Sunday, March 4, 2018 C2 LOCAL NEWS Trump s proposed steel tariffs could hammer Houston businesses, oil industry By Collin Eaton Max Tejeda hoped his

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If If you would like to share news or information with our readers, please send the unique stories, business news organization events, and school news to us includinig your name and phone number in case more information is needed. For news and information consideration, please send to or contact John Robbins 832-280-5815 Jun Gai 281-498-4310 China has less at stake in U.S. steel trade war than Canada, Mexico Southern Daily News is published by Southern News Group Daily Publisher: Wea H. Lee General Manager: Catherine Lee Editor: John Robbins, Jun Gai Business Manager : Jennifer Lopez Address: 11122 Bellaire Blvd., Houston, TX 77072 E-mail: Sunday, March 4, 2018 Southern News Group Inside C2 North Korea threatens to counter U.S. over military drills SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea threatened on Saturday to counter the U.S. if the United States holds joint military exercises with South Korea, and said it would not beg for talks with Washington. The United States is due to start joint exercises in early April, a South Korean presidential security adviser said this week according to Yonhap news agency - the latest in a series of drills that the north has regularly described as a threat. If the U.S. finally holds joint military exercises while keeping sanctions on the DPRK, the DPRK will counter the U.S. by its own mode of counteraction and the U.S. will be made to own all responsibilities for the ensuing consequences, North Korea s official KCNA news agency said in its commentary, saying the drills would harm reconciliation efforts on the peninsula. The DPRK is the acronym of the country s official name, the Democratic People s Republic of Korea. On Feb. 23, the United States said it was imposing its largest package of sanctions to pressure North Korea to give up its nuclear and missile programs. President Donald Trump warned of a phase two that could be very, very unfortunate for the world if the steps did not work. North Korea has slammed Trump s unilateral sanctions against it, but it said it was open to talks with the United States during senior North Korean officials visit to South Korea for the Olympics last month. The White House said any talks with North Korea must lead to an end of its nuclear program. North Korea reiterated on Saturday that it was willing to talk to the United States but said it would never sit with any precondition. South Korean and U.S. Marines take part in a winter military drill in Pyeongchang, South Korea, December 19, 2017. REUTERS/Kim Hong-Ji A North Korean foreign ministry spokesman was quoted by state media KCNA news agency as saying we will neither beg for dialogue nor evade the military option claimed by the U.S. Whether peace desired by our nation and the rest of the world settles on the Korean peninsula or a situation that no one desires is developed in the vicious cycle of confrontation depends entirely on the attitude of theu.s. the spokesman said, according to KCNA. South Korea plans to send a special Soldiers march during a grand military parade celebrating the 70th founding anniversary of the Korean People's Army envoy to North Korea in response to an invitation from leader Kim Jong Un, South Korean President Moon Jae-in told Trump in a phone call on Thursday. The Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang last month gave a boost to recent engagement between the two Koreas after sharply rising tensions over the North s missile program. Jimmy Kimmel's mission impossible - Oscar host in midst of #MeToo LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Jimmy Kimmel is in therapy. Last year s Oscar best picture blunder is giving the Academy Awards host nightmares - or so goes one of the comedian s video promotions for Sunday s ceremony. Construction welders work on a building next to billboards showing Academy Awards host Jimmy Kimmle who will host 90th Academy Awards in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California U.S. March 1, 2018. REUTERS/Mike Blake But the 2017 backstage envelope mix-up that saw the top prize in the movie industry briefly being awarded to La La Land rather than actual winner Moonlight may pale in relation to the task facing Kimmel when he returns as Oscar master of ceremonies for a second year. Kimmel must navigate the #MeToo sexual misconduct scandal that has rocked Hollywood in front of a live audience of A-list celebrities, many of whom say they are victims, as well as millions watching at home. He is also expected to throw in jokes about U.S. President Donald Trump, last year s best picture flub, the biggest pop culture moments of the past year, and the movies and performances up for the highest honors in show business. This year, the casting couch is the target of Hollywood. That s going to be the theme of the night, from the jokes told by Jimmy Kimmel to the winners who are announced, said Tom O Neil, founder of awards website He can t avoid the subject of #MeToo and he must treat it with delicacy and sensitivity while at the same time being fearless and lampooning it. So he has a very difficult role, O Neil said. Kimmel, 50, has said little about his plans and is ambiguous about whether he will address the elephant in the room. This show is not about reliving people s sexual assaults, Kimmel told ABC News earlier this week. It s an awards show for people who have been dreaming about maybe winning an Oscar for their whole lives. In January Kimmel told reporters that he was sure that it (the misconduct scandal) will be part of the subject matter of the show. Kimmel, known for his genial but deadpan delivery,got high marks as last year s Academy Awards host when then-newly elected Trump and his policies became a running gag. Since then, spurred by a heart condition affecting his newborn son, he has adopted a sharper edge on his television talk show - Jimmy Kimmel Live! where he has attacked Republican efforts to scuttle former President Barack Obama s healthcare reforms. He has said he does not intend to use the Oscars as a platform for healthcare. Tim Gray, awards editor at Hollywood trade publication Variety, said it would look very weird if Kimmel does not address #MeToo, which has been the number one topic in Hollywood for five months, on the night the movie industry celebrates itself. It is a balancing act. You, hopefully, have some observations that people haven t thought about, which is not easy, but you don t want to hit people with a sledgehammer, Gray said. Nevertheless, Gray said, Kimmel is the right man for the job. I think Jimmy Kimmel is really smart and really funny. I think he ll be fine, he said.on the task of overhauling the accord.

