Introduction Wi-Fi USB Dongle is used in following scenarios: For IP phones: connect to the wireless network. For video conferencing systems: connect

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Wi-Fi USB Dongle WF50 User Guide(V1.1)

Introduction Wi-Fi USB Dongle is used in following scenarios: For IP phones: connect to the wireless network. For video conferencing systems: connect to the wireless network or provide wireless AP (Access Point) for other devices. Note: Not all IP phones and video conferencing systems support Wi-Fi USB Dongle. For more information, contact your system administrator. Package Contents Wi-Fi USB Dongle WF50 User Guide Assembling the Wi-Fi USB Dongle To assemble the Wi-Fi USB Dongle: 1. Insert the Wi-Fi USB Dongle to the USB port on the IP phone or video conferencing system. Connecting to the Wireless Network To connect to an available wireless network via the IP phone (take the SIP-T46S phone for an example): 1. Assemble the Wi-Fi USB Dongle. The LCD screen prompts Wi-Fi adapter has been added, scanning the available wireless network right now? 2. Press the OK soft key. 3. Select X available network(s). 1

4. Select the desired wireless network and then press the Connect soft key. 5. (Optional.) Enter its password in the Password field. 6. Press the OK soft key. Once the connection completes successfully, the icon appears after the SSID. To connect to an available wireless network via the video conferencing system: 1. Assemble the Wi-Fi USB Dongle. The monitor prompts "Wi-Fi adapter is connected". 2. On your remote control, navigate to More->Setting-> Advanded->Wi-Fi. 3. Check the Wi-Fi checkbox. 4. If you already enabled wireless AP, press OK to disable it. 5. Select the desired wireless network and then press OK. 6. (Optional.) Enter its password in the Password field. 7. Select Join to Network. Once the connection completes successfully, the icon appears on your monitor. Providing Wireless AP for Other Devices To provide wireless AP via the video conferencing system: 1. Assemble the Wi-Fi USB Dongle. The monitor prompts "Wi-Fi adapter is connected". 2. On your remote control, navigate to More->Setting-> Advanced->Wireless AP. 3. Check the Wireless AP checkbox. 4. If you already enabled Wi-Fi, press OK to disable it. Other devices can connect to this wireless AP. Once the connection is successful, the number of connections appears beside the icon. 2

Troubleshooting Why can t the Wi-Fi feature be enabled? Ensure the Wi-Fi USB dongle is not broken. Ensure the Wi-Fi USB dongle is assembled and detected by the phone/video conferencing system successfully. Why can t the phone/video conferencing system connect to the wireless network? If the network is secure, ensure the entered password is right. Ensure your gateway/router enables the wireless network feature. Reboot your gateway/router. Turn off the Wi-Fi feature and then turn it on again. Why is the wireless signal strength low? Ensure the phone/video conferencing system and your gateway/router are within the working range and there is no obvious interference (walls, doors, and so on) between them. Technical Support Visit Yealink WIKI ( for the latest firmware, guides, FAQ, Product documents, and more. For better service, we sincerely recommend you to use Yealink Ticketing system ( to submit all your technical issues. YEALINK(XIAMEN) NETWORK TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. Web: Addr: 309, 3th Floor, No.16, Yun Ding North Road, Huli District, Xiamen City, Fujian, P.R. China Copyright 2018 YEALINK(XIAMEN) NETWORK TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD.All rights reserved.

USB 无线网络适配器 WF50 用户指南 (V1.1)

介绍 USB 无线网络适配器可在以下场景中使用 : 使 IP 话机连接到无线网络 使会议电视终端连接到无线网络或者为其它设备提供无线热点的接入服务 说明 : 不是所有的 IP 话机和会议电视终端都支持 USB 无线网络适配器 想要了解更多信息, 请咨询你的系统管理员 包装清单 USB 无线网络适配器 WF50 用户指南 装配 USB 无线网络适配器 装配 USB 无线网络适配器 : 1. 将 USB 无线网络适配器插入 IP 话机或会议电视终端的 USB 接口上 连接到无线网络 使 IP 话机连接到无线网络 ( 以 SIP-T46S 话机为例 ): 1. 装配 USB 无线网络适配器到话机上 2. 根据提示, 按确定软键搜索无线网络 3. 选择可用 Wi-Fi 网络 4. 选择要连接的无线网络, 按连接软键 5.( 可选 ) 在密码区域, 输入连接密码 6. 按确定软键 一旦连接成功, 图标出现在 SSID 后面 5

使会议电视终端连接到无线网络 : 1. 装配 USB 无线网络适配器到会议电视终端上 2. 通过遥控器选择更多 -> 设置 -> 高级设置 -> 无线网络 3. 在无线网络区域选择开启 4. 如果有开启无线热点服务, 选择确定关闭无线热点服务 4. 选择要连接的无线网络, 按 OK 键 5. ( 可选 ) 在密码区域, 输入连接密码 6. 选择加入网络 一旦连接成功, 图标出现在你的显示设备的状态栏上 提供无线热点服务 使会议电视终端提供无线热点服务 : 1. 装配 USB 无线网络适配器到会议电视终端上 2. 通过遥控器选择更多 -> 设置 -> 高级设置 -> 无线热点 3. 在无线热点区域选择开启 4. 如果有开启无线网络功能, 选择确定关闭无线网络 其他设备可以连接会议电视终端提供的无线热点服务 一旦连接成功, 显示设备状态栏上的图标旁会显示连接数 6

故障排除 为什么 Wi-Fi 功能无法开启? 确保 USB 无线网络适配器没有损坏 确保 USB 无线网络适配器正确装配到话机或会议电视终端上, 且可以被话机或会议电视终端识别 为什么话机或会议电视终端不能连接到无线网络? 如果无线网络有加密, 确保输入的密码正确 确保网关 / 路由器有开启无线网络功能 重启网关 / 路由器 关闭话机或会议电视终端上的 Wi-Fi 功能, 然后再次打开 为什么无线信号较弱? 确保话机或会议电视终端和网关 / 路由器在正确的范围内, 并且之间没有明显的障碍物 ( 墙壁 门等 ) 厦门亿联网络技术股份有限公司网址 地址 : 厦门市湖里区云顶北路 16 号三楼 309 版权 亿联网络技术股份有限公司 2018