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INSTRUCTIONS FOR FIANCÉ VISA APPLICANTS Please carefully follow the instructions below to prepare for your interview. STEP 1: STEP 2: STEP 3: Obtain the documents on the checklist below which pertain to you. DO NOT SEND any of these documents to this office. Please complete DS-160 Nonimmigrant Visa Electronic Application on-line at https://ceac.state.gov/genniv/default.aspx. Print out the DS-160 confirmation page. Please sign Form DS2001-HNK (Notification of Applicant Readiness) and the Document Checklist and return them to this office with the DS-160 confirmation page when you have obtained all the required documents for the visa interview. DOCUMENT CHECKLIST 1. BIRTH CERTIFICATE: You must submit a birth certificate. If you or any children were adopted, submit the final adoption decree. If you cannot get a birth certificate, present secondary evidence of birth, the Certificate of Registered Particulars from the Hong Kong Immigration Department. Please note that any documents issued in the Philippines must be issued by the National Statistics Office on security paper. 2. POLICE CERTIFICATE: Police certificates are required if you are aged 16 years or older. The table below shows how many police certificates are required based on where you live and have lived previously. Present and former residents of the United States should NOT obtain any police certificates covering their residence in the U.S. IF you.. are living in your country of nationality at your current residence for more than 6 months lived in a different part of your country of nationality for more than 6 months lived in a different country for more than 12 months were arrested for any reason, regardless of how long you lived there AND are 16 years old or older were 16 years or older at that time were 16 years or older at that time were any age at that time THEN you need a police certificate from the police authorities of that locality. the police authorities of that locality. the police authorities of that locality. the police authorities of that locality. The police certificate must Cover the entire period of your residence in that area, and State what the appropriate police authorities records show concerning you, including all arrests, the reason for the arrest(s), and the disposition of each case of which there is a record. Note : Police Certificates from certain countries are unavailable. Please contact the U.S. Consulate General, Hong Kong for latest information. HNK-1-K1 09/2014

3. COURT & PRISON RECORD: If you have been convicted of a crime, you must obtain a certified court/prison record even if you have subsequently received a pardon, amnesty, or other act of clemency. 4. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE: If you were previously married, you should present your marriage certificate and evidence of the termination of EACH prior marriage (divorce deed, death certificate or annulment). Please note that any documents issued in the Philippines must be from the National Statistics Office on security paper. 5. TRAVEL DOCUMENT: You must have a travel document valid for six months beyond the intended date of entry into the United States. 6. MEDICAL EXAMINATION: You must have a medical examination performed by an authorized physician. Further information will be advised when you are informed for the visa interview. 7. EVIDENCE OF SUPPORT: You can submit evidence that you will be self-supporting in the U.S. or a job offer for you or a letter from the petitioner s employer. Form I-134 (not Form I-864) executed by the petitioner and his/her federal income tax returns for the most recent tax year may be required when the consular officer deems useful. Download Form I-134 from http://www.uscis.gov. 8. EVIDENCE OF RELATIONSHIP: You must submit photos, letters, phone bills, or other evidence of your relationship to the petitioner. 9. PHOTO: Two recent photos (taken within the past six months), 2 inches square (roughly 50 mm square) with the head centered in the frame. The photos must be of your full face, against a white or off-white background. 10. DS-160 CONFIRMATION PAGE: You must bring a print out of the confirmation you received when you completed the online DS-160 application. NOTES ABOUT DOCUMENTS All forms should be completed in English. Documents not in English should be translated into English and accompanied by a signed statement from the translator stating that the translator is proficient in both languages. IMPORTANT INFORMATION 1) Complete DS-160 Nonimmigrant Visa Electronic Application on-line https://ceac.state.gov/genniv/default.aspx. Print out the confirmation page and sent it to the Consulate with Form DS2001-HK and the Document Checklist. 2) Complete and return Form DS2001-HNK and the Document Checklist to the Immigrant Visa Unit, U.S. Consulate General,, Hong Kong when all of the necessary documents have been collected. Keep all documents until the interview. 3) Notify us of any address change. Failure to do so may result in delay in your case. 4) We cannot predict if your application will be approved. Do not quit your job, sell your property, or make final travel arrangements until a visa is issued. 5) Applicants for fiancé (K) visas and their accompanying children can pay the non-refundable visa application fee of HK$2,120 at any 7-11 stores in Hong Kong or Macau. In order to pay at a 7-11 store, applicants must obtain a proper pay statement from the Consulate call center (+ 852 5808 4666) or through http://ustraveldocs.com/hk. Applicants should be sure to identify themselves as a fiancé (K) visa applicant. The pay statement then can be taken to any 7-11 stores in Hong Kong or Macau for payment. Once paid, the applicant will receive a receipt which must be brought to the Consulate on the day of the interview. 6) The most common reason for our refusal of visas is lack of police certificates. Be sure you have a police certificate from every country where you have lived for more than one year since you turned 16.

