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104 年 度 推 廣 校 園 正 確 用 藥 教 育 模 式 中 心 學 校 成 果 報 告 書 學 校 : 桃 園 市 中 心 學 校 田 心 國 民 小 學 壹 計 畫 目 的 一 凝 聚 本 市 中 心 學 校 與 重 點 種 子 學 校 正 確 用 藥 教 育 推 廣 共 識, 期 能 培




cm 50.5cm


13. 下 列 植 物 的 向 性 或 運 動, 哪 些 是 受 到 生 長 素 作 用 的 影 響?(5-4) 甲. 睡 蓮 的 花 到 了 晚 上 會 合 起 來 ; 乙. 黃 瓜 的 捲 鬚 攀 附 竹 竿 向 上 生 長 ; 丙. 含 羞 草 的 葉 經 碰 觸 後 閉 合 ; 丁. 紅 豆

3. 透 過 團 體 小 組 分 別 設 計 出 一 套 自 行 車 伸 展 操 4. 教 師 介 紹 騎 乘 自 行 車 上 座 方 法 煞 車 及 踩 踏 等 要 領. 練 習 自 行 車 運 動 中 基 本 的 上 座 平 衡 直 行 轉 彎 煞 車 等 動 作 ( 二 ) 自 行 車 運 動

( ) 5. 自 行 車 有 吱 吱 喳 喳 的 聲 音 可 能 是 什 麼 原 因 所 造 成?(1) 鈴 號 的 聲 音 (2) 螺 栓 ( 帽 ) 鬆 動 (3) 腳 踏 板 磨 損 ( ) 6. 下 列 敘 述 何 者 是 對 的?(1) 輪 胎 的 胎 壓 是 愈 高 愈 好, 所 以 填


2018 Bathroom 1,580

2 3 better mornings! 79 90 99 90 01 GODMORGON box with lid, set of 5 79.9 02 GODMORGON box with compartments 99.9

4 bathroom bathroom 5 1,480 01 GODMORGON/HAGAVIKEN wash-stand with 2 drawers 1,480 02 DALSKÄR wash-basin mixer tap 790 03 SÖDERSVIK LED wall lamps 690/ea 04 GODMORGON wall cabinet with 1 door 650 05 STUGVIK basket with suction cup 69.9 06 LILLÅNGEN/VISKAN/GUTVIKEN wash-basin cabinet with 1 door and 2 end units 1,590 07 ENSEN wash-basin mixer tap 590 08 EIDSÅ mirror 79.9 09 BRICKAN wall shelf 190 10 VESKEN shelf unit 69.9 06 wash-basin cabinet with 1 door and 2 end units 1,590

6 bathroom bathroom 7 9 90 499 34 90 159 90 1,150 01 LILLÅNGEN wash-basin cabinet with 2 doors 1,150 02 DANNSKÄR wash-basin mixer tap 490 03 LILLÅNGEN mirror 429 04 ENUDDEN toilet roll holder 24.9 05 ENUDDEN toilet brush 39.9 06 ENUDDEN mug 9.907 GRUNDTAL trolley 499 08 ENUDDEN hanger for door 34.9 09 NORDRANA hanging storage 159.9

8 bathroom bathroom 9 19 90 179 29 90 159 90 1,550 01 SILVERÅN mirror cabinet 750 02 RUNSKÄR wash-basin mixer tap 590 03 SILVERÅN/HAMNVIKEN wash-basin cabinet with 2 doors 1,550 04 SVARTSJÖN double hook 19.9 05 KALKGRUND towel rail 179 06-07 SVARTSJÖN series 06 Mug 29.9 07 Soap dispenser 49.9 08 VITEMÖLLA ceiling/wall lamp 159.9

10 bathroom bathroom 11 890 990 01 HEMNES shelving unit 890 02 VITEMÖLLA wall lamp 249.9/ea 03 BALUNGEN soap dispenser 109 04 HEMNES mirror cabinet with 1 door 990 05 RUNSKÄR wash-basin mixer tap 590 06 HEMNES/RÄTTVIKEN wash-stand with 2 drawers 2,680 2,680

