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U Care Medical Checkup Scheme The checkup scheme is exclusively for Blue Cross members only Professional Experience in Medical Insurance and Healthcare Services With over 45 years of professional experience in medical insurance and healthcare services, Blue Cross is proud to offer you a series of health care programmes for maintaining your good health by better understanding your own health conditions. For this, Blue Cross is pleased to offer an exclusive privilege of U Care Medical Checkup Scheme at preferred rates to our valued clients. Advantages of Checkup Scheme Provide opportunity to assess your health status and risk factors; Identify and treat illness at an early stage; Initiate counseling, lifestyle modification and other appropriate intervention which may reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and other diseases; Promote healthy lifestyle; Help you to keep the best health conditions. The appointed Medical Centre, located conveniently in a 3,000 sq. ft. premise at the heart of Central and Kwun Tong District, is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and facilities to provide one-stop service of preventive health and family medicine in a friendly environment. Checkup Plan Summary Ruby Checkup Plan (Plan Code: BS) A basic plan to provide general overview of your health status, including chest X-ray and resting ECG. Jade Checkup Plan (Plan Code: MS) A health screening to detect major diseases. It includes laboratory investigation for lipid disorder disease, diabetes, hepatitis B status, liver and kidney function, thyroid function and gout screening. Diamond Checkup Plan (Plan Code: SS-M2 / SS-F2) A comprehensive plan designed for adult aged 40 or above covering all tests provided under Jade Checkup Plan, with additional tests of cancer markers, treadmill stress test for male, breast cancer screening and bone density measurement for female. Classic Checkup Plan (Plan Code: B15) A classic plan suitable for different age groups to check health conditions with follow-up doctor consultation. Executive Checkup Plan (Plan Code: B16 / B17) A comprehensive checkup plan for executive. This checkup covers laboratory investigations for anaemia, diabetes, lipid disorders, kidney function, liver function, bone metabolism, gout, thyroid function, and hepatitis screening. Treadmill stress test is included for cardiovascular disease screening Prostate cancer screening for male and pap smear for female are done to identify specific cancer risk. Supreme Checkup Plan (Plan Code: B24 / B25) A more comprehensive and non-invasive checkup plan for persons aged 40 or above. It covers more comprehensive tests than Executive Check-up Plan. Glaucoma test by Tonometry is provided. Treadmill stress test is done together with cardiac blood test to assess the coronary arteries status. DEXA is done for early detection of osteoporosis. Breast cancer screening by ultrasound for female age below 40 or mammogram for female age 40 or over are include.

Important Notes before Checkup No eating or drinking or taking of any drug within 8 hours before the examination (Except plain water). Pregnant ladies, or any members who are suffering from bleeding disorders or receiving anti-coagulant therapy are advised to consult his/her medical doctor prior to receiving the services. Ladies in menstruation is not suitable for urine test. Please bring along sportswear for Treadmill Stress Test. Please do not smoke or drink any alcohol and caffeine drinks before the test. The above programmes are valid until 31 December 2017. Prevention is the best protection! Act now and join our checkup programmes to better protect yourself and your family. For any enquiry, please call our Customer Services Hotline at 3608 2988. For the most updated information, please visit the section of Health Corner on www.bluecross.com.hk How to Apply Please fill out an Application Form, which can be downloaded from our website, and send it to Blue Cross with payment by a crossed cheque made payable to Blue Cross (Asia-Pacific) Insurance Limited. Upon receiving your application, a service coupon will be sent to you within 7 working days. With reference to the service coupon, you can make appointment with the appointed centres to enjoy the preventive services.

Valid until 31 December 2017 有效期至 2017 年 12 月 31 日 U Care Medical Checkup Schemes 明康醫療體檢計劃 (You are recommended to consult doctor for the appropriate of checkup plan 請向醫生查詢適合閣下的體檢計劃 ) Physical Examination 身體檢查 Haematological Tests 血液檢查 Diabetes Mellitus 糖尿病 Liver Function Tests 肝功能測試 Hepatitis Status 肝炎指標 Arthritis Screening 關節炎檢查 Examination / Test 檢驗項目 Ruby 紅寶 Jade 翡翠 Diamond 鑽石 Male 男性 / Female 女性 Male 男性 / Female 女性 Male 男性 Female 女性 Plan Code 計劃代號 BS MS SS-M2 SS-F2 Complete Physical Examination by a Doctor 醫生全面體格檢查 Medical History & Health Questionnaire 病歷及健康問卷 Height, Weight & Blood Pressure 身高, 體重及血壓 BMI & Waist/Hip Ratio 體重指數及腰臀圍量度 Visual Acuity and Colour Vision 視力及辨色測試 Hearing Test by Tuning Fork 音叉聽覺測試 Complete Blood Count 全血計 Glucose (Fasting) 空腹血糖 Haemoglobin A1C 糖化血色素 SGOT/AST 谷草轉氨酵素 SGPT/ALT 谷丙轉氨酵素 Gamma GT 丙種谷氨酸轉 Alkaline Phosphatase 鹼性磷酸酵素 Bilirubin Total 總膽紅素 Albumin 白蛋白 Globulin 球蛋白 Total Protein 總蛋白質 Hepatitis A Antibody Total 甲型肝炎抗體 Hepatitis B s Antigen 乙型肝炎表面抗原 Hepatitis B s Antibody 乙型肝炎表面抗體 Uric Acid (Gout) 尿酸 ( 痛風症 )

