China-International IP Forum 中國國際知識產權論壇 KEYNOTE Speakers 主題演講嘉賓 Teresa Stanek Rea USPTO Teresa Stanek Rea is Deputy Director of the U.S. Patent and Tr

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CHINA - INTERNATIONAL IP FORUM 中國國際知識產權論壇 June 20 & 21 2012, Beijing 2012年6月20及21日, 北京 Speaker Biographies Sponsors 贊助商 Supported by 協助機構 SONODA & KOBAYASHI INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW FIRM CCPIT PATENT & TRADEMARK LAW OFFICE 中國國際貿易促進委員會專利商標事務所 50 Years

China-International IP Forum 中國國際知識產權論壇 KEYNOTE Speakers 主題演講嘉賓 Teresa Stanek Rea USPTO Teresa Stanek Rea is Deputy Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Ms. Rea oversees an office that encourages innovation and technological advancement, and helps businesses protect their investments, promote their goods and safeguard against deception in the marketplace. Ms. Rea joined the USPTO in 2011 as Deputy Director. She is a leading attorney in the field of intellectual property with more than 25 years of legal experience and a past president of the American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA). Before joining the USPTO, Ms. Rea was a partner in Crowell & Moring LLP s Washington, D.C., office where she focused on intellectual property and dispute resolution related to pharmaceutical, biotechnology and other life science issues. Rea has experience in drafting infringement and validity opinions, as well as experience in interference and licensing matters. Ms. Rea also worked for Ethyl Corporation from 1980 through 1984 and for patent boutique firm Burns, Doane, Swecker & Mathis in Alexandria, Va. Ms. Rea is a member of many technical and legal associations and has been a frequent lecturer and publisher on patent topics including biotechnology, nanotechnology, licensing, technology transfer, patent practice, export control and interferences. Ms. Rea received a Juris Doctor degree from Wayne State University and a Bachelor of Science degree in pharmacy from the University of Michigan. Wenhua Ji MOFCOM Mr. Wenhua Ji is the deputy division director at the Department of Treaty and Law, Ministry of Commerce. Before taking this position, he served as the legal advisor at the Mission of China to the WTO in Geneva since 2006 where he took charge of WTO dispute settlement and intellectual property right affairs. He specialises in horizontal issues of WTO, dispute settlement and intellectual property rights, and often writes in law reviews and journals both in Chinese and English and co-authored several books. Mr. Wenhua Ji graduated from Peking University in China with a PhD degree in law. 紀文華, 法學博士, 中國商務部條約法律司副處長, 曾任中國常駐世界貿易組織代表團法律官員, 長期從事中國參與 WTO 談判 爭端解決 國際貿易與知識產權等事務, 研究領域為國際經濟法律和政策 貿易與知識產權, 曾在 Journal of World Trade 等中外期刊發表文章多篇, 合著和參編作品多部 Stephen Hey EPO Stephen Hey is a Principal Director at the European Patent Office responsible for Business Services within Directorate General 1, Search, Examination and Opposition. His responsibilities include the coordination of patent procedures management within DG1 and he was the leader of the recent Raising the Bar initiative which streamlined the European patent procedure. He is British and studied Physics at Leeds University receiving B.Sc.(Hons.) and Ph.D. degrees. He worked in the electrical industry after graduation in the United Kingdom and Germany specialising on the development of low smoke and fume cables, high voltage dielectrics and high voltage electrical equipment prior to joining the EPO as an examiner in 1991. During his career at the EPO, in addition to duties as an examiner, he has been involved in numerous projects and subject areas including Telecommunications as a Director and Polymers, Computer Implemented Inventions and Audio Video Media as a Principal Director. 2

China-International Ip Forum 中國國際知識產權論壇 Takeshi Akatsu Sonoda & Kobayashi Dr. Akatsu, with technical expertise in materials science, especially in the field of semiconductor and opto-electronic technologies, has an extensive international career. He studied at the University of Tokyo and UC Santa Barbara (USA), was a researcher at Max- Planck-Institutes of Metal Research and Microstructure Physics (Germany) and was in charge of R&D projects at SOITEC (France). Upon returning to Japan, Dr. Akatsu became engaged in the field of intellectual property law, joined Sonoda & Kobayashi and passed the Japanese Patent Attorney Examination in 2010. Dr. Akatsu is fluent in English, German and French, not to mention Japanese. 赤津豪先生畢業於東京大學工學部, 曾先後赴美 德留學 在東京大學獲工學博士後, 曾歷任德國馬克斯普朗克研究所研究員 法國半導體生產廠家 (SOITEC) 研發項目負責人等職務 回日本後進入知識產權業界, 只用 1 年半的時間就順利通過了考試,2010 年獲得專利代理人資格 赤津先生在材料工程 半導體技術以及光電設備領域有豐富的研發和專利代理經驗, 並且具有優秀的語言天分, 除日語外還能使用流利英語 德語 法語進行無障礙溝通 Cindy Bian Huawei Technologies Cindy Bian joined Huawei in 2005. She holds the qualifications for China patent agent and China lawyer. She is now representative of European team in the HQs, and a member of Huawei patent professional committee. She has been working in Germany from 2008 to 2011 being a liaison person between HQs and EP team and project leader for EP oppositions. Her main task is to enhance patent portfolio; manage outside attorneys on patent matters; process invention reports; prosecute patent applications and subsequent filing and prosecution internationally; provide trainings; provide legal opinion regarding patent infringement; handle IP infringement cases. Ulrich Blumenröder Grünecker Ulrich Blumenröder practices Unfair Competition Law, Design Patent Law, Utility Model and Patent Law, Licensing and Copyright Law. Mr. Blumenröder focuses, however, on Patent and Design Patent Litigation in all German courts, especially the courts in Düsseldorf, Mannheim and Munich. He has also experience in cross-border litigation, organizing and conducting multi-national litigation and Arbitration. The clients range from mid-sized German entities to large Korean, Chinese, US and Japanese companies. 烏裡奇 布魯門瑞德律師的職業領域包括反不正當競爭法 外觀設計專利法 發明及實用新型專利法 許可與著作權法 布魯門瑞德先生特別致力於各類專利在德國法庭, 特別是位於杜塞爾多夫 曼海姆及慕尼黑的法庭的侵權訴訟案件 此外他在跨國侵權訴訟 組織和處理多國訴訟及仲裁方面亦經驗豐富 他代理的客戶包括從中型德國公司一直到韓國 中國 美國及日本的大型公司在內的各類企業 John Bochnovic AIPPI John Bochnovic is Vice President of the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI) and Chair of Smart & Biggar/Fetherstonhaugh. Mr. Bochnovic has over 30 years of extensive intellectual property advisory experience, particularly within the fields of patents and trade-marks and including multi-jurisdictional litigation. His client activities span a wide-range of industry sectors, including electronics, communications and pharmaceuticals. Mr. Bochnovic was a research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Patent, Copyright and Competition Law in Munich. In addition to having taught patent law at the University of Ottawa s Faculty of Law for many years, Mr. Bochnovic has presented papers worldwide on a variety of subjects in the field of intellectual property law. 3

