Microsoft Word - Gordon Logistics Profile - with latest photo + latest contact list ( ).doc

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Logical Solutions, Not Just Logistics 629 Aljunied Road #06-19, Cititech Industrial Building, Singapore 389838 Tel : (+65) 6396 5285 Fax : (+65) 6396 5286 Email :

ABOUT US GORDON LOGISTICS (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD was founded on 2009 in Singapore, is a rapid expanding freight forwarder and logistics provider which provide various services including air freight and ocean freight serving both domestics and international customers. Our company s goal is providing reliable, effective and efficient service to fulfil customer s need and expectation

AIRFREIGHT Our team is a group of well trained and experienced air services staff. We will advise the best solutions of shipping your goods, and ensure your shipment arrives on time - Air Export / Import - Express Services - Customs Clearance - Door To Door Services - Documentations - Air-Sea Services

SEAFREIGHT Our team offers a full range of sea freight services including ocean forwarding, full container load (FCL) services, less than container load (LCL) services - Sea Export / Import - LCL Consolidations - Full-container-load (FCL) - Customs Clearance - Door To Door Services - Documentation - Sea-Air Services

Gordon Logistics (Singapore) Pte Ltd 高登物流( 高登物流(新加坡) 新加坡)私人有限公司 TRUCKING & CLEARANCE Our team has expertise and knowledge in customs regulations / procedures and will ensure the safety deliver of your cargoes - Export / Import Trucking Customs Clearance Door To Door Services Documentation

REEFER TRUCKING & CLEARANCE We can provide Air & Sea Export / Import Customs Clearance, Inland Trucking, Door To Door services for cold room products

WAREHOUSE Apart from the air and sea freight services, we have warehouse to provide warehouse operator and availabilities to assist on - Warehouse Storage - Palletizing - Distribution - Vanning / Devanning - Packing & Labelling

EXTRA SERVICE PROVIDED Apart from the normal freight services, we have the capabilities to provide extra service to all kinds of need. - Unpalletize At Private House - Container Trucking + Stuffing & Unstuffing

Furthermore, GORDON LOGISTICS is a WWPC World Member who has an international network spanning Asia, America, Australia, Europe, China and South Africa. Our networks are able to handle both specialized project cargoes and large scale projects.

Gordon Logistics Services Advantages Competitiveness - Comparatively lower prices - Over 10 years freight forwarding experiences of management teams - Over 10 years 3 rd party logistics professionals Operation & Working Process - Working partners in main cities in the world - Good working relationship with air/ocean lines - One-stop services creating effectiveness and efficiency for customers Information Flow - Instantly update shipment-information to customers - Provide decision-maker of customers with update of information

To Europe Gordon Logistics (Singapore) Pte Ltd Stuffing Ship Spare

Gordon Logistics (Singapore) Pte Ltd 高登物流( 高登物流(新加坡) 新加坡)私人有限公司 Jurong Island s Access

Gordon Logistics (Singapore) Pte Ltd 高登物流( 高登物流(新加坡) 新加坡)私人有限公司 Gordon Logistics Crating Services

Gordon Logistics (Singapore) Pte Ltd 高登物流( 高登物流(新加坡) 新加坡)私人有限公司 Gordon Logistics Wire-Stripping Services

Gordon Logistics Another Crane & Truck Joint Services To Roof Top

Main Contact Gordon Logistics (Singapore) Pte Ltd 629 Aljunied Road #06-19, Cititech Industrial Building, Singapore 389838 Tel : (+65) 6396 5285 Fax : (+65) 6396 5286 Airfreight Office : SATS Airfreight Terminal 1 #02-201A, 85 Airport Cargo Road, Singapore 819460 Tel : (+65) 6214 9556 Fax : (+65) 6214 9557 Mr Desmond Chiow Director / Email : Ms Leena Yu Director Assistant / Email : Mr Gary Teo General Manager / Email : Ms Jane Koh Account Manager / Email : Mr Kenneth Toh Operations Manager / Email : Ms Olivia Lim Customer Services Manager / Email :