20. During the Promotion Period, Eligible Cardholders who successfully complete the Registration will be entitled to receive up to 5% spending rebate

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General Terms and Conditions: 1. Unless otherwise specified, the promotion period is from September 1, 2017 to October 31, 2017, both dates inclusive ( Promotion Period ). All Single Net Transactions (based on transaction dates, as defined in Clause 21) must be conducted during the Promotion Period. 2. Unless otherwise specified, this promotion applies to cardholders ("Cardholders") of Citi Credit Cards issued by Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited ( Citibank ) ( Eligible Cards ). FORTRESS ( the Merchant ) may reject an Eligible Card if its payment system cannot handle the Eligible Card type. Please contact the Merchant for details. 3. Cardholders are required to settle payments with Eligible Cards during the Promotion Period to enjoy the offers. 4. Citibank will determine the eligibility of Cardholders to participate in this promotion as well as the transactions based on Citibank s records. 5. In case of any fraud/abuse/reversal or cancellation of transactions in respect of which the Spending Rebate (as defined in Clause 20) was awarded, Citibank reserves the right to debit from the Cardholder s Eligible Card account the equivalent amount of Spending Rebate without prior notice. 6. Cardholders Eligible Card accounts must be valid and with good credit record during the Promotion Period and the fulfillment period in order to be eligible to receive the Spending Rebate (as defined in Clause 20), otherwise Citibank reserves the right to forfeit the Spending Rebate without prior notice. 7. Cardholders must keep and submit the relevant original credit card sales slips and original merchant sales receipts and/or other documents in respect of the Single Net Transactions for inspection upon request by Citibank. All documents submitted to Citibank will not be returned. 8. Unless otherwise specified, this promotion cannot be used in conjunction with other special promotions, discounts or promotional coupons, nor be transferred or exchanged for cash or other offers. 9. Unless otherwise specified, the offers in this promotion can be used at the same time. 10. Unless otherwise specified, all amounts will be counted in Hong Kong Dollar. 11. The Spending Rebate received from this promotion cannot be used to settle any previous outstanding balances, withdrawn as cash advance, nor be transferred or exchanged for cash or other offers. 12. Availability of the offers is subject to offer or service availability, account status checking and final acceptance by Citibank and the Merchant at their absolute discretion. Photos, product specifications and prices are for reference only. 13. Citibank shall not be responsible for any matters in relation to the related products or services. The Merchant is solely responsible for all obligations and liabilities relating to such products or services and all auxiliary services. Please contact the Merchant for details. 14. Citibank and the Merchant reserve the right to amend the terms & conditions without prior notice. All matters and disputes are subject to the final decision of Citibank and the Merchant. 15. In the event of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of these terms & conditions, the English version shall prevail. "Up to 5% Spending Rebate" and "HK$50 Contactless Payment Rebate" Terms and Conditions: 16. Principal Cardholders are required to successfully register at www.citibank.com.hk/fortress ( Registration ) in order to participate in the Up to 5% Spending Rebate and "HK$50 Contactless Payment Rebate" promotion between September 1, 2017 (starting from 00:00) and October 31, 2017 (until 23:59) (both dates inclusive). Supplementary Cards are not eligible for registration. 17. Upon successful registration, all Eligible Cards and Supplementary Eligible Cards under the same Principal Cardholder name will be automatically registered. Only the first 35,000 Principal Cardholders who complete the Registration successfully are eligible to participate in this promotion. Citibank will verify the information provided by Cardholders and the Cardholders eligibility to participate in this promotion will be determined at the sole and absolute discretion of Citibank. 18. Unless otherwise specified, FORTRESS ("FORTRESS") includes all outlets of FORTRESS in Hong Kong (except Hong Kong International Airport branch), designated Samsung co-shops and FORTRESS e-shop (http://eshop.fortress.com.hk). Designated Samsung co-shop include: Shop 601, 6/F, New Town Plaza, Sha Tin, New Territories. 19. Unless otherwise specified, Cardholders are required to make a Single Net Transaction of HK$3,000 or above with Eligible Cards via Contactless Payment (as defined in Clause 22) during the Promotion Period to enjoy HK$50 Contactless Payment Rebate. Offer is not applicable at FORTRESS e-shop. Each Eligible Cardholder will be entitled to receive a maximum Rebate of HK$50 during the entire Promotion Period.

