11 University of Oklahoma 12 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign - Speech Communication Department 13 University of Kentucky 14 Arizona State Uni

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传媒专业名校 传媒名校有哥伦比亚大学 密苏里新闻学院 西北大学 雪城大学 纽约大学, 这些大学的传媒学院排名在美国都是前十 选专业不是选学校, 雪城综合排名全美 50 左右, 专业排名前十没得说 一 美国传媒专业排名情况分析 名列新闻与大众传播专业本科前五名的大学是 :University of Missouri-Columbia, Northwestern University, Syracuse University, University of Minnesota, University of Illinois- Urbana- Champain 名列新闻研究生院的前五名是 :Columbia University, Northwestern University, University of Missouri-Columbia, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, University of Illinois- Urbana- Champain 二 专业方向排名 1 应用传播学 : 包括健康传播学, 政治传播学, 公共关系学 APPLIED COMMUNICATION - Includes Health Communication, Political Communication, and Public Relations. 1 University of Pennsylvania - Annenberg School for Communication 2 University of Texas, Austin - Speech Communication Department 3 Indiana University - Speech Communication Department 4 University of Maryland, College Park 5 Purdue University 6 Michigan State University - Communication Department 7 Stanford University 8 Northwestern University - Department of Communication Studies 8 University of Arizona 10 University of Southern California - Annenberg School for Communication

11 University of Oklahoma 12 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign - Speech Communication Department 13 University of Kentucky 14 Arizona State University 15 Michigan State University - Mass Media #. Program 16 Ohio University - Interpersonal Communication Department 17 Pennsylvania State University 18 University of South Florida 19 University of Georgia - Speech Communication Department 20 University of California, Santa Barbara 2 传播教育 COMMUNICATION EDUCATION 1 West Virginia University 2 University of Washington 3 Indiana University - Speech Communication Department 4 Pennsylvania State University 5 University of Nebraska, Lincoln 6 University of Oklahoma 7 Kent State University 8 Southern Illinois University, Carbondale 9 Northwestern University - Department of Radio-TV-Film 10 University of Missouri, Columbia 11 Wayne State University

12 University of New Mexico 13 New York University 14 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 15 University of Tennessee, Knoxville 3 传播学理论与研究 COMMUNICATION THEORY & RESEARCH - Includes Nonverbal Communication, Family Communication,Persuasion,Interpersonal Communication, and Small Group Communication 1 University of Texas, Austin - Speech Communication Department 2 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign - Speech Communication Department 3 Michigan State University - Communication Department 4 University of Wisconsin, Madison 5 University of Arizona 6 University of Iowa 7 Purdue University 8 Northwestern University - Department of Communication Studies 9 University of California, Santa Barbara 10 University of Pennsylvania - Annenberg School for Communication 4 媒介研究与文化批评 CRITICAL-CULTURAL/MEDIA STUDIES 1 University of Pennsylvania - Annenberg School for Communication 2 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign - Institute of Communications 3 University of Texas, Austin - Department of Radio-TV-Film 4 University of Iowa

5 University of Wisconsin, Madison 6 Northwestern University - Department of Radio-TV-Film 7 University of Southern California - Annenberg School for Communication 8 University of Massachusetts, Amherst 9 University of Utah 10 University of California, San Diego 5 跨文化传播 INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION 1 Arizona State University 2 University of Hawaii, Manoa 3 Howard University 3 University of New Mexico 5 University of Texas, Austin - Speech Communication Department 6 University of Oklahoma 7 University of Washington 8 University of California, Santa Barbara 9 University of California, San Diego 10 University of Southern California - Annenberg School for Communication 6 组织传播 ORGANIZATIONAL COMMUNICATION 1 Purdue University 2 University of Texas, Austin - Speech Communication Department 3 University of Colorado, Boulder

4 Michigan State University - Communication Department 5 University of Southern California - Annenberg School for Communication 6 University of Utah 7 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champagne - Speech Communication Department 8 University of Kansas 9 Arizona State University 10 Rutgers University 7 修辞学 RHETORIC - Includes Rhetorical Theory, Rhetorical Criticism, and History of Rhetoric 1 University of Iowa 2 Northwestern University - Department of Communication Studies 3 University of Texas, Austin - Speech Communication Department 4 Pennsylvania State University 5 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign - Speech Communication Department 6 Indiana University - Speech Communication Department 7 University of Minnesota, Minneapolis - Speech Communication Department 8 University of Wisconsin, Madison 9 University of California, Berkeley - Rhetoric Department 10 University of Southern California - Annenberg School for Communication 三 美国四大传媒名校专业设置哥伦比亚大学 Journalism, newspapers, magazines Television and radio programs and new forms of media

Politics, Arts & Culture, Business & Economics, and Science. Journalism and Public Life Social Impact of Media, Economic Legal, and Policy Aspects of Communication 纽约大学 Reporting New York Reporting the Nation Magazine Writing Program News and Documentary Business and Economic Reporting (BER) Cultural Reporting and Criticism (CRC) Science, Health and Environmental Reporting (SHERP) Global and Joint Program Studies 密苏里 - 哥伦比大学 Advertising Strategic Communication Convergence Students with No Significant Media Experience Convergence Students with Significant Experience in Strategic Communication Convergence Students with Significant Experience as a Broadcast Journalist Convergence Students With Significant Experience as a Print Reporter/Editor Convergence Students with Significant Experience as a Photojournalist Convergence Concentrations

Magazine Design Magazine Editing Magazine Writing News Design News Editing News Reporting/Writing Photojournalism Visual Editing & Management Reporting with Television Emphasis; No Prior Broadcast Experience Reporting with Radio Emphasis; No Prior Broadcast Experience Producing; No Prior Broadcast Experience Reporting with Television Emphasis; Professional Broadcast Experience Required In-Depth Reporting; Prior Broadcast Experience Required Investigative Reporting International Environmental Reporting Law and Conflict Resolution New Media News Media and Society Public Policy Journalism 雪城大学 Mass communications Advertising Arts journalism Broadcast journalism Documentary film and history Magazine, newspaper and online journalism Media management;media studies New media;photography Public diplomacy;public relations Television, radio and film 从学校的专业设置来看, 每个学校的侧重点都有所不同 例如 : 哥伦比亚大学的传媒学校没有像其他学校那样开设很多的学科, 学科的设置主要集中在新闻学传播领域, 纽约大学主要的研究领域是在传播新闻学方面, 尤其是采访技巧, 新闻播报等实用性方面

纽约大学和哥伦比亚大学同样是以新闻报道而出名, 所以他们的学科设置上也有很多相同之处, 但是纽约大学与哥伦比亚大学相比更偏向于商业新闻报导这一领域 他的专业设置多以 Business and Economic Reporting 为主, 并且在这一领域有很强的权威性 密苏里大学的新闻传媒学校是全美几大最知名的新闻学校之一, 也是美国最早提供新闻传媒高等教育的学院, 并且密苏里大学的新闻学院规模非常大, 师资力量强大 教授的领域也非常广泛, 主要分为广告, 新闻编辑 照片 杂志 新闻 电台六大方面 在课程设置上也比较注重学生在新闻采访和写作技巧方面的培养, 同时这所大学所教授的课程大多是以研究性为主 雪城大学在美国是以文科著名的院校, 全美排名 50 左右 传媒学校的计算机房全部采用的是苹果机, 所以准备去那就读的学子们可以现在就开始适应下苹果机的操作系统了 并且她的传媒学校师资力量达到 60 名之多 可见其传媒学院之庞大