XW does not accept waitlist bookings. 酷鸟航空不接受候补预定 XW does not accept Group bookings in GDS. 酷鸟航空不接受在 GDS 预定团队 XW does not support ticket revalidation.

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Version 29 SEP 2017 NokScoot (XW) Available in GDS GDS Participation GDS 参与者 NokScoot (XW) is available on the following GDS provider: 酷鸟航空 (XW) 在下列 GDS 供应商可以使用 Amadeus (1A) Abacus (1B) Infini (1F) TravelSky (1E) How to request ticketing authorization 如何申请票务授权 Please send copy of IATA certificate to Groups@Nokscoot.com 请将 IATA 证书副本发送至 Groups@Nokscoot.com Product 产品 XW offers FLYBAGEAT and ScootBiz through the GDS. 酷鸟航空可以通过全球航空旅游服务分销系统 GDS 提供 FLYBAGEAT 和 ScootBiz 产品 FLYBAGEAT includes 20 kilograms baggage, hot meal and water FLYBAGEAT 已包括托运行李 20 公斤, 热餐和饮用水 ScootBiz includes 30 kilograms baggage, hot meal and water/soft drink. ScootBiz 已包括托运行李 30 公斤热餐和饮用水 / 汽水 Agent to contact NokScoot Call Center (+66) 2 021 0000 for meal choice. 代理联系酷鸟服务中心 (+66)2 021 0000 进行餐食选择 FARE TYPE 舱位种类 FLYBAGEAT 经济舱 + 行李 + 套餐 SCOOTBIZ 酷鸟航空高端经济舱 Regular Classes 普通舱位 R P F A S Y B M H W N X O Z C J D BOOKING RESTRICTIONS 预订限制 No commission and No Tourcode. Please refer fare on the GDS. 没有佣金和没有促销代码 请参考 GDS 上的费用 FLY & FLYBAG fares are NOT available through the GDS. 基本经济舱 FLY& 经济舱 + 行李 FLYBAG 运价不适用于 GDS 订单 1

XW does not accept waitlist bookings. 酷鸟航空不接受候补预定 XW does not accept Group bookings in GDS. 酷鸟航空不接受在 GDS 预定团队 XW does not support ticket revalidation. Ticket must be re-issued for change. 酷鸟航空不提供机票再验证, 更改机票必须重新出票 Minimum issuing ticket time is 4 hours before departure 出票时间为至少 4 个小时出发前 BOOKING PROCESS 预定流程 Passenger 旅客 Passenger titles accepted are: MR / MRS / MS / MISS / MSTR 旅客称谓可接受为 : 先生 / 夫人 / 女士 / 小姐 / 儿童 Please ensure that all passengers names have a title. 确保所有旅客名填写称谓 o Adult titles are MR (male), MRS and MS (female). 成人标题为 MR( 男性 ),MRS 和 MS( 女性 ) o Child titles are MSTR (male) and MISS (female). 儿童标题是 MSTR( 男性 ) 和 MISS( 女性 ) No space or Symbolic in First name and Family name. 姓和名字内无空间或符号 Example 例如 : Title 标题名称 : MR First name 名字 : YAN Middle name 中间名字 : XIN Family name 姓 : HUANG Correct name in GDS 在 GDS 正确的名字 : HUANG/XINYANMR HUANG/XINYAN MR Wrong name in GDS 在 GDS 错误的名字 : HUANG/XIN YAN MR X HUANG/XIN YANMR X HUANG/XIN-YAN MR X For a passenger with compound names, remove the spaces if the name is listed as first name in the passport. 对于具有复合名称的乘客, 如果姓名在护照中列为名字, 请删除空格 o Ex: James Robert Bryce-Buchanan should be listed as 例如 :James Robert Bryce-Buchanan 应该列为 1BRYCEBUCHANAN/JAMESROBERT MR For passenger with single name, enter same Last/First name 对于单名乘客, 输入相同的姓 / 名 o Ex 例如 : Aminah 2

1Aminah/Aminah MS For passenger with single initial as First name 对于单字母为初名的乘客 o Ex 例如 : Jacob/A 1Jacob/AJacob MR If a party has two passenger with the same name, differentiate them (e.g. By adding different title or middle initial), as booking will be rejected if this occurs. 如果在同一订单下出现重名旅客, 系统会默认为错误信息并拒绝确认订单 但如做好区分工作, 还是可以实现预定 例, 重名旅客使用不同称谓或将其姓和名颠倒 Please ensure that all passengers have Date of Birth. 确保所有旅客名下填写生日 Infants can be booked up to two (2) years of age. 两岁以下幼儿可以预定为婴儿票 Infants can be booked using the SSR INFT entry. 婴儿票可以在通过添加特殊服务 SSR INF 项来进行预定 XW will not confirm the booking, if the Infant cap is reached on the flight you are trying to book. 如您递交的信息超过婴儿票预定限额, 酷鸟航空将不能确认的订单 No child fare. 无儿童票价 Child (CHD) can be booked up to twelve (12) years of age. 销售系统中可以预定十二岁以下 ( 两岁以上 ) 的儿童 SSR CHLD must be included for the pax to qualify as a child passenger. SSR CHLD 必须包括在内才能作为儿童乘客 Contact Details 联系人详情 Ensure that phone number and email address are included. 确保涵括电话号码和邮箱地址 Hold 预留票 Fares can be put on hold up to 24 hours from booking creation time. 自建立订单起, 票价可以预留 24 小时 The Holds from the first sector governs the entire booking. 预留票可预留订单内的所有航段 Original holds time remains the same, regardless of changes made to the booking before payment. 即便在付款前做过更改, 但预留时限计时将以原始预留时间为基准 3

