REPUBLIC OF CHINA 船名船舶號數或信號符字船籍港總噸位 IMO 編號 Name of ship Distinctive number or letters 證書號碼 Certificate No. 船舶長度 Port of registry Gross tonnage ( 按公約第 2(8) 條款 ) Length (L) as defined in Art.2(8) (in metres) IMO Number 本船乾舷勘劃係按 * 船型 * Freeboard assigned as* Type of ship* 新船 A new ship A 型船 Type 'A' 現成船 An existing ship B 型船 Type 'B' 有減少乾舷的 B 型船 Type 'B' with a reduced freeboard 有增加乾舷的 B 型船 Type 'B' with a increased freeboard 距甲板標線之乾舷 Freeboard from deck line** 載重線 Load line** 熱帶 Tropical 夏季 Suer 冬季 Winter 北大西洋冬季 Winter North Atlantic 熱帶載木 Timber tropical 夏季載木 Timber suer 冬季載木 Timber winter 北大西洋冬季載木 Timber winter North Atlantic (T) (S) (W) (WNA) (LT) (LS) (LW) (LWNA) 高於 above (S) 線之上緣經圓圈中心 Upper edge of line through centre of ring 低於 below (S) 低於 below (S) 高於 above (LS) 高於 above (S) 低於 below (LS) 低於 below (LS) 航行淡水時除載木乾舷外各乾舷准減 Allowance for fresh water for all freeboards other than timber 用以量測各乾舷的甲板標線之上緣為 The upper edge of the deck line from which these freeboards are measured is 各載木乾舷准減. For timber freeboards 甲板舷側處 deck at side... * ** 刪去不適用者 Delete whatever is inapplicable 不適用之乾舷及載重線毋須載於證書上 艙區劃分載重線得載於證書上 Freeboards and load lines which are not applicable need not be entered on the certificate. Subdivision load lines may be entered on the certificate on a voluntary basis. - 1/5 -

LTF LT LS LW LWNA LF TF F T S W WNA 茲證明 THIS IS TO CERTIFY: 1. 2. 本船業已依照本公約第 14 條之要求檢驗 That the ship has been surveyed in accordance with the requirements of article 14 of the Convention. 經檢驗顯示本船均按本公約之規定核定乾舷及勘劃上述載重線 That the survey showed that the freeboards have been assigned and load lines shown above have been marked in accordance with the Convention. 本證書有效期間至 This certificate is valid until article 14(1)(c) of the Convention. *** 但應按本公約第 14(1)(c) 條規定實施 *** subject to annual surveys in accordance with 本證書所依據之檢驗完成日期 Completion date of the survey on which this certificate is based 發證地點 Issued at 於 on 總 Chief Surveyor 附註 : 一. 船舶由內河港口而出海者, 其自該港口至出海口所需燃料及其他消耗品之重量准予超載 Note: 二. When a ship departs from a port situated on a river or inland waters, deeper loading shall be permitted corresponding to the weight of fuel and all other materials required for consumption between the point of departure and the sea. 船舶航行於比重為一之淡水中時, 其載重線得按本證書所載予以增加, 如遇比重不為一時應按實際比重一點零二五之差別, 予以調整之 When a ship is in fresh water of unit density the appropriate load line may be submerged by the amount of the fresh water allowance shown above. Where the density is other than unity, an allowance shall be made proportional to the difference between 1.025 and the actual density. *** 填入依本公約第 19(1) 條規定由主管當局指定之有效期限日期 除依本公約第 19(8) 條規定之修訂外, 該日期相當於本公約第 2(9) 條所定義之週年日期 Insert the date of expiry as specified by the Administration in accordance with article 19(1) of the Convention. The day and the month of this date correspond to the anniversary date as defined in article 2(9) of the Convention, unless amended in accordance with article 19(8) of the Convention. - 2/5 -

之簽證 Endorsement for annual surveys 茲證明本船依本公約第 14(1)(c) 條之規定實施符合本公約之有關要求 證書號碼 Certificate No. THIS IS TO CERTIFY that, at an annual survey required by article 14(1)(c) of the Convention, the ship was found to comply with the relevant requirements of the Convention. - 3/5 -

依第 19(8)(c) 條規定之 Annual survey in accordance with article 19(8)(c) 茲證明本船依本公約第 19(8)(c) 條之規定實施檢驗符合本公約之有關要求 THIS IS TO CERTIFY that, at a survey in accordance with article 19(8)(c) of the Convention, the ship was found to comply with the relevant requirements of the Convention. Surveyor To 適用第 19(3) 條之規定對有效期少於五年證書之延期簽證 Endorsement to extend the certificate if valid for less than 5 years where article 19(3) applies 本船符合本公約相關要求, 且依本公約第 19(3) 條之規定, 本證書有效期限延至 The ship complies with the relevant requirements of the Convention, and this certificate shall, in accordance with article 19(3) of the Convention, be accepted as valid until 適用第 19(4) 條規定於換證檢驗完成後之延期簽證 Endorsement where the renewal survey has been completed and article 19(4) applies 本船符合本公約相關要求, 且依本公約第 19(4) 條之規定, 本證書有效期延至 The ship complies with the relevant requirements of the Convention, and this certificate shall, in accordance with article 19(4) of the Convention, be accepted as valid until - 4/5 -

適用第 19(5) 條或第 19(6) 條規定對有效期延至檢驗港口或給予寬限期證書之延期簽證 Endorsement to extend the validity of the certificate until reaching the port of survey or for a period of grace where article 19(5) or 19(6) applies 依本公約第 19(5) 條或第 19(6) 條 * 之規定, 本證書有效期延至 This certificate shall, in accordance with article 19(5)/19(6)* of the Convention, be accepted as valid until 適用第 19(8) 條規定對提前週年日期之簽證 Endorsement for advancement of anniversary date where article 19(8) applies 依本公約第 19(8) 條之規定, 新週年日期為 In accordance with article 19(8) of the Convention, the new anniversary date is 依本公約第 19(8) 條之規定, 新週年日期為 In accordance with article 19(8) of the Convention, the new anniversary date is * 刪去不適用者 Delete as appropriate. - 5/5 -