12 13 01 05 wash-basin mixer tap 590 wash-basin mixer tap 599 90 07 wash-basin mixer tap 189 90 14 wash-basin mixer tap 790 02 wash-basin mixer tap 690 Quality tested and guaranteed 10 years Guarantee 01 BROGRUND T wash-basin mixer tap 599.9 Strainer is included. Chrome-plated brass. H28cm 903.430.94 02 NEW VOXNAN T wash-basin mixer tap 690 Strainer is included. Chrome-plated brass. H30cm 403.430.58 03 RUNSKÄR wash-basin mixer tap 590 Strainer is included. Chrome-plated brass. H10cm 302.621.23 04 HAMNSKÄR wash-basin mixer tap 990 Strainer is included. Chrome-plated brass. H19cm 603.430.76 05 BROGRUND wash-basin mixer tap 590 Strainer is included. Chrome-plated brass. H17cm 403.430.82 06 VOXNAN wash-basin mixer tap 890 Strainer is included. Chrome-plated brass. H18cm 103.430.88 07 OLSKÄR wash-basin mixer tap 189.9 Chrome-plated brass. H12cm 502.177.52 08 LÖVSKÄR wash-basin mixer tap 1,190 Strainer is included. Designer: Ola Wihlborg. Chromeplated brass. H27cm 903.430.70 09 GRANSKÄR wash-basin mixer tap 790 Strainer is included. Designer: S Fager/E Strandmark. Chrome-plated brass. H16cm 402.030.91 10 SVENSKÄR wash-basin mixer tap 790 Strainer is included. Designer: Ola Wihlborg. Chrome-plated brass. H15cm 202.994.24 11 ENSEN wash-basin mixer tap 590 Strainer is included. Designer: Niels Gammelgaard. Chrome-plated brass. H12cm 802.813.79 12 LUNDSKÄR wash-basin mixer tap 890 Strainer is included. Designer: Jon Karlsson. Chrome-plated brass. H25cm 302.400.13 13 ASPSKÄR wash-basin mixer tap 990 Strainer is included. Designer: Ola Wihlborg. Chromeplated brass. H17cm 203.430.64 14 DALSKÄR wash-basin mixer tap 790 Strainer is included. Designer: Magnus Elebäck. Chrome-plated brass. H18cm 102.812.93

14 Bathroom refreshers 15 399 399 890 760 09 step stool 59.9 49 90 01 RÅGRUND corner shelf unit 399 02 Towel rack chair 499 03 RÖNNSKÄR shelving unit 399 04 HEMNES shelving unit 890 05 SILVERÅN storage bench 429 06 GUNNERN lockable cabinet 279.9 07 BRICKAN wall shelf 190/ea 08 GRUNDTAL trolley 499 09 BOLMEN step stool 49.9 10 DRAGGAN trolley 169.9 01 LÅDDAN 6-piece storage board set 179 02 ENUDDEN mirror 149.9 03 DYNAN wall shelf 190 04 DYNAN cabinet with door 290 05 DYNAN shelving unit with 2 cabinets 760

16 17 89 90 02 basket with suction cup 69 90 79 90 39 Never lose your nail scissors again! 01 STUGVIK towel rack with suction cup 79 02 STUGVIK basket with suction cup 69.9/ea 03 STUGVIK toothbrush holder with suction cup 39/ea 04 STUGVIK mirror with hooks and suction cup 69.9 05 STUGVIK hook with suction cup, 2 pcs 29.9 06 IMMELN shower/soap basket with hook 89.9 07 IMMELN hook, 2 pcs 49.9 08 IMMELN shower basket 69.9 09 IMMELN shower hanger, two tiers 79.9

