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4. Booth Design and Facilities Please visit Exhibitors Centre, Order Form Electronic Version at for accessing Form 1~6 mentioned under this section. These terms and conditions are in addition to, and supplement, the Rules and Regulations in [Section 3]. Without limitation paragraphs 67-74 of the Rules and Regulations shall apply in relation to all works undertaken in accordance with this Section 4. 4.1 Standard Booth / Premium Booth All shell booths will be designed, erected and decorated by the Organiser. Facilities provided include partitions, company fascia, table, chairs, display shelves, cabinets, spotlights and carpet. The Organiser reserves the right to make changes on the facilities provided at any time before the commencement of the Fair. Main switch and distribution board may be required to be installed within booth area at the Organiser s discretion. Fascia Board with company name will be provided free of charge. Exact wording of the company name (in English) as supplied in your application form will be used. Exhibitors are not allowed to make any alterations to the structure of the booths or remove any integral parts from the booths on their own. Exhibitors requiring extra assistance to relocate or delete standard facilities should submit their request by submitting the Forms 3 and 6 (Additional/Modification of standard facilities) to the Organiser no later than 28 Nov 2016. Deletions of standard items are free of charge only if the Organiser is notified no later than the deadline of 28 Nov 2016. Standard and Premium Booth Exhibitors and their appointed contractors must adhere to the following points: 1) All Exhibitors using a Shell Booth can only decorate the interior of their booth area. No additional booth fitting, structure, lighting, display, decoration items or exhibits can be attached, by any means, to the aluminum profile or structure or panels of the Shell Booth. Any drilling/nailing to the Shell Booth panels and shelves is strictly prohibited. 2) The Exhibitor shall be liable to pay to the Organiser any loss or damage suffered by failing to comply with paragraph 1, including the costs of restating and resetting up the Shell Booth in compliance with the requirements. 3) The use of adhesives and glues to the Shell Booth panels and shelves is strictly prohibited. Any stickers, graphics or any kind of fixtures applied to the Shell Booth must be removed at the end of the fair. The Organiser reserves the right to claim the cleaning and damage cost from the corresponding exhibitor if stickers are not fully removed. 1

4) All structures, decoration materials, exhibits, stand materials and the like must be completely removed immediately after the closing of the Exhibition according to arrangements and within the time limits specified by the Organiser. Any materials left behind at the Exhibition Venue shall be deemed abandoned. The Organiser reserves the right to claim any waste disposal cost from the corresponding exhibitor due to their negligence. 5) No items could exceed a height of 2.5m or extend beyond the boundaries of the booth allocated. These include, but are not limited to, fittings, exhibits, and company names, advertising material logos, inflatables brought along by the Exhibitor. 6) The fascia panel and its fixing structure must not be removed. 7) If any booth with fittings differs from the approved specifications or does not conform to the Organiser s rules and regulations, the Organiser reserves the rights to alter or remove the fittings without prior notice at the Exhibitor s own expense. 8) All built-in structures including the lighting fixtures within the Shell Booth must not be removed without the prior approval from the Organiser. 9) Installation of electrical equipment, including lighting fixtures, must strictly adhere to the Electricity (Wiring) Regulations of Hong Kong Electricity Ordinance (Chapter 406E). Exhibitors are prohibited to install any sub-standard fittings or wirings. 10) All lighting fixtures must not be altered or tampered with; if necessary, the work should be done by a locally qualified electrician. 11) If Contractor needs extra electricity, they should order from Official Contractor and pay for extra cost. Any illegal or inadequate electricity wiring or connection will be removed without prior notice or at the Organiser s option the Organiser may impose a surcharge determined by it. 12) All the Shell Booth structures, lighting fixtures and furniture items are property of the Organiser. The movable or furniture items must be kept within the booth area and in their original place for complete hand-over of the booth to the Organiser when the fair ends. The Organiser reserves the right to claim the Exhibitor for any missing or damaged items. 2

13) The Exhibitor shall fully indemnify the Organiser, its agents, representatives, contractors and employees on demand from and against all losses, liabilities, actions, proceedings, claims, damages, costs (including but not limited to legal costs) and expenses whatsoever which it may suffer or incur by reason of: a) the Exhibitor s failure to comply with the requirements relating to Shell Booth set out above and/or other rules and regulations relating to constructing and use of booths; b) any loss or damage arising from Exhibitor s decoration of the interior of their booth areas (whether or not in adherence to the requirements); c) any death or personal injury suffered by a third party attributable to use or decoration by the Exhibitor of their booth and/or suffered in their booth area; d) loss or damage, including death or personal injury, caused by the negligence or wilful default of the Exhibitor or failure to comply with the rules and regulations of the Organiser; e) loss or damage caused by the Exhibitor or the Exhibitor s contractors, to the Organiser, other exhibitors or visitors arising from the decoration and/or fitting out of the Exhibitor s Shell Booth, or work undertaken for handover to the Organiser when the fair ends, howsoever arising. 14) The Organiser hereby excludes all liability to the Exhibitor, its agents, representatives, contractors and employees for any loss or damage suffered in relation to the Shell Booth, the booth area or their presence at the fair, including loss or damage to the Exhibitor s fittings and/or personal property, save and except to the extent such exclusion is prohibited or limited by law. Nothing herein shall limit or effect the Organiser s liability for death or personal injury arising from its negligence. 4.1.1 Booth Decoration Prior written approval has to be obtained from the Organiser, if the Exhibitors and/or their appointed Contractors wish to move into the venue after 1800 hrs on 7 Jan 2017 for wood-work assembly inside booth. To gain access to the venue for contracting work, please complete Form 7 (Contractors Information) together with design drawing and full payment of site work deposit (please refer to section 4.2.2, 4.2.14 & 4.2.15 for details) to the Organiser. Application after deadline 12 Dec 2016 will not be entertained. The decoration should be properly dismantled and placed within booth area between 2000-2100 hrs on the last show day so as not to affect booth dismantling work of the official contractor. The decoration and waste should be cleared from exhibition venue by 0100 hrs on the day following the last show day. Otherwise, site work deposit will be forfeited. Upon approval of the early move-in request, you will be asked to collect the contractor s badge and vehicle pass at HKTDC, 83 Chun Yat Street, Tseung Kwan O Industrial Estate, Tseung Kwan O, Kowloon, Hong Kong. The Council s Exhibition Services Department can provide booth decoration/modifications at a competitive price. You are most welcome to contact Ms Carol Oey at phone: (852) 2240 5412, fax: (852) 2169 9681 or email: 3

Distribution of Contractor s Badges & Vehicle Passes Standard Booth Decoration Sqm up to Contractor s Badge Vehicle Pass (move-in & out) 60 5 2 Please contact our project in-charge in advance for reasonable extras of badges and passes. 4.1.2 Additional Facilities Exhibitors requiring additional facilities such as telephone, furniture, audio visual equipment, etc. should use Forms 3 to 6 for ordering the required facilities. Pre-payment in full will be required. 4.1.3 Over-time Hall Rental Charges for Move-in/Move-out Please refer to section 4.2.4 for details. 4.1.4 Water Supply and Drainage Water supply and drainage service ordering and installation guideline for exhibition halls: 1) No tee-off connection to each water supply and drainage point is allowed. 2) The distance between the bottom of the equipment drain point and the floor cannot be less than 400mm. 3) The temperature of the draining water cannot be more that 40 degrees Celsius or less than the supply water temperature. 4) Equipment involving large volume of water discharge such as dishwashing machine is not allowed. 5) The water supply outlet from the service trenches or pits should be easily accessible for technician s inspection at all times. 6) Installation of water service for booth with raised floor is not recommended. 7) The service orders must be submitted together with its location plan before the deadline. 8) The service trenches or pits for water service cannot be located on the main aisles. 9) All electrical switches and distribution boards should be properly partitioned off from the water sink. 10) For double deck construction, water service cannot be installed at the upper deck. 11) If fish tank is installed, dripping pan should be placed under the tank. 4.2 Custom-built Participation For this option of participation, Exhibitors will be given carpeted raw exhibition floor space only. Exhibitors have to design and construct their own booths and adhere to the Rules and Regulations as stipulated in Para. 3.1 as well as any other conditions which the Organiser might specify before or during the Exhibition. The Council s Exhibition Services Department can provide Custom-built design at a competitive price. You are most welcome to contact Ms Manvy Chan at phone: (852) 2240 5471, fax: (852) 2270 5798 or email: 4

