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1 On 3 2 USB Your G502 is ready to play games. If you would like to customize your G502, refer to the next section. You can customize the three onboard profiles of the G502 surface tuning, button programming, and tracking behavior using the Logitech Gaming Software. Download this free software and learn how to customize the G502 at www.logitech.com/support/g502 English 3

4 To adjust the weight and balance of your G502, first open the weight door by grasping the mouse firmly in your right hand and pulling the blue tab down with your left thumb. 4 English

5 You can place up to five 3.6 gram weights in a number of different orientations. Experiment with different positions for the weights to find an overall weight and balance that feels right for you. English 5

6 7 Out of the box, the sensor for the G502 is configured to deliver amazing tracking across a wide range of surfaces. For an extra edge, it can also be further tuned for optimal performance with the specific surface that you use for gaming. To tune the sensor, use the Logitech Gaming Software. After inserting the weights, close the weight door by inserting the tabs on the weight door into the slots on the left side of the mouse and rotating the door down until the magnet holds the weight door firmly closed. 6 English

11 fully programmable buttons 1. Left (Button 1) 2. Right (Button 2) 3. Wheel click (Button 3) 4. Back (Button 4) 5. Forward (Button 5) 6. DPI Shift (Button G6) 7. DPI Down (Button G7) 8. DPI Up (Button G8) 9. Scroll left (wheel tilt left) 10. Scroll right (wheel tilt right) 11. Profile select (Button G9) 12. Wheel mode shift (not programmable) 1 8 7 6 5 4 2 3 10 9 12 11 English 7

Profile 1* (High-DPI gaming) DPI values 1200, 2400, 3200, 6400 Default DPI value Profile 2* (Low-DPI gaming) 400, 800, 1600, 2400 Profile 3* (Standard: unshifted) 2400 2400 2400 1600 2400 2400 Profile 3* (Standard: G-shifted) DPI Shift value 1200 400 N/A N/A Reports/sec 1000 1000 500 500 1 Button 1 (left click) Button 1 (left click) Button 1 (left click) Button 1 (left click) 2 Button 2 (right click) Button 2 (right click) Button 2 (right click) Button 2 (right click) 3 Button 3 (middle click) Button 3 (middle click) Button 3 (middle click) Ctrl-T 8 English

Profile 1* (High-DPI gaming) Profile 2* (Low-DPI gaming) Profile 3* (Standard: unshifted) Profile 3* (Standard: G-shifted) 4 Button 4 (back) Button 4 (back) Button 4 (back) Ctrl-Shift-Tab 5 Button 5 (forward) Button 5 (forward) Button 5 (forward) Ctrl-Tab 6 DPI Shift (sniper) DPI Shift (sniper) G-Shift (double functions) N/A 7 DPI Down DPI Down Ctrl-C Ctrl-X 8 DPI Up DPI Up Ctrl-V Ctrl-Z 9 Scroll left Scroll left Scroll left Ctrl-F4 10 Scroll right Scroll right Scroll right Ctrl-Shift-T 11 Next profile Next profile Next profile Ctrl-0 English 9

Onboard profiles The G502 has three preconfigured profiles, one each for high sensitivity gaming, low sensitivity gaming, and standard mouse usage. Use Button 9 (see mouse drawing) to rotate through these default profiles. When you change profiles, the DPI indicator lights will change color from cyan to blue for three seconds and will indicate the new mode as shown here: DPI indicators DPI values are shown using the three LEDs indicated in the mouse drawing. The image below shows which DPI value is being indicated by the LED panel. DPI 1 DPI 2 DPI 3 DPI 4 DPI 5 Prof. 1 Prof. 2 Prof. 3 10 English

Hyperfast Scroll Wheel The G502 features Logitech s exclusive dual-mode hyperfast scroll wheel. Click the button right below the wheel (Button G12) to switch between the two modes. Tips Weight and balance tuning is very much an exercise in personal preference. Generally speaking, more weight makes it easier to control high DPI settings, while less weight makes low-dpi gaming less fatiguing. Centering weights along an imaginary line between your thumb and right-side grip finger(s) will help maintain optimal front-to-back balance. The effects of changing weights may not be immediately apparent. After changing the position or number of weights, give yourself some time to experience the difference before changing them again. Try the default profile settings in practice games before changing these settings. Advanced gamers can customize each game according to their specific button configuration and sensitivity switching needs. The Logitech Gaming Software stores this information and applies it automatically when the game is detected. English 11