China-International IP Forum 中國國際知識產權論壇 Simon Brown Adams & Adams Simon was admitted as an attorney in 1997 and has for the past 15 years been a partner at Adams & Adams. At present, he is the head of the trade mark prosecution and recordal department, as well as deputy chairman of the trade mark department at Adams & Adams. Simon s practice focuses largely on clearance investigations, filing and prosecution of trade mark cases and trade mark portfolio management throughout Africa and internationally. As well as being a lecturer in International trade mark Law for SAIIPL (South African Institute of Intellectual Property Law), Simon is actively involved in a number of committees for both SAIIPL and INTA (International Trade Mark Association). Adams & Adams is one of the biggest law firms in Africa with a professional staff complement of 65 partners and some 109 lawyers. The firm recently acquired the IP Practice of Bowman Gilfillan (John & Kernick). The firm has offices in various African locations including newly established presences in Burundi, Tanzania (including Zanzibar) and Cameroun (to cover the important West African Regional OAPI System). Additional associated offices in Ghana, Kenya & Nigeria should be in place by year end. Adams & Adams is recognised both locally and internationally as a leader in the area of intellectual property law and in certain other specialised practice areas, including commercial law. Marco Camolese Metroconsult Italian Patent, Trademark & Design Attorney. Qualified European Patent Attorney. Community Trademark and Design Attorney. Marco was born in 1967. Electronic Engineer, fluent in English, French, German, Spanish and with basic knowledge of Russian and Japanese. Marco is associated to LES (Licensing Executive Society), AIDB (Associazione Italiana Documentalisti Brevettuali), AIPPI (Associazione Internazionale per la Protezione della Proprietà Intellettuale), EPI (European Patent Institute), and Member of Commitee 1 for EQE (European Qualifying Examination). Marco is a lecturer at MOPI (Operative Master in Intellectual Property) and at the Course of preparation for becoming an Italian patent attorney.he is also a technical Expert for the Court of Turin, experienced as third-party technical expert. Robin Cefai Sisvel Robin Cefai currently practices licensing and works as an IP counsel in patent strategy. He has been involved in the preparation and prosecution of patent applications since late 2000 in the electrical, electronic and computer fields. Mr. Cefai has an extensive amount of prosecution experience, as well as experience in drafting freedom-to-operate studies and counseling clients on intellectual property issues. Mr. Cefai practiced Patent law In France (Cabinet LAVOIX and Cabinet Plasseraud), the USA (Mc Kenna, Long and Aldridge LLP), Korea (LG Electronics) and Hong Kong (Sisvel Ltd). As a result, Mr. Cefai acquired an extensive experience in compared law. Since 2006, Mr. Cefai is also involved in the EPI and ASPI programs for training candidates for the European Patent Attorney Examination. Prior to practicing patent law, Mr. Cefai was an engineer in Research and development in the field of telecommunications. Education Law degree in Patent law in Strasbourg, France 2004 Engineering degree in Electronics and Telecommunication, Paris, France 1999 Admitted Patent Agent with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (2007) French Patent Attorney with the French Patent Office (2006) European Patent Attorney with the European Patent Office (2005) 4

China-International Ip Forum 中國國際知識產權論壇 Campbell Chiang Qualcomm Inc Mr. Campbell Chiang is presently Patent Counsel for Qualcomm, Inc. His current role includes supporting Qualcomm Patent Department s efforts in China. Before joining Qualcomm in 2010, Mr. Chiang was in private practice with the law firms of Perkins Coie, LLP in Menlo Park, California, and Kenyon & Kenyon, LLP in New York, New York. Mr. Chiang holds a J.D. from Duke University, School of Law (2004) and a B.S. in Computer Science and Engineering from University of California Los Angeles (2001). He is admitted to practice in New York, California, and before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. 江長道現任高通專利律師, 其職責包括支持高通專利部在中國的工作. 在 2010 年加入高通之前, 江長道在 Perkins Coie, LLP 律師事務所加州 Menlo Park 辦公室和 Kenyon & Kenyon, LLP 律師事務所紐約辦公室執業 江長道獲得美國杜克大學法學院的法律博士學位 (2004) 同時擁加利福尼亞大學洛杉磯分校計算機科學與工程學士學位 (2001) 他擁有紐約 加州 和美國專利局的執業資格 Roberto Dini Metroconsult With more than 35 year of experience, Mr. Roberto Dini is one of the best known and appreciated Intellectual Property experts. He began his career with Indesit where he was Head of the Patent and Trademark Office. In 1982 Mr. Dini founded Sisvel, which has soon become a world leader in managing Intellectual Property and maximizing the value of patent rights. In 1987 Mr. Dini founded Metroconsult, an Intellectual Property Consultancy firm based in Turin, with branch offices in Milan and Genoa, wherein he transferred the experience acquired from the industrial world, providing his clients with high-quality services tailored to the needs of each individual client. Mr. Dini is a Member of the Italian Industrial Property Consultant Association, a registered Patent Attorney within the European Patent Office (EPO) and Trademark and Design attorney within the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM). Mr. Dini is currently the president of LES (Licensing Executives Society) Italy and chairman of the LES Patent and Technology Licensing Committee. Mr. Dini is also a member of AIPPI (International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property), ECTA (European Communities Trade Mark Practitioners Association), AIDA (Italian Association of Advanced Documentation), and AEIT (Italian Federation of Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Automation, Computer Science and Telecommunications). Born in 1946, Roberto Dini has a degree in Electronic Engineering from the Polytechnic of Turin. He is fluent in English, French and has a good knowledge of German. During his experience with industrial companies he invented over 30 patents. 5