Custom-built Participation Exhibitors may also appoint any competent local Stand Contractor to design and construct their booths. If an overseas contractor is appointed, it is mandatory to comply with the requirements imposed by the Immigration Department of Hong Kong. Please ensure that their workers have valid working visa/permits to work in Hong Kong. For the latest Directory of Exhibition Stand Contractors in Hong Kong, please visit Exhibitors Centre, Exhibitor Supporting Services, Stand Contractors at For Custom-built Participation Exhibitors, Form1 (Custom-built Participation Contractors Information), construction drawings, site work deposit and a copy of valid public liability insurance should reach Mr Aston Fong (, Exhibition Services, Hong Kong Trade Development Council for review no later than 28 Nov 2016. Otherwise, a late charge of HK$3,000 (US$400) will be charged to the Exhibitor or its appointed contractor. Exhibitors requiring additional facilities such as electricity supply, communications facilities etc, please complete Form 2 (Electricity Supply & Communication Facilities) and return to the Organiser with full payment before deadline. 4.2.1 Plans & Design Proposals Drawings submitted must be in reasonable scale of at least 1:100, fully dimensioned and must contain information such as floor plan, stand elevation, electrical fittings, carpeting, colours and materials to be used, moving exhibits, audio-visual equipment, weights and point loading of exhibits etc. Stands & temporary structures >2.5m & <4.5mH 4.5mH or two-storey construction Stages or platforms >1.1m & <1.5mH 1.5mH Suspended lighting truss & equipment <100 kg 100 kg Authorized Person/ Registered Structural Engineer (AP/RSE) should be deployed to Submit design drawings to Organiser by 28 Nov 2016 Submit by dropping into the collection box at Technical Services Counter by 1500 hrs on 8 Jan 2017 Submit to Official Electrical Contractor by 1500 hrs on 8 Jan 2017 Verify stability of design drawings Verify stability of design drawings & endorse structural calculations Supervise construction works at site; verify stability after completion by issuing structural safety certificate 4 original copies with By email structural calculations 1. Structural safety certificate (refer to section 4.2.6) 2. Fire Services certificate (submit upon request) (refer to section 4.2.8) Certificate of installation, inspection & testing (Form WR1) (please refer to section 4.2.7) Any alterations after drawing submission should be addressed to the Organiser and relevant parties for review. 5

You will be asked to collect the contractor s badge and vehicle pass at HKTDC, 83 Chun Yat Street, Tseung Kwan O Industrial Estate, Tseung Kwan O, Kowloon, Hong Kong. However, no contractor s badge or vehicle pass will be issued for entry of Exhibition Venue and no custom-built stand is permitted to be erected at the Exhibition Venue unless Form 1 (Custom-built participation contractors information), construction drawings, site work deposit (including late charge, if applicable) and a copy of valid insurance policy have been received by the Organiser. Hanging Truss (For lighting purpose only) The suspension of Stands or lighting devices from the ceiling structure of Exhibition Venue is not permitted. All lighting devices should be attached to a lighting truss of no more than 1m height, with a minimum of 2.5m and a maximum of 6m ground clearance. Distribution of Contractor s Badges & Vehicle Passes Stand area Single/Double-Storey Construction up to (sqm) Contractor s Badge Vehicle Pass (move-in & out) 27 10 2 60 20 4 120 30 6 180 45 8 288 60 10 288+ Please liaise with project-in-charge Remarks If considerable amount of custom-built stand is to be built by a contractor, TDC reserves the right to issue lesser vehicle pass in total National/District Pavilion - Please liaise quantity with our project in-charge. Please contact our project in-charge in advance for reasonable extras of badges and passes. 4.2.2 Site Work Deposit Exhibitors/Contractors of Custom-built participation and of standard/premium booth requesting for early move-in for booth decoration are required to lodge a site work deposit of which will be collected based on HK$300 / US$40 per sqm. For two-storey construction stand, the site work deposit is doubled. However, the minimum and maximum deposit amounts are HK$5,000 (US$ 667) and HK$75,000 (US$ 10,000). All deposits will be bank-in and the amount will be refunded within TWO months after conclusion of the Fair if their exhibition sites are, in the Organiser s view, clear of damage to the exhibition hall and all rubbish are cleared according to the time schedule of the Organiser and without violating the conditions as stipulated under section 4.2.15. Otherwise, the deposit will be deducted. Payment methods as below: (Please choose either one) 1) By Cheque Cheque must be issued from a bank in Hong Kong made payable to Hong Kong Trade Development Council and mailed/delivered to: 6

Mr Aston Fong Exhibition Services Department Hong Kong Trade Development Council 83 Chun Yat Street, Tseung Kwan O Industrial Estate Tseung Kwan O, Kowloon Hong Kong Please indicate Site Work Deposit, Fair name, Stand number and Exhibitor s name on the back of the cheque. Refund will ONLY be arranged by cheque to that cheque account. 2) By Transfer HK$ Account No. : 004-002-222701-005 Account Name : Hong Kong Trade Development Council Bank Name : The Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation Please indicate Site Work Deposit, Fair name, Stand number and Exhibitor s name on the payment receipt copy and email/fax to the Organiser. Refund will be arranged by cheque. 3) By Credit Card (Visa / Master Card) Please provide credit card number, expiry date, cardholder s name and signature to the Organiser for arrangement. Refund will be credited to the credit card account after deducting the handling charge, if applied. Remarks: a) All cash or cheque deposits without identifiable bank account details will not be accepted. b) The site work deposit should reach us by 28 Nov 2016. c) We do not accept payment by cheque after 28 Nov 2016, please settle by transfer or credit card. 4.2.3 Insurance Contractors are required to carry out and maintain public liability insurance in respect of the contractor s liability for death or injury to any persons, or loss or damage to property arising out of the performance of the Services in a sum not less than HK$10 million for any single claim, unlimited in aggregate. In addition, contractors are required to comply with Section 40 of the Employees Compensation Ordinance, Cap.282 ( ECO ) to cover their liabilities both under the ECO and at common law for injuries at work in respect of all their employees, irrespective of the length of employment contract or working hours, full time or part time, permanent or temporary employment. A contractor should also carry out and maintain valid and adequate insurance against theft, fire, damage to property, accidents, natural calamities, acts of God and such other risks normally insured against by a reasonable person in the position of the contractor, or as the Organiser may require, in connection with, inter alia, contractor s property (including all equipment, fittings, furniture, materials and other facilities used or provided by the contractor in the performance of the Services) and the performance of the Services. 7