Ticketing Time Limit 机票时限 Issuance of E-Tickets must be made within 24 hours. 电子客票必须在预约后的 24 小时内出票 Ancillary Services 附属服务 Purchase through XW Call Center +(66) 2 021 0000 附属服务可以通过酷鸟航空电话中心 +(66) 2 021 0000 购买 GDS Auto-price VS NokScoot Pricing GDS 自动价钱 VS 酷鸟航空价钱 Acceptable difference of USD 5.00 可接受 5 美元的差异 Refund 退票 Air fare and fuel surcharge is nonrefundable. Cancellation, refund and credit are not permitted. 不允许取消, 退票和信贷 Airport tax is refundable with Tax refund Administration fee. 机场税可退还带退税管理费 Void transaction 无效交易 Nokscoot permits voiding of ticket issuance and reissue. 酷鸟航空可以无效票证发放和重新发行 Void must be completed prior to midnight on the same day as incorrect or unwanted transaction. 无效必须在同一天的午夜之前完成不正确或不需要的交易 Payment Type 支付种类 BSP - XW is BSP Participating airline in Taiwan, China, and Thailand. BSP 作为 BSP 的参与成员, 酷鸟航空适用于以下国家及地区 : 台湾 中国和泰国 CHANGING NOKSCOOT FLIGHTS 更改酷鸟航空订单 Flight, date and time changes can be made through the GDS. 航班 日期及时间可以通过 GDS 更改 4

For any changes made to bookings less than 24 hours and not yet E-Ticketed, will not incur any change fees and fare difference. ONLY bookings which are confirmed and E- Ticketed are subject to change fees and fare difference. 更改尚未出具电子客票 且下单时间在 24 小时内的订单, 将不会产生任何更改费及机票差价 只有被确认并已出具电子客票的需收取改签费及机票差价 Change Made 变更进行 Change Fee 变更费 Fare Difference 票价差额 Within 24 hours of TTL No 否 Yes 是 在机票时限的 24 个小时之内 After 24 hours of TTL 在机票时限的 24 个小时之后 Yes 是 Yes 是 Flight, date, time and/or name changes are permitted up to 48 hours before departure for a fee, plus any applicable fare difference. 航班日期 时间或姓名更改, 只能在航班起飞 48 个小时前进行更改, 并且支付适用的机票差价 To change a flight you should: 更改航班流程 Delete the old and add the new flight in the same transaction in order to be charged correctly. 请在同一笔交易下, 删除旧航班并添加新航班, 以确保计费正确 You can then end the record and a confirmation response (HK status) should be received against the new flight. 然后, 你即可以对订单进行确认操作 操作完成后, 您将收到一个关于新航班确认信息 (HK status) If you get a negative response, then we will send a note back to the GDS booking explaining why. Generally it s because the class you sold is not available, so you may need to select another class. 如果您的操作被拒绝, 我们将发送一个备注信息给 GDS 系统来解释原因 一般情况下, 发生此类状况的原因为您想预定的舱位已售光, 所以您可以选择其他舱位来实现预定 If you are experiencing any abnormal issues with the booking changes, you can contact groups@nokscoot.com to investigate. 如果您在更改订单时遇到异常问题, 敬请联系 groups@nokscoot.com 进行调查 Reissuance of ticket is required for E-ticketed Transactions; agents would just need to pay the penalty fee + the fare difference returned via the SSR OTHS line. 电子机票需要发行票款的交易, 代理商将只需要支付违约金, 票价差额会通过 SSR OTHS 行返回 5