Sunday, March 4, 2018 C2 LOCAL NEWS Trump s proposed steel tariffs could hammer Houston businesses, oil industry By Collin Eaton Max Tejeda hoped his oilfield pipe business would find some financial relief in bigger paychecks this year as drillers recuperate from the worst downturn in decades. But the owner of Houston-based Tejas Tubular Products said the Trump Administration could dash his hopes for a recovery if it follows through on a proposal made this week to impose a 25 percent tariff on imported steel, a high cost for an industry that buys most of its metal from overseas. We re going to be less competitive than we were before, Tejeda said. I m wearing my red Make America Great Again hat. But he blew it on this one. President Donald Trump s plan to protect U.S. steel makers and squeeze foreign rivals, announced on Thursday, would almost certainly hike costs for Houston s oil companies, which use thousands of tons of steel in drilling, refining and pipeline operations to literally make the local economy go. In the West Wing on Thursday, Trump said he planned to sign executive orders imposing the steel tariffs and a 10 percent tariff on imported aluminum next week. He can do so without approval from Congress after the Commerce Department established in a recent study that steel imports are a threat to national security because, investigators said, they are weakening our national economy. In Houston, the steel tariffs could complicate the so-called second wave of chemical plant construction expected in coming years across east Houston and the Gulf Coast, after some $60 billion in local petrochemical projects wind down. Eighty-nine iron and steel mills, foundries and nonferrous metal producers with 2,200 employees in Houston would benefit from American steel protectionism. But that s less than a tenth of 1 percent of the region s workforce. More than 2,200 manufacturing companies in Houston, with over 88,000 employees, buy metals to make hardware, industrial machinery, turbines, parts for vehicles and other tools, and all would see raw materials costs surge under Trump s plan. The cost of manufacturing equipment, building construction, automobiles and appliances made with steel could ultimately fall on consumers, and absorbed by manufacturers in the form of smaller profits. It ll affect a lot of people and businesses in Houston, said Patrick Jankowski, senior economist at the Greater Houston Partnership. In the U.S. oil patch, drillers spent about $8.5 billion last year on hundreds of tons of pipe that go into the earth to pull up oil and gas. The same 11,300 oil and gas wells would cost $10.5 billion if steel prices were 25 percent higher, said Art Berman, a geological consultant at Labyrinth Consulting Services in Houston. Higher costs could mean the oil companies that dominate Houston s economy may have to cancel drilling projects or slow the development of major U.S. ventures, possibly slowing hiring or, in the worst case scenario, even cut jobs, analysts said. On average, a U.S. shale well uses about 390 tons of steel, according to one estimate. We re going to kill jobs in steel-using sectors, particularly in energy, said Bob McNally, president of energy research firm Rapidan Energy Group in Washington D.C. That s economics 101. There s no upside to this whatsoever, especially if you re trying to build infrastructure. It s a huge cost increase. Jack Gerard, chief executive of the trade group American Petroleum Institute, warned the steel and aluminum tariffs could wreak havoc on global supply chains, raise costs of expensive U.S. oil and gas projects and threaten jobs. The U.S. oil and gas industry, in particular, relies on specialty steel for many of its projects that most U.S. steelmakers don t supply, Gerard said in a statement. President Trump tweeted on Friday that the United States is losing billions on trade with other countries, and that trade wars are good, and easy to win. The Trump Administration recently raised tariffs on solar panels and washing machines. One country long-considered one of Trump s targets in his protectionist rhetoric is China. But China doesn t have as much to lose in Trump s looming steel trade war as its closest trading partners. The United States only accounts for 1.4 percent of China s steel exports of almost 83 million tons. And the United States only buys 2.9 percent of its $33.6 billion in imported steel from China. But U.S. companies buy about half of their steel from Canada, Mexico and Brazil, according to research firm Wood Mackenzie. The president s talk of an international trade war comes as the United States, Canada and Mexico renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement, the 24-year-old agreement that has created closer ties between the three countries, particularly in border states like Texas and cities like El Paso, Laredo and Houston, which benefits from bustling international trade. The Port of Houston imported and exported 3.7 million short tons of steel in 2017, up 68 percent from the year before, when crude prices sank to a dozen-year low and hampered the oil industry s demand for steel products. But Houston s international trade could get hit by the tariffs, as well, port officials said. Roger Guenther, executive director of the Port of Houston Authority, said a 25 percent tariff on steel would cut into the volume of goods shipped in and out of North America s most active port for steel. And that could hit the local job market and slow economic growth. Our history shows that steel cargo immediately declined following a tariff increase, he said in a statement.