The insurance should be maintained in force at all times during move-in period, exhibition period and move-out period, i.e. 7-13 Jan 2017. A copy of the public liability insurance policy should be provided to the Organiser by 28 Nov 2016. Labour inspectors are authorised to check the contractors working for exhibitors/organiser in the Exhibition Venue at all reasonable times under section 72(1) of Employment Ordinance, section 45(1) of Employees Compensation Ordinance and section 17L(1) of Immigration Ordinance. Relevant records and documents should be arranged accordingly. 4.2.4 Over-time Hall Rental Charges for Move-in/Move-out If the Exhibitors and/or their appointed Contractors work beyond the time as specified by the Organiser during move-in and move-out period, they should bear the over-time charges claimed by the Venue Operator against the Organiser as follows:- Over-time Move-in, i.e. working after 2400hrs (midnight) during move-in period. Charges will be calculated on multiple of hours and according to the booth area assigned. Booth Area Charges per stand per hour Up to 20 sqm HK$ 2,700 21~50 sqm HK$ 3,900 51~100 sqm HK$ 5,300 101~500 sqm HK$ 6,500 Over-time Move-out, i.e. working after 2400hrs (midnight) on the last show day. Charges will be calculated on multiple of hours according to its booth location. Charges per booth per hour for working on the day following last show day Location 0001~0300 hrs Beyond 0300 hrs Hall 1A, 1B, 1C, 1E, 3C, 3E HK$ 27,350 HK$ 54,700 Hall 1D, 3D HK$ 19,750 HK$ 39,500 Hall 3B HK$ 22,750 HK$ 45,500 Hall 3F, 3G, 5F, 5G HK$ 28,900 HK$ 57,800 Hall 5B+C HK$ 49,250 HK$ 98,500 Hall 5D HK$ 7,700 HK$ 15,400 Hall 5E HK$ 29,650 HK$ 59,300 Grand Hall HK$ 28,950 HK$ 57,900 Grand Foyer HK$ 15,600 HK$ 31,200 Convention Hall A, C HK$ 3,950 HK$ 7,900 Convention Hall B HK$ 5,700 HK$ 11,400 Convention Foyer HK$ 13,000 HK$ 26,000 Theatre Foyer HK$ 3,450 HK$ 6,900 Over-time work less than an hour will be rounded up to one hour. 8

4.2.5 Height Limit Location Maximum Booth Height * Hall 1A~E, Hall 3B~G, Hall 5BCEFG, Convention Hall, Grand Hall 5m Convention Foyer, Grand Foyer 5m Hall 1A~E Concourse, Hall 3B~D Concourse, Hall 5D, Theatre Foyer 4m Meeting Rooms 3.5m Hall 3E~G Concourse, Hall 3E South Concourse Hall 5E South Concourse, Hall 5FG Concourse 3m Hall 5BC Concourse, Mezzanine 2, Mezzanine 4 2.5m * Applicable for two-storey construction Smoke Curtain For any stand situated within 0.5m of the smoke curtain, the maximum allowable booth height is 2.5m or 3m. Please refer to the hall plan or check with Organiser, if required. Location of Smoke Curtain Maximum Booth Height Hall 1A~E, 3B~E, 5B~E 3m Hall 1, 3 & 5 Concourse, Hall 3FG, Hall 5FG 2.5m 4.2.6 Structural Safety Certificate A structural safety certificate must be submitted for all Custom-built stands exceeding 2.5m in height, using a hanging lighting truss and/or otherwise deemed required by the Organiser and/or the Venue Operator. All stand constructions must be conducted under the supervision of an Authorized Person/Registered Structural Engineer (AP/RSE) and he/she should verify the stability of the stand by completing structural safety certificate. An Authorized Person could either be a Registered Architect (AP-List I), or a Registered Structural Engineer (AP-List II), or a Registered Building Surveyor (AP-list III). An Authorized Person is legally defined in the HKSAR Buildings Ordinance Chapter 123. For the AP/RSE registry, please visit ype=rse. The mentioned certificate above (together with structural calculations, where applicable under section 4.2.1) should be submitted to the Organiser at Technical Services Counter by 1500 hrs on the last move-in day, i.e. 8 Jan 2017. The Organiser will forward the original to the Venue Operator. If this rule is not observed by 2200 hrs on the last move-in day, the Organiser and/or the Venue Operator reserve the rights to prohibit all access to the Stand throughout the fair period. Exhibitors must accept full responsibility for the safety of the Stand and comply with the Construction Sites (Safety) Regulations (Chapter 59). 9

Exhibitors are advised to maintain stability of the booth by evenly distributing the exhibits on the fixtures. Please consult your contractor or AP/RSE if necessary. 4.2.7 Electricity The Official Contractor appointed by the Organiser shall only carry out electrical works at Exhibitors expenses. Design plans or proposals for electrical installation must reach the Organiser for review together with aforementioned stand design proposals by 28 Nov 2016. Electricity can be supplied in 220 volt ( 6%), single phase, 50 Hz or 380 volt ( 6%), three phases, 50 Hz. In compliance with the Electricity Ordinance (Chapter 406) Electricity (Wiring) Regulations, all electrical installations, inspection and testing must be carried out by a registered electrical worker together with a registered electrical contractor. Certification of installation, inspection & testing (Form WR1) should be submitted to the Official Electrical Contractor by 1500 hrs on the last move-in day, i.e. 8 Jan 2017. Failing to provide by 2200 hrs on the last move-in day will result in suspension of electricity supply throughout the fair period. 4.2.8 Fire Precaution / Fire Service Certificate In compliance with the Venue s Rules & Regulations, all construction and decoration of stands (including, but not limited to, drapes, curtains, fabrics, banners, backdrops) must be non-combustible, inherently non-flammable or durably flameproof and be in accordance with all applicable fire prevention and building regulations. Authorized personnel of Venue Operator or the Hong Kong Government may need to inspect and verify its compliance. A documentary proof of compliance for all Custom-built stands with the use of combustible materials shall conform to any standard acceptable to the Director of Fire Services; or shall be brought up to any of those standards by treating with a fire retardant paint or solution acceptable to Director of Fire Services. In the latter case, the work shall be carried out by a Class 2 Registered Fire Service Installation Contractor and a certificate (FS251) to this effect from the Contractor shall be submitted to the Organiser upon request. Fire services certificate should be certified by Registered Fire Services Installation Contractors. For the List of Registered Fire Services Installation Contractors, please visit Hay is strictly prohibited to use at the venue, regardless with or without fire proof treatment. For all construction with wooden materials involved, at least one functional extinguisher at a conspicuous spot within the assigned area during the construction and show period for safety reason. 4.2.9 Reflective Vest All visitors and persons requiring admission to the Licensed Area for any reasons in connection with building-up or breaking-down of exhibition stands or for any activities will require wearing Reflective Vest. If this rule is not observed, the Venue Operator will have the rights to refrain the personel from entering the exhibition venue. 10