Notification of Applicant Readiness Introduction Please complete the DS-160 application form online at https://ceac.state.gov/genniv/default.aspx and print the confirmation page. Please notify the Immigrant Visa Unit that you are ready for an interview by using this form, DS2001-HNK. The form indicates that you and your family members (if applicable) have obtained all the necessary documents for the fiancé visa interview. Document requirement Signature Please obtain the original documents, or certified copies, listed in the Instructions for Fiancé Visa Applicants (Form HNK-1-K1) for yourself and each family members who will accompany you to the United States. All documents that pertain to your petition are required even if they were previously submitted with your petition to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services of the Department of Homeland Security. As you obtain each document, place a check before each item on the following Document Checklist. Please fill out the information below and sign Case Number & Complete Name Please Type or Print Preference Category Mailing Address Date of birth (mm-dd-yyyy) Applicant s daytime telephone number and mobile phone number I attest that I have completed DS-160 on line indicated on Form HNK-1-K1 and have all of the documents applicable to my case specified in the enclosed Document Checklist; and I am prepared for a visa interview. Signature Please mail the Form DS2001-HNK, Document Checklist, and DS-160 confirmation page to: DS-2001-HNK Immigrant Visa Unit U.S. Consulate General

申請人完成準備通知 引言 請登入 https://ceac.state.gov/genniv/default.aspx 在線完成 DS-160 申請表及列印確認網頁 你可用 DS2001-HNK 表格通知移民簽證部你已準備面談 此表格顯示你和家庭成員 ( 若適用 ) 已取得所需未婚夫 / 妻簽證面談的文件 所需文件 簽名 請依照未婚夫 / 妻簽證申請人說明書 (HNK-1-K1 表格 ) 取得本人及隨行的家庭成員的正本或認證本文件 所有與申請書有關的文件都需要, 甚至包括先前已交到國土安全部的美國公民及移民服務局的文件 當取得每項文件後, 請在以下文件清單上標以 ( ) 記號 請提供下列資料及簽名 檔案號碼及簽證類別 全名 請用正寫 通信地址 出生日期 ( 月 - 日 - 年 ) 申請人日間聯絡電話及手提電話號碼 茲証明我已在網上塡妥 HNK-1-K1 上列出的 DS-160 表格和按照文件清單取得適用於我的文件 ; 與及我準備好簽證面談 簽名 表格寄往何處請將 DS2001-HNK 表格, 文件清單及 DS-160 確認網頁寄到 : 香港中環花園道 26 號, 美國總領事館, 移民簽證部 DS-2001-HNK