Sunday, March 4, 2018 C3 A Snapshot Of The World A worshipper put firecrackers on palanquin which would be carrying statues of Guan Gong during Beehive Firecrackers festival at the Yanshui district, in Tainan Officials leave the Great Hall of the People after a meeting ahead of the annual Chinese People s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and National People s Congress (NPC) in Beijing Worshippers carry statues of Guan Gong during Beehive Firecrackers festival at the Yanshui district in Tainan Paramilitary police officers patrol ahead of the plenary session of National People s Congress in Beijing Robelf, a domestic robot with facial and voice recognition by Taiwan Excellence is shown during the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona Customers pick bags of toilet paper after fears of sharp price increases, at a supermarket in Tainan 43rd Cesar Awards ceremony - Paris, France. 02/03/2018. French singer and actor Eddy Mitchell attends the Cesar awards ceremony. REUTERS/Benoit Tessier 43rd Cesar Awards ceremony - Paris, France. 02/03/2018. French actress Marion Cotillard attends the Cesar awards ceremony. REUTERS/Benoit Tessier FILE PHOTO: U.S. soldiers take a break with sniffer dog during search operation in a brickyard near the city of Narhwan

SUNDAY, MARCH 04 2018 C4 HOUSTON [Feb.1, 2018] Small business owners ready to take their business to the next level have an opportunity to apply and participate in the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses program set to launch in May at the Houston Community College Southwest College s Missouri City campus. This national program was brought to Houston in 2011 through a partnership among HCC, the city of Houston and Goldman Sachs Foundation. It supports small businesses with strategies for growth and sustainability with business education and application and support of business advisors. The three-month program lets participants gain practical skills such as negotiation, marketing and management that can immediately be put into action. Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses is a $500 million public-private partnership initiative aimed at unlocking the growth and job creation potential of small businesses across the United States by providing them with greater access to practical business education, financial capital and business support services. Participants study a specialized business and management curriculum designed for entrepreneurs, and developed by Babson College in Wellesley, Massachusetts. The program has served 6,100 small businesses consisting of 80,000 employees. The total revenue of participants businesses is $5 billion-plus. The program was launched at Tri-C in Cleveland, Ohio, in 2012, and the alumni list for the program now surpasses 500.. According to a current program progress report, networking is strengthened through the course, as 85.3 percent of graduates conduct business together. Growth is not limited to a specific industry or demographic as business owners of different ages and education levels comprise participants. The program is fantastic and commits BUSINESS National Program Is Designed To Help Small Business Grow Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program Kicks Off At HCC Missouri City Campus to a variety of comprehensive modules across all business concepts and disciplines, a recent participant stated. It s industry-wide, from restaurant owners to construction to landscaping to manufacturing they leave nothing out. The program has been attended by many women, young people and business owners of all ethnicities. Compiled And Edited By John T. Robbins, Southern Daily Editor This program at HCC helps businesses past the start-up phase and in position for growth, said Cathy Landry, executive director of Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses at HCC. An owner is typically hands-on in day-to-day operations. This program helps the owner step back and work on a strategy for growth rather than just maintain operations. Participants spend 13 weeks, roughly 100 class hours, at HCC studying the business curriculum. Since 2011, 552 small business owners have graduated from the Goldman Sachs program at HCC. These graduates represent more than 40 industries including information technology, manufacturing and hospitality. Graduates receive a certificate of completion of the Goldman Sachs program and a certificate of completion from HCC Corporate College Continuing Education. The graduates are now ready to implement their customized growth plan developed throughout the program and become members of the local and national Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses alumni network, which offers them ample opportunities to do business with each other. In order to be accepted into the program, participants must generally meet four criteria: they must be the owner or co-owner; they must have business revenues of at least $150,000 in the most recent fiscal year; they must have at least four employees on staff including the program participant; and their businesses must be in operation for at least two years. This is not a spectator sport. Participants come prepared to work on a growth strategy that is ready to implement when they graduate, said Liz Lara-Carreno, outreach director of Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses at HCC. Eighty-five percent of program alumni do business with each other, demonstrating the power of the peer-to-peer network created in the classroom. Stafford-based RPC Global is one of the companies transformed thanks to the Goldman Sachs program at HCC. In 2011 when owner Abe Gonzalez enrolled in the program, growth at his information technology and computer recycling company had stagnated. I learned I had to take responsibility, which meant taking over the leadership role from my father, and it changed our bottom line, Gonzalez said. I became decisive in the employees I kept. I cut strategies that weren t working and we made a big decision to close the brickand-mortar store and become an e-commerce business. Once we trimmed the fat, we could focus on what worked. Seven years after graduating from the program, Gonzalez has seen his company grow more than 400 percent. RPC Global now lives up to its name, doing business all over the world, thanks to the addition of an ebay storage room to handle these transactions. Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses at HCC offers three sessions a year, in spring, summer and fall, at various HCC campuses. There is no cost to participate in the program, which is funded through the Goldman Sachs Foundation. The program is accepting applications for the summer session at the HCC Missouri City campus that runs from May 16 through mid-august. The deadline to apply is Thursday, February 15. Apply at or call 713.718.8348. About HCC Houston Community College (HCC) is composed of 15 Centers of Excellence and numerous satellite centers that serve the diverse communities in the Greater Houston area by preparing individuals to live and work in an increasingly international and technological society. HCC is one of the country s largest singly-accredited, open-admission, community colleges offering associate degrees, certificates, workforce training, and lifelong learning opportunities. To learn more, visit www.

