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Preliminary Questions Q4 Academic level: 請 選 擇 Graduate Study, 然 後 按 Save and Continue, 接 著 出 現 申 請 首 頁, 如 同 下 圖 請 按 左 邊 直 排 欄 位 的 2 Application Form,




Business Visa Application (VITEM-II) / 商务 (VITEM-II) 签证申请审核表 Name/ 姓名 : Passport Number/ 护照号 : Contact No./ 联系电话 : E-mail address/ 邮件地址 : Please follow these steps to apply for a visa to Brazil: Step 1: Read the Know your visa type section of the webpage of the Brazil Visa Application Centre and apply for a visa that suits the purpose of your intended stay in Brazil. Step 2: Access the online visa request form (, fill out the visa request form and print the receipt page with bar code. Step 3: For your convenience, book an appointment at the Brazil Visa Application Center in China of the jurisdiction of your residence ( Step 4: Bring the documents mentioned in the checklist below to the Brazil Visa Application Center 请按照以下步骤申请巴西签证 : 步骤一 : 阅读巴西签证申请中心网页中 了解您的签证类型 并且申请适用于您前往巴西旅行目的的签证 步骤二 : 进入在线签证申请表 (, 填写完整的签证申请表并且打印带有条码的签证申请回执页 步骤三 : 为了方便您的签证申请, 您可以在中国巴西签证申请中心网站 ( 预约来居住地管辖范围内的签证申请中心提交签证申请 步骤四 : 请携带审核表中所列的材料前往签证申请中心进行签证申请 The Brazil Visa Application Center will only receive applications that comply with all the requirements presented below. Incomplete applications will be refused. The Embassy of Brazil/Consulate-General of Brazil reserves the right to request additional documents, information and/or to interview the applicant, as deemed necessary. Providing inaccurate, misleading and/or false information will lead to the denial of your application and prevent you from obtaining visas to Brazil in the future. 巴西签证申请中心只接收符合下述要求的申请 不完整的材料有可能导致签证不被签发 巴西使领馆保留要求其他额外材料 信息和 / 或要求申请人进行面谈 ( 如需 ) 的权利 提供不正确的 误导性的 和 / 或者错误信息将会导致您的签证申请被拒签, 并且影响将来获得巴西签证 Note: Tour guide who will be accompanying a tour group in Brazil should apply VITEM-II (Business Visa) 注意 : 旅行团的导游需要申请商务签证 (VITEM-II) The application material should be delivered in the following order/ 备注 : 请将申请材料按以下顺序排列 For use of the Brazil Visa Application Center 仅供巴西签证申请中心填写 :

Required Documents/ 主要材料 Yes/ 有 No/ 没有 1. Original passport, valid for at least six months after the intended date of arrival to Brazil. The passport must be signed and have at least 2 blank visa pages. 申请人护照原件,( 自预计到达巴西之日起 ) 有效期不得少于六个月, 且至少有两张空白页并且签字 Please note: soiled, damaged or defaced passports will not be accepted. Obtain a new passport if your current one does not meet such criteria. Remarks/ 备注 请注意 : 污损的, 或者损毁的护照将不会被接受 如您的护照不符合此要求, 请新获得一本新的护照 2. Old passport, whenever available 旧护照, 如有 3. 4. If the purpose of the trip is related to adoption of a Brazilian child, applicant must provide copy of the family register ( Hukou ) or other proof of residential address 如果旅行的目的与收养巴西儿童有关, 申请人必须提供户口本复印件或居住证明 Fill out one Visa Application Form per applicant, available online only at Print and sign the Visa Application Form Receipt - RER (receipt page with the bar code, available once you have filled out the Visa Application Form). 每人填写在线签证申请表, 网址为 打印并且签署签证申请表回执页 ( 回执页带有条形码, 在您填完签证申请表后即可生成 ) Please note: The signature on the Visa Application Form Receipt RER receipt must match the one on the passport. On the online form please transcribe names and any other expressions in Chinese to Pinyin. If the applicant is under 18 years of age, both parents/guardians must sign the Visa Application Form Receipt RER on the applicant s behalf. 请注意 : 签证申请表回执页上的签名必须和护照相符 请在填写在线表格的时候, 把您的姓名和其他有关的内容用拼音标注 如申请人为 18 岁以下, 父母双方 法定监护人双方必须在签证申请表回执页上签名