Document Checklist Please do not mail any documents to the Consulate. You will be required to furnish documents applicable to your case on the day of your visa interview. Print out of the confirmation you received after completing the online DS-160 application. Passport valid for six months beyond the intended date of entry into the United States Birth certificate If you were born in China, see HNK-3 for information to obtain a Chinese birth certificate. Adoption certificate Police certificate for your country of residence for the last 6 months and other countries if you have lived there more than 12 months after the age of 16. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO OBTAIN CHINESE POLICE CERTIFICATE IF YOU STAYED THERE OVER ONE YEAR AFTER AGE 16. Please list the countries for which you have obtained police certificates: Marriage certificate Divorce certificate - petitioner and applicant who have been previously married must obtain legal proof of termination of each prior marriage if the immigration is based on marriage Child custody order Affidavit of support Visa photograph Evidence of relationship between the principal applicant and petitioner, as well as between the principal and all beneficiaries Certificate of trial and court transcript if you were ever convicted of a crime Please declare on visa form of aliases or variations in the English spelling of names that appear on birth certificates, marriage certificates, or any other official document issued by any government. This includes English spellings of names in Mandarin and Cantonese and maiden names. All forms should be completed in English. Documents not in English should be translated into English and accompanied by a signed statement from the translator stating that the translator is proficient in both languages. Civil documents including birth, adoption, death, divorce, marriage termination/annulment originated from the Philippines must be issued by the National Statistics Office on official security paper.

文件清單 請不要郵寄任何文件到領事館, 你將需要在簽證面談時提供適用於你的文件 在線完成 DS-160 申請書後, 列印獲得的確認網頁 護照的有效期, 必需是預定進入美國時超過六個月 護照上要有出生年份 月份及日期 出生證明書 ( 如果申請人在中國出生, 參看 HNK-3 表格申請中國出生公証書 ) 領養證明書 凡年滿十六歲, 都需要有最近居住六個月之國家及曾居住超過十二個月的國家的警察證明書 若你十六歲後仍在中國大陸居住一年才離開, 你需要申請中國警察證明書 請列寫出已取得的國家警察證明書 : 結婚證書 離婚證書 - 如果以婚姻關係申請移民, 而原申請人及申請人曾經結婚, 雙方都需要證明以前的婚姻經已合法結束 子女監管權 生活保證書 簽證相片 主要申請人與原申請人及主要申請人與任何受益人的關係證明 如果曾被定罪, 須呈交審訊證明書及法庭謄本 曾出現在出生證明 結婚證書或任何官方發出的文件上的所有別名, 及閣下名字的不同英文拼法亦要填在表格上 所有表格均應以英文填寫 文件上語文若非英文, 則應翻譯成英文, 並附上有翻譯者簽名的聲明, 說明翻譯者皆精通兩種語言 在菲律賓發出的公民文件, 包括出生證明 領養證明 死亡證明 結婚證書 終止婚姻及取消婚姻證明, 必須由國家統計署簽發及印在法定的安全紙上

FIANCÉ VISA FEES AND PASSPORT DELIVERY For each visa (K-1 or K-2), you must pay a non-refundable application fee of HK$ 2,120. To pay this fee, you must: 1. Go on-line to http://ustraveldocs.com/hk or 2. Call in Hong Kong +852 5808 4666 (8:00 am 8:00 pm) Or in the U.S. +1 703 665 1986 (8:00 am 8:00 pm Eastern Standard Time) Closed on weekends and public holidays Please be sure to indicate that you are applying for a K visa so that your fees are properly calculated. You will receive a pay statement that must be printed out and taken to any 7-11 store in Hong Kong or Macau. Once paid, you will receive a receipt that you must bring with you to the U.S. Consulate on the day of your interview. Fees must be paid prior to the interview. You also need to arrange for return delivery of your passport on-line at http://ustraveldocs.com. Passports and packets can only be delivered to Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, New Territories, Lantau, Chep Lok Kok and Ma Wan. For other locations (namely Macau, outlying islands and Military or Justice Department locations), applicants must collect their packets from one of the following four SF Express offices: District Hours of Operation Address SF Tsim Sha Tsui Mon-Fri: 09:00-20:00 Sat: 09:00-16:00 SF Kwun Tong Mon-Fri: 09:00-20:00 Sat: 09:00-16:00 SF Wanchai Mon-Fri: 09:00-20:00 Sat: 09:00-16:00 SF Macau Mon-Fri: 09:00-20:00 Sat: 09:00-16:00 Unit 60-66, G/F., South Seas Centre 75 Mody Road Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon Unit 1, G/F., Hung To Industrial Building 80 Hung To Road Kwun Tong, Kowloon Shop No.1 on G/F., Lee Loy Building 208, 208A-208C, 210, 212 & 214 Jaffe Road Wanchai, Hong Kong G/F., 3B Veng Fung Industrial Building Rua Cinco Bairro Da Areia Preta Macau Please call the Consulate General Call Center (+852 5808 4666) if you are unsure if delivery is available to your home. Return delivery of passports is included in the application fee; you don't need to pay extra for this service.