Examination / Test 檢驗項目 Ruby 紅寶 Jade 翡翠 Diamond 鑽石 Male 男性 / Female 女性 Male 男性 / Female 女性 Male 男性 Female 女性 Plan Code 計劃代號 BS MS SS-M2 SS-F2 Cholesterol (Total) 膽固醇總量 Lipid Profile 血脂檢查 Cholesterol (HDL) 高密度膽固醇 Cholesterol (LDL) 低密度膽固醇 Triglycerides 三酸甘油脂 Creatinine 肌酸酐 Kidney Function & Electrolytes 腎功能測試及電解物 Urea 尿素 Sodium 鈉 Chloride 氯 Potassium 鉀 Bicarbonate 碳酸氫鹽 Thyroid Function 甲狀腺功能 T4 甲狀腺素 TSH 促甲狀腺素 Serology 血清 VDRL 梅毒血清試驗 Urine Examination 小便檢查 Urine Analysis 小便常規檢查 Stool Examination Occult blood 糞便隱血 糞便檢查 Stool Routine 糞便常規 Cardiac Function Test 心臟功能 Resting ECG 靜態心電圖 Treadmill Stress Test 運動壓力心電圖 X-ray 造影 Chest 胸肺部 X 光平片 Lung Function Test 肺功能測試 Vitalograph 肺活量檢查 Osteoporosis Screening 骨質疏鬆症檢查 DEXA (Spine and Hip) 雙 X 光骨質密度檢查 Cancer Markers 癌症測試 Alpha-fetoprotein (Liver) 甲種胎兒蛋白 ( 肝癌及肝硬化 ) EBV for NPC EB 病毒抗體 ( 鼻咽癌 ) Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) - male only 前列腺癌抗原 ( 男性 )

Female Checkup 婦女檢查 Report & Follow up 身體檢查報告 Examination / Test 檢驗項目 Ruby 紅寶 Jade 翡翠 Diamond 鑽石 Male 男性 / Female 女性 Male 男性 / Female 女性 Male 男性 Female 女性 Plan Code 計劃代號 BS MS SS-M2 SS-F2 Pelvic Examination 盆腔檢查 Pap Smear 柏氏子宮頸塗片檢查 Breast Examination 乳房檢查 ( 觸診 ) Mammogram (Age 40+ ) or Breast Ultrasound (Below 40) 房 X 光造影 (40 歲或以上 ) 或乳房超聲波掃描 (40 歲以下 ) Lab report with Doctor's comment 報告及建議 Follow-up Consultation for Report Review 醫生解釋報告 Original Price 原價 HK$1,570 HK$3,875 HK$9,650 HK$9,950 Special Offer 優惠價 HK$790 HK$1,780 HK$4,750 HK$4,850 Note: Blue Cross reserves the right to alter the price without prior notice 註..藍十字保留更改價目之權利而無須另行通知

Examination / Test 檢驗項目 CLASSIC 標準 EXECUTIVE 行政人員 SUPREME 尊貴 Male 男性 / Female 女性 Male 男性 Female 女性 Male 男性 Female 女性 Plan Code 計劃代號 B15 B16 B17 B24 B25 Complete Physical Examination by a Doctor 醫生全面體格檢查 Physical Examination 身體檢查 Haematological Tests 血液檢查 Diabetes Mellitus 糖尿病 Lipid Profile 血脂檢查 Medical History & Health Questionnaire 病歷及健康問卷 Height, Weight & Blood Pressure 身高 體重及血壓 BMI & Waist/Hip Ratio 體重指數及腰臀圍量度 Visual Acuity and Colour Vision 視力及辨色測試 Hearing Test by Tuning Fork 音叉聽覺測試 ABO & Rh (D) Typing 血型及 Rh 因子 Complete Blood Count 全血計 Blood Film & Iron 血塗片及鐵質 Glucose (Fasting) 空腹血糖 Haemoglobin A1C 糖化血色素 Cholesterol (Total) 膽固醇總量 Cholesterol HDL & LDL 高密度及低密度膽固醇 Triglycerides 三酸甘油脂 Total Cholesterol/ HDL-C Ratio 總膽固醇 / 高密度膽固醇比值 Creatinine 肌酸酐 Kidney Function & Electrolytes 腎功能測試及電解 物 Urea 尿素 Sodium 鈉 Potassium 鉀 Chloride 氯化物 CO2 碳酸氫鹽 AST & ALT 谷草轉氨酵素及谷丙轉氨酵素 Liver Function Tests 肝功能測試 Alkaline Phosphatase 鹼性磷酸酵素 Gamma GT 丙種谷氨酸轉 Total Bilirubin 總膽紅素 Total Protein, Albumin & Globulin 總蛋白質, 白蛋白及球蛋白