20. During the Promotion Period, Eligible Cardholders who successfully complete the Registration will be entitled to receive up to 5% spending rebate ( Spending Rebate ) on a Single Net Transaction of HK$3,000 or above as follows, subject to the maximum Spending Rebate per transaction during the entire Promotion Period. If the Cardholder has any Single Net Transaction with amount of HK$3,000-HK$9,999, the maximum Spending Rebate during the entire Promotion Period will be HK$350. If the Cardholder has any Single Net Transaction with amount of HK$10,000 or above, the maximum Spending Rebate during the entire Promotion Period will be HK$500. Split transactions will not be accepted. Single net transaction amount Maximum spending rebate amount Maximum rebate amount during the entire at FORTRESS (HK$) per transaction (HK$) promotion period (HK$) $3,000 - $4,999 $150 $5,000 - $5,999 $250 $350 $6,000 - $6,999 $300 $7,000 - $9,999 $350 $10,000 or above $500 $500 The maximum Spending Rebate amount per transaction and the maximum Spending Rebate amount during the entire Promotion Period listed in this Clause include all of the Spending Rebate earned by the principal and supplementary cards under all of the registered Eligible Card accounts of each Eligible Cardholder. Regardless of the number of Eligible Card(s) registered under the same Cardholder, Citibank will treat as unified record and the latest registered Eligible Card will prevail and each Principal Cardholder (based on the unique Hong Kong Identity Card/ Passport number per Citibank s record) can enjoy the maximum HK$500 cash rebate (as defined in Clause 20) and the maximum HK$50 Contactless Payment rebate (as defined in Clause 22) once only. 21. A "Single Net Transaction" refers to a single posted retail purchase made with an Eligible Card during the Promotion Period (based on transaction dates) with original merchant sales receipts and credit card sales slips and/or other documents at FORTRESS. This promotion applies to the final amount of the Single Net Transaction after deduction of all applicable discounts, reductions and value of cash vouchers. Other transactions, including but not limited to interest-free installment plan transactions, purchase of cash vouchers, or unposted/ cancelled/ refunded/ falsified/ unauthorized transactions are excluded. 22. Contactless Payment refers to a single posted retail purchase made with an Eligible Card via Android Pay, Samsung Pay or Visa paywave. Other transactions, including but not limited to interest-free installment plan transactions, purchase of cash vouchers, or unposted/ cancelled/ refunded/ falsified/ unauthorized transactions are excluded. The respective Mobile Payment Service Providers and the respective merchants may reject an Eligible Card if its payment system cannot handle the Eligible Card type. Please contact the respective Mobile Payment Service Providers or the respective merchants for details. 23. If transactions are confirmed to be qualified for the Spending Rebate after verification by Citibank at its sole and absolute discretion, the corresponding spending rebate will be automatically credited to the last registered Eligible Card account and shown in the monthly statement on or before January 5, 2018. All the spending rebate amount will be rounded up to the nearest Hong Kong dollar. "Up to HK$100 supermarket cash coupon" Terms and Conditions: 24. Cardholders are required to settle payment with Eligible Cards via Samsung Pay during the Promotion Period to enjoy the offer. Offer is not applicable at FORTRESS e-shop. 25. The offer is only applicable to Samsung items with a net retail price of HK$1,000 or above for each. 26. The offer is not applicable to new products released on or after September 1, 2017. 27. Every single item with a net retail price of HK$1,000 to HK$2,999 purchased is entitled to one HK$50 supermarket cash coupon; every single item with a net retail price of HK$3,000 or above purchased is entitled to HK$100 supermarket cash coupon. The cash coupon will be given to Cardholders by Fortress staff at the time of payment. "Up to 50% off selected items" Terms and Conditions: 28. The offer is applicable to all outlets of FORTRESS in Hong Kong and FORTRESS e-shop (except Hong Kong International Airport branch and Samsung co-shops). 29. The offer is available to the selected items at a discount on the prevailing suggested retail price which will be updated and subject to change from time to time. Please enquire with the Merchant for details. 30. Selected items are available while stocks last.

"Up to 24 months Interest-Free Installment Purchase" Terms and Conditions: 31. During the Promotion Period, Cardholders can enjoy 12 months Interest-Free Installment Purchase upon Single Net Transactions with amount of HK$2,000 or above, or 24 months Interest-Free Installment Purchase upon Single Net Transactions with amount of HK$5,000 or above at outlets of FORTRESS in Hong Kong (except Hong Kong International Airport branch and FORTRESS e-shop) and designated Samsung co-shops. Offer is not applicable at FORTRESS e-shop. 32. The offer is applicable to designated products only and cannot be used in conjunction with Contactless Payment. 33. The offer is applicable to Single Net Transactions after deduction of all applicable discounts, reductions and value of cash vouchers. 34. The offer is not applicable to Citi Cash Back American Express Card and Citi Rewards UnionPay Card. 35. Other Terms and Conditions of the Interest-Free Installment Plan apply. Please refer to citibank.hk/ifhp for details.