5. Special requirements for minors: - Presentation of the original birth certificate or a notarized copy. Copies presented without the original birth certificate must be Legalized by MFA/FAO Special requirements for minors who are travelling unaccompanied or with only one of the parents or legal guardians : -- Presentation of an Authorization for Brazilian Visa Issuance for Minors, signed by both parents or legal guardians (in which case legal proof of guardianship is required) at a public notary(this form may be downloaded at Please note that if both parents or legal guardians (in which case legal proof of guardianship is required) are travelling with the minor an Authorization for Brazilian Visa Issuance for Minors is NOT necessary, 适用于未成年人的特殊材料要求 : - 出生证明原件或经公证的复印件 不能提供原件时, 需要提供经外交部或外事办公室认证过的复印件 适用于单独旅行或跟随父母一方旅行的未成年人的特殊材料要求 : - 未成年人旅行时, 需父母双方或者法定监护人在公证处签署授权书 ( 授权书可在 下载 ), 如由法定监护人签署则需出具未成年人法定监护人的合法证明并需要公证 - 请注意, 如果父母双方或法定监护人双方与未成年人一起旅行, 未成年人旅行授权书将无需提供 法定监护人的合法证明需要提供并公证 6. One recent photo, size 4cm x 5cm, in color, front view, white background. 一张彩色近照, 尺寸为 4cm x 5cm, 正面照 白色背景 7. Original dispatch letter from the applicant's employer( In Portuguese or English), on official letterhead, with stamp and signature, addressed to the consular service of the Embassy of Brazil in Beijing/Consulate General in Guangzhou/Consulate General in Shanghai, including the following information: 1) the employee's name and title; 2) time of service for the company; 3) monthly salary paid by the company to the applicant; 4) contact person in Brazil; 5) description of the activities to be performed in a very clear, specific and detailed manner (generic descriptions might lead to delays and require the applicant to provide additional information and/or to appear for an interview at the Embassy/Consulate); 6) intended duration of the stay; 7) statement that the company shall assume full responsibility for the applicant while in Brazil and that the applicant will not exceed the legally authorized stay per visit; 8) statement that the company will bear all the costs with the trip; 9) signature and stamp by a senior manager (names and titles must be

transcribed in pinyin). 由申请人雇主出具的致北京巴西驻华大使馆 / 广州总领事馆或上海总领事馆的派遣信原件 ( 葡萄牙文或英文 ), 使用公司抬头信纸, 加盖公章并签字, 应包含如下信息 : 1) 申请人姓名和职务 ; 2) 在公司的工作时间 ; 3) 公司每月付给申请人的薪资 ; 4) 在巴西的联系人 ; 5) 清晰详细的描述在巴西所从事的商务活动具体内容 ( 笼统的描述极有可能导致受理时间延长或者要求申请人提供辅助材料和 / 或在使领馆进行面试 ) 6) 计划逗留时间 ; 7) 声明承诺对申请人在巴西的活动负全责并保证其在规定期限内按时回国 ; 8) 声明公司将会承担申请人整个行程的费用 ; 9) 信函必须由公司高层管理者签字, 其姓名和职务须标注拼音 8. One-page invitation letter in Portuguese or in English from a Brazilian company, on official letterhead, with stamp and signature, addressed to the consular service Embassy of Brazil in Beijing/Consulate General in Guangzhou/ Consulate General in Shanghai, including the following information: 1) the name and the position that the applicant holds in the company; 2) clear, specific and detailed purpose of the trip and business activities which will be performed in Brazil. 3) stamp the CNPJ number (tax registration code) and address and telephone number of the Brazilian company. NOTE: A scanned copy of the invitation-letter sent by email to the interested party may also be accepted. 巴西公司使用公司抬头信纸, 盖章签字, 致北京大使馆 / 上海总领事馆 / 广州总领事馆签证处的一张葡萄牙文或英文邀请函, 需包含如下信息 : 申请人的姓名和在公司的具体职务 ; 应写清具体商务访问的目的以及在巴西将从事的商务活动 ; 邀请方的 CNPJ 号 ( 税务注册码 ) 印章 完整的公司地址和联系电话 注 : 也可接受一份通过电子邮件发送给相关人士的邀请函扫描件 9. Copy of the Brazilian ID card or passport of the person who signed the invitation letter (item 8. above). NOTE: This requirement is waived if the original invitation letter has been notarized and is submitted along with the application material. 签署邀请函 ( 上述第 8 项 ) 的人的巴西有效身份证件或者护照的复印件 ) 注 : 如提交邀请函公证件原件, 此要求免除