Examination / Test 檢驗項目 CLASSIC 標準 EXECUTIVE 行政人員 SUPREME 尊貴 Male 男性 / Female 女性 Male 男性 Female 女性 Male 男性 Female 女性 Plan Code 計劃代號 B15 B16 B17 B24 B25 Arthritis Screening 關節炎檢查 Bone Metabolism 骨骼新陳代謝 Thyroid Function 甲狀腺功能 Uric Acid (Gout) 尿酸 ( 痛風症 ) Rheumatoid Factor 類風濕關節炎因子 Calcium 鈣 Phosphate 燐酸鹽 T4 甲狀腺素 TSH 促甲狀腺激素 Serology 血清 VDRL 梅毒血清試驗 Urine Examination 小便檢查 Urialysis (Urine Routine) 小便常規檢查 Stool Examination 糞便檢查 Self-selected Items 自選組合 Routine Examination 常規檢查 Occult blood 糞便隱血 H.Pylori Antigen (Peptic Ulcer Bacteria Test) Classic Plan (Choose either 1) 1) Hepatitis B Test HbsAg, HbsAb OR 2) Cancer Marker AFP (liver) Executive Plan (Choose either 1) 1) Hepatitis A & B Test HAV Ab, HbsAg, HbsAb OR 2) Cancer Marker AFP (liver) & EBV for NPC Supreme Plan (Choose either 1) 1) Hepatitis A & B Test HAV Ab, HbsAg, HbsAb OR 2) Hepatitis C Test - HCV Ab 幽門螺桿菌抗原 標準 (( 只限二選一 ) 1) 乙型肝炎測試 - 乙型肝炎表面抗原 / 抗體或 2) 甲種胎兒蛋白 ( 肝硬化 ) 行政人員 ( 只限二選一 ) 1) 甲乙型肝炎測試 - 甲型肝炎抗體, 乙型肝炎表面抗原及抗體或 2) 甲種胎兒蛋白 ( 肝硬化 ) 及 EB 病毒抗體 ( 鼻咽癌 ) 尊貴 ( 只限二選一 ) 1) 甲乙型肝炎測試 - 甲型肝炎抗體, 乙型肝炎表面抗原及抗體或 2) 丙型肝炎抗體

Examination / Test 檢驗項目 CLASSIC 標準 EXECUTIVE 行政人員 SUPREME 尊貴 Male 男性 / Female 女性 Male 男性 Female 女性 Male 男性 Female 女性 Plan Code 計劃代號 B15 B16 B17 B24 B25 Cancer Markers 癌症測試 Cardiac Function Test 心臟功能 X-ray 造影 Lung Function Test 肺功能測試 Glaucoma Test 青光眼測試 Osteoporosis Screening 骨質疏鬆症檢查 Female Checkup 婦女檢查 Report & Follow up 身體檢查報告 AFP (Liver), EBV for NPC Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) - male only 甲種胎兒蛋白 ( 肝硬化 ), EB 病毒抗體 ( 鼻咽癌 ) 前列腺癌抗原 ( 男性 ) Resting ECG 靜態心電圖 Treadmill Stress Test 運動壓力心電圖 Hs C-Reactive Protein 高敏度丙類反應蛋白 Homocysteine 高半胱氨酸 Chest 胸肺部 X 光平片 Vitalograph 肺活量檢查 Glaucoma Test by Tonometry) 青光眼檢查 DEXA (Spine and Hip) 雙 X- 光骨質密度檢查 ( 腰椎及股骨 ) Pap Smear 柏氏子宮頸塗片檢查 Mammogram (Age 40+ ) or Breast Ultrasound (Below 40) 乳房 X 光造影 (40 歲或以上 ) 或 乳房超聲波掃描 (40 歲以下 ) Lab report with Doctor's comment 報告及建議 Follow-up Consultation for Review 醫生解釋報告 Original Price 原價 Special Offer 優惠價 HK$4,200 HK$9,500 HK$9,500 HK$14,200 HK$15,900 HK$2,150 HK$4,980 HK$4,980 HK$7,550 HK$8,500 Note: Blue Cross reserves the right to alter the price without prior notice 註..藍十字保留更改價目之權利而無須另行通知