SUNDAY, MARCH 04 2018 C5 The US economy seems back on track after a brutal set of hurricanes employers added 261,000 jobs in October and the unemployment rate edged down to 4.1%. While markets had expected a whopping 310,000 new jobs to replace the ones temporarily lost because of the hurricanes, the news is still good: Unemployment is now at its lowest since 2000, and job creation has edged up in stronger fashion. Still, the overall results are mixed. The labor force participation rate which measures how many people are actively looking for jobs fell. And the number of workers relative to the population as a whole also fell. Its important to note that this [the drop in the unemployment rate happened for all the wrong reasons the result of workers leaving the labor force, not finding jobs, warns Elise Gould, of the left-leaning Economic Policy Institute. What s most concerning is that while jobs are plentiful, what people are actually getting paid has hardly grown. Average hourly earnings for private workers have barely budged, growing just 2.4% in October from a year earlier. (This partially reflects the automatic fall in average wages from the previous month because of the return of workers in low-paid sectors temporarily kept from their jobs by hurricanes.) But in general, weak earnings growth has been a problem throughout Donald Trump s presidency. For production and nonsupervisory private workers (i.e. non-managers) annual hourly wage growth adjusted for inflation was 0.1% in October. Inflation-adjusted wage growth has also been lower during Trump s term than in recent years. (To be fair, real wage growth at the start of Obama s term was so high because inflation had virtually disappeared.) The new numbers come as the Trump administration is pushing for a corporate-tax cut. Trump s Council of Economic Advisors (CEA) believes that such a cut will boost annual earnings by $4,000 for the average American. The evidence suggests otherwise: Analysis from the Tax Policy Center finds that Trump s tax cuts will benefit foreign investorsmore than the middle class. Moreover, the CEA s proposal relies on disputed models of how tax cuts affect wages and far outpaces others forecasts. (Here s a close look at what the CEA report gets wrong.) Now, all eyes are on the Federal Reserve, and whether the Federal Open Market Committee will raise rates come December. Despite dismal wage growth for the average American, traders still believe a rate hike is BUSINESS U.S. Monthly Inflation Moves Up With Jobless Claims At 48-Year Low U.S. Labor Market Grows New Jobs But Wages Still Behind Compiled And Edited By John T. Robbins, Southern Daily Editor imminent: Fed funds futures, after this morning (Nov. 3), still indicate a 90% chance of a December raise. Flat wages doesn t concern us too much, said Sean Lynch, co-ahead of global equity strategy at the Wells Fargo Investment Institute. We do think wage pressure could start to weigh on the markets next year in a tight labor market. (Courtesy Related U.S. Consumer Prices Showed Increase In January With Underlying Inflation Gains WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. consumer prices increased in January, with a gauge of underlying