未婚夫 / 妻簽證費用及護照送遞 每一個簽證 (K1 或 K2), 你一定要繳交不可退還的 $2,120 港元的申請費, 要繳付此費用, 你必須 : 1. 登入 http://ustraveldocs.com/hk 或 2. 在香港致電 +852 5808 4666 ( 上午八時至晚上八時 ) 或在美國 +1 703 665 1986 ( 東岸標準時間上午八時至晚上八時 ) 週末及公眾假期休息 請確切指明你是申請 K 簽證, 使能正確計算費用 你會收到一張付款單張, 必須打印出來及帶往任何一間香港或澳門的 7-11 便利店 付款後, 你會收到一張收據 你必須在面談當日帶同此收據前來美國總領事館 費用必須在面談前繳付 你亦需要登入 http://ustraveldocs.com 安排護照送遞服務 護照及包裹只可以送遞往香港島, 九龍, 新界, 大嶼山, 赤鱲角及馬灣 至於其它地址 ( 即澳門, 離島及軍事或法律部門地址 ), 申請人一定要選擇在以下香港四間中的其中一間順豐快遞辦事處提取你的包裹 區域營業時間地址 順豐尖沙咀星期一至五 : 09:00-20:00 星期六 : 09:00-16:00 順豐觀塘星期一至五 : 09:00-20:00 星期六 : 09:00-16:00 順豐灣仔星期一至五 : 09:00-20:00 星期六 : 09:00-16:00 順豐澳門星期一至五 : 09:00-20:00 星期六 : 09:00-16:00 九龍尖沙咀麼地道 75 號, 南洋中心地下 60-66 號九龍觀塘鴻圖道 80 號, 鴻圖工業大厦地下 1 號香港灣仔謝菲道 208-214 號, 利來大厦地下 1 號澳門黑沙環第五街 3-3B 永豐工業大廈地下 A 座 如你未能肯定送遞服務是否能送遞往你的住址, 請致電領事館簽證資訊服務中心 (+852 5808 4666) 申請費已包括護照送遞服務, 你無需為此服務繳交額外費用

POLICE CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE A police certificate is a certification by appropriate police authorities stating what their records show concerning an applicant, including all arrests, the reasons for the arrests, and the disposition of each case of which there is a record. The certificate must cover the entire period of your residence in the jurisdiction of the issuing police authority. You must provide a police certificate if any of the following circumstances apply: 1. If you hold a Hong Kong passport or document of identity (i.e. have the right of abode in Hong Kong) and have resided in Hong Kong for 6 months or more when you were 16 years or older, you must provide a Hong Kong police certificate. The certificate must cover the entire period of your residence in Hong Kong. 2. If you hold a Macau passport or travel permit (i.e. have the right of abode in Macau) and have resided in Macau for 6 months or more when you were 16 years or older, you must provide a Macau police certificate. The certificate must cover the entire period of your residence in Macau. 3. If you have lived in your country of nationality (e.g. Mainland China, Taiwan, Philippines, Singapore, Canada) for 6 months or more when you were 16 years or older, you must provide a police certificate from that country. The certificate must cover the entire period of your residence in that country. 4. If you lived in a country other than your country of nationality for more than 12 months and you were 16 years or older at that time you must provide a police certificate from that country. 5. If you were arrested for any reason at any age you must provide a police certificate from the relevant jurisdiction documenting the arrest. Note that residency in a country does not necessarily need to be continuous. Short times outside the country (e.g. temporary visits back to your home country, school breaks, holidays etc.) do not break this residency. For example, a college student who studies for four years in Canada for nine months each year but returns to Hong Kong during summer breaks would still need a police certificate from Canada even though she did not live in Canada for a continuous 12 months. Non-U.S. police certificates for your current residence must be no more than 12 months old. If you have lived in the United States for the past 12 months, then the police certificate(s) for your foreign residences may be more than 12 months old. However, non-u.s. police certificates must still cover the entire time that you resided in other countries for more than one year. Police certificates are not required for any periods of residence in the United States.