FLIGHT/DATE/TIME CHANGE 航班 / 日期 / 时间的变化 Thailand China Taiwan THB 1,800 CNY 360 TWD 1,700 * Fees will be charged and collected via OC tax code 费用将在 OC 税款代码下征收 NAME CHANGE 更改姓名 Passenger s Firstname changes can only be made through the GDS with fee. 乘客名字只会在 GDS 可以加费用进行更改 Name Change is allowed up to four hours before departure date. 出发日期前最多四个小时允许更改姓名 Ticket reissuance is required if name change is done after ticketing. 如果在售票后更改名称, 则需要重新发票 If name change is done via Call Center, agents would just need to pay the penalty fee + the fare difference returned via the SSR OTHS line. 如果通过服务中心进行姓名更改, 代理人只需支付罚款 + 通过 SSR OTHS 线返回的票价差额 If the name change is done via Call Center, travel agent must check to ensure a sync message from the airline with correct name has been received. 如果通过服务中心完成名称更改, 旅行社必须检查, 以确保收到航空公司同步信息的正确名称 For any changes made to bookings less than 24 hours and not yet E-Ticketed, will not incur any change fees and fare difference. ONLY bookings which are confirmed and E-Ticketed are subject to change fees and fare difference. 更改尚未出具电子客票 且下单时间在 24 小时内的订单, 将不会产生任何更改费及机票差价 只有已确认并出具电子客票许征收改签费及机票差价 THB 泰铢 CNY 人民币 TWD 台币 *Name change fee 改名费 Short-Haul 短途 Long-Haul 长途 Short-Haul 短途 Long-Haul 长途 Short-Haul 短途 Long-Haul 长途 N/A 1,800 N/A 360 N/A 1,700 * Fare difference applies. 机票差价适用 * Name Change Fee will be charged and collected via NC tax code. 费用将在 NC 税款代码下征收 6

* Ticket reissuance is required if name change is done after ticketing. 二次出票费适用于更改姓名的订单. Ancillary Services 附属服务 Purchase through XW Call Center +(66) 2 021 0000 附属服务可以通过酷鸟航空电话中心 +(66) 2 021 0000 购买 GDS Technical Assistance GDS 技术援助 REFUNDS 退票 Fare 运价 Contact your local respective GDS Helpdesk 请联系您相应当地的 GDS 帮助台 NokScoot fares are non refundable. Cancellations, refunds and credits are not permitted at any time if you require assistance, please contact our Call Centre at the numbers listed on http://www.nokscoot.com/en/help/contact-us or write to groups@nokscoot.com 酷鸟航空的机票不允许取消, 退款或返还票款至账户 如果您需要帮助, 请拨打我们的客服中心电话号码在 http://www.nokscoot.com/en/help/contact-us 或者写邮件到 groups@nokscoot.com Taxes 税 Airport tax is refundable with Tax refund Administration fee. 机场税可退还带退税管理费 Thailand China Taiwan THB 1,250 CNY 250 TWD 1,200 * Fees will be charged and collected via OC tax code 费用将在 OC 税款代码下征收 * Fees will be charged per passenger per booking. 费用将每位乘客每次预订征收 SSR The following special services can be requested on XW through the GDS with an SSR entry: 在 GDS 里添加 SSR 项, 可实现预定下列特殊服务 : 7

SSR Description INFT DOCS Adding an infant under 2 years of age to a booking. 在订单上添加婴儿票 (2 岁以下 ) Adding passenger passport data to the booking. 添加乘客的护照信息 DOCA Passenger Address information. 乘客的地址信息 DOCO Passenger Other travel related information. 乘客的其它旅行证件信息 OTHS Other Request. 其它要求 TKNE Ticket Electronic. 电子客票 For a list of NokScoot s Call Centre numbers, you may contact us at the most convenient number listed in http://www.nokscoot.com/en/help/contact-us 如想获取酷鸟航空电话中心联系方式, 请点击下文中的链接 ANCILLARY SERVICES 附属服务 Ancillaries can be booked and/or purchased through NokScoot s Call Centre. 附属服务可以通过酷鸟航空电话中心预定或购买 For Wheelchair service (WCHR), please contact NokScoot s Call Centre. 对于轮椅服务 (WCHR), 请联系酷鸟航空的服务中心 SEATING 座位 All NokScoot flights have allocated seating. Seat preferences for FLYBAGEAT fares can be requested through the Call Centre for a fee. 所有酷鸟航空航班的座位可以个性化分配 FLYBAGEAT 舱位等级的旅客可以通过电话中心付费预定自己心仪的座位 Seat preferences for ScootBiz fares are free of charge and can be requested via the Call Centre. 酷鸟航空高端经济舱旅客可以通过电话中心免费预定自己心仪的座位 NB: Call Centre will only execute SSR request made by travel agent for all GDS bookings. NB: 客服中心只会依据票务代理在 GDS 中递交的 SSR 信息执行操作处理 8

FARES & SCHEDULES 运价和时刻 Fares are loaded through ATPCO by our Planning team. ATPCO generally takes 3-5 days to action updates. 我公司的计划部门会通过 ATPCO 上传运价 一般情况下,ATPCO 会在收到运价后的 3-5 日内做更新处理 Updates to schedules are sent by our schedules team to OAG and Innovata. They should display in all GDS providers. 我公司的时刻部门会将更新的时刻发送给 OAG 和 Innovata OAG 和 Innovata 应该展示给所有 GDS 运营商 9