China-International IP Forum 中國國際知識產權論壇 Klaus Goehen Eisenführ Speiser Mr. Goehen studied electrical engineering at the Technical Universities of Hanover and Munich, specializing in telecommunications engineering, electroacoustics, electronics, television engineering, control systems and digital message processing. Research and development work in the semiconductor field at IBM and Siemens. Legal training from 1990 to 1994 in the Patents/Trademarks/Licensing Dept. of Thomson Consumer Electronics/Telefunken Fernseh und Rundfunk GmbH in Hanover, London, Paris and Princeton/MA, at the German Patent and Trademark Office and the German Patent Court. European Patent Attorney since 1993 and German Patent Attorney since 1994, at Eisenführ Speiser since 1994. North German Director of University of Strasbourg CEIPI training in European patent law. Dan Gurfinkel Dennemeyer Daniel Gurfinkel received his Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, in 1984. He continued his education at the Indiana University School of Law Bloomington, earning his Juris Doctor degree in 1987. Daniel is a United States Patent and Trademark Office Registered Patent Attorney since 1990 and is admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court, the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, and the Illinois Supreme Court. Daniel has over 25 years of practical experience in intellectual property law, including preparation and prosecution of patents, trademarks and copyright registrations and protection of intellectual property rights. Prior to joining the Dennemeyer Group, Daniel had worked for well known law firms in Chicago, Illinois where he focused on all aspects of intellectual property including litigation and prosecution of patents, trademarks and copyright and on trade secret matters; advising small and large clients. Daniel s main areas of practice are prosecution, litigation and management of all forms of intellectual property, including trademarks, patents, and copyrights for clients in various branches of the mechanical, manufacturing and telecommunications industries. Since 2010, Daniel Gurfinkel serves as the founder and principal of the Dennemeyer & Associates office in Chicago, Illinois. His role focuses on providing IP-related legal assistance to companies and individuals and counseling clients concerning protection of their IP rights and needs. Dennemeyer & Associates is the premier resource for global IP law services. In conjunction with the services of Dennemeyer & Co, the Dennemeyer Group offers a full range of legal and non-legal IP-related services worldwide enabling clients to effectively manage their IP assets. 6 Michael Heafey Orrick Michael Heafey is a partner in the Intellectual Property Group based in Silicon Valley, focusing on all aspects of patent and trade secret litigation. Mr. Heafey has litigated in state and federal court and in the International Trade Commission. Mr. Heafey recently led an Orrick team that successfully defeated Tessera, Inc. in an ITC Investigation. Mr. Heafey was second chair at the 2008 hearing in the ITC investigation brought by Tessera against various DRAM manufacturers. Mr. Heafey cross examined Tessera s infringement expert witness and worked on other technical issues to obtain a decision of no infringement of Tessera s patents. Mr. Heafey has also led the defense of Siliconware Precision Industries, Co., Ltd. against patent infringement charges by Tessera, Inc. in district court and in the International Trade Commission. Mr. Heafey is leading the team that has successfully initiated and prosecuted reexamination against Tessera s patents in the Patent Office. Continued overleaf

China-International Ip Forum 中國國際知識產權論壇 Mr. Heafey has litigated numerous other patent cases involving electronics, software and telecom systems in district courts throughout the United States. Prior to joining Orrick, Mr. Heafey served as the general counsel and secretary at Sunrise Telecom. Sunrise Telecom is a Silicon Valley company that is a leader in the design and manufacturing of telecommunications test equipment. In 2004-2005, Mr. Heafey led the successful defense of Sunrise Telecom Incorporated in a patent infringement case against Acterna, Inc. Michael Heafey 律師是奧睿硅谷辦事處知識產權業務部的合伙人, 主要從事有關專利和商業秘密訴訟業務 Heafey 律師曾在聯邦和州法院以及美國國際貿易委員會執行訴訟 Heafey 律師近期領導奧睿團隊在一項美國國際貿易委員會調查中成功擊敗 Tessera 2008 年,Heafey 律師曾在一項由 Tessera 對多家電腦存儲器生產商提起的美國國際貿易委員會調查中擔任次席律師 Heafey 律師交叉詢問了 Tessera 的侵權專家證人, 並且研究了其他技術問題, 從而獲得對 Tessera 的專利沒有侵權的裁決 Heafey 律師還領導團隊代表 Siliconware Precision Industries, Co., Ltd., 在其被 Tessera 於地區法院和美國國際貿易委員會作出專利侵權起訴時作出辯護 Heafey 律師帶領團隊成功在專利局對 Tessera 的專利發起起訴復審 Heafey 律師還在美國地區法院處理多項涉及電子 軟件和電信系統行業的專利案件, 並進行訴訟 在加入奧睿之前,Heafey 律師曾擔任 Sunrise Telecom 的首席法律顧問兼秘書 Sunrise Telecom 是硅谷一家設計和生產電信測試設備的公司 在 2004 至 2005 年,Heafey 律師在一項與 Acterna,Inc. 的侵權案件中成功為 Sunrise Telecom 辯護 Yuefeng He State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) Education background University of Science and Technology of China/Bachelor of Science Master of Science China University of Political Science and Law/LLM Peking University/Doctor of Laws LLD University Of Washington/Senior visiting scholar Working experience Deputy director general, Physics Examination Department of Patent Office, SIPO Director general, legal affairs department, SIPO Deputy director general, patent management department, SIPO Deputy director general, Protection and Coordination Department, SIPO Deputy director general, Preliminary Examination and Flow Management Department, SIPO Social responsibilities Part-time Professor and supervisor of Peking University, Tsinghua University and University of Political Science and Law Specially invited instructor of PCT International Department, WIPO 何越峰博士 教育背景 中國科技大學 / 理學學士 理學碩士 中國政法大學 / 法學碩士 北京大學 / 法學博士 美國華盛頓大學 / 高級訪問學者 工作經歷 國家知識產權局專利局物理審查部一處副處長 國家知識產權局條法司條法二處處長 國家知識產權局專利管理司副司長 國家知識產權局保護協調司副司長 國家知識產權局專利局初審及流程管理部副部長 社會職務 北大 清華 政法等高校, 法學院兼職教授 碩士生導師 世界知識產權組織 PCT 國際局特邀教官 7