4.2.10 Scaffold From 1 Oct 2016, the use of ladders at 2 meters or above in height is strictly prohibited at the public circulation areas (i.e. Concourse area of Hall 1, 3, 5; Harbour Road Entrance; Expo Drive Entrance; Convention Foyer; Grand Foyer) in HKCEC. All construction/dismantling work at these areas should be carried out by using high reach equipment (e.g. scaffolding, evaluated working platform etc ). The scaffold should not be used on a construction site unless Form 5 (Scaffolds-Reports of Results of Fortnightly or other inspections report) has been made by a competent person. This form should be displayed in a prominent location of the scaffold which specifies the location, extension of the scaffold on the site and includes a statement to the effect that the scaffold is in safe working order, strength and stability. In addition, workers are required to wear safety belt while construction activities are carried out over 2 meters height or above the ground. For further details, please visit the website at for the Code of Practice for Metal Scaffolding Safety. If this rule is not observed, HKTDC and/or the Venue Operator will have the rights to suspend the relevant construction activity immediately. 4.2.11 Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance Exhibitors and/or their Contractors must comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance in construction and dismantling the stands and to adhere to the occupational health and safety measure as required by the venue operator: 1) Make sure the workplace is safe and healthy; 2) Provide and maintain safety working equipment and procedures; 3) Appoint authorized person for on-site supervising of installation/dismantling works. A Guide on Safety and Health in the Hong Kong Exhibition and Convention Industry has been published by the Hong Kong Exhibition and Convention Industry Association (HKECIA), which extensively covers various aspects of the industry that requires proper attention. You and your appointed contractor are advised to pay attention to the guide via A Guide to Health and Safety in the Hong Kong Exhibition & Convention Industry_Eng.pdf. 4.2.12 Waste Reduction and Recovery Measures In 1998, HKSAR Government unveiled the Waste Reduction Framework Plan, which sets out various initiatives to heighten public awareness on waste reduction and recovery. Exhibitors and/or Contractors should observe the following waste reduction and minimization guidelines: Design Stage 1) Plan for waste reduction before on-site operation to minimize waste generation. 2) Adopt modular exhibition designs and off-site pre-fabrication processes as far as practicable. 3) Use environmental-friendly materials (e.g. recycled materials) for stand design and construction, publicity and promotion. 4) Adopt flexible exhibition designs to include opportunities for future adaptation. Reuse of construction materials, use of recycled materials in construction and recyclable materials should be taken into account at the design stage. 11

Installation and Dismantling Stage 1) Check with the Organiser for locations of recycling facilities and items which could be recovered. 2) Instruct on-site staff of good recycling practice. 3) Install and dismantle in proper manner to avoid damages to items particularly those intended for reuse. 4) Plan stands dismantling properly to maximize the reuse and recycling of materials. 5) Fully utilize raw materials to avoid wastage. 6) Handle special waste (e.g. chemical waste) properly. 7) Consider reuse and recycling before disposal of the materials. 8) For technical advice, please contact the Waste Reduction Helpline: (852) 2755-2750 of the Environmental Protection Department of Hong Kong SAR Government. Fluorescent Lamps Recycling Programme Fluorescent lamps (straight tubes, round tubes, energy saving lamps and high intensity discharge lamps (e.g. mercury vapour lamp, metal halide lamp and sodium lamp) contain mercury. Release of mercury from broken lamps can contaminate the surrounding and create health hazard through inhalation or skin contact. Proper handling and disposal should be made in order not to harm humans and the environment and to comply with the relevant legal requirements. In accordance with the Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre has been approved as a waste producer for disposing mercury lamps. Nine recycling bins have been placed at G/F opposite to Design Gallery, Hall 1AC loading area, Hall 3CEG loading area and Hall 5CEG loading area. 4.2.13 Construction Industry Safety Training Certificate Labour Department, Hong Kong Exhibition and Convention Industry Association (HKECIA) and the Venue Operator have concurrently agreed to endorse the Contractor Green Card System at the Venue. With immediate effect, contractors entering the Venue for construction works are required to obtain the Construction Industry Safety Training Certificates (also known as Green Card ). The main objective is to ensure that mandatory basic safety training has been provided to contractors before working at the Venue. All stand fitting contractors must acquire the said certificates (cards) and have it displayed upon request when working at the Venue. The Venue Operator s security reserves the rights to refuse entry or remove personnel for those who fail to provide valid credentials. Please feel free to contact the Event Planning & Co-ordination Team of the Venue Operator at or (852) 2582 8888 should you need further assistance. 12

4.2.14 All Exhibitors and Contractors must comply with the following requirements Custom-built Stand Exhibitors must ensure that they and their Contractors are fully aware of the following requirements when preparing design proposals. Failure to observe such requirements may result in costly alterations on site being required by the Organiser and/or the Venue Operator and deduction of site work deposit. In the worst case, the Organiser may prohibit the construction of the intended Custom-built stand. Any charges so incurred will be entirely at the Exhibitor s expense: 1) Site measurements are given in metric. Exhibitors/Contractors, upon arrival and before commencing construction work, are required to check if the site is set out as per floor plan issued by the Organiser, and to report any errors to the Organiser immediately. If the Contractor does not report any errors to the Organiser immediately, the Organiser will not be liable to any errors once construction work has been started by the party lodging the claim without first reporting the error to the Organiser. 2) All structures built on ground must be self standing without the absolute use of hanging points. If any material is found attached to the Official Contractor s materials, site work deposit will be deducted and the Contractor is responsible to detach the attached point(s) accordingly. Extra sum will be claimed by the Official Contractor if their materials are damaged. 3) No parts of any structures may extend beyond the boundaries of the site allocated except for general lighting devices (e.g. floodlight, Gilbert lamp, HQI light, spotlight etc with extension arm) extruded not exceeding an overall length of 0.35m from booth boundary. These may include but not limit to plasma TVs, exhibits, decorative lighting, Exhibitor s company name or logo. Otherwise, site work deposit will be deducted. 4) Any main constructions set-up deviated from the drawings submitted to the Organiser will be subject to site work deposit deduction. 5) No suspensions could be made from the ceiling of the Exhibition Hall (except above mentioned hanging truss for lighting devices), nor may any fixings be made to the floor, walls or any other parts of the building. 6) The Contractor is responsible to put its company name on the contractors badges in a clearly identifiable way and/or without properly displaying at the Exhibition Venue. 7) The name and/or booth number of the Exhibitors must be prominently displayed and faced to aisle. If this rule is not observed, the Organiser reserves the rights to affix them as they consider fit and to charge the cost incurred to the Exhibitor. 8) Any signage and visual (including but not limit to company name, logo, slogan, photo and pattern) at height over 2.5m facing adjacent booth must be set back 0.5m from booth boundary. All viewable areas of the common side-wall bordering neighboring stands should be smooth and well dressed in plain color without any graphics. 9) Exhibitors are not allowed to utilize and/or apply decoration on the back of the partitions of their adjacent booths. 10) The Organiser must be notified in advance of any changes to the type or colour of the floor covering provided. Any cost incurred must be borne by the Exhibitor/Contractor. 11) All electrical fittings and wirings must be installed in compliance with Electricity (Wiring) Regulations of Hong Kong Electricity Ordinance (Chapter 406E). 12) All lighting fixtures should be installed at least 2.2m above ground or they should be well protected so as not to cause danger to the general public. 13