10. Copy of the business license of the applicant s employing company and the record of annual inspection, as well as a translation into English, with company stamp. Note: for institutions without a business license, such as universities and government sponsored organizations, the institution registration will be accepted. 公司营业执照复印件以及年检报告记录证明, 并且需要翻译成英文, 盖公章 说明 : 对于没有营业执照的组织例如学校或政府出资的机构, 可以提交组织机构代码证 11. Print out of itinerary of round trip ticket or a statement from a travel agency, addressed to the consular service of the embassy/consulate, containing the name of applicant, the confirmed itinerary, flight number and arrival/departure dates. 12. 打印出来的往返机票行程单或旅行社致使领馆的信函, 说明游客姓名 确认的行程 航班号和抵离日期 Applicants intending to take part in the production/filming of commercial or advertisement videos or motion pictures, with or without sound, in addition to the requirements listed above, they MUST submit a permit from Brazil s National Cinema Agency- ANCINE (, which has to be obtained by the interested party's agent/representative in Brazil (Brazilian partner or co-producer) prior to the visa application. 赴巴西拍摄有声或无声纪录片 商业片或广告片拍摄有声或无声纪录片 商业片或广告片或电影或电影 或电影的申请人, 除上述文件外, 必须提供巴西文化部巴西国家电影局 Agência Nacional de Cinema ANCINE ( 签发的许可批文 该批文需在提交签证申请前, 由巴西代理 / 代表 ( 巴西合作方或合作制片方 ) 申请获得 13. If the applicant is self-employed, provide a bank letter stating his/her financial references and copy of the company s registration. In case of professional trader or investor, provide notarized brokerage notes for the last 6 (six) months. 如适用申请人为个体经营者, 须提供由银行出具的财务明细 ; 及公司营业执照复印件 如是专业交易员或投资者, 请提供经公证的近 6 个月的券商票据 14. Tour guide/leader who will be accompanying a tour group in Brazil must provide a copy of official tour guide certificate or license. (Requirement number 8 invitation letter is waived). 巴西旅行团导游无需提供第 8 项 ( 巴西公司签发的邀请函 ) 材料, 但需要提供导游资格证或相关资格证书的复印件 For the use of the Brazil Visa Application Center representative/ 仅供巴西签证申请中心填写 : 1. The applicant has confirmed that s/he has no other documents to submit / 申请人已经确认她 / 他不提交其他文件

2. The applicant has submitted the supporting documents above. I have advised him / her that failure to submit all necessary documents may result in the application being refused, but s/he has chosen to proceed with the application. / 申请人已经递交了上述文件, 我已告知其如不提交所有必要文件可能会导致被拒签, 但其选择继续提交申请 Visa Fee/ 签证费 Service Fee/ 服务费 Courier Fee (If any)/ 快递费 ( 如选 ) Other Fees/ 其他费用 Name of Travel Agent/ 代理名称 ADDRESS/ 地址 TEL/ 电话 Name & Signature of Brazil Visa Application Center representative 巴西签证申请中心职员签字 Date/ 日期 Applicant s Signature/ 申请人签名 Date/ 日期