China-International IP Forum 中國國際知識產權論壇 Jing Huang Aigo Huang Jing, currently Supervisor of IPR of Beijing huaqi Information (aigo) digital technology Co., LTD, responsible for the management of corporate intellectual property, master of intellectual property infringement litigation.graduated from Beijing University Intellectual Property Institute, and a former Beijing University Founder Group, Knowledge Management Director, Technical Development Director, founder of intellectual property rights management systems. Joint Beijing Intellectual Property Office jointly issued the Intellectual Property Rights Lecture Theatre CD-ROM; the national intellectual property development research center overseas exhibition IPR dispute subject research co-author experts, to cope with the German exhibition intellectual property dispute guidelines ; Beijing Intellectual Property youth volunteer corps lecturer; founder and Co-Chairman of Beijing Intellectual Property Rights Sharon. 黃晶, 現任北京華旗資訊 ( 愛國者 ) 數碼科技有限公司知識產權主管, 負責企業知識產權管理工作, 精通知識產權侵權訴訟 畢業於北京大學知識產權學院, 曾任北京北大方正集團知識管理總監 技術發展總監, 創建方正知識產權管理體系 聯合北京市知識產權局共同發行 知識產權大講堂 光盤, 國家知識產權發展研究中心 海外展會知識產權糾紛研究 課題專家, 合著 < 企業應對德國展會知識產權糾紛指南 >, 北京市知識產權青年講師志願團講師, 北京知識產權沙龍發起人及聯席主席 Yanchen Jia China Technology Exchange (CTEX) Ms. Yanchen Jia is working as a Senior Manager in China Technology Exchange (CTEX), mainly focusing on IP Auction. In year 2010 and 2011, Yanchen worked as the coordinator of the first and second IP Auction of CTEX. She was also responsible in organizing and coordinating Technology Trading Fair of Important Scientific and Technical Achievements under the support of Ministry of Science and Technology, CHINA. Yanchen is very much familiar with IP auction procedures, technology trading design and IP commercialization. Before joining into CTEX, Yanchen has worked as a coordinator for Technology Broker Training in Beijing Technology Market Management Office and Beijing Technology Market Union, which are under the supervision of Beijing Municipal Commission of Science and Technology. 賈燕琛負責並組織中國技術交易所第一屆 第二屆專利拍賣活動 包括主持標的招商 盡職調查 交易環節組織及相關事項 負責並組織 十一五 國家重大科技成果公開交易活動 包括對國家重大科技成果公開展示 發佈及交易活動的組織 擅長 : 知識產權集中公開交易組織 科研院所成果轉化 交易結構設計等 曾就職於北京技術市場管理辦公室 北京技術市場協會 負責技術經紀人 技術經理人及相關培訓工作 Yilin Jin Grünecker Yilin Jin has been a German Patent Attorney Trainee at Grünecker since 2010. He studied at Beijing Normal University and obtained a Master s degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Aachen in Germany. His experience in patent prosecution covers a variety of technical fields and includes opposition and appeal proceedings before the EPO. In addition to prosecution, he has been involved in a number of patent litigation procedures and served clients ranging from mid-sized Chinese companies to large international enterprises. His working languages are Chinese, German and English. 金亦林自 2010 年起作為德國專利律師培訓生在 Grünecker 工作 他曾就讀於北京師範大學和德國亞琛工業大學並取得電子工程碩士學位 在專利申請領域, 他擁有不同技術領域的經驗並處理過多件歐洲專利異議和復審案件 此外他多次參與專利侵權和無效訴訟並參與向中國企業及知名跨國公司提供的咨詢業務 他的工作語言為中文 德文及英文 8

China-International Ip Forum 中國國際知識產權論壇 Rolf Klemm Dennemeyer Rolf Klemm graduated in mechanical engineering with focus on automatic manufacturing at Technical University of Munich in 1998. Thereafter, he worked as project engineer responsible for the development of stone working machine lines. He studied law at Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich and Regensburg. Between 2000 and 2003 he was trained as patent attorney in a patent law firm in Munich. He passed the German patent bar examination in 2003 and is also admitted as a European patent attorney at the European Patent Office, as well as a professional representative at the European Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM) for Community Trademarks and Community Designs. He founded his own private practice in 2007. In 2011, he merged his law firm with Dennemeyer & Associates. His main areas of practice are German, European and international intellectual property law, including patent prosecution, especially drafting and filing applications, enforcement/litigation, opposition and appeal proceedings, as well as nullity and infringement cases in the fields of electronics, electric machines, telecommunications, computer-related inventions, general engineering, mechanics and physics. Dirk Kromm Dennemeyer Dirk Kromm holds a degree in Technical Physics from the Technical University of Munich. He is a registered German Patent Attorney and a European Trademark and Design Attorney since 2001. With more than 15 years of working experience in the intellectual property field, Dirk has specialized in areas such as strategic patent management, development of IP corporate strategies, and assessment of IP risks. Prior to joining the Dennemeyer Group, Dirk Kromm held several IP management positions at highly successful companies such as DaimlerChrysler and Knorr-Bremse, where he held the position of Senior Patent Counsel and played a leading role in optimizing IP processes. Dirk s main areas of practice are conception, filing and enforcement of IP rights at international level, and offering legal assistance in all IP areas for companies, particularly in the automotive and railway industries. Dirk Kromm has specialized in cooperating with various IP law firms on a wide range of intellectual property matters ranging from freedom-to-operate analyses, to M&A projects and monitoring of third-party IP rights. Dirk has recently been appointed in the position of Head of IP Consulting Europe at Dennemeyer & Co. His focus is to engage with customers across Europe, support them in understanding the value of their IP portfolio and developing IP strategies and business plans to maximize value from their IP portfolio. Alban Kwan Melbourne IT Alban Kwan is the Country Manager, Greater China for Melbourne IT Digital Brand Services. He has eight years of extensive experience working in the digital and online space of which four of those years have been with online brand related services. Alban s expertise includes wireless technologies & networking, domain name strategy, online brand protection and search engine optimization. Following the acquisition of VeriSign DBMS, Melbourne IT DBS has become one of the world s largest corporate service providers in online brand protection and promotion services. Melbourne IT Digital Brand Services is the number one provider of corporate domain name management solutions and offer specialized expertise & analytical capability to help companies make smarter decisions to manage their online presence. Melbourne IT DBS is a pioneer on the new gtld program with years of research and accumulated knowledge well before the launch of the new gtld. Alban has a Bachelor of Management degree and a Master of Management Degree from Monash University in Australia. He has assisted many high profile MNCs in their online brand protection and the new gtld strategy. 9