一般條款及細則 : 1. 除特別註明外, 推廣期由 2017 年 9 月 1 日至 2017 年 10 月 31 日 ( 包括首尾兩日 )( 推廣期 ) 所有單一淨額簽賬 ( 以交易日計算, 定義見條款 21) 必須於推廣期內進行 2. 除特別註明外, 推廣只適用於由花旗銀行 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 ( 花旗銀行 ) 所發行之 Citi 信用卡 ( 認可信用卡 ) 之客戶 ( 客戶 ) 當簽賬系統不能處理個別信用卡類別時, 豐澤 ( 商戶 ) 可能會不接受有關認可信用卡, 詳情請向商戶查詢 3. 客戶必須以認可信用卡於推廣期內簽賬方可享優惠 4. 花旗銀行將會根據儲存於花旗銀行之紀錄, 以決定客戶是否合資格參加此推廣優惠或核實簽賬是否為認可簽賬 5. 如有任何舞弊 / 欺詐成分或取消用作計算簽賬回贈 ( 定義見條款 20) 之有關交易, 花旗銀行有權從有關認可信用卡賬戶內扣取相關簽賬回贈之價值而無須另行通知 6. 客戶之賬戶必須於推廣期內及獲取簽賬回贈時 ( 定義見條款 20 保持有效及信用狀況良好, 花旗銀行保留取消簽賬回贈之權利而無須另行通知 7. 客戶必須保留所有簽賬存根正本及 / 或其他文件 如有任何爭議, 花旗銀行保留要求客戶提供有關單一淨額簽賬存根正本及其他文件或證據的權利, 以作核實 所提供之有關簽賬存根正本及其他文件或證據將不獲退回 8. 除特別註明外, 此推廣不可與其他優惠 折扣或優惠券同時使用, 不可轉讓予其他人 不可兌換現金或其他優惠 9. 除特別註明外, 此推廣之所有優惠可同時使用 10. 除特別註明外, 所有金額均以港元計算 11. 於此推廣所獲得之簽賬回贈, 不可用作繳付尚欠賬項 不可提取作為現金透支 不可轉讓予其他人 不可兌換現金或換取其他優惠 12. 此推廣須受貨品或服務供應 賬戶審查及批核限制, 並須依花旗銀行及商戶之最終決定權而定 圖片 產品資料及價錢只供參考 13. 花旗銀行不負責一切有關貨品或服務之事宜 任何有關貨品或服務之責任, 一概由商戶負責 詳情請向商戶查詢 14. 花旗銀行及商戶保留隨時修改此條款及細則之權利而無須另行通知 如有任何爭議, 花旗銀行及商戶保留最終決定權 15. 如中英文條款有所差異, 一概以英文版本為準 高達 5% 簽賬回贈 及 HK$50 感應式付款簽賬回贈 優惠之條款及細則 : 16. 主卡客戶須於 2017 年 9 月 1 日 ( 由 0:00 開始 ) 至 2017 年 10 月 31 日 ( 至 23:59 結束 ) ( 包括首尾兩日 ) 登入 www.citibank.com.hk/fortress 成功進行登記 ( 登記 ), 方可享 高達 5% 簽賬回贈 及 HK$50 感應式付款簽賬回贈 優惠 附屬卡所作之登記將不適用 17. 每位主卡客戶只須於推廣期内登記一張認可信用卡一次 成功登記後, 同一主卡客戶名下其他認可信用卡及附屬卡將會自動登記 此推廣只適用於首 35,000 個已登記的認可信用卡客戶 花旗銀行會核對客戶提供之資料並保留有關客戶是否合資格參加此優惠的最終決定權 18. 除特別註明外, 豐澤 ( 豐澤 ) 包括所有豐澤的香港分店 ( 香港國際機場分店除外 ) 指定之 Samsung 聯營店及豐澤網上商店 (http://eshop.fortress.com.hk) 指定之 Samsung 聯營店包括 : 新界沙田新城市廣場 6 樓 601 號舖 19. 除特別註明外, 客戶須於推廣期內憑認可信用卡以感應式付款 ( 定義見條款 22) 作單一淨額簽賬滿 HK$3,000 或以上, 方可享 HK$50 感應式付款簽賬回贈優惠 優惠不適用於豐澤網上商店 每位客戶於整個推廣期內可 獲最高回贈額為 HK$50 20. 於推廣期內, 成功登記之客戶於豐澤以認可信用卡作單一淨額簽賬滿 HK$3,000 或以上, 可享高達 5% 簽賬回 贈 ( 簽賬回贈 ), 並須受每次交易可獲之最高簽賬回贈額限制, 詳情見下表 如單一淨額簽賬為 HK$3,000- HK$9,999, 每位客戶於整個推廣期內可獲之最高簽賬回贈額為 HK$350; 如客戶有任何單一簽賬滿 HK$10,000, 其可獲之最高簽賬回贈額將增至 HK$500, 於同一簽賬交易分拆賬單恕不接受