18 Bathroom mirrors Bathroom mirrors 19 750 299 2,290 990 We're 100% LED. And you can be too! 01 STORJORM mirror cabinet with 2 doors/built-in lighting 2,290 02 GUNNERN mirror cabinet with 1 door 399 03 LANGESUND mirror 299 04 ÖSTANÅ wall lamp 179.9/ea 05 SILVERÅN mirror cabinet 750 06 VITEMÖLLA wall lamp 249.9 07 BRICKAN mirror cabinet 990 08 LILLÅNGEN mirror cabinet with 2 doors 590

20 bathroom bathroom 21 Wash-stands Wash-basins wash-stand with 2 drawers 790 790 890 990 990 1,290 1,290 1,290 NEW 1,290 NEW 1,290 wash-basins 690 790 990 1,090 single wash-basin 590 wash-stand with 2 drawers 890 890 1,000 1,300 1,600 1,600 NEW 1,600 NEW 1,600 single wash-basins 1,190 1,390 1,590 countertop single wash-basins 700 790 wash-stand with 2 drawers 990 1,300 1,300 1,600 1,900 1,900 NEW 1,900 NEW 1,900 countertop single wash-basin BROGRUND T 700 NEW countertop single wash-basin 800 GODMORGON wash-stand with 2 drawers 1,400 1,600 1,900 2,200 2,200 NEW 2,200 NEW 2,200 Countertops for TÖRNVIKEN wash-basins countertops 500 600 700 countertop 500 Some colours are only available to certain products. NEW countertop 500

22 bathroom bathroom 23 High cabinets and wall cabinets Mirrors wall cabinet with 1 door 803.304.31 590 503.304.37 590 503.304.23 650 403.304.33 690 003.304.25 790 603.304.27 790 wall cabinet with 1 door 202.810.99 590 001.789.94 650 702.261.85 690 401.649.09 790 701.789.95 790 33 mirror 401.789.87 199.9 901.821.66 259.9 301.789.83 329 box with compartments Transparent 401.774.74 99.9 box with lid, set of 5 Transparent 501.774.78 79.9 Legs high cabinet 803.440.70 1,190 503.440.62 1,690 903.440.60 1,790 NEW 203.910.12 1,990 NEW 203.922.76 1,990 103.440.64 1,990 603.440.66 1,990 34 leg Round/stainless steel 103.498.39 70 NEW leg Kasjön/shiny/Stainless steel 703.917.31 70 Mirror cabinets mirror cabinet with 1 door 902.302.28 1,590 mirror cabinet with 2 doors 702.190.00 1,990 NEW mirror cabinet with 2 doors 003.923.19 1,990 10 years Guarantee NEW mirror cabinet with 2 doors 503.922.46 2,290 bathroom system

24 25 Wash-stands Wall cabinets and shelving units wash-basin cabinet with 1 door Black-brown 503.684.73 350 White 902.104.09 350 wash-basin cabinet with 2 doors Black-brown 003.684.75 400 White 602.103.83 400 wash-basin cabinet with 2 doors Black-brown 603.684.77 450 White 302.103.89 450 wall cabinet Black-brown 802.422.03 349 White 602.422.04 349 mirror Black-brown 402.548.82 429 White 702.103.54 429 mirror cabinet with 1 door Black-brown 202.548.83 450 White 002.103.43 450 mirror cabinet with 2 doors Black-brown 002.548.84 590 White 902.103.34 590 Wash-basins single wash-basins 101.793.18 600 901.793.19 700 single wash-basin 102.071.42 700 high cabinet with mirror door Black-brown 502.548.86 990 White 102.103.28 990 high cabinet Black-brown 602.548.81 890 White 402.406.73 890 White/aluminium 302.103.65 990 LILLÅNGEN single wash-basin 001.964.41 600 single wash-basin 002.976.28 550 countertop single wash-basin 703.549.60 590 Countertop for GUTVIKEN wash-basin end units Black-brown 802.548.80 190 White 902.110.41 190 Pale green 603.548.71 190 Grey 703.548.61 190 Black-brown 002.548.79 490 White 902.103.05 490 legs White. Adjustable plastic feet. Max. height 12cm. 503.585.39 50 103.585.41 100 Some colours are only available to certain products. countertop 2cm thick. High-pressure melamine laminate. Bamboo. Grey 103.548.02 270 Pale green 403.548.05 270 legs Stainless steel. Adjustable plastic feet. Max. height 17cm. 803.267.64 50 803.220.54 100