If the mouse doesn t work Unplug and re-plug the USB cable to ensure a good connection. Try the mouse USB cable in another USB port on the computer. Use only a powered USB port. Try rebooting the computer. If possible, test the mouse on another computer. Visit www.logitech.com/support/g502 for more suggestions and assistance. What do you think? Please take a minute to tell us. Thank you for purchasing our product. www.logitech.com/ithink 12 English

1 On 3 2 USB 您可使用罗技游戏软件对 G502 自带的三个配置设定进行自定义, 包括表面调节 按钮编程及定位精度 请访问 www.logitech.com/support/g502 免费下载软件并了解如何对 G502 进行自定义 G502 已准备就绪, 您可以开始游戏了 如果要对 G502 进行自定义, 请参阅下方说明 简体中文 13

4 要调节 G502 的重量与平衡, 首先右手紧握鼠标, 用左手大拇指向下拉出蓝色凸舌, 打开调重槽外盖 14 简体中文

5 您可以在数个不同方向上最多放置 5 个 3.6 克的砝码 尝试将砝码放到不同位置, 找到最适合自己的鼠标重量与平衡感觉 简体中文 15

6 7 G502 的传感器已进行过配置, 开箱即用, 可在多种表面上提供惊人的追踪性能 它还具有另一项优势 : 可根据您玩游戏时使用的特定表面进一步优化性能 请使用罗技游戏软件调节传感器 插入砝码后, 将调重槽外盖上的凸舌插入鼠标左侧插槽内, 然后向下旋转外盖, 直至其通过磁力锁紧紧闭合 16 简体中文

11 个完全可编程按钮 1. 左键 ( 按钮 1) 2. 右键 ( 按钮 2) 3. 滚轮点击 ( 按钮 3) 4. 后退 ( 按钮 4) 5. 前进 ( 按钮 5) 6. DPI 切换 ( 按钮 G6) 7. 调低 DPI( 按钮 G7) 8. 调高 DPI( 按钮 G8) 9. 向左滚动 ( 滚轮向左倾斜 ) 10. 向右滚动 ( 滚轮向右倾斜 ) 11. 配置设定选择 ( 按钮 G9) 12. 滚轮模式切换 ( 不可编程 ) 1 8 7 6 5 4 2 3 10 9 12 11 简体中文 17

配置设定 1* ( 高 DPI 游戏 ) 配置设定 2* ( 低 DPI 游戏 ) 配置设定 3* ( 标准 : 非切换 ) 配置设定 3* ( 标准 :G 切换 ) DPI 值 1200 2400 400 800 2400 2400 3200 6400 1600 2400 默认 DPI 值 2400 1600 2400 2400 DPI 切换值 1200 400 不适用 不适用 报告次数 / 秒 1000 1000 500 500 1 按钮 1 ( 左键单击 ) 按钮 1 ( 左键单击 ) 按钮 1 ( 左键单击 ) 按钮 1 ( 左键单击 ) 2 按钮 2 ( 右键单击 ) 按钮 2 ( 右键单击 ) 按钮 2 ( 右键单击 ) 按钮 2 ( 右键单击 ) 3 按钮 3 ( 中键单击 ) 按钮 3 ( 中键单击 ) 按钮 3 ( 中键单击 ) Ctrl-T 18 简体中文