inflation posting its largest gain in 12 months, bolstering views that price pressures will accelerate this year. Those expectations were underscored by other data on Thursday showing the number of Americans filing for unemployment benefits fell last week to a 48-year low as the labor market tightens. Another a survey showed prices paid by manufacturers for raw materials hit a more than six-year high in February. The combination of rising inflation and a robust labor market could force the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates a bit more aggressively this year than currently anticipated as it worries about the economy overheating. The U.S. central bank has forecast three rate hikes in 2018. The first rate increase is expected later this month. The Fed wanted to see more inflation and it looks like it is getting it, said Joel Naroff, chief economist at Naroff Economic Advisors in Holland, Pennsylvania. I am down for four (rate hikes) because the acceleration in inflation is not likely to fade anytime soon. The Commerce Department said consumer prices as measured by the personal consumption expenditures (PCE) price index rose 0.4 percent. That was the biggest increase since September and followed a 0.1 percent gain in December. The annual increase was, however, unchanged at 1.7 percent in January because of unfavorable base effects. Excluding the volatile food and energy components, the PCE price index advanced 0.3 percent in January - the largest gain since January 2017. The so-called core PCE price index rose 0.2 percent in December. Base effects also kept the annual increase in the core PCE price index unchanged at 1.5 percent in January. The inflation readings were in line with economists expectations. The core PCE index is the Fed s preferred inflation measure and has undershot the central bank s 2 percent target since mid-2012. The core PCE index is the Fed s preferred inflation measure. Inflation is expected to rise toward its target this year also as a $1.5 trillion tax cut package and increased government spending spur faster economic growth. Rising commodity prices as well as a weakening U.S. dollar are also seen stoking inflation. All the ingredients are in place. We are going to see inflation perk up a little through the rest of this year, but there is no cause for concern, said Ryan Sweet, senior economist at Moody s Analytics in West Chester, Pennsylvania. Fed Chairman Jerome Powell earlier this week offered an upbeat assessment of the economy, saying before the U.S. House of Representatives Financial Services Committee my personal outlook for the economy has strengthened since December. On Thursday, Powell told the Senate Banking Committee that there was no evidence of the economy overheating and also that the thing we don t want to have happen is to get behind the curve. The dollar initially firmed against a basket of currencies before surrendering gains to trade little changed. Prices for U.S. government bonds rose marginally while stocks on Wall Street fell. Leaflets lie on a table at a booth at a military veterans job fair in Carson, California October 3, 2014. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson CONSUMER SPENDING COOLS In another report, the Institute for Supply Management (ISM) said its index of prices paid by factories increased to a reading of 74.2 in February, the highest level since May 2011, from 72.7 in January. The ISM s overall index of national factory activity jumped to a reading of 60.8 last month from 59.1 in January amid strong order growth and hiring. A reading above 50 in the ISM index indicates growth in manufacturing, which accounts for about 12 percent of the U.S. economy. January s increase in inflation cut into consumer spending growth. Consumer spending, which accounts for more than two-thirds of U.S. economic activity, gained 0.2 percent. That was the smallest increase since August and followed a 0.4 percent advance in December. When adjusted for inflation, consumer spending fell 0.1 percent, declining for the first time in a year. The so-called real consumer spending rose 0.2 percent in December. The drop in real consumer spending in January suggests consumption will slow this quarter from the fourth-quarter s robust 3.8 percent annualized growth pace. It was also the latest indication that economic growth moderated at the start of the year after a 2.5 percent rate of expansion in the fourth quarter. Industrial production, home sales and core capital goods orders fell in January while construction spending was flat. Growth estimates for the first quarter are as low as a 1.7 percent rate. But spending remains underpinned by a strong labor market. In a third report on Thursday, the Labor Department said initial claims for state unemployment benefits dropped 10,000 to a seasonally adjusted 210,000 for the week ended Feb. 24, the lowest level since December 1969. Consumer spending could also get a lift from the tax cuts, which boosted income and savings in January. The Commerce Department s Bureau of Economic Analysis estimates that the tax package reduced personal income taxes by $115.5 billion at an annual rate. People applying for jobs at a job recruitment center in New York City. Income at the disposal of households after taxes surged 0.9 percent in January, the biggest gain since December 2012, after rising 0.4 percent the prior month. Wages were also boosted by one-off bonuses that businesses gave workers as part of the tax-cut windfall. The saving rate jumped to 3.2 percent from 2.5 percent in December. This will give consumers the necessary fire-power to ramp up their spending in the months `ahead, said Scott Anderson, chief economist at Bank of the West in San Francisco. (Courtesy 2018 5 美食美景盡在美南 歡迎洽詢業務部 : 秦鴻鈞 Christi Mei 713-306-6808 朱幼楨 Emerson Chu 713-828-2689 黃麗珊 Nancy Huang 713-818-0511 黃梅子 Jenny H. Lee(MeiZi) 832-260-8466 韋霓 Winnie Yu 301-509-1137 2018 旅遊指南 AD_B_80

台灣影壇 星期日 2018 年 3 月 04 日 Sunday, March 04, 2018 C6 歸台發展藝人鍍金 噓爆兩樣情 一連跨年 春節兩的華人 大節日 以往大卡司的表演節 目近年來被民眾認為咖位越縮 越小 大咖都去對岸撈金了 一邊酸酸的說卻又不得不否 認兩邊在成本上的巨大落差 即使對岸好賺但還是有些 人 願 意 回 來 DailyView 網 路 溫 度 計 運 用 KEYPO 大 數 據 關鍵引擎 針對在中國發展多 年 近三年在台擁有代表作的 演員進行調查 有的抱回影后 視帝 有的一圓導演製作夢 也有不追求名利只想演不好 作品 他們都做了些什麼呢 1. 林 心 如 年 初 衰 捲 台 獨 風波的女星林心如因為 還珠 格格 走紅後 十多年來一直 深耕中國市場 甚至還成立了 個人工作室製作了包括 傾世 皇妃 秀麗江山 等劇 不過她在 2014 年返台製作 16 個夏天 打下好口碑 該劇還 拿下隔年金鐘三座大獎 其實 在 16 夏 前林心如就默默的 以製作人的身份籌拍兩部公視 電影 遺忘 及 我的媽媽 而她在 2016 年產女後也將更 多重心放在台灣 經常被媒體 及網友捕捉到與老公霍建華曬 恩愛的畫面 2. 