13) Main switch and distribution board may be required to install within space area at Official Contractor s discretion. 14) All materials used in the construction and decoration of exhibition stands or set-ups should be flame retardant and be subject to inspection by the Venue Operator and/or the Organiser. 15) Paint spraying, welding and the use of circular saw are strictly prohibited inside the Exhibition Hall. Please use jig saw instead of circular saw. 16) Contractors should strictly follow the move-in/move-out schedule set by the Organiser. No prior move-in/move-out without Organiser s prior consent is allowed. All workers and construction materials will be required to leave the hall immediately until the official time. 17) Banners are restricted to two-dimensional signs only. Please refer to order form for details. 18) Waste materials (including packing materials) must be disposed in the waste cages immediately after unpacking. 19) There will be no storage space provided in the Exhibition Venue. Any empty crates, equipment, goods, tools or materials found leaving unattended in the Exhibition Venue/loading area etc will be disposed without prior notice. 20) For safety reasons, Venue Operator has specially assigned several metal crates for dumping the glass materials during set-up and dismantling period. Please remove the glass materials and dispose at these metal crates properly before using hydraulic grab truck. 21) All contractor badges and vehicle passes are available for contractors or their agents pick-up at HKTDC, 83 Chun Yat Street, Tseung Kwan O Industrial Estate, Tseung Kwan O, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Any other pick-up methods may be subject to extra charges. 22) All contractor badges/vehicle passes are strictly non-transferable. 23) Any materials of any kind attached to the shell scheme booth built by the Official Contractor. 4.2.15 Deduction of Site Work Deposit Please ensure that Stand Contractors comply with the conditions herein. Without prejudice to the Organiser s rights to indemnification and/or reimbursement specified herein and in the Rules and Regulations, the Organiser may deduct the specified amount/percentage of the site work deposit upon failure to comply with a condition as specified below. Conditions 1) Contractor did not follow the move-in or move-out schedule set by the Organiser. 2) Paint spraying, welding or using circular saw inside the Exhibition Venue. 3) Storage of construction materials, tools, empty boxes and/or other materials in the Exhibition Venue. 4) Any main constructions set-up deviated from the drawings submitted to the Organiser. Deposit to be Deducted upon Violation of Conditions 100% 100% 100% 100% 14

5) Stand construction exceeds the maximum height limit and/or boundaries assigned, including but not limit to plasma TV, decorative lighting, 3-D letterings 100% & graphics etc 6) Stand construction or dismantling in an improper or unsafe manner. 100% 7) Any items found outside the respective booth area, after the daily working hours, may be disposed 50% without prior notice. 8) Any signage or visual (including, but not limit to company name, logo, slogan, photo and pattern) at height over 2.5m facing adjacent booth does not set 50% back 0.5m from booth boundary. 9) All viewable booths partitions/walls decorated not up to a smooth, acceptable plain color finish; or such finish is not fully fixed by 2359 hrs on the day before 50% delegate move-in. 10) Debris, packing materials and stand materials not handled/disposed properly and timely during 50% move-in and move-out. 11) All glass fixtures not properly handled before using hydraulic grab lorry to dispose the booth structure. 50% 12) Employing unqualified personnel for work at the Exhibition Venue. 50% 13) Fail to meet Organiser s submission deadline of required certificates/documents on last move-in day. HK$3,000/item 14) Smoking in non designated smoking area of Exhibition Venue HK$1,000/count 15) Transfer/mis-use of vehicle passes. HK$1,000/pass 16) Transfer of contractor badges. HK$500/badge 17) Contractor badge without clearly identifiable contractor s company name and/or without properly HK$500/badge displaying at the Exhibition Venue. 18) Any construction materials, empty cartoons, wooden structure, display stands and equipment placed outside booth area during the fair period will be disposed without prior notice. Extra removal charges will be incurred. HK$500/cbm 19) No prior collection of Contractor badges and vehicle passes until on-site pick-up. HK$500/exhibitor or pavilion 20) Screwing, drilling, painting or nailing on the panels of standard shell booth. HK$300/panel 21) Any facilities (wall, entrance door, carpet, marble floor etc ) of the Exhibition Venue being damaged. 22) Any additional hall rental charges incurred due to over-time move-in and move-out. Actual Cost claimed by the Venue Operator plus Administrative Charge Please refer to Section 4.2.4 15

Remarks: a) If the site work deposit is not sufficient to cover the actual cost/deduction incurred, the Organiser reserves the rights to persue the Contractor for the outstanding balance. b) Even if the Exhibitor/Contractor violates the conditions/rules and regulations other than the above, the Organiser reserves the rights to deduct from the deposit as deemed necessary. c) The Organiser will not be responsible for any loss and claim on all disposed items arose from the violation of conditions, rules and regulations by the Exhibitor/Contractor. d) For those frequent offenders, the Organiser reserves the rights to ban the Contractor and/or its Company from any construction works organised by the HKTDC. e) Deductions from the site work deposit are without prejudice to other rights and claims that may be made by the Organiser under the Rules and Regulations. f) In case of any disputes, the decision of the Organiser should be final and binding. In case of dscrepancy between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail. 16

4. 展台設計及設施 請瀏覽網頁 參展商中心 額外設施及服務申請表格電子版本 以索取本文提及之表格一至六 本條款及條件乃附加於並補充 [ 第 3 章 ] 的規例 在不受限制的情況下, 規例第 67 至 74 段應適用於有關按照本第 4 節所進行的一切工程 4.1 標準展台 / 特級展台所有標準展台的設計 搭建及裝修工作均由主辦機構負責 大會提供的設施包括圍板 公司名牌 桌子 椅子 陳列架 地櫃 聚光燈及地毯等 主辦當局有權在展覽會開幕前, 更改所提供的設施, 並有權將開關掣及過載保護分線箱安裝於展台內的適當位置 主辦機構負責免費提供公司名牌 公司名牌之正確英文寫法將採用申請表格所提供之名稱作準 一般而言, 參展商不得改動展台結構或拆除展台的任何部份 參展商如有特別需要, 如更改設施位置或刪除設施, 須填寫表格三及六 額外 / 改動設施服務申請表, 並於 2016 年 11 月 28 日前交回主辦機構 如有需要刪除任何標準設施, 請於 2016 年 11 月 28 日前通知主辦機構, 可免收費用 租用標準展台的參展商及其委託之承建商必須遵守下列各項規定 : 1) 使用標準展台的所有參展商只可裝飾其展台範圍的內部 標準展台鋁架或結構或圍板上均不能以任何方式附加任何額外的展台裝置 結構 燈具 陳列品 裝飾物或展品等 嚴禁在標準展台的圍板及陳列架作任何鑚孔 / 打釘 2) 參展商須負責就因沒有遵從第 1 段而引致的任何損失或損害, 向主辦機構支付款項, 包括遵從有關規定重新整理及重新搭建標準展台的費用 3) 嚴禁在標準展台的圍板及陳列架施用強力黏貼劑或膠水 所有張貼於標準展台的的膠貼 繪圖或任何附着物必須於展覽會完結時清理妥當 假若膠貼等物品未有妥善清理, 主辦機構有權向有關參展商收取清理費及損毀之賠償 4) 展覽會完結時, 所有結構 展品 展台物料必須在主辦機構規定的指定時間內妥善清理 任何展品 展台物料擱置於展覽會場將視為棄置物品, 主辦機構會向有關參展商收取所需的清理費用 5) 任何物品的高度不得超過 2.5 米, 或伸展超逾劃定的展台界限 有關物品包括但不限於參展商帶來的裝置 展品 公司名牌 宣傳材料 標記及充氣物 6) 不得拆除公司名牌及其固定構件 17