警方證明書 警方證明書是一份由有關警方部門顯示關於申請人的記錄, 包括所有逮捕, 逮捕理由, 及已作廢的有記錄的個案 證明書一定要包括你整個時段住在有管轄範圍的警察當局發出 若以下任何情况適用, 你一定要提供一份警方證明書 : 1. 如你持有香港護照或簽證身份書 ( 例如有香港居留權 ), 及十六歲或以上在香港居住六 個月或以上, 你一定要提供一份香港警方證明書 此證明書一定要包括你在香港的整 段時間 2. 如你持有澳門護照或澳門特別行政區旅行證 ( 例如有澳門居留權 ), 及十六歲或以上 在澳門居住六個月或以上, 你一定要提供一份澳門警方證明書 此證明書一定要包括 你在澳門的整段時間 3. 如當你在十六歲或以上時, 曾居住在你所持國籍的國家 ( 例如中國, 台灣, 菲律賓, 新加坡, 加拿大 ) 居住六個月或以上, 你一定要提供一份該國家的警方證明書, 此證 明書一定要包括你在該國家的整段時間 4. 如你在非所持國籍的國家住多過十二個月而你當時是十六歲或以上, 你一定要提供一 份該國家的警方證明書 5. 如你曾被逮捕, 無論被逮捕時是什麼原因及年齡, 你一定要提供一份由有關管轄範圍 顯示有關逮捕的警方證明書 請注意, 居住在一個國家不一定是連續的, 短暫離開該國家 ( 例如中途短暫回原居地探訪, 學校放假, 假期等 ) 不會打斷你的居留 舉例一個學院學生在加拿大讀書四年而每九個月便在暑假回香港, 即使她在加拿大沒有連續居住多過十二個月, 仍然需要一份由加拿大發出的警方證明書 你目前居住的非美國警方證明書必須是不超過十二個月 如你過去十二月住在美國, 則你的外地警方證明書或可以多過十二個月 然而非美國警方證明書仍一定要包括你在其他國家居住多過一年的整段時間 無論何時曾居住美國都不需要申請美國警方證明

Individuals residing in Hong Kong need to apply in person at the Certificate of No Criminal Conviction Office at 14/F, Arsenal House, Police Headquarters, 1 Arsenal Street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong The office is open from 9am to 5:15pm from Monday to Friday. (Note: The payment window is closed daily between 1-2pm and stops accepting payments at 5pm.) You must present the following to request a Certificate of No Criminal Conviction: 1. Your Hong Kong ID card, 2. The original and one copy of the letter from the U.S. Consulate General (included with this packet) indicating the need for the certificate, 3. For children (K-2 applicants), an original and one copy of the child's birth certificate or other document proving the relationship to the principal applicant, and 4. The processing fee of HK $205.00 per person. You must consent to have your fingerprints taken, and you need to sign an authorization for Hong Kong Police to keep your fingerprints. Finally, you need to authorize Hong Kong police to share the results with the Consulate. For specific information on obtaining police certificates from other countries or jurisdictions, please review the Reciprocity Tables available at: http://travel.state.gov/visa/fees/fees_3272.html.