何 潤 東 同 樣 是 回 台 這 一位則是重握導演筒 講起這 位大家一定還記得當年頂著卷 卷長髮的 風雲 步驚雲 一 轉眼過去 16 年 在那之後多 在中國拍戲的他拍了不少代表 作 像 三國 的呂布 楚 漢傳奇 的項羽等 期間僅偶 爾回台客串不過一直抱有導 演夢的何潤東 在 2010 年時返 台執導偶像劇 泡沫之夏 隔了 8 年又回台自導自演 翻 牆的記憶 不同於過往的浪 漫愛情劇挑戰劇情黑暗的校園 劇 有沒有可能像林心如在演 員身份外締造 金鐘紀錄 令 人期待 3. 舒 淇 講 起 舒 淇 她 的 過 去現在已不再是包袱 用一部 部作品證明自己的實力 雖然 起初在香港走紅 不過讓舒淇 鍍金脫胎換骨的卻是台灣導演 侯孝賢 2005 年她以 最好的 時光 拿下金馬影后 隔了十 年再度與侯孝賢合作 聶隱娘 二度入圍坎城影展 還抱走 一座亞洲電影大獎影后 隔年 再以陳玉勳執導的電影 健忘 村 入圍金馬 不過去年底她 語出驚人宣布 暫別演員生涯 調養身體 想看到她新作可 得好等囉 何潤東當老師變俗辣 遇鮮肉來襲噴肌情 TVBS 新 劇 翻 牆 的 記 憶 在 週六晚上 10 點首播 導演何潤東一 改暖男形象 化身充滿謎樣背景的 俗辣高中老師 高毅 這個藏著 伏筆的暗黑角色 讓觀眾一窺他有 別以往的演技 何潤東在劇中 被分配到全校 師生敬而遠之的問題班級 209 班當導 師 對於那些霸凌 作弊等潛在的 校園問題處之漠然 甚至坐視不管 原因是只想 混口飯吃 保 住飯碗 就好 如此消極的角色詮 釋 對何潤東來說是全新嘗試 但從高毅的眼神中 不管事的 態度 卻不是得過且過這般單純 背後隱藏的重要原因 也將隨著劇 情推進而一層層揭秘何潤東也成 功將高毅從首集開始 就塑造出不 凡的神秘色彩 劇中邀請到新生代優質演員吳 念 軒 張 庭 瑚 分 別 飾 演 210 班 的 老 K 與 209 班的 義峰 兩人 各自是班上擁有一番勢力的扛霸子 老 K 是喜歡帶頭耍壞的公子哥 義 影視密切交流 舞台更寬廣 峰酷愛耍痞卻又充滿義氣 對於新來的老師高毅充 滿敵意 張庭瑚還下戰帖 跟 何 潤 東 PK 押 手 霸 張庭瑚笑說 拍攝前 兩人特地先比劃一場 他 認真使出全力 沒想到 P 導 何潤東只是隨便 使一點力 就秒壓張庭瑚 還不可思議地問 你 就這樣 就這樣 驚訝 到連說兩次張庭瑚發自 內心地說 P 導的肌肉 太大塊了 我真的不是對 手 對於何潤東結實的 肌肉讚嘆不已 此外 劇中與何潤東 配對的楊晴 飾演霸氣女 警 姜雨欣 有不少武 打動作 更不惜變裝辣妹 戴假髮潛入夜店查案 (下圖左)她 回憶當時那場戲必須光著腳丫奔跑 何潤東還貼心提醒她 記得在絲襪 裡塞衛生紙在腳底板 這樣跑步才不 會受傷 可見何潤東戲裡雖是俗辣 老師 戲外還是暖男一枚 姜雨欣 之後會與 高毅 發展出一段感人又揪心的愛情 欲 知詳情 當然要收看 翻牆的記憶 囉本劇更多精彩內容 請鎖定 3/ 3 起 每週六晚上 10 點於歡樂台 42 頻 道的播出 大陸釋出對台灣影視人員 的善意 開放台人參與陸影視 作品的數量 更放寬合作拍片 限制 取消收取兩岸電影合拍 立項申報費用 縮短兩岸電視 劇合拍立項階段故事梗概的審 批時限 台灣知名製片李烈和 葉如芬曾製作 健忘村 等片 2 人對此事樂觀其成 台灣片商 版權收入增加 李烈認為兩岸影人互動越 多 交流越多 不管對技術 或視野提升 都一定有好的影 響 葉如芬表示 限制又 少了一些 費用也減少 對大 家也不會有負擔 是更好的開 始 導演朱延平認為 大陸 一直有利多給台灣 他8年前 拍 功夫灌籃 啟用周杰倫 陳柏霖等多數台灣演員 大 陸香港主創低過兩岸合拍比例 依舊登上大陸院線 讓他成 為 破億俱樂部 導演之一 電影事業發展基金會祕書 長 兩岸電影交流委員會祕書 長段存馨認為 放寬台灣電影 電視劇在大陸網站 有線電 視台等平台的播放數量 有利 台灣片商版權收入 台灣人才是否會因此流失 台北市電影委員會總監饒紫 鵑認為 應專注強化台灣自身 影視基礎 人才外流不是一 天兩天的事情了 電影開拍的 多與少 完全在於市場的需求 以及觀眾的喜好 海鵬影業總監姚經玉持不 同看法 目前台灣影視環境不 佳 他認為年輕人恐會被大批 吸往大陸 陸開大門走大路 展自信 台灣電視劇製作產業聯合 總會會長林錫輝樂見大陸當局 開大門走大路 這也顯見大陸 已經對其自身製作水平很有信 心 更具體落實 兩岸一家親 林錫輝指出 台灣劇賣到 大陸以網路平台為主 政策開 放 台灣戲劇不再被視為境外 劇 拍得好不好決定賣得好不 好 對業者確實是好消息 今年將籌拍兩部大陸劇的 製作人辛誌諭認為 新政策可 以促進兩岸更多影視文化交流 也給台灣幕前幕後的藝人與 工作人員提供更多工作機會 由於台灣藝人參與大陸的 綜藝節目 戲劇與電影 可望 不再受人數比例的限制 等於 對台灣演藝圈全面開放 從 1987 年就在大陸表演的吳宗憲 認為 兩岸多些互動交流 肯定是好事 沈玉琳說 這對台灣演藝 圈來說不僅是利多 也是增加 就業的好機會他感慨台灣演 藝圈日漸式微 胃納量不夠 就像其他產業 活水來自於對 岸市場 演出不受限 等於 給台灣演藝人員更多舞台 角頭 2 票房破億夯成台灣新 IP 賀歲檔國片皆大歡喜 角 頭 2:王者再起 和 花甲大人轉男 孩 雙雙賣座 玩的都是滿滿台 灣味 但類型不同 角頭 2 後 上映 先破億 戰力驚人外 打 的算盤是雄心壯志構建台灣 IP 打進亞洲市場 看賀歲國片撥撥算盤 花 甲大人轉男孩 年假結束後票房 有滑落 目前近億 7,000 萬左右 的含宣傳發行成本 扣除輔導金 補助 1,600 萬 再加上有線 網路 等外埠版權 應可立於不賠之地 而 角頭 2:王者再起 9,000 萬成本按理至少票房 1.5 億以上才 能回本 但對岸網路版權和其他 外埠喊價高 再加上行銷贊助金 估計共可拿回 7,000 萬 不僅出品 方看準回本獲利 連日 韓 港 和大陸投資方搶版權之外 還搶 著要參與投資 角頭 3 可見熱 門程度 這熱度持續燃燒的基礎 仍 在電影本身 角頭 2 第一個賣 點在於黑幫類型片與首集的 8,000 萬票房基礎 第二是國際大反派 常威 鄒兆龍返鄉主演非常吸 睛進戲院觀賞後 真正賣點就 回到電影本身 角頭 2 品質的 確超越首集許多 除了鄒兆龍十 足的明星氣場 其他演員古斌 鄭人碩 王識賢 黃騰浩 張再 興等人亦魅力出彩 影片的製作 包裝有功 角頭 2 提醒了很多電影人 以華麗美學包裝的商業片藝術 化 是 好看 基礎 劇情中各 行業都有的世代交替和勾心鬥角 免不了 最重要的是掌握了黑幫 電影的 盜亦有道 精神---因為 黑社會也有正反派 才能讓觀眾 對主角有情感寄託 尤其在毒粉 面前的堅持不退 小奸小惡也有 真英雄 各國的黑社會電影風格不同 角頭 2 早年一群人從行俠仗 義發展出的角頭文化成了另一種 台灣風景 出品人張威縯說 也許有些人對角頭文化不以為 然 但是不談 不承認 不表示 不存在 我們想幫國片做出一個 真正的台灣 IP 張威縯坦言 角頭 3 各國資 金布局得差不多 預算高達 1 億人 民幣 誰會演還不一定 從 角 頭 1 2 集接觸台灣演員至今 他點出台灣演員最大的問題 不上不下的不少 有意見的卻 特別多 這樣怎麼進步 第 3 集 攝製期將超過 1 年 張威縯希望把 品質和品牌做起來 說起來 花甲大人轉男孩 比 角頭 2 受到電影界寵愛更多 有輔導金又有 4 大影城投資 而 且是熱門電視劇翻拍的電影 但 過於本土的溫馨搞笑片型 要走 出台灣比較受限 一位投資商表 示 去年 10 月才動工 時間太 短 這樣的成績已經很好 一開春 2 部電影都賣座 為國 片帶來好兆頭 只要不賠錢 要 再拍續集 不愁找不到金主 但 電影人切記續集片的品質精進很 重要 尤其劇本和演員演技的一 再雕琢 成績才能更上層樓 對岸 28 日發布促進兩岸經濟 文化交流合作的若干措施 尤其 是放寬對主創人員 大陸元素 投資等限制 是台灣影視人員的 大利多 然而自立自強是必須的 希望 角頭 3 資金變多 格局 變大 讓國片變強大和栽培台灣 演職員 仍會是不變的承諾