7) 如附有裝置的任何展台有別於認可規格或不符合主辦機構所訂之規則, 主辦機構保留權利進行改建或清拆裝置而毋須事先通知 有關費用一概由參展商負責 8) 未經主辦機構事先批准, 不得拆除標準展台內任何原有構件, 包括照明裝置 9) 參展商裝設的電器設備 包括照明裝置 必須嚴格遵循香港 電力條例 之 電力 線路 規例 第 406E 章 嚴禁參展商安裝任何未符標準的裝置或電線 10) 不得改動或干擾任何照明裝置 ; 如有需要, 有關工程必須由本地合資格電力技師施工 11) 如承建商需額外供電, 應向大會指定的承建商申請並支付額外費用 電力線路或接駁如有任何違法或不足之處, 均會被清拆而毋須事先通知, 或者在主辦機構的選擇下, 主辦機構可收取其所釐定的附加費用 12) 標準展台的一切構件 照明裝置及傢俬全屬主辦機構所有 在展覽結束時, 可移動或傢俬物品必須放於展台範圍內並放回原位, 以示展台完整交還主辦機構 主辦機構保留權利, 就任何遺失或損壞物件向參展商作出申索 13) 參展商應就主辦機構基於下列理由可能蒙受或招致的一切損失 法律責任 行動 法律程序 申索 損害賠償 費用 包括但不限於法律費用 及開支, 應要求向主辦機構 其代理人 代表 承建商及僱員作出全數彌償 : a 參展商未能遵從上文所列出有關標準展台的規定及 / 或有關建造及使用展台的其他規則及規例 ; b 參展商對其展台範圍的內部裝飾 不論是否遵循有關規定 所引致的任何損失或損害 ; c 可歸因於參展商使用或裝飾其展台而引致第三方的任何死亡或身體受傷及 / 或在其展台範圍內所引致的任何死亡或身體受傷 ; d 因參展商的疏忽或故意失責或者未能遵從主辦機構的規則及規例而造成的任何損失或損害 包括死亡或身體受傷 ; e 因參展商標準展台的裝飾及 / 或裝修工程或在展覽完結時為向主辦機構交還展台而進行的工程而引致 不論是如何引致的, 由參展商或參展商的承建商對主辦機構 其他參展商或參觀者造成的損失或損害 14) 主辦機構特此卸除對參展商 其代理人 代表 承建商及僱員就標準展台 展台範圍或他們停留在展覽會所蒙受的任何損失或損害 包括對參展商的裝置及 / 或個人財產造成的損失或損害 所須承擔的一切法律責任, 但該等法律責任的卸除受法律所禁止或限制的範圍則除外 本文中的任何規定不應限制或影響主辦機構對因其疏忽而引致的死亡或身體受傷所須承擔的法律責任 4.1.1 展台佈置參展商及 / 或其委託之承建商必須先獲主辦機構書面批准, 方可在 2017 年 1 月 7 日下午 6 時後進場進行木器裝嵌的展台佈置 18

若參展商委託之承建商需要提早進場, 請填妥表格七 承建商資料申報表 並連同設計圖則及施工按金全數 請參閱第 4.2.2 4.2.14 及 4.2.15 章 於截止日期前一併交付主辦機構 主辦機構恕不接受逾期 2016 年 12 月 12 日 申請 所有佈置須於完展當天晚上 8 時至 9 時拆妥並適當擺放於該攤位內, 以免影響大會承建商的攤位拆卸工作 所有物料及棄置物須於翌日凌晨 1 時前清離展館 否則, 施工按金會被扣除 申請一經批核, 請貴公司於香港貿易發展局 香港九龍將軍澳將軍澳工業邨駿日街 83 號 領取承建商證及車輛通行證 本局之展覽服務部亦可提供展台修飾 / 設計服務, 歡迎貴公司與黃小樾小姐聯絡, 電話 : 852 2240 5412; 傳真 : 852 2169 9681; 電郵 承建商證及車輛通行證分發數量 標準展台佈置攤位面積達 平方米 承建商證車輛通行證 進場及離埸 60 5 2 如需額外承建商證及車輛通行證, 請預先聯絡有關負責人 本局會視乎要求數量的合理性而作出安排 4.1.2 額外設施參展商如需額外設施, 如電話 陳列設施 視聽器材等, 須填寫表格三至六申請租用, 所有費用必須預先繳付 4.1.3 進場 / 離場超時租場收費請參閱第 4.2.4 章 4.1.4 供水及排水設施 申請及安裝指引 : 1) 不可將供 / 排水的接駁位再分拆使用 2) 用具的排水位與地面之距離不能少於 0.4 米 3) 排出之水溫不能逾攝氏 40 度或低於供水之溫度 4) 不可用於大排水量的用具, 如洗碗碟機 5) 不可阻礙出水之槽位, 以免妨礙工程人員即時檢查 6) 設置地台的展台不建議加裝供 / 排水設施 7) 申請供 / 排水設施須連同安裝位置圖於截止日期前提交 8) 出水槽位不可置於主通道上 9) 所有電掣或掣箱須與洗滌槽適當地分隔 10) 供 / 排水位不能安裝在雙層建築物之上層 11) 如需要安裝魚缸, 應設置盛水器於魚缸之下以防漏水 19

4.2 特裝參展選擇這種參展方式的參展商, 只獲分配鋪有地毯的展覽空地 參展商須自行設計及搭建攤位, 並須遵守規例第 3.1 段, 以及主辦機構在展覽前或舉行期間的其他規定 本局之展覽服務部亦可提供特裝攤位設計服務, 歡迎貴公司與陳惠美小姐聯絡, 電話 : 852 2240 5471; 傳真 : 852 2270 5798; 電郵 租用特裝攤位的參展商亦可委聘任何本地符合資格的承建商設計及搭建攤位 參展商如聘用海外 非香港 承建商, 其必須遵守香港入境處的有關要求 請確保其員工持有有效香港工作許可證 參展商可瀏覽網頁 參展商中心 其他服務資料 展台承建商目錄 以參閱最新的 香港展覽會展台承建商名錄 參展商或其委託之承建商須於 2016 年 11 月 28 日或之前將表格一 承建商資料申報表 設計圖則 施工按金及有效的公眾責任保險保單副本交到香港貿易發展局展覽服務部方詠鴻先生 存檔, 否則主辦機構會收取 3,000 港元 400 美元 的逾期行政費 參展商如需額外設施如供電及通訊設施等, 須填寫表格二 供電及通訊設施申請表 申請租用, 所有費用必須預先繳付 4.2.1 設計圖則圖則比例必須不少於 1:100, 註明詳盡尺寸的平面圖及正視圖 電力裝置 地毯 用色及用料 流動展品 視聽器材 展品重量及點荷載等資料 攤位及臨時搭建物 >2.5 米而 <4.5 米高 4.5 米高或雙層結構 舞台或平台 >1.1 米而 <1.5 米高 1.5 米高 懸空照明支架及設備 <100 公斤 100 公斤 認可人士 / 註冊結構工程師應 於 2016 年 11 月 28 日或之前提交圖則予主辦機構於 2017 年 1 月 8 日下午 3 時或之前投放到 攤位設施 之收集箱於 2017 年 1 月 8 日下午 3 時或之前交予大會電力承建商 證明其設計圖則穩定性證明其設計圖則穩定性及簽發數據證明監督搭建工程在完成搭建後驗證並簽發結構安全證明書一式四份設計圖則以電郵方式及數據證明 1. 結構安全證明書 詳情請參閱第 4.2.6 章 2. 消防證明書 按要求下提交 詳情請參閱第 4.2.8 章 電力裝置完工證明書 表格 WR1 詳情請參閱第 4.2.7 章 所有已交到主辦機構之圖則如有改動, 亦須交予主辦機構及相關機構審閱 20