居住在香港的申請人, 需要親自到無犯罪證明書辦事處申請 香港灣仔軍器廠街一號警察總部警政大樓十四樓 這個辦事處開放的時間為星期一至星期五上午九時至下午五時十五分,( 注意 : 繳費處在下午一時至二時休息及下午五時後停止收費 ) 你必須要出示下列文件以申請無犯罪證明書 : 1. 你的香港身份證 2. 美國總領事館的書信正本及一份副本證明你需要此證書 ( 已包括在這文件包裹內 ) 3. 兒童 (K2 申請人 ) 請出示出生證明書或其它文件以證明其與主要申請人的關係的正 本及一份副本 4. 處理費用是毎人港幣二百零五元 你必須同意打印手指模, 並簽署允許香港警察保留你的手指模, 最後你需要授權香港警察把結果交給總領事館 若需要個別資料以申請其它國家或管轄地的警方證明, 請查看以下互惠目錄 http://travel.state.gov/visa/fees/fees_3272.html

CIVIL DOCUMENTS AND POLICE CERTIFICATES FROM THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Civil Documents All Chinese documentation to be used abroad is processed through the notary offices and issued in the form of Notarial Certificates. Notarial offices are located in all major Chinese cities and in rural county seats. Individuals residing outside of China may obtain Notarial Certificates from the notarial office with jurisdiction over the county of previous residence. Chinese relatives or friends may request issuance of certificates on behalf of someone now living abroad although should have specific written authorization from the interested party before they request certificates. Notarial Certificates are available for the following life events: Birth Marriage Divorce Death It is important to note that notarial certificates are considered secondary evidence of a live event. Applicants must provide also any available primary documentation (e.g. original birth or marriage certificates). The absence of original, primary evidence can delayed the processing of your visa application considerably. For more information on Notarial Certificates, please see the State Department's website http://travel.state.gov/visa/fees/fees_3272.html. Police certificates Applicants should apply for a certificate of no criminal record at the local Public Security Bureau (PSB) (or certain types of employers such as state owned enterprises), then make application to the notary office for a certificate based on the PSB document. Persons without a criminal record will be able to obtain a certificate to that effect. Certificates for individuals with one or more criminal convictions will list all convictions for which records still exist. Court Records Normally, when someone is tried by a people's court or by an organ of the executive branch of government, some record remains of the case even for a political crime. The applicant must request court records in all instances. Most court records will also indicate the original sentence, the actual sentence served and any reduction or commutation of the original sentence. Court records are generally not available for the period prior to 1949. Military Records Military records from the PRC are generally not available. HNK-3

中華人民共和國公民文件及警方證書 公民文件所有用於國外的中華人民共和國文件是通過公證處處理, 並用公證書形式發出 公證處位於中國所有主要城市及農村縣城 居住在中國境外的人, 可以從過往居住的縣市轄下的公證處取得公證書 在中國的親友, 可以代表居住在海外的申請人, 以該人士的具體書面授權, 向公證處要求發出證書 以下個人事件可以取得公證書 : 出生婚姻離婚死亡 重要的是要注意公證書是個人事件的輔助證據 申請人還必須提供任何主要文件 ( 例如正本的出生或結婚證書 ) 沒有正本的主要證據, 會嚴重延遲處理你的簽證申請 有關公證書的詳細資訊, 請參閱國務院的網站 http://travel.state.gov/visa/fees/fees_3272.html 警方證明書申請人應該先向當地公安局 (PSB) ( 或某些類別的僱主, 如國有企業 ) 申請無刑事記錄證書, 然後以公安局的證明, 向公證處申請證書 無犯罪記錄的人將會取得此證書 有一項或多項刑事定罪的人, 他們的證書將列出所有仍然記錄在案的罪行 法庭記錄在通常情況下, 由人民法院或由政府的行政分支機關審判的一些記錄, 甚至是政治犯罪案件會存留 申請人必須在所有情况下要求法庭記錄 大多數法庭記錄還表明原來的判詞 原判的實際服刑和任何減少或減刑 法庭一般不提供 1949 年以前時期的記錄 軍事紀錄中華人民共和國軍事記錄通常是不能取獲 HNK-3