China-International IP Forum 中國國際知識產權論壇 Josef Lehle Audi China Born in 1958 in Bavaria, Germany, Josef Lehle studied after Abitur Mechanical Engineering at Technical University Muenchen (TUM), with a final thesis about Laser Materials Processing with Prof. Joachim Milberg (IWB). After working as a Design Engineer for Welding Machineries with KUKA Schweissanlagen und Roboter GmbH he joined Krauss Maffei as a Project Engineer for Special Purpose Plastics Machinery. In 1992 he joined Tiedke, Buehling, Kinne (TBK - Patent) to become a European Patent Attorney and a Patent Attorney (in Germany); later he was employed with Bosch and Siemens Home Appliance GmbH (BSH) in the Patent Department. Since 2005 he is employed with Audi AG Ingolstadt in the Patent Department responsible for the Drive Train. In April 2012 he was appointed Head of Patents, Trademarks, Design Patents at Audi China Enterprise Management Co., Ltd to establish and manage the IP department of the Chinese branch of Audi AG. Hongbin Li Smart & Biggar Hongbin Li is an associate in the Ottawa office of Smart & Biggar/Fetherstonhaugh. His practice focusses on patent prosecution in the fields of pharmaceuticals, chemistry, biotechnology, medical devices and diagnostics, applied materials and consumer products. Prior to entering into the practice of law, Mr. Li worked in the biotechnology/pharmaceutical industry as a scientific developer. His job responsibilities included coordinating between R&D and patenting efforts. Mr. Li is also academically trained in the field of bioinformatics. His graduate research in this subject was aimed at decoding the structural-functional relationship of biomolecules through computer-aided systems and involved developing computational tools for analyzing large-scale biological data. Mr. Li was the recipient of several scholarships awarded for academic excellence during his undergraduate and graduate studies. Esther H. Lim Finnegan Esther H. Lim is managing partner of Finnegan s Shanghai office. She has a broad patent practice, including litigation, prosecution, licensing, opinions, due diligence investigations, and portfolio management. She has represented many international companies from Asia, Europe, and the U.S. in complex cases. Ms. Lim frequently lectures and writes internationally on issues relating to procurement and enforcement of U.S. intellectual property rights. She is the Editor-in-Chief of the Last Month at the Federal Circuit, Finnegan s monthly newsletter distributed to subscribers worldwide. Ms. Lim taught advanced patent law and public policy courses as an adjunct professor at Howard University School of Law in the U.S. for six years. In 2010, she started teaching new IP courses to postgraduate students at Renmin University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China. She previously clerked for the Honorable Randall R. Rader of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. In 2005, she received Best Lawyers Under 40 Award from the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association. 林藝思現任本事務所上海代表處的創始管理合伙人 林律師在專利法領域執業廣泛, 包括訴訟 申請 許可 出具法律意見 盡職調查和專利組合管理 她在複雜案件中代表許多亞洲, 歐洲和美國的跨國企業處理專利問題 林律師經常就美國知識產權的申辦與執行問題在各國舉行講座和發表文章 她擔任 Finnegan 月刊 Last Month at the Federal Circuit 的主編, 該刊每月向全球訂閱者發行 林律師曾擔任霍華德大學法學院兼職教授, 主講專利法和公共政策高級課程長達六年 她於 2010 年開始, 在中國人民大學和上海交通大學為研究生教授新的知識產權課程 林律師曾擔任聯邦上訴巡回法院 Randall R. Rader 的法務助理 2005 年, 她榮獲全國美籍亞太裔律師協會 (National Asian Pacific American Bar Association) 40 歲以下最佳律師 (Best Lawyers Under 40) 奬 10

China-International Ip Forum 中國國際知識產權論壇 Patricia Liu China Technology Exchange (CTEX) Ms. Yamei LIU (Patricia LIU) born in Beijing in 1973. Working in China Technology Exchange(CTEX) as the Vice General Manager, Patricia plays the role of a technology transfer broker and a consultant in renewable energy, environmental protection and mordern agriculture domains, and is responsible for international cooperation and international technology transfer in CTEX. In 2006, Patricia got her Master Certificate in Economics in University of International Business and Economics (UIBE), China. From 2007 to 2009, She studied in Germany and got her Master Degree (major in Material Flow Management and Circular Economy) in University of Applied Sciences Trier, Germany. During her stay in Germany, Patricia worked as a project coordinator in two German acdemic institutes---the Institute for Material Flow Management and the Institute of Future Energy Systems, to do data collection and analysis in two Sino-German circular economy projects, among which, the project The Biogas CHP & Biofertilizer Factory in a pig farm in Luxia County, Fujian Province is the first Sino-German project in Fujian Province. Before studying and working in Germany, Patricia worked as a marketing supervisor in two Sino-French Pharmaceutical companies in Beijing. Patricia has rich knowledges and experiences in Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions, renewable energies and Clean-tech commercializaion, etc. She is also very familar with the Chinese laws, policies and regulations related to IP in clean-tech fields. Patricia is full of working and studying passion and has successfully cooperated with Chinese/international government departments, NGOs and other relavant companies. Patricia speaks fluent English, and also understands German and French. Being a big fan of Chinese ancient culture and music, Patricia is also hooked by horticulture. What s more, she is an absolute environmental protection volunteer. 劉雅梅, 女,1973 年生於北京 現在在中國技術交易所的會員與機構合作部擔任副總經理, 負責國際交流合作以及國際技術轉移工作 2007 年 -2009 年, 在德國 Fachhochschule Trier 大學學習, 主攻方向是物質流管理與循環經濟, 獲得理碩士學位 在德期間, 先後在德國物質流管理研究所與德國未來能源研究所學習和工作, 並擔任中的兩國循環經濟項目的協調工作, 先後參與了 福建省循環經濟試驗區首個中德合作項目 和 中國農業 養殖業和城鎮有機廢棄物的資源化 項目的部分工作 留德之前, 曾在兩家法國合資公司任職, 主要負責市場拓展和客戶維護工作 劉雅梅在溫室氣體減排, 可再生能源利用, 清潔技術成果商業化, 等領域有著豐富的專業知識, 熟悉相關的法律和法規, 有成功的與政府, 非政府組織和其他企業的合作經歷 劉雅梅的英語流利, 並且通曉德語和法語 喜愛古典文化和古典音樂, 酷愛園藝, 是堅定的環境保護志願者 Kevin Luo Microsoft Dr Kevin Luo is presently the general manager of legal affairs for Microsoft Asia-Pacific Research and Development Group ( Microsoft ARD ). He has the overall responsibility for all legal issues for Microsoft ARD as well as patent issues relating to the region. Microsoft ARD is Microsoft s largest R&D center outside the US. It has over three thousand people conducting world-class research or contributing to the development of Microsoft s major products. Prior to his current position, Dr Luo was the associate general counsel for patents for the Server and Tools Business of Microsoft, a business with over US$16 billion in annual revenue. He led a team of attorneys, patent agents, technical analysts, and paralegals, and was responsible for all aspects of patent-related matters for the business. The Server and Tools Business develops and markets world leading enterprise IT products and solutions, such as servers, database products, system management tools, cloud computing platforms, and programming tools. Before this, Dr Luo held the position of the director of IP licensing and senior licensing counsel of the IP Licensing Group at Microsoft, and he worked as the lead patent attorney for Microsoft s Windows Division. Before joining Microsoft in 1999, Dr Luo was in private practice with the former law firm of Pennie & Edmonds LLP in New York City. Continued overleaf 11