請貴公司於香港貿易發展局位於香港九龍將軍澳將軍澳工業邨駿日街 83 號辦公室 ; 領取承建商證及車輛通行證 假若特裝攤位的表格一 承建商資料申報表 設計圖則 施工按金 包括逾期行政費, 如適用 及有效的保險單副本未達主辦機構, 參展商或其委託之承建商將不獲發適用於展覽場地的承建商證及車輛通行證, 亦不得在展覽場地搭建攤位 懸空支架 只供照明用途 不得在展覽場地的天花結構懸垂攤位構件或照明裝置 所有照明裝置必須安裝在照明支架, 而其高度不得超過 1 米 離地高度介乎 2.5 米與 6 米之間 承建商證及車輛通行證分發數量 攤位面積達 平方米 單層 / 雙層搭建攤位車輛通行證承建商證 進場及離埸 27 10 2 60 20 4 120 30 6 180 45 8 288 65 10 288+ 請聯絡有關負責人 備註 如承建商所搭建的特裝攤位達相當的數量, 本局有權酌量減少車證的總分發數量 國家 / 地區館 - 請聯絡有關負責人 如需額外承建商證及車輛通行證, 請預先聯絡有關負責人 本局會視乎要求數量的合理性而作出安排 4.2.2 施工按金所有特裝攤位及申請提早佈置標準 / 特級展台的參展商 / 承建商必須繳交施工按金, 按金以每平方米 300 港元 40 美元 計算 搭建雙層結構攤位須繳交雙倍施工按金 最低及最高的金額分別為 5,000 港元 667 美元 及 75,000 港元 10,000 美元 施工按金將存入銀行, 假若主辦機構認為攤位已妥善清理 裝置並無任何損壞 在大會指定時間內完成及沒有違反第 4.2.15 章者, 按金將於展覽會結束後 2 個月內退回 否則, 主辦機構所產生的費用將從按金中扣除 繳交方式如下 : 請選其一 1 支票方式抬頭 香港貿易發展局, 必須是香港的銀行可提款之支票, 郵寄或交到本局地址 : 香港貿易發展局展覽服務部方詠鴻先生收香港九龍將軍澳將軍澳工業邨駿日街 83 號 21

支票背面請註明 施工按金 展覽會名稱 攤位號碼 及 參展商名稱 按金只會以支票形式退回該支票户口 2 轉賬方式港元戶口號碼 : 004-002-222701-005 戶口名稱 : 香港貿易發展局銀行名稱 : 香港上海滙豐銀行 請於入賬收據副本註明 施工按金 展覽會名稱 攤位號碼 及 參展商名稱 並電郵 / 傳真致主辦機構 按金會以支票形式退回 3 信用咭方式 VISA / Mastercard 請提供信用咭號碼 信用咭屆滿日期 持咭人姓名及簽名以供主辦機構安排 按金將會在扣除信用咭公司之手續費後 如適用 退回信用咭户口 備註 : a) 凡未能展示付款戶口資料的現金或支票入賬, 恕不接受 b) 施工按金須於 2016 年 11 月 28 日或之前繳交 / 入帳 c) 於 2016 年 11 月 28 日後恕不接受以支票方式繳交施工按金, 請以轉賬或信用咭方式付款 4.2.3 保險承建商必須購買有效之公眾責任保險 每次事故賠償限額不少於港幣 1,000 萬, 而保險期內累積賠償額則須無限 此外, 承建商必須遵從香港條例第 282 章僱員補償條例 ( 該條例 ) 第 40 條的規定, 以承擔該承建商在該條例及普通法就他們全部的僱員在工作時受傷而引起的法律責任, 不論僱員的合約期或工作時數長短 是全職或兼職 是長工或臨時工 私人承建商必須一直於展覽期間 ( 包括進場及離場 ) 就私人承建商的財物及其活動及其他項目存有生效及充足的保險, 包括盜竊 火災 財物損毀 意外 自然災害 天災以及其他通常由承建商投保的及主辦機構要求投保的風險 保險有效期須包括進場 展覽期間及離場 即 2017 年 1 月 7 至 13 日 承建商須於 2016 年 11 月 28 日或之前將其公眾責任保險單副本交予主辦機構 按 僱傭條例 第 72(1) 條 僱員補償條例 第 45(1) 條及 入境條例 第 17L(1) 條, 授權予勞工處人員於任何合理時間, 於展館內視察及檢查其相關記錄及文件 4.2.4 進場 / 離場超時租場收費假若參展商或其委託之承建商未能在主辦機構指定的進場及離場時限完成有關的工作, 須承擔由香港會議展覽中心向主辦機構徵收的超時場租如下 : 進場超時租場 - 即進場日午夜 12 時後進行工作, 收費按攤位面積計算 攤位面積 每攤位每小時收費 20 平方米或以下 2,700 港元 21~50 平方米 3,900 港元 51~100 平方米 5,300 港元 22

101~500 平方米 6,500 港元 離場超時租場 - 即離場日午夜 12 時後進行工作, 收費將按攤位面積計算 位置 4.2.5 高度限制 於展覽會完結翌日工作每攤位每小時收費凌晨零時 1 分凌晨 3 時後至凌晨 3 時 展覽廳 1A 1B 1C 1E 3C 3E 27,350 港元 54,700 港元 展覽廳 1D 或 3D 19,750 港元 39,500 港元 展覽廳 3B 22,750 港元 45,500 港元 展覽廳 3F 3G 5F 或 5G 28,900 港元 57,800 港元 展覽廳 5B+C 49,250 港元 98,500 港元 展覽廳 5D 7,700 港元 15,400 港元 展覽廳 5E 29,650 港元 59,300 港元 大會堂 28,950 港元 57,900 港元 大會堂前廳 15,600 港元 31,200 港元 會議廳 A 或 C 3,950 港元 7,900 港元 會議廳 B 5,700 港元 11,400 港元 會議廳前廳 13,000 港元 26,000 港元 演講廳前廳 3,450 港元 6,900 港元 超時工作不足一小時亦作一小時計 位置 攤位高度限制 * 展覽廳 1A~E 3B~G 5BCEFG 會議廳 大會堂 5 米 會議廳前廳 大會堂前廳 5 米 展覽廳 1A~E 大堂 3B~D 大堂 5D 演講廳前廳 4 米 會議室 3.5 米 展覽廳 3E~G 大堂 3E 南面大堂 5E 南面大堂 5FG 大堂 3 米 展覽廳 5BC 大堂 大堂中樓 2 及 4 2.5 米 * 可搭建雙層結構 防煙閘在防煙閘下 0.5 米的範圍內, 攤位高度不得超過 2.5 米或 3 米 請參閱展覽廳平面圖或與主辦機構查詢 防煙閘位置 展覽廳 1A~E 3B~E 5B~E 展覽廳 1 3 及 5 大堂 展覽廳 3FG 及 5FG 攤位高度限制 3 米 2.5 米 23