PHOTOGRAPH REQUIREMENTS Your photo is a required part of your visa application. We recommend you use a professional visa photo service to ensure your photo meets all the requirements. Your photos or digital images must be: In color. 2 inches x 2 inches (51 mm x 51 mm) in size. Sized such that the head is between 1 inch and 1 3/8 inches (25 mm and 35 mm) or 50% and 69% of the image's total height from the bottom of the chin to the top of the head. Taken within the last 6 months to reflect your current appearance. Taken in front of a plain white or off-white background. Taken in full-face view directly facing the camera. With a neutral facial expression and both eyes open. Taken in clothing that you normally wear on a daily basis. Should there be any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of this checklist, the English version shall prevail.

相片規格 在你的簽證申請, 相片是一個需要的組成部份 我們提議你使用專業的攝影服務, 以確保你的相片符合所有要求 你的硬照或數碼相片一定要 : 彩色 相片大小為 2 吋 X 2 吋 (51 毫米 X 51 毫米 ) 相片頭部由 1 吋至 1 3/8 吋 (25 毫米至 35 毫米 ) 或由頭頂到下頷的影像佔整張相片 的 50 巴仙至 69 巴仙 在最近 6 個月內拍攝, 以顯示你現時的面貌以淨白色或灰白色背景拍攝拍照時要面向鏡頭, 並拍攝整個正面拍照時要自然, 並張開雙眼拍照時請穿日常衣服 如在檢查表上英文和中文有任何不一致, 以英文版本為準

LOCAL ASSISTANCE IN COMPLETING VISA FORMS Each applicant bears final legal responsibility for all information contained in his/her application form. By signing (or providing your fingerprint) under oath that the information is true and complete you acknowledge that any errors or omissions in that information is due solely to your own negligence. However, you may choose to seek assistance in completing the on-line application either from a friend, family member, lawyer or other knowledgeable person. Sources that may provide such assistance, often for a fee, include: cultural or religious groups, private attorneys and non-government organizations. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has indicated they are willing to provide assistance to applicants in completing the necessary forms. They can be reached at: International Organization for Migration (IOM) Room 904, Yaumatei Carpark Building, 250 Shanghai Street, Kowloon Telephone: (852) 2332-2441 or 2332-2446 The U.S. Government, including the U.S. Consulate General in Hong Kong, does not assume responsibility for the professional ability or appropriateness of the IOM in Hong Kong. As in all cases, the applicant bears final responsibility for the information included in the application.

協助完成簽證申請表格的本地機構 每個申請人需要為他 / 她的申請表包含的所有資料承擔最終法律責任 通過簽署 ( 或提供你的指紋 ) 宣誓其資料是真實和完整時, 你承認任何錯誤或遺漏的資料完全是由於自己的疏忽 然而, 你可以選擇向任何一位朋友 家庭成員 律師或其他有知識人士, 尋求協助完成在線申請書 提供這種協助的機構, 通常會收取費用, 包括 : 文化或宗教團體 私人律師和非政府組織 國際移民組織 (IOM) 已表示他們願意為申請人提供協助完成必要的表格 他們的聯絡地址 : 國際移民組織 (IOM) 九龍上海街 250 號油麻地停車場大廈 904 室 電話 :(852)2332-2441 或 2332-2446 美國政府, 包括美國駐香港總領事館, 對香港國際移民組織 (IOM) 的專業能力或適合與否, 均不予負責 在所有情況下, 申請人需要為其申請書內的所有資料承擔最終的責任