26 bathroom bathroom 27 Wash-stands Mirror cabinets wash-stand with 2 drawers White 802.176.61 1,390 Black-brown stain 702.176.66 1,690 wash-stand with 2 drawers White 602.176.62 1,690 Black-brown stain 402.176.63 1,990 mirror cabinet with 1 door White 002.176.79 990 Black-brown stain 802.176.80 1,090 mirror cabinet with 2 doors wash-stand with 2 drawers White 102.176.74 1,390 Black-brown stain 502.176.72 1,490 White 402.176.58 1,990 Wash-basins mirror cabinet with 2 doors White 602.176.81 1,690 single wash-basins 6cm thick. Ceramic. Strainer and water trap included. 402.236.97 790 602.237.00 990 102.236.94 1,190 Shelving units shelving unit wash-basins 690 White 402.236.21 590 Black-brown stain 802.236.19 690 shelving unit 790 990 White 802.176.56 890 Black-brown stain 002.176.55 990 1,090 High cabinet high cabinet with mirror door White 102.176.69 1,890 Black-brown stain 502.176.86 1,990 HEMNES Some colours are only available to certain products.

28 bathroom bathroom 29 Wash-basin cabinets Mirror and mirror cabinets wash-basin cabinet with 1 door 1 adjustable shelf included. White 902.679.81 550 mirror with shelf White 902.680.04 349 102.680.03 459 wash-basin cabinet with 2 doors 1 adjustable shelf included. White 502.679.83 650 mirror cabinet 2 adjustable shelves included. White 702.680.00 750 Light brown 502.707.68 850 wash-basin cabinet with 2 doors 1 adjustable shelf included. High cabinets and corner cabinets White 202.679.89 700 Light brown 902.707.71 800 Wash-basins high cabinet with 2 doors 4 shelves included. White 402.640.13 990 single wash-basin 13cm thick. Water trap included. 002.976.28 550 single wash-basin 8cm thick. Water trap included. 001.964.41 600 single wash-basin 14cm thick. 2 towel hangers, strainer and water trap included. 102.071.42 700 single wash-basins 11cm thick. Ceramic. Strainer and water trap included. 602.621.07 600 402.621.08 700 corner unit White 602.745.20 1,500 Light brown 202.679.94 1,600 high cabinet with mirror door 4 shelves included. White 302.679.98 1,190 Light brown 902.707.66 1,290 Bench storage bench White 202.745.22 429 Light brown 702.679.96 499 SILVERÅN Legs for cabinet leg, 2 pcs Grey 202.680.07 50 Some colours are only available to certain products.

30 Services Guarantees 31 10 years Guarantee 10 years Guarantee 10 years Guarantee Would you like us to help you with that? DELIVERY SERVICE ASSEMBLY SERVICE MERCHANDISE PICK-UP SERVICE INTEREST-FREE INSTALMENT GODMORGON bathroom system 10-year guarantee What s covered under this guarantee? What is not covered under this guarantee? Bathroom wash-basins 10-year guarantee What s covered under this guarantee? What s not covered under this guarantee? Bathroom mixer taps 10-year guarantee What s covered under this guarantee? What is not covered under this guarantee?

Inter IKEA Systems B.V. 2016-2018 FEB Shelf unit 69 90 Products and units may require assembly, please refer to the price tag. Products information is for reference only, Causeway Bay Store: UB, Parklane Hotel Shatin Store: L6, HomeSquare Kowloon Bay Store: L4, MegaBox Tsuen Wan Store: Level 3, 8½ Open daily