4.2.6 結構安全證明書所有高度超逾 2.5 米的特裝攤位 懸空照明支架及 / 或按主辦機構及 / 或展館 運者要求, 必須提交展覽攤位結構安全證明書 註冊結構工程師須監督攤位的搭建, 並須驗證其結構安全及簽發結構安全證明書 認可人士包括註冊建築師 認可人士名單 1 註冊結構工程師 認可人士名單 2 或註冊屋宇測量師 認可人士名單 3 認可人士的定義詳述於香港建築物條例第 123 章 有關認可人士 / 註冊結構工程師的名冊, 請瀏覽屋宇署網頁 : on&regtype=ap%28e%29&langcode=2 所有結構安全證明書 連同攤位穩定性的數據證明 按照第 4.2.1 章規定 須於最後進場日 即 2017 年 1 月 8 日 下午 3 時或之前投放到 攤位設施 之收集箱 主辦機構將轉交展館營運者 如未能於當晚 10 時前交妥, 主辦機構或展館營運者有權在整個展期禁止所有人士進入有關攤位 參展商須完全負責攤位結構的安全及遵守 建築地盤 安全 條例 第 59 章 參展商亦須平均地展示商品於攤位內, 以免影響攤位的穩定性 如有疑問, 請與承建商或註冊結構工程師商討 4.2.7 電力裝置所有電力裝置必須由大會指定的承建商進行, 有關費用由參展商負責 電力裝置設計草圖及圖則須連同上述攤位設計圖, 於 2016 年 11 月 28 日前呈交主辦機構審閱 會場供應電力為 220 伏特 6% 單相 50 赫或 380 伏特 6% 三相 50 赫 按電力條例 第 406 章 電力 線路 規例, 所有電力安裝 檢查及測試必須由註冊電業工程人員及註冊電業承辦商代行, 並須簽發表格 WR1 及於 2017 年 1 月 8 日下午 3 時前交予大會電力承建商, 以兹證明 如未能於當晚 10 時前交妥, 展期內將不獲電力供應 4.2.8 防火措施 / 消防證明書按展館營運者的規定, 所有搭建及裝飾材料 包括但不限於窗簾 門簾 織物 橫幅 木材結構 必須屬非可燃材料, 非易燃品質地或防火耐用性材料及符合防火和建築規定 展館營運者或香港政府授權代表可要求檢查這些材料的合規性 所有用作裝飾的可燃物料必須符合消防處處長接受的標準, 或使用消防處處長接受的防火溶液加以處理以達到任何該等標準 以防火溶液加以處理的工作, 須由註冊二級消防裝置承辦商進行, 完工後須於上述指定時間提交一份證書 消防表格 251, 以證明符合規定 在主辦機要求下, 須提交相關證書 有關註冊消防裝置承辦商的名冊, 請瀏覽消防處網頁 : 24

不論是否經過防火處理, 展館營運者一概禁止使用禾稈草 為安全起見, 凡使用木材搭建的攤位, 承建商必須於施工及展覧期間在攤位內的顯眼地方放置一個有效滅火筒 4.2.9 反光背心任何訪客或獲准進入租用攤位範圍, 進行展覽攤位搭建 拆卸或其他任何活動的人士, 一律必須穿上反光背心 若有不遵守者, 展館營運者有權禁止該人士進入展廳 4.2.10 金屬棚架由 2016 年 10 月 1 日起, 香港會議展覽中心將禁止在公共通道 即展覽廳 1 3 5 大堂, 港灣道入口, 博覽道入口, 會議廳前廳, 大會堂前廳 使用 2 米或以上的梯具 該等地方的搭建或拆卸工程必須使用金屬棚架 動力操作升降工作台等高空工作設備 於建築工地使用棚架者, 必須由合資格人士提交 表格五 報告 該表格須於棚架當眼處展示, 列明棚架的位置及範圍, 並登載聲明表示棚架的堅穩程度合乎施工安全標準 同時, 工人在離地 2 米或以上高度進行建築活動時, 必須佩戴安全帶 如需獲取更多資料, 上網瀏覽 金屬棚架安全守則, 網址 : 若有不遵守者, 本局及 / 或展館營運者有權立即中止有關建築活動 4.2.11 職業安全及健康條例在搭建及拆除攤位期間, 參展商或其承建商必須遵守職業安全及健康條例 : 1) 確保僱員在工作時的安全及健康 ; 2) 提供或維持安全作業裝置及工作系統 ; 3) 委派一名負責人在場監管搭建及拆除攤位的施工 此職業安全及健康條例是因應展館營運者的要求 由香港展覽會議協會出版的 香港展覽會議業之安全及健康指南 已涵蓋業界需注意的事項 請貴公司及貴公司委託的承建商仔細參閱以下網站 : A Guide to Health and Safety in the Hong Kong Exhibition & Convention Industry_chi.pdf 4.2.12 減少廢物及回收措施香港特區政府於 1998 年制定減少廢物綱要計劃, 列出多項措施以提高市民減廢及回收再造意識, 參展商和 / 或承建商須參照下列的減廢指引 : 設計期 1) 在場內施工前預先計劃減廢措施, 減少產生廢物 2) 盡量採納組件形式的展架設計和場外預製組件工序 3) 攤位設計及宣傳物品應採用環保物料, 如再造物料 4) 採納彈性的展架設計, 增加將來重用的可行性 於設計期應考慮重用建材, 及使用再造物料和可回收物料作為建材 裝置及拆除期 1) 向主辦單位查詢回收設施的位置, 和可回收的物料種類 25

2) 向員工指導場內的正確回收工序 3) 適當地裝置及拆除攤位, 避免破壞物品, 特別是可供回收再用的物品 4) 拆除攤位須有周詳的計劃, 增加物料重用和回收的可行性 5) 盡用所有原材料, 避免浪費 6) 小心處理特殊廢物, 如化學廢物 7) 在棄置物料前, 先考慮能否重用及回收再造 8) 如需技術支援, 請聯絡環保署的回收熱線 : 852 2755-2750 慳電膽及光管回收計劃各類熒光燈管 直管 圓管和慳電膽 及高強度氣體放電燈 如水銀蒸氣燈 金屬鹵化物燈和鈉燈 都含水銀 若燈管破爛, 所釋出的水銀會汚染附近環境, 不慎吸入或接觸皮膚更會危害人體健康 故此應按相關法例規定作適當棄置處理 根據 廢物處置 化學廢物 一般 規例, 香港會議展覽中心已成為含水銀燈管廢物產生者, 並於該中心地下 設計廊 對面 ; 展覽廳一 A C 卸貨區 ; 展覽廳三 C E G 卸貨區及展覽廳五 C E G 卸貨區共設置九個回收箱供棄置之用 4.2.13 建築業安全訓練證明書勞工處 香港展覽會議業協會 展館營運者已達成共識, 同意在展館推行建築業安全訓練證明書措施 即 平安咭, 並已生效 凡進入展館裝拆攤位的承建商必須持有效的建築業安全訓練證明書 其目的是確保承建商在展館工作前已受到強制的基本安全訓練 凡進入展館工作的承建商, 必須持有平安咭並需按展館營運者要求下展示, 否則展館營運者之保安人員有權拒絕該人士進入或要求該人士離開展館 如有任何查詢, 可透過電郵 或致電 852 2582 8888 與展館營運者之項目策劃及統籌部聯絡 4.2.14 所有參展商及承建商必須遵守下列各項規定租用特裝攤位的參展商, 必須確保其與承建商製備的設計草圖完全符合以下各項規定, 否則展館 運者及 / 或主辦機構可要求作出修改 ; 因而招致的昂貴修改費用, 將由參展商自行負責 在最壞的情況下, 主辦機構可能禁止承建商搭建計劃中的自行搭建攤位 任何因此而招致的費用將由參展商全數承擔, 並須扣除按金 1) 攤位尺寸以米為單位 參展商 / 承建商在動工搭建攤位前, 必須確定攤位位置與主辦機構公布的場地圖則相符, 如有任何不符, 應立即通知主辦機構 凡事前未有知會主辦機構而於動工後始提出的投訴, 主辦機構概不受理 2) 所有在地上搭建物必須能獨立支撐, 不得使用任何吊件輔助 任何物料不得安裝在大會承建商之物料上, 一經發現, 承建商要負責將其拆除 同時本局會扣除施工按金 如發現大會承建商之物料有損毀, 費用亦須該承建商承擔 3) 任何攤位裝置不得伸展超逾劃定的攤位界限, 該等裝置包括但不限於等離子電視 展品 裝飾燈具 參展商名牌或標記 唯一般照明燈具裝置 如泛光燈 長臂射燈等 不可超逾攤位界限 0.35 米以外 4) 現場攤位之主結構與交予主辦機構之圖則不符 26