於豐澤單一淨額簽賬額 (HK$) 每次交易可獲之整個推廣期內可享之最高簽賬回贈額 (HK$) 最高簽賬回贈額 (HK$) $3,000 - $4,999 $150 $5,000 - $5,999 $250 $6,000 - $6,999 $300 $350 $7,000 - $9,999 $350 $10,000 或以上 $500 $500 本條款所列之每次交易可獲之最高簽賬回贈額及整個推廣期可獲之最高簽賬回贈額已包括每位客戶其名下所 有已登記認可信用卡賬戶之主卡及附屬卡所獲之所有簽賬回贈 如客戶持有多於一張認可信用卡, 花旗銀行 將視為統一記錄, 以最後一次成功登記之認可信用卡為實 而每位主卡客戶 ( 根據花旗銀行記錄之香港身份 證 / 護照號碼 ) 最多可獲享 HK$500 簽賬回贈及 HK$50 感應式付款簽賬回贈一次 21. 單一淨額簽賬 包括於推廣期內 ( 以簽賬日期計算 ) 以認可信用卡於豐澤所有已誌賬並附有商戶購物單據及信用卡簽賬存根正本及 / 或其他文件之單一零售簽賬 此優惠只適用於扣除所有折扣 減價金額及現金券金額後之單一淨額簽賬 其他簽賬包括 ( 但不限於 ) 免息分期簽賬 購買現金券 所有未誌賬 / 取消 / 退款 / 僞造 / 未經許可之簽賬均不適用於此優惠 22. 感應式付款簽賬 包括於憑認可信用卡以 Android Pay Samsung Pay 或 Visa paywave 付款之已誌賬之單一 零售簽賬 其他簽賬包括 ( 但不限於 ) 免息分期簽賬 購買現金券 所有未誌賬 / 取消 / 退款 / 僞造 / 未經許可之簽 賬均不適用於此優惠 當簽賬系統不能處理個別信用卡類別時, 有關流動支付服務供應商及有關商戶可能會 不接受有關認可信用卡, 詳情請向有關流動支付服務供應商或有關商戶查詢 23. 有關簽賬如獲花旗銀行核實後確認為合資格獲取簽賬回贈, 相關簽賬回贈將於 2018 年 1 月 5 日或之前自動存入客戶最後登記之認可信用卡賬戶並顯示於月結單上 所有簽賬回贈金額將以四捨五入方式計算至個位的港元為單位 高達 HK$100 超市現金券 優惠之條款及細則 : 24. 客戶須於推廣期內憑認可信用卡以 Samsung Pay 付款方可享優惠 優惠不適用於豐澤網上商店 25. 優惠只適用於產品淨額每件為 HK$1,000 或以上之 Samsung 產品 26. 優惠不適用於 2017 年 9 月 1 日或以後推出之新產品 27. 購買產品淨額每件為 HK$1,000 至 HK$2,999 之 Samsung 產品, 可享 HK$50 超市現金券 ; 購買產品淨額每件為 HK$3,000 或以上之 Samsung 產品, 則可享 HK$100 超市現金券 現金券於簽賬時由豐澤店員提供 精選貨品低至 5 折 優惠之條款及細則 : 28. 優惠適用於所有豐澤的香港分店及豐澤網上商店 ( 香港國際機場及 Samsung 聯營店除外 ) 29. 精選貨品將按當時之建議零售價提供折扣, 而可供選擇之精選貨品及適用之折扣將不時更新及改動, 詳情請向商戶查詢 30. 貨品數量有限, 售完即止 長達 24 個月免息分期 優惠之條款及細則 : 31. 客戶於推廣期內於豐澤的香港分店 ( 香港國際機場及豐澤網上商店除外 ) 及指定 Samsung 聯營店憑認可信用卡作單一淨額簽賬滿 HK$2,000, 可享 12 個月免息分期 ; 單一淨額簽賬滿 HK$5,000, 可享 24 個月免息分期 於同一簽賬交易分拆賬單, 恕不接受 優惠不適用於豐澤網上商店 32. 優惠只適用於指定貨品並不可與感應式付款簽賬同時使用 33. 優惠只適用於扣除所有折扣 減價金額及現金券金額後之單一淨額簽賬 34. 優惠不適用於 Citi Cash Back American Express Card 及 Citi Rewards 銀聯信用卡 35. 須受其他免息分期計劃之條款及細則約束, 詳情請瀏覽 citibank.hk/ifhp