China-International IP Forum 中國國際知識產權論壇 Dr Luo holds a JD from Fordham University Law School, New York City; PhD and MA from Columbia University, New York City, both in electrical engineering, and a BS in electrical engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China in 1984. He is admitted to practice in New York, Washington, before the USPTO, the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, and the US Supreme Court. He is fluent in English and Chinese. Mingxiong Luo Beijing Software & Information Services Exchanges 羅明雄, 北京軟件和信息服務交易所 ( 軟交所 ) 副總裁 清華大學經濟管理學院職業導師 國家版權評估中心專家委員會委員 曾任中科院微電子所人事教育處常務副處長 北京產權交易所知識產權交易中心副主任 掌訊集團副總裁等職務 湖南郴州人氏, 本科畢業於山東大學 碩士畢業於清華大學, 有著一定的科研工作 企業管理及平台運作經驗, 在知識產權交易 投融資 科技金融等領域略有涉獵 曾任信息產業部軟件與集成電路促進中心 知識產權顧問師 培訓 中國人民大學 文化創意產業系列公益講座 知識產權出版社 知識產權交易業務培訓班 清華大學 - 北京知識產權資本運營班 中國知識產權資本運營總裁班等培訓班講師, 主講知識產權交易及投融資 開創了區域知識產權交易新模式, 並與交通銀行等合作開創知識產權質押貸款 ; 策劃 發起成立了 中國專利技術交易市場聯盟, 並任聯盟秘書長 ; 策劃並開辦了 清華大學 - 北交所知識產權資本運營國際實戰研修班 ; 參與策劃並承辦了國家知識產權局主辦的 首屆中國專利周 北京主會場的展覽及相關係列活動 ; 規劃並啓動了 版權產業鏈全流程服務平台 中關村科學城科技成果產業化平台 建設工作 ; 組織啓動 科技金融系列叢書 編撰工作, 已經完成 IT 創新企業資質建設篇 IT 創新企業政府課題申請篇 兩本的第一版工作 Essenese Obhan Obhan & Associates Essenese Obhan is the founding partner of Obhan & Associates. He is an intellectual property attorney and patent agent with a degree in mechanical engineering. Essenese has vast expertise in the mechanical, industrial, software, and telecom sectors. He leads the intellectual property team at O & A which includes specialists in the chemical, biotech, electronic, electrical, and nanotechnological sectors. Essenese regularly advises clients, which include those among the Fortune 500 as well as some of India s leading business houses, on IP strategy and portfolio management. He has extensive experience in drafting and prosecuting patents, and also focuses on patent litigation and opposition proceedings before various courts in India, the Patent Office and the Intellectual Property Appellate Board. Essenese is a frequent speaker on patent protection and enforcement issues across the country and abroad, and conducts customized IP training modules for companies. Anupam Pandey Obhan & Associates Anupam is a Partner with Obhan and Associates and heads their trademark and copyright practice. He has extensive experience in trademark prosecution, IP due diligence, licensing, transactional agreements and has handled portfolios of several Fortune 500 companies for India and the sub-continent. With a background of working with some of the top firms in India, Anupam also has the unique experience of working with USPTO as a Senior Commercial Specialist where he was covering IP Policies and developments for India and the sub-continent. 12

China-International Ip Forum 中國國際知識產權論壇 Philip Pla Adams & Adams Philip Pla is a partner in the Cape Town Office of South African intellectual property law firm Adams & Adams. Adams & Adams celebrated its centenary in 2008 and is currently the leading intellectual property practice in South Africa having won a number of awards. More recently, for the second year running, Adams & Adams was awarded the South African Intellectual Property Firm of the Year by the prestigious Managing Intellectual Property Global Awards 2012. The firm has an extensive physical presence throughout Africa with offices in Mozambique, Angola, Tanzania, Burundi and Cameroon. Philip is a member of the firm s patent department and his main focus areas are filing, prosecution, litigation and transactional aspects in regard to patents, designs and copyright, both nationally and internationally. He has also presented a number of papers at conferences and seminars in South Africa and overseas on a number of IP topics. He is a qualified lawyer and has a BSc (Mechanical Engineering) degree. He is also a registered patent attorney and has been a partner of Adams & Adams since 1998. Philip is a member of a number of professional bodies including SAIIPL, AIPPI, FICPI and LES. Thomas Schuster Grünecker Thomas Schuster is a German and European Patent attorney and is Partner at Grünecker since more than 25 Years. He has a degree in Physics and has been working in IP since 1980. His focus in IP work is directed to German and European prosecution proceedings, especially post grant oppositions and appeal procedures before the German and the European Patent office. He is also involved in various German and global litigation cases. Mr. Schuster is tutor in the German Patent attorney trainee program and is a frequent speaker on various IP topics on various events. 托馬斯 舒斯特先生是德國專利律師及歐洲專利代理人 在 Grünecker, 他已經作為合伙人工作了超過 25 年 他擁有物理方面的學位, 並自 1980 年以來從事知識產權工作 他的主要執業領域是德國及歐洲知識產權申請, 特別是德國專利商標局及歐洲專利局的異議及復審程序 此外, 他也參與大量的德國和跨國訴訟案件 舒斯特先生還在德國專利律師培訓計劃中授課並經常就各類知識產權問題在不同活動中發表講話 Jianfeng Shen ZTE Mr. Jianfeng Shen had served as an IPR manager in a Taiwan company for almost 4 years, and then working in ZTE for more than 5 years. As an IPR director in ZTE, Mr. Shen s work experiences cover a large range including patent suits, patent prosecutions, IPR management. Elliott Simcoe Smart & Biggar Elliott Simcoe is a partner in the Ottawa office of Smart & Biggar/Fetherstonhaugh. He has over a decade of wide-ranging experience in intellectual property law. His practice is primarily focussed on preparing and prosecuting patent applications in Canada and managing the filing and prosecuting of patent applications worldwide in the fields of electrical and computer engineering. He is also regularly involved with matters relating to patent litigation, Canadian trade-mark drafting and prosecution, and copyrights. He has significant expertise in domain name matters, including acquisition and licensing. The majority of Mr. Simcoe s work is conducted for clients based in Canada and the United States operating in the fields of electrical and computer engineering. He also provides frequent assistance to associate firms in the United States with procuring intellectual property protection in Canada. Mr. Simcoe is an editor of IP Perspectives, the firm s intellectual property and technology law newsletter. 13

