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4 2014 7 ( ) Journal of East China Normal University (Natural Science) No. 4 Jul. 2014 : 1000-5641(2014)04-0062-07, (, 200062) :,.,,, ; N-POSW, 2-POS W,.,, F 7%. : ; ; N-POSW ; : TP39 : A DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2014.04.008 Study on the extraction of Chinese microblog subjective sentences based on lexicon and corpus Abstract: ZHU Hai-huan, YU Qing-song (Computer Center, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China) In this paper, we propose a new method for the extraction of Chinese microblog subjective sentence, which is based on a combination of lexicon and corpus. By determining whether the sentence contains emotional expressions, it can be classified as a subjective or objective sentence. Firstly, a highly credible sentiment lexicon was built based on the words whose emotional orientation is fixed from the existing sentiment dictionary. Based on the highly credible sentiment lexicon, sentiment expressions can be extracted with assurance of accuracy. Finally, a N-POSW model was proposed for the corpus-based learning method. Through the 2-POSW model, the remained sentiment expressions in the sentence can be extracted, thus guaranteeing the overall recall rate. Experimental results show that the F Value in this paper increases 7% compared with the traditional method, which is based on the large-scale sentiment lexicon. Key words: sentiment lexicon; highly credible lexicon; N-POSW model; subjective sentence : 2013-07 :,,,. E-mail: zhhh1988@gmail.com. :,,,, Web. E-mail: qsyu@cc.ecnu.edu.cn.

4, : 63 0,,.,.,. Kim [1].,. Wiebe [2 5],. Pang [6]. Long [7] Tweets,., [8] (2-POS). CHI 2-POS, 2-POS,. [9] SVM. [10], 2-POS,,...,.,,,.,,., : N-POS, N-POSW, 2-POSW,. : 1 ; 2, ; 3 ; 4 ; 5. 1..,,. :,.,. 1: #ipad#. 2: #ipad# 3: #ipad#,/.,. 1,. 2,. 3, /

64 ( ) 2014.,.,..,.,,,. 1. 1 Fig. 1 Main thoughts of extracting Chinese microblog subjective sentences 2,,.,. HowNet [11] NTUSD [12], 11 212, SentiDic. 1. 1 Tab. 1 A algorithm for extraction of subjective sentences based lexicon Input: Sentence Output: Sentence Sentence 1: if Sentence SentiDic then 2: Sentence 3: else Sentence 4: end if.,,,., :,,., : #ipad#., ; : # #,,

4, : 65. 3 3.1 ( 2 ),,.,,., SentiDic R SentiDic,. R SentiDic 2 143. 2 10 R SentiDic. 2 R SentiDic 10 Tab. 2 Ten words in the R SentiDic 3.2 N-POSW N-POSW, N-POS [8]. N-POS, N,. N=2, 2-POS. : :. : ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ). ( ). 2-POS -, -, -,, - 2-POS. [8] N-POS..,. N-POS,, N-POSW. 1 S. 2 w i S i. S=w 1 w 2 w 3... w i... w n, n S. 3 SqPOS=(c 1, c 2,...,c n ) S, c i w i. 4 N-Words=(w 1 w 2...w N, w 2 w 3...w N+1,..., w n N 1 w n N+1...w n ), N-Words S N. 5 N-POSW=(SqPOS,N-Words) S N-POSW., S, S N.,.. : ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ). ( )., SqPOS=(,,, ), 2-Words=(,, ). 3.3 2-POSW N-POSW, N 2, 2-POSW. 2-POSW,,.

66 ( ) 2014 { 1 subj(text) > α obj(text), subj(text) > β, 6 T(text)=, subj(text) 0. text, obj(text) text, α, β. { 1 w {w i, w i+1 }, c (a, v, n), 7 Q(w i w i+1 )=, w i w i+1 S 0., c w, a, v, n,. 8 P(S) = n 1 i=1 Q(w iw i+1 ) T(w i w i+1 ) S., w i S i, n S. P(S) S. S. α, β,, S. 3 2-POSW. ICTCLAS [13]. 3 2-POSW Tab. 3 A algovithm for extraction of subjective sentence base on 2-POSW Input: S Output: S S 1: S 2: S 2-POSW 3: P(S) 4: if P(S) > 0 then 5: S 6: else S 7: end if 3.4 2-POSW. R SentiDic., R SentiDic ;,. R SentiDic,.,. R SentiDic,., 2-POSW,,. 4. 2-POSW.,,.,. 2,, SentiDic.

4, : 67 4 Tab. 4 A algovithm for extraction of Chinese microblog subjective senterces based on lexicon and corpus Input: S Output: S S 1: if S then 2: S 3: else 4: if 2-POSW S then 5: S 6: else S 7: end if 8: end if 4 4.1 NLP&CC [14]., 7 040. xml,. NLP&CC :,., 1 000 1 000, 3.4. : <weibo id= 89 > <sentence id= 1 ># #,,, </sentence> <sentence id= 2 >,, </sentence> <sentence id= 3 > </sentence> <sentence id= 4 >,,,,,. </sentence> <hashtag id= 1 > </hashtag> </weibo> 4.2 F. =, =, F = 2 +.

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