配置设定 1* ( 高 DPI 游戏 ) 配置设定 2* ( 低 DPI 游戏 ) 配置设定 3* ( 标准 : 非切换 ) 配置设定 3* ( 标准 :G 切换 ) 4 按钮 4( 后退 ) 按钮 4( 后退 ) 按钮 4( 后退 ) Ctrl-Shift-Tab 5 按钮 5( 前进 ) 按钮 5( 前进 ) 按钮 5( 前进 ) Ctrl-Tab 6 DPI 切换 DPI 切换 G 切换 不适用 ( 狙击 ) ( 狙击 ) ( 功能加倍 ) 7 调低 DPI 调低 DPI Ctrl-C Ctrl-X 8 调高 DPI 调高 DPI Ctrl-V Ctrl-Z 9 向左滚动 向左滚动 向左滚动 Ctrl-F4 10 向右滚动 向右滚动 向右滚动 Ctrl-Shift-T 11 下一配置设定 下一配置设定 下一配置设定 Ctrl-0 简体中文 19

内置配置设定 G502 拥有三个预设的配置设定, 分别用于高灵敏度游戏 低灵敏度游戏和标准鼠标应用 使用按钮 9( 请参见鼠标示意图 ) 可在这些默认的配置设定间轮换 当您更改配置设定时,DPI 指示灯将由蓝绿灯变为蓝灯, 并持续 3 秒, 以如下方式指示新模式 : DPI 指示灯 DPI 值将通过鼠标示意图中标明的 3 个 LED 指示灯表示 下图显示 LED 面板中指示的当前 DPI 值 DPI 1 DPI 2 DPI 3 DPI 4 DPI 5 Prof. 1 Prof. 2 Prof. 3 20 简体中文

超快滚轮 G502 采用罗技独家的双模式超快滚轮点击位于滚轮下方的按钮 ( 按钮 G12) 可在两种模式间切换 提示重量与平衡调节属于个人喜好设置 一般来说, 鼠标越重越易控制高 DPI 设置, 但对于低 DPI 游戏而言, 越轻则越易于降低玩家的疲劳感 将砝码放在您大拇指与右侧握槽手指之间虚线的中心点, 将有助于最大程度维持前后端的平衡 重量调节效果不会立即显现 改变砝码位置或重量后, 请先行体验然后再确定是否继续作出改变 在更改默认设置之前, 请先在练习游戏中尝试使用默认配置设定 高级玩家可根据其特定的按钮配置和灵敏度切换需求来自定义每个游戏 罗技游戏软件将存储这些信息, 并在检测到游戏时自动应用这些信息 简体中文 21

若鼠标无法正常工作 请拔出并重新插入 USB 连接线, 以保证连接状态良好 尝试将鼠标 USB 连接线插入电脑的其他 USB 端口 请仅使用供电型 USB 端口 尝试重新启动电脑 如果可能, 在另一台电脑上测试鼠标 如需更多建议与帮助, 请访问 www.logitech.com/support/g502 您对本产品有何感想? 欢迎拨冗告知我们 感谢您购买罗技产品 www.logitech.com/ithink 22 简体中文

部件名称 Parts Name 产品中有毒有害物质或元素的名称及含量 根据中国 << 电子信息产品污染控制管理办法 >> 有毒有害物质或元素 Toxic or Hazardous Substances and Elements 铅 (Pb) 汞 (Hg) 镉 (Cd) 六价铬 (Cr(VI)) 多溴联苯 (PBB) 多溴二苯醚 (PBDE) 电缆线 / 电源 Cable/Adaptor X O O O O O 电路板组件 PWAs X O O O O O 塑料 / 其它部件 Plastic/Others parts O O O O O O 玻璃部件 Glass parts X O O O O O 金属部件 Metal parts X O O O O O 电池 Battery X O O O O O O = 表示该有害物质在该部件所有均质材料中的含量均在 SJ/T 11363-2006 标准规定的限量要求以下 X = 表示该有害物质至少在该部件的某一均质材料中的含量超出 SJ/T 11363-2006 标准规定的限量要求 表中标有 "X" 的所有部件均符合欧盟 RoHS Recast 法规 - 2011/65/EU 指令 此表显示 罗技科技有限公司 的电子信息产品部件中何处存在这些有毒有害物质 请注意, 并非内装产品都包含上述 所有部件 注 : 环保使用期限的参考标准, 取决于产品正常工作的温度和湿度等条件 www.logitech.com/support/g502 23

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