China-International IP Forum 中國國際知識產權論壇 Yoshitaka Sonoda Sonoda & Kobayashi Yoshitaka Sonoda, Ph.D. is a patent attorney and co-founder of Sonoda & Kobayashi Intellectual Property Law Firm where his practice involves patent prosecution, client counselling, patent litigation and license negotiations in the areas of physics, electronics and mechanical engineering. Dr. Sonoda founded the firm with Mr. Yoshinori Kobayashi in 1998. Before entering the intellectual property field, Dr. Sonoda gained experience as a researcher at the French Atomic Energy Commission, Saclay Nuclear Research Center and at Hitachi Ltd where he worked in the development of fast breeder reactors. As a postgraduate student, Dr. Sonoda studied nonlinear phenomena in transient vibrations and received a Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo for his thesis on Transient vibrations and failure of nonlinear systems. Dr. Sonoda is the author of numerous articles published in both national and international intellectual property journals, including the Journal of the Japan Intellectual Property Association and Managing Intellectual Property, as well as over 50 articles in the fields of nuclear science and engineering. Dr. Sonoda is fluent in both English and French, and is a frequent speaker at IP conferences, such as AIPPI and ASPI. He is also a member of the JPAA, JIPA, AIPLA, APAA and AIPPI. 園田吉隆先生早年從東京大學獲工學博士學位後赴法留學, 曾在法國原子力研究所以及日立製作所原子力開發部, 從事研究工作,1987 年轉入知識產權界, 獲專利代理人資格, 曾歷任日本最大的專利代理事務所外國部部長,1998 年創立園田小林特許事務所 園田先生可使用流利的英語和法語交流, 代理過許多國際著名跨國公司的專利申請, 經常為歐美及日本企業 律師事務所提供有關知識產權的檢索咨詢服務, 參與了許多專利侵權分析 專利侵權訴訟和專利及專有技術的許可和轉讓等方面的法律服務 此外, 園田先生還在日本國內和國際知識產權刊物上發表過大量學術文章, 並多次應邀在如國際保護知識產權學會等國際會議上演講 Joe Thymian Melbourne IT Joe Thymian is Sales & Marketing Director Asia Pacific for Melbourne IT Digital Brand Services. Following our acquisition of VeriSign DBMS, Melbourne IT DBS has become one of the world s largest corporate service providers in online brand protection and promotion services. Joe works with global organizations that care about their online brand across many verticals. He has assisted several high profile organizations in the recovery or acquisition of their online brands. Most recently, he has worked with brand owners to navigate through the launch of ICANN s new TLD program. Joe has a Bachelor of Laws from Monash University and a Masters Degree from the University of Melbourne. He has been admitted as a Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Victoria and the High Court of Australia. In addition to working as a lawyer, he has provided business services advice to large corporations and multinational companies. He has worked in Government and spent five years working with Deloitte providing risk management and business advice to companies. Joe has a passion for providing assistance to his clients on ways to manage and mitigate the risks associated with online brand management issues. Ningling Wang Finnegan Ningling Wang s practice involves patent prosecution, opinions, due diligence, client counseling, licensing, and patent litigation in the areas of chemicals, chemical engineering, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, semiconductor materials, and nanotechnology. She has extensive experience working with multinational and Chinese companies, providing legal advice on IP portfolio management and due diligence. Ms. Wang has been involved in various cases before the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) and U.S. district courts. Ms. Wang speaks frequently in conferences and seminars in China and internationally on patent-related topics. She taught a graduate course on U.S. IP law at Renmin University of China Law School and a graduate course on U.S. IP law, with patent mock trial, at Shanghai Jiao Tong University KoGuan Law School. She also serves as a program professor of Law at China Science and Technology University. Continued overleaf 14

China-International Ip Forum 中國國際知識產權論壇 王寧玲律師的業務涉及專利申辦 出具法律意見 盡職調查 客戶咨詢 許可及專利訴訟, 主要領域包括化學 化工 制藥 醫療設備 半導體材料以及納米技術 她在為跨國公司及中國公司提供知識產權組合管理法律意見以及開展盡職調查方面擁有豐富的經驗 王律師代理過多起美國國際貿易委員會 (U.S. International Trade Commission,ITC) 和美國地區法院的案件 王律師經常在中國及國際會議和研討會上就專利相關議題進行演講 她曾在中國人民大學法學院為研究生教授一門關於美國知識產權法的課程並在上海交通大學凱原法學院為研究生講授美國知識產權法並主持專利模擬法庭 她還擔任中國科學技術大學法律課程項目教授 Xiang Wang Orrick Dr. Xiang Wang is the lead partner for Orrick s China-focused intellectual property practice; he spends his time between three offices: Shanghai, Silicon Valley and Beijing, where he is the administrative partner-in-charge. Dr. Wang assists local and foreignbased multinational companies with all aspects of their intellectual property rights in China, Hong Kong and the United States. Dr. Wang has extensive experience representing both foreign and Chinese companies protecting their R&D and IP in global markets, including IP litigation and arbitration, as well as product liability, FCPA and securities litigation in the United States and China. Dr. Wang has developed the region s premier IP practice based on his reputation as one of the few IP lawyers who has a doctorate in electrical and computer engineering, a Chinese Certificate of Laws and admission to practice law in New York, Indiana and before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Due to its success in patent disputes in both litigation and arbitration involving foreign companies in China, the Orrick China IP team was featured in a 30-minute documentary film Patent Wars by the China Central Television (CCTV) on October 29, 2011. Zhengfa Wang Kangxin Partners Mr. Wang joined Kangxin Partners, P.C. as a senior partner since April 2010. Before entering Kangxin, Mr. Wang served as Director of Developing Countries (PCT) Division of World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) from 1992 to 2005, and was responsible for promoting more effective use of the PCT system by developing countries and for encouraging accession to the PCT by more developing countries. From 1990 to 1992, Mr. Wang was President of CCPIT Patent Agency (now CCPIT Patent and Trademark Law Office) and was Deputy General Manager and then General Manager of China Patent Agent (Hong Kong) Ltd. (CPA) from 1985 to 1990. He worked with Legal Affair Department of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) from 1965 to 1985, dealing with intellectual property matters. In the above forty-odd years, Mr. Wang did lots of work to promote the establishment and development of China s intellectual property system, including the negotiations of reciprocal agreements for trademark registration between China and nearly other 20 countries, putting forward many recommendations on the promulgation of the China s Trademark Law and Patent Law in the eighties of the last century, and participating in building the first Chinese foreign-related patent agency. He has dealt with thousands of application and dispute cases in intellectual property field in the above twenty years. Mr. Wang has been Guest Professor at Peking University and Renmin University of China. He is an arbitrator at China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC). He is currently also an advisor of China Copyright Society and Executive Member of China Intellectual Property Society. Mr. Wang has written on a wide range of industrial property subjects. The books he has published include Trademark Fundamentals, How to choose and Use Trademarks - 101 Examples and Patents, Trademarks, Copyright and Industrial Designs etc. 15