香港娛樂 6 娛 樂 新 聞 杜如風 杜如風((中)到後台為緋聞男友又南 到後台為緋聞男友又南((左)打氣 打氣 安仔 安仔 中 為 Shine Shine特地唱出 特地唱出2001 2001年派台歌 年派台歌 爛泥 爛泥 Shine 跳鋼管舞 千嬅大讚 千嬅大讚Shine Shine的歌是很多人的回憶 的歌是很多人的回憶 鋼管舞讓觀眾嘆為觀止 鋼管舞讓觀眾嘆為觀止 X 形四面台 徐天佑和黃又 舞台設置成 南坦言第一次到紅館看演唱會 正是 已故偶像張國榮 記得當時他做四面台 同一番說話要講 4 次 他們也要模仿偶像 講 4 次 而且知道紅館有很多機關 感覺 神奇 希望與歌迷創造屬於他們的一 個moment 又南被腦退化父親觸動 Shine 在尾段 感動得想哭 感動得想哭 天佑半裸秀鋼條身形 周奕瑋始終鍾情港女 學日文為打電玩 今次是 Jarvis 首個個人節目 他為觀 眾 貼地 發掘東京未廣為人知的一 面 例如大家會湧到築地吃海鮮 但 Jarvis 指其實日本人很少去當地覓食 而他 就發掘當地人常去的地道餐廳 帶大家 走進不一樣的日本 對 Jarvis 的印象 是 4 年前他負責主 持福山雅治香港記招最初他是陪朋友 參加 TVB 娛樂台的面試 卻誤打誤撞入 行 結果他做了一年 娛樂新聞台 主 持之後 他飛往日本留學一年 當 時夢想到日本讀書 然後在當地工 作 說到學日文的初衷 原來是為了 打電玩 我那個年代 懂日文的人不 多 身邊有朋友懂當時中文版的遊戲 又不多 沒理由每次打電玩遇到問題都 問朋友 便自己去學 從中我獲得滿足 感和成功感 後來日劇又流行 又邊看 邊學日文 曾留學日本 問到 Jarvis 可會找日本 當黃又南一邊打鼓 一邊唱 出 迷幻彩虹 後 再換上結他 自彈自唱 無得比 和 What I've done 時 他表示要多謝 一個朋友 說 當年他送 了一隻陀飛輪錶給我 當時 剛好是陳奕迅出新歌叫 陀飛輪 我覺得歌 詞像講我自己 之 後 又南邊唱 陀飛 輪 邊說 由我出 道到現在 大家都知 道我很喜歡車 只要我的車有問題都會整晚 睡不着 但近年這個心態不同了 因為我爸 爸開始有腦退化 他開始認不到我 甚至認 不到媽媽 我記得有日媽咪打電話給我 說 爸爸不見了 我們找了幾天終於找回他 令 我知道有些事不需要太執着 就像車子被刮 花都算 最重要是珍惜家人在身邊的日 子 天佑和又南之後來一段跳舞對決 歌迷 都不停大叫二人脫衣 天佑爽快地脫衣展示 他的鋼條身形 又南也赤裸上身跳鋼管舞 演唱會首位嘉賓原來是許志安 他們合唱 我的天我的歌 後 天佑對許志安說 近年外出開始有朋友跟我說從小就聽我唱 歌 現在我終於可以向安仔講這一句 我真 的從小就聽你唱歌 安仔笑道 見到很 多歌迷來支持 我覺得好感動 剛才在台下 見到他們脫衣 我都覺得很感動 本來我都 想脫衣 但見到他們太健碩 我決定還是不 脫較好 最後 安仔稱 Shine 是在 2001 年 出道 就決定唱出當年他自己的作品 爛 曾到日本留 學的周奕瑋 學的周奕瑋 熟悉當地 熟悉當地 周奕瑋曾訪問過 不少日本紅星 不少日本紅星 女生拍拖 他坦言自己比較喜歡香港人 日本女孩會想結婚後的生活 她們一開 始認識男生 已經會考慮男生的背景 工 作 男生將來的工作升遷 因為日本女性 一旦結婚 代表她的職場將完結 所以她 們拍拖要想得很長遠 很多愛情以外的考 慮因素相對來說 還是香港女生較單 純 郭秀雲舞廿磅獅頭無難度 地頭蛇 遊日夠地道 香港文匯報訊 記者 植毅儀 日本 通 周奕瑋 Jarvis 主持的新旅遊節目 周 遊東京 上星期播出後引起很大迴響在 香港讀完大學 Jarvis特意到東京留學 身 為 地頭蛇 今次他拍這個節目 旨在 把香港人未留意的日本地道事發掘出來 香港人經常去東京 就好像大家都有一 部智能手機 但其實有很多隱藏功能大家 還未發掘 我就是 懶人包 把所知的 告訴觀眾其實香港人好像對日本很熟 但有些事未必清楚 像大家去買個御守 放在身邊 趨吉擋厄也留個紀念但通常 御守的效果是一年 一年之後效力會慢慢 消失 好多人都不知 C7 又 南 爆 肌 搶 眼 千嬅開眼界 安仔做嘉賓不敢脫衣 15 的堅持和努力 3 半裸跳鋼管舞大開眼界 好欣賞他們 是沒有脫至於千嬅就對 Shine 太健碩 最後還 賓力撐 安仔笑言自己本來都想脫衣 但見到 Shine 終踏四面台圓夢 日晚首場 前輩許志安和楊千嬅擔任嘉 的 Shine 演唱會 日晚結束出道 年 的 SHINE MOMENTS Live 2018 香 港 文 匯 報 訊 記 者 吳 文 釗 組 合 Shine 一連兩晚於紅館舉行 2 Sunday, March 美南版 04, 2018 2018年3月5日 星期一 星期日 2018 年 3 月 04 日 責任編輯 李鴻培 泥 送給觀眾 換過運動衫的 Shine 繞場一周和觀眾握 手 唱出一連串上世紀90年代的經典歐美和日 文歌曲 到安歌部分 第二位神秘嘉賓楊千嬅 出場 他們合唱一曲 野孩子 千嬅說 天佑和又南是我分別在不同的電影中認識 到 想不到可以一齊作為歌手在舞台上表演 都是一種緣分 他們也令我大開眼界 原來男 人都可以跳鋼管舞 很欣賞他們的堅持和努 力 更要多謝他們唱我的歌 擔心再遲些就沒 有人識 天佑就感激千嬅一口答應做嘉賓 並分享十年前一個小趣事 說 10年前在某 個場合上見到千嬅 她問我 最近搞什麼 我答 沒有 沒有再唱歌啦 她就好關心問 我此為何不唱 千嬅聞言即打斷天佑說已不 記得對話內容 大讚Shine的歌是很多人的回 憶 相信他們付出過的努力是不會白費 踏四面台圓夢感動欲哭 安歌環節結束 天佑和又南已感動得想 哭 觀眾都大叫他們不要哭 二人笑言年紀 大是比較容易感觸 多謝觀眾在他們 15 周年 時 可以實現到開四面台的夢想最後二人 背對背唱出 燕尾蝶 天佑稱不知何時可 以再跟觀眾在紅館見面 但正如歌詞所講的 過程才是最重要 也希望觀眾下次再到 紅館時 都會記得 Shine 曾在這地方開過四 面台演唱會 香港文匯報訊 身為白鶴派第 三代傳人的郭秀雲 Sharon 除練得一身武功外 她自小已擅 長舞獅 舞龍 舞麒麟等 所以 每到過新年總有好友誠邀表演舞 獅她亦因習武多年 所以氣力 十足 喜歡舞獅頭的她可舉起 20 磅重的獅頭 完全是無難度 Sharon 居於三藩市的媽媽馮 瑞蘭 是白鶴派宗師吳肇鍾的第一 代弟子 故此她在白鶴派輩分極 高 早已榮升 師姑婆 級數 Sharon 之前統領的女子 白鶴龍 獅隊 現更開枝散葉 有不少年 輕女孩加入 故早前她應邀回三藩 市出席 美國白鶴體育總會成立48 周年 活動時 見女子 白鶴龍獅 隊 舞獅出色 令她大感安慰 更 一時技癢即席表演舞獅 難得 師姑婆 露兩手 不少 年輕徒孫都主動求教 Sharon 表 示 對我來說 習武不等於要動 武 始終女仔打拳較吃虧 容易受 傷但習武用來舞龍 舞獅就可以 郭秀雲自小已擅長舞獅 郭秀雲自小已擅長舞獅 表露自己身手 因舞獅有很多動 作 很有挑戰性 踏入狗年 Sharon 與丈夫龐 傑及兒子景峰一起到泰國探望契 媽嘉玲 接着返港投入她創立之 海峰環保教育基金 的慈善教 育工作

廣 告 星期日 2018 年 3 月 04 日 Sunday, March 04, 2018 C8