China-International IP Forum 中國國際知識產權論壇 Lili Wu CCPIT Ms. Wu is the director of the Mechanical Division at CCPIT Patent & Trademark Law office. She has been working as a patent attorney in CCPIT Patent & Trademark Law office since 1997. Her practice ranges from patent drafting and prosecuting work to representing clients on invalidation or patent infringement litigation cases before the Patent Re-examination Board and courts. She has extensive experience in helping clients to get valuable patents in China and especially specialises in consulting clients on strategies of enhancing patent protection in China in software related fields. Ms. Wu obtained her M.S degree in Information Engineering from Beijing Institute of Technology in 1997 and obtained LLM IP degree from Franklin Pierce Law Center in 2009. Guobi Zhao Intellectual Property Publishing House Graduated from intellectual property law major of Peking University Law School with engineering background, Mr. Zhao was the executive editor-in-chief of who published many pieces of theses concerning intellectual property on media and magazines such as China Intellectual Property News and China Invention & Patent, etc. He will visit and surveyed the application situation of patent information of the innovative corporates of all walks in different regions annually; is responsible for the compilation of dozens patent analysis reports; is invited to make patent information application lectures for postgraduate of law majors of Peking University and corporates in Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Shandong, Chongqing as well as Datang Telecom Technology&Industry Group and Sinopec Beijing Yanshan Company with more than one hundred of training courses and thousands of trainees. Research Field Patent Retrieval; Patent Analysis; Patent Early Warning, Corporate Intellectual Property Strategy Consultation, such as: 1. Patent Topic Searching 2. Responsible for dozens of subject research on patent analysis early warning reports involving quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis, exploration and early warning of key patent and patent matrix function map, etc. such as Patent Analysis Report of Soymilk Machine Industry, Patent Analysis Report of Electronic Pressure Cooker Technological Field, and Chinese University Patent Analysis Report, etc. 趙國璧畢業於北京大學法學院知識產權法專業, 工科背景 曾任中國知識產權網執行主編, 發表多篇知識產權論文於 中國知識產權報 中國發明與專利雜誌 等媒體雜誌 每年走訪和調研各地區各行業創新性企業的專利信息應用情況 ; 承擔多個專利分析報告的撰寫工作 ; 應邀為北京大學法碩做專利信息應用講座, 在北京 上海 江蘇 山東 重慶等地及大唐電信和燕山石化等企業做過多場專利信息應用講座, 培訓場次上百場, 學員超千人 研究領域專利檢索 ; 專利分析 ; 專利預警 ; 企業知識產權戰略咨詢, 如 : 1. 專利定題檢索工作 2. 承擔多個專利分析預警報告的課題研究工作, 報告涉及定量分析和定性分析, 重點專利的挖掘和預警及專利矩陣功效圖等 例如 豆漿機領域專利分析報告 電壓力鍋技術領域專利分析報告 中國高校專利分析報告 等 Jessie Zhao BYD Ms Jessie Zhao is the IPR Director of BYD Company covering IT, Auto and New Energy three business groups. She is responsible for all the IPR affairs of the company. Jessie has more than ten years working experience in intellectual property management. She also serves as the Vice President of Patent Protection Association of China (PPAC), Executive Vice President of Shenzhen Patent Association (SZPA), etc. 趙傑女士現任比亞迪股份有限公司知識產權總監, 全面負責公司 IT 汽車以及新能源三大產業的知識產權事務, 擁有十年以上的知識產權管理工作經驗 此外, 她還擔任中國專利保護協會副會長 深圳市專利協會常務副會長等社會職務 16

China-International Ip Forum 中國國際知識產權論壇 Cindy Zhen Diageo Ms. Cindy Zhen is currently the Intellectual Property Legal Counsel at Diageo. Diageo is the world s leading premium drinks business with an outstanding collection of beverage alcohol brands across spirits, beer and wine. Cindy handles brand strategies and legal issues related to IP licensing and transferring, prosecution, merger and acquisition, enforcement and litigation for the markets of Greater China and other North Asian countries. Prior to joining Diageo, Cindy was an associate at IP Group of Baker & McKenzie LLP for nine years where she advised a number of Fortune 500 companies on a wide range of issues including IP strategy, brand protection, IP portfolio management, false advertising and unfair competition and internet related matters. Cindy holds an LLB from Jilin University in China, an MBA from the University of California and an LLM from the University of Hong Kong. Cindy passed Chinese Bar in 2003. Lin Zhou Haier Group Zhou Lin is currently the Deputy Director of Haier Intellectual Property Department; He is in charge of the patent and standardazation issues of Haier Group, mainly refering to patent analysis, patent maping, patent prosecution, patent evaluation, cross-license and patent transaction, he can also promote the domestic and international standardization projects. 周林負責海爾集團專利與標準相關業務, 處理專利分析 佈局 申請 無效 鑒價 許可 交易等事務, 同時負責國際標準及國家標準項目 Xiaokun Zhu Nutrichem Xiaokun joined Nurtichem in 2009 and he is responsible for patent application, protection and litigation on IP related work. 朱笑坤 2009 年加入北京穎新泰康國際貿易有限公司至今, 負責公司包括專利申請 維護 應訴等各種專利相關事務 Zhenxia Zhu Sonoda & Kobayashi Originally from Beijing, Ms. Zhu arrived in Japan after graduation from university and obtained her Ph.D. from Ochanomizu University. She performed post-doctoral research at Tokai University. In April 2011, she returned to Beijing and entered the IP department of a large Chinese law firm, gaining familiarity with the Chinese patent system. She has been a member of our firm since April 2012, and is in charge of Japanese-Chinese affairs. 朱振霞女士生於北京, 大學畢業後 1999 年赴日留學, 從國立女子大學 御茶水女子大學獲理學博士學位後, 曾在日本東海大學從事計算化學 / 理論化學相關的研究工作 2011 年 4 月開始在北京的一年中, 一邊在北京某著名法律事務所知識產權部實習, 一邊參加國家知識產權培訓中心的各種培訓, 學習中國專利制度的相關知識 2012 年 4 月加入園田小林特許事務所, 發揮在專利文獻翻譯 中國專利制度相關知識的優勢, 主要擔任